HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-21, Page 8== Millinery
� Opening
Thursday, Sept. 28
Our formal display of Millinery will be mads
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28.29-3o.
You are cordially invited to visit .the Show Room
any or all of these dates, and examine and study
the season's new styles at your leisure. No trouble
or expense has been spared that we might place be"
fore you millinery that is a reflection of that shown
in the great centres of fashion, and we promise` you
a display that will be both, interesting and profitable
Are You
f� Sma/I Ail?Qunt
For a large equivalent.
Twenty Seven Cents is. the shall
amount we ask you to pay and the
big value we give you in return is a
Tapistry Cushion Top 20 inches sen-
ate, in four patterns aria many col-
ors. Itmay seem an extreme state-
ment to. you, but if we asked you
50e for thorn they would, be value.
Don't mistrust our .statement now
until you have examined the qualify,
Many wile ha,ve seen thein have bou-
ght two for each cushion, one for
the back. See, they are cheaper than
you could buy a common material
for .the reverse side. They are olna
mental a t fey • will' -gate ar, - Ilave-•
you not a worn out cushion ;you
want to re-cover.? Here's your ch-
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
1 11 Fair Co,
Often' the. Cheapest, Always the Best
S. H. & M.
are quickly appreciated by
stage folks. The wearing
quality demanded by their
work and travel is very'
great. . Few materials are
equal to it. .
. No Taffeta Silk Petti-
. coat was ever guaranteed
until the advent of the
S.H.&M. It astortished.the.
silk trade, and convinced
our buyer that there was
at last a dependable Silk
Petticoat to be .had. We.
will sell you an
with this guarantee in the
waist -band :
If, through any defect, the silk in
this garment should split or' era, k
within three months from date of pur-
chase, we aggreero replace it with a
new petticoat, same sty:can d material,
provided the defective petticoat is
promptly returned to u t, to. etl.er wi'h
t The Stewart,Rowe &
this ticket.
Meek Co., Limited. •
'Fancy the satisfaction
you will experience in the
certainty that your petti-
coat will wear three months
at the very least.
The tailoring is done by.
the cleverest• cutters, and
the designs and styles are
' right from New'York, the:
Mecca of fashion.
As for the guarantee,
this store stands back of it.
The S. H. & M. Co. protect
us and we protect you. 354 -
Guaranteed Silk � Petticoats
$IO to $12,
Silk Petticoats not guar-
anteed, $5 to $7.50
Blacks in stock; all color made
to order on short natio e
Tartan Plaids:.
are .going to be worn
this winter. In silk or pure
wool, for waists or full cos-
tumes, they vtill . be more in
evidence than: for many -sea-
. sons; . .New lines are just tf
;hand this week in Scotch Tar
tan and fancy; weave.
At $1.50
Handsome Plaids, e'itheb tweeds o
fancy mixtures, .made from pt:re
.worsted yarns, 54 inches wide. A
large range of patterns; not more that;
•'enough for .. one costumeof. any tent
design. Special value
yardPer.. . . ....Q�,51y
€=Lies• Silks GO rents
.ritacy plaid silks, tartans and c .r
bniati ns ;good qquttiities, x�ik.h
colorings per yittd.. IIDC
Plaid Silk s $1,00
Extra line quality plaid silks, gibd
weight, big range of •color combing
fions. No t'wo waist lengthsel
•alike, -Special at per yard...10 I rUU
At 50 cents •
Pure wool': plaids, tartan ;:of fancy•
• .'weaves, rich color combinations Fin
quality, suitable for waists Or k, 5Qc
dresses. Special at per yard..
More New Coats
coats t0-
while tose
. .
Tweed Ja'
Shy .i�,
,q• I. pp! IlBupuunuunulltlllq,i
,,itll ri1 uiisilI 1p.
Clinton News-'*cc..ord
September 21st 1905
.«1►».�n� • 0,0000+,4.0+04,04.410...,00,00.444,0-0-0_04.0+.444,444+0+_.
Formal Openlng of Etc.
