HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-22, Page 22 THE WINGIIAX. TRIES, JUNE 22, i9050 ..A,.�....�a..�...�_______ -m._,r�+--,v�rt•:en'mrv. rw,>+w'.-a. m.:.w ,- a..s�.:.n:s..me..+..!+,�+n..._-.va-w+nm.r.,.+c��.n,,..ra-.w.•-..++„+nm.rn. evvT.urnuan.+r... w+....-.,�.�+. i......•��en '-^'-'- • v,cn, ......v...'am.. -ix s.....:v..var.....mn -w.,-...+.ma I� I r..rw....+.r..w.+.•sw.rrwa.-..+.tuts... . w..:w.+r•+^..'•...+.+-r.vrwn.a+an�Yn�w••F�.•.... _ w > 10TABla RYtli 1t7k 1� STORY t3 T 'tACKEi Y T4 ADVERTISERS Ioo0Qfth*C m=U*t*re,aChr1stWl 1. � � �,t- . _ TOWN DIRE ORY., u�+ �%p� 1whik�+enlpable usatlart to give otheret J^" . �"" . - _,._� THE ii 11 auo bffi *+w ore Clwailrcd ,► t#.ta�'x xtsz+t their clue* is a mark of disgrace and ie sort, 7Cegtre to GEaaiarrar. 1� 0 ca of change lnuat be left at this', bung* religion into ridicule. c is 121MIBHED Thaci:eray Vas delixtitfni ax a tstora +oMm not latex #bau Saturday, moon. n local history of tete early soy, BAi"1'IsT Groat $abbath sorviaes at The copy for changes must be left , Common forum of breaking this T� � � � Items from. The "Tame$" fyles* � EVF,RY THURSDAY MORNING teller one evening I remember maw- I� ## 4 t l ti u► and 7 p m. Sunday School at --AT-- Ina Bare * ttinner p*rty .iu tilx honer•., not 3atc>r than D3onday tire divius law ngvv0sys is the uou.pArment � 2.aD p in. General prayer meeting Cabual ad'vertit ements accepted up ?, of debts and the non -return at 2aaua, l on Wednesdayeverriugs. Rev. J, X. Ado. The Titres. QMcea Beaver Block I t�laitrallowed to Ali ftp till 8:3(l e'cfacic to nooat Wednaac,tl' 4f i'aCh vok, 4 • Leav,B.A., pastor. Abner Cotsege, $.S. 17PtNQRAU, ONTARIO, Dinner in those days was at 830, i The greatest pest of business men, the i $ Superintendent. � When the paftg came Into the drawlasg (Front Timisi\Cirtt3i TIu£. o, ,.._••,•„ -_ - ,._ ..�,_.._ a ,; trios€ insolent imposter and the mast 6 A number tit: one neighboring towns ] room I was there in rn� Herr r€irite 'TM „.. __ u brazen defrauder that torments society Friday, Julie s't'ir, lbba 1 and villages that are boasting of what ! Mi"Ti;O1r1s7 Csulzoi;--Sabbathaerv}oes advance $1500 roost so at& N+o paperpadt`seon muslin with to ligbt blue Bash, Mr. Xi ATABLWSHkD t5„ i at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School at tinned till alt arre.ra Pro paid, eYoeptat site Tbaekera7 toplt poeoes*iQa of tee, unlet* is the m%u or woman that oyes bills or they, can show iia the w*.v of shade trees a 2:80 m. Epworth League eve Mon- option of the publisher. t ! l.saus and wilfully refuses to pay. Stare- � TUrV:nsnRT. I and general attractivuess would do well day evening. General prayer every ADrxsxrswc, RATES. ^ Lesal and other to m7 delight, I remember th sitting tit THEWIN HAN IN w kee rs, docters, undertakers owners of Air. Roibt likens has returned from 1 to see Wingham in this respect before i on Wednesday evenings, Rev, J. R. essnalodsertieementelaoporNonpartetltnefor ttito fitnCe in a corner of the room, ata# £ , Amt insertion, 3a per line for eac snb"quent he told toe stories.. '$litre Was t►tae S. R Z%>T,itii'T, Pcaras7tRK aa-tr1'ttat=atxTot; ltausea, newspaper Hien, tailors, niiiliteer*'' his rather ostensive roux thrnngh the