HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-21, Page 6Intost News-neeord September 2Ist 1908 broat Coughs A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at times; ado%) breath irritates lt;-,these are features of a throat cough. They're very de- ceptive and a cough mix- ture won't cure them. rOtl, want something that will heal the inflamed membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the SYStent• . Scott's &Nisi on is just. sucha. remedy. It has wonderful healing and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole sy stem is given new strength and vigor siend for free sample SCOTT Ee' BOWNE, Cbetnitts Toronto, blit, sot,. and Otz:Oo. All druggists aaessereesearessata. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. . Airs. Wilslow's Soothing Syrup has • firm used by Atillioes of mothers for their children while teething, 11 dis- hailed by night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain ef.cutting teeth'send s t once and get a bottle of -"Mrs.,. iislow's Soothing Syrup" for • child- ren tclhifig. It will SelleV6 the: p0Or little suftsrer immediately. Depeed epon if, mothers, there is no mistake abot.t. it. It mires Diarrhoea, regir- aies the Stomach and Bowels, Cures tVind Colic, softens. the 1:3 -urns, reduces Isflammation and gives tone and en- ergy to the whole 'system. "Airs; Witislow's Soothing Syrup" for ,child - un teething is. pleasant to the .taste ad is the prescription ,of one of ,theet oldest and best femalephysicians and nurses in st.hc United States. Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold by: all drUg.. gists throughout- the world. Be' sure, Fuld ask for •"Mrs. Winslow's. Sooth- ing Syrup."' Liandslide at .GoderiCh. • . Goderich, Sept. 19.—A -big litodslide occurredyesterday morttiog •. on the north bank of the Maitland River. here, where the contractors for the work on the Guelph and Goderlch RailWay have a large steam shovel at work. Seven dump cars were thrown off the :..track, and rolled to the river bed below,. a distance of about 60 feet, and the rear. . end of the shovel was smashed. • Two men were on the shovel of the time, but saved themselves by jumping. • • Dog Bites Off Child's Ear. - London, Sept. 19.—Mary, the two- year-old daughter of John McIntosh, had her left ear torn off by a pet collie 1 yesterday morning. She was feeding the dog, when her cat appeaded and the dog sprang for tabby and caught her ear. Woodstock Progressive. Woodstock, Sept. 19.—By a vote of 427 to 165, the bylaw to raise, $50,006 to expefid on improvements and exten-' stens to the electric lighting and wat- erworks plants of the city was carried by the property -owners yesterday. 1 • aos....•••=1•14214.030111110110MEMINIY. Cash or Cure If Shiloh's Consumption Cute fails to cure your Cold or Cough, you get back all you paid for. it. You are we of a Cure or the Cash. If it wasn't a sure cure. ibis • offer would not be made. Can anything be fairer? If you have a Cold. Cough, or ony diteaa of the Throat, Lungs or Air Pinages. try SHILOH• " 313 25c. per bottle. All dealers guarantee it. icwwwwv.n5ssa:wsuonsrww.sawaeia.w*aaerer.anwooAiWeWrr.mOwL.. Lost For Five Days. Essex, Sept. 19.—John Crof:, aged 40. wandered into the woods a few miles from his father's home,. in Maidstone Townships...live days ago, and was com- completely lost until yesterday. Croft is not mentally sound. • Offer Was Not Made. Victoria, B.C., Sept. 19.—Sit Thom- as Shaughnesey and party are hete. They have plans •for the opening tip of the Similliameen country. He Inakels a denial of the $70,000,000 offer fez' Northwest lands. rma../.41.••••••11111,4•1•11•••,1•111•••• c 's1:1 hgouy from Gravel Tho ft -tart po.infial Arid falai Of oltsta•.;.