HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-22, Page 1e.• • . THE WINGHAMTIMES. VOL XXXIV.-NO. 1741, Tailorlatle Clothes $151 We will make your suit to 'your exact measurts, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored from some pure, all -wool fab-' ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. Trousers made to order at $3.50, 335. $4, $5, $6. _ A fine seleotion of Gents' Fur- • nishings always in stock. WEISIllomuth Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. MARRIAGE LICENSES leaned by FRANK PATERSON, o. 23 Victoria street, Winsham. Ont. No witnesses required. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,00 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,000 WINGRAM, ONTARIO. TIIIJRSDAY. JUNE 22. 1905. SPECIAL SALE OF Chilla Tea Sets For The Next Two Weeks Having bought these goods right we will give purchasers the benefit of the low prices. %hive 40.pirce English China Sets, regular price $5.00 now $4 50 40 -piece German China, regular price $6.00 now $5.00 44.piece China Tea Sets, regular $7.00 now $6.00 44 -piece semi -porcelain, regular $4.75 now $4.25 These prices will buy any of the • above while they last. Also a large • selection of fancy china suitable for wedding gifts. Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts oold on all points in Caput+. the United States and Europe., SAVINGS DEPARTMENT...Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, lend added to prinoipal 30th June and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. Vatistone. Solicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON WINCHAM. Capital paid up, $2,285,000.00. Reserve Fund, $2,235,000,00. Total Assets, $26.5531840.57. R. Ai Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery, To the Real Estate Buyer, no matter where located : I am absolutely sure I am in a position to save you some money, unless the circumstances uLder which yea buy are very exceptional. I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through mo. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on my lists to -day propertiem, I both in town and country), that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want a 050 building lot or a $10.060 fermi, I want to hear from you. Preoldent* Hos'. WM. limos. Vtoe.Prestdent and General Manager Tonearda., Assistant Gen. lifamtger.-41. M. Waxsos DINIBOT0/ts John Proctor, Ohm, L. Dalton, .7.8. Iteridrie, Geo. Rutherford, Cyrus A. iiirge. laspeeter-B. Willson. • SAVINGS BANII, latetrat allowed on deposits of *1.00 and up- wards, end added to principal en Slat May land iMbh Norember eath year. Speolat DePOSite ttls retielred M currant taw of interest. 0031BOULD, Agivat IDIONINNOW ti HOtittime, &Setters, C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOCK. WINGHAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS C. 0. F. Chuf The members of Canadian Foresters, service in the Baptist day, Ja ly 2ud, at 1 which all members of invited to join. The at the Courtroom at Baptist Ass elation. At the annual meeti g ot the Walker. ton Association of aptist Ohurchee, held in Atwood reoe tly, Rev. J. N. NcLean, B. A., pastor of the 'Wingham Church. was elected Ltoderator for the ensuing year. Zilattms of interest in connection with thework of the church in all its del:eon:Lien were discussed, and a pleasant and p ofitable time tipent, ch Service. Court Maitland, 11 attend divine Church on Sun - o'clock a. m., in the order cordially rethren will met 0 o'clock. A good house to rent. Apply R. Vaustone. Wear Greor's Shoes and Rubbers 4cursicins. The East Boron Arrears' Institute excursion to the Mode Farm at Guelph on Thursday last was well patronized and proved to be sumo enjoyable outing. One hundred and ten izekets were sold at the Wiugbam $ stion ....Oa the Balm day the Fordwi 1 Canadian For- esters ran an excursi(44 via 0 P R. to Dr. Ender, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Toronto and the Falls for which thirty. - Speeialist, 370 Queen's Aveuue, London,' two tickets weresold Wingbant..The- rom Goderich to -rreyhound of the Tuesday of this ir share of patron. , thirty.seven per. d tickets for Goder- Cation. 