HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-29, Page 8Great Closing Sale I AM GIVIVG UP BUSINESS IN WINGHAM, AND FOR A SHORT TIME . WILL SELL. Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, etc. AT VERY LOW PRICES. 11111111111111111111111111111 AS THIS IS A GENUINE WIND-• ING UP SALE. NO REASON- ABLE OFFER FOR GOODS , WILL BE REFUSED See me for wedding presents. Easley Park. FOR SALE:— My ALE:My residence on Patrick St. • Mrs. Park's house on Frances St. ;Sir. Justice Maclaren was elected President of the International Sunday School Association, It is `proposed to erect a temple to cost $2,000,00C. CENTRAL STRATFORD. STRATFORD. ONT. A Faninus School This is the most successfnl Com- mercial and Shorthand school in Western Ontario, The courses are up-to-date and practical and teach- ing is done by experienced instruc- tors. During the past' schbol year we have bad many more applications from leading business houses than we had students graduating. Write for our free catalogue. • ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. HOW ABOUT SOME NEW • Window shades = The kind that will neither fade, curl nor crack are what we sell you. The Spring Railer is Also a consideration. Leave it to us and you will get the best -sone that we guarantee to give satisfaction. MINOR LOCALS. TIE WINGIIAM TIMES JUNE 29, 1905 —In the recent junior theory examina- tions of the Toronto Conservatory of Music, held at Clinton, Miss Lillie Shark of Wingham took honors in history. Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, London, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church, Glasses supplied. —Mr. J, S. Gadd has sold the Kincar- dine Reporter newspaper, to. Mr. J. J. Hunter of Toronto, who takes possession on Jgly 1st. Air. Gadd will hereafter devote his attention to—farming, having recently purchased a farm on the Lake Shore, near Kiucardine. —Wednesday of last week D. S. Hicks and Miss Mary, daughter of the late Chas. Wilson, all of Howick, were united in marriage, at the manse, Bel - more, by Rev. Mr. Radford. The bride is a sister to S. Wilson, of Brussels, and Mrs. J. D. Miller of Jamestown. MILLINERY,—In order to reduce my stook as much as possible before altera- tions will be started on the store, I shall sell regardless of cost for the next four weeks everything in Hats and Flowers; also Black Ostrich Plumes, $3.50 ones for $2.50, and $3.00 ones for $2.25. Come early and secure the best. M. MACPHERSON. —The TIMES has received a copy of the 38th annual prize list of the Western Fair, London, which is to be held this year from Sept. 8th to 16th. This year's list is in advance of anything previously sent out. The book consists of over 125 pages with a pretty green over and con- tains the rules and regulations, special notices and everything that one Leeds to know concerning the big show. —Every fruit grower should acknow- ledge the advantage of such birds as the chickadee, downy woodpecker, nut- hatch, bluebird, swallow, wren and song sparrow, in checking the increase of the codling moth and other injurious insects, for without them fruit would scarcely be grown. Encourage the birds therefore to come about the orchard by keeping. the gun at a distance and by punishing the robber of bird's nests. NOTICE—I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember you need not pay until you are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done• business with me and wish you all every prosperity. ROBT. MOIND00. —Saturday will be a holiday. —Town Council meets Monday even- ing. —Do your shopping on Friday this week. —Masonic Grand Lodge meets in Hamilton the third Wednesday in July. —The Crowder Co. announce a big cut-price sale. Read their adv. on page 5 of this issue. —Wingham District Summer School will be held in Kincardine this year from August 6th to 13th. —Mr. Wm. Krug has been appointed post -master at Chesley, to succeed the late D. M. Halliday, who died about a year ago. —The citizens' band have been engag- ed to furnish music for a garden party at Bluevale on July Gth, and at Belmore on the 7th. —A lacrosse match between Kincar- dine and Wingham teams was played on the park Wednesday evening. The TIMES goes to press too early to give the result. —At the regular meeting of Minerva Encampment on Monday night, Mr. J. A. Morton