HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-21, Page 2Clinton News -Room,
September 21st 1948
A100 40,11414,10111. T SOAP IIfld eAvitt THE COVPoNe,
The Coupons are the ,ssune as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet
Soaps for which, you have to„ aw.Lattume every :week,
Users or suntoirr. 414 ClIEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET
SOAPS for Itothing,',1
Ask *Our groCer for patticulays or Write Us for Prerilitint List
A, gift is orlittle value if it condsts of soinething you haven° use for,
In efrehange for Sling& SOip-ConDOUs you can get 00fuething you need and
use every day000.
rotairteERA.i. 1.4)arrivr. TORONTO, 'CANADA.
u" -u‘;., L v.1-- •
, .7° • ,e,. tt mair;ummidom
• '',, . ' aumEot Alps NATURE.
• Molfetnes that *id nature are • al-
ways-. mot effectual. ,Nhainheelain's
, Cough: Itertudy nets On this plao. it
141144)?„ the ough, relieves • the lungs,
,aids e*peetoration, opens the aecret-
' ktfis.l.and aids nature in restoring the
syettni to a healthy conditioft. Sold.
by ii. B. Combe,
Fresh •
E. 13 00
Grahain Robinson, a graduate. of
Goode's deug store here, has taken a
position in Berlin. ' •
Misses Lillian and Marian Fraser
returned last week from a visit to
friends in Toronto and Eamilton.
Mrs'. James MoVioar returned from
Toronto last week accompanied by
Pier brother-in-law, Mr. John
• ar Of West Virginia. • •
On Sept. 12th, Mrs. (Rev.) ..1„: A.
; Turnbull .died in Toronto. She was
,well known here, her husband beius
at •one tiine pastor of Knox church.
• miss Watts of Detroit was _the
„guest .last • week of her aunts, Mes-
dames J. R. •Craiete and Costie. .
Miss • Webeter has returned ;from
her visit to Preston where she was
for some • montha the guest .of her
slater, Mrs. Donly Johnston. .
'Miss -Bessie Stntth spottiest week -
at Louden the guest of her cousin,
Miss Edith .•
Mrs. Torn.Morrow was .aecompairl-
'ed ..to the Lotidon .Fair by Alia Mary
Macdonald and 'were duting their
stay n that city the gueets c.f Mt.
and lirs. Lorne" Macdonald.
The hottee recently built on Vic-
• toria street by Mr: John Lawson of
the Goderich *Planing mill coiy has
been finished with an outside coat
or cement and now presents a very
pretty appearance. A nice verandah
is to be added 'which will inereAso
very 'muchthe appearance of •
We had a quiet shower on Tuesday
afternoon of lastweek. • .
Mr. ,Edwin B. Homey, elm pureh-
ased a feW, years ago a pretty beiek
cottage cn East streeb. and irorrov-
ing'. it in,modern fashion, building. a.
good sized addition, 'tired of Avarking
in, town ' has purchised farm from
Mr. Goldtheiree :of Colber.ne, ex-
4:hanging :•''hi.regideitee for. it: There
ie no use for. a, .farmer to leave his
good- farm to look for a7'ilay's work
in tiewn. Lethim xemain on the fa
rm until he tan liVe witho.3 bard:
Me. Horace. J Horton and daugh-
ter; llts fl J, Mebert, and her lit-
tle daughter ; Lavinia Eaten, were 40'
Conipanied , on . Sunday` night by Mrs.
Horton's %sister, Miss Iyers, to their
home at Steelton, Sault :Ste, Marie.
111re., ' Mehert and 'child before leaving
lowt spent'le short tinie at. the re:.
sidence of het • cousin, .'..Mr. Henry
Wilson,. •Whtte here 1V.fre Horton and
'daughters .were the eueeta of Mr. and
Mrs S Kniickle, •
Miss ; Lily Howard of :',Sarnia has
returned home after spending' some
tithe:here the guests of bles TWeede
' Mre,' Proudfoot, ,. who had
been. With her . daughter, Miss ...Jogs,
Visitor's :at the Toronto Pair, have
Walter' Mitchell has 'been promoted
at the G. -T. k. station to the posi-
tion of freight clerk and Cecil Farr
to 'theposition ot cashier.: Those
Changes have been Made by the pro-
Mation.• of •'William Graham to the
position • of statin - agent at Bel-
We learn that the Sid Bank .of
Montreal Property on West , •Street
has been sold to Some new Medical
'men 'IYho will reeide there atd ' have
his 'pike in 'the on used by the
.tRaille. of • Montreel. Banker Rniett
still hashis residence there.
