HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-07-06, Page 1IHE WINGHAM TIME VOL XXXIY, NO 1743, Tailor -Made Lothes $15. We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless - fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- - ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care • = and skill and can guarantee entire satisfaction. yoUSat c Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.15, $4, $5, $6. A fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always in stook. M.S.L. Homuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued byE'RAmt PATERSOtt No. 23 Victoria it 1 street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United Statm and Europe. SAVINGS DEPAlr.`.CMENT--Interest wallowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added toprincipal 80th Jane and 81st Deoember each year. D. T. HEPBU1 N, Manager. . V.nstone. Solicitor. BANK �F HAMILTON WINCHAM. capital paid up, $2,235,000.00. It seem I+'unti, 0,285,000,00. Total t b Assets, is 26 ,553,848.57. President -w Bonr.'1'7x.OELBSOit. thee -President and General Manager-3,'.i'd R1 Bei t, Adelgtant Oen. Manager"-H.M. WA,a'sox 57.BEoTort3 ,Sohn Praetor, Ches. L. Dalton, .i,13.1Btendrie, Geo. Rutherford, Gyrus A. Binge. 1aasosetor-B. wiligon. SSAVINGS BMOC!! da- le -era Mridii ddedtoprincipal do EstMaranod -Neth N'avember skit year; toast bekibsitur ftlgo reaslien M earrent tee of Merestt, OttifiROUTAD, Aget $ DIOXINISoN lk UOLtAlate, Soltolters, 'INCIII,01, ON`I'ARft , Tiri°l►.Sl ur. JULY r;, 1905, SPECIAL SALE OF China Tea Sets For The Next Two Weeks Having bought these goods right we will give purohasere the benefit of the low prices. three 40 -piece English China Sets, regular price pm now ,50 40.pieoe German China, regular Price $6.00 now$5.00 44.pieoe China Tea Sete, regular $7.00 now $6.00 44 -piece semi -porcelain, regular $4.75 now $4.25 These prices will buy any of the above while they last, Also a large selection of fanny china suitable for wedding gifts. R1 A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located: I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you somemoney, unless the circumstances under which you buy are very exceptional. lean and wall make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists today properties, (both in town and country),that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a $20 building lot or a $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MA,GUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSrorte Bnooit. • WINGHAM, Orm. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS Garde Party. A garden party ill be held on the grounds of Mr, W . Robinson, conces- sion 10, Turnberry on Friday evening, July 14th. A goo programme will be presented, by the Wingham citizens' band and theP sb r' � yte xan choir of Teeswater. Tea f om 6 to 8, Refresh- ments dispensed c t the grounds. Ad- mission 25c. All', a invited.. A good house to R. Vanstone. Remembe The practice o1 the decoration of have gone is gra tario. In Osha' the new move rent. Apply to Ping the Dead. setting apart a day for he graves of those who wady growing in Ont - an impetus was given Int by the action of Mayor Fowke irslproclaiming a civic half holiday in order that there may be a union decoratior:et the cemetery. All the fraternal soc sties of the town will join in a united (fort to decorate the graves of the deo aced members, and the occasion will be ne of considerable gen- eral effort. Thee will be a procession of the men of all lodges, and a union service at the cemetery. The conception, says the Vindicator, i a very thoughtful and popular one, anti -these not be]onging to fraternities are is cvited to join in the des corati on just tin same, Servant girl wanted for house and store. Apply toBox 129, Wingham. MILLINERY, -In order to reduce my stock as much as possible before altera- tions will be started on the store, I shall sell regardless of cost for the next four weeks everything in Hats and Flowers; alio Black Ostrich Plumes, $3.50 ones for $2.50, and $3.00 ones for $2.25. Colne early and secure the best. M. MACPHERSON. A Wingham Yoi A very pleasant cantly at 230 71st in which the guest A. Patterson, son ti ng Man Honored. event occurred re- reet, NOW York City, f hbnorwas William ' Mr: Archibald Pat. tersbn, of this tonal. A large number of the ,young poopl . of Madison Avenue Presbyterian C/hur •h, with which Mr. Patterson has been 'Onneoted for the past ttvo years, met to bid him farewell on the eve of his departure for his home, from where, rafter r short visit, it is his intention to enter Moot on School, ll ft. Hermon, Mass. l re he will take tapre. paratory course of tndiell before este-- ing Toronto 'intra ity. A. very enjoy. able time was spe during which the 3,0unaer !elks pr ented Mr. Patterson with a beautiful ohttne of Teliuytoln's poems, in apprtioitit rt 01 the very plea., Mitt tunes *twit IAA together, and Mt ea token of rrment oe. Amid many Otpreesitals ofregir at Batting, the call. WI bade ttti.ilpei to Mr. Piattertbon. