HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-22, Page 8Great Closin Sale I ANT GIVIVG UP BU iNESS IN WINGHAM, AND R A SHORE TIME WILL. LL V / Watc es, Clocks, Jeweler', Silverware, etc. AT VERY LOW PRICES. null. iglu .0 Pia J.a liY iiilwd:Ps4414.wWGur. ISL AS THIS ISA GENUINE WIND- ING UP SALE: NO REASON- ABLE OFFER FOR GOODS WILL BE REFUSED See me for wedding presents. asley Park. la FOR SALE:— My residence on Patrick St. Mrs. Park's house on Frances St. Application was made before the court for the winding -up of the Canada Biscuit Company, Limited. Newly incorporated companies paid in fees to the Province IS61,11)7 for the five months ending May, CENiT�RAALLWg STRATFORD. ONT. Yon can Ret a general education in any school but come to the CENTRAL: s for . Practical Business Training. This college has a continental repo- • talion for thoroughness. Opportuni- ties are for those who are prepared. I Our graduates always succeed. You may enter our classes at any time. Write for a free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN PRINCIPALS. HOW ABOUT SOME NEW Window Shades The kind that will neither fade, curl nor crack are what we sell you. The Spring Roller la also a consideration. Leave it to ns and you will get the best --one that we guarantee to give satisfaction. Coopor & Co. WINGHAM. MINOR LOCALS, 2 THE WINGHAM TIMES JUNE 22, 1905 —Mr, and. Airs. Wut. S. Anderson of Turuberry desire through the columns of the TIMES to thauk the friends for their very kindly remembrance on the occasion of their golden wedding cele- bration, iu the presentatiou to them of wally handsome preseuts, —00 Jaly 8th the Huron Old Boys of Toronto make their sixth annual trip to the old County of Huron, The society is one of the largeet of its kind iu the city. Goderich and Lucknow are the objective points, and for which two speoial trains have been engaged. —Mr. James Stewart this week severs his connection with A. Yonug's hard- ware store, where he has been employed for the past seven years. He has not de- cided as to his future, bat may probably rowans iu this vicinity. Mr. E Busman bus;.urohased Mr. Stewart's residence ou Diagonal street. —We congratulate Mr. Spotton, man• ager of the Wirgbam Business College, on his success in placing the steno- graphic department of his college in charge of so estimable a young lady as Miss E. Pearl Hunt, of Woodstock, who is an honor graduate of the Woodstock Collegiate Institute, gold medalist in the Woodstock Business College, and late teacher of Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting of Brantford College. Miss Hunt arrived in town ou Tuesday, and we wish her every success. PERSONAL. We Phall he glad to have contributions to this column from any of our readers. If you have visitors or purpose going away yourself. drop in and tell 118, or send us a note to that effect. Mr. P. Carlisle, of Acton, spent a few days of the past week in town. Mrs. McMillan is in town the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. W. Hanson. Mr. W. J. Chapman, of Acton, spent a few days of this week in towu. Miss Mand Hill, of London, visited friends in town during the week. Miss Maxwell, of Brandon, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. Ernest Button, of Toronto, spent a few days of the past week in town. Miss Vera Knechtel is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Fergus. Mr. R. A. Walker, of Toronto was in town on Wednesday on business in con- nection with the Huron Old Boys' Ex- cursion from Toronto, on July 8th. —The annual meeting of Wingham District No. 23, I.O.O-.F., was held in Brussels on Wednesday. Maitland Lodge was represented by Messrs. T. J. Elliott, J. F. Groves and J. W. Dodd, Miss Bella Little left yesterday for Kenesaw, Nebraska where she intends ▪ to make her future home. Miss Little will be very much missed by her many friends with whom she has been assai- 1elated almost ;;ince childhood. She was —n 1tA mer( 513 active worker in the Ladies Aid in the —Yesterday was the longest day in the year. — Strawberries will not be a plentiful crop this year. — Accor ding to City Clerk Baker, the popul ation of London is 41,742. —The "is-it•hot- enough -for -you" fiend has been i n evidence this week. —Mrs. L. W. Hanson has purchased the Shaw block. —We are in receipt of a complimen- tary press ba dge for the Mount Forest races, which are to be held on Saturday, July 1st. —Arrangements are being completed by the Bruce Old Boys' Association to rnu their excursion to Southampton and Wiarton on July 7th. —The Wingham Citizens' Band furs niched music at a garden party iu Blyth on Wednesday evening. —The pupils of Miss Houghton's class will give a recital in the town hall on Friday evening of this week. —The single -fare railway rates for Dominion Day will last from Friday June 30th until Tuesday July 4th, —Halsey Park announces a great closing sale of watches, clocks, jewelry, etc., at low prices. Read his