HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-29, Page 1THE WINCHAIVI TI VOL XXXIY.-NO. 1742. Tailor -Made Cloches $15 , We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab- ric, staunchly guaranteed. For . seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.75. $4, $5, $6, A fine selection of Gents' Fur- nishings always iu stock. 1YLS1L1 llofflllth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by FnANllC PATERBON. No. 23 Victoria street, Windham, Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHRM Capital paid up, $ 3,000 100 3,000,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 SPECIAL SALE OF China Tea Sets For The Next Two Weeks Having bought these goods right we will give purchasers the benefit of the low prices. , 'three 40 -piece English China Sets, regular price $5.00 now $4.50 40 -piece German China, regular price $6,00 now,.,. $5.00 44-pieoe China Tea Sots, regular G.00 $7,00 now 44 -piece semi -porcelain, regular $4.75 now $4.25 These prices will buy any of the • above while they last. Also a large selection of fancy ohina suitable for wedding gifts. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the 'United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPAII,TM'rFNT-Interest allowed on deposits of $1 e:nd upwards, and added to principal 30th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager, S. Venstone, Solicitor. BANK OF KAMILTON WINCNAM. Capital paid np, $2,235,000.00. Reserve il'and, $2,235,000.00. Total Assets,. $26,553,846.57. R1 A. Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery, To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located : • I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the circumstances under which you buy are very exceptional. I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through me. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have ou my lists to -day properties, (both in town and country), that cannot' bo excelled either in quality or price, It retakes no difference whether you want a $50 building lot or $10,000 farm, I want to hear from you. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANBTONE BLOCK. - WINGHAM, ORT. GENERAL LOCAT, NEWS. Encamprn t Officers. At the meeting Minerva Encamp- ment, I.0.0.F,, o Monday evening, the following officers ere elected for the ensuing term: -C P., D. Longheed; S. W., Wesley W lker; H. P., H. B. Elliott; secreta y, A. J. Alderson; treasurer, J. . Dodd; representative to Grand Encs pmeut, J. A. Morton. Prsetdent-- HON. WM. CAIBa0N. Vioarrestdent and General Manager - Tomos-umn, Assistant Gen. Manager --R. M. WATSON' DIRECTORS •• •abhtt pGeo. Rather ord, Cyrus .A,Birgb drte• Leapeotor--- . Willson. SAWN GS BASIC. Interest allowed on deposits of *1.00 and tip. Wards, and added to principal on Slat May and beth November comb year. Special DanOsite rlao,reoetred at carreni fraise or inured. W. DO11BOUL», Agent, »ZOKINSION Aa ECOLN111it, BolIettare, WINGRAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 29. 1905. Wear Greer's Shorn; and Rubbers Be Stores Will Closed Saturday w Saturday of thi eek being Dculiuion Day -Canada's :ungual holiday -the stores and bnsine--3 places in Wingham will be closed. Following the usual onstom, the atom will be kept open late on Friday ni ht, and the public are aeked to make note of this and do their sleopping n Friday this week, instead of Satur y. A good house to rent. Apply to R. Vanstone. Servant girl wanted for house and store, Apply to Box 129, Wingham. CA Three Mon s' Scholarship. By advertisemen in another column it will be seen that the Wingham Bnai- noes College is off 'ag a three months' scholarship free i either departments, to the boy or girl who obtains highest marks at the trance examinations. This offer is ops to pupils writing at the Wingham sc ooh, and we understand a similar offer i being for the counties ofHuron and B nee. District Mwstingt;, I.O.O.F. At the meeting cf Wingham District, I,0.0.F., at Brns els on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Jamin Douglas of Wrox- eter was eleeted ).D.G.M., and Mr. J. W, Dodd of Wit gbam re-elected secre- tary. The membership of the Lodges in this district i . as follows: -Brussels, 130; Wingha , 111; Wroxeter, 25; Teeswater, 12. - 10 men and boys wanted to work in factory. Apply at office of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited. Canadias Foresters. The regular meeting of Court Mait- land, 0. 