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers BY- LAW The by-laws v. the ratepayers of carried. A fairly considering the fe were away from is the vote in the FACTOR Ward 1 "2.............59 {63 62 4........ 105 203 CARRIED ed on yesterday by Ingham were both arge vote was lolled, t that 3nany voters wn, The following ifferent wards: - BY -Law. For Agaanst 67 :t 6 15 20 50 WATER), mute Ward 1.... •._ .... ,t 3 " 4 BY-LAW. 68 8 54 10 64 11 94 30 280 59 - HOUSE To R ;NT. -Opposite Western Foundry Co's works. Medium size house, with peed orchard. Moderate rent. Apply ti ALEx. BELLY. Turnberry A A meeting of Turnberry Agric held in the Qnee Tuesday, July 1 to make arrange prize lists, eta., the directors ar� 'cultural Society. he Directors of the Itural Society will be 's hotel, Wingham, on h, at 7 o'aloek p. m. perste for the issuing of for the fall fair. 411 ra quested to be present. Dr. Redmon wishes to announce that night calls in f tare will be answered at the (Ace, P trick street. Telephone No. 56. Wingham 44On From Kincardine. The "Bre a Boys" of Kincardine played the ret rn game in District No. 2, C.L.A,, on he town park on Wednes- day evening lest and the local "Maple Leafs" won b; a score of 7 to 4. The game was one >f the prettiest seen in Wingham for ears. 'The first quarter was lightning st and the score ended 1 to 1, both tea s playing an exeedingly fast combinatip game.-,. In the 'second quarter the refs e's eye seemed to catoli the locals and w th two men short on Winghain tonna inoardine added three more goals. Th crowd took a terrible fright and Kinca-dine stock went up, but just before c: 11 of time •Wi.ngham scored again lea\ug the score 4 to 2 in the visitors' favo . In the third period the word was pa ed along the line that nobody was to dIorato the fence. Man- ager Vanstone si.nalled "Wingham Pa- peete every man ,o do his duty" and the boys in green am white fairly smothered Kincardine defence and goal after goal was tallied and a-, the end of the third quarter Wingha' a was in the Iead by a score of 6 to 4, ' 'he last quarter was a repetition of the ,hird, with Wingham defence still a stonewall the home play- ers welting like leavers and succeeded in adding two m 're goals, thegame end. ing 7 to 4 favor 'f Wingham. Wight• man and "Ted" .;:Iliott did all the scor. ing, on sure pass players, while of sardine failed to Leaf's" defeuce, from the other home r second quarter Kin- enetrate the "Maple • 10 men and boys wanted to work in factory. Apply at office of the Canada Furniture Mauufaoturers, Limited. SLAUGHTER SALE OF DRESS 000DS-- Dui ing July and August we will clear our entire stook of dress goods. This Sale includes ail our high-class Summer Shirt Waist Snitings. 50o lines for 25c, etc, GED. E. TING. dune edding. The residence of r. ,fames Elliott of Turnberry was Wednesday, 28th June, the scene of very pretty home wedding, when is second daughter, Jennie, was unites in marriage to Mr. John Wilton MeV -the, of Morris. The ceremony was per orated by Rev, W. J. West, M.A. The e were present about seventy-five guest'', among whom were Mr, and Mrs. Bahian of Fergus, Mr, Geo. Elliott and bias Ablioon of Agin- court, Mrs. Lauri of Hyde Park, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cas°ierson of Wingham, and Mr, and Mrs. Davidson of Brussels, After the ceremo was over the guests enjoyed a delicio repast on the lawn, after which Mr. est proposed several toasts which were esponded to by Mr. Hanlan, Mr, Geor a Elliott, Mr. Mog- grove, Mr. Coulte Mr. Bryans and the bridegroom, each pressing their high esteem for the bri e, The bride, who was given away b, her father, looked very charming in a gown of cream grenadine over whi a bilk trimmed with chiffon and. $rusdeI _ Iate. She were the conventional veil with orange blossom wreath and carried . shower baguet of maiden hair ferns* th white carnations. Little Mies Annie Davidson, niece of the bridegroom looked pretty as flower girl carrying basket of pink oar. nations. The bride' going away snit was a shirtwaist femur silk gown with a white chiffon hat. The ninny* valuable