monopolizing to themselves credit far ?Gundy, A,A•, peastor. W B. Towler, iusertton and ethers suffer roach mote fratn bad 1Stataes and British Columbis, ria Cali- possessing all the attmetiveness to be H A ' S. S. Superintendent. to �T pe line for Arxita in �,a e� n are charged c tt4 About R hale boy xeeated Peter, sxftla -. d9bis than from stealing, robbery,enol, foruiat. He looks s great, deal better for found in the eonut . Loyers of the Paass>T' xRL1L� CKuucv--Sabbath sex- per tine for each anbwgx ent insertion, nlose cropped, red stair and a very #nub. iae eyes. er THi'R DAY. JL 7NE «.. V ... 1 p,�depression and other causes coni, ' his trip, and he ;sags be eft j sy ed himself ! beautiful say that as ya deairable place vices at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday, of to Rent and ssiimil Strayed, ior8rst thhrrt a was quit A c sracte And bilotrlAnd the re ictal _� rlcail; SNA COMMENTS- ..T 4bined culpable debto or d shonest bar- splendidly. j hick to live Winghain #dices the y etingonp3a'aei School at 2:30 duesdayl'ievveni Ss.S.Rdv $Cin. General prayer o rasax8sxrs--Thetottowtngtable ehowe terestingh subsequent la, of his puature. wag of etvri>sted myself' 4 T pale e x i rintendent. aurretes tar the insertion. of advertisements with delight. I lau;gked so heartilg ---�-^- � rawer is a thief' because be .takes and � fiOtvlCR Froin a list of contributors up to Jan. for specifted periods:- that Mr. Thaekerxg grew funnier atld Lindon arudt)�'tard gave 6",S m%3 srity y keeps unjustly the goods of others. The I Work has already been satnananeed an 1�5, to the Ryerson Memorial Fund, ST, ,p*UL's C=.,tc tt, $pf&oopA,zt-Sob• sraa>a. 2 aa. a sca, a xo- txa. Z�n#er, for tile Ixturier Cv0W*rnmeat. as against thief tykes secretly the property of'tha townshits hal}. Air. W. H. Cie@g just received, we Sud that South Enron bath services at it a m and 7 p m. Sun- ,a-IffCQInOne0olummnn:: , ...:. 40.005 t2 ;0°oD ; 5.000 ;Bio "Yon motet go to bed nevi," said xnam+ pwo'cally a tea in the two ridings in � ethers, the had -payer procures goods lies Cita contract. the sum of 499.83, and Xorth Haroa the day School at 2.80p m. General prayer t�narterCotama ..... 20.00 22.50 s.su 11.00 coming up. "People want to relit n- mil, 3anuary last. }1 under the pretence of paying but does , Mr. herr. of the Wingham Trsws, was enormous sum of $3t0. At least $7,OOQ " � In .LLowe, Rectoron and S. 3. evening, Advecrtisements without 300 directions to Mr. fihacYerra "f� I nos par. Where is the difference, then, 4 in this section this week matin¢ the' more will be required so as to enable taudent. John Taylor and Ed. Nash, will beInsertedill forbid and c msas`�t be pori "Let me stay up, i criers, ciinsing ts. paid The Caua4tau turbine steamer, the ;a between the person who does not pay, � acquaintance o€ his new readers. He , the committee to erect a suitable assistant S. S. Superintendents. for in advance. ">~ise rsRlnntes more,,, said Mr. Thacit- xrgittiau, has broken all records by ? for goads And the thie!? The Ions is the I q carr^ 3 tnemeriaLto the distinguished founderoe, Tse Jolt Dsr"Tictxr is,stoc7ced-wj:tls an „ o t+oasit3}; the #.dentis in five days and I same to a man whether he is robbed or j names