Friday Evening Froth ' 8 till 10 o'dock
.Great Stock of FALL K:cDS
• ITHOI.IT EXCEPTION. the greatest 'stock of merchandise ever shown in'this store, from. England,,
W France,, Germany and our own Canada we have drawn the .best and most.op ! r goods, pu a g .ods, and have .
bought.theni in such quantities,(eight store lots) that values greater than ever will be offered this season
THIS AUTUMN display of Dress Goods, Silks, Furs, Women and Childretas' Coats, &c., will be by
far the finest we have ever made, for our stock of these goods is larger and better than ever,
IN ORDER; to make.this Fall Opening more interosting,we will place on sale
trid a 1>Dili was in town on Mon -i
Mr. F, O. Mcllvicen of the Sovereign
• Bank is taking his ,holidays.
l.pirs. T. A Walker and Miss Delia
.'Walker were ,ine Seaforth yesterday.
Miss Mary Wasman is spending the'
week with ' her grandparents in Mit-
• ohell ►•
oe Simple has -eturned from - Lon-
don ag
and is a a' Wine' clerk •at the
Mt.: and'. Mrs, Laidlaw. of Morris vis
ited their uncle, Me. S.' G,. Plum -
nick, yesterday.
A ss Walkinshaw has joined the. Sov-
ereign Bank staff as stenographer.
and typewriter.: '
Miss Olive Murphy and Miss Maud
Aspinall of Buffalo are guests of
Mrs. W. Murphy:
Mrs'. Fair, Sr and Mrs.. James. Fair.
will visit Mrs (Dr.) Campbell, of
Detroit this weelk
Mr. . and Mrs. S:. Kerr; of the ....Nile"
visited _their'. daughter, Mrs. D, S.
Cook, the past week,
Miss Emma Doan,, teacher, who has
been home on a ` hilliday, • returns; to
Cleveland .on - .-Saturday...
Messrs. A. T. Cooper . and W. Solider-
-:Son attended the assizes in Gorier-
`. ich `on Monday' as jurors
W. .14IcBrien, E. Bali and 'John. DeeV1 John.Deev=
es have gone 'to. 'Fergus to. `.pack
•.•apples for Me... James' Steep... • •
Ms.. C. "E ,)owning has returned
• from a '.visit ::of several weeks at
the parental . home in Owen Sour.d.
Mr. and \Irs R.. Jones: of .Goderich.
,. and Miss l-iclwig of. Auburn were
X guests Sunday of Mrs. Alex. Rob
r Mr. J. P. Shepherd and' his sons;
;u Win. and Norman, :visited relatives
at the Nile and.. Dungannon, on,
Sunday.: '
ss Maggio -Brown left yesterday.
• for McGregor where she will act as
housekeeper ifor. the Rev.-. Father
'enstif�neattlt. .'' :
Mr;:: Robert Nimcirs : of .New York
City is visiting his Mother, „. Mrs..
Mimeos • •of : Maple street ge. - is a:
telegraph operator. '
Mrs. • J. Johnstone . •• of •Rattenbury
street :Was the .guest of Mrs. Stra-
chan, giaoderich, from Saturday :un-
til Monday. evening,'
Miss lArlinnie Green' of Detroit, ac-
companied by her friend, Miss l3er
lta C recn of the sameme eity, was
: the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. A.
Walker, last week.
Mr. J..Emmerton• of Ripley, who is
aaccompaniedied by his 'wife anti'. two
\sons, was the guest for a coupleof
days this week of his father, Mr.
More new lane, this
week.: Late: that ;are
'worth your :e if.:you
are, thinking of getting a new
Coat this season,
New 'ket
New Jackets
New Ker Jackets
Blacks, Fawns, Fancy'
Fall and .winter Furs are al
here•—a stock that is bigger
than any we. have ever shown.
Every' garment �arment made • to .out
order, from ` selected skins.
Quality guaranteed in every
Some extra ood. ruffs, in . 'AlaskaSable, made from: No. 1 skins, out in
• correot styles, fine, thick, close fur•,.
very stylish end handsome, prides each
$.r 0.00,$15.00, $2.0.00, $25.0..
4 Millinery
Thursday, Sept. 28
soy Goods "— Clinton,
• •
SATURDAY' • 1v QRNIN , SEPT.. 23rd
the following lines of New •Fall Goods : that came to `usunder regular prices.
John '•J mmerton.
r.. Dave Cook of Rattenbury':street
who was at Cooltston packing .app-
les, .has returned home with an in-.
jured':leg•'which will prevent him
working for sone time. .