The Misses 13arry havo returned
from 'their holiday trip to Toronto,
Woodstock and London;
Miss Wee shepherd,' youngest da;
toter'. of Captain Shepherd, kit last
t week to enter the Ladies' College et
"Mrs. King, of the King. Edward Ito -
tel spent last 'week at the London
lexhibitien. • .
Mrs.,. Weep, who has teen the
guest the past month' of her .parente,
.Me. And Mrs. James Reid, left last
week .fee, her home at Milwaukee.
Mr. John ?ands took up As , reel -
donee in town in the house c•Wned
and :Occupied by Me. and Mie. Tom
,McLean who at present reside. in
' a
e:PCIapprtedrii eleotY4.? LaithWaite left on
Monday a. m. with a cargo of .areles
for Ninon**. This is a uew
titre for the Venturous °einem,. We
-.wish hien success. • ••
Mr.'ar.d Mrs. Milo of Detroit with
'their sOn and* daughter camped this
feat at' Bayfield,cOuipleelY ,tirhierin;
Or time.- Mrs. Milo is a fine
and. • was who
Mrs. Reusele» woo was The .r,tiest of
her relative, -*ire. McLeod, • has re-
turned to her home at Detroit,
meak McLeod, with her son,
Nortii4e, Clad -daughter, Stella, :have
rettiiiied lo their home at Detroit,
!after 'visiting their relatives here
,There ',Were. six young irien from
'the 6igan•laelory left. anthe hare
:Vesting' 'exduisinu,lor the West last
TWeedie, John Knox,
Harty. 'Belcher,' fiern Dunlop, will
Drew and Wiltsie.'
' Miss Vida . Belt visited The London
Eihibitien and was the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. ,.Clutinia
• , Wben buying your FlourH
. for h:lusebold useae_at
with usOur Price9are
right and so is the
Wlien you need.-130in,
Shorts uranyt4ingin that
line let us supply.you.
J. A.' POrCi
• •
Indigestion nearly Alivays disurbe•
the sieee more or less and is , Hen
the cause of insomnia; Many 'OeSes,•
belle been 'permanently eurect,ty !Cha-
mberlain's Stontach liaid Liver: tab-
lets, For sale 144'11. "B. Conibe. .
Mr.''Alex. •Inketrean, N.
B., writes have used ,Dr.(lhase's
Kidney -Liver Pills forderangements
of the hidneys and liver and stOMiteh
troubles, . and , Can cer,tifythat they
did me a good deal of • „good. Ican
heartily reeoginiend theto 4 anYone
suffering as I did.",
•,e, • - 7-
urcr4921....entLa...ftyr .
sra t otio;dret;
• The largest Business and'f.'
• Shorthand, school in Western •I
• 'Ontario. Our courses 8,03
• thorough and Practical. .Tei -4 1
• ohing is doge by experienced
• instructors. There is eo hette
• er school in. the 'Doinieion• »
• All graduates 'secure positions 41
• Enter noW. Catedogue 'Free. • '
Elliott dz MeLachlan;
The Northern 1aVitien
. .
11 u titer's txcurstOns. .
When planning ler 'huntiiigtrip rgis
fall, bear in mind The Best GrourAs
.for Moose or Deer are , to be •Otitiff
near paints readied hyThe Northern
Navigation CO. Excursion ratAiti
en in effect will apply froth' all NAAS
over our A/earners. ". •
--Por $.30, Port Arthur, Duluth—
steamers.- leave!'Sareia ' 8.30 p„ni.•,1
Sept. 16th, 20th, 42ltd, g6th'end 20th
sallitigs on i5th and 20th 'through t '
Duluth. .0fIthr sailings, ater.