presents manifested he high esteem in wbioh the bride is held, The bridal couple left amid allearers of ride and good wishes for dielwelfare. t, i400tball Or Sittnrdalt, Ju the Huron Old Boy terestiug gains of f ort the park here be Of Toronto, elm league, and, the W' Wats will he call stead of 4110, as a, Adu tiesiou, 15 gen Match. y 8th -the date of ' excursion --an'• ins theft will be played ween the 'Hurons" ions of the city igbatn team. The d at 6 30 p m , in- ounced on posters. Sermon t Orangemen. Thenlemllt•rsof O L, No 794, Wing• ham, andvistiting etbren, will attend divine in service S Paul's church, on Sunday net, at 11 o'clock a m, when Rev Wm Lowe, Gra.ud Chaplain of Out• ario West, will pi ea h. All Orangemen are invited to join • 'ith the brethren on that oeoas]on Me bete will meet et the lodge mos), at 10 0 o'clock. Tne Place to Buy in eluly. Should anld acquaintance be forgot? No, never;, espentaliy if he bas been one of our customers Among the promin- ent mu in the photo of the Volunteers of London Camp is Mr McVicar of Goderieh. When your humble servant was doing business in Stratford a few years ago, in the competition of who would sell the hats to the Goderich Mi- litia, A R Smith sent a sample hat by Mr McVicar and this sample hat was pre• furred and A R Smith sold hats to the Company, which was either 31 or 37. We have a sample hat left of the same kind es Mr MoVicar bought. Not only bargains in hats to the Volunteers but Bargains to everyone iu the way of Olothiug during the month of July Re- gent Brand Tenured Clothing cannot be beat. A R SMITH, North End, P S-A R Snaith has bought and sold more Clothing in his day than what would cloth the whole Japanese and Russian army. Picnic at S Augustine. The picnic under he auspices of the R 0, Church, held a St. Augustine on July 1st, was a vor successful event, socially and B4ntacie y. The morning being fine, brought arge numbers of people from a dist ce, many being present from God rich, Teeswater, Blyth, Wiughent, °know and the surrounding-:ouuntr Father Iianlou has been uutir ng in 1 is efforts to make this gathering a suco es, and may well feel elated at the re its achieved. The rain of the early evening somewhat marred the day's p aasure, but notwith- standing this, s ever'one seemed to en- joy theu'selves. Sionsiderable interest was manifested in ,he different contests. The first prize in Gita ticket -selling con- test was a ladies' kesudsotue gold watch, and was won by 114es Rose McGuire of St. Augustine; utile to Miss Katie Donovan was atrded the second, a beautiful gold ri ig. The first prize iu the drawing, a g !Id watch, was wou by Mr, John 0'51a ley. Teeswater; and the second, a gold mnutain pen, by Miss B. McGuire, St. Augustine; while Miss Kearney secured t e third, Rev. Father MoMenamin's oil inting. Mr. S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, vas successful in se. curing it prize of a handsome smoking set, with which he s highly delighted The attendants at t e booths were kept busy looking after he wants of the large orowd. Mr. and rs. P. Kearney and Thos. Loddy were n charge of one, and Mr, and Mrs. jos. +lynn and Mrs. E. McGuire of the ther. ' The choicest delicacies of the se eon, and the refresh- ing, thirst -quench "g drinks were sup- plied by Messrs. E Moore and P. Hill, of Wingham. A ew departure was a "Klondike" stor and fish pond. in charge of ?Mese Mary Troy, Katie Brophy and Agn Furlong. Mr. John Welsh very sue essfully conducted a shooting gallery The total proceeds were about $450. During ,duly and Augurs this store will close at 8 p, ,n, every evening except 841urday An Exclusive Pelfuue "Good" perfumes --the common sort -are sold everywbere. Volande The exquisite perfutne is net com- mon in any way and can be obtained Only from its, the specially appointed agents. It is delicate, delightful and snggestive of well.bt'odness--just the kind to suit persons who are a bit partictilar. We should like to show it to you. Waiton Mckibbon URUCCIS A'.r W1CL+1Gllll &M. ; axt e;oor to PoetPoetOffice, . Omnibus Fatalness Sold, Metter*, Cassels & .Carr end Beattie Bros, have disposed f their 'bus busi- ness, including 'buss and teams, to Mr A R Anderson, o • Dungannon, who took possession on Wednesday. Tho business will now be nder the manage- ment of one utau, b t we understand that until Mr Anders n can And suitable premises the 'bums ill he kept at the respective stables a heretofore. We wish Mr Auderscn s geese in his new venture. Ladies' chocolate Gibson Tie and Ox- fords, regular price $2.00. to cigar $1 60. W. J. Gmnnt. Presentation to Mr, Robert Etli erly proprietor of and father of the has taken up his r. where he assumes treasurer of the Ca esters, to which he by acclamation. soli Mr. Elliott wa headed Dane by th King street Meth handsome silver - the Sunday Soho wore aecanipanie Mr. and Mrs reside on Duffe Vlr. Robert Elliott tt, of Ingersoll, form- e Wingbam Times present proprietor, idence in Brantford the duties of high adieu Order of For - was recently elected afore leaving Inger- presented with it gold Quarterly Board of dist Church, and a ounted umbrella by 1. The presentations by suitable addresses. lliott and family will n avenue, Brantford. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, Loudon, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. GIasses supplied. Wingham oys Victorious Wingham sent hree teams away on July 1st to try wensions on foreign fields and on each occasion were the teams victortn s. At Wroxeter the Maple Leaf Leer ssse club played a league ganm with Listcarel, who by the way. was strengthene 1 by several ontsiders, and although a € tubborn fight was put up by the Listo' -el teats victory cache to Wingbom, the s ore being 5 to 3. The Jut'ior Teeswater to tr team of that to seventh innings favor of Teesw innings the Wi a victory the sr. ies for Wingha� and .Atchesou. The Footbal - water to play Mildmay, and of 2 to 0, both g last eight min It emboli Club went to conclusions with the n and at the end of the he scare was 4 to 0 ter, but in the Iast two gharn boys pounded out ire being 5 to 4 Batter - were Drum in on ,Sin all atter- wereDrunfinonc,Smali club also went to Tees. ith the Germans from hey too won by a score oals being :+cored in the es. 0 0 F. Curch Service. On Sunday mo ling the members of Conr -, t Maitland,t� Ct O r ., with it number of visiting brethrml, attended service in the Baptist Churat, where Rev. J. N. McLean, B A , desivered an appropriate discourse for the ,ccasiou. Taking for his text, Prov. 1•,` 31: -"Righteousness exalteth a nation ; but sin is a reproach to any people," ti e speaker went on to say, that while power, wealth and eilu- cation were eleme pts of greatness, none of these things by themselves guarantee greatness;, as evid need in the dee'ay of of Athens, of Ca.thage and of Rome. Righteonsness, w high exalts a nation, demands libert . He thought it a menace to our co:eutry that 41 per cent of her population and not access to the Book which Que. n Victoria 'fa said to have declared to his the secret of Britain's greatness. All sLould have access to the Bible, and every -smitten its the gift of our country shoe -d be open to every son of• Canada, bl .k or white, Roman Catholic or Prot tant. Fitness should be the only test. Righteousness also de- manded benovoIe ce. Righteousness de. mauded that thos who are the more favored care for the lees. Especially should a man pro ide for his own home. ¶this is done in la ge measure by fra- ternal organizetio s where the living care for the wives ed orphans of the dead. Righteousn s demands concord. Ile couldn't see ho we could have con- cord while the state aid teachers to train young minds to yiel an unquestioning obedience to a forei n potentate. In a Country of dit'erent- religions opinions, like our own, be thc.ght the separation of church and state .0 be a wise policy, If it is wrong for a town Catholic to receive state aid to Dv:Tecate his beliefit it is wrong for a Pr itestant. If we deny it to the Roman Colio we should re- fuse it for eurselve be at liberty to 1 pleases, but he sho bis own expense. day when every Roman Clathalie pay their just to property. The d principles of Oa tatteh appreciat est. Every man should Id what views be Id propagate them at e hoped to see the ehuroh in Canada, ✓ Protestant should aid is Upon their church o roe, based on the dist bore try, was by the brethren prem. TOWN UNCiL. $t A YEAR IN ADVANCE The July meetin , of the Town Conn• oil was held on M' , day evening last, all the member's b= ng present except Councillor Armstro g; Mayor Bell in the chair, The minutes of la t meeting were read and adopted. A oammunication as read from F. S. Seott, Clerk of Bru eels, thanking the council for the assi tance of the Wing* hang firemen at til: r regent conflagra- tion, and asking f bill of expense in connection with s: me. The clerk was fustrnoted to ausw rr the communieatiou stating that there ' aonld be no, charge made for services it firamen. A petition signe . by sixteen of the residents of the ea -tern part of the town was presented con,,plairing of a nuisance and menace