HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-28, Page 3Soap is not Pure Soap
, That is, the reaeon why Ssoo.s.op reward will be paid by Lever
DrothersutToronto, Mane perewe who can peove that
Sunii .1-i; Soap
cooteine flay form, of adulteretiort whatsoever, or cont4ins any la-
ous ehemiaals.
• Shrunken woolenta frayed linena and sore chapped 'hands ;Are
evidence thataill soefte are not pure eoaps,
Suolight Soap N guaranteed to be.a pare soap. Dealers aro
authorised to retteet perchase money ta eny one finding cause fee
eoniateina xii cap i equelly good iu hard or sea water.,
Leven atiorraraia hi/errata *Mean° 001
There's easy. pod washtol ahead for the thaulght maids
ANon, AND • * WE INV 1 TF .'
., • ..... ... .,.. 1
YO -el ` TO GIVE US A _at LL
When buying your Flour
for household use de&
with us. Our prices are
right and so is the flour.
FEED - •
When .you need .Brafi'l
Shorts or anything in that
line let us supply you.
J A. Ford.
• •
4, The - largest Besinea: and •
• Shorthand school in Western •
..e• Ontario. Ohr courses are
* thorough, and practical.. Tea,-
• oiling is done by experienced +
• instructors. There is to bett-• •
0, er school in the Dominion.
• All .graduates secure pOsitions
• Enter now. Catalogue Free. •
• Elliott & McLachlan, 4
• ' sa
• Principals. ea'
• ' •
The Northoin Navigation Co,
Humbles Excurgions.
When planning kr hunting trip this
fall, bear in mind The Best Grourels
for Moose or Deer are to be aeued
near points reneged bye The Northern
Navigation Co. Excursion rates wh-
en in effect will apply trent till pointe '
over our steamers.
-For Soo, Port 'Arthur, Duluth -
Steamers ieseie Sarria 3.90 p,
Sept. 15th, 20th, 22nd, 25th end 29th
Battings on 15th and 25th thrietleatio
Duluth. Other sailiags later, •
Owing to faulty actions of the kitt-
neya and liver the Mood becomes Oil-
ed with diseaSe germ % that imperil
health: The first warniag is a, bacia
ache dizzio.ss, hat.Oaelle and 1a,e1c. of
Vital enerhy. A et eldeIey if you
would. aeoitt the terrible ratages of
kidney comptaiat. Get Dr. ,afaeeiltoiew,
'Pills today ; they cure kidney cone
.Plaint for ell tiM.e. No medicine re;
Heves so -promptly, nOthinaln the
woad of medicine cures more th.ore
otiahly, For good (blood, clear .cone
plexion, . healthy appetite, the. ProPer
treatment is Dr, Hamilton's Pills.
.g5c per boxat all 'dealers.
Clintori New Record
Se Umber 28th 1
A Pine School.
• A :continereial sclsOol • that is maa-
ing an eePeCially bealiant record . is
the Berlin „Business Ocalege of Berlin,
Ont. Last -year, Under the, able nian-
agerntnt of Prineipal .1auler, it reecli-
ed air attendance of*nearly 160 stu-
dents: 'Ibis year the opening atter.d-'
ence promises :taat •ell (previous rcee
oeils Will be surpassed: the
most .rapfdly . growing as it is one of
the moat peOgreesive and best' -mane'
aged :aelthole in (Altera)... .at s many
, graduates all get ix/salons, chewy .
through he bellege.:6111e0...aiid the
stenographers and, boolikeepers•
receive th..:ir traMinz 'there are not
only ; practically assured' of • positions
but also- ofjthe. most .thoroogh • in
Struetioll to be hld.: The' Cell:ego
, .
is one of the •well-known Feeereted
Colleges.. New studonta. enter • at all
j 1 •
..lhe twin city of :Ilerlin4ateriou
newhas a population of ome 15,000
.and • its .eornmereial college is Worthy
of 'this. Progeesiive &titre. .
The college issues a laindsemely
lestra,ted ' catalogue. young People
interested in bUsiness. education
do well .to write for a: Copy... • '
• . I find Chamberlain's Stomach e,n1
Liver Tablets more beneeleial than
any. other remedy I ever used for st-
omach treuble,". says J. P. Mote, of
Edina Mo. For •any disorder of the
• atoniach, bit ietiatteee. or cons ti ).(.i
these Tablets :are without. a Peet -
For sale by El. B. conga)
64,1.4:••:* 4:4 40:•4:4•:40:* .00.:4•••••••••••••;••••••ii•.**4.*••••••••••:.•
,nioNrifS FOR 01\1
, .
• • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •,..• •
-For Kiltartiet, North alevnifel--•
-Ports and Soo
The Streamers will leave Coll-
ingwood 1.80 p, m., Oren Sound 11
0. m., Titeedays, Thursdays afid Sat-
-For Perri Sound, Elyag
-and French River -
Steamers' leeve Collingvvd
p. m. Motulaye aed ThorklaYs.
' Last trip of "-City t,moronto "
Sept. 10t4. After thet Steamet
jeliti Lee fills route.
Tickets and information at all
Grand Trunk and C. Agents.
fl.tr. Gildersleeve, �. II.NicholsOn,
Trak ItIgt,
•Don't Throw Out •
That .011d Carpet
We good Or a long time
yetif cleaned with
Odolciss Nonixiniononel
OOLORES rostoreci like neW
. DUST, entirely renAred
' Gamuts absolately destroyed.
Alf In a few Moments, for ti few Cents
For coarsest er threat; tnost delicate
,Don't buy new silk 'waists,
dresses or skirts iximese they aro
• dirty ma few grouse spots or stains
en thou:I.-get
SAP.:0-80N.0 •
. at your grocer's end save inoney.
Absolutely , guaranteed or money
Tao Huffman A teeter Co.
PjY �P ws CARRY'
. ,
W, J1 Stevenson.
. A Week's Happenings in Goderich
, Min Melee ' • Corespon4ent-
Mr.. W. L. Eliot a Abe Beak of
Montreal occupies the resideecee on
East street for yearsletiown ft,A the
Aniericen Cousulate.
IVIiss Ise Nevins, daughter, of Mr.
'William Nevins, attended the mann-
ery openinge In Toronto and is at
present head milliner tor Mr. Cbarles
Elliott, Dungannon. Miss Nevins
spent ber holidays at her honk
here. '
Mr. Burial& and family, who re -
aided on IVIeitlend street, have gone to
resiile in Detroit.
The King Edward was eletaiked last
-Week on her dowit trip, rernaiuing at
Tobermoray during the gale oe
Lake Huron. Thin is the last trip
down for 1005.
At "Breadalbane" the handeoine
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Darfiel
A. MaeLaren, a very pretty but qui-
et weddinie toek place at 0 a. m. on. 1
ViletliteSday of last week, the eon.
traetine parties being their second '
On SatueOtty Mrs. Redeliffe wax
prOgressitig very fa,voreaely.
, Mr. Melville Rhynas of the Traders'
Bank, Owen Sound, Was home last
week suffering from nn, attack of la
Mr. and Mre. Draper of Ashfield
ocet.Py the .cottage on Bruce :Area
owned and formerly occupieti by Mr.
Jacob Stokes. '
Mr. Willitaa Wkitely and family
have gone back to their farm.
Mrs. Hail of Cincinnati and 1fl4$
ninftri a London who visited Goder-
ieh last year, are spending this mon-
tit at the residence of Mrs. Malcolm
Miss Creech' of *Pine River Was the
guest for some weeks 01 the Misses
Master Bert:Town/end, who acorn-
Pnnied his tether on Wednesday of
we on a shooting, expedition to
the IVIaltland, returned with a young
eagle whieb he' shot at Piper's mill.
rite eagle measured six, feet from po-
daughter, Jean Blanche, and William '
Ernest Megew'lite whole, house was i
decorated with resess myrtle, 'Rut-
unin leaves and asters.. While Mrs.
Noble Smith, cldest sister of the, hrea
de, played the bridal march the bridal
came in to the drawing room on the,
arm Of her father, who pee her , s
away, dressed in a pretty cost/erne ofe
quet of bridal roses. The bride -
white liberty silk, carrying a
meld, Miss Nellie, sister, of the buck,.
was attired in a -costume of pretty `
gretn silk and carried a. shower bo-
quet .of pink roses. The greomstnan
Was Ur. Charles MeGaw, 'brother oi
the', groom. Rey. Jamee A. Anderson
officiated. 'the bride's motherw6re la
kndsoxqp 4.okstytt1e _of. black peati de
sete, silk jet panel' setiff Teta
front of jet in waast with V of matt-
ve satin inereeted, fell sleeves with
it to point of wing.
