HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-28, Page 5ton. News -Record
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Editor Ana Proprietor.
London Road.. .
Mr. Janie6 Nett met with .0e:ser-
ious accident on Saturday While
tithing a sewing machine down sta-
irs. When about half way down he
missed his 'step and fellto the bott-
om, the machine corning down on
;top of him, meaking two of his ribs,
lie is doing as isle!1 as can be, ex -
vented. We hope to soon see him
around again.
Messrs. Miller and Murphy hive?
erected a pumping mill for • Mr,
1. W. Johns.
Mr. John Avery has disposed Of his
farm to Mr. Livermore of near Lore
desboro. 'I he purchase price was
about $6.700. Mr. Avery gives-A.pos-
session this tall.
Colborne Township,
Mr. John Halliday of the rd con
has eagaged Martin Mugf brd ' to tate
charge of his farm and will return
next .dweek to Goderich where h.
owns a house which has been rented
for some months.
'Mr. Charles Brockow. has .rentea.
his farm on ' the Maitland
ecineession to his brother-in-law, Mr.
Allan, and is having a Sale Allis
week. Mr. Broct.ow intends n.oving.
to Goderich.
Mr. Richard Jewell met with 'a ser-
iaus accident While • returning home.
from Goderich on Monday evening
-about dusk. He was driving down.
the Heron Road and when three mil-
es out of town, he happened to stand-
up in his boggy to speak to Mie.
John Halliday, who was behind him,
when, it is supposed, the norse•gave
• -
" head first en to the hard road. Hi_
:face was badly cut and he was len;
. dered unconseious. . Mr.. HaflidaY:
Picked him up and seeming assistan•
rehad him taken' to his son-in-law's,.
Mr. Robert Rogers'. A doctor . was
summoned and dressed the Wounds
and Mr. Jewell will be all right ag-
sin in a few days.
Drysdale. •
Wedding' bell's are now •
and are ,gladdening the hearts of- a
pretty .:'young couple who ' . joined
hearts aud hands t� prosper togetb-
er in a life of joy and happiness. The
young couple are..Mr. Dennis Bedard,
son of Mr. Joseph 'Bedard, of St.
Joseph, and the bride, Miss Emma
Durand, daughter of Mr. • Joseph
Durand of Drysdale. The bride ;wee
assisted by one of her friends, Miss
Maggie Aubin, While the groom: was.'
ably attended by his 'brother, Joseph.
Rev. J. A. Loiselle tied the .knot se-
curely. The happy couple, intend mak-,
ing their home in the house . of, Mrs.
Peter Denomie,- near St. Joseph. We.
join with many friends in wishing
them joy and prosperity . all', through
Mr. W. J. Herner, who was .a.Way
visiting relatilfes in Michigan, return-
ed home last vireek.
Miss. Johnston of London in' visit-
ing old friends in this vicinity at
Mr. W. IT. Talbot, our ever oarliP;illg'
thresher, is besily -engaged shelling
out the grain. Mr. Tallbot has a tom,
mete threshing outfit and his 'sails.:
°factory work has widened Out • the!
circle of his :patronage. • Pealiziag.
I he great quantity of clover- Mr., Tal -
hot has ?decided to' purchase a new
clover huller in order . to better Meet,
the :farmers' demands. All those
having clover will 'do well 'to Alva Mr.,
Talbot the job as he alwaya lives
John igheppard, having leased Har-
vey Jones' residence, removed intolt
the hitter part.of last Week.
Mrs. G. Kitson and infant 'son of
St. Thomas are visiting the former's
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thor -Jep-
Miss Ise Nevitas cit Goderich has
resumed charge of the millinery de-
partment for Chas. Elliott.
We, along with the host of Mr. C.
Durnin's friends and acquaintances,
regret that he is not improving in
health as we would Wish.
'I'. Littlereturned ironicfrom
Cobalt On Friday after. spending al-
most three Weeks prospeeting. He
visited friends an the .way. hoe*. .
Mr. Andrew MeWhieney of CreWa
has purchased Mrs. Thompson's pro,.
party and has 'become a eesident of
the thriving value of Dungannon.
