HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-28, Page 2• 26th tear CLINTON, ONTARI00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th 1905 Atend4)„.k.,. Piiramers a, In this space next week we will make an announcement regarding Groceries and Boots and Shoes that will be of interest to all intending purchasers. G. B. Ballard. • 11••••••••11...••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••10 i 1 / . ' 1 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••• ••••••••••• Wire Edge Ready Roofin Can be used on'any kind:of roof, flat or, steep Is suitable on any kind or style of building Is quickly and easily put on without any pre- vious experience of the 'pork being necessary It is weather proof., water proof, wind proof and fire proof - -CALL AND SEE SAMPLES, Metal Shingles Galvanized and Painted Metal Sidings -Stone and Brick Pattern - Ta red and Plain Building Paper A Small Lot of Graniteware to Clear at 30 per cent discount Hardware_ and OVOS 1 *O.* 00.000 00 • 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0.00 000 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 00 00 . . The •Sovereigii, Bank Chartered by - Dominjon,,Parliament 0o0o4o0<>0.0-000.0-00o. Interest on Deposits paid 4 Times a Year 4>•(>•:>..<*\•,(4)G 00.0 0*4 0 0* . . CLINTON BiZANCH H. T. RANCE, Manager. •• W. BRYDONR, Solicitor.' 000 000 00.00(44 0**0 0000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *C,,0 0000 000 * 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..........~..m••••••••••••••••••••••,...,.•••• 4-4-14+++.1-+••1-1•44+++++++++44-1•144.4.1•44•17I-.1+,14+444.4 T. Jackon Clinton Getting• Rea . . For Fall We,are receiving daily our New Fall Suiting,in worste,ts, Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, .which will be made up in the latest style with the best of , trim- • mings, at the very lowest price Natty Tweed Suits 'Pnre Scotch Tweeds, double or eing- . -t le breasted, latest checks, stripes and !over plaids, concave Shoul- ders, Italian Hnirigs,the ec • eizes 85 to 44.... .. Ipu.ou Nobby Pall Suits • Heavy Scotch Tweeds for fall Wear' latest patterns in large over platelet notible or kinglet breast stylee,, he- r et Italian lininga, sizes !Ann • from 85 to 42, this line sV ii•U V Ready-to-wear BoysENorfolk Suite, lateet etrIpes and cheeks, pleated from the ehoulders, Sizes eo A 22 to 80, price.. • 4 44 44 •44,44 M Boys' Suits, double and single Woe- sted, made of dark irreY ga 76 Boys' 3 -piece Suits ......flfl 4.4..41 • .44 40.4 . .. 411,4411 GONTS" FURNISHINGS A. full and totrolete etoek in all Catl and eXamine. T. Jackson Sr., tIinton 44++4.14444++++.1444+++, ++++14++++++++++++++++ GUN CLUB TOLTRNAMENT. The 15th 0. annual tournament el the Gun Club will take place • next Tuesday and Wednesday. $300 with snrplus added is guaranteed in prizes for which many of the best shoot- ers in the parttime are expected to compete. E. L. ANNIVERSARY, Epworth League anniversary servi- ,pes will be held. in the Ontario street church next Sunday Whe.a Mrs, Coatsworth of. Blenheim will occupy the pulpit. This lady is said to be a talented speaker and able to attract larger congegations in her home town than any of the divines stationed there. • THE COMPANY' GONE. The 'Quaker .1temedy aggregation on Saturday -night wound up a fort: night's campaign in Clinton and en Monday ielt for pastures- new. The program: the leave each• evening was worth whatit cast the bulk' of the crowd whieli gathered. It serVed its purpose, however, but the ring *even:- petition wag their best scheme' for by that means theygreatlY increas- ed their sales. The ring was w.on by the pretty little baby boy of M. and Mrs. E. Rayment. HAS BOUGHT THE PROPERTY.' It is only'. four months short of five • years since Mr. J. W. Elliott bettght out the. livery, .businesi then wt.:- dneted Mr. 4. ke-00a1. 