On Saturday ,Master Stewart Mur-
ray went down to :the Maitland and
somewhere below the station shot a
young eagle possihly of the same
brood as the one young Townsend
bole The eagle had only one eye.
The construction part ot the new
C. P. R, bridge at,. the barber is
it:egress-kg weiererfally so far and
the foundation of the new elevator is
making good progress. .
Mrs, James Lawson and daughter,
1Viiss Gertie, of Owen Sound, bave
returned to their home alter a pleas-
ant • vistt with Mrs. B. i, . Townsend,
the iormer's -sister. .
Mrs. Lynn has returned from a. ten
deal' visit lo her daughters In 'be::
Mr. john Tighe formerly of Stra-
jet trinuninas at wrist. Only the
immediate 'fen -lilies of the bride and
groom Were Present, those from a
distance beilig Mr. and Mrs. Noble
Sniftle, Miss •Nellie McLaren of Saadi
Ste. Marie, .anel the arandMother
the: igrooni, Mrs...S. R. ' Mcgaw .'; of
Seekrta. after the ceremony was
concleded the bridal party aad guests
enterodeehe dining Foam where a very '
recherehe .breakket iWaS • prepared,
The stable Was .decoea,ted 'profusely
with autumn leevee, roses," e hi te
esters. and myrtle. The bride's • going
away artes was of green broadelotli
with basalsoree,•1Velvet hat to Match.
The presents. Were very handsome, in •
eluding' "a •cheeque fiain he bride e
fetiter,bendectme drawing/ room set iby
the' groom's '• father and dining room
set front the: groom's mother, and
iany pieees of hind Painted . china.
ar toles of Silver, aml •some expensive
gifts 1froze' seine' of the staff ofthe
big tail. Tim bride belonged to the
‘,`Xliirnbte Citib” anti that bey of
Ohne; ladies peeselited e her 'Vitt a
white comfojrtertented and tied with
blue. . They, were else at the station
when: the ...bridal .var.ty :arrived and
scattered flowere arid rice over there,
'rlie • honeYmbPn iaip wig include Buf-
falo, Clevolead, Sault Ste.- Marie and
other points.. We wish .them hoe
At Knoit, Presbyterian ohurch there
wes.., a great turn ,out of $. S: schol,
ers, it being Children's Dey. service
for '1005. . At a p. in. the '.teachers,
entered' the Church, 'filling; ell • the
pokvs.• Superintendent Tom presided
and dcliVered an aOdeeSe. ".
At, ' Victoria, street:church' on. Slue,
day alteration; the services for ,Rally,
Stir.daY were well eettended titz,
teachers and $.: S. .daidlats of that
church. Mr. Belcher and hiP son
Sydney kindly rendered.''an 'approPriaa
te saered ' duo, On •Suoday evening
Rev W. graham 'took for his
teXte St. Mark' 10, 19 4..,111(1 Jesus
said taito therri;, Ye Shall indeed drink
of the • cup that I .dri0 • Of, and with.
the befit -ego -a -that I .ion baptised with,
,a1 shallye be lia,ptizeda,
Mr e Hese:lea Hale has • not •yet
ventured to leave .his son, although
he has .been at his borne tot sonte
days, since tae doctors gave 'hun
leave to go, liolne. Mr. Will Hale is
not yet able to walk alone, from, the
hiss of so much bloetl. •
Birth -46 Godericli on 25th • Sept.
to Mi and Mrs, Kneeshawe a
• Mrs,. (Dr.) Taylor haa, returned fr-
om her visit to Halifax, •
TflRIL.Juitorts. orniED.
017 01-10LERA .MORBUS WITH oNzi
Mr, G. W. Powlet of Hightower,
Ala., relates an experience he 'had
while, serving oi a petit, airy in a
murder ease at EdwardsVille, county
ehan's grocery, le uow a resident of
Milwaukee. • . . •
Ur. . (kis. Wyatt us purchased the
new building im Toronto street late-
ly owned by .Mr. Joseph Sto`ces:.