—Pot Killarney, North Channel-
-Ports and Soo— •
The Steamers Wilt leave clot, lave the coal business
ingwood 1:80 0. tn., Gen Sood • 11 ftithkiet 'Carried on.14.14arland Bros"
4 i;ittilituttf. 1iby or,our; '
• 9, ortse/14in LISSe.rpet . •
tIOortit'are reeelitshlot for
tic Uses otos/14444m
1411 nienner et • •
• e manaise.nastallk
btany hiwathr child has lissit taken
ill on szeotistkotbroli, tlillailtin4•114-
. purities fishiltrtiosr ICOOp your
Vol OP ?Wag
OIovii » Itiox4otikotottit
like s'•4
r,..!Heircz:SAP T1404.' flte.
' Ask yaw *rem. ' •
Am tom stitkows SUP-
`Ifld,rtlen rEILY imst GRA -
AT .EE 'I:OVVEST possunx
mica •
ORittltS'MAY DS 1,81.1' AT
*kin Soi OR wrril
p. tn., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat-
-War Party Sound, flYng Web-
-And Prenelx -
Sttamers leave coiliiigw000, 12.45
p. m. Mondays and Thursdays..
• Last trip of "bit), of Toronto"
Sept. • 10th. Atter that Steainet
John Lee Os tonte.
Tickets and interinatiefi at all
Grand Trunk and C. P. R.
$1. ti. Off'deratid1re. C. H.Nlcbols6n,
Mantegee, Traille Mgr.
It you soil it iti Ntitnilttikord
lately by Me. Donald iteCorvie,
and ifit Prepared to receive ordersrfor
all ,alitiek of coal, Grate, Egg, StOve,
Nut 'and Sett,- and solielt your pate
MAO. •Ordeeit lett'at My: office sear
tho .000 sheds or at narland Bros.
bakdiifata ,ai,ors' will rsesive prompt
DOwas, 70
• Ant *tilt
I fie'
arinP 0004 Rooks
Mr, G.W. Fowler of Hightower,
Ala., rela'tes an experience he had
while serving on a petit jury in O
inurder as at Edivardsville, county
Seat of Clebourne county, Alabarna.
He Says: °While there I ate some
fresh Meat and some souse meat and
it gaVe inc cholera, morbus in a very
severe form. I 'was never » more sick
ih my life anti sent to the dttig store
for a e.eitain cholera mixture, but the
druggist sent Ine a imttle of Chant.
berlain's •Colic, Cholera aed Diane
hoe Remedy -instead, saying that he
had what I !sent for, but that this
medicine 1.Vas so molt' better he,
would rather send to to me in • the
fit I was in1 toek one dose of it
and ^Wasbetter in Ilea minutes. The
second dose cured me entirely.' Two
fellow jurors were afflicted in t bus
same ° illithirer and one small bottle
Mired the three of us:" Por sale by
1.I. fl.Combo,
ittimehtly scljustcd.
Ousts fittod properly.
Dr. °V.:606
Two Ei.,nee Noso
4141dTliroaL Wilf /sit
ler1d4Y, Bent, 22ndi, i"entrt 9Am to 4 1..44.
'VPirr vuTUDfillt 21Itiv,.
. A„.Weeles Happenings in Goderich
A;$1014111444, Corespeeedent
Major Beek is buying apple for
Mr. Grebam of Belleville. '
• Mr. J. W. Smith returned from thn
Port Huron races bn Saturday even-
ing. ° Missouri Chief" won second
prize. Time 2-12,
It gives us great pleasure ,to chron-
icle the beautiful widding of two of
our most popular young people which
toph place on the 12th of September
at Balmoral cottage; residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Miller, the contracting parties bell%
their •eldest daughter, Ellen Drown,
and Mr. James Dickson of the regis-
try office. In the drawing room a
very artistic arch wan formed with
maple leaves, in front of the bow
windoer, which was banked up with
Palms, ferns and other exotics. A
lovely bell of wbi* astors was sus-
pended from the centre of the Arch
and asters were strewn underneath. .
At high upon two beaptifully dress-
ed children, relatiits of the groom, '
Master 'Archie Kay and Mies Mary '
Tom, stood upon either side of the
arch, Formby, an aisle followed •by
the two itsliZrs, Mr. Wilbert. Dickson
and Mr JohnForsythv. Phe b de,
looking modest, •yet dignified, camel
1 up the aisle on the arm of her father
, Is very often acquired,
though .generally In
i • i 9 inPilre
iln, water, pre anions itttaitses.