• :sea— Fu ly laaretdrod 1.oaith. Uric acid forms iti'o stones in the kidneye, and their passage t !Wong!' the Ureters to tho. bladder causes the mor.t excruciating paint imaginable. 'Ills 01110.3is the &Abate action of the kidneys, atui ])r. Chase's Xitlitoy.Liver Pile cure thoroughly Ly removing tile CaUsea lItt, 1V. SUrrit, Port Dalhousie, •Ont., writes:. "For twine years 1 was afflicted with kidney disease and gravel in ita tnost aevere forin; latving often it btOrparCe of macro aeromsained by the ifidht d r (SPAN pny, Aft the disease woke on me I became redeced in flesh end passed ideeplens No doctor Was Able to do 'mach for Itlef And X used many medicines M. 8MITI1 without obtainiegMore than temporary relief. My ratentien woe directed to Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, and by using this treiSaftelit the disease was , eradicated from fey system in less then gist / trionthi. / hail* gained in Weight bleep Well, r end feel better than I have for twenty years. These Pine hiWe hilly Ostend W." FIRE CAPTAIN KILLED Thema Worrell Caught Ben ath Falling Floor, Capt. Sargent Seriously Injure end FireMen PDX and Robinson Iso of *the Toronto Briged• Buried smooth Debris In An Early Morn' g. Blaze .-43rown .Milling .Co,'. .,Elevator, Princess Street, GouUp n Smoke. Toronto, • Sept. 19.—One ereart un- der a blazing Pile of debris and watei-- ed ftour, another fireman erionsly in - lured, and about $140,00 oss was the outcome of an early mo ning fire in the Brown Milling Cos ith Premises at the foot of Princess treet. With - In 10 minutes after the utbreak of the fire the main door of he flour build. Ing fell and buried feu Captain Thoznas W Who waskilled, firemen -- ell of hose 4, • Captain Sargent of holes 7, IYIng sea- iously iniureci at th General Hospital. and Firemen Rohl go and Fox of hose 7. Went Death. . The big doors ed for the entrance of the cars were 1thrwn open and the Berkeley street s ction, the first to ar- rive, went down the lane at. the side, the smoke ther seeming the thickest. While they w e laying out their branch the Wi ton avenue hose wagon Pulled up, an Robinson and Fox, no -- tieing the dor ctawled inside. The smoke was very dense, but ,thy foun I the water ffrono their branch cleared the air. Suddenly they heard an ornino ts creaking erhead. Hastily scrambling under th cars, the two awaited the fall, e meantime playing their etrearn An the burning walls of the elevato Chief. to Reim.. • As soon as they were safely en- econ eel:the fall came. Turuing to look toward the door they were surprised to tee Worrell, followed by Sargent, en- tering the door: They gave a shout of -warniffg, but before it could be*, heeded. the floor overhead fell. The floor above had. flour bins, and theflour became saturated, and Iowhen It fell it was lifie a masssof paste. ' • As soon • as the crash was over, Chief Thompson led the rush for the Opening. He stuffibledageing Capt. Sargent doming out. He was covered from head to foot with paSte. Be was led to the railway. tracks and the re - (tonere turned back for more. Sargent told them of Werrell, but he did not know or the presence of the. other men, Chief Thor/II:mon ordered streams into the opening and made a desperate attempt to find the missing man. He thought others were missing. tiut tcould not be certain. , Worrell could not be found anywhere and made no responce to the Cries of the • reacuing party: Suddenly front under the • freight ear, ,orawled Robin-. son and Fox. They were Suffering frogt. small cute, -but continued the fight . br. Lerratt W. Smith Dead. ' Toronto, Sept. 1.9.—Dr. .Larratt W. Smith; K. C., M. As:Li. C.. L., preildent. Of the .Consumers' Gas Co., died at hie residence yesterday, at :the age .