1t wa..0 right in his line and he soon Made it:'.a ,model establishment and has done a successfaq trade, so Inuelt thati: he, has boUght the two 1,,erns and house from Mr. W. W. Farroo,.. Mr. Elliott keeps itothieg but 'geed horses and rigs,: and. giving the busi-; ness his personal arid" Ws() atter lien it Is not to. be aonduced at that 1'te has succeeded so well., T.HE WORICMEN AT CHURCH. On Friday evening last the follow- in 11-10Mbers of the ' local Workmen Lodge ,drove to Blyth and with the brethern of theut":, plane attended div- inc service in' the English church ,R. J. Denterd, 1 Dodd, . Bawden; E.' Welsh; It Snell; J. W.- FoSter And J. Levy. After service, . which • was eonthicted...by . Rev.. Mr. Edniunds, the. brethern ag- ain repaired to their hall. when a. program of 'sPeeek, song and innsie was giVen.. 'Rev,. M. 'FichhundS pier :sided and gave an address on. the, benefits of fraternitY.. RefieshinentS.I. . followed .4he program and. at =10:30 the meeting broke up and the Clin- ton • VV.orknien left tor home. They much enjeyed the hospitality . of the Birth 'brethern • and the drive to • and fro. WEDDED YESTERDAY. THE LOCAL MARKET. Oats 27e to 29e. Wheat 73c to 150. Peas 60e to 82e. Barley 38c to 40e. Butter 17c to 18e. Eggs He to 17e. Live Hogs $5.75, *TAGGART BROS„ BANKERS, Mr. L D. MeTagga;!t, Banker, bas taken his brother, Ur. M. D. Mo: Taggart, into partnership and the business will in future be careled on under the name of merm.0,3 Bees; This is one of the strangest private banking houses in the proviace and throughout Huron, where bait known., the name signifies stability and str- ength. „ THE VALUATION RAISED. %The News -Record understands that - the county assessment Will be large- ly increaged as the result of the lab- ors • of the three valuators now at •work, In some of the townShips the advanne will be so marked that the taxpayers will tat once realize that they have not been paying a fair share of the county rate these sever- al years past. ; ; t REAL •ESTATE TRANSFER. 3 O Mr. Henry. Livermore,. who for InanY Years has beena resident of Hullett, has bought Mr. John Av- ery's farm on the London Road for whiell he.. pays $6,700...11 is a ...fine place •and well Iodated. Mr. Liver- more does the fall plowing and gets possession in December.' The News - Record 'has not ,heard where Mr. Av- ery purposes locating;sifet understands he may try the West. There have been :many changes in the ownership of the London. Road farms in . .the :Past feW years. • S. S. RALLY DAY..... • . • The annual S: S. rally was held in Wesley cherph last Sunday When all three services were :well •attended. The discourses of :Pastor Manning morning and evening had .speeial bearing upon S. S. work, in the even- ing: his address being to parents on the . care ef children.. In the alter - noon': there was :a large gathering of the scholars of the school and the parenta. Superintendent COOper pre- siddd. The pastor gave an • address and Mr. F. Hill' took "The. Missions' in China": as the. topic of his ten - Minute tadle;-. 'A solo .was sWeetly ren' •dered by. Miss 'Doherty and a . reel- tatien ' given by Miss • Canningharne. The infant class, taught by• 'Miss E. Reid gave the . "Motion Song" and the school Choir also assisted in ma- king' the • muSical 'program a success. • • • A SEPTEMBER WEDDING. On Saturday morning last Mr. W.: D. Pair was united in; marriage , to Miss 'Hattie Leslie, the eeremonYibe- ing performed at the residence of the bride's father, Mr,. John Leslie, * by Rev. Dr. 