HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-29, Page 22 TIE WINGIIAM TIMES, JUNE 29, M15. TO ADVERTISERS FOR THE FARMER. Noticti of changes must be left, at this 1 Some Facts Which Would be °trice not later than Saturday lrooal Advantage to know. 'The copy for changes meet be left not latter than Mte *day evening. Casual. advertisements, accepted tip to noon W ed,nestlay Of eao1 week. EsTABI.,iteeltD bee TUE W1NiuAi TINES, E. R. TCLid1OTT Pr'Tir,TI:tn u ANA PROMT,'Tnit THURSDAY, JUNE 29. W06, NOTES AND COMMENTS. The eati.tuatetl average anneal wheat yield of the Uuited States id 540,000,00e bushels. The per capita consumption by the Antericai people, the largest wheat eater* of the world, le 6.7 baahele, mak- ing the total estiutated consumption ap- proxisnately 837,000,000 bushels. The Dominion Groverntnent will bring in a bill to put an end to the trading ittarnp business. It is now reported that the bill will decree the use ot trading stamps a conspiracy agaiust commercial interests. Their use as an iudncenrent to sell goods will be mode au offeuec under the criminal code. Lt au interview in Loudon, Sir Wil- liam Mulook expressed his opinion that Canada will ultimately command the entire mail traffic between Great Brit- ain and the North American continent. What is wanted is the earliest, fastest mail, and Canada will give this by stay of Sydney. Cape Breton. Canada hate no p:,wer to deport aliens. Justice Anglin ordered the release of E. E. Cate and James R. Gtthuls, whose deportation ease was a test of the law. The ground of his decision is that the carrying of the law involves an exercise of extraterritorial jnrisdietion which Canada does not possess, "A power In- consistent with the conditions of a de- pendency" Justice A,.glin calls it. Outs a sovereign power could pass such a taw, The Woodstock Sentinel • Review, speaking of the North Oxford electiou, , Rays; ,The normal Liberal majority has ranged from 500 to 900. Col. Munro last January received 507. The late Mr. Pattulio in the only straight contest that he had with a Conservative had 761. The last party fight that Sir Oliver Mowat curried on in the constituency he soon by 821. Col. Munro in the bye -election of Jannary. 1904, received 976, and that was considered the most notable Liberal victory in the history of the riding." D H. Ross, Canadian Government commercial agent iu Melbourne, Ans. tralia, in a letter received at the Trade earl Commerce Department, at Ottawa, -states that owing to the great development in agriculture there is a 'heavy demand for agricultural imple- ments. Oauadian plows are„,,favored 'very much and there is apparently a good field for Canadian manufacturers, who are prompt to act. Canadian carri- ages. Mr. Roes says, are very popular add some Cauadian firms has tient out representatives to study conditions closely. Shortages of 85,000 and $10,000 have been discovered by the Provincial Ati- tlitor in the aacounts of the treasurers {,f this towashipe of Tilbury East and Tilbury West, Beset County, respect- ively. The treasurer of Tilbury West -Made his shortage good by depositing the tall awnnut in a local bank, but a tna- ,j"•n'ity of the Township Council desired to baud back to him $4,886. The l.'re- vincial Auditor, in his report, *ays that an entirely new Council ha* replaced the'lilbnry West Council, and it is pro. posed to investigate the action of their predeee»sora. I ad Paralysis of the Face Lost power of speech -Five doctor* tailed -Electricity Peeved ittel'f'octive. Iiia, W q..1. 