James McPlite of Niagara, ttho
was v141,1114 friends her for e few
days, left on Saturday for home,
Mrs. E. Burnie, who had for sonic
time aeon visitineeher dauplhter hi the
vicinity. of Guelph., and her son 1101)-
ert, who had heen tic. Me prattle' co-
untry on businese, retureed home last
Mrs. Wee Hawkins Of Eollo nay,
'mtg. they Penhotwotel of Sault
Ste. Matte. end Mrs. Joseph Way of
the satire Plate, after a fourteen
days' Visit With friends, hoe lett tor
Clatcat thwitonocont
• Stsaley Township.
The little children Of Mr. James
Keys of the Parr Liao, while pleying
hi the barnyard on Monday, en fire
to the straw stack ,aial Then ran in
to their mother to tell her what they
bad done. On looking out Mrs. Keys
saw the flames shooting up ever the
stacks Which in less time than we
can write this were completely ee-
veloped by fire and soon, went up in
moke. The barns ami eutbuildin.gs
were also completely destroyed to-
gether with several pigs. Some cal-
ves were in the stable at the tirne,
but they were goteout in time by
the neighbors who elderly assembled.
As it se hapPened Mr. Keys had gone.
to Varna on business and when he
got home he was minus his whole
Season's crop, ' his barn and out-
buildings. He has neither feed nor
shelter for his stock. There is an
insurance in the Hay Company but
it will not by any means cover the
lose. Mira sympathy is expressed for
Mr. Keys M the Joss his has sus-
• . T. of T. Commit No. 150 was
favored on 1VIonday evenng by :an
ofileial visit of Bto. F. Buchanan,
Dominion Past Councillor Of Wine-
hamaand Sister F. W. Watts ef Clins
ton. r Both addressed the countil and
no doubt the members pieeent will
enter upon the third'ear of, their
work with greater enthusiasm than
;vet Plans are being made to or-
ganize a debating and glee club ie
addition to retaluing the literary
defray tinent.
Miss 'Allie Bell is visiting relatives
'n Michigan.
Mts. Fred, Draper arriaed from Ay -
liner on ,Monday on a visit to her
old home. . '
The anniversary serVieesof the
-Methodist church will be held Sun-
day and Monday; Oct. 8th and 9th.
Everybody. welcome.? Come • one,
come all, tor a, good time is expect -
Prof. John Holdsworth M. A. of
the Drexel Institute, Philadelphia,
paid' a flying visit to his home last
Week. .
Mr. J. Brown of Clinton meVcd
to our village and intends starting a
shop • for grinding grain.' He , will
also carry a 'general Stock of feed.
We wish him Success in his ' under-
Mrs. Mulholland and Wits. Marquis
left on Friday for Chicago tos lett
'friends in that city, .
Mr and Mrs. James Keys ••,f Yale,
Mich., visited at, Mr,' Wm. Stanley'e
-aria with- other -fere -ride 10..11; weelc -
On Monday t nuelbier' from around
here atended the golden wedding • of
Mr. And Mrs;: John 'Pickard of the
Cut Line. The Many triads wish
them many years of life yet. .
Mr. and MrS. Tudor of. Constar*
Spent' Stinday:. with friends here. •
: Our genial Postmaster Mr, A.... j,
"Chiertiee and. wife reteried home on
Mondayafterseveral weeks visiting
friends in, Torento,: Ottawa and other
Tke:Catialagu i Delusion
Ow.that the "open 'season'! • Tot
departmental store - catalogues . has
arrieed• it . would be Well for 1Myets
to stop and "consider for a moment
nuying out of.. town before. 'sending
the advantages and disadvantages of
their money to the city stores
A great doe of :Mail Order -bnyiag
:would" be done airay. With irPeetile
*Mild not be so willing to take for
greeted that city prices are Slower
than those they are accustomed • to:
pay the keel merchants-, If they
Would take ' the ' tremble to investie
gate a few % specific cis& they wpdld
that that St. Marys merchants •:sell
Most lines of goods at from 5 fa 20
per ceet. Cheaper than they can be:
bought' in Toronto or in Menteeal.
PeactiCally, the Only exceptions to
this rule are to be found he a few
vera staple lines • which the depart-
ment stores find it pays • laira te
large. quantities and Sacrifiee for the
sake of advertising and in the work -
ink off of dead stock: .•
litany Journal renders will cement.
her that some time ago the Jeep,
nal made a Personal investigation in-
to prices in the jewelry °line with
the result that . the departmental
etores were found to be in almost
every instance higher, than ,St. Marys
mercharits. This is just: as . true in
groceries, drygoOde, •dfugs, boots and
shoes,c,othing and hardware.