'Stewart. It was a 1"..9Ty. quiet wedding and it was only .at a late hour -the evening previous that even' intimate friends knew when. it :Svonid take place However, a goodly number were at the station -next Morning to tee off the bridal pair, with showers of .rice; etc., in ortho- dox style:. Mt,. arid Mrs.'. Fair Made' the ..honcynnion. trip to the • cities and 'have since taken up their abode on Huron street., They are a . very highly respected and popular couple so The News -Record but voiceS . the sentiments of numerous friends'UL wishing them a happy and prosper- ous future. . . At one o'clock ,yesterday Rev. H. gall*g mcmouaced the Words which made Arthur J., Tyndall • and Anna..E. Rembalt min and Wife.... The happy event took place at the .resi- dence of Mr. F.' Rumba:11, the bride's father, in the presence. of only the Immediate relatives 'of the Contract- ing panties. After the gtiestehad madelthe happy couple the recipients • of ' hearty "congratulations anti °good wishes, all 'sat down to the wedding luncheon •and by the 3.20 train Mr. ands Mrs: Tyndall left on their honey- moon which they will spend at 'Ham- ilton, Niagara Falls and PertHope, Oa their return they will Wife . up their residence on Huron '.street. The vvishof. theit host of friends, includ- ing ‘'llhe News-Ttecnrd; is that • the future has many happy years in store for- them: A:DASTARDLY ACT, ' Shertly. . after midnight .on. Satur- day last a dastatdly act was corn- mitteed on the 13ase Line when the front window of Mr. James. Miller's heuse • was Wrecked by a •large stone which was th.rown through it. The stone, which was as large as a hen'A egg, felt into the cradle; in which Mrs. Miller's twin children Were sleep- ing. ,Mrs. 1VIiller WaS awakened by the &ash, but in the darkness ol night •cold not see who had coin- mitteed the outrage; he, she or they haying sneaked quickly awity, There is, however, a suspicion as to the identity ot the guilty parties and if the Crime can be fastened' upon them the ikenisitment will require to be •Severe ,,to be ,adequate. Mrs, Miller was . alone with her children at the time, her husband being now on a prospecting trip to the Norttwest. „PA.IIIIS THANKSGIVING.. "Appropriate. Thanksgiving services will be held ...in St Paul's next Sun- day when 'the Order a service will be as follows , s• • klyniii-,-Corne ye thankfel peel) tonne. O Venite-Turle. • O proper i'salins 05, 81, 144.• •Te Deum-Dr. Croteh. • jubilate Deo-*Ilenley. Introit tlynnt 805, Kyrie Eleisou-Tours. Hyrnri 50. • Offerthry Anthiem-Praise tho Lord 0 Jerusalem. -Evensong- Ilyn-in 372. Prayer Psalms 145, 147. Magnifieat--Buimett. ' Nune Dimittitt--Bartiby, Atitheni-,-Thou visitest the earth- • Calleott. O Hymn 40. Offertory Solo -just as 1 Cutter. Hyma 18. - Vesper Hymn, THE "HEALER" IN CLINTON. • "Dr." S.harman, whose: reputed: Cures of phYsieal Ills have created sub' a sensation in this county, . was in town a .few hours Monday after- noon while en his way fr,om Seafor- • th to • !Exeter. • He is a quiet, -unad- sumingisort. of a fellow and there As nOthing ia,bout him;tha,t would at- tract attention; except it be..his' long black hair whit% frills thick upon his simerders. 'Ole Wan rather shabbily dressed trid. wore a soft felt. hat :tether ithe worse of wear. Ile was accompanied by his wife. To .A Zen • who , •called to see him he said • there ••was demand for his seovices hi many places and that his correspon. clence was Very large, • The "Dr." certainly gives lila Servioes freely and from all 'acipounts does, not at as if. he is "using his gifts" solely • for the money there is in it, though dou- btless he is receiving handsmne te- turns. Ap AT 1The ladies.,of the WC. T. t.T. were At Horne to the Lea,glters of Ontario street and Wesley chunks and the Baptist Young People's Society on Tuesday evening at the home pi Rev, J. Greene from 8 •to 