advertise- ment in another column. —Two of the tawny son, of Italy, with a performing bear, prbaably of French nativity, afforded some amuse- ment on the streets Thursday morning. -•A Government inspector was in town •n on Monday, r and with M . W. H. Green, tested thirty-two of the electric light meters 'which have been put in Mrs. Duncan To - since the last teat was made. Every one t primary expert,loofa Ely was found to be absolutely correct. route, gave a strong appeal for family co-operation, showing by numerous —The annual picnic under the ane- examples from sacred and secular history ices of St. Augustine R. C. Church that the influence of early training has a will be field at Donnybrook on Satur- lifelong, an eternitylong, effect on our day, July 1st. Arrangements are being lives, perfected for a splendid day's outing, Dr. Towler, of Wingham, gave an and this popular event will no doubt be instructive address on Bible Claes teach. largely patronized. Eng. He held that the office was a very Presbyterian Church, also in missionary work. She leaves with the best wishes and the respect of those who know her best. S S. AND C. E. CONVENTION. The 32nd annual Convention of the Huron County Sunday School Associa- tion met in Goderich on Tuesday of last week, the president, Mr. A. Cosens, of Wiugharn, presiding, Upon the arrival of the train from Clinton the delegates proceeded to Victoria St. Methodist Church where the day session was held. After devotional opening exercises, the reports of the President, Cor. -Sec., and Sec.-Treas. were heard. The concensns of these reports, was that not as much interest as might be expected was being taken in this work by a great number of the Sunday Schools in the County. On- ly thirty or thirty-five schools out of one hundred and twenty'five, had responded with a cash contribution towards the funds, or by sending delegates. When the convention opened after dinner an interesting discussion took place as to the best methods of infusing new life into the organization. The nominating committee reported as follows re officers for the coming year ;—President, James Mitchell, Gode- rich; Vice Pres., J. O. Stoneman, Hen - sail; Cor. See., Rev. Mr. Hamilton, Goderich; Sec. Treas., Miss Elder, Blyth. This report was confirmed by tat that the earliest and most lasting tin- pres;dona are made. A teacher's motto should be "My Class for Christ," Every lesson should bear the thought "Christ Died for You." A teacher roust love and understood ohildreu, and must lead thei thoughts from She known to the uu kuown. They should be taught to rev ereuce and lye God's house, They must be first tuterested, then instructed C. J. MAGUIRE ACCOUNTANT, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT, A0000nts, lionta and Notes Collected. Cor Veyancin (lone r OFFICL-•-In Vanstone Block. Open Saturday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock. thou impressed. They should be tough through the eye rather than through the ear. Miss Churchill of Clinton, gave au 11 lustration of priuiury w ork to a class 01 little boys and girls. This proved a most interesting part of the programme the teacher gaining and holding the at- tention of her vises iu a really wonder fol way. Mr. E. A. Hardy spoke on how to pre- pare a lessou, giviug a most exhaustive and instructive address thereon. In the eveuiug a large and apprecia. tive audience met in the spacious dud beautiful auditorium of Knox Church. The report of the seo.-treas. was read and adopted. The president-eleot, Mr. James Mitchell, was then introduced and in a few earnest, well chosen re- marks thauked the Convention for the NOTICE TO CREDITORS, t In the matter of The Keeler Company of the Town of Winglant in the County of Bum. Notice is hereby given that the above named The Keeler ('onlpauy have made an assignment to me under the provisions of Chapter 147, R. S. O. 1807, of all their estnteand ,•fieet8 in trust for the bsnef[t of all their creditors, is hereb icon the Creditors aidolillfbe held at the r law otlicea of Gibbons & Harper London, on 0 eloolc Inttt a afteh rnoon, for theaappoi� tent of • inspectors end the eiving of directions with re- ference to the disposal of the said estate. All creditors of the said estate are hereby re- gnired to file their elaims with my solicitors, (ibbons & harper, London• (as directed by the said Ntatnte,1 on or before the day of 80011 sleeting. After 1st August, 1005,1 shall pro- ceed to distribute the said estate having re- gard dalnoeeiertassts1Islalot brs onblfohese of the said estate or any part thereof, to env person or persons whose claim or claims shall not have been riled. boner conferred on hint, and urged that a greater Interest be taken in the County Association work. Rev. Mr. Graham of Goderich took the subject "Are parents doing their duty to the Sunday Schools." His ad- dress was stirring; pithy and practical. Mr. E. A. Hardy gave an address on his special