Considering the fact that the . de-
partmental states do only ' a cash
'business it Would scent as if they
,"Pould afford to Sell inueh eheaper
than they actually 'do, but owing to
the perpetual stream. of "suckers' to
whom 'distant 'fields look green thea
are able to maintain prices ()which
local merchants 'would , be ashamed td
There are many accommodations
which local merchants are frequently
to give such As a few mon-
ths'. credit without interest, ;Well no
departmental store has over been
known to do. The privilege of in-
specting goods before purchasing
alsO.a consideration. Is it good bus -
Mess to pay cash in advance- for.
goods which you have not seim ?
A, great really people find it neces-
sary' sorrietanes to ask for a -little
eredit. This creeit 'business goes to M-
eal merchantwhile' they frequently
end their cash Nosiness to the city.
A moment's thought would reveal to
them the utter unfairness of thus
giving the cream of their trade tO
soulless ere:potations and the "skim -
milk" to merchants Who hive proas
ably ogee them through tight pin-
ches and helped there in other ways,
It should be reeximbered that Men-
ey which is kept in toWn and in
tip district adds to the general proe.
Pahl' of the colimmeity and helps to
build up the town and, surrounding
country. In the same way, sending,
money lefty from town is a loss. to
the buyer both directly and indirect.
ly. St, Marys Journal,
Stanley Township
Mr. kle H. Keys has decided to dise
pose of his farm stock and implem-
ents aed will base an auction 'sale
on October 10th.
A very pretty wedding took place
in Brantford recently when Mr. Roy
J. J. Shatlarialc was married to Miss
Alice M. Hyatt. The brkle entered
the parlor prettily dressed it. white
silk and carrying a hapset of white
carnations, accompanied by her brid-
esmaid Miss Bella Robins, who was
dressed in blue and carried 'Mak car-
nations. The best man was Mr. liar-
Ey Meseta. Rev. F. W. Thompson of
Wesley ,Methodist church ;performed
the ceremony. ,The bride is well kno-
wn to many of this 'township, 11014
Made her home for several years
with Mr. te. R. Keys of the BakYlon
The following verdict was brought
by the jury =paneled to enquire it --
to the circumstances of the death of
Edward Curvin who was killed in
London on Septeralfer •12 ;
That the said' Edward Cur-
tin came to his death on Sep.
temilier . 12 at Victorie,
a!, from injuries received from
akin struck be an engine on
the G. T , R. at Rectory street
crossing oil the same day. I We
exonerate the railway officials
from all blame. We, however,
S trongi y • reeonreamid that
• gates be placid at this cross-
ing as a better safeguard to
human Mu.
Dr, Robert Ovens testified that he
performed an operation on Curvin's'
!right eye at Victoria Hospital in
April last. Curvin was nearly blind
:in his left eye,. but his hearing was
Fred. Parker, shipper at Bennett's
Furniture Company, while watching
.the excursionieta gettitg off at East
Lcii*don station, saw en en:cine coming
eastward, and just then a man was
seen to run across tfertric''e, . ' An-
other en,,oine came eastward on the
sOnth". side of the first engine, ,and
struck Curvin. The engine was run-
ning about six .miles an hour.
Fred. alMaleddera, the cueineer on
engine No. 336,. was running to the
.coat chutes. Ile did not .see',the man
on track until his fireman cried
''Whoa I" and had got a signal from a'
switchman at crossing 40 go ahead.
He judged. Ire was running about ten
miles an, hour whente strueic Curvin.
George IL Ellis, the fireman on the
engine, saw Curvin standing between
the east Omen line and west main line.
When about ten feet. a*ay the man
started across in front of them.; He
cried out to his ergiecee, but the in.:
'gine struck Curvin 'before they cOuld
Dr: ',FitgliSh aetended 1110 injured
nian at London East station, foiled
him 'suffering from twe large scalp
wounds ; and had Elm removed to ho-
spital, where the. wounds were dress -
'ed. The patient never recovered con-
,seiottsness, and died 4 p. m. of ;the
same day,. Br: En !,•lish afterward
performed the post-mortem or: the
remains. .* • .
fraith, the watchman on
tae crossing ; . saw 'Curvin attemptieg.
to go across the crossing. He Felled
to : him,, but the Unfortunate man
kept oe going, and ran in front of
the engine.