73ttee:Nee, 'W e.tertt Ifni St. Ca hariuc(t, Ont., serif .' t "Fora year I Mit. fer,d with pxrelynee *filth eve dneters felled fovea aft even relieve. The tremble 1 eon lila- tee venue*, ani ended be drawi,fg tiff lr'teye },elf way down the clerk, and the month tip n tb t .4 thee' hileye. I fle- etly br.ciaYne Set Fee less eta atrindled in flesh. Inteautie fol- lowed, And after try- ing eterythi:lglaxmhd heat of. Whin to the electric bette"rv, I Stvi-up'1. dsgpiiit. "Hearing about De, Chr,,e',t Nerve Feed Mn•ing a ritmilnr Ole, I *eh its use '.Elora to And that. I AS *tea improving. By tiont6±,ttirg this teeth:emu beetaatt round and wIl is ovary way, leo%' Work,31erp well, and fay'.trot d e re- turned to their _raort * yeet tatted n'•t go beek to tier former rwfaclitirti for all the eel fie the tmnataty, mail feel tlitllt I bete a peer tetter et Mfoo." Dr. aeleAtterte Food. Sk, F bar;, at all *KM, e sella, Imo k. Oa, Twirl* to Hts Jost one half day *peat in clearing, up amend want' a farm homestead would improve its uppearange 500 per cent. Stiviug frosts 8eldow du inutile damage to fruit buds unless they are open Wheu once open they are very 5115C011" tibia to frost injury. Gress iu the orchard is a bad thing in two wtees-it robs the trues of needful moisture during a dry time aid become a cuubtaLt temptation to tura stoat in the orchard to eat it. The sprlU;wheatterritory of America a is feet passing from the 'United States into Western Canada. Spring wheat is a rare crop now iu Iowa, where once it was the leading ono. If yoa have to buy seed corn this spring get it near home. Acclimated cora wilt always yield more thau import. ed corn. Anyway, get no seed from a latitude south of you, and never buy it shelled. Weeds are easiest killed before they are buru-at least before they see day- light, This fact emphasizes the value of the harrow as a weed destroyer and its coutiuued ase to as great an extent as pokaible. Of coarse it is important to have three good stalks ot corn in each hill, but if the laid is poor that it can ouly produce one ear to the hill there will be two barren stalks which are just as injurious as weeds. There is much difference in the quality of corn so far as its market price is con- cet ed. Surab corn -that is mixed - always sells for less than a corn of aui- forlu type and color. The south perfers the white corn; the east the yellow corn. Cucumbers, melaus, squashes and to- matoes may be greatly helped by mak- ing a box nine inches in height, just large enough to take a 10 x 12 Light of window gluss for a top and with no bottom. The plants referred to can be thus grown safe from frost and bugs and made to get a two weeks' start of such thiugs planted iu the usual manner. A cow has been made to give enough milk to make 1,000 pounds of better in a year, and a hen has been made to lay 225 eggs iu a year. These records mark the Built of productiveness. Under enteral conditions the cow would give just euough milk to raise her calf, while the hen would lay but one setting of eggs. The difference marks what man hire been able to do with the cow and the hen. Four Essentials of Business Building. In a recent address before the Agate Club, of Chicago, the advertising man- ager of a varnish manufacturing com- pany who has expended hundreds of thousands of dollars for publicity de fined the four essentials of successful advertising as follows:--First-Goods of equal, if not better quality than any others of their kind. Second --Money to spend for advertising. Third -Courage to speed the money, Fourth -Ability to spend the money judiciously. And the last essential is not the least. Ad- vertising must be placed where the largest number of those who have use for the aril-cie and money to buy it will read what is said of it. The home news- paper with the largest circulation is the ideal medium. Newspapers in Canada. From Printer and Publisher. Is it true that genie parte of Canada are ever•st'rved in the matter of news- papers? For Instance have British. Cot utnbia, with its population of 200,000 and Manitoba with its population of 850,000, got too many newspapers? In the former there is a newspaper fot every 2.898 pee- ple, and in the latter one for even- 3.333 people. When we consider the number of ohit- dreu