'Rs. It is called "the soli for
' tubercle*s " and where it, is
air, allowed to remain tubercu.
ox6 losis or constunption is
• „.„....,•••••••••,• Badhygiene fou air I
Me. E. -C. Attrill el Ridgewood Mrs.. Mahlon, in speaking .01
Park Farm is making a most stiches" loss of the two young men, Mes
sii41 shoWing With his live stock and. Wood and Bailey, whose bodies
is in the front rank ef live ' stock • far have not been found, thid us.
breeirers in Ontario. At the Toronto at the body of her Itoshand, ('apt
Exhibititin - he • won four prizes out of Thorbern, who was lest many ye
six animals shown and in the Wes- ago in the wreck of hs seh Amer, \
tern Fair he won nine prizes for ten never found.
animals shown. The Shire stalliee sviit.
The prograiri Oven in Vitt
hull eafi
first prizes and , first prize for a shoe predated by the 1.e andience
Desford Marquis and the Hackney street church last Friday night
Rideweirotal Bagiegelt; eech gottinei the Jubilee Singers was• uteoh
IA71,11111.40 Master }areld Edward of Quite a number 61 our :youto; In
the Cafe Balneornt returned froni held a picnic on lIth Sept.
his little holiday visit with 1U barni in honor of Miss Geni4
cousin, Bliss Kills of Tonawanda, N Brain of .Memphis, Tenn., who IN
Y.• her mother aLe the guests of
Mr, and Mrs. Daniel have taken yo- Charlie Symens.
session of their now hoes° on Cam- 1 Aliss Eva; Walker, who was • 1. ery
bria Reed. ; ill lastweek, is progressing very
Rev. Mr. Nog sold one of his nm favorably,
brick buildings on Brock street to Mr. and Airs, Robert .Tye, of Stu
Mr.' 8. Correll of Ooderich. •'ford have returned • to their home
At the bowing tournament 11. W. ter a delightful visit with Mr:
Thomson won M the trophy Matele Mrs. Sineeth, and Other •relatives.
F. Davis in the Association platen ;The carriage that Mr. G. N. Da
and J. 11. Tigert in the eonsetttiont propels himself around town,...
nutteh. R. S. Williams, presented the made to order at Co -entry,' E
• P • land and the tare -upon the wheels
• At -the last ineethig of 'the XV, C,T.' perfehtly sound. He • ordered the c
thn election of .oilicers Ji Die rige whelk in England eighteen ye
a ensuing year malted as follows ai,o. •Gp to Coventry if you want
tei Hon. -President, • Mrs. J. P. Brown yo; r wheels tired, • •
ry I President, Mrs, E, Hick 'Policeman • Phelan bad the :pleasure'
Vice, Mrs.. Duff (re-elected) . of re -visiting this , month • his old
on (or. -Secretary, Mrs. (Rev.) Ifuen• borne at Kingston, which hehad not
CS •••l'(re"410Cted) . • SO( a for twenty-two years. • •
as Rec.-Seeretary,' 1Virs, • Robertson Mrs. Field of Chicago (nee Mks
;11 • • • ; (re-elected) • Isobel Smith) •daughter "of Mrs. W.
ell .Treasurer; Dirs. G. M. Smith, . in company with a lady
ell &letter from the Preattiont, Mrs. J; fricudjAyr- Chicago, "Globe. Trottin; '
s, P. Brown, was . read, requesting AS. the souvenir oard we received one
nd she be relieved from. 'her official. po- da.y Posted at 'Seattle and •signe•d
n: sition because .Of ill health. We with 9:,Arreie" intiniatud. We wish Mrs.•
as the: memlhers• :And. -.workers • for the W. Field "a" 'safe lour:Lek back to - 'her.-
. •
of 0,-.T. Ti regret the resignation' :of home at Chicago. - •
w- Mrs.. Brown very tnucli as she was 'Mrs. Tom Hawley of •the -British
ig 'extrentely well fitted for -•hisr Excluinfie, gave an ' afternoor. toa..