Miss- Maegie Macdonald a ret timed
last week after spending a month •vis -
Ries; ..her sister at St Thomas, and
other points..•
Cutting corn :and silo filling is the
order Of the dei.
Miss':Blanche Seholes and krs',Tehn
Ferguson and daughter of -.Wolseley;
Sask,, were renewing old al:quaint-
ances in our .village last week. •
Mr: James 'Sutherland has been ve-
ry sick during the past week: His
many friends .hope he will soon be
,all right again.
. Mrs. James Keys of • Yale, Mich.,
visited her mice, "Mrs. B. Tudor, and
Mr. James Stanley On Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Tudor spent Sun-
day thel guest. of . Mr. Wan,. Stanley,
Holmesville. "
Morris Township
Miss .1 eesie Meson of Toronto is a
visitor. with Mrs. S Walker, 6th
"William ,Skelton of this. township
and William Jackson of -Blyth are
aWay on a holiday trip, to the West.
They will visit relatives and friends
(400. and .Mrs, Jackson of the 6th
Line expect to leave for a holidae
trip to Detroit, Ypsilanti, Northvil-
le and other. points. They go writhe
Western Excursion.
,A large company, numbering ab-
out 100 Assembled at the residence
of Jas. 'Spelt Friday evening and
celebrated -Me china wedding of the
host and hostess. 'Alteenjeyed tthem-
selves in first-class style and left
behind them., ninny fire evidences of
Mott regard for Mr. and Mrs. Spier
In the way of choice china. We hope
they will live to' celebrate the Ltdden
41.1 aid. and higthlyesteemed resident
of the eth Line, in the person of 'Alex-
atiztok McCall, passed that bourne
from Whence no traveller retures last
Sallbath. For the past fourtesse
Ate; had been bedfast, chiefly throu-
,4h a fall hi which the right thigh -
Was bkoken. He was conscietrOo the
aut. Deceased wag hOrt: i, Co. Ar..
neigh; Ireland; and mime to this co-
untry when a Child with his mother
who was a widow. After &tag in
Perth Co, for a time he came. into
Morris in the early days of settle-
ment and took up the farm opnosite
the one on which he died, eithogb
owning both. Over 40 years age Mr,
McCall was uoited In marries.° to
Miss Elizabeth Daily of Newmarket
who proved a true helpmate and with
six sons and four Iteefghters survives
her husband. The sons are : Geo. el.
of Ethel, Alex.' I. a druggist of Chat-
ham, Thos, C. of Morrie, Satre B. of
of Toronto, J. Simpson on the home-
stead add W J.el Wittaile
tete are : Mrs. Geo, Spetran of the
14th ton. of Grey, Mabel and Mag-
gie at homeand Rolla lit Chatham.
Winghnin. „
Rev. Father RaniOn terminated the
labors of hire pastorate of Winalie,m
Mel $t. Aueusture churches on the
17th inet. His congregations were
very. much attached to him and a,p-
inaeosted his faithful ministrations.
Especially was he attentive to the
afflicted ad be leaves this parish wi-
lir the esteem anti kind wishes of all
classes of citizens. On Sunday last
his Wingham concrklipticti emphasized
their esteem for their pastor bY etc -
smiting him With a well-filled purse.
During hie pastorate the debt has
been remelted from the church here
and, at St. Aegnstiee a handsome new
edifice has been. erected 'mei will
shortly he dedicated. From one st-
and -point it seems strange that hay -
ins labored so enereetically and 4uce
Cesefully to build a new cheat, the
pastor should be removed before its
dedication., but removal te -Clinton
parioh is ' regarded' es a, premotion
and Father HaeIon is worthy of it.
His successor will be Rev, Father
Laurendeau of Stratford. MeopaPa"
eying the gift of the purse above
mentioned was a kindly -worded ad-
dress expressing appreciation of his
efforts -on behalf of the congregation.