Mr, Willjamji Lasaram is expected
home ' in Octobee from her trip to •
North Dakota. ,
• . We learn that IVIr. Cutt into -
ds building another store on: hie ;
Kings:ion street property.
We regret to note the serhies ill-
ness ofelifrs. Louisa.; Reid. '
. Mr. I-Iutchison, barber, is building a,
driving • house neer his •residence on
.1aletoe Street:- 1 -le intends keeping 4
3illianns• has :;Mnoved
to her handsome now • residence :On,
Market Street. '• "
Miss Fannie -HtliehiSen, Menge/wan,
'• to itea ',taket out in the hut
every' fine day. $he has been a great ,
sufferer: • ' • • •
Mr: . Walter Padhatit has had his
bouse : Jen welling**. .Street most,
at testically painted, • the roof. pf the
&Mae and verandah • of terra cotta,
and • the etda of aheeverandah . and
fancy dormer ,windows in eaeli end of
roof, painted . green and yellow•• -
Building houses lu tho. eastera
pertiesit' of the' town is Pregressing
fateoesly. Mr. 'Frank Dunlop is:1mile
ding a, cement sone house on. Oxford
Ur. George Sutton bas given up
his intention of buying property on
the east side of the spare.
We have tetabti that Barrister Geo.
Fraser bas been offered the situation
of purser On an ocean steamship,
Mr. John aed1er4 witavinx the
Kingstou street side of the Bedford
biodd woodwork painted blear and
pale green. Next year he Will have
the whole block painted,
Miss Trodgeon, who is here for
her vacation, kindly took Miss Wig-
gins' Place in the St. David's Ward
School during her absence
Mrs, Kinney, end little daughter of
Texas hare spent a most enjoyable
I•:ernhelta. Harry Oakes of Clin-
ton while in tOWn On Vednenday of
last week were the Omsk of Mrs.
We have to thank Mrs. Barker for
a large ineeliet of beautifully tinted,
white dihlila:s.
Nea plate
longing to a set of ehlita manukee
aired in England the year that Our
present king, then aadwatd Prince of
Wales, visited' Canada,
IVIr. Harry tient is spending- his
vacation in Chicago with his broth-
er, Charles. •
Mrs. Duncan Cameron left laet week
to visit relatives inWoodstock and
Port Elgin:
Mrs. (Dr,) Jukes and Welly, who
spent. the summer :here, have return-
ee to Toronto. •
Mr, John Newell has been ill ter
the past six weeks with sciatica.
Mr.• Charles :Knight is. usind., the
bgruairotitnerlored °meat brick kr his
Mr, -1110Gregor and Mrs, Mc-
Gregor are taking a holidat at Loll-
'Following close tipoa the landslide
of the previous Monday, which de-
stroyed melt of the C. P. at, • con-
struction. 'track, an enormous ena
ltin ofite/lanYo'ghrabvaeol t
alidot and
Maitland river early last Thursday
morning, carrying with it the large
05 -tee shovel 'operated by Contraet-
ors Pigott as Co. • The landslide; car-
ried the shovel into the river :below
partially burying it and twisting the
steel:frame and machinery. ,The wora
men had just cleared theetrack of the
debris caused by Monday.s slideand
had ..been •operating theskied with e
;view .to teraine., it around ,and aorta.
meneina ir. another 'out.• Fortunately
the ,aceident • was during j night
when tho worknun 'were absent,or.
digestkotut fatality 'might haVe.
curred among the great .nurnber • of
laborers following -tete .work. Opera,-:
tions ,were cOmmenced towards" exca-
vating the 'verecie of • the shevele but
as 1.he lapel rs- . neeeisarY for ris toe-
ing it .to proper working order will
require three or toile: wee(S, it is ,ex-
.'pected that another heavy r $-Itoiel will
be brought here huniediately to parry
on tne excavation it this end.