�f 84 years: X•Ie was born on November 20, .1820, it Stonehouse! Rnglanil, and came to Canada With his• parents' in 1833. He Wats educated it Liner Canada College and King's. College, and prac- ticed as aisciliettor: for over 50: years, and .was eventually appointedsQ. C. bY the Ontario Government. , He was an interesting links. with: the days of long -ago. Kingston Election Protest ' Kingston, Sept.' 19.—Althoygh tha date for the trial of the protest against the return of R 3 B Pense, Liberal, to She Ontario Legislature, has not yet been decided, both parties are strong - preparing for it. On Friday Mr.. Pense will be examined for diskivery, and the same day the Liberals will have Donald McIntYris, the Conserves, tive candidate, up for . examination in . connection with the counter protest. Remarked. By the. King.:- , Toronto,- Sept. 19,—George Duman, • • for 52yearti 1nchargeof the light- litztlie at Gibraltar Point On Toronto Island;. HIS Honor the • Lieutenant - Governer yesterday 'presented him by command, of the King with the im- perial service medal for faithlpi see.. vice. Mr. Denten hi Miele, of Eddie Durnan, the oarsman. Woman 'Clete Five Year,. • . Toronto. Sept. 19.—For assaulting Mrs. Mick, an attendant at the Metter \Reformatory, Police -Magistrate Deni- son sentenced Tilly Robinson to five. years In the Penitentiary yesterday. The woman has a hard record, averag- ing five .convictions a year for ' ssvsral years. Tih Box iAffien't" Safe. Chatham, Sept. '19.—Word has been received of a, robbery near Cedar Springs. Ittchard Gni, who lives in Raleigh, near the yillage, had$175 talcs en from hie' house last week, The money had been deposited in a tin box • Y,elloW Fever Bulletin. • • New Orleank ' La. • _Sept. 19,—The yellow fever reportto 6 • p.m Yester- day: New caste, 34; total to date, 1605 ogee; deaths, 0; totalto date, 341; new foci, 9; Cases under treat - Daunt 311; discharged, 1,591 Vigilant Wants Quick -Firing .Gim. 'Ottawa, Sept, 19,—Capt, Dunn . is applying to the Departinent ..for it quick -firing gun for his boat. It op - peat's that American poachers do not pay any heed to the weapon Which the captain inut now on hoard. Eight Heur Day In Guelph. • QUelph, Sept. 19.—An agreement has been signed between the Guelph TYPO - graphical Eldon and the employers pro- viding for an increase in wages and the eight-hour day, to take effect on Jantiary 1, ,1900, .Steys Air It Wag. Washington, Sept. 19.—The geolo- gical Survey Departmentreports that the accuracy of the old Vermont -Can •• ada boundary Hee,. widen wee recehtly disputed, ia Undoubtedly cerreet Nearing is Oriel.. 31teksert (whose flhanIal eredit 18 gone)a-I tell you, Witherhee, We are on the verge et A financial panic. Witherbeta-PabaWl What Makea you think that? 3A0101511 (ertsntidentially)-- Well, sir, Bagley and Roberta ateed to lend Me small MIMS a year ago, but When I go to them nearadayfi, for fiee or ton poUnde they tell me frankly that they haven't got It. Bagley and Roberts are two of our befit bileinege Men, tee; I teft yo*, tir, *ere ODE to have a proale.—London spress. • " DISCUSSION OF, PEACE Czar le to Cell Second Confer. once At the Hew" President Rooievelt 'Thinks Summon* For the Second Time Should Come From itt. Petersburg -..-The Project For the Oermation of a liteseisin Cabinet to Be Examined by SolekY • Commission. St. Petersburg, Sept, 19,—Emperor Nichola* yesterday again appeared be- fore the world as a promoter of uni- versal Peace. Ne sooner is the 'Russo- IalIarlese' war over and evert before the ,peace treaty has been ratified, than His Majesty iseues inVitations to a second peace Conference at The Hague. That the EMPeror luta done MP was learned yesterday from a source winch leaves no 'shadow of doubt as to its authenticity. It is officially announced that "the Roseau Government proposeil to ad- dress the foreign powers with a view to the holding of a second peace con- ference at The Hague," but it is, known that