to tilt public health In the maintenance of a Laggery in that vicinity; and the petitioner : asked that something be done to abate the nuisance. Mr, A. Campbell appeared on behalf of the pelt- titmers and urgedthat something be done in the matter, as the nuisance bad exist- ed,for the past ttOseasons. Conn. Van - Stone stated that the animals had been removed from the place, and there would probably he no further cause for complaint. On notion of Oouns Stewart and Bennett the matter was referred to the Board of He .Ith. The finance e'mmittee reported re. commending the payment of the follow - tug accounts: - W. Guest, labor bridge, streets $ 2.10 W. Guest, labor cemetery 2 25 W. Guest, salar4 10.00 W. Guest, night :catch man , 18.75 A. E. Simmous, 'allots. , .. 3.50 Dtckiusou R`; Hees, solicitors fees Mrs. Jane Kit-iman, nursing indigent 5 63 D. C. McDonald, labor streets.,34 50 Geo. Carr, nnifo •m for chief.. , 20.00 T, C Graham, 2 beds flowers10 00 W. H Green, a ctric light re pairing .. ....2.00 J. B. Fer;nson,postage6 00 V. Vannormau, .......,42 00 R. Rankin, sale 5.67 T. Hall, advt. orks by- law...... 51 20 A. Sandersou, v. -storing streets and other. eam work.,,. , 42.85 C. J. Meliwata,=lining in street -5 00 R. Armstrong, F-ilding fe:;oe.,. 11.00 Bell Telephone CS) • 10.50 John Galbraith, >ox for coal, , . , .45 Fire Company, I ; men at $5.... 65 00 H. 13. Elliott, ad- tg., eta , , 30.15 McKinnon Bros., graveling 225.51 Municipal World- register 3.75 W. S. Estes, lab()- and material 3 00 D. McDonald, latDr bridge .... • 1,75 James Nelson, labor, etc.... .. 4,25 Mrs. Bloomfield, abor in hall1.00 An account of ape Bell Telephone Co., of $60 fof firemen phones was left over, A discussion to, k place as to the con- dition of Water s reet, and on motion of Couns. Greer and Bennett the report of the Street Com: iittee recommending that action be takan in reguard to mak- ing a suitable wa1•A on the said street, was accepted. The School Boa d was voted $450, and the council adjou ned, 33 87 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5••E-i'3••k•E++ -1- 4. 4. •t• 44 4. Um an lt +4+++lei+•il~! 444+i"f' 4.4++++++++ 'ta We are Selling Kodaks The Gennine Eat a - po niax all over the world, and advertised to alt the principal ntageztues. Kodak's $5 to $108. Brownie Cameras $1, $2, $5 and$9. Plate Cameras, other makes, at a bargein because we took them in excbange for film Kodaks. One $11 camera for $7 50. One $4 Camera $2.50. The Newest Kodeks and Sup- plies always on band. AI1McCaII &Co1 LIMITED. Druggiats and Opticians WINGRAM, ONT. +•F-1'++4•+'1'3•+++++4•44-i'e+++ .-'1 + Wingham •dh� Business College. • LOOK! BOYS AND GIRLS 4. 4. • A Three months Scholarship Course 4 • given 1! RITE in either departments of 4. •t Wingham Buaines+ College to the boy A. + or girl who obtains the, highe.t num- 4. + bar of marks at the Entrain 'e Examine- 4, •1• tion the 20th and 13ath of Tnne. 4. The offer oven only to agtdents writ- 4. 4. ing 111 the Winehem Public hchool. 4. 4. Any i"forntatiou regarding this offer + + cheerfully even by avtiing at the 4. 4. school ur writing the piinclpal, .¢. 4, N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. fir. ,j E. MUTE, HUNT, Ludy Principal. 4' GEO. SPOTTON, - President. M To Celebrat in Mount Forest. Wingham Ora gemen have decided to celebrate the 12t _ July with their breth- ren in Mount Forest. The citizens band has been engage for the day and will accompany the Vingham Lodge. The Yonng Britons •-•ill also go to Mount Forest for the d .y. No pains have been spared to make he celebration in Mount Forest this yea' a very euccessfnl one, and with favorable weather there will no doubt be a 1-rge member spend the 12th in that tot . Ammer the speakers Pxpeoted to h presant are Rev, Wm Lowe, Grand haplain, Mr A H Mus- grove, of Win ani, and CR McKeown of Orangeville ,1..1..g^k3•i-•i`+•l•3.3••F•'A+3•+4•+3••i•'f•3••F•A++ Wingham's Leading Shoe Store 3• :..SEE OUR New Tan Oxfords. 4• This is the season for Tan Shoes, and we are ready with splendid lines. The Tan Shoe will be "The Shoe." They are too much of a luxury to put aside just because some dealers don't like them, Take a Look at the New Styles Think of the comfort in them. They do not show the dust nor draw the heat and they are easy to care for. No use in talking, Tans are the kinds of Shoes you want these sultry and tiresome days. They keep you front thinking the weather is hot. Tan Shoes and Oxfords For Men, Women and Children EverySize and width Not a price to offend or prevent your buying. W. J. GREE r Shoer to thie :People;