which she has,held the. :past Oildtelidw's hall on 'T.hursclity.• eveninhe g
Ax yeers,. Mrs. S. E.. 'flick is a good and ,quite a ri ,cuber of ladieS. Attica,
ty: successor as she .possesses stiffielent ded„ faint 5 to .6p..m. The hall waS
it energy to pa,rry on. the Work requisi-- :dapera,ted with fia,gs, 'banners and
ti • te for the W. 0. "1`,•:(.1.,... .• • ' . flowers, • • • • • •
s,. • 'Miss M. :Haley is .c.eending her va- '•Mrs. Va,ItAIStitte and scin John of
it.•Ca,tion .in Toronto. - • • • I: Detroit,. • who. spent a • few • wee'S
it Mr. "-Charlie M. Maedon ild of' De- here, loft :last 'weak for their :home
oL troiti after spen.diWg hus. vacation here 11 t 't
to the. guest of •Mrs. (Captain) Murdoch -4110 "tennis. club gaVe a hop or
• •
11, •Macdotiald, • left on • Sunday , :or W,etinesilay.. night:: the :Blackstone or
he for Kincardine Where he will, spend a chestra in. attendanee.:. They -spent a
4 few "clayb the guest of his • ;aunt, .11.1:3; soda •• • • • • •
4' Mrs. Splann, • t • Mr Will'. Santis,. the.pimUlar post.
r •Mr.. Norman 1VieLeod of Detroit roastei :of lloissevain,..A.s.ctitrited • laS1
r- spent his holidays at. Diiillotr : :the m.eif to Ada dtities there, adeompanicil
guest of his • .brother, Mr. II cargo Mc- by bro treor?,e .Saults
a Lod,: and :left. with Mr, .. tharlia. of fhb Prep. Press ,stfarf -orWienipbg,
.0 1VIeedoriald for Rio -cardiac- Where vsba was sent as a il&legace ••the
e :will be the. guest of .his• grariarnether, TypoloAical -union. that met thit; ye-
n, .MrS. Sainulara. • ' • . a,r. at Niagara Falls. They are . iv°
, Mrs. (Captain).- Wil.161.7411-ry anfl 11 I-, cle Ver.' gentlemen , Wed Godcrich, hts
tle Son. Graham -have -rettAmed. from good represerstatives 40,A -tient 's • •
delighti ul. • ontilig on the 'steam , Mrs. .W...j.4e, :after •spendiag.,a, few
Deritoti .11.144 •her husisetitt: . . weA's visiting . relaikts a•ol: fi iends
. Mrs. Carrick was Sidle.ring... last. at N:evita,Stle and ..Toron to; . • re -
e week Irene. indisposition. .• ; .turrusi to her home. .•
f • We are sorry to. le-arn that Mrs.R.
d Radcliffe, mother of Mrs.' Curzon of • :
it4.1eir. wenui trip. .•stomack, ort co0140i°11,
e ....,Mr. ,.J.. MeEwan. a curiosity oa :41Pne 'Tablets' are 41-thnut Pee•
e Saturday which truly: was's. puzzle ,V°T. 0:1e "it B. C!:"Thbe • • •
etueotatinnybeorne,.aisi:t first •sight. It :held a
long .as .itself. and fed •
Y':*•3:• pretty sure to take. root,.
1.y ,
Removes every trace of
1".- scrofula Get Hood's
For testimonials remarkable aim
n't ' d f 13 k fl N 1
sen or oo on cro u a, o. .
)int C. I. Hoed Co" 140well. Mae.
ewe-. eeleseeeeel
who ga,ve) her away, dressed. in
very rich costume of pearl whi
satin, the skirt of which was ve
full, and en traine, with 'scrolls, le
meeTyi, the satin frilled and laid
at equal distances about six inch
from, the. bottom. The weist w
very full with. e V of very rich t
over lace set in at the •ti lck,. a-, vti
as in front. The .beeves wtre 1:
Shaped with .handsemely foment cuff
and girdle beautifully .611apeil a
fastened with climb,: of the • :sate
The . Itri4a1 veil -of iirtiesets -net :'w
fastened in froet with a crescent'
orange blossoms • an I carried a slio
er boceuet of bridal ,i uses with sp.:
of white ' heather. The beide:m.1a!