3rd door East St, Andrew's Ohuroh. popular dollar trip Glasses supplied. Detroit, per steamer • • White Star Line, o The Stratford 'lemon week, Came in for a Extending Hs Business. says :_The age from this vicittit sons Canadian Furniture Manuracturers' Inc. having mochas tory, this city, has 1 ated to Mr. J. A. ich at the Wingham Cline, upholsterer, Nitario street, who will take possession immediately. In Ladies' chocolate Gibson T e and Ox- fords, regular price $2,00, t leer $1.00, Ox - the new premises, Ir. Cline will extend his business to t W. . GItE$R. frames both for bi tail trade, which from outside town to Keep the C;4 -ass Cut. A. number of the amsiness men have had the grass along bie walk in front of their premises cut, w: doh adds very much to the appearance of the street. It is hoped that there wil be a general re- sponse to the appeal if the street com- mittee in this matte. , as the improve. ment in the appeara-me of the street will be ample reward f o the very small amount of time and trouble taken in the work, WANTED.-Britter, Eggs and Wool - and quantity -cash or trade, G. E. XING. 1. 0. 0. F. Deco Maitland Lodge, Order of Oddfellows tion service at the on Sunday afternoon ern will meet at the 1!.10.8011 Block, at 3 o' procession to the es ritual service set for be performed, and th brethern decorated expected that a larg brethren from neigh present. e manufacture of own use and the re - e formerly secured This will mean au increase in his staf from 15 to 20 hands, with an expectatio of a steady increase in his new spaoiou quarters. ation Service, the Independent will hold a decora- ingham cemetery next. The breth- odge room, in the ock and march in etery, where the ch occasions will graves of deceased th flowers. It is number of the .riv, lodges will be Left for Winnipeg. Mr. Frank McGaire, who for some years has held a p .eition in the Wing - ham offices of tba Canada Furniture Manufactures, lef on Thursday after- noon last for Win iipeg. Prior to leav- ing, he wee press ited with a handsome gold watch by th congregation of St. Paul's church, ii, appreciatiou of his services as vestry' clerk, the duties of which position ht. has discharged with the utmost sans -action. A number of his young friend - in town also presented him with a tray lling suit case. Frank' is an estimabief young man, , and his many friends J here will wish him abundant prosp rity in the West. 10 men and boys wanted to workin factory. Apply at office of the Canada Furnitnre Manufacturers, Limited. King Edwards' Fl4yaI Defenders. No. 2 Company of e 88rd Regiment returned }Mine in 4cellent condition after spending two w eka in training on Carling Heights at Ilondon. The boys unanimously agree t t Lieut. Geo. C. Hanna is the right man in the right place, a good genial vholo•souled fellow of the sterling qualitiw who is a good soldier regimentally is well as soeially. Iu the contests the 7',..embers of No. 2 stood in the front reAks, Robert Carrick winning first place in the Regimental shooting, scoring 12. points out of a pos- sible 126; and F. ;remit was a close second in the same contest. The result is that Mr. Hanna *tanks that Wingham should have an A 1 rifle club and coa- 1, sequently has deci d to organize one at . once, and would b pleased to hear frorn those interested. We think this a splendid move. Hello Boys -The newest in gents Im- perial neckwear, 12 colorings French Plumetie. To be had only at Crowder's. Some special prices in furniture for the next 30 days. It will pay you to call and Ewe our large stock and get priees. WALEER BROS. & BuTTON. Oddtel lows ListOwel Ledge, the grayer of their Sunday. The tete dueted and very' ls resolve. A number of neighboring to 'get were in tten' dance, thole fro Wingham being. Memel. T. J. BM° t, 5. P. Groves, J. W. Dodd, N. L. ndon, Chas. Green, ruickshenk, 5, W. . Carr, P. 11111, D. erileld, IL Burgess, sit Listowel. 