Mr. C Ce Rance is again with • the
r Jackson' Mfg. Co. and left yester-
day for . a ttwo-moaths'.' trip through
the lower provinces pushing the sale
of the Lion Brand olothing,
Dr, Morrison of Donnybrook, North
Dakota, who was .accompanied by
his sister, Mrs. McNaughton, and,
her 'nephew;, Peter McNaughton of
Chiselhurst, spent- Sunday and Mon-
day With his cousin, Mr. Andrew
Taylor. •
Mr, Thos. Wheatley has returned
from Louisville, Kentucky, .where he
Was for some six months. He lik-
ed the city, 'though it was very
often much too warm to feet pleas-
ant, but alter all it Was not an.
Ontario city and while .wages may
be high they have a way of slipping
away very quickly.
The Misses lerountcasti•e roturned on
Friday last from a trip to
semen -
da. 6 and other paf
nts south east Of
Clinton, where Miss Clara was en-
gaged as ar. elocutionist. Her work
was much commented on and mucic
admired. 'Beginning at a garden
party at the.' time honoured` rectory
' at 'Tusoorota, for which she had
.been engaged some months pre-
vioesly, she wound up at the resi-
dence of Mr.d Mrs.Frolic
an of Princeton, end has teturred in
improved health and vivacity. She!
Will at once resume her evening
entertainments at !1'he Wigwam if
required. She brought home with
her tee) 1 ulna 1 , s4
fetches of Titscor-
ora rectory and graunds and one of
the iri rtl t
Pauline late of l;. I airline John-
son, the iridian entertainer. These
will be added to her art eollectiott.
Miss Mounteastle also feeds much
benniitted by o11atlge of -air.
12 c,15c and 18c Flannelettes at
These Bargains are for
375 yards of white and; pink Flannelettes, extra heavy:
qualities, these are all Mill Ends and come inlen-
gths from 5 to 19 yards in a piece: The regular-
. price would. be 12i'c, 15c, and 18c, all to go on sale
Saturday at
121--c .Wrapperette at '$ 2 c.
300 yards of New Fall Wrapperettes in a fine range of
new patterns and colors, these are all the best 121e
qualities to go on sale Saturday at per yard. 8%c
Special Flannelette at 7c.
25 pieces of .Flannel
e in assorted colored stripes -7.
good heavy quality; very speeial for Saturday's
English Shaker at:i2 c.
350 yards of English Flannelette in a fine'range: Of col -
ored stripes, very soft quality;` all: fast colors, spec-
ial value at
Saturda3r Evening Only
Boys' 20c Ribbed Cotton Hose at 12 c 9'
III 15C 46 - « r
S 64 25c .& 3Oc. Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose 19c
Ladies' 35c Plain and Ribbed Cashmere Hose 2
•t 35c Heavy�Fall Vests at' �` 25c $- Heavy
Black Taffeta Glove.s at 25c $ ,.
The New Fall and Winter Co
for Womenand•
This; is by far the finest. collection of Costs we have
ever had—and never before have we sold as many
so early iri the season—we have•nearly three' hug- :
• died Coats to choose from •and every onethe very
latest in style Coats made .of; tweed.
are the most
popular this season and we: still 'have . a .splendid
assortment of. tw,eed Coats.
dew" Rain Coats:
Our stock of Rain Coats was never in .better shape--
we have nothing that is not new this season and •
every,one.is strictly up-to-date.: 1t willa •ou`to
see': our. assortment beforeP new buying. your new R,axn
'mins. eco ltg,IV nava
lb' you wAstir VIP
personal...; Varna.
Mr. • John Johnstone, •. 'Ratten,bury
street, visited Wawanosh'friends on
Sunday and'Monday.
Mr, b..5; Cantelon of Ilensall was'
in stown on. Monday on Inc way.
home from :'Goderieh'where he at-
tended the assizes as a juror. •
Mr. F. H. Chant. al the Sovereign
,Bank staff,, Toronto, is hone' to
remain for a time. He. 'is not very
well but is taking eight work . at
the local'branch.
Lorne Todd, Goderieh, visited rella-
tives in Clinton on Friday and • on
his way .hon on . Saturday took a
header from his .wheel and has since
been Carrying his arm in.a-sling.
;i: Its
£ dr.r rr eiele0,61€4$t'
pit " THE WITCH $
' ;ft
3#c . •• .Our new seriel .with. the *
� l Y
<P; `above title begins.. A
, in this
* issue of The News -Record.: ee
It differs much -from the st-
Itt ory concluded last ..week 3
?4E and, we' . believe, will r'lre i;
more popular. • • !:
h Don't missthe opening #t
n on n n e.n fi K icon.•
'Mullett Township.