' -An unfortunate accident occurred at
13elgrave station on Wednesday of
• last week, As the Iteight train iron'
Winch:am to London- was passing? -thr-
ough, Mr. Edward Bryans oft Morris
was approachl•ng the crossing with a
One team. and a load of chop on tis
wagon. The trate having no !reach
to take on was passing right throti
gh Belgrave without stopping Wbcj
ther Mr. Bryans failed to .hear the
whistle or expected the train to stop
.or whether his horses became. un-
manageable, is not known, but the
cnearie 'struck his wagon, knocking it
to splinters arid throwing Mr. Bey
ape a castance of nearly fifty feet
He was picked up unconscious and at
time of writing it is not known wb
ther the injueies will prove fatal - or
not, The hid 'Wheels of theawagoi
were fowl a hundred feet. away and
tire. horses ran away with the re
=ants Of the Wagon attached. ' It
was a most unfortenate accident but
it is 001 hoped that me. Bryan's in-
juries may not Prove fatal. • .
Rev. Win. Lowe, who, for nearly ten
Years ham ben the faithful and enere
galerector of St. Paul's, has severed
his commotion with this parish mai
removed to London, On Saturday
morning the Rural Bean was waited
Upon at the rectory by Messrs. John
Robinson, 'James H. Kerr and A..
Smith in a quiet and informal way.
Mr. • Kerr, in. well chosen Words, ex-
plaincd the. Object of their visit, whi:-
eh was on behalf of, the congregation
to present Mr,. Lowe -with a purse of
one hundred dollars.. Mr. Lowe Was
touched • by this (additional tangible
evidence of the kindness of his con-
gregation and expressed 'himself ,•to
the deputation live Suitable manner.
On Sunday 'afternoon another . eviden-
ce of the rector's hold upon the .at-,
feetions: of hi people was na,nifeeted
in the Sunday 'school when onbehalf
of the school Mr, Lowe Waspresent-
-ed with. a 'fine silk umbrella' with
gold -mounted :handle 'suitably Ortgraii-
'ed and accompanied by an address.
. Thursday , evening was pleasantly
Wet' by members of the Baptist
church and 'a couple of hours pasted
pleasantly and guickly by It had
been knOWn. for some time that the
'pastor was , about to leave Wingham
and this was considered a suitable
tithe' for ;the congregation ` to expresi
their appreciation of the services sca-
ttered by kr, McLean, diming his
pastorate. Mr. p. Fisher wan called
to the Chair, and .ata suitable stage
in the program the address -WaS read
by BroWnett, and -Mrs.
ly on behalf of the. congregatiem hee-
ded •Mr. *Lean ;a beautiful gold
watch:- ,
. ,
Keep Childrel Well
You. one May he well aed
happy today but would • you know
what to do if it awoke tonightwith
the. croup, or went' ietO convulsions
or , spasms tomorrow" Tae doctor
may noMe Jae slate. Have You a re-
liable remedy at band" Baley's Own
Tablets' eireelt rip ; milds,. prevent
-croup, retiree }ever, check diarrhoea,
cure constipation and stomach. trot'
bles, help the obStinate little. teeth
through painlessly and give Pound,
healthy And they c.futain
not one particle of opiate or poison-:
ous • "soothing: 40"o -this is ga aran-
teed. They are 'equally good, rot the
'new-born infant or, he well -grown
child. Mrs.. Susan E. Mac.ounle,
Berk's Corners,. Que., says : .." Before
I began tieing Baby's Owe Tablets,
my .little one Was weak ant Odic:ate
but since then she nas had . splendid
'health and is giciwing eleelee I Pod
nothing so good. as the ea,biets when
any of my children ate 'ill 'told by
all druggists, or ey mail "et 25 cents
a box by writing TV Or. Witisams
MeiliCine Co., Broc.cvi,je :Mt.
Mies Fanny Quaid haseeturned
cm Toronto,
Miss Ellen McDonald .of Goderich
was a guide to Sister Sephia of St,
Joseph's conivent of London, when she
was making the *annual visitation
among.. nOman Catholic families here
for aid to the waif of the sisterhood
an. the diocese of London,
Joseph McGraw has rented the
Webb house here from Colonel Yonag
and bee Moved into it. Joseph is on
the staff of the little sterile shovel' of
the O. P, R. Its brother4n4aw,
Alex. Itfcateviii, has rented the house
formerly occupied by Mr. McGraw.
Duncan Carmiohfiel, a formerevvell-
known testdent Imre at times, was a
reeent excursionist from Detreit.