Mr. Vir: 11.• Bates was ill last. week
with lagripee. '
Mr, and M' rsNoale Smith returned
tO ,their' holne•• at. Preston on • Mon-
he .onpa,1
ler'.1.anee is.'u
' ndergoing vast.
improvementh under the ina,0!pnient,.
of Mr. Wilbur 1VieLean, " "
Th. Practical
kdge and tprofesmiou detieresiusauillog7unegutiet:trdlicibaeingoaw:itotreiatinoi4a CatarrhccmstintuTkudirarore7 disease
met who would keep abreast withj ,
Farmer's Education,
the titnoieszeatad.kesueasiiinuoaivnsy tpr wide =and nurifyin: COthenSibtitiolosudonalfor
ring on ins profession as he Den and: treatment acting throuthiiu gh
reading is essefrtiel to his suceess. • .--- ,
pliremalairio oknneowost.ththpm; othste, pitogwr tertiElutlear 44.1 cultsrer.0140:11134axtopeanane ent
encies of the tlay in improving ruettir
ods of farm 'practice. It is a strongnaParliaa
factor 14 elisseminating information, Nasal and other:local form, of catarrh
ideas anti suggestions relating to are „kw relieved by odemets,
scientific and practical egricuitare. which allay inflammation and deodorize
ThetiSande of the best farmers iii discharge.
Canada read The Wcekly (Hobe and MOod'a SarsaparilIa,.11 drugglete,
Canada Fernier; wilifeh, in additiou Catarrlets, mail order only, 50
being a great faiNly'hiewspaper, 2ereetrtin4911111/5 remarkablet Cul,"
gives more special agricultural haw:- 4.81.Bliticd9goCa.0 Lowefl, Mass.
essentially. a farmer's joutnel, end "'""a"
nietiofl. then mant...Peeeek devotee eee
elusieely to this one subject. it is How to Increase
graduate tot the °literate Agricultur-
edited by an agricultural specialist,
a grayour nuppiass.
al College and the University of Tor-
onto, who is; also a. practical fernier.
During the coming year The Weekly
Gibe and Canadian Farmer will give
a twat of good things of grant pox -
tical aalue, ale subjects will include
a study of the principles est agricul-
tural. science and the application of
those principles to •kem prectiee in
the growing of 'grain, grasses-, roots,
vegetables, fodder crops, eto., and in
the care management, breeding, ete.,
of eattie, horses, sheep, divine and
poultry. The building, of statiles aral
barns; the construetion ot piggeries,
sbeee Pam pPier t;aertaodtpovhuri trei
y. phrooltoseems
b '
s of gretv larger • when you •• reinenr)vr
the fruit and market gardener, florist them. and:the Constant I liout;k1 t of
and beekeeper will also be discussed
the -f°regl"g a series of artieleP on more familiar with them. .001iteta
from time to time.. le addition • to mt the ewoofuindi e onlyau istes ttn, ;((tir,et:4;shvmieea,rc.fee efryt:si):11,11 ;
rhonapdr-omvialkigingilibraealutiiiiiyei7gatet.h,eweioLtuntrhYot yaetseter4eavyer,ytefae
start out with a 'clean •
published. Many sOcir farms Will be -eteet for today and weite teemit
viatt6d: amid gent:11,1)d. Farmers' con- frit ine-Tnork-ts, sake •citily .0.10s6
ventions and aasacul•1ura1 aseeiciations things which are lovely and lovable,
will be reported. The possibilities
and opportunities awaiting the sett-
ler in the, newer seetiotis •of Canada
will be amplified ; in, brief, nothing
will be left undone whin will make Indigeptioil nearly always' dieterbs
the Agrlculteral Department of alie °the sleep more or less and is often
Weekly 'Globe and Canada Farmer the cause of insomnia. Many cases ,
evenernore valuable and more pow:Jar have been'permanentfy cured by Clia-
*that it is 'today:: ' ,
roberlain's Stomach •and Livk Tee -
lets. laor sale by II. 13, Combo.
If you would increase your happl,...
nesp ,at4. prolong your We, forget
Tout. eeighbor's Forget alt
the slander lyou lave ever heard.
Verget elm feult-finding old give
little time/gat ety the cause •vhieli pro-
oked it. ' Pellet the peculiarities
of your friends tad caly remember
the points which make you fond ot
them. r °net all personal quarrels -
and histories you *may -have beard
by • .a.Ceid•mit:: and which .11 repeated
would seem a thousand times weise •
than -they are. filet out As aar as
possible all the disa,greeablee . oi 111
:they will come, but they wel thoy
. . •
that Sunday ice-egeam-Sodes are not
inediejne we Ala &noir .they: possess
Week qualities. '
pHysicALLy tkifi.u§T1,11).