was elected representative to the Grand Encampment which meets in Brockville in August. PERSONAL. We shall be glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect. �YI1AT, WOMEN Sri' FEB . CHURCH NOTES. At all Ages They Need Bleb, Tura Blood to Secure Health and nbppiness. A woman needs medicine more than a man. Her organism is more complex, her system more delicate. Her health is disturbed regularly in the course of nature. If auything happens to inter- fere with that natural course, the goes through unspeakable suffering. In fact the health of every function and the hap- piuess of every moment of a woman's life depende upon the richness and the regularity of her blood supply. That is the simple, scientific reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are worth more than their weight in gold to women of all ages from fifteen to fifty. These Miss Laura Raby of Acton is visiting at her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Carter of Clifford, visited friends in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Gallagher of Howick is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Mulvey in town. Miss Annie McConnell of Detroit is visiting her dousin, Miss Jennie Rintoul. Miss Aikens of Glenannan left this week for North Dakota on a visit to re- latives. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Fisher, of Toronto visited their parents in town during the past week. Mr. 11. Oldfield,of Seneca Falls, N.Y., is visiting relatives and former friends in town. Mrs. Hugh Ross left on Tuesday for a visit to friends in Brandon and other western points. Miss Tena Anderson of Toronto visit- ed her friend Miss Tena McGillivray for a few days last week. - Miss Christina' Shiell and her little niece, Rachel Rintonl, visited a few days at the manse, Belgrave. Miss Alice G. Ash, of Detroit Mich., is on an extended visit to her aunt Mrs. D. J. McFeggan, Leopold St. His Lordship the Bishop of Huron will visit St. Paul's Church, Wingham, on Sunday, July 9th, at the evening service, wnen the rite of Confirmation will be administered. At the meeting of the Synod of Huron, held in London last week, Rev. Wm. Lowe, of Wingbam, was elected a mem- ber of the Executive Committee, find a delegate to the Provincial Synod, At the Presbyterian General Assembly , held in Kingston recently, the report of the committee on Statistics showed that pills actually make the nett, rod blood there was an increase in the past year of that brings health and happiness and freedom from pain to every woman. Mrs. Neil Ferguson, Ashfield, N.S., says: "In justice to you, and in the hope that what I say may benefit other suffering women, I take pleasure iu stat- ing that I have found wonderful benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I began using the pills I was so badly run down that I could scarcely go about; at times I suffered very much and felt that life was a burden. Thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I can now say that 1 am enjoying better health than I ever expected to have again, and I can most heartily recommend these pills to other suffering women." Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cured Mrs. Ferguson because they filled her veins with the rich, pure blood so necessary to the health and happiness of every human being. It is for this reason that these pills always cure such troubles as an- aemia, neuralgia, heart trouble, indiges- tion, rheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitus dance, paralysis, kidney and liver troubles, and the special ailments of growing girls and women of middle age. You can get. these pills from any dealer in medicine, but you should be careful to see that the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is on the wrapper around each box. If you wish you can get the pills by mail at 50c a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. County C. E. Convention. At the recent meeting of the Huron County C.E. Association, held in Gode- rich the following officers were elected: —President, Charles Girvin, Nile; vice- president, Frank Anderson, Blyth; second vice-president, Miss Gill, Exeter; secretary, Miss C. Tyndall, Carlow; treasurer, Miss Beatrice Green, Clinton; executive committee, Miss Morris, Gode- rich; Miss Govenlock, Winthrop; Abner Cosens, Wingham ; Rev. W. D. Magee, Clinton. It is probable that next year's convention will be held in Clinton. 