0. F., wi I be held on Friday evening of this week. On Sunday morning next the members will attend divine service in the Baptist Church, when Rev. J, N. McLean, B. A., will preach to the brat rren: All members of the order are corcally invited to attend this service. The brethren will meet at the Court room ai 10 o'clock a. m. Ladies' chocolate fords, regular price Unclaime We have receive report of unclsiin the chartered bangs Gibson Tie and Ox - $2.00, to olear $1.60. W. J. GREER. Balances. a copy of the last balances, eto., in of the Dominion of Independent Fores' On Snuday Morning Of the Wingham Co Foresters, together wi ren, attended divin Methodist Church, Rev, Dr. Gundy, de pressive and approp occasion. A solo w voice by Mr, Frank Canada, for five yrs and npwards prior to the end of Decesiber. 1904. In, con- nection with the Bank of Hamilton, there appears a 1ge number of un- claimed balances tae last transaction in respect to which to ik place at the Wing - ham branch. Th . amounts of these balances range from one cent to over $1700. Grand Camp, S ns of Scotland. The Grand Camp Sous " of Scotland opened its biennial ession in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. Ate ander Fraser, grand chief, presided. T ere were 210 subord- inate camps repres nted. The member- ship is now 7,613, increase of 150. In the peat two years 38,600 bas been paid in mortnary bene is and the certificates at present in fore represent $5,867,250 of insurance. T e fonds on hand are $197,582, an ine ease of $40,000. The grand camp deo ded to erect a memorial tablet to the 1at Sir Hector MacDonald, in St. Giles Ca hedrai, Edinburgh. Mr. D. E. McDona was in attendance as the delegate f m Camp Caledonia, No. 49, Wingham. Oddfellows Deco ation Service. Anyimpressive se ice was conducted at the Wingham c otory on Sunday last, when the core ony of decorating the graves of deco ed Oddfellows took place, At 3.30 o'c k the members as• eembled at the ha , and headed by the "Wingham citizen ' band, marched to the cemetery, wh re the ritual service for such occasion was performed, Mr. F. R. Blewett Of istowel,Deputy Grand ]Piaster, acting Noble Grand, and Mr. Charles Gre n as Chaplain. The gropes of membe ' deceased wives wore decorated by a o ;mpany of girls, who (placed a l menet of flowers upon each grace, 'At the cl'►se of the decoration Ceremony a chorea of girls sang very ers at church. last the members rt, Independent h visiting breth- service in the vhen the pastor, vered a most itn- ate sermon for the a rendered in good Hill. HousE To RENT. -r o pposi : Western Foundry Co's works. •: edium size lionse, with good orc • ard. Moderate rent. pp y A 1 to ALEX, FELLY. Pretty Ho Wedding. A pretty home w 'ding took place at the residence of s. Thos. Gilmour, Turnberry, on We nesday, Juno 218t, when her daighte Annie, became the bride of Mr John Mundell of BIuevale. Promptly 46 o'ol ck as the wedding march was being, layed by Miss Maggie Gilmour the groom took his place in front of a bank of terns under a canopy of white with an (arch of myrtle. The bride, who was 1 seemingly attired in white organdie, vfiss give* away by her Former Wingh mites Wedded. At high noon on Wednesday of last week, a pretty we ing was solemuized in the Methodist C-aurch, Seaforth, by the pastor, Rev. A_ K. Birks. The con- tracting parties " vere Mr. Harry A. Hessian and Miss la Edna Button, both now of Toronto, d both formerly of •Wingham, the br e being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Veilliam Button, The wedding march +els artistically rendered by the organist, dies Rathwell. After a dainty lunched at the residence of the bride's aunt, es Droer; the happy couple took the fternoon train for Tor- onto, where the intend to make their home. sweetly the hymn of Jesus," while of "Wearer, Ify by the brethren. wet* moat fan i bretitteh were pre Brussels and Taxan Annual excursion of the Epworth League of Harriston Methodist church, to Toronto and Niagara,F lls, on Friday, July 7th. Train leave: Wingham 6.27 a.m., arriving a . Tors . to 10.45, in time to catch 11 a.m. .o, . Returning, boat will leave Lewis s . at 7.30 p.m., arriv- ing in Toronto 10,15; train to leave Young street crossing at 10.80 p.m. Fare from Wingham, $2.50; children $1.25. brother, only the of the contraotin Rev, Wm. J. We clergyman. Th down to the ster life, followed by numerous friend, At Hym n's Altar. A happy union w s consummated in the Methodist Church, Wingham, at 2.30 o'clock on Tues y afternoon, when Rev. Wellington . Findlay, Methodist minieter, and Mis Harriet Reid, daugh- ter of Mr. and M . Adam Reid of this town, were unite in the bonds of mat- rimony. The ce mony was performed by Rev. Dr. Gun y, pastor of the ohuroh, The ushers were esars. Frank Hill and Wilfrid Reid, o. the strains of the ;wedding marcl played by Miss B. Reynolds, the gr. om took his place in front