negotiations ,preceding this announcement that the GovernMent proposed to address the powers were 'entered ioto especially with the Unit- ed Mateo, and were 'conducted 'with the greatest secrecy, thare . being not -the slightest inkling that •Itussia con- templated anything of the kind. The anomincement created the great- est .surprise 'here. and that Russia ehould Olen a 'second conference .des spite the steps already taken* by Pres- ident Roosevelt, was also heard with amazement although it is said. here that President Roosevelt ist of the °P- inion that the first step in this direc- tion should be taken by the Emperor. of Russia, on whose initiative the first Conference was held. • - . The Cabinet' Project. • The project 'for the formation of a, Cabinet' which Emperor Nicholas has ' ordered the Solsky commission to ex- amine, contemplates the formation:of a body to be..called the Connell of Ivlip- isters, w.hich would be under the presi- dency of a prtmier, The latter, with the • Ministers of War,—Marine, and Foreign Affairs, and the court officials, would have the :aole right of reporting to the ,Emperor. The Ministers would be appointed on the nomination of the Premier, •and no administrative meas- ures would become effective without the Permission- of the Council- of Min- isters, .sanctioned by the. Emperor. Poland's Representation. • . . The • Solsky commission has elabor- ated the conditions. governing the re- presentation of the Teeple of Poland in the National Assembly. The 'voters be divided into three classes,the first to be composed of landed: nroper- ty „Proprietors; the second of members . of Cantons' owning from,•three to twen- ty acres and the third -Of urban elec- tora Thirty-six members Will be re- turned from Poland. • .- ' • • atirrounded. by Tartars. . . . Tiffin, Sept 19.—Gen.Shirinkin, com- manderof the troops ..yesterday re- ceived'a telegrerii from: the officials Of the Copper works at Elizabethpol, re- questing hirn to send Cdssacks to the district: . . • • • The telegram says =the: district iS rounded by Tar.ars, and that property and the lives of the entployes are in hontinent :danger: . • . ' • Five Wagons filled . with Armenian refugees - from Shusha were attacked .by Tatters. :Most of the refugees were kllled and women were carried • Off. Shiflett Outrages are continuing in•var- : lout districts. . ' ' St. .Peterstiurg, Sept 19.—The -Ern- peter -has. ordered a state of siege. to be proclaimed, in .the' town and district of Rieloslok owing: to the disturbances Baku,' Sent. 19.—Serious-. outrages m coinue.'here and many of - the shope remain closed, . • : jap Paymasters Accused of Theft. • Tokio, Sept. 19.—Information :has , been. Made public that three naval pay- . masters have .embezzled $165:000 : of :• Government fundri. • I .' • Manchuria Porte 'Open:1' • Loudon, Sept.• .19,—The *Shringhal. cOrrespondent of the Morning Post ,says that an, imperial decree has been issued ordering many of the Ports in . Maneharia to be peened equally to all • treaty Powers. • • ' , . . Japanese Violence -.Checked. ' oak), Sept 19,-4Anti-peace treaty demonsti-ations continue •te. be held in different localities, the Meetings, Pass= Ing condemnatoryresolutions, but there hag been no further violence,' , • .The members ot the progressive -Par- ty' are united,: but the Conatitutionallits are dividedin their attitude toward • the peace . settlement, • some brancheshaV- ingpassed resoletione coptradietory .Of the . pro -Government statement of its terms.' . .• • • • ,* • , Bearing Glad .Tidinge. Seoul; 'Corea, Sept. -19.