0, 0. V., decorated •mimed brethren on Ony was well con. A. Tipling, R. I. Hewer; 3. ?oven °hammy, A. Por G. Doid, and S. A. Maguire Vitinghant Citizen's Pend now open for engagements for garden partieb. Anyone deldrone of tootling their oer. *does commludeato With Chas, H. Green, beeretary. WANTED. -At once, partner for Real Estate and Insurance Business; must be a hustler, .Apply personally to C. J. AIAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent, Wingham, Out. Highly Suc essful. The lawn social held -on the park on Thursday evening last vas a very sue- ceesful event. The lad -es, having taken the matter of getting u the entertain. ment in band, worked .nergetically and faithfully, and were at tply rewarded by the large turnout of th -citizens and the financial success achie IT win performed the and a good prograwe pie-eatiug contest pro mirth. Miss Maud medal in capturing t the one holding the The proceeds, after amounted to abont stand this will go to of a band stand in Played a T Game. An intermediate Wf F. A. champion. ship football match as played in Wing- • ham en Friday eve ling last between Mildmay and Bayl old. The above teams have won ti e champiouship of their respective di trints, Bross and • Huron. The gam was played in a drizzling rain, and after two hours of hard play the gam( ended in a tie, each scoring two goals. Elmer Moore acted • as referee. It %yea arranged to have the teams resume pla; here on Saturday morning, but for .orae reason this was not done. The competing teams will meet again in Olkaton to -morrow (Fri- day) afternoon tc play off the tie. The knife hes been freely used on prices of furniture at this store. COme and see the special bargains we are of. fering during the next 80 days. SULKER BROS. & BUTTON. ed, Dr. A. J. ties of chairman, as rendered. The eked conaiderahle bertson was sous- e chair given to numbered ticket. ducting expenses, 1.00. We under- ards the erection e park. Servant girl wanted for llonse and ugham. store. Apply to Box 129, W Toronto Exhib The Prize List for tional Exhibition, this year will be hel to Sept. Oth, both 'days inclusive has come to hand. Wery Class has been thoroughly revised and in many cases added to. The preiniums to be distrib uted amount, ineuding medals, - plate and specials, to an wards of $40,000 in value, of which $3 000 is in aotnnl cash. Field Marshall Lc el Roberts, V. 0., is expected to officio e at the opening cere- monies on Tuesdac. Aug, 29th, aud to be a constant visitor -during the first week. The famous band ,f the Irish Guards, considered the fin .st musical orgauiza' tion in the 'Unite( Kingdom, and the favorite householll band of His Majesty the King, will gtvfi two concerts on the grounds daily. Eotures and art treas- ures loaned by th King (Abbey's great Coronation pictub.3 being included) the Corporation of th City of London, the Republic of Fran •e, South Kensington Museum, Right on. Lord Strathacona and LieutaGover tor of Ontario, Hon. Mortimer Clarke will contribute to the most magnificen and most historical display of art ev...r made on this conti- nent. Entries o ose Aug. loth. Copies of the prize list had entry blanks can be had on applicati in to J. 0. Orr, Secre- tary and Manag-v, Canadian National Exhibition, City Hall, Toronto. Property " transfers. Mr. H. Hinscliffe las purchased the cottage on Shnter street from Mrs. HOP% who has bon ;ht a dwelling on Edward street, from Ir. James Armour and is this vt eek rem -ring thereto. Mrs. Ourrie has sold her louse and lot on William Street to M.;. Ww. Wellwood, These transfers wer negotiated by C. J. 34aguire, real eat.-te agent, during the past week. Gentlemen who are Bald. Or have thin haul should eel! ou Prof. Doreuweud, at Brunswick Hotel, Wing. hunt ou Thursday, Tune 29th, and see his wonderful devit es .in Toupees and Wigs worn on ove 65,000 heads. Ex- planation and dem nstration free. Pri. vote apartments r- Hotel. Dou't fail to see his new Jay anoint, patented all over the world. Wingham S ool Board. At a special meet g of the School Board on Monday ev ning, it was de. oided to have the r tot of the school building re.shingled and the work will • probably be done tiriug the summer holidays. Messrs. is or and Lloyd wore appointed to proper specifications, and tenders will be ask e for the completion of the work. tion Prize List. the Canadian Na. ronto, Ont , which from August 29th The Late Daid Moffatt. David Moffatt, er.