of the altar and awaited the corn. ing of hie bride, " o entered leaning on the arm of her fat or, After the Dere• mony the happy cuple received ' the congratulations of number of friends; and took the aftern on train for their new home on the nglake circuit, in the St. Thomas strict, where • Mr. Findlay has been st ioned for the pres. ant eonforence year, The bride holds a high place in the aff tions of a large number of friends ? this community, having boon an net a worker in the Junior and Senior ,pworth Leagnee, and a vented membe of the choir of the Methodist Church, a d was for some years a member of th teaching staff of mmediate relatives of partiea being present. t was the officiating young couple settle realities of married the best wishes of their An lmporta t Legal Point. What Judge M edith considered an important point i- the law regarding the liability of r unicipalities to keep their roadways; in : safe condition was decided by him it; a suit against the townships of Mi The question was the level of a roai bankment, the in protect it by a g to do so is liable Meredith holds t assesses $1,500 d townships for guard. The plai Albert Plant, a' township, and his this spring their them over an em' the line betweet townships. "Safe in the Arms each grave a verse , to thee," Was sung ltogether the service 'sive one. 'felting rat from Listowel w. Early Dosing. By announcement n another column it will be seen that ties lawyers of Wing - ham have decided to 31ose their respec- tive offices at 2 o'oloojt p. m., on Satur- day s and at 4 o'cloek on other days, during July and Atznst. The public should take note of tuts. Ito and Normandy. whether on raising by means of an em- nioipality is bound to ard rail, and on failing to damages. Judge at it is so liable and mages against the two ailing to provide the tiffs in the case are farmer, of Egremont wife. While driving orse bolted and took ankment on a road on the two defendant Programme for TI ersday Evening. The following prog>�amme will be ren- dered by the citizen's ,and at their week. ly concert in the park this evening.--. \larch,..,."western Gir '....A, J, Norbridge. Waltz.,."Waltzing with he Girl you Love"., Gen. Evans, Overture, "A Gleam of Hmven" Chas. K. Harris Caprice„"Love end Kiss s,'..Chas. K. Harris. Waltzes.. *Daughter of L ve ..0. W. Bennett. Medley Overture,."Wha the Brass Band Play- ed" T. W. rhnttntvny, March "Get In Li ." W. B. Scontgn Overture.,.. Popnlarlyfi trel" Medley Waltz.. , , "Home cot Hume" Beyer, Mackie God Save th King. The undersigned druggists of Wing - ham agree to close their stores every week day except Saturday, at 8 o'clock p.m., during July and August. A. I. MCCALL & Co. WALTON MO$iBB0N. the Wingham Pu groom also has many ham who regard him splendid Ability, Re have the heartiest wig i for a Iong and hap y 1 attd prosperity in the Good servant gfw rated. Good wages. Apply to �R. VANSTONE, Minnie street. Successfi Miss Houghton's very successful regi on Friday evening 1 I Recital. 'nae class gave a 1 in the opera house st. The programme consisted of solos, duets, piano solos, choruses, eto. A sc:srf drill by five young ladies was well rsadered. The enter- tainment was tho oughly enjoyed by those present, and .he excellent rendi- tion of the sevei al numbers showed aptitude on the pat,; of the scholars and careful painstaking effort on the part of their teacher. Mi: s Houghton is to be congratulated ou t se success attending this annual event Dr. Redmond wishes .. announce that night calls in fu • re ' ill be auswered at the office, Pat i.: street. Telephone No. 56. June The home of Mr. Elliott, Shuter atre happy event on T • Adella Oldfleld, dal liott, became the br Leishman, of EE ceremony was per by Rev. Dr. Gund the immediate rel the contracting p standing beneati a beautiful arch of evergreens and flowers. The bridesmaid was Miss Emma Watson, cousin of the bride, while the oroom was supported by his cousin, Mr, J H. Leishman. Mies Ethel Elliott pia• ed the wedding march, and the bride was given away by her brother, Mr. E. Oldfield, of Seneca Falls, N.Y. Af er the ceremony and conga•atulations, a sumptuous repast was served and the newly -wedded couple left on the after loon train for. London, St. Thomas and other points. On their return they will take up their residence in East Wawawsh, anc3 will have the beet wishes of Luny friends for a pros- perous voyage over life's sea together. Coultes-Turney Nuptais. On Wednesday, Jane 21st, a happy event took place at tae residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Tirvey, Morris, when their only daughter, Mary was united in marriage to Mr Robert Coutes of