10.30. ' About •eighty persons were present. The folloWing program *as rendered whip, ch Was •both interestiug and pro- fitable : Singing -Hymn 21'7, . Opening Prayer;•-ltev..Mr. Kerr. Address -Rev. Mil, Maiming. Duet, "Glory Soag"-Miss,L. Potts - and Miss X, Murelt. •Short sketeh of origin a W.C.T.U. Rev. •J, Greene. Solte-IVIiss P. Pennabaker. Banjo solo -P. Hill. Address -,-Rev. Mr, Kerr, • Ileading-Miss S. Haddock. DMV -Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson, Miss Greene, Reettation-Miss Carrie Shipley** 801ce--IVIiss Lillie Reid, Refreshrnents Were thin served. Twenty new names were added to the Inetribership roll. • A I3ROKEN ARM. Peggy, the little daughter of Mr. G. j). *Taggart, fell from a fence one day last, week and broke hen right atm above the elbow. FELL NINE FEET. While hauling their separator intO Mr. Ben. Churchill's haul one day last week Morris (Ir Morrel's horses fell through the gangway into the rot libuse beneath, a distance .• of nine feet. Barring a few scratches the teant was not injured. MR. Xe0AUGHEY MOVES. Mr. j. J. McCaughey .is having. a stable °rooted on his Mary street property •ansi purposes having the house ,thoroughly renovated before he moves in. For the 'meantime he has rented Mr. Warenet's boese on the same street into which lie •ilit'inrN. • the coming -week as he hands ••'' 6ver the Commercial on Monday 0 to 'the tenant. ANOTHER FIRE. " Shortly before nom on Friday last the dwelling house of Mr.• Ed. Ger- man of the piton Road east vra,s de- stroyed by fire which broke out in. the toof, Caused, it is suppose.4,. by, spars from the kitchen ehiinney. The family :did not know of the fire until so informed by passers by. The- re was a, strong wind blowing at the time and the flames Spreading very rapidly very • -little:- of -the 7co-ritents was saved. There was a small la, suranee. NOT SHOWING THIS YEAR. Mr, J. Wise of the Huron 'Road, Tuckersinith, who for some year8 has been a very successful exhibitor at the ,f-n.r.ty fall fairs, is not exhibit - big this season at all. The ;destruct- ion of his barn by fire several age destroyed lunch 6f the stoclr. he would have drawn upon and in addi- tion ntok of attention of late has been.devothd to replacing the barn. His absence has ,Made al big 4 gap in the :entrfes. for last year Alone he Volx 290 prizes,' His: brother also wen about .150 While his sister, Miss Wise, was as well remarkably successful: NEW ,A.RB,IVALS. Mr. Watts, who calm- out !rani England a couple ' of years ago, rs,getting • along so well that he is "sounding the. praises Of Canada in. his 'old Shire of :North DeVon- arid theresult is 4 further increase of population in Clinton. This week the following *fired .from Ilfracoillib his old home : Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Cook, 3.1Virs. Cook Sr.., Miss .Minnie Watts and • John ,and Sydney :•Cook.• John gook is a married man and . if satisfied with the country -win bring out his wife next spring. A,. situa- tion was awaiting ,Miss Watts, Her- bert Cook was 4 postman .and has excellent Credentials, • The family will take 'up their abode in the house on Ba;tteltbUry street at present oc- cepied by 'Mr,' Wattswho is moving to his own plasie on William street:, WILLIS: CHURCH •ENTER'AtI4E1).. , • .. On Monday evening the Young% peo- ple 'Of. Willis ohuroh entertained the Modelitee'endlstudonts • of • the ' C. I. from. out ef -town. The first part of the evening was devoted to introduc- tions :and •conversations, then fdlow- edthe program to 'which. the 'follow- ing contributed : • Solo's -Misses Watts andTile-meson! a.nd Messts. Stewart JackSoa and A. ,Cook. " Recitation -Muss Jessie Duet -Misses Z. McRae anti M. Lappihe. : • quartette -Mesdames Hoover, Beek - ie and 'Camilbell