Lacking in. coureae--out . Of : Rent
.with everythiniscareely on speaking
terms 'with even fair health. Such '
low • -spirits are pitiable.'1-Yotir blam
is fagged, vitality • so e ex'heusted your
constitetion is well nigh ruined. W11-'!
nt you need is Ferrozone, the great
vitalizer :and 'nutritive tonic. It's by
making flesh and •blood, ay infusing
iron and OXYgen into the system that
Ferrozedie belps , it repairsweak
seek., instils new lite iinto 'worn-out
orgaiisInikes you feet ; lite '.new.
Ferrezoae lifts age from the old end
imparts :resilience' end buoyancy • to
the depressed. . 13e manly, riiddy-col-
ored-,-cast aside vveakiss ; and enter.
the happy life that comes from using
Frrozone FUty cient4 buys a 'box
:in any drug :store: •
Mre. Georee .13ea,ttie, Carr's Brook,.:
Cololieeter Coe -N, 8r,writes :-Last
spring 1: was very mud, rue down,
bit .tired ell the time, and did. •not
seem to heve 'life-, or • energy enough
to definy.work. Three boxes of ,Die -
•Chi,e's Nerve Food did me,a. world
of goad and made work a pleasure
, to nie. 4 have not hattepeca,elen tp.
- else eily 'Medicine .sinee, and have re-
colinhended Dr. Chase's Nerve Food
to all my friend's."
MR. J. E, TOM.
• Kr; tt. IL". Toni, inspector of Public
schoola for West fieron, is also act-
ive in S. S; work and for several
years: has here the zealous, pahistale-
ing and successful suOeriatendent, of
Knox einireh school.
Mr. liarry• Vigars of poi.:t Arthur(
alter; spending a week at the Toronto
Eehibitice, spent .his holidays here,
with colonel Vareee, 1VIr. J. P.:Jan-
a/Vit.-and 'Aire. William 'Diedrich,' •
We ere the proud possesSor of one
seat of Clebourne county, Alabama,senflowerstalk which ha a over thire
He- ear/ "While there 1 ate smile' .tsa flowers upon it and from bottom
fresh meat and some setts() meat and to too ther axe in 'Mown • and look
It gave me cholera menus in a very like a tree.
severe form. I was never. more sickj • On Wednegelay we had the pleaStlre
in My life and. sent •to the drug .tore a of visiting the stedio of Miss Coder
for a certain choera mixture, bat the of Math • at th:3( British Exchange,
:druggist seat me a hOttle of Cham- Miss ,Carder '1 an artist of merit,
berlatrea Colic,. Cholera and Digit- Partieularly fine in'•life portraiture.
hone Remedy Iiistead, saying that he Her portrait painting WAS very eat -
had whet I Sent for, but that this tiral and her atiltial Ilia good.
Medicine Wag so mach better he Mr. Thomas' ,Sitttoitc. Who resided
vvould rather send to to me in the On Welk' etreet, removed last week
fix I Was in. 1. took oee dose of, it to his new home on Kington street.
iza Was better Imi five minutes. The' Mr, T„ D. Sinclair of London race -
second dose ettred Me entirely.' TWo Pies' the ehouge on Wel1s. street tore
'fellow jurors were aillietod in . t h e inozly eecopied by the late Sergeant
same manna mid one small bottle IVIcOm Mrs. Sinclair has lier garden
cured.the three of us." For sale by' pretty well lilted with sunflowers the
14, B. Colttho.,„ Seea of which she Will . give to her
I (elk
COlifitt,10)04, Santa.
rou gee, it in The News-Reeord
, I- 01111
An Ad iii—
Good Results
(1/4110.1), atki pct.
warn** 441044
einbd properly.
Or„ °von*
Touts Eye, hit, Nose
eadThreet. WM Wet
coivinvs »two vrovn.otas TON
Fruity. sent. 9,2101, nem 11 AM to 4 PM,Water 001101lNat --,
PAIN'S IN '111111 CHEST.