Dince his lase vieit here he hag enter.
ed Untie Sam's army of efenediets and
accompanied by his wife" was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert iViorris
at River View tarot, 'Sanford. While
there Mee. Allen and Miss Quaid met
them and had ogle a chat over old
times in Dunlop.
ft you see It In The Newa.Record
• .40
Buss W. E. Thompson, who' ham
been tea,ciaree in Mcalowan'e wheel
in East Waweriosii for the pest tea
years, has been secured fo teaels tin
third department of Blyth a'utlit
school, She will succeed Miss hirk
by, who will shortly leave for tin
West. '
Misses Lucy and Faruna Steven!
of Clinton spent Wednesday of lasi
week with Mr. and IVfrs, Robert
Mr. Goldie Graham and Miss Bib
Graham of Stanley spent Sunday 0
last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J
Mise Jane Mains cut her lett wrist
badly on Monday with a lamp chim
any which broke while she was clean
ing it. It .was foun4 necessary t?
put several stitches in the Wound,
Miss Violetta Thompson of °hetes
was the guest of her sister, Mrs
A. H. Tierney; during' the reek, Miss
Thompson. assisted Trinity chum]
choir on Sunday evening azd seer)
creditably contributed al solo; .
Messrs. A. McNally and A. H
Plummer .• exhibited the Eurear
cement block Machine at the Termite
and London .fairs and succeeded a
inaldeg Some good settee
I Mr. J. A:. Jadirson. B. A., a forme
Blyth lawyer, has been nominated b3
the conservatives to represent th
constituency el Ponoaa in the ;Allier
'ta, legislature. He will have the lies
wishes of many old friends in thl
neighborhood for success. 'Mrs. Jima
son is at present in Blyth visitim
her, patents, -Mr. and .Mrs. .J. Cl
Einigh. .
- Mr. Adam Halliday,. is spending
couple of weeks in Bayfield.
Rev. and Mrs. Breeden of Svaea
'burg are. spending „a ;couple of weekl
with theft. • 'brothers; ' T. S. and JOS
Brandon," .. . '
Mrs: Moore has returned to resum
her duties in the Guelph Sanitarium
after speerling her vacation with :fri
ends in and arciiind 13elgrave. On Saturday, evening week' the larg
barn of Abe. Brydges On the 3rd con
of Morris . was struck .by . ligfitnim
and burned to the ground, togethe
with all this .year'e crop. Fortunate
.ly • Mr.' Brydges was at home an
succeeded' ,in, getting his horses ou
but there was a lot of farming uteri
' sits stowed away that were • burnt
The loss . will exceed 0500 with .a.
insurance of '$1300. 'He'is. putting 4
a.• /argebrick Wiese this 'Summer an
.this • misfortune will put: him' bac'
Considerably. • .
. : , .
There died in Rolgrave on the 14t1
inst. Mary . Ann, beleVed wife, of 1'
mason Littlefair at the age of ... T
years.. Mrs:. Littlefair was born a
Pax.,„nce, • -Cornwall,,England,. am
came' to 'Canada, settling in Haraii
ton in 1860. There she married he
now sorrowing husibaed and' moves
into the - toWnship. of Morris in it
very early 'days. They took up 4 fa
rin and -soOn: made a comfortable ho
ma for .theraselves. eThe death : c
their . eldest -see •(e young man) ene
•cessitated the ..sale of the fa,rei• 'am
they amoved into the village of Bel
grave, 23 :years ago. .1VIrs.' Littletal
was a Methodist in religion 'but be
ing in prior health .fer a•muniber o
years was unable to take an Attlee
part in Church work. She was a. goo(
: eltriatian. woman, a iOving;, wife • am
kind mother: She leaVes a hesbam
and ' two daughters,. • Mrs. Gyisdale o
Win,gharn and Mrs. Chas.. Wilkais'or
of ..Morris td .nrouin their joss. Tin
'remains' Were interred in theMeCrei
cemetery. : '
The Winghain
. ..
Business 'College
. . ,
. ,
to ' begin a . course in Book-keeping,
Stenography or, Telegraphy at the '
Studcnts are admitted' any time and
receive individual instruction in all
subjects.' necessary to fit therrie - to
perforM the : vvorik Of the !snakiest of-
fice in a Satisfactory manner e Begin
this work if _convenient.
A postal will • bring- you the desired
• information,: '
N. Reginald Fletcher, Geo. SPotten;
. • Principal President
12 years teaching experiencee
• '
need a coat of arms. Seenethiress wae
rind would seem to be: necessary
1 with the winter jtict coming on.
IT IS PRTPOSED .that the ' dovil
strip be widened. His Satanic Ma-
jesty, it is understood, has alWayS
hah an aversion to ettaight and nar-
now paths. "
Or Thin.
.Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
sEoteactpeseildrP, ele:ettlitelentehaceweloitthrh 11 el aSAnki:itetlirtissytt hSelirtras.1
weak nerves, genera debility.
Ina iota this RYA pia *Midst ads as
it. WO work it Biro fa inatAtto ii the
Wrote ditilittpiPitx O4I$pNllIis In.
Mon= tatl.htt leer* .....4ure2
P tierk
lute I
ers mac
• ,,M AL FUJI 1.1XX111311T---if
iThe recent arrival at this store of nearly $1500 worth of Ladiee' and e
Gerfera Fur Coate, For Jackets, Fut lined Coate. Caperines, Ruffs, Stoles,
7 Mufti, Caps, Etc , is an event of more than ordinary importance. A few •
• years ago imam people thought it wise to KO Mit of town for their Fars, f
f but that time has gone by and they now look forward for McKinnon 8; II:
e . Co's. Fur Goode Opening. We are now ready to show you the finest stock 41,
4 that hat, over crone within our doors. Buy Furs early. There is no choice e
o like drat choice. 0 :: i :; :r :: . :: :: •
1 Below you, will find ii, few quotations, which will give you en idea of I
+ ythoengaoroedraewadeyeat or ebyt; y 4N)Vrenowti.11 he pleased ttrri show you the porta whether go a
:: :; ii •.
ear -Black Coney Buffo, cora and chain fastenings, 8 tails, $3,00.
Sae -Marmot Oaperines, long front, chain fasten lege, $a Oa.
or -Japanese Mink Stoles, $ silk tassels, very special, $0.00,
ear,--Iregas Sink aearre, a tails, 2 ornaments, cord and tassel fester, 4
4s-. l nggreatva1lieet$
4-lrnintaeR"irr6ii:ellain fastenings, ,$7te s-Ieab1iaSae1to.7iSheelonrytails20aa. elite, cord
and tassel fastenings, snap at $10.
1 a ser-tatone Martin Scarfs louF front, very stylish, VO. •
• W. -Baltic Sable Scarf% chenille trimming, 2 ornaments, $12. - •
T gr -Ladies' Astrachan Coate fine glossy curl 2.1 27 80, and $0 inches
long, at $20, $27.50, $M. $35 and $45. •
or -Electric Seal Coats, 24 to 80 Inches long, at MO, $05, $40 and $50.
Or -Men's Siberian Dog Coate, $15, $18,.$20 and $22.
-tar We pay thelop price for Dried Apples.
Absolute Perfection
The makers of Queen 'Quality" Shoes have an
aim in view -TO pCCEL.-Although constant en-
deavor ,to make Queen' Quality better, has kept it '
BEST, they are still striving to make it BETTER '
than BEST. The goal they look forward to is
Absolute Perfection.
We have secured Sole Agency for 'Clinton, and
will be pleased to show fou them,..
We are clearing out several lines at g rCatly re-
duced prices, to make room for Queen Quality. You
should see them. You save moneiy every time you
buy your footwear at •
ent aill Strete
Saves Time and Labor.
e17 Lady 3liouidave
Untlertal,dno; promptly attended to by night or day.
N.glit and Sunday calls answered as residence of either of the princi-
Fresh arrivals this week consisting of Bedroom Suites in Polished Mahog-
any, Hungarian Ash and Quarter Out Oak, These suites are exccp-
timidly One goods and will be iced at lovir, prices. Our large sto-
ck of Iron Bedsalitattresses and.. Springs may interest • you.
.1, H. cHeLLtvyi Blyth
Largest Monitore Store in the County.
R." u .1
L T .
Owing tO the fate that weariest V tertie the premises which we now; OCetipy
before Sept. 28th, next, we have decided to make a Special .Biseount on all our
secogif=hend typewriter. alert, are some of our Bargains.
No.14 Yost
1 Smith Premiers
2 iThderwood
3. Smith Premiers
Tho above* mochhgeo Ire gyaraliteed tor One War,
W//11 ./1 Newsome, Toronto, titl
Sole dealer L. C. Smith et Bro., Typewriter,
Western Ontario Branch Office 465 llichmond St
London. Byron O. Simmons, Manager