and Miss Roldf. Mr. J. Houston .presided andas usual on sueh occasions, made an acceptable Ohairman. . After -the program came Ituteh' O after it had been partaken of the gathering dispersed. T•he S. S. room' in which the -en- tertainment was given was: very kettily •decorated withmaple laves and flags. • LITTLE LOCALS. Are • you • reading our new seriel •"The Witch of Cragenstone." t.11',4 a good am The Hough Cup• team Will 'play their first match in the fall Series with Seafcirth,.' •• • Mr, . B. • Ballard moves 'iri a fOrtritglht into the., house on Itatterri • bogy street oWned and coMpletely ov- erhanied .by Mr. A, Seeley, Mr* •John Poster has moved: • .into the . hook) on Albert street he bou- „ght from: 1Vir. D. •Dickeeson. • Mr. W. J. Elliott's auction sale took place: yesterday. The . hammer • was wielded 'vigorously. and success - telly by M. George Elliott. • Mrs. John Bell moved this 'week into the :dwelling ,iiica,ted bY Mr. W, P. Spaldirig, not that formerly oecupied by Ur, Phillips, • as was reported. Mr. D. Dickenson has rented • IVIiss Martin's house on Huron street and has taken uplliis ajblade there. He has been too tong a resident of oUr town to think of pulling Up stakes and moving elsetvhere., Read The News-Reo0rd for local rieWs. • doderich TownshiP. We riotieed last week that Mr. • John Cantelon has brought beige a now engine of the capacity of 25 • horse power. The News-Reeoril gives the news of this towtship. il.re you .4sub seriber • Goderich Township. Howard at Stanley spent'Sun4 day with his friend, Mr. Norrolan sh. •Miss Mabel Rathwell has for tilt past feW weeks been visiting with ner brother, Mr. George Ratlinrel4 a Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.. Mace Stirling visited in *Knipp township, on Saturday'. and Sunday with the lattcr'S lather, Mr, William Miss Grace Stewart of Benmiller has for the past week been visiting 'her es.Randalsissrer, Mrs oie. s0,eB.M,aitaddletia4, m4say Kyle of Seaforth apeat Sunday last at the formee.s home;- Ilayfield Line, Messrs. Edwin 1VIceav4n and •Arthtir Welsh visited with Sea,fortn, friends on Saturday and Sunda,Y.0 • • Mr... Ad. McCartney,- aecomp'etied, 'byhis neice, Mies, Lillie ,M.cCal 'they, pspeerdn u, teSunday at -the hotne of Mr. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Cele visited. last Friday withthe latter's brother, IVir. Nathan. Peck of Esmond ville. .Tho*hmTrushrrestie.s.. j:aa;.essthhi ecp onconznonuore yii, wa. srll aaintrjeue: dt ells); 1VIonday next. . • • • lea .Mr. and Ms. Thos. Webster •of -week They expect' to leave for home on. O mr,,. .B: ton, who ;--is 000a fancier. of Leceister sheep • and has 'quite a flock: of that variety,' dispos- ed this week of two rands *hi& were taken to Sault Ste., Marie, Mich„ by. Mr, Fred: Wise • Of that Place who was 'down "here on a visit Mr. Middleten also 'made a purchase, having added to his flock a two-year- old 'ram -which he bought •from . .1VIv Robert Glenn' of. 0)0M:he. • Wilson Elliott, son. of Mr: William 0, ' Elliott, wile went be the North- west a few weeks ago; .oiet 'with a Misfortune loot week. . Hewas riding btonelio., Whieh stepped in. a gopher .1rolteand fell,. throwing ,Wilson.' falldid not ;Mgt iiiin"Thut his foot ea„ught inthe stirrup andthe broit- chit, dragged him forty rods beforehe was roleased„.' His eollar bone was .fractdred and he Was otherwise f so biuisd that *will be • laid for&ome Inn - , . On Wednesday •Of. thisr-weele-there departed this :life another • Of the pioneers , of this. county An the person of •Mr.. George Ford whd had reached the a.dvanoed age of nine.