and illiterate perilous who never read newspapers, and the number of poor people who never buy them, it is appar- ent that ppar-entthat the average newirpaper haebnti smali field in which to circulate. Figures for Ontario are almost as low as for Manitoba, being one paper for - - - - + - - TOWN DIRECTORY; TWUITV YEAR, AGE) Loca,t Phistory'por"theillearlytyle 808, I J Gems ram Te rl85" S, Mont 'IIIc, Witte it.ut TIMES of Friday, Juue 1'Jili, 18;18 ) GUl&L1'U coeve 1ENOE. The following changes have been wade in the list as already reported: -Wing. ham --D C. McDu,vell; llru'se1e-W. Smyth ; B :lt;rave•-N S. Bnrwneh; Blut;- vale-J $ Cook Sthen -J, H. Watts. The following wore eleuted sneeriuteu- teude of31st uts hinu1titisecre- taries:- - taries:- Winehanr D 0. McDowell, auperiutendent, J. Fisher, seetetery. TORDWIC111. Mr. Wm. Baird, e•ontractor, of this village, tete hetet selected by Mr. Thos. Wilson to build his darn which was taken away by the recent flopd, Cotnnel ,McGrail; has received an appotuttueut on the C. P. R. Railway. We think there le no section of country oatr show es good a regard of improvements as this ueigbhorhood. During the present summer there are a great malty good farm houses beiug erected. Among some of the grand oues that might be mentioned are Mr. Thos, Wallace's, 4th con.; B. 5, Cook, deputy reeve, 9th con.; alae Mr. F. Davidson and Wm, Strong, near the village. There are nine -or ten bank barns going np, besides Mr. Thomas Wilson add Mr. B S. Cook purpose building beautiful brick reatdeuces iu this village next buatwer. 11EXGRBORING NEWS. Dir. Sinclair Trait, died in Exeter on Monday last at the advauced age of 88 years. His rettutias were followed to their last resting place ou Wednes- day ufteruuou by a large cuuconrse of people. CARE OF BOOKS. Marginal notes are usually supetflu- ous and undesirable. Corners shohid not be turners down or leaves folded iu halves.. Exposing bo'iks to heat Or strong sun- light warps the binding, Never bend back the covers of a hook; but keep theni'both i1.' Do bot turn a book on its face or place any weight on an open b')ok. Never open a large book from the ends or cover; but front the centre; Bookcase, should not be placed aeainst outside walls ou ttccount of the probable dampness. A blunt knife of ivory, wood or meta should be usad for cutting new books, not a sharp instrument, If any iigllid be Fpiit on a honk, wipe it off at oboe gently with a scft tenth or absorb it svttlt blottiutt paper. Do not dry it by a fire. Draggiog a bnok Mit from the shelf by the binding at the tap ire hattfitl. If books are wedged in to,. tightly in acase they beconit+ shabby. every 8,729 persons. The Territories have one paper for every 3,729 inhabitants; NOVA Scotia one for *very 5,670; Prince - Edward Island one for every 6,475 per- sons; New Brttlewiok one for every 6,- 320; and Quebec one for every 12,038. A Few Points. Nothing makes a man so mad as con. 6tant'attempt's to "work" him. When 'a woman gets sick the neighbors watt c the husband more closely than over. Tn d ., f'rl devoting etessd o t: a lUg eo mach time to verde people should learn how to talk �tll, • E'tetrylledy nbitttea tt, public man, blit lAbodjr iti U es it private citizen except his boot friends and his wife's relationb. A man was opeeking of iii *otnan to. day east islet: ' A wirydvigint Woman; brut quite homely," This happens so often. There area lot of things we do not nnderitend. 'T1M it the most mfatdf'• tout sone: liotr. a .'acorea with dee er six little children end k husband Who (ROA li t#r t to Much and Who isn't Very considerate, stank it,-W-Atchi*.wi GP1abe. "The Dear Old Days " (Frank L. Stanton.] Gimin" 'emir the dear old dal s -all the boys in line - "B er stood on the herein' deck." an' "Bingo) on the Rhine!" "'Twee miemeht itt his guarded tent" - we snake it high mei lose. While Mary trotted r out rla.t I'tnib'whoee fleece was whites es ntinaa. Gimmes Neat the Clear old days that nuem'ry 1 ',von ft) keen With "Pt1'4. 