M. aJohn Clark, Port nape, Ont.,
states 4• -•"Last whiter 1 was so bail
with a cold that I conid not speak
'above ft, whisper and had great pains'
in the chest. A friend advised inc
to try Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine and \one bettle, cured
• my cold which 1 believe would have
proven; very shi s ifft had not used
this medicinec
About . Sleigh .gutineri:
tiere'o allamcndntcnt trent the
Q44,tS('tttutof hiet nmay
intereeyceeeh ifar
doing I any , sleighing •
• §9-41)-011. and after tile 'cOniing
into ,foree,.. of this section ito" person,
'stall ueroa any petite hieliway except
Within the limitsof any eity,, ' any
sleigli oi ether vehicle upon runnerP
drawn by horse s orother aniataig
(exeept Cutters) •manafactured after
the isteday of December, 1900•,. unless.
the same is so eenstreeted that the,
diStance between the:outer .edges of
such runners .at the' bottom. 4. not
less than tour feet. •
,(2)-4'his aeetion Shall be gi,00, et-,
feet to, hotwithstatiding any bylaw
Qi byliteys that may have 'Wen passed,
by. the pouncil of ,atiy county ander
paragraph number 8of gectiort -.55a
of The'• Consolidated Municipal Act,
10,03. -,..provided that the eountil May
..pass a bylaw exempting sue% • cotin-
ty 'frorii the opertion of this Act
(3) -Any person 'guilty of violating
the proasions of thk *ectic shell,
upon carivietioie for every Mai viola-
tion, be Beale to a penalty of not
more than $10 nor less; thee $5, to
bp reeoveraele with enstu under the
provisiona . of the:Ontario Summary
Convictione Act t •
,j".1 had been troubled .with lank.
bach for fifteen Mtn t found a
compltie recovery in the ;use of Cho;
mberlain's Pain Balm," says John G.
Risher, (Main,1d. This liniment is
also •without an equal for sprains and
bruises. It is tot sale by H. B.
With groom tire turkey viewshis food
And finds no lor irt living,
These. neesag, he says, groat (quite- too
• , •goody
And when Vann fat it's titsterateed.
They'll eat me at Thanksgiving.
Vuie, Pessitalsra,
.kiang :these wordon your beta:
:peat • or teck them.ifito your 'brain :
I am going to •becorne •art optimist.
Fromnow on I am going to isliangc.:
My entire life '.and • style
1 will eadeavor liereafeee :babe gar,-;
elotiS In :ttlY•''sfewS towards others1.
largo-:IpirifeA and, kind,'
thinking well ..of everybody; Meee to
efibbay;-- end Overate**'the littbe
faults, belleaiiie, thatthere, are ..other
Cu the man 'that Overithelni
the ikfnzcncy•
. "itere is SO muctis bad in the best
of up and so .miich good in. the :worst
of its that it .4ichooves caeh :one.; -pi
tie, to. be charitable to the' rest , ..of
, „ j • •
• ,
Shall ace the 'bright siderof every
thing. • • • • • . •••
I shall . talk like an ,mitielist; leugh
lie an °atheist and naive about like
an eptimisti conscious of the feet
that 1 shall &Hate stin8linie 'and
'make eveeyotie ',eiatatad nio happier.-
Physipal .Calture,
zApigNP: mpuNTIstr,
'-'MADE .01;r1f.k IN.
A large potion of our Repair Work conies from nearby towns and
. villages, and from many points in the 'West. •
:Local Jewellers, not having the experience, tools or eonmetent
Workmen; send a great deal of their high-class watch work and all
of their fine jewellery repairs, re-tneclelling and engraving to the Cities:
Our Repair bepartmeut is equipped with the,newest tools, 11165t
complete stock of materials, and is in the hands of thoroughly conl-
Why not send your Repelling, Mounting, Re -setting •and Bn-
"graving direct to us, and by doing so save titneand extra charges.
Send the article by registered mail and we will advise you by return
v./ : mali of the repairs necessary, the time required and the probable cost
bear startifig the work. '
If you think the coat too great we will return the goods without
, .
charge. t . .
. .
110 Dundas Street • London ,Ont.•
An Education for a Lifetime
When yote attend the Berlin 13its1-
ness College, y-oo may look for
practice 1 results.
We give a training that not only
fits for the best office positions, but
every subject of our coulees is of
Actuni, everyday use to any men,
anywhere. ,
We send inure stettogrepliore and
bookkeepers to good p?sitions than
any Similar sc.!hool in Western
A:Safari*. This is a aoth century
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Blegant catategueo free.
. Enter at any time.
of the tarn�t* Ve
rated Colie
S. W. 0. LUW1, POinellial,
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