* yeei• and five Months. He wasborn • in County Wexford; Ireiand, and *came* to: this county ,in 1882.. He was by 'occupa. tion a :ship carpenter • at ' which' he. was engaged at several 'ship yards in . this country, but al'w'ays made his home at the' Fordhomestead in this township: He was. a .man of sterling integritY and inuch respected. The funeral takes place tomorrow I frOin the residence of his itephe*„ Councill- or Ford, to Maitland 'oemetery, On Monday Mr. and Mrs. John 'Pick- ard' of the Cut Line, celebrated :their golden weddink, nine •of -'their ten chil- dren- and inanY' friends' being l with them on the happy occasion: After ,greetings had been extended all • re- parod to the •dining ,roent where they partook ot a bounteeirs dinner Con- sisting of the season's delicacies. 'Af-. terWards,, With 'Rev, Mr. Yelland as chairman a program 61 sPeeoh, irins-• ic and song was given to which the folloWing. .contribgted.' Sengs-MrS. E. G: .Courtiee, 'Rev. Steadinan - and W. Pickard, iestrumental-Miss ' Teb- butt ; speeches7-Revs. Yelland 'and Steadman and ,Messrs ... 4, Connolly, R. Y.. Cox and Marquis; :The most intetesting. feature of the 'program was "The • ROD 'Call" ;ung by the `cline children of theworthy couple in whose honer the gathering was field. .Mr. and .Mrs. Pickard were married •in- Toronto,' though at the time rest - dents of the towns* of Pickerbig. Twenty-eight years ago they came to this township where. they 'have ever since- -resided. TO Vieth were born ten children': Alice,. Emnia and' Fred. at 'home, .Mrs.' 0 L Johnstone of Galt, Mrs. R Y Clot% and MrS.Wulliani Patton of this township, Mrs. Will- iatn •-Steep of Mich., Maud at • Galt, John at Strathroy. and William at Columbus, Ohio.' All were home ex- cept Wulilain who was nnaVoidably• Prevented from conning. Durfng the evening Mr.. Piek,ard wore his wedd- ing , vest and.:Mrs. Pickard the phew' She were .'upon • her. Wedding day.. mr. and .Mrs, Pickard, who have enjoyed Very ieuch the homeconting of their children, are new in better health than: they have beeti for some time, • Varna. Whole Number 1387 New Advertisements. • Anuounoement-Q. B. Ballarh First Showiag-Tozer Brow Fur Exhibit -McKinnon 44 Co, Fine Furniture -J, IL Single Fare -G, R ... Auction 'Sale -G. R Keys 1 Partnership Dissolved -Tyndall Bros 5 S. Courtice Auction Sale -R; D. Bruce • Watehes and Clocks -W. fl. Hellyar 5 Will Give Away -A. D.Beaton FaU Millinery-Hodgens Bros ' 8 An Elegant Display-Nevveonte's .. . 8 Overcoat Stock-Hodgens Bros ..... :,8 'here on Thursday and Friday of this 4,satrYafiiel.d, ta " The World r place week, With •far weather there will. be a great crowd 3 but in any event the Fair Will be a success for the directors, are active. On Friday •even.• • ing -there will le a concert in the town hall when a good program, will be given: Miss &Sit McGill of Len,- • denandthosenlWill . .wMhooLewedilioxf rvatthoorth parr904. Another old resident Of Bayfield has gone to her. eternal, rest, in the ' ierson: of. Mrs, Sellers, who has been in failing health for scone time. She went ever to •• Detroit this summer for medical treatment which failed to restore health. 40anustithtee ighome- th that city. The remains were taken . over to the Bayfiefd qemetery where she Was laid at rest on Thursday la:: st The funeral procession preceeded to. St. Andrew's church *hen. ReVI Mr. *Neil conduCted a brief and an appiopriale 'service.. Mts. Sellers• leaves to mourn their loss two sons arid three . daup,bters, viz ; .W. H. of Gladat./ne, • iVrq.n.'; T. E, : of DenvF, Col, 3 Mrs. 0 Mitleholtz of Lenganton, • N: W. T. ; . MrS. J. B. NeWeIl of De - trout, Mis A. F. Shaddock of De- troit: Mt. and Mrs, Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Shaddock • and Harold Moore otmieoveriepaaea from DitroreiL.weDr withretli:e re- nalis.Th: Woods, John Whiddon Thomas Ca:m- et:0 and jetties Macdolinisi: Miss' Nett . from Ttickersinith has opened a dressmalking:. establishment theBrandon Miss 11NoopitCmisn7alnbeystiniMabrise• young lady. and). vve have no doubt. will meet h success here.. • . . For a few days el this week Mr. 8. Moore Was in Toronto, being call.; .ed. there by the illness o! his hrother. Fire was discovered in M.' Ustard & Son's lumber 'pile on the smith 'pier on , Mender night arid on the alarm: being Sounded our citizens .quickly docked to the scene and with buckets and pails ". extinguished tile Baines in ;the pile whore the ,darnage will only, amount to a few hundred dollars . 'ly 'covered by insurance. The fire ' spread to the pier where it Was mo- re difficult' to subdue' and the men vierew!rkin.;away nt it alt da TuesdayYi Mr. John Sparrow .carried off first prize for his driving .horse . at the Seaforth Fair, alsokSeecial plize ler best farmer's turnout and first Prize for, besthorse on the grounds: He also won first ri.t Zurich and several at Exeter. •, Miss Elia Bureside of Goderiek Is 'Visiting under the parental roof. . MO and Mrs: J, Tippet and idairgh* ter, Miss Alice, visited at IVIr. Jame• s Johns' on Siaiday. O 1VIrs, Jewell and her sister, Miss Ella DaWsen, left for their home Ori • Monday. Mr. 0, A. Higgins and soft Prank visited in Ilayileld ,on Sunday, • Mr. John Sparrow bought two very fine coifs the other do. Or/e-of them ,not yet eighteen montliit ld tipped the' beittli at 1280 lbs., the other a Month younger weighing doge on the 1200 mark. This weight was tither., after the colts hail trav,. elled sixteen miles. Nothing but The best hi good enough for John", Mr. Sa,niuel Eagleson, who his been farming for some years at Mil- ton, North Dakota, has disposed of his propetty there and is thinking somewhat of returning again to Old • ' ivroMnr4sa. S:turigeem; after sPerkding a -fv43 • Miss Minnie Green returned to daysDe- n oliiivfviar s . t esw, di 4 rt. mh. al, rii: MrseEsw. oi Fn a ,. m wAp 13.h e .p 1 Et has dii va, beenr ds ; re visit to her mother here . . and :othet .was in town on. Saturday., vis- iting for two months in Kineardine, by Mr. Dan. Harrison. It is expect.; ,: 7 turned= to her home at Kincardine on returned 'home last Saturday. • rela:tiveS in the diStriet, . . •,-. : The town hall is being re -shingled. ed that the interior will Also be re4 troit last ',Saturday; after a few weeks, marriage licenses for this district. .. • MO. ..Jaines 'Eageson .of G-oderich. Mr.' Hi W. Erwin is% now issuer of . has bought two lots from Ni1.- H. and A. 8. Er- win and . one from Mrs. Gairdnor on; ChiniqUy street .upon whie.h he ' has - built a stable and is now ereeting a house. ' • :Hullett Township, Mr. Henry Livermore has disposed. of his property on the .9th conee$sion and purchased the farm of Mr. J. Avery, Loudon Road, at the sum of • $0700. The property is well situated • arid in securing it Mr. Liviirmore ha% a first-class farm in every respect. Mr. J. E. 11,ohertson has resigned the prineipalship a s. and Will' „attend Goderich Collegiate after, ,Ne # Years. Ills many friends regret his departure' as he has been, a faithful, fmergetie and painstaking to. richer. , • Miss J. Lowery of. 8. S. NO. 4 contemplates attending the Normal sehool next year. Mr. AP. johns of S., S, NO. 5 has .been re-engaged for the Coming year with, an increase in salary, Londeshoro. O Mr. Robert BMW has returned friint Satikatehewati arid is making rdadYi to return thither" an hotel being now, in process of construotion for hint at Lloydminster, a new town opening lip. ThiS is the place Where Mr. it, J. bell of Clinton has hung mit hid shingle as barrister at law. Mr., Bruce says if I he can'tget a fair price for his hotel here hc will nail up the wiiidows and wait till ths 04410 roll by, • •