'ti -t a }.areal eight -there's,- tinea .r fib the 11.4. til" The otdetitne ewkward hectares -•tire jerk trteant tor a hew - We said that "(inrfew shenle int rem," but, Hardt heti riteriti' now 1 Gimmes hnek the /learre i (lave -the path- way thtnn;tit,tha rjNll. To the sehrtolhntt,t"> in the Winsome; that sonnei of fat off h"elir Tial itn' "roost the nt„t„',,.t•1.; the song of the bird tart' brook; The old tittle dime mete.an' ttu' blue -back spellitt' honk! Gone. like a dream, forever! --A. situ's Intl the Were Where t)'tnnd flue nit} Ink r.ehnnl acuses an' Tnrr fafflilfar fano Is smile)" there to weleoiue beneath a triornin'Y 5tee.e There's n bride., lastest the river; ati' we've t'rnseed at)' geld "G snd+h-ye." The Linteriek,jtr1u,nt1, +rpnrnt oltf' cantly sutopted n rt's'elnfint)` that dining t1Ylr Year in ni..n ihe av,t r rtt v htttiI +4 tollfi 41 onitl `not ircce.ptish hrtildre. A rtititltra' e'er at W irritiiftott, En1T• bind. eigz'agir'e'd settees ,a street 'thrreft tinsel*, riantatt'itftt eit'tpe o'a butt tittle's anti injuring the driver" and tr.-pedestrian The ittanorts'Trani 1?ttuerst% into the tette-rt ytatteetett'the %4:tf eltrii.titf Jcifl Xt. I1t04, Wets. Vels,rel et *tin 745. rad the It *oil* front the Tressed Stehle to !y ic4tlaine Were velit el a$ fjitl;9 724 'ott.t-fiix nor Tafel+, >+nl.)nnfl,g h, mare than if'9 ()fits :fruit tree*, ehaVae I*Stf tet'rsiitie.1 fit, tkat:leiliite*. ,C db.. for plant. inif in the tlreharde in the neighbor/10.1 this erring. nowteit The Spring bank ohe•tee factory is now ferning ant chnar'ses n day. )3, PTIST ORDECi -Sabbath (Wsiaes at I11 a and 7 p m. Sunday School at 2:80 p m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev. J, Vii. Mo- irenu,l3,A., pastor. Abner Commit, S,S: Snpereitenaient. ' 11 ter W itm 'r anoson---Sabbath services ext 11 a u1 and 7 p Irl. Sunday Sehoel tit 'Air A • thur Sp''ttten i 1 hiaiidiug a coin. 2:3t) p tt• Epworth League every Mon. mndiaus I,erti. 'ulr, Jon)) Aikiute is else day evening Geuefital prayefi Aiaetillg an Wednesday evenings, Rev, prepafrit•t* tar t. burn raising shortly; Quay, 0,1) , pastor, W. B. Towler, Measi's, (a Cheri; mud 1.1 Wiggins are M.D., S S. Superintendent. plaolug std ue foreelatinns under their E'Rtst3urrgitul, C1.3gttou--Sabbath aor- lawns; Mr. Al. it. Mnlatgonw y Ss busy vices itt 11 a in and 7 p tn. Sunday erecting n srtine residence, and when School et 2:80 p ni. Geueral prayer a r titti,hrd it will be one of the finest 3u uuetlu; esu Wedieath%q eveuluba, Rev. the towusllip. Mr, ,T•,hn Burns. of the D Pertie, pastor. L: Hlal'Ulti. S S, 3n• 10th con., is building a fide residence, perlutundattt• and Air, Win. Strong, of Fordwich, is Sr, PAu1,'CHUi5Olii EN1sooeArr-•Sab- patting up a farm residence, bath sveyieees at 11 a m sari 7 p m, Stilt, day School tit 2:80 }, m. General prayer meeting ou Wednesday ovetting. Rev. LOCAL NEWS. The net iuorenee in the membership of - the Guelph Conference is 'between 1700 and 1800 We notice in the list of grarinates of the Wesleyan Lsdiee College. Hamilton.the name of Miss M. Holmes of this town. Mr. Ball finds it slow work Waking the test stilt well. They have already gone through oyer fifty feet of gravel slightly wore than was bargained for. The missionary income of the Guelph Conference Missionitry Society tor the year just closing is $16,399 73, and every circuit is reported in fall. The income of the Methodist church of Canada for 1883.84. from the smile ground was $14,049 47. Oue of the saddest deaths that has occurred here for some time, is that of Oliver Hosni, wltio}i "took plane on Tuesday morning. otter . an illness of wily one were. Deceatied was the third son of Mr..Tt.tnre Howsou, aril has beenfor Foutti time in the eutpiuv of le CoatettC S ,n. New Guinea. The largest island itt the worid