—A "Ritatian sitiza.dren was sighted. Sunday afterz• nooe• off Syongchin in Northern Corea. Its. mission was to communicate the tenni •of the armiatite to the Russian forces on the Tumen River. • ' ' Light Fire With Oil, Brockville, Sept. 19. --LA Cireehbusit young ' lady named MOS 1Vtiller, while stimulating a wood fire With coal oil? Was most painfully burned.. She Was pouring the oil from a can lcontaining, one gallon of the fluid,when it ignited and set fire . to her clothing. Her screatna attracted members of the, farnIlY, who extinguished the blate, lVfiss Miller, though badly bursted about the body and aims will likely recover. . Struck by C. P. It Engine. Port Arthur, Sept. 19.—A man nam- ed Stevenrion was seriously injured ott the C. P. E. Sunday morning. With another man he was Coming up on a hand -car and at Hock Ott saw a light engine tearing down on them. They °ride&0red to get the car off the track, but the1 engine struck the car and the Man Ws knocked up against roast Hie leg was broken and heavas other- wise injured, Four Months For Fraud. Brockville, Sept. 19.-1'or fraudu- lently obtaining $26 from P, Foley, Tiotelkeeper of Elgin, Leeds Cotnity, A, 13urnstein, traveler for a Montreal Wholesale house, was serttericed to' our Months In the cornrnon,jail. The Change at Word. "You Wetildn't think there'd be enough different* between the definite and the indefinite allele to matter much, would your Odd a woman who writes for a living, "I made a lifelong enemy of a woman ono just by Writ- ing 'the where I Meant %,' It wag an account ot her Wedding 1 was doing. I said something about the eereiliony he. ing performed at the home of the bride's aunt, and then / added that there were present 'only the few friends of the tinnily.' The bride never got over that 'the' in front of few. It happenedfive patio ago, and when nay hall% 6110 still troth* at tb Mouth." :.! "14k C.M.A. MIEMOVISHIP,, fileOstlen of' italsinp Pee. Owned at Annual Misting at Marino-- Mornisership !fieriness. Cinehee. Wept. 11. --.-The Canadian Idanufactnrars' .Assloolation Hilt an- nual meeting opened in the City Hall Yesterday afternoon, W. IC, George, Preoldent, in the choir, There was a good attendance. The chairman Said they would proceed directly to business without !speediest, He thanked the City of Quebec, the Mayor and oincigle for supplying melt a IlleetiOlt.PlaCe, George 13ooth, treasurer, i3reeented hie report, showing a membership of 1,874, an increase of 375. A discussion along the line•euggeste4 by Mr. Booth, of increasing the memberahlp fees from 810 to 815 ensued. J. W. Piggott thought there was strength' In naembership. A serious struggle was facing manufacturers. Labor was better organised than ever and he would not like to do anythipg that would Ihnit the membership. A. W. Thomas .(Toronto) suggeate4 a contingent fund, for. laying aside a eertaIrt amount of revenue every year to be available for special occasiens. This suggestion did not appear to meet with favor and a motion to refer to a committee was lost. The treasurer's report Was adopted. R. T. Younge, secretary, read his an- nual report. It was adopted after a short discustion, as was also the report of the Parliamentary committee. The City Hall was handsomely de- corated this evening, the occa.sion be- ing the reception by the Mayor, in the name of the citizens. G. A. VandrY, president of the Quebec section,, also read an address of welcome. George,' preadent, replied at • length, and at the cOntslusion of his address supper was served. The band of the rt.. C. G. 4.. discoureed -sweet music. DELEGATES PART. ' - --. . Sweden Has Promised to Sign Art Ar. , bltration Statement. ' • Karlstad, Sweden, Sept. 19,—The Norwegian and Swedish delegates were in conference for two hours and A half Yesterday and adjourned to meet wheit an agreement has been - reached -on certain points submitted to a sub -c mittee. . A ce in element in Norway is op - f Posing he proposed terms of agree. ment, thus placing aiffieulty in the way of the delegates. It is understood that as a basis of the agreement SWeden has promised to. sign an arbitration treaty as 80011 as Norway is recognized as -a. separate state, while Norway agrees to destroy all the new frontier. forts. The other. conditions are still undei• considerst- gion. • . ' Norway Not Mobilising. Christiania, Sept. 19.