450 self-sustaining and 130 augmented congregations. There has been an in- orease of 2,206 in the number of sittings in churches. Total number of families, 125,790, an increase on the previons year of 3,604, That may be taken as repre- sentative of a population of 628,950. Number on communicant rolls 232,734, an increase of 3,149. Congregations have paid during the year for stipend $1,203,- 826, an increase of $47,665. There was an increase of $30,041 to schemes of the church. The total was $432,046. Of this the Woman's Foreign Mission So- ciety contributed $79,025. The total payments for all purposes were .02,886,- 603, au increase of $143,403. Debt on churches increased 8500.000, the whole amount being now $1,712,884. The Department of Trade and Com- merce has received an estimate of the grain yield in Manitoba district for nine months ending May 31, 1905, from Com- missioner C. C. Castle of Winnipeg. Mr. Castle estimates the total yield at 59,040,163 bushels, made up as follows: Inspected to date, 35,030,163; in store west of Winnipeg, 3,183,582 bushels; marketed at Winnipeg, 275,000 bushels; shipments west, not inspected, 150,000 bushels; in transit, not inspected, 100,- 000 bushels ; wheat fed to stock on farms, 1,000,000 bushels; allowance for seed, 8,- 000,000 bushels; allowance for country mills, 7,000,000 bushels; balance in farm- ers' hands, 4,261,111 bushels. BORN. FELLS.—In Wingham, on the 26th inst., the wife of Thos. Fells; a daughter. McILwAIN.—In Morris, on the 26th inst., the wife of Chas. Mollwain; a son. GIBsoN—In Fordwioh on Sunday, 18th inst., the wife of Mr. Fred Gibson; a .son. The "Maple Leafs" Won at Listowel. The Maple Loaf Lacrosse club• of this town went to Listowel on Thursday last and engaged in a schedule match with the stick -handlers of that place. It is said that several of the regular play- ers of the Listowel team were absent, at the militia camp in London, and their places had to be filled by juniors. The game, however, was a good contest, and cleanly played, victory going to the "Maple Leafs" by a score of 8 to 1. Re- feree Ellis of Mount Forest gave satisfac- tion. The Wingham boys speak highly of the kind treatment they received at the hands of the Listowel players and spectators. The line up was asfollows:— Listowel—Goal, Woolfe; point, Huck; cover point, Scott; first defence, Mil - house; second defence, Kay; third de- fence, Bartley; centre, Clegg; third home, Johnson; second home, Davis; first home, Wetlauffer; inside home, Taylor; outside home, Tuttle; Wingham—Goal, Reid; point, Moore; cover point, Vanstone; first defence, Kruse; second defence, Dinsley; third defence, Beattie; centre, McLean; third - home, Wightman; second home, Flem- ing; first home, H. Elliott; inside home, T. Elliott; outside home, Cody. • Mrs, A. G. McDonald, of Goderich, - visited relatives and former friends in town the past couple of weeks. Mrs. Dr. Chisholm and Miss W. Alba Chisholm leave this week on a visit to friends in Hamilton and other places. —A special meeting of Winham L. O. Mr. Chas, Kerr, of Philadelphia, Pa., L., No. 794, will be held this (Thursday) spent a few days of the past week in 'parente Mr. and Mrs. nese matters are to come up, and a large Bradshaw Kerr. attendance of the members is requested. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson left this —An instance of the remarkable grow. week for their home in Arcola, Ana., th of the present season was afforded us after a very pleasant visit of nearly a on Tuesday, when Mr. Amos Tipling month with relatives and friends in this brought to this office several stalks of vicinity. flax, the growth of exactly two months. Miss Maud Robertson and the Misses The stalks measured 44 inches. Fleuty were in Blyth on Wednesday last attending the wedding of Miss —The citizens' band will give their concert in the park pn Thursday, even- ing this week, instead of Friday. A new band stand has been erected, and the music should now, be 'heard to 'much better advantage than formerly. —Mr. John Gordon of Rothwell has been appointed lieense inspector for West Wellington, in -the place of Robert• Scott, deceased. H. O. Foster of Tiver- ton has been appointed to