East Wawanosh. Rev. W. J. West, M. A.; of Blnevale, ; ierformed the core• mony, in the presoi;+e of a large number of invited guests. Mrs. (Rev.) J. J. Hastie playing the e: edding march. The bride was attired in: s dress of champagne embroidered voile with chiffon Iace trimming. The britsasmaid, Miss Martha Bosman, of Wingha m, wore a dress of grey voile, with sat n ribbon and lace trimmings. Mr. ,i H. Leishman per- formed the duties f groomsman. The floral decorations f r the occasion were very pretty. A Ie ge number of useful and handsome pre ants testified to the esteemed in whin the bride is held. The young coupl will reside in Morris townabip, and ha a the best wishes of numerous friend is School. The friends in Wing - as a minister of and Mrs, Findlay a of 1nany friends e of itsefullness high calling. • An Exclusive Perfume "Good" perfumes --the common sotto -are sold everywhere. Yolande. The exquisite perfume ie. not com- men hinny way and can be obtained only from us, the specially appointed agents. It is delicate, delightful and suggeetiv'e of well-bredness just the kind to suit persona who are a bit particular. Wo aheuld like to show it to you. Walton Mitibbon DRUCCISTI WINGLIIAlIi. Next door to frost t>ffles. Si A TEAR IN ADVANCE The Late 'V'Iip am Corbould. Seldom, if ever, h ve the citizens of - Wingham, more esp cially the business portion of the coin unity, experienced such suspense as th of the past few weeks, whenit beta e known that the ooudition of Mr. illiam Corbould, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, was such that his recover was well-nigh im- possible; and the an ouncement of his death, which took lace on Sunday morning last, was eeived with pro- found sorrow, Som three months ago Mr. Corbould was str cken with au acute ata k of inflainmato rhenmatism and a o y , despite all that the est medical skill, faithful nuraing, anc. the true devotion of a loving wife and family could do, to restore and prolong its life, the disease could not be checed, complications having set in which resulted in his de- mise. The late Mr. Corbould, who was of English parentage, was born near 1 edding. and Mrs. Thos. J. , was the scene of a esday, when Mise hter of Mrs. EI. e of Mr. Alexander st Wawanoah. The rmed at 12.30 o'clock , in the presence of hives and friends of rties, the bridal party Toronto, where he a He had been manag branch of the Bank period of over twenl an interval of a few he held similar p Listowel and Or ent his early years. r of the Wingham of Hamilton for a y years, (exc years during whioeptingh isitions at Simcoe, angeville,) en- joyed the distinction of being one of the appointed mans ers of that institu- tion at the time of i s "inception. He was well and favorably nown to the people of Wingham and s grounding country, and was esteemed f r his strict integrity, sound business pri ciples, nobility of character, and sym athetio nature. He took an intelligent and active interest in what be thong to be for the wel- fare of the comm nity, and was ever ready to assist in a worthy cause where aid was required. Mr. Corbould was an Episcopalian in rel gion, and took a live- ly interest in the ifferent branches of the work of St. P l's church, of which he was a consiste member. He leaves a wife and three i inghters, who deeply mourn the loss of a devoted and affec- tionate husband ind father, and who have thesincere � m sti yof the entire community in th ;ir great bereavement. The funeral too r place on Tuesday. Short services wore held at the family residence and at St. Paul's church, con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Hicks, of Simms, and Rev. Wm. bwe, of Wingham, after which the rema'ns were ,laid to rest in the Wingham c metery.. The pall -bear - ere were Messrs Win. Armour, H. Kerr, H. Davis, Dr. . W. 'Holloway, A. E, Smith; and yor • Bell. • The chief' mourners were wee wars. C. Walker To- ronto; W. Wal r, of Seaforth, nephews of the decease ; and Mr. Winslow of Stratford. Am ng those from a distance who were prese t at the obsequies were Mr. Hillhouse Brown of Hamilton, representing t e Bank of Hamilton; Judge Robb of imooe; and Mr. E. L. Dickinson of G erieh. SLAUGHTER SALE 01' DR -:S GOODS - During July and Au oust e will clear our entire stock of r goods. This Sale includes all our .igh•clasa Summer Shirt Waist Snitinga. 50e lines for 25c, etc. GED. E. KING. Miss Mtllikiri A pleasing event to of the meeting of the in the Methodist Cll evening, when the church choir assemble to one of their numbs likin, who is removing Milithin has been a v the choir for some tin dates felt they could Honored. c place at the close Epworth League irola on Monday members of the I to bid farewell Miss Ethel Mil - to Toronto. Miss hued member of e and her asso- sot let her depart without giving expreason to the high esteem in which she is field. According- ly, she was presented vith a handsome sterling silver mounts;; umbrella and a ° .