Miss iesSie. . Miller,. only sister of t
bride, had an exeeetiugly dam
Costume of White silt: point d'espr
with' deo flounce at • butt.) n of skit
:and •droti skirt of white ttaffeta sil
with :small frills . at bottem, • 11
Waist. of white silk point d espr
and elboW sleeves, over the •same.
white • taffeta. had. a yoke Of .. *hi
silk applique, lace and rittion and. a
of rose. point eilk. laee finished. t
•UleUveS and Witte 'sillc ,gtovps fastene
at th•o elbow With bebe ribbon., pin
, rose in Coiffure and carried a' shoWe
.boquet ' of pink roses. 'The :britleg
poin and .grbbmsman, Dr, Archie 1)
elcson*:.01 Re,Rid City,.ilan., broth
of the greone, *0-i4. each a boutonim
of a white rose and sprig of: whit
heather.. The ushers, -.Albert Dickso
Of -.Prentforil, brother QI the groom
and Mr : John Forsythe of ' fkarniztion
cousin of the bride, also wore a, Wit
te ' rose' and sprig of white hetithe
for lboutonicies; Rev. j'anies •
Anderson .-performed the sacred tit
of, 'marriage, at the eoncluston, .'o
which ..a. temetton - Was held . an
Many :Were the congratulations th
bride and ••• •••grooin received. -,Durin
the reception -Mr; ' Lethbridge , playe
Mendelsaohn'S wedding Mareh, •follow
cd .ny two .solosfeelingly rendered b
1VIr,, ..Egeiter.... The 'ib,ridat party IC
the way into' the' dining room.: whie
with the hall. were decorated : wit
.maple. leaves. a,nil•nlyitle'.aud.with th
guests sat down to !a reeSte recherch
luncheon: with all the delicacies. o
of the season. , The berthonS .., wer
Irdiri . Welk of Toronto. The fOtt
,storey 'brideecake, Which. aisci had e
sprig Of , • white heather, aniong . th
_Smilax which decorated it, and '• th
table, . was .pilaccd . beside . the.. bride
who at the proper time, put a silve
linife into it, after Whieleit was ta,k
cr.:1,o the „ side table ' and cut. • '0
the :Many guests at the Wedding . w
have a fevr of ••the :names .of : thos
from Outside . points.::. Mr.- and Mrs
Craig, 'Toronto' ; • far, and Mrs.' Cite.'
Well, TOtonto'; Miss Scott : And ., Mr
and , IVIrs. ' William Scott, . Mr. : and
.Mrs:. J. T .Dickson; 'Mrs. D. Scott
Mrs, ' Joseph and 'Miss L. Henderson
and . Mrs. J. II, Broadloot, all ,•''of
Seaforth ; ,Dr. Archie Die+son, Rapid
City, Man. ; Albert :Diciison, Brante
forde Mi. and Mrs. Ray, Stratford..
W. NI AcLeod, • -Chico/AD ; - ?Ir. and
Mrs. GeOrge Richardson); Toronto
Mr. - 'and:. Mrs. Thomas , Ingles, Rei -
more ,., Miss' Attie Johnston,. • Barrie,.
MisS Grace 'Johnston!. Stratford, and
Mr. and Mrs, -A. *McLeod, Stratioril.„
The luncheon, tahie presented a, beau-
tiful' sight with the silver, china and
cut giasS, dattiask table /ken • and
myrtle decorations, with the'pom-
pany in full dress. The ' bride's par-
ents looked unusually. bright,' her
mother wearing a-•handsorne costume
of black pilau de soie silk With black
silk tchninings of lace on -Waist and
sleeves '•• andwhite chiffon; ruffle for
the neck. The presents Were very
beautiful.. and many . very . :expensive.
The groinn's gat to the bride Was : A
deed Of their new residence on Que-
bec street and to the bridesmaid a
chain of old gold with gold locket
attached . on which were engraved a
thistle, * Among the presents % sent
from a distance were a handSoine
Irish linen table cloth. and LOX Of
White hea.ther, which arrived lust in
time for the interesting event. The
gift from Postmaster and :Virg, :Galt
Was a heatitiful silver Pudding dish,
anda pre* pit •glase fruit dish
with 'Alver letteee decorating the dish
where the handle loins each side, was
the gift of the IVIiSses MeCteath and
Batt of the postoffiee staff. A beau-
tiful oak rocker was presented by
the registry office staff, of whieh the
geootti is a member. The ibi ide's
going away dress Was of navy hit&
sew, tritnined tastefully, especially
the Eton jacket Of Wilkie X good
deal of satin and black silk braid
appeared ,and WAS. Worn over a.pret-
ty blouse of pale pink, and anther
striped silk and exeeedingly stylish,
Septeniber hat of navy bine felt wi-
th navy blue velvet trimmings orna-
mentedwith steelbuchles and blue
wings. The bride and groom leit'at
ITpooirnotnst.o, Niagara Palls and Oilier a p. m. for their honeymoon trip to
• Ooderich
The tircd;e. is at work at the ele-
vator ha.rbot. • The wheat seems to
I be wh•le but the odor is very ofat
af" Misr; Elise Tye has resumed her
and duties at the Ladies' Ott-
awa, and ( on ervatory- el Music fr-
vis our which s•he Will • gradual:: in 1.1103,
was Loudon on Sept, 'ith, Hugluna
ug -
Ansley, daugkter Gf the late ' , Rev.