- Ono of the early settlers of this seed° 4, passed away on Thursday last at his ',tome in Turnberry, in his /2nd year. Vila late Mr. Moffatt was a native of Soiand, but came to this country early i i life, settling in Turnberry in the FA of 1853, and hat since been a resides reskbenj of that township. Ile took an interest n municipal affairs, and served some t4ie at the Council board, Mr, Moffat had always been it strong, hearty mi but was stricken with paralysis a s rt time ago, which resulted in his de 180. A widoW and groVitt-up family fmntrIve. The funeral took place to the luevale cemetery on Saturday nftornofm last. Canadian Fores--'rs High Court Meeseng. The High Court o the Canadian Order of Foresters held its annual session in the town of Gar moque last week. of three hundred nce, representing every province of ligh Chief Ranger, , of Perth, Out., There were upward delegates in atten subordinate courts o the Dominion. The J. A. Stewart, LLE presided. In his opening add egg the High Chief Ranger referred to he healthy growth and magnificent pro gess of the Order. From the reports of George Faulk- ner, High Secretor , and other High Court cfficers some glee may be gaiued of the large and 1 creasing volume of business transacts through the Head Office at Brantford. The year °peeled hand of 31,526,907. the Iusurance Bran months were $534,3' gregate of $20,01,' sum was paid $343, 3111-maxxitY,-In order to reduce my stock as much as possible before alters.. tions will be started on the store, I shall sell regardless of cost for the next four weeks everything in•Hats and Flowers; also Black Ostrich Plumes, 33.50 ones for $2.50, and $3.00 Ones for $2.25. Come early and secure the beat. M. MACPHERSON. Exclusive Perfume "Geed" nerfnmes-the common sert-are sold everywhere. Volande The exquisite perfume is not cora. • mon 10 any way and can be obtained only from us, the specially appointed agents. It is delicate, delightful and suggestive of well.bredness-just the kind to- suit persons who are a bit particular. We ohotild like to show it to you. • Walton Nickibbon DRUCCIST. Next door 40 Post Gillet. .isos' *me 8 *WINGUAlitt. Recital The pupils of Mb will give a recital i Friday evening, 3 gramme consistin music, choruses, dri able time is ant: 15o.; no reserved se two for 25c. Progr $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE oncert Houghton's class tie town hall on 28rd, the pro. of instrumental lo, etc. An enjoy. ipated. Admisoion to ;children's tickets tame at 8 o'clock. At hlyrn 's Altar. A quiet and very pretty wedding took place at the resieenoe of Mr. Jame Begley, Wingham at noon on Wedues. day of this week. when his daughter, Miss Mary E. 7 egley, was united in marriage to Mr. Wier Thornton of this town Miss WO y`e little niece, Miss Merkley, perform d the duties of flower girl in a pleasing Ianner, and the wed. dine march was p eyed by Miss Hazel Brandon. Only t e immediate friends of the happy coup were present. The ceremony' Was par1med by Rev. Dr. Gandy, after wlaio the company par- took of a delicious wedding breakfast, and the newlv-wedd 0 couple drove to the G.T.R. station d took the 3.30 pan. train for Londo , and other points, followed by the co gratulations and best wishes of numero a friends, The Late Mr After an illness of oh there passed peaceful home on Leopold street day morning, Susan McGee wife of Mr. James Slemin The deceased was bo Ireland, and came wit this country when bp The family settled i shin, where the snhlj sketch spent her ear' • Slemin. ut four months, fr away at her early Wednes- eGee, beloved n, aged 65 years, n in Tipperary, her parents to three years old. Goderich town. ect of this brief years, and where she was married to lir. John Smeltzer, Abont eighteen year ago they removed to Winglmi, and tmIr. Smeltzer died here in November, 1380. The deceased was subsequently tn. rried to Mr. James Slemin, who snrviv‘s her. Mrs. Wm. Snell of this town, Mrs. A. Carter of Clinton, and Mrs. r'rieves, of 11Goderich township, are sisters of deceased. The late Mrs. Slemin srered considerably e58. but bore up de, and the sum - and waiting for le had been a faith- iber of the Metho- egular attendant i funeral will take sidence, Leopold Nay) afternoon, 1 the Methodist after which the rest in the Wing - deceased's aged e the sympathy nds in their aii3.ic. during her recent ill ith a balance on The receipts in with Christion fortit m h for the tw.elveons found her read 11, making an ag. the call. For yearas 0,34. Ont of this ful and consistent me 7 68 1eavm qnr. dist church, and a si ;in,. slue at the close of t le year of upon the services. T 532.66, showing a n year of $100,505 43. The surplus monis of the Insurance Fund were iuvestedlas follows: lirease duti the place from her late r street, to -morrow (1 service being be]d Church at 3.30 o'clacl remains will be laid t ham cemetery. T partner and sisters h of a large circle of h.' tion. Dominion of Caned Municipal and Sch bentures Deposits in Banks Total stock.