*1. fancy brass candlestica. Accompanying the presentation was tae following ad- + dress: - Miss ETHEL MILL KIN; ---It is with '1' much regret that we, the members of the Methodist choir n Wingham, have •1• heard that you are ab cut to leave us. '1' Since you came among ns, yen have so , :'F: endeared yourself to to members of this .t• choir, been so sweet said trne a friend, always ready with he .rt and voice to .s. •1• 1 - The Lat Mrs. Auld. On Thursday last, Ann Elizabeth Gowdy, wife • o .Dir. Thomas Auld, passed away at a residence of her parents, Mr. and M s. Alexander Gowdy, Josephine St. north Wingham. The de- ceased was born i Howick township We are Selling Kodaks ir4 The Genuine Eastman -popular all over the world, and advertised in alt the principal magazines. Kodaks $5 to $108. Brownie Cameras $1, $2, $5 and $9. Plate Cameras, other makes, at a bargain because we took them in excbange for film Kodaks. One $11 Oamera for $7.50. One $4 Camera $2.50. The Newest Kodaks and Sup- plies always on hand. LI1McCaII &Co, LIMITED. Druggists and Opticians WINGBAM, ' ONT. 4"1.1' 4' kK'44.i.f4.4.1.4.+.1,4,.1' .,1:,'i•4.+ + y '1' • Wingharn Business ;' .1.. College + LOOK1 BOYS AND GIRLS + • A Three months Scholarship 4. Course +' -N• iven FREE in either departments of a. + Wingham Business Collegeto the boy gi 4* or girl who obtains the highest num- .1., 4. bet• of marks at the Entrance Examine- .1. k of Jine, andt Examine - ton the 20th a t� do t The offer open only to Hindguts writ- 4. ing in the Wingham Public School. .t. Any information regarding this offer 4. cheerfully given by calling at the 4. school or writing the Principal. 4. N. BEGINALD FLETCHER, Principal, ,1, + E. PEARL HUNT, Lady Principal. ! + GEO. SPOTTON, • President. 4- and lived with her parents there until , about four year ag , when the family moved to Winghaa- . About three years ago she was marted to Mr. T homaa Auld, of this town She bad been in poor health for abr at two years, suffer- ing from cancer. Che deceased was a member of the 'resbyterian church, and enjoyed the respect of a large number of friend" . Besides her hus- band, she is survived by her father, 'pother. five broths and two sisters, all of whom wereesent at the funeral. The brothers are: -Joseph of Wingham; Thomas of Carrick .ownehip; Isaac and Andrew of Mildma;, and John, a mem- ber of Howick town• -hip Council; and the sisters, Sarah and P 'scilla, who reside at home. The fnneratook place on Satur- day. burial taking p ace in the Wingham cemetery. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++444-1.+++++++++++++++++ •1• 1 Wingharn's Leading Shoe Store 4. 't't,1, '1' + 4.DOf1INION D4Yij, 4. + 4. 4. 4. + + 4. 4. 4. Celebrate in Comfort 4. b .t. + + + + + + ' 4. + Every patriotic Canadian will celebrate Saturday, July 1st. 4 • Why not do your celebrating in comfort, by wearing a pair of our • cool, comfortable and stylish Oxfords, Colonial Ties or Summer Out. 4. '1' ing Shoes? .1. Scores of styles to select from here. A11 grades for mankind 3' and womankind. The prices range from $1.25, $1.75, $2.00, .....,..... ...... ...... $2.25upto$3.00 co-operate in making our song service what we desired it to )0t that, as you go to your new home yof. earry with you a wealth of good wish.is for your happi- ness and prosperity, We shall often think of you as we m .et for our Friday evening practice and al Oder that you, may be reminded cif Lie pleasant hours we have spent togeth ,r, ask you to ac• eept these tokens of heartfelt esteem, May you never enc anter any worse stoma than this um lle will protect you from, and if yo should have Any dark tithes on life's ourney, light your oandie and gather resh courage acid hope in the thought f the many friends you have in Wingh On behalf of the Methodist tlhurob choir. J, Moisrole, Leader. c i Make your purchases this week. , esa4. White Canvas and "Coolie" Cloth Street r:-.`"'1 and Outing Shoes. " ` Minn 4. Ladies' outing and Street Oxfords. ,,T,==agit Ladies' Outing and Street Shoes. Men's Outing and Street shoes. 'Men's Outing and Street Oxfords. lradie's' Blaen Outing and Street Oxfords. Men's Colonial Ties. Ladies' colonial Ties, Childrens' Oxfords and Slippers. Let ns fix your feet so you will be in shape to celebrate. See us for Trunks. and Valises 4. W. J. GREEK Shoe' to the People. +++ ++'t+ '^!441 '+i»!'+^!'+++++ if+++++++++++4444•44+++444.14