is David Mackenzie, and •Sister of Mrs.
ar- (Itev,) Mark Turnbull of Goderich,
ars • We take ,slieeial delight in con-
gratulating Mies M. L. • Green and
. Miss A. W. Green of Loyal on .re-
eeivinr, pil eir at the d.tiry compelk
1 icn, in (be , \\*,,,,tern 'Pair:. professim.-
:el(it.t I. te, r ... makers' •eowtest. Miss
Mary. Green ive,n 1st prize, :'..130 ; •hir.
Waddell Kerwood, gut', $•20 " and
MiAs • A. V. Green 3rd, $10. liuron s
We (eget' very much to announce
tha -demise of ono of our pioncer
ei t izt us . awl well known . mariner, 1h3 .
late Cantain.,James B. Wiggins,. after
-a. ion); and patiently borne illi 0',,
fAlel?r1 t‘by8.1:.igeYmeear'y8aealit.ciSo.annprilY0(IW
r A'tlIncit •
• on .Lake St.. Clair • and Captain. Wig- .•
• -
gins entei•ai ••: lbe race with the yacht
• "Norma": owned' Vy •our, present mem-
ber :of Pailianunt, . Edwin' N. 'Lewis, '
Of ceil:rse like the donglity M. P.. the
Norma out rao., fl the -I:yet and Cap.
tain •Wigains was awarded with ninch
sa tisf act ion to all par ties the prize,
life teared neither wind nor wa-
ve, and his family have bout .lrereaved
,. of a noble -Minded, ;brave -hearted hits-.
band and father; -The floritl„ offerings
were. "Nery.,.numerouS, co- eying.. the
casket. and lai•ge table near it, am-
, ong 'which, we noticed ' a large. beatill-
ffil cross from 'the Piddle school
Irani the pupils of f -rt: 's
• .
. school :of •.whicli Miss' Wiggins
• is princiPal .a wreath,: ' .frora. .• Messrs.
1,•io ing . kind "'Iliac -Vicar a Icly wre7.
a th rnd another from the `,"Coroita-•
!Ion Club" c 1• which Mr. Harry
Wiggins • is, a v4h..1c,(1 memit)er, gry,
. jaini s A.. • •Ar:dersort • o:Itiiited • • at
residence. Mai Clan(' cemet ery 'Ilia •
fueei al, Which we s 1 rgt , inchidin
all the Mat:biers aud fishermen '
Paining . in town, and a great •utith-'
,of 61.13: -CitiM1S.'„_. The •,-.1k1Oft,rers
weici: 'Messrs. -James Buchano. St.-,
•James. Neil Mfilver, : J. 3: -
'Wright, Mrl.ton and Captain
Donnelly'. gaol qirf WIrliris; 'leaves: to
niotirn their loss a sOrrowing • widow ..
and five sops 'and' font tia,ughters
j-Ohn, Merry,. -Jantes. and.,
little Albert) and -Bib '111:isses • •Editb,
,and Frances
". •• Dr.. 1Virs'. Taylor ae returned
• frcim .0, trip ...to Halifax..
• .
Gutzon Ifouse, had the misfortune to
slip on ;the stoos of her own house 1,ca
1.,,,L.,,fin. Ia.bttiriin,s
s bleorolai.e,lits'atoonnt:jaaciii, ...Lft:naiii
layn 4 : hurt one of het limbs very bad -,..'..