le New Guinea, 300,000 square tniles. Great Britain Is e3,S26 square miles. A Novel Chain. Among the curiosities in the :quite, burg museum, in South Africa, is a chain twenty-three feet six laches long carved from the trunk of a tree by 1 isobuose natives, n tribe in the loutspnnberg district, Trnnsvani. The chain is contiiuous, requiring peenom- euel patience and skill in carving. FloweringPlante. Perpetual snow Is the only limit to flowering plants. In Tibet "these have been found growing freely at heights of from 10,000 to 18.000 feet. Potutera and Setters, A pointer is so called because of its habit of steeping mad pointing at game with its nose, while the setter gets its unite from a like habit, exee1)tlitg that it crouches instead of standing when pointing under similar circumstances. Engiiek Juries.. A corner inEngland points out the little known fact that n11 persons there over twelve years of age can be called upon as jurors. Viuter Too taw*. The iittle village of Llanynynech, on the borders of Wales, boasts an Inn which is partly in 13nglend and pertly in Wales, Thus one-half of the build- ing Is subject to the Welsh Sunday elesing net, while the Other half is amenabie to English law. Jienaxeee Ante. The Japanese Wye a malted propene - ton ktrown ns ame, which Is a kind of candy of barley sugar. made by the action of barley malt or glutinous rice. ereoneelo Lltereture. The invention of forty-seven fetters by Mebie in 735 A. T).. is always eon- sidered to have given birth to Japanese literature, And lerecognized at the be- ginning' of Japanese citllization., The 1 Jtit)unese•Iltngnage is• phonetic. Tilt al- nbobet is called "shin knee." . y� 1!r•- ea"' •`' •e • too ,4 ""' t.i * `T' ` ' t.'' r.4 i Y i•I. •e* h e i r • i.r is netting's specific tit DiAtiklIcSA, '1bYtaIorriRY, CRAMPS. PAIN IN 'Fait $' OM. J[iCit, COLIC, CiltitisitA MA.. 011t, C1101:1tiA YIVp'ANtttM, RICA SICKNLSS, aril all ''UM* Man 'iQMPLAINtS le Maria •r Aden*.. it. effects art ittttrvellsee. Pitrtirtttrt at'tr4 Mfistrrtirini to tabs. Rapid, itelisble aid R$ectuat is Its 8 EAt RUA A ik"Oli tilthlOLtk ;littwet'ifibY.Jtrli?R ttls,Alb>.l< WE'D TRAM 'Mine* 'ilii, Oki*. Meese Sterne ie. Tiers* t a tenielle tVin. laowe, Rector and S. S. Saperin• tenrleut. John 'Gayler and Ed. Nash, assistant S. S. Saperiuteudents. SALVATION AEMY--Service at 7 and 11 a ni and. 8 and 8 p ni on Sunday, and every evening during the week at 8 o'oh,ek at the barrette a, POST Qiee•ron-In Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a rn to of :80 p m. Peter Fisher, postrnatter, PumLro LIBRA$Y--]library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:80 e'oioclt, tied every evening from 7 to 0:80 o'clock. Mrs. Orlando G. Craig, librarian, Tows CotlNan. --Thos. Bali, Mayor; W. J. Greer, Tilos. Armstrong, David Bell, J G. Stewart, ti Brunets, W 'V'411)0o00. Councillors; J. B. Yer- gason, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson Delta tge, A steta,er. Board meets first Monday evening iu each month at 8 o'clock. .Soetogr,. BaARD.•--I)r. A. J: Irwin,: (chairman). Thos. Abraham, J. D Long, J. J. liotnur,.h. H. Kerr, .Win. Moore, A. E. Lloyd, C. N, Griffltl. Secretary, John F. Groves; Treasurer, 3. B. Ferguson. Meetings wooed Trtesday evening in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL TRAOHNRs.-A. I;<. Musgrove, Principal, Mies Brook, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss M'tthieem, Miss Wilson, diiss Onuainiugs and K. Manning, , BtiAttle OP IIuALTH-Thos. Beli. (chairmen), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- ory, 3 the Wti•ahn, V S , J. B. Ferguson, :i:;cretary ; Dr, I'. R. Macdonald, efediot.l health Ofliceir Gook's -Cotton Root' Campauod. lladlose Favorite. Ts• the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the flour and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. lee. 1 and No. 2. No. 1 -For ordinary eases Is by far the best dollar Medicine known. No. 2 -Por special eases -10 degrees etrouger-three doitare per box. Ladies -ask your druggist for Cooks , Cotton. Root Compound. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all druggiste In the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of price and four 2 -cent postage stamps. Tine Cool; Company. Vlier, Opt• ;eel i i \V. t.'t an) by 1 1. 11 uI01 2. Oe A . 1,,. if s•a•ir, /II .a ..1 ,Y:tltvct ..Islttl,u ..s, 40u4444 RAILWAY 7'IME,TARLE.,. GRAND "ritiiNR Etati.,wAV NntYN'M leis les I,ItAVIC Kelt 1 Wants. . 4).40 a.nn .,. N 01i. du 70 ontuArillast 1940:t.m 4.41n.nd •.. 2.4tfem 81 as ardi le 11.i., Nan. 23i5 p -n. .. 1t tSu.ln. Altai VM; MRe/ai li'inearthne . 0.404.1)1...M43 lit ... '24. pan. Loudon dim e.ua .. 1 tt, p.,n. P,lu1.r1•wn st,a5a,n. Toronto k Kest. 2fie p.an 915 p.m. 1.. 4.4.1i01,11 ;,t..nt. W1n4ea,rt CANADIAN PACtIP'IC NAttWA% V pee,tv,. t'.4'vt. eon 'l),rontoau,t ewe 4.57 man 1,411 1).n1. Teeswarer 1.17 ,t.ie 8) Of p lit Annie r. rItoat Tee,+„mise d.Ji 14.1),... a.iee p.m Tomer., mei sleet 1.17 p.,n . IN hi p.'tt' .1 N I;,te4'.tM,I{ regal tVtn.them OUTSIDE Order,. Yat "flu. i:0.4.01111,) of adv„re.t",u silts itc.lt a� tin. tier.. tvart'O(l, lttasliu,st aweimnics w)nt.•tt, at•t9,e,(1' •r all.•, or In Vaal Int 1tin4 AY w11 advt. in ay of ills• 1'ortlnt,t .41 other rite 11040,1.• '1 tit h•, heft at the 4M1':- o1)ie e. 'Ceti wont will t,ect+ly„ (pr"fnt 45 tt" ;trine, .arn1•L'llt 44C1. 1/ 54 ' rdi• trn,tcii • ,)f rennet v fol' 1n1) f,frwat'•I:sat N,lrartl+ruarhts. t',.n-s Siths will 1r.• stow*, 1 n)1 )t':.ln!a: lets. fns, to ss•)ul tnlu )d'trt0114erf.hie kite' ss ,14» 11 ,0 OPE t l,'✓�.. 'VW ntrsrht¢.itio ' ITiMES E5T4BLI81tEI1 1872 THE WINGII0 TIMES. 1S PUBLIBH.ED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Tinges office, Beaver Block W1NG ITAM, ON2'A1i30, -' Tatters or 13110saarr7t'coa'-$1.uo per annum in advance $1.30 if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued till all arrears are paid, except at the option of the publisher, ejevererneNo 1.tTes. -- Legal and other casual advertisements 10e per Nonppariel line for Srst insertion, lie per line for each subsequent tusertiou• Advertisements in local columna are charged Ieeise por line for first insertion, and Scents per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Stray ed, N ar mfor Sale ale or to Kent and similar,51.00 orfret three and 25 cents toreaub subse qu nt n section. Corneas RATES -The following table shows oar rates for the insertion of advertisements for specified periodsSPAQir, 1 ra,, 8 so. 8 Mo, faro. OneCotumu $70.00 140.00 $:2.60 ;fs 00 Half Column 40.00 25.00 15.00 4.W Quarter0olrenn ...., 2000 1$.60 7.50 3.00 Ono Inch 6,00 $ 03 2.00 1.25 Advertisements without s ecitle directions will be inserted till forbid and ebarged accord• ingty. Transient advertisements must be paid for mutilate*. - Tns .Toia DEPARSMENT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not equalled in the conntyfor�ptppurningg out first glass work. Large errss,Haanda Bills rretc., sand the llatests ot of choice fancy type for the finer classes of print ing. H. B. ELLIOTT. Proprietor and Publisher TP KENNEDY, EL D.C.M.P. S. 0 • Member of the Britieb Medical .Associa- tion. Gold Medalli•f itt Medicine. Special attention paideto diseases of Women and Child, ren. Office lioars-1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to A P.M DR, MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, ere. Drug s ore. Night oalQssensswer over d atetheoitice ItonT.C. 11E1)MoND, M. R.C,S. CEng) L. R. C. P. (Londe PHYSICIAN and SLYSGEON. Office, with Dr. Chisholm. W. B. TOWLER, M.D., C. M. CORONER. Office at residence, Diagonal Street. DVANSTONE, • BARRISTER, 8oracxTOR, ETC Privateand Company funds to loan at lowest rate of interest, No eotumfssion charged xort• sold ,O1ce, n and Blockp, Wpnfeg bought and Block, wintthxfn J • A. MORTON, BARRISTER, he. Wingham, Ont. E. L. DtearNoos Dunttt'r l30LMEs DICKINSON & HOLMES BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Eta. MONEY TO LoAY. Ovine:et Meyer Bleak, Wingham, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. Wingham, Ont. D. D. h„ L. D. S. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, Doctor oeeofl olDental LicentiateCllgand the Rve College of Dental Srirt'tt1orix .of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingham. ur Y'y T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.N., I..D.S. • DENTIST. Betwer Block, Wingham D. U. S. -Toronto University, L. D. S. -Royal College of Dental Saraeone. SAT .A CURRIE, WINGnAil&'S AUCTIONEER TN now prep*red to attend the wants of these requiring his services. at a r•eaaonabl", prise+ Nn nese ssity of oitig out M tfiwh for ttn Bain• tioneer. A.11 orders left at the Trees Oleo Wit[ receive prompt attention, ALEX. KELLY, Winghant, Ont. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of /throe. Antes of nit kinds conducted at re asonaifie rates. Orders left at Um Tette office will re:wive prompt 8tteution. 1AS. UENDERSON, Wiutthsm, Ont. r LICENSED AtkCelenethitIt For the Counties of Huron and Brune. Melee of Farm Stoekand. impte,unuts a specialty. Ait orders left at the Tiatlts office promptly tettended to. Torres reasonable, FARMERS 1 end anyone lowing live etece et other .trusties they Wish to dispose al, ahnntd adver+ i t),te tete settle ter 'cele in the '11 i (e. Otte ferite ,elrruletiou tells and it will 1,., -trance 1n,k' it if yr,li.14. 114(4 get if ett1t111tint tate NNW t 8na. lines V t.. t ou e ertksile'l.it tell boogie* r itMay Ofw iriItk Sells ,.alt ,itl.a.,rtl,li.,n«nt. a, th, i'I a i. - MIA trio dais fivtl of dine:sing bt rote -.too and other ) .mister). vEMi S1 Vaintik deities yrrMorieir Cosvoto va ac t't1'Nttif e.teeit.1.,m t,teew.tett/ft 'alt wear ear+reset eta setteide�, �,e et r•r •[ .etenttell menetieeryplial" ma. 4r,lfaiostan• eamriitti,:ly 1114,,tiertss,'.etytltn L,(Mtdit4 of tre•n;a+�1r4�a. TO)M''salt* OMP. r',ri.atot4t,�t, wn�1471 ttw.n ori. t'erMtyu.1',ttlt, eirlt wtw,l'+eFe t,: ie er eel e veer vele Monfhaa L re l t ern mm� &i imrabfitrk,,ew 10.„,he,nlei. olit E) et., 1S'r efdi, l,nfw X1, A HANDY HAYRACK.. A strong Combination Rack, Useful for Verieue Purpoeee * How It is Made at Smart Cost, Tlic combination hayraek shown lett the fest illustration is 0. eotivenientt one. T'1' are bed pieces of pine or other straight emitted light wooti fourteen for t ixteen feet. in ltngih, eight inches wide and three incites thick; if of gale er other hard wood, two and ane-haIt inches thick Will give sutliclicnt COMBINATroy ITAYRIOK. strength, Four crosspieces, B, of hard wood one and one-quarter inches thick and six inches wide, are mortised anti firmly secured to the bed pieces. This constitutes the frame or foundation anal is shown in the second cut. It Is fre- quently used separately to haul rafts,, boards, stones, immure, etc., and' Is convenient, strong end handy arrange - met for the purpose, In the first cut la shown the rigging complete, of which its four crosspieces or arms, T.', are seven and one-half feet In length, fives inches wide and two and one -halt filches thick. If designed for a. "sec'ional rigging" and to prevent side movement a half inch g'oove is cut into the lower sides of the cross arms, P, sa that they fit closely upon the bed pieces. To pre- vent a forward or backward move- ment eight strong iron hooks are at- tached by staples )o 'the sides of the cross arms and when placed upon the bed pieces are readily hooked into the staples, A. Thus arranged one mare can easily place the rigging upon or take 15 from the wagon; or, If desired, bolts may be used to fatter all togeth- er by pstsstng theta through the cross amts and bed pieces. There is not 25 cents difference in the expense. Standards, D, ran be either station- ary or