$ 150,000.00 ol De - 1,400,963.27 tittered 100.569.20 $1,717,532.66 The Sick and Fu ieral Benefit Branch of the Order is sh u also to be in a most fiourishiug ni of January 1st, 11 credit of the Fund $38,770 65. The amounted to $121 al of $160,217.33, paid claims amus leaving at the eitJl balance of 346 51 i 58. The total incRue for the year was 8730,851.49, and the expenditure $529,- 396 07. During the y Courts institu the year there standing with $500 insuranc 280 carrying $2,000, or a t rying $57,17 The avers past 24 year bership. The enter was well lo ndition. 011 the let 4, the balance to the in this Branch Was iceipts duringshe year 46 68. making a tot. Out of this sum were utiag to 3113,620.75, of the year a credit ar there were 40 ,new ed and at the close of ere 939 courts in good 5,214 members, carrying ; 47,740 carryiqg $1,000; 1,500, and 3,204 carrying tal of 50,438 members car. ,000.00 msurance. e death • rate during the was 5 per 1,000 of mem- ailment of the delegates ted after by the Gananoque Foresters. The follo-ing officers were elected for 1905: Bro, S. A Stewart, Perth, high Chief ranger (acsiamation); Bro. D. Allan, Grimsby, h h vice -chief ranger;. Bro. Geo, Faulk or, Brantford, high secre- tary (acchi...don); Bro. Robt, Elliott, Ingersoll, hi .# treasurer (acclamation); Bre, Wm. L. aborts, Horning's Mills, high auditor colanikton); Bro. D. R. Bennedy, Mo • real, high registrar; Bro. W. D. Carrel, entree', first, member executive com ## dee: tiro. C.B. Britton, Ganancque, sec nd meinber; 13ro, Mark Mundy, Galt, th d raez.ber; Bro. Cloves LaPorte, Montt 1. fourth Member; Div, W. D. Ea ngey, Toronto, fifth member; l3ro. A. . VanSomeron, Vin. nipeg, high clippie # Ottawa 'wad ch..: for High Court meat lAro. Dr, W. T. Ho owriy *at the re- %. The annual meenn Huron is hPing held it the Right, Reverend of Huron, presiding. of the Syuod of London this week, '.Williams, bishop We are Selling Kodaks The Genotue Eastman -papular all over the world, and advertised in an the principal magazines. Kodaks $5 to $108. Brownie Consortia 31,32,35 and 39. Plate Camerae, other toaketi. at a bargain bemuse we took them in exchange for film Kodaks. One $11 Camera for $7.50, One $4 Camera 32.30. The Newest Midas and Sup- plies always on hand. AILIViceall&Col Lulus% Druggists and Opticians WINGHAM, ONT. 4.1-1#++++.1.÷.7 1 OW .1-#1444.1•++.1-4. .T. 4 4. 4. 4. Winghans Business College' NOW OVEN -14 4 "parents, leave your sons and + 4. d 'lighters the legacy of a good. 4. 4. ilusoness Education." In the SHAW BLOCS .A course in either of our departments 4 4. will insure future success to the worthy 4. 4 student and place him in touch of splea. * .t.„ did advantages. 4. Call ar write for further information. 4. + • N. REGINALD FLETCHER, Principal. + + • GEO. SPOTTON, Manager. 01-4(.1R0 i NOTES. Rev. J. N. M, Lean, B.A., occupied the pulpit of the 3aptist Church at Tees - water on Suntia. IMPORTA.NT NOTICE -Undertaking re- ceives our careful and prompt attention. Night or Sunday calls promptly attend- ed to, by nailing at the residence of Jesse Button, Patrick street (opposite Dr. Kennedy's). or at James Walker's, Seott street. Satiefactiou guaranteed, and charges reasonable. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +4-4+++++++++++++.1.44.4-1-+++++ • • Wingham's Leading Shoe Store • 4. • •• * + i- + + + + Boys' . , . + + * i Dress Shoes 4 * + * .,...„: . Dress 'i vsehroyesB.oy should have a pair of +4. + ;\ ,....) , * The Heavy Shoes are all right for school, but when the Young Man wants to *• ' spruce up a bit for special occasions he :I- should not be made to wear his coarse, + heavy shoes. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 3: as the text place g. *=1 We have some very handsome Dress Shoes for the Boys' made from Patent Kid, and Calf, Vici Kid and Chocolate leathers, They'll make the Young Mad proud of his feet, and prevent his being clumsy. • $1,50 or $2.50 according to size See styles in window. Remember; we sew free all rips in shoes bought of us. W. J. QREER Shoer to the People. presentative fr0Ii10 urt M.,.,.Seeaitland, SO, ......See us for Trunks and. Valises • and reports having had a most enjoyable and profitable time. ++++++++++++++++444-14+4+14 +++++++++++++++++44+++++++ 4.