Mr. a,1-4,1 leirs. Will. I,.• .portoa, Sr,' any other remedy 1 .nver used for st-
rived ' from Montreal .on 6 Maud aY ni- °mach trlonhICiir' saysan..(i0d
ji's. I:. e•K.r o
at ..
ght, to which eity they went alma ':. FAria, sopo
✓ itself • on the .vine, .from which it spr-
Robert •Eliiett has as they . say “S„
great many irons in the fire." * Ile
Shipped • his first eirof a,Pples to
cilaSgOw. On lgonday.. '
Couneillor Laithwaite a;coompaitird
his seal,' Capt. Laithwa,itt, on his
trip to Manitoba in the ' interest,. of .
the apple industry. , • ' :
.' Mrand Mrs'. Keine and children,
:Miss 'Mind and Master 'Cecil had . a
delightful visit. with their relatiees'.
in Leedon during Fair week. -
Mrs. (Capt.) Ba -der has returned
to het residence here after spending
a pleasant, summer': at Depot: Har -
Contractor Troinenliauser 1.s" busy
getting • the inemcnt work done on the
elevator 'in raPiti 'titr19.
the.8waffield party •rirb& arrhed
here from Cleveland in their on
'auto ear, left On Tuesday. The Caw-
adian roads are away ahead oi tho.
4pericait' roads for travel. • Tho „
Party conneted of Mr. .nd Mrs.
Joseph' Swaffield, their sons :Edger
and Claricey and Miss Root all of
Cleveland. e
Miss Lulu Tweedie has at:toted a
position in Toronto, One by one,
out young ladies are leavingtts for
• the cities. . t
Quito a number of the stUdeats et
the Collegiate Institute have accept-
ed positions as elerks, ',typewriters, I.
•elearthand writers, etc., in the queen
»City. Some Ot our milliners and ; •
dressmakers as well. We are sorry .
to lose so many. ,
Miss Maggie Prondfoot, after spelt -
ding her vacation With her parepts,
has returned to her pOSition in•Tote
onto. •
• Miss Nellie McGillicuddy, da,agliter
of Thomas McGillicuddy, Toronto, •
spent her vacation 'here arid has re.
tinted to her home. • •
Rev. •Mr. Robinson and Mrs, Rob,
Mann of Dungatiteen were Goderich
visitors last week,
Mr. Jack Macdonald has been busy
lately assisting Captain Murdoch IVIc,
iiDooatt,a,,l,d in putting a new spar into
the ea,ptain's sehooner, the " Vie -
Mr. Will. Hale was well enough to
be taken from the hospital, Detroit;
to his home in that city.
CURRD er 11A01( AMER
16 YIIIARS b1SUfl1dRD,tG,
"I had keit Aroubled with lame
back for fifteen years and 1 foutid a
eompkte recovery le the use of Cha-
mberlain's Pain DAM," trty8 John G.
sher Ind. This littitnent is
alsowithout anclonal for sprains and
bruises. It is fox sale by It n.
, r:glavAit •
• .
A large portion of ont.Repair Work eomes from nearby townaand
villages, and from Many poiots in the West. • • • ••
. •
' Local jewellers, not having the experience, tools or conipetent
workmen, send a great deal of their high-class watch work and all
of their fine jewellery, repairs, re -Modelling and engraving to the cities.
Our, Repair Department is equippedwith the newest tools, most
complete stock of materials; and is •in the bands of.thoroughly com-
petent men. . • '
Why not Send yokr Itepairittg, lVfounting, Re -setting and En-
. Send the article by 'registered mail and we will advise you by return
. mail of the repairs necessary, the time required and the probable cost
. before starting the work.
If You think the cost too great we will return the goods without
charge, .
170 Dundas Street ' London .
• graving direct to us, and:by doing -so save tune and extra charges.
..,,,„... .';‘,-'?;•/'
. ----
.____ i
••,..,i .., •
,o.o.-olia...!: 41.'•0;:rai.,
r':---4.ITII lir.4.1 hill ill l' III 1111111ji611-
'mil 11111411 ' . af. / i li 711?ri 11Fri';111; lin 1111 '.
• ."-'-' ....—",Z)--Vortl-
, IL•-
,,...L., L,11,11. .
We have -positively the finest Busi-
ness College premises and equip-
• moot in 'Western Ontario. Our
attendanCe has tretiled in the last
three years ford the College has
grown to be easily tho leading
school in tfic West.
This is not a school living on its
reputation. it is practical 111.64•
last and all the time.
Don't attend Duskiest College
until you hatie read our handsome
ez page catalogue. , IT IS Fang,
W.t), EULEI, Principal.