Mr, Gorge Wray hassold his 50 -
acre farm on the end concession to
Mr. Humphrey Snell of Clinton for
hi, the neighborhood of $3',1100.. Mr.
Snell .gets possession in N o
Mre .Wray will net + make a long
lnove,e however,•'- as be has bought the -
80 -acre lot of iMr..W-1 item Tiplady
on the. Base ,:line for which he pays
$5,500. Mr. Tipiady will take up Itis
residence in' Clinton..
Mr, William iiuroh has rented his
farm on the Baso Lint to Mr. Rich-
ard Clovier foe live years at en anti -
nal rental of $300. Mr. Murch may
go to Sfratiotd. •
Mr.' Percy' Wanless of Hensall:. is
visiting under thepartal; ;roof.
Miss Maggie Reid ofucefield, sp'r
ent.'Sunday with. Varna friends..`.
Mr. B, A. Higgins' 'returned home.
after' ;spending the past : two. mor.ths
in., the Northwest.
Several`•from around' here attended
London Fair, among the number be-
' ing c: {Mrs, W. Dawson, Miss Lfly
Dunkin and `Mrs. B. A. Higgins and
Miss Pima Reid has returned ho-
me after spending the past two
months in Portland, Oregon. She
was accompanied dry,` her unelo, Mrs•
Thompson of Portland,
' Miss Ethel ; Johns spent the past
week with _Johns
township fri-
ends. ...,
Mrs: Jewel and Miss E, Dawson of
Pontiac,,Mich.,' are visiting with the-
it cousins, Mrse Beatty and family...:
Tire • St. John's. churoh held their
annual S. S. picnic in Jowett's groe
ve,•:Bayfleld, on. Saturday last. It
was largely 'attended . ed all .r report
having a good time.
Merchant ' Harnwell is this • week
moving • into his new residence' ad-
joining his, store, ' J. E. will now ha-
ve comfort and convenience combatted.
1 Mr.. Percy Wanless of Hensall is
spending a few : holidays at hie home
Dunkin has ;stetted ' out
•with.. his Toad of. fine Shropshires
and . will this week attend Exeter,
2urioh and'"Seaforth fairs . and will
no doubt get his share of the prize
Anniversary services will be held
in the'Presbyterian ohurch here in
the near future.
While at Work • on Mr. J. Wanless'
verandah • one day' last week Mr.
A. Robertson had the ,nisfortune to
fan . off, severely injuring his back
and is stilt confined to bed, uut we
hope he will soon be aba'it again.
Messrs. Win. Foote and A ox ,,,„t.-
tell ".aro each' putting. in system.
Of water works whereby ey n ill
have a good `supply of fresh water
in their stables alt whiter without
having to do any pumping. .
1€[ Edward
King, a d reviewed forty thou.
sand Scottish volunteers at Edinbur-
gh, .
In his new role of humorist, Mr.
Rockeefeller will continuo his amusing.
practice of putting up the .price of
kerosene at intervals,
Tourists in the Teinagami reserve
have 'their: guns taken away from
them, This` leaves theta practically
at the mercy of the ferbeleue ntoe.
Can'•t.:..._ ossibl
.p y pay: you • 'to waste time
making: them up,. when• you .can buy them at
prices like these
Overalls made from heavy moleskin in
good quality, special per pair
Denim OV
at. i.00
The greatest :Overall value in the trade, made
from heavyl in : D '
p a coin, black or gray, double
back arid: front, riveted pockets and double
sewn seams.- - Good va'ue at per pair' ,
Threshing SMOCKS
Special at each 5oc
New Fall shapes in the
famous "KING." Hat
OW / ' ettaisrillia are here. This Hat -is
without an equal Alwaysrightup.to.date in shape.
Made in: good qualities only,
iiKing."" ' Hard Hats So
��, Soft Hats
Dia Greys ind Tans,
$2.5O and $3.00
-.:._W APS
This is the Cap Store of the town, beyond a
doubt. Hundreds of -new Fall Caps just opened out.
Shapes for men, boys or girls, -,.r~
25C, . 50C and 75C
a. ens Bros.
Clothiers and Gent's Furnishers, Clinton
• Via. -k �,1►�a,all1a..••.