hinged so as to be quickly low- ered, raked or removed by a small bolt, as shown at Y. The standards should be six and ene-half feet high and quite strong to withstand the pressure of the loaei as well as to serve as a Iadder•. The boards, X, should be Peelrs n!' 880 Tincts. of the same length as the bed pieces and one inch thick and six inches wide. of straight grained light woods Wood- en pias or stakes, N, are Inserted as shown and should be only slightly. sharpened. Should the hind wheals project above the boards, X, bridge over them, as Shown at S. Wash with petroleum and keep under shei..etwhen not In use.• -Country Gentleman, The Art of Milking. Milk until you get all the milke but When you have thoroughly emptied a quarter leave it. Do not continue fbe milking muton upon an empty teat. Do not go back to a teat once you have left it. If you begin this with a young cow you wii make her a slow er un- certain milker, one that will never let you know when you are dobe milking„ One of the "come again and ketyt coming kind." Never milk with the thumb and fin- ger. Never pull down upon the teat. Never strip. You get less milk- Yoe iuin the elasticity of the milk duct, and ;esu make her a hard milker or a. "gutgier." Some one may say "strip 'ear" and "strip 'em clean," but this is nonsense, and the practice should not be tolerated, moat less cultivated. bink property. ltiilk %mil each quarter is emptied, and whent you get all the Mill; quit. 13ut your task is not done affil) you hero called the cow by mitres and gently patted her side arid made sure that you have left her in a iri"-nd- ly mood -It. 13. Wood, in Feinberg. Tribune. The Leaf Roller. Among the s. ran'berry plants now there i, a small brownish vettrpltlaatr that folds the Waite s by bringing the upper surfaces together and fastening them by silken cords. This is the NtraTv- berfy leaf roller. anti it feeds upon the sub:>tt,nce of the leaves until they look brown as If t'.coi'ehtai. It is at times an exec edingly destruc- tive pest and has been cen;ldet'ed the most injurious of the bisect enemies of the stratvbefry. Tilt re are three or four broods in se season in the south. It is hardly prac- tleabte to attempt to light the first brood, 'bemuse the larvae. spin a web about tied^. Itaf, nutlrr whlel) they staay. thus Preeenting the proper application of Inst•etieid..e, The best way of lighting theme le fes wait until the strawberries are alt gath- ered, by which .ittt the' larvae or tho pupae are within the folded leaves, than mete the field and allow the plants to remain in the run fee l couple el days, uf.t•r which covet' theta lightly with straw or mulch slid burn them over: When the plants are vtry thick they burst without ,h,' straw; How to 011 the Wa'gee. Use of the ri;lit kind of ell is impor- tant itt keeping up the condition et wagon wheels Lard ehouid not bo used, as it SOnits into the hub and works out mount( the t'9IOt1.s, tterlous3y injuring the wheel. Tallow le better and works well for wooden ttxle'r- "s. Castor oil i 3 flirt' of the t " t durable lubrieateers uliel is t'te only kind whish wflt'last long 0u a badly 'worn axle., It 19 also, preferred in, all iron hubs. Some of the petteet axle greases sere good and cheaper than caste)' ell. Oth- ers are not dertrtible 411 any .0..ray. :Many people iteet .1n untteh t,!'P• vete in oiling wagon *install. A. spbtntfut reit castor oil is enough for alt fo, r N heat:,. Any strrplu's gilt %kook out and quiet up or he 5teced into ))rte ituh. eirf"ltea' atilt the spindle Fhoted he ti feed teem) and suet with n little* turprnthte, 't'iien ap- ply a few drops or the ill. lhtl* 'letlr %te►triyt stokle. i'1'y the pig of lenif 't tt meet let meal without n Iii:. Sea. t stai11s t'ttlk anti plod. ins • is t't:ls: to anvil is "1 41 - Aimed resin t•'" '5e7r, Ila' sir mete tittle rile itv ttta +tete% fetal vetlfltr ):ems 3,44 bora* 1tbl* tee excel.