a similar posi- tion for North Bruce, vice Alex. McCan• hell. —The corner -stones of the North street Methodist Church in Goderich will be laid on Saturday, July 1st. Rev. R. Hobbs of Btrathroy, ex -president of the London Conference and a tomer pastor of 'Wingham Methodist Church, will take part in the ceremony. LiiIie Denholm to Mr. Geo, Dickson, of McKillop. , Mr. and Mrs. G. H. C. Millikin and Mise Ethel Miliikin left Tuesday morn- ing to take up their residence in Toronto. ,The family have made many friends in Own, whose best wishes will follow them to the Queen City. Mr. John Johnston, of Peel township, was the guest of Mr. A. J. Nicholls, this week. In this gentleman is afforded a remarkable instance of longevity of life. He was born in Sootland 92 years ago,and came to Canada 60 years ago. In appear- ance Mr. Johnston would pass for a man of about 70, being upright, hale and hearty, with good sight and bearing and able to step out with many a man thirty years WO junior. Women with weakness. For all weakness from which girls and women suffer, no surer remedy exists than Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Tney main- tain that bracing health every woman so earnestly desires; they uproot disease, and bring strength that lasts till old age. "No medicine could be more beneficial than Dr. Hamilton's Pills" writes Mrs. Mary E. Ayrton of Victoria. "I have been strengthened, my digestion is bet- ter, I have improved in color and feel considerably better since using Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills." Sold everywhere, 25c. per box or five boxes for one dollar. Wingham School Report. The following is the examination re- port of fortis I Wingham Public School for the months of May and June. The test subjects were, Algebra, Geography, Bookkeeping, Arithmetic, Botany and Physical Science. Maximum, 600. Stella Nethery.. . .. . 465 Ethel Walsh .. , • . 437 Roger Browett . , ..... 428 Eva Campbell 386 Pearl Vanstone.... 381 Marguerite Park, ....... 378 Jeanette Brock.. .,,.,., 350 John Holmes 326 Annie Barber ...,.. 806(1) Merle Lamonby ........... 285 Hazel Campbell 260(1) Ruby Jones, :212(2) Hazel Jones 156(3) Herb Jobb. 139(1) Alex. Rintoul 107(1) Mary Monk 103(4) Dell Bnrwaah .,,, 102(4) Charlie Johne 78(4) Dick Lloyd 68(4) Jennie Simile 85(5) Those whose attendance, work and oonduot have been the most satisfactory during the half•yeat are, Stella Nethery, Boger Browett, Ethel Walsh and Hazel Campbell. WALLACE—In Howiolc on Friday, 16th inst., the wife of Mr, Thomas Wallace; a daughter. NICIIOLsoN—In Saskatoon, N. W. T., on June 2nd, the wife of Mr. E. Nichol- son, formerly of Wingham; a daughter. MARRIED. HESSIAN--BUTTON.—In the Methodist church, Seaforth, by Rev. A. K. Birks, B. A., on June 21st, 1905, 'Henry A. Hessian. and. F. Edna Button, of To- ronto. DICICSON—DENHOLM—At the residence of the bride's parents, Blyth, on June 21st, by Rev. Dr. McLean, Mr. George Dickson, of McKillop, to Lily E., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Den- holm. CoULTEs—TURVEY—At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, 21st June, by Rev. W. J. West, M.A., Mr. Robert Conites, of East Wawanosh, to Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George W. Turvey, of Morris. MUNDELL—GILMOUR—At the resi- dence of the bride's mother, by Rev. W. J. West, M.A„ on Wednesday, 21st June, Mr. John Mundell of Bluevale, to Annie, third daughter of Mrs. Thomas Gilmour. DIED CORBOULD.—Iu Wingham, on Sunday, June 25th, 1905, William Corbould, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, aged 58 years. AULD. In Wingham, on the 22nd inst., Ann Elizabeth Gowdy, wife of Thomas Auld, aged 44 years. .31111, III NOTICE OF CL I: We, the undersigned lay , /is, agree to close our offices during the mon s of July andAug- ust as follows: On Saturdays at 2 p.m. and on other days at 4 p.m. Dickinson & Holmes. R. Vanstone. Holmes, Clarke & Holmes. J. A. Morton. INC NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R.S.O., Chapter 120, Sec. 138, that all persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Shiell, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the third day of May, A,D. 1905, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, solicitor for tho exe- cutor, on or before the third day of July, • A.D., 