-4nother semi-. • official denial was issued yesterday of renewed charges of a Norwegian mob- ilization of troops made in yesterday morning's Swedish papers. • It is declared that Norway has Made' no military preparations except such as were absolutely necessary from . a defensive point of view. b. J. C. AUTUMN. ,RACES. . • . Toronto, Sept. 191,—Yeisterdlear at he 0.. T. C.'s fall' meeting' the Weather was clear andthe track fast, The redord: First race,. 3.4 mile, 3 -year-olds .and over -1, Claude; 2,- La Londe; 3, peter PauL Tinie, 1.13 1-2.. . • ' • •-• ' Second race, 6-8 mile 3 -year -olds ---1 Away; 2, Ositineke; 3, ;Mat. 'Pine, 1 02 Third race, 1 mile ,and 20 Yardis, all ageb-1, Elliott; 2, Factotum, 'a Wye - field. Time, 1.46 14. . • Fourth race; . 5x-2. furlongs 'Olds and over—I, FerarOok; 2, ivforriii. 3, Lulu Young: 'Time, 1.08 3-4. ' .Filth race,. 2 miles, 9-year-olds',and over -1, Ben Crookett; ' 2, Opuotia; 3, Bob Alone., Time, 4.811-4. . Sixth, pace, 1 mile; '3 -year-olds arid oVer--1, Highland Flieg; .2; Cheripe; Colonist. Time, 1.4a 1-4. • Seventle. race, 61-2 furlongs, 4 - year -Olds and over -1, Alibert; •2, Vine - •tides; 3, Bliimenthal. • Time, .1.04.3a4.: Toronto Detroit Sept 19.—On Saturday .George Johnson, a mason, employed on the new Breitmeyer building, was instantly killed by falling down the elevator shaft from the fifth storey. He came here not long ago, from TO- ronto.. A 14 -year-old son lives in To- ronto. An appeal to the public has been made on Mrs .• Johnson's behalf. • The Cholera Bulletin. Berlin, Sept. 19.—The official bulletin issued yesterday says there were ten fresh cases of cholera and five deaths from noon Saturday to neon Sunday, and three new cases and one death from noon Sunday to noon yesterday, making the totals 202 • cases and 77 deaths. , Got the Franeyilsel, • • St. Catharines, Sept: 19.—The ap- plicationof the Cataract Power gom- pany to the city council for a 25 -year franchite came up again at last night% ' meeting of, the council, and Was peg*, ed bY *a good Majoiity, after Some • Miner amendments had been nide. • Sees Icebergs. Father Point, Sent 19.—Capt Me- . hell Of the stmunship Athenia, of the , Donaldson Line, from Glasgow, re- ports on the *6th inst. passinie several • large icebergs, °Ago one very large berg and several small pieces 64 miles west of Greenly Island. Stilchniner In Glass By Mistake.' -• Toronto, Sept, 19,—Dr, Parker, 539 Sherbourne street, Is a patient in St, Michael's Hospital, suffering trona an overdose of 'one of his cam preatrip- Oohs, or from strychnine; which im toOk by Mistake, Ike 10 progressing favorably. THE OEISHA, GIRL. ft Takes severe Teething to navelom ' This Japanese Artiee. There are many geisha training schools in Japan, but the best of them all is, I think, .tho.one. in Nieto to whichI, with some difileuitY, gabled admittance. It is apparently a delight- ful place, but it is a place of unremit- ting toll. The girls are apprenticed to Mese schoolS by their parents or guard- ' lane at the age oftentimes of miff years, and for ten years at least they are put through such a course of train. ing as would break the spirits of girls less itrurecl to unquestioning obedience to authority. Their physical training is of great importance, of course, and each. little girl must go through such exercises every day as • will keep her little botlY flexible as rubber, and after, that le finished she must devote, her time to tasks that ,far exceed In culty any