subject, "Teacher Training.'' He held that as expert service is de- manded fn every other work of life, so should it be•in the Sunday School. to addition to the practical work of teach- ing there should be definite systematic study and training for the Sunday School teacher as well as for the day school , eaeher, the trained nurse, the doctor, the lawyer, or the minister. Nut only should the teacher be trained; but so also should the senior members of the school, in order that suitable teachers may be at all times available, from thirty to forty per ceut. of the staff hav- ing to be changed for various reasons each year. To prove the feasibility of the scheme, Mr. Hardy gave several in- stances of towns that have organized teachers trainiug classes, under different plans. Time can be found for the work, if we think it worth while, notwith- standing the fact that we are all busy people. The work of the Sunday School teacher is soul winning and soul training and next to the Christian minister is the highest position on earth. Space will not admit of anything like a fair report of Mr. Hardy's address which was packed with good points from start to finish. CONVENTION NOTES. Glorious weather. Hospitable frieuds. Good music. Interesting meetings. Stirring addresses. Liberal collections. Everybody pleased. no as. FELLS.—In East Wawanosh, on Jane 14th, the wife of Mr. John E. Fells; a sou. Scorr.—In Hallett, on June 13th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Scott; a daughter. DIED Day-I.E.—At Sudbury, on Wednesday, June 14, 1905, Miss Lizzie Doyle, sister of Judge Doyle, of Goderich. MorFATT.—In Turnberry, on the 16th., David Moffatt, aged 71 years, 2 months and 10 days. CASEMORE —In Culross, on 19th inst., Ida Maud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Casemore, aged 3 months and 8 days. SLu nN—In Wingham, on Wednesday, June 21st, Susan McGee, beloved wife of Mr. James Slemin, aged 65 years. The funeral will take place from her late residence, Leopold street on Friday, 23rd inst., to the Wingham cemetery. Service at Methodist Church at 3.30 o'clock p.m. In Parliament Tuesday Mr. F. D. Monk gave notice of his intention to move an amendment to the autonomy bill providing for the re•estab]shinent of the dual language in the new Provinces. Several Opposition speakers attacked The Labor Gazette and Labor Depart- ment, alleging that the Gazette had been used for partisanship purposes In the London election. Votes for Ontario harbors were passed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. e meeting. t was decided to leave the ehodsing o4 Chapterits, sec. 38, that all persona havin herel.y eivrn pursuant to It S.0 time and place of next meeting in the claims against e estate of Andrew ShielF, hands of the executive. late of the Township of East R'awaitosh, in the County of Huron, Partner, deeeased, who (tied on or about the third day of Dray, A.D. 1005, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone, solicitor for the exe- cutor, on or before the third day of July, A.D., 1005, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full. statement of particulars of their claims, and nature of the security, if any, held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the executor will proceed to distribute assets of the deceased among the parties' en- titled thereto• having regard only to the claims of which he sha11 then have notice. Dated this 5th slay of June A.D. 1005. R. VANSTONE Wingham P.O. Solicitor for the Executor. —The Thins has received an invita- high and sacred one. The gtialiflcations tion to the re -union of the 01(1 Boys of . of a teacher are, first, preparation; Bible Teeewater and Culross, to be held in Blass teaching means honest systematic Teeewater on July let, 2nd and 3rd. On study of the lesson, its purpose and Saturday, gat, a celebration will be held, meaning; second qualification, Panctu• when games, etc., will be indulged in. amity; third Cheerfulness; a Bible Class On Sunday a union religious service will teacher must know his Class, and be be held in the park. The local com• filled with his subject in order to be a inittee are making arrangements to snooess. royally entertain their visitors and no Mrs. Duncan then gave an address on doubt an enjoyable time will be spent Primary Work. The very best teachers by those who attend. are needed for this clave, for it is here Troubles Quickly and per• maeently adjusted. Glasses fitted properly, Dr. Ovens Linden. Treats Bye, Eat, Nose K Ind Throat. Will boat A11gday MONDAY, AMR .WingOpen evening, 7 to 9. Next "daft July Slat. Dated the sth day of June, A.D.• 1005. GIBBONS & HASPEE, 0. B ARMSTRONG, Solicitors for Assignee, London Assignee. i PHOTOS!i We gnarautee our work, in SLYLE, FINISH AND PERIIANENOY. The latest styles of Mounts f Armstrong & Co's Studio WINGHAM ry�1:r���S�fj/��tj��S�1�t��`S�l�11��lS�� aJJJ'JJ7J9J9JJJf`Jf`JJJJ WINGHAM 1(� always on hand. JJ Machine Shop Having purchased the above business, I am now prepared to attend to the wants of the public in all kinds of Machinery Repairing, Steam Fitting, oto. W. S. ESTES MACHINIST. S uccessor to W. G. Paton. .l..g..l.:. b �.•i•.;.•F••g•.1••II�•b3••P•g•i••p•l.•i• 3.3• i••p i• H '1' -1• Spriog is coming 4- NOW IS THE TIME' TO B ✓r * A number of very ' - pleasantly - situated • homes for sale on reasonable terms. ++4.44+++++++++++++++++++++ uy a House ABNER COSENS WINGHAM. d• 4. •t• 4. 4. •1- •1• ✓r d• 4. LOCAL ACENT WANTED. At once for "Canada's Greatest Nur- series" for the Town of Wing - Lam and surrounding coun- try, which will be reserved for the right man. Start now at the best selling season, and handle our new specialties on liberal terms. Write for particulars, and send 25o for our Handsome Aluminum Pocket Mi. eroscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmers in examining seeds and grains. Orchardists in trees for insects. Gardeners in " plants for insects. Teachers and scholars in studying Botany and everybody in a hundred different ways. STONE dit WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 acres.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Removal We have removed our Tailoring establishment to the store for- merly occupied by Tudhope'e Grocery --opposite the Bank of Hamilton, and next door south of Miss Boyd's Millinery Store. The premises have been fitted up anew, and we have a good convenient stand, with a first- class stock of goods in all the latest designs and materials for Spring and Summer. Suitings, Overcoatings, Raincoatings, Frouserings and Fancy Vestings. Drop in and Bee us and have a look at our goods. • Robt. Maxwell Consumption canned 197 deaths In the June is Here AND SO IS W. G. PATTERSON WITH FULL LINE OF JUNE Weeding Presents WHICH HE WILL SELL AT REASONABLE PRICES When you purchase your new watch you want ro feel that it is right—that . you are getting your money's worth. Our Watches Are Right PRICES ARE REASONABLE, SATISFACTION Is GUARANTE1:D. W. G. Patterson THE CREAT WATCH DOCTOR W INGHAM i ONTARIO. ,ur u. • .i.,,n You have heard of PROF. DORENWEND America's Greatest 'Hair Goods Artist. He is coming to BRUNSWICK HOTEL, WINCHAM Thursday, June 29 This visit gives you a chance to consult Prof. Dorenwend about your hair and to choose from the stock of Bair goods which he carries with him just what you require. You can try on any Switch, Bang, Pompadour, etc., and see just how it will look. Professor Dorenwend can be depended upon to sell you only first quality Hair Goods. You are not forced to buy because yon call to see and examine these goods. BALDNESS_..` as all men know, disfigures and adds - an aged expression to the face. Why remain bald. when Prof. Dorenwend can fit you with a 'PIG or TOUPEE which will hide all traces of baldness and take the place of your own hair; Doctors recommend these Toupees as a preventative for colds in head, catarrh and neuralgia. Professor Dorenwend will fit you on the spot and show you just how you look afterwards. LADIES, READ THIS You will never have a better opportunity to see for your- self the beautiful assortment of Switches. Bangs, Waves. Pompadours. Wigs, ete., which Professor Dorenwend carries with him. [,l'Remember the date and don't fail to call at the hotel and see Professor Dorenwend. If yon cannot call, write for Professor Dorenwend's Catalogue—it's free. The DORENWEND COI, Toronto LIMITED 103 and 10.5 Yongo St., Toronto. THE WEST 18 THE BEST FOR THE BEST IS THE WEST. When coming to Manitoba, do not fail to drop off at Brandon "The Wheat City of the West." During the o month of May,I offered for sale,in gtheit C of Brandon, a large number f choice properties, at exceed- ingly low prices, consistent with the locality and nature of the land. I am pleased to say that this offer was quickly taken up, the result being that I disposed of at least three quarters of the number, at the prices quoted, namely $50.00 per lot. This month I am going to sell, with quick dispatch, in the City of Brandon, 500 lots, at $35.00 per lot; Terms $5.00 cash $2.00 per month until paid. No interest. Torrens Titles guaranteed. This offer will only hold good daring the month of June. Every lot is guaranteed as being high and dry and the soil the very best, size of lots 25 s 120 to a 16 lane. Write today for particulars. I have several first-class farm prepertids, I will sell cheap, with the 'very best terms Homesteads can be procured adjoin- ing many of these properties, which will greatly enhance their value. Write for booklet and other information. JOHN PM!, The Land -Maw. Offices, 030 Rosser ave., BRANDON, Man, TAI LOR. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Metre", adjoining Wliigham • aeventyfive • Province during May, 65 snore than all acres under cultivation. Good house ; new barn. Splendid opportunity. Exceptional ' .. i 4 other infectious diseases combined, bargain. Addre"e ALS'RED E. ELL/OTT, 'Medford, 009,