with hted buok gruite a number of ueit*'� of our system of National E3nsation, a 7n and 8 and 8 P m tai Sunday, and at 7 and 11 � t ogut �P t ass �nsivenalortmimt of r he Utes, and print- ergy, looking hen she will g to bed." ,two hours^ C,=uds, before mauy years, ; sells goods for which be reaelses nothing s , emery evening during the week at 8 =- and a ropriate cats for alistyles of Post- He changed the nature of Peter's ad- 1+'itlrival the'- York route, in return. Da you not suffer the .frame I Croquet is the pat;time of the villa- a + a Clock at the barrack 6. ors, Hand tile, eta., and the latest *tyle* of ventures. They became quite sad. The Injustice, whether ten dollars are stolen ;, get* this year iu Garrie specially. Some career cat tiCrL, FO r Oir1Os-In Macdonald Block. choice tonal type for the Auer class" of print i Det of uuiv. rssl rules would raises Lhe a Ing, TT little lad, I remember, was brought b,e mstenr gardeners will doubtless bo , from you or some sleek ind'Tidual bor- The Conaty Council mat in G.)3eriah Office hour* from 8 a in to 6;30 g m, Pr riePtor pP usher tore the police, altiaousi► be was utiex• itup:rai to £melt effu;ts b; thaxanonnce>' roots that same and will not return it? l mora} standing of the tame consider- ; on Tuesday of last week-, The usual Peter Fisher, postmaster. lJ innocent One seemed so Plucky as ]merit that a gentleman leas aVi*ared in ! The injustice ie the sauce in bath cases.:' ably preliminaries were gone through with. a P HENNERY, DS. u.C, M. P. B. a he sat there," said Mr. ThaCkeral uhe Po&ee C,mrt who is alleged to haTe " Bence wilful debtors and dishone,it I Tht re is quite a boom in building R. D Bayley was appointed trustee for ^ PtlsLto Llss�sY- Library and free �. �emtser of she British MedicalAssocia- "The police said his bead must be eat 9 y y t?P .reading room iu the TotTn Hall, will tion. Gold Mednllixt in Medicine. Special su edi?�i au raasiny; degllar itil3s. borrowers Are thieves and bre to be openattotts in the south part of the town- - Clinton High School in plana of A. S. ; be open emery of#ernoon from 2 t4 attention paiacto disepaw of Women andCititd, off, bat he did :riot say A word. He lq�branded as the worst enemies of society, ;ship this tasting. A,tunug them are . Fisher, A number of reports and 5;So a'olock, and *very evening from 7 ren. oAlae hours --1 #0 4 p. m :7 to 9 p. m 1 looked like a small soldier, A14 my e I£osse3 of R;pxrsentatiTes off Dieners, - 35c13cnui3 and A. E3gar, "letter* tier* read, The Council seas• 9;30 a'ciocl; l,izs.Orlando G. Craig, lunettes got quite misty with my team vel.€ni debtor or dishonest barroveer; 3 B, MACDONALD, when I looped at him. And 3� Vzchwstr bas rt•jected a bili to prebibit'; is a utast shame€ul defrauder, because 11 oho are potting up brick resldenrk s as tioned the opening of a street in Wing. librarian. atvaz"ditn}; of oestidr,aies #�g ceacliers 3 is Also Mr. Adams, of the 4th eon.; Mr. ham. ! Tow -__t Cousam-Thn% Bell, Magor; Centre Strew Th tcYeraJ poktted to ills spectacles. Z he breaks a contract entered into with a : W J. Greer, Thos. ?irmstron�, David did not in the least see the incongruity who were ntst Cit+vers of the t nited fellow -mom iu With, Land