schoolgirl work Imagluable to one of us. No woman of ordinary mind can pos- sibly become a successful geisha, be - canoe he must be able to acquire and make use of every, kind of worldly knowledge which 'will lend to her con- versation' a vivacity and charm that *111 lead nie1 . to seek her society, The dancing and the musie are the least Of a geisha' entertainment as It is un- ddratood by a Japanese. Those are • merely an accompaniment to the least which is served by small apprentices, such little girls, indeed, as met us At the door of the wine red and Iris pur- ple tea house in Moto, but after the feast the men must be entertained by Interesting stories and "iirIght repartee, and in this • the girls are trained: rig- Idly.—Eleanor Franklin in Leslie's neeetatfon. . A.• certain pompous audiviclual from the state of Massachusetts was once' strutting about the -capitol at Washing- ton. A Western senator saki to Sen- ator .Hdar: • , "Who is that person?' "That," responded Hoar, -"Is General - Blank of my 'state."' . . , "Does be cut as wide a swath lo Massachusetts as he does In Washing -- ton?" • . .."No," said • Senator . Hoar, with a merry. twinkle. "No, General' Blanks reputation is purely national." • D°141. take med. icine to make you feel bitter When 'Ou are not feeling ,t ust- right. If it's your nerves the only safe and sure rem- edy . is rest. The proper Way to rest -is lying down, but 'you can rest your nerves while you stand or walk .1)y Wearing Dunlop Rubber Heels There is 'many.* still, dull head- ache Caused.6rwalkirig heavily . on bard feather heels y '".com•-• fort" heels are .made of geed. .springy rnbber., They.. gnye .a gresit-deal Of nerves discOrtifort.. DUNLOP Irmo , Co, Isternio ' Tower° . , For Stria by:ell Shoo Pechora' Sport andsyv tee • tnesrkesr.odurin\netosh4netaEliiii !tri. . ers And earimers, or yacht- Adventure uSsTREAMtwenty-tf; dienture if xou periences of If a° rrgf:,411:r4iuil Ilriunnsgattr:a otnefadteuhrWiteihnkrisi:.• OR ES T AND weeka trial trip, :A ulfkeyotho read of tor elites ing;.or 1041•AJB tory and yachting. A aneets,tshheoe,,coi: new depart..ment has to. do with the • Country • Rome and its surroundings.' Tering: $4 a year, az for six menths. We send free on m- istiest �ur: catalogue of, • the best books on outdoor life and recreation. FOREST AND STREAM ptm.co. .•• W.:Broadway, New York.' O. sees amonmesspoogiiinCraisgessitsgunalsorict smissmitsimosit ENSTON CEMENT SoldPirect.. Fret. The.. Xpedettireti..- To. The. •Congumei Don't be nalSied by StateMents of agents handling cement paying ' large COMMISSion. Os yourself and see Queenston walls and floors built in your Own loCality. Our barrel con- tains as many cubic inches as any other cement, and as cement is gauged by measure, not by Weight, your cement will go as far. Write us for information. reight rates • and estimates thcerfully Avert, 700 per barrel, Strictly cash, f. o. b. cars', QUeenst011. CIO in With your neigh-bor and get benefit of carload rates, CM al:1E081'0N, 03Srr2SaCtX0. 0 Suppose you do like the tea you are using; How do you know it is the best tea you cat get for the dioney ? MANY were .satisfied with the tea they were using "A before they tried Red Rose Tea. When they tried Red Rose Tea they found it had that "rich fruity flavor," found it was strong-, that it requires less to make a cup of good TeTtlian the brand of Ceylon alone they had been using. Now, why not bri:e you are getting the best tea to be had. You cannot be'sure till you try Red Rose Tea.. d Ro a is good Tea T. II. Estabroolis SL John,, N.B.,. Toronto, Winnipeg vsmasel 4.••••• ••.! 