1005, their ,names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their r of the securit if an h ld claims, and natu e y y, o by them duly certified, »nd that »sitar the said day the executor will proceed to distribute assets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated dile 5th day of Juno A.D. 1905. R. VANSTONE Wingham P.O. Solicitor for the Executor. pagg 00,003n .fit P. 1-10T0.5. We guarantee our work, in SLYLE, FINISH AND PERMANENCY. The latest styles of Mounts( always on hand. !I Armstrong & Co's Studio I WINGHAM gggglggffig MOM June is Here AND SO IS W. G. PATTERSON WITH FULL LINE OF JUNE Wei ding Presenls .WHICH HE WILL SELL AT REASONABLE PRICES When you purchase your new watch you want ro feel that it is right—that you are getting your money's worth. Our Watches Are Right PRICES ARE REASONABLE. SATISFACTION Is GUARANTEED. W. G. Palterson THE CREAT WATCH DOCTOR WINGHAM ONTARIO. 311/11101111180101741011 THE WEST IS THE BEST FOR THE BEST IS THE WEST. 1 When comingto Manitoba, do not fail to drop off at Brandon "The Wheat City of the West." During the month of May, I offered for cafe. in the City 04 Brandon, a large number of choice properties, at exceed- ingly to do drop off at Brandon City of the West." During the I offered for sale. in City of Brandon, a large of choice at exceed- ingly low prices, consistent with the locality and nature of the land. I am pleased to say that this offer was quickly taken up, the result being that I disposed of at least three quarters of the number, at the prices quoted, namely $50.00 per lot. This month I am going to sell, with quick dispatch, in the City of Brandon, 500 lots, sit $35.00 per lot.; Terms $5.00 cash $2.00 per month until paid. No interest. Torrens Titles guaranteed. This offer will only hold good during the month of June. Every lot is guaranteed as being high and dry and the soil the very best, size of lots 25 x 120 to a 16 lane. Write to -day for particulars. I have several first-class farm properties, I will sell cheap, with the very best terms Homesteads can be procured adjoin- ing many of these properties, which will greatly enhance their value. Write for booklet and other information. JOHN FRY, The Land Man. Offices, 680 Rosser ave., BRANDON, Man. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT, 103 acres, adjoining Wingham ; seventy-five acres under cultivation. Good house ; new barn. Splendid' opportunity. Exceptional bargain. Address ALFRED E. ELLIOTT, Thedford, Ont. C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. Accounts Rents and Notes Collected. Con. veyancing done. OFFICE—In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 0 o'clock. WINGHAM Machine Shop Having purchased the above business, I am now prepared to attend to the wants of the public in all kinds of Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, etc. W. S. ESTES MACHINIST. Successor to W. G. Paton. 4.4'4.4.4.++•''4•41 Spring is camin 4. NOW IS THE TIME TO Z. Buy. a House A number of very pleasantly - situated + homes for sale on reasonable terms. ABNER COSENS WINGHAM. LOCAL ACENT WANTED. At once for "Canada's Greatest Nur- series" for the Town of Wing. ham and surrounding -coun- try, which will be reserved for the right man. Start now at the best selling season, and handle our new specialties on liberal terms. Write for particulars, and send 25c for our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi- croscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmers in examining seeds and grains. Orchardists in " trees for insects. Gardeners in " plants for insects. Teachers and scholars in studying Botany and everybody in a hundred different ways. STONE Jts, WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 sores.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Removal. We have removed our Tailoring establishment to the store for- merly occupied by Tudhope's Grocery—opposite the Bank of Hamilton, and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. The premises have been fitted up anew, and we have a good convenient stand, with a first- class stock of goods in all the latest designs and materials for Spring and Summer. Suitings, Overcoatings, Raincoatings, rrouserin$s and Fancy Vestings. Drop in and see us and have a look at our goods. !obt. Maxwell. TAILOR. 1 ft