binding,.1 Jas- R'* is building an addition to his ; Report of equalization committee p winghnm, Ontario, of the police cutting oft Peter's head goad Bell, J. G. Stewart, S B3nnott, W. F. States or who had nest dec:sred their itt• ' in cctnsciammi+a until fulfilled. When a ` house; Mr. Jun. Jardine, commodnas ,recti and laid an the table. Vaaittone, Coancillora; J. B. Far- or of lair. Thaekersy befog there to see ilea of besrming citi2e:sa, ' persaahuya goods on credit, rents a ` new houe,R, Messrs. A Braddock and W. lit Moved by Mr. Elson, sec. by Mr. gason, Clerk and Treasurer; Anson DR. AGNEW, the little fellow. I was not laughing house, subscribes for a Asper, employs a Wade a uew bank barb each; air. Rubt, Daruin'ghat in The event of an appeal x Dalmn Lga, Assemor. Board meets Ant physician, Sarge�n, eta. now. The tears were to my eyes wheir I'nd,x t:;8 Hess ,het g,Teraatng trate daCtttt 4r undertaker, be agrees to pay Jamie*om, a uew barn, '_tiesa-rs. H. . from the egIIaliastlon that it should be i Monday evening in each month at & t��M��ldTaioaY, over W.Mc$ibbon'x A hand was put on my shoulder. It the bighw>tiys art sJist o atztoWtsbtles Towcsand and Martin finished their " left to the County Judge." -Carried. o'clock. was Itefne who had come to fetch 7ne within a rea_enWe time. When be i tl " Drag Store. Diighp calla answered at the office. ' tar a bares last season. " Them rt of the uahzitiou committee SasOaL BO.IBD.--Dr. A. J. Irwin, Other guests were arriving, and x31 Vill have to eow down to a rate of : ;:culpably fails to do to he violates his g ? report {ciiairmau), Thos. Abraham, �cere waiting to be introduced to th* >rt3xes airs bv�nr 15 znaeting ar passing :r R vas again read, when the C-naucU went J. A. Long, E. ROBT. C. REDMOND, lti. dt.0. S. (Bar) contract, breaks his pledge of honor rind ; . � J. ,i. Horvath, S. Seer, Win. Moore, A. D L. R. C. P. tLond.l illustrious novelist The sadden tax a'icaam- C.=PW,itanaF may =nd .tic i b�nees guilty of leaving obtained goods ; �sy >;Etvs. I into committee of cite whole, Dir. Henn- E. Lloyd, 0. lei. Griffin. Secretary, John initiation of the story just at its most & iic « tT in pre'e-g that a .,..•,twine teas ' and services by €rated, file dishonest r Ings in the chair. On motion of Mr, F. Graves; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. PI3YSIC13N and SURGEC:I• agonizing oriels jraa too much for mf The crags are graving splendid in this a Johnston the debate was adjourned un MeetingssewndTuesdayevening ineach thrilled nerves. I lifted up my voice rtiu sir>g At a:r d alsava lraT h `alles an borrower er n�itrS tlt8 [.tt in $iSrrtains ; O!$ce With Dr. f hisholu. 'wear, t toug2i an #art it mar have b;en ; section, til. 3 p.m. The Council resumed. at 2 � month. sdgrna, To injure a person is a great ?sir Geo. Powell is improving and. en- I and wept atoms, and I '/i'&t3 carr. out r n3izs at a tn=h faster rate. wrang that pan be made good only by ,p. m. Mr. Henderson again in the. PL=0 &WOOL TUcimns• A, H. in Reines arms and Ant to bed. As f urging his resedenea an M-nuie street. i t`hair. Moved by Dir. Elaine etc. by .1 DiusgwTe, Principal, Miss Brock, W0TOWLER R D, G M. toy little r er mg pillory, thinking �r reparation, but &a add #�, injury the Y ,. t " Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, M]tss t * f poor little Peter's tad, w be t over m"4 Darualz tome last thirty years &Mere flied :'crime of fraud is So beset~* tt'arse than j As the meeting of elle High Court of Mr. Girvin, Than the telae of town- I Cornyn, bliss Mathe4an, Miss Wilson, - A of his beavers, n shadow bent over me: it Europa aisle a %_,Ocbo°lsm a t is of Ya twief. l Fot�terizst Peterbaro an Wedn�day, ' ship manidpslities be the same as last,, Miss Cummings and H. Manning. CORONER. t It was Mr. ThackeraP, who had coma imp l Iz The .s. otiat t de'Stur ar liornowes is ; Mayor Neelands, of this town, was Fear," lost by a majority of In.. The > in to comfort the weeping child, rind be i,�k.0- e. Tbe- its =cre le ,- BO�xD on. HcALTn-Thos. Bail, p 8 2haa were kMed is All the wars of #_e, , .,, elected R. W. H. Treasurer. Warden havive resumed the chair, Dir. i {chairman). C. T. Rt3ading, Thos Greg- Office at residence, Diagonal Street. I told me that Peter was saved and that , a bats 'iugmte. k.,e imgmtitndt And I, e=et:^�»€h .Mary, Tha antlncrity Sar SrEnit affase3 o$°-ib'�L+• staitike¢IDez, ' The Uttur►ty Ccnnci has sanctioned : C3o'ke moved, set, by C. Wilson. "That � ory, John Wilson, F S., J. B. Ferguson, e he had been adopted by a rich lady tl ase t;:a ,i:ieats is a p.t fir izz; S+LB the cpetince of Patrick street. They re- ,the report ba amended br reducing the Secretary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, : U VANXSTONBg � and that he rode in s coach to school. do,' cis. ov5�ers of h3�sat , iea4ers of R. Sl1Tti'r514y of entn3ar . `85'.�:.ZS f,+?eS a,"'. &'� �,CneF �s53oth=rs bT .sur»i'im} t'rr8 ar8 I fer'rc1 the matter of iYpA:itiIIg 71ea gravel Talue'of Ha�lick tascrzsi tp 4100,[100," last ?Medical Health Officer. • Ions comforted.. F sat up in bed and sleow tats in 33enms:l; eat p eFer? *. R> . rtssa3 south of the town to:hraoommaittee. by a majority of a�. biomed by air. I SAR1iISTE$, SOIdCITOB, $TO. ;Pissed 31r. ThacLeras. When he stole t me s� v nt zpib z Hare you zoo. TKear3 �+ Briton, gest by Dir. lSfa slot '-That the '� rage of in �CQNopanco7fundsmmissi n. &ur at lowest 'out of the room I Ceii asleep, to dream t&vpn men w a the between th.a agar of min y Aftar::sTi�fi b nr atarsir�d by s�e white stress and the str: w fiat urged rand of the little red haired boy whose ad- men � zsaa victim uF a:�+ : ciism. .> a t assessrs+ent of Hallett be reduced one s gages, toren and farm pro ht and such in=%;;,es: It is 'bad e:.ou� to be are 9mdt3.gy gs. t 3 g,M3m 8, ret,arzUle' { sats. fl>rce, Beaver oc]r. ventures I had hear d -Alice Gacicrats ro':s:!atlbntitism---epainfultat+eshsme• o,af the temperatam They more with ;t:el.arpera;,ae.-Ger' by a uui;arty1 WOC4 1 FhoBpitttdirsQf inoutlooY- af ., df&mmTerl by Mr $ase m, sac b Mc, tine amt r trti!4>Er+ekt. y e tOtal. i�igrsi on, aa'•riva,s in InUT deZWitad.-' the *!