41, ••••• al••• ••-•• • •• . • 4;4 004,4 aa,Vaa.W44axgAl The sequel, l`When.,I saw her last she seemed to have fallen in love with him." .0'0h, yes, but that was ,Sorne time ago, She's suing him now for breach of promise." , "Trying to -get damages for the fall, eh?" Buie TlifOg, • Juswed—Do you *now, old man, I don't• spend so much. money now as did before I was married. Mooney-, - How's -that?. -Juswed—Well, I. don't have it to spend. Aaereheorrion. • One Woman—If I thought I would Aver hate hiiir as gray. As Mrs. Bad- ger's; I believe It would worry me t� death, Another—t .am sure. I should dye right off. ' • ' • • 'History is a mighty drama, enacted upon the theater of thee, with •snns for Inraps and eterutty for 'a back ground. --Carlyle. • - • • • woe .srararra of AsoliiguJfk, Admiring -Friend (to elite:Ube of' col- lege boat elra).a.-I say, .alionapson has beeia slanging you alke auythings about putting Jones into the' Henley boat. lie 'says the fellow's the biggest fool In the varsity. Catitain—Chl And what did you say? Adruirlog Friend—Oh, I r.4tuck up for you, of 'course, old fel. Iowa -Punch.. . "What dries the 'word 'aroma' mean?" was reeentlY asked by it teacher. • Only. one 'band Went up. '-'ita••Owna:r7tliuS "When you cook an oolon• In the kitchen, the aroma is. whatyou get in the pallor." ' A Ronne of PleszOOre. . Nell—Litst night- was the happiest in ray -life. It brought me one ronntl of . :pletignre.. 'Relit:What do You Consider :one round of., pleastire. Nell -,-An en- • Eagettient ring, ' • Au losiniOtOon. • ply—Ever beenjitted, lradith? Edith • •. —No, dear. Whet does Wiest MO? . Common ionic* mahe the.coal man ensile. • Is your Goal . Waited. or Used? It is compara.tively tint Paraora .Range mar the ihrifty easy to build ,a range h"""Y"7" that will make a lot of heat, but. it requires the , exact science of Pandora range building to produce a range that will use all the heat in the coal without. waste. • - A common range may burn twice the coal that a Pandora will, and yet do only half.the. work. If you use a Pandora range you can be certain that your coal money is not wasted, but 'used. •. lar 5 ndor Warolaouses azad Factorime s ' London, Toronto,' Montreal • Winniped, Vancouver, St. John, N.B.; 1.1amiltca3 LAND BROS., CLINTON im••••• hol Yon 010, SOLE AGENTS ' • BEAUTY MINNESOTA LAKE PARK REGION LAKE MACDONALD, MONTANA LAKE ctrgidut, WASHINGTON BEAUTIFUL PUGET SOUND AVAIL YOURSELF OF STOPOVER PRIVILEGES WHILE ON YOUR WAY TO THE Lewis 8i Clark:Exposition VIATHE - Great Northern Railway "THE COMFORTABLE WAY.". ler NSW or Detailed Information, Address Any Representative of the Great Northern Railway • 51tDTfl18 COIIPON AND 2 CENTS FOR HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED MOE. LAT, "A CAMERA JOURNEY TO THE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION" To F. 1. wstnrgr, Traffie Mar. r .).ST. PAUL 14155. 90a40014000.0100ariforriaarrot MrsiWPISanders' Dress Cuttineourse inv.nt..1 in tulip twerivouott Th tette. A • nAVetatuirrist toy Drain nutting Mann 00 )1 tab 1$0 taught at beim bintau utter W.A.'s,' Dersoon Inatnictiotia, it can bn •tatlibt In man.1 to 10 11001[0. Alava ba 100te Oath of -AMA TO be pald by eash at instalment Om llama rat pertett 0.01.nla In drotatooth inf. (WA tut,* a inellAllIt6 to finish, 1 slIl Ont. banally examine all lationa, tot wha can instruct Mt Wall as OA inventort enexpeeense necessary. No adv. Ranting, without thoao 1110011. A tetrad ifIVori Id up:ma that 00.1t 11101,0 that thht • nomad ttantaa la hot the test roam bans twee, either by Mil *4 Of testructIone, sae tau be aught by no oho except my. a• tat lallabtalk .. I, 4 ItNi Ijatbat Mgt Wi. SAtiointDOESSCOPIllo SOKOL la. Slay.stases• sWrIte Way tot eatietears.' illtATF001), ONT., SOX 151 a A IA 3.0A1 • NOTICH.—You ean COMInellee tali -.-g a come in your own f vire The wholetainiiy titit letttn from one course. 'Cutting dont by the Mite Tailor '8y0ein. Medal awarded at St: Louis Pair. Latest in 'Chicago-, ,r44 4,104 4 00 , 4 44