=a+ =n.1.": a5t aS ra..rh ss with the 1 y � ` is an old well estai:- ; J. A. biORTOD7, 1 Csana »s tram t e r uitc ��ta4as ir�m t 'his is pa`iaily a c�� wlwen s Ire i wearier Elliott "That f`r33erich to�eaship be y `, g a od on.. H berza xs �v.r t. set asset reizeed stone dollar per acts^' --lot by a ; � . q .., prekribe<i azd *sed BARFJSTItB, �a A Neto Teri journalist once went a^. rte, ^.fit, to p:^il, l3faa. a ,rant d 'l +i s m,de r- crediYgics�n's3asp iai:aTar, Tie bim3 here ee:!Hed 't;, Wi=t a ani. s 2y t �: ocrrt seer= 3ltdrns- down to Atlanta to interview 3oti Chan M,%M ,%sagainsz 31' 421. for the same s „ , o-rm gn+T iu calor, =:mme3 with r3$ w , _..e,aritZ of Is ore3 by i3r. lin- gistsin t`he Dominion wtnrham, out wa7y #ab3 re nisi by the b.a.T: tin• . , cha:su, ser, by Mr. Rsanie, that Hsy , of Canada sett and filer Harris, sass the Outlook- SMeu pF:,c�.l t f the teas yreTia~�s 33ar. tr : inLa> Tlrq s b:e-row,-x and . mi:i:szy rsid. rMe cis will ' da- t . � recoain esu as Lein B. I, Diornso r Dttnisx Haracus be told the creator of 'Uncle Itemaff rs;ed bs sn'. ori .s "s`yey :*rand t tA3wzs'bip be rEdu �3 by cue cellar per i . �m astd d}Yer• the o�� r,edieins � dint he was join to "write him up•• April, IIsi$, t e m* :sri. is '.lbzFex make; :p af-i* lziv�" to pay in a f a,:.e. 1ast by 4. Move3 °by Mr. care _, It g „ , z n. its scud that curesand �1 I+oz s a z b z li^.> ch tri s: W.-t+a e: td=e, tau i�'are t' ass .fo..-to?ave sa ez; 72d0a -o r = Demo, en � .. * rhes anirersel sattdac promptly ar<d � ti the kindly southerner was Immediate, ser-, tSMr.Andr.T'sm. ttatFast'Wa a-•-&n-=tlsearvniiformS of Seises ,W-; ''..,;44, o . pare3 srth �s S=- & __=.h m4-" s -I grzw i�:l= nt Ur Ss:.a .M47-egt eiv = Ez� :d&y a"tput .3.n ast orte r„osh, 3w :esf�.ae3 to Vv3 per sere lost by mgrs X'_"ts�e'crA- Ste,""-_,Wwrrh�, Impo e:kcrt. � of reminded d of the experience of hit in 1:7 tCx;Wparz:t; tie I+:rtt3 ft4:n .� s Y ' - se c' c n " a . i'llml.e.scisb�sera-xc �es;ti:eezce-ve 84RRISTBBE, 80LTGTTORB, Etc. old friend,8itaanSugg. b'zare..,zsm.=c„^.r u eg o: pkym . AS:ss:+ti a` ,:e»:tin». rt s, -r= !7. P,epartat pts3. z of T�tsV_s, Opivaorsu,uu:ats,afrs..+ni Xoxttrvoi�oas. I "Simon Sugg," he said, j`ecas an odd Julyto3 Yl. 1 4. \kits e"ssrecpz:rl- for F s sn.3}k'- li?a^'3J.atlafvhichlesdt*1b rmitTs Fit` ya. y. r s o. t.._ W'=gham Lscr� r. zb wM � Lstnity. ss� : F�anand an Farb Grave. Orrres: Dreyer Blocs:, wingham. old fellow who urod to live dawn state. jug �R'.: ".1: fm= Z' r Zo A; i. .a.is•.'s, 36 �c.�_ a hy:d '::ere = D:.."'1.. °�."". = Day, wh-eEt .a � Fr ce i� . T*r pieimv or Eli for M O%e wal �,.,�•, ^,�: nmact£-.,w1X . br•:a�wf y^ I laeiv him well erten I was a bog Ytet:iC." -Zs_*- 'Cl i,4w In tbee ua: +``•".S' Vii- ,� iz ..r s,w :£+i'rFT cm T:t*:_.ttd t. VD' "ir-11 Z+? cy:a.. ed ri:.'Z' r^`t"�`4 si^. e. eu.-t. 3lailtd �.r:hle. LF d ZAe, y1t�n it;:•t�. - ;„ 3 ur„r�... goo. a, w- , �ptafpr f.maforfreavatarhiet, kaareae One day a friend met him graw3�a-a.iv-4t s.stSZW4. . s •� .�t"...^.�r�.Saw, �istG.. ' Rta3.-�-¢&athe `:?'t3 Gf Way. ISr& M. . 'ilzl i9Cpad i7n>utw.ci,uwi* - "'Simon,' , ".+_'e sII'$.,i, ErStA i"..`.^"..-:4&-_r�a �F'.s'i. lr� 3T 2S3^..'t�LL�"u.. • Jia �FI,a 1�EI'nt•,(1aD•fdij in'iop Said he, Ila to hoof remember fir• -,:R u z3'� as of berm, �-zsat-el , s.n...au 3:: e hrw�e bre iu- J. E. Pi sz, age* W years. 7ur3. RZSZ s�23:n W. bS . r tecau . Co. 3 O�tERAi. L*IeLfiRll2,TG`E d4SNT, Sim Hooper, that went to school with The l�3"..,....'3II ,RZ,rES•:, ..:.t ,': a +,3 .a^-Itz ' � �.-w..: