HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-07, Page 4• , 4 Clinton News-Reeord CLINTON, (iNT. Terms, Of ielibscriptiOn---$1 pez 'T -Oar ht • advallee $L50 may be fAiarged. net SD, No paper -dieCOntialied uuti.ali arreare AM paid, Miles*. .M the °Almon el the InibliSher• The date AA which every .eubseription is paid is aenoted on the label. Advertising rates, , Trensient advee- tiseMeni•se /,0 cOlits per neapariel Ilue tor first insertion and 6 vents per line for eaeh.sab.soquent iasert- ion. Sinai advertiqeMents not to exceed one inch, Well as "Lost,, "Strayed," or "Stelen," ete'in-. sorted once lee 05 •mmes and: eaele• subsequent tneertion 10 cents. Communicationsintended for inibillea- tion must, as a guarantee et gotta faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. • . W. J. MITCHELL, • • Editor aid Proprietere • Clinton. News -Record 0 September 7th 1005 - -7ooalawomoomamam, Uullett ToWnship, Mr. John Foy of New Yorh, mer reaident ol the Oth coneession;: is renewing old acquaintanees 'in this. township. • . ivir. Jack Quigley- is expected home. from British Columbia this mouth,. Mr. Martin Murphy, a, Icerrier em- ploye of 1VIr. Thos. Carkiert,- • spent part of lastweea. with .D14 friends.. Mr. J. Foy of New 'York was Vis- iting in this section for a few • deys recently. Miss T. Lamb spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. Reynolds. • -.. Albert C. Vedder- expectS to...have an Auction Sale of his stocs, about the 15th, Mat., hehaving leas-, ed his farm to his nephew, :Vvesitty, ....for two.. years. „ The . following shows the •Teletive. standing of pupils -ot S. 5. No:5, - for August, based on .attenda4ce; • ee.ptirt-, meet, and eneral ,nrotietencY : . Sr. 4-Essle Mair, .'John Wallace, • Gertie Vodden, Elsie. -Brown.- . Godericla To avoohip. Mise e BroWn end Lily BI- liott of Fullerton are. visiting Alex. Elliott and other friends in Godetieb towuship. ,Mrs. Miller, sister of Mrs. Johne0. Elliott, and Mrs. Pete Cook of Mae :Ionia, Ill., was Visiting at John 0. ilUotts and Luchnow friends. Miss Fenny Jervie is going fa Ful- lerton for a visit einem; friends for three weeks holidaYs. "A ;quiet wedding was eoleinnized at the borne •of Mr: and IVIrs. reeo. Wilson, Government Road, on Zion - day evenin,g, Auguet 23th., when their son George and Miss Elizabeth Lolliott were united m inaeriage. The bride was adopted Men beautiful robe el Cream eoisinee silk trimmed with cream and white silk bbon and was assisted by Mrs. D. IVIcKey of Cock- burn Island, Mr. D. Wilson, support- ing the groom, and the nuptial knot wav tied by the Rev.. C. E. A. Po- cock in the presence of the imnaceliate friends and relatives of the contraet- lug Partiee'. After the ceremony a tastily prepared dinner was partaken of, to Which ample. justice was done. The newly • Wedded couple will take up their. -residence at Blind River. Thessalon. 'friends extend. to them best Wishe5 for a long and prcisper- ous wedded life.'"-Thessaion Advo - date. MisS. Elliott is the grand- daughter of Mr* J. 0. glliOtt of Gotlerieh township. The News-Rece ard joins with the. Huron;friends in extending best wiehes and long life to the contracting parties, Miss Jessie Powell, who has been •visiting her brother, Mr, F. H. Pow- ell of Goderioh township, returns to her home at Niagara Falls' this week. - ' • . Mr. F. 11, Powell has finished the paintine of his house which gives' IL a very fine apPearance, •• , Jr. :4 -Della •McCool, Annie Ball, Mary Jacsson, Ernest Vocklen. Sr. 3 -Orval Rapson, Flossie Bro- wn, Sept. Wallace, Howard- Hill, chute Vodden, Earl Squire, Arm- and McCool. Jr. 3 -Cora McCool, Ephraiin Shell Richard V odden, James Lovett, Wes- ley Hoggart, Helen Little. Sr. 2 -Etta McBrien, 1Vlaggie Mair, Floy Cole, Calvin Lovett. • Jr. 2 -Mary Vodden, May Appleby; Elva atcCool, Addie Little, Willie Weymouth. • Pt. 2 -Ella Lee, Edna Lee. ' Sr. Pt..- 1 -Etta Brown, Fannie. LQ - vett. • • - . • - Jr. Pt. 'I -Ira Rapson, Pearl Haber John Gorbett; May. Gorbett, Vina Cole, Tommie Appleby; Berta; Jack- son.-Einrolied anitacadrinee '41. Aver- age attendance. 37. Blyth. Mr. Thos. Code of: Morris, having sold his farm, intends moving into town in the spring. • Quite a few of our Nitizens are air tending Toronto Fair this week. Constable Westlake is on the sick list these days. Mr. , Somers is doing duty for him for a few days, he having gone to his home in Goderjok Mr. Sam. Crawford of Kincardine was visiting under the, parental roof on Monday. Miss Selina, Bell returner:I from -Lon- don on Wednesday. ' Several of our citizens took in the • excursion to IVIanitOna, on Saturday. On Saturday night a couple of our citizens got into a fistcuff encounter on. our public street which caused quite a crowd to gather around. Constable Westlake was soon on hand, and had one of them in the cooler: The other made for his !ikoa,rding hou- se. They were brought before the, J. P. and were fined $2 each for their misconduct. Monday was observed here as Lab- or Day by most of our citizens; most of them going to the Winghain spor- ts. On Monday our baseball team dro- ve to Wingham to play the Teeswat- er boys. When time was up the Smite stood 10 to 11 in favor of Teesivate er. /Our Public school was re -opened 'on Tuesday after the summer holidays. Mr. T. W. Seott has -disposed of his residence on Westmorland street to Mrs. Cole of East WawasiOsh.. Mr. T. W. Scott purchased the fine brick residence of D. MoBeath on Westmoreland street last week. Conototkee. •Quite a number of pet)* around here took in the Toronto Fair last week. jr. and Mrs. Thomas Andrews el Gorrie spent a few days last week with their deughter, Mrs. B. B. Ste- phenson. Miss ,Alice Jewitt and Miss Ken- nington spent Sunday at Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clerk and fa- mily spent Sunday at Bluevale. Quito a number of our village peo- ple toolt in the excursion to Menito- ba last Saturday. . Two or three of our young fel- lows went to Londeshoro to visit but were received very cold. One of them came home with a black i!ye and Mr. Ernest Adams is nursing a sore arm which he got cut While getting thr- ough a barb wire 'few, being chased by a goat belonging te Mr. H. Col- clough. Mr. Joe Mann and. sister sant Sunday at Mr, J. Riley's, Mr. Geoege Riley, who got . his arm hurt with a, threshing machine a week ago, is getting along nicely. ••••••• • St.. Helens, . Messrs, J. W. Reid and -ROC Reid Ridgetown paid a flying visit"to friends around here last week. 'Messrs. W. J. Todd, nos, Taylor, Will. Rutherfotd and others left •for the West last week. - Miss M. • Carr has returned to her home at Sarnia after iepenclieg a month with her grandparents; .Mr. and Mrs. Junes Ramage. • Mrs, Robert' J. 'Woods and Mrs. John purnin haveketurned home aft- .er vieiting friends at Williscroft. • Benmiller: . Rev, J. •G, Yelland returned on •day 'of last week, haying spent a few • days weith Weeds and relatives at Lonsloe and other points • . ' . Wrn. • Vanstone, John Vanstone, No- inign, Snyder, 'Lester Walters, . Miss Maggio Vanstohe and , •Mrs, were 'among • these Wile . left for • the VV,pst on, Friday. 1aSt..1. Herb..: Buchanan .and •ArdOn, Aitken, of: Gederichr have a tent -pitched in the -grove across the river" and have been • enjoying a few dayscamping 'out, . Large nuinbers their friends • 1Vlisa Zella Whitley of Londeshoto' 'who has been spending a weer as guests of friends on the 1.1a,,ie 1 me, returned home on Tuesday. At a meeting of L. O. L. No. 028 on Monday evening last the following lettef of condolence was passed and sent to Mrs. Wm. Brown, daughter of the late James McIlveen, Hullett: To Mrs, Wm. Brown: We, the members of L. 0. L. No. 928 in lodge assembled desire to ex- press to you our heart telt eympathy in the loss of your father, our broth- er, James McIlveen, whose death oc- curred on the 24th August, and also to your husband., our esteerned wor- shipful master. Wq, shall tniss his genial smile and pleasant word and mourn with you his loss. We point you to Him who has promised to be a father to line fatherless and pray that his grace may sustain you in your time of sorrow and bereave- ment and that at lad you may Meet in that beautiful harm that God hae prepared for those who treat Him. Signed, J. S. Miller, D. lit. t•••, , R. J. Draper, nog, 000•00••••••••00:10;•000•000010.000•0000, The NeWselledotil gives tlid news Of from Goderich have been entertained :daily, and a good tithe generally has been: spent in hunting, fishing .etc. As tint, is in • ideal,: place for camping, the campers Wilt no doubt enjoy the- ir 'outing. :• „ • ' A. BAD BRUISE.. Often causes a good deal of troub- le.. The. best cure is a -prompt ap- plication:of Nerviline whieh instantly stops 'the pain,: prevents swelling, re- moves • 'all blackness and discolorae don. Nerviline is antiseptic--Inevents.• blood ,poisoning.: No. liniment so sir- :onig;.. • penetrating, so swift to .de- stroy4pain. You miss -a lot of com- fort by not: using ,Polson's .Nerviline. Fur nearly fifty...years it has.beeh the. standard family liniment of Canada4 • . Morris Township, . Mias• Belle McNabb isthe new tea- cher in the Barrie school, 13th- Liae. Hareest t is .over, and the result where threshing has ,been done, shows an average yield. • .. ' . . • Mrs. James. Thompsonand little grand -daughter, of 1Vloorefie1di visited • relatives on the 2nd, recently. • Mr. and , Mrs, Hugh Dockett mourn the losv of their infant deughter,aged 3 days, The funeral -took place to the Bluevale. cernetry. • . • ' . Mrs'. Eli Elliott of Wingham is • spending a feW days with hersister, Mrs: Hugh Daiwa, Who is ill* Iler many friends: wiehe her a speedy re covery. It is expected . that the., Harvest Home anniversary of Johnstons ()Mach; 1St Line, IVIorris, will be held on Sunday- and Monday; Sept, I7th Mr. Francis • DeWolf, Who has been residing on the Brewer :farm, 4th Line, for the past 4 years, paSsed away peacefully last week, aged 82 yeare, 6 months . and 14 clays. • . The m -any eld friends of policeman. George Galitheck, Of Toronto, former- ly of the 2e4 Line, will be pleased to hear that he has been promoted to the position of Chief at the new mining town in the liter* Cobalt. Ile should fill the hill all right. If you see it in The Newe-Record it's eo, • Sunday week, George, second sou of David and Mrs, Bedgley, Oth -Line, rgtid Nature's debt et the early age of • 13 years. He had hem hi' failing health for Sonde time So that his dee mise did not come as an unexpected event tothe tome, although hedid not Itikeeto his bead but a few days before his decease. tlampers appreciate Clark's Lunch Tongue -juicy and deliciously eool spread between two pieces of thin bread we1l4buttered-it makes a tasty morel. The News-IteeOrd 'will be sent to fuly addrees until the end of 1905 for 25 cente. Send it to your friend at a triStaliee• It Will be appreeiate • liemift.k.......-111ksosoksuiii.A .______. ___ . ' ' • _ ......ii_ 1.1. JlaSk -_..ie OHAIVIBEALAIN'S COUGH • . • Coat of Logiolation. The' $34,000 fin extra indemnity NM members of Parliament is not the only unjustifiable outlay be con. neetion with the cost of legislation. We have, a addition to this, the ex- • pease of inaintaining a Vice -regal est -4 ablishment at Ottawa and eend-Viee- • regal establishments at each Provin- cial capital in Confederation. To mai- ntain the office of Getrerner-General alone is costing this counitry $120,000, a year; aside from the interest on capital invested in the •officiaaresiden- cc, In round figures the salaries af the Governor and his aides are $52,- 000 a year; the permanent; stall cos- ts $10,000. contingencies (including $15,000 for -travel), $19,000 ; fuel and lig•lit for Rideau Hall, $8,000 main- taining Rideau Hall, $25,006 grounds of same, $5,000; and repairs to private oar, nearly $1,500. Then, there are the Lieutenant -Gov- ernors ot the various Provinces: The saleries of these amount to $71,000 a year; they -vvill be increased when the two new Provinces are btought into being to at least. $60;000, 'But, as in the oa,seof the Go'vernor-Gen- eral, the salary does' not cover 'ethe whole bill. There are residences and eentingeneies eat eaoh Provincial cap- ital as well as .at flee capital of the' Dominion,. In Ontario the cost of maintaining' Goarernment Hbuse and th.v office of Lieutenant -Governor am- ount to $18,000 a year. The princip- al invested in the official residence would earn an.••• interest of probably $,1500,0. more, thus making the total Charge! $33,000 a year. The cbst of Maintaining the residence and officers of the Provincial Lieutenant Geyer- ' tiers ;is borne. out of Provinoial re- venues, and ;We • have no .rneans • of knowing , what this amounts to in the ease of the other Ptovinces, but . it is probably safe to place lit at $70,- 000" at the least. , That. Would nsean.a, total expenditure for the whole of Canada on these Vice -regal and semi- eVice-regal courts of- nieneste$00;001e4 year., . , Even Ai . we plaoe the average ex- penditure , under these heads, -Once Cdnfederation, $20,1l00-amOit ba•st gymaged more "thiaar.tillat-the :total would .aggregate over Seven and a half million dollars. What have the people seemed 'hi return? What (11.- eialn have any .01 the gentle; men who have filled: the various offi- ces performed that could not • have been performed at Intl with the 'aid of k rubber stainp ? On the 'other hand, we have' had maintained, with the sweat -stained money of the toil- ers; officia, residences at Ottawa, Toronto; and other,. centers e•yhic1i • heve.set a • pace in extra,vaigant which is wholly incOmpatibe witn de- mocratic simplicity. • • • The language er Sir Vilna:en .lV.Etil• . eck, when in Opposition, justifiedthe people in • at least.,?Xpecting a reduc- , tion in this outlet, tinder Liberal rule: " Instead -We' ' haire -the; SaI,Ify: garb for members: and '.penSiens for ex,Minis- ters:-Weekly Sun. • • RE1VIEDY sie.IDS NATURE.' Medicines that- •aid nature are al- ways inoet effectual. Chamberlain's Cowell. Remedy aets an this plain. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expeotoration, opens the secret- ions aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by H. B, Combe, Zurich. • Mr. J, D, fiViernor will ereot a, new dwelling on his ietnext to Mr. C. Scheag's reeidences The , cellar, has been eieayated. .• . • Mr. J. J. IVIerner left last week foe COliolty wheee heeintends• tioing..some speculating. Several Hensel' parties will join him', in his, prospecting trip, Mr. Edgae ;Nagel, Who severed , his connection with My. Mernee as at elerk reeently and had intended to z0 West Where he had secured a good site eation, has decidedto remain Sere and -started 'to 'Work 1Veerner's., age . Farmers in this vicinity are. anxio- usly 'waiting for the threshing rriaCb.- ing so they can threshed pet their • yell Wel barns and make .roem for the -balance of their .ctepe: • , The fiew shoW.house las' been given a coat of 'paint' which :Makes it look very neat. The house erected is a credit to the society :and with the gallerY erected around the -Milo° ef it • ample ramie has been made; for .:the exhibitors: , . • ..• Mr: , aw. Mrs. W. :Hess and S eon, George, ret.ureed from the, "Pimiery" last • 'week; whore they Spent ..ten days: arid IVIt Beek aYS • that in ,a; iiienber of years the land between the '.lake .atel the 'old . Au Sa,nble river will be built. up 'with ' etiremer . cottages; Thescenery is ma- gnificient and fishing. is geed., • ". . . . . Wingham, . : MiSS • Eclui. Fair#eld of Wallaceburg is. visiting friend S • and renewing ac- quaintances in town: . • Miss Jean Eiryce :of Emerson,' Manie tob a visitor at the home of .:Dr. Phonies Chisholm; M P: ' Mrs. G. E. %Alta:0d !of Sarnia,. andi W. R.' Kinsman Of Lansing, Micheare visiting their Permits.' 'Mrs, and Mrs: R.. Kiesman of down. •• • Mips . Noyes iWho has :been visiting • friends in town • for the past couple of months, returned to her home in. Hamilton this Week. , Rev. Wm.Lowe received ofileial no- tice this weekethat the ;Rev. -A. B. Fancy, B J., iis4 accepted "the Rec- torship of Wingham, and will " .coin- mence his duties here on Selit: 24UL. Sep•tembef 28' and 29 are -the dates Of Wingham Fall Fair., The prize lists'have been issued- andmay be obtained from -Mt. Elliott, Secretary of the. Society, as well as any other infornia-tion desired. -f The DirectOes hope for a snecessful Feir and will ;spa,re, no effort on their part. - • • • CieRED' OF ' LAME BACK. .AFTER , 15 YEARS OF SUFFERING: "I had been troubled with . lame baelc for fifteen yea,rs 'and I found • a • eomplete recovery in the use of Clue mberlain's Pain 13alin,". says John de Bisher, Milani, Ind. This liniment is • also without an equal for sprains and bruiSes. It is tor sale by a B.: Combe. • ' ' Oklahoma and Statehood., • According to mythology, Minerva had lio • Childhood, but seeing full - armed, vigoreee young !Aimee, item the head of. Jupiter. Oki elroma * is' the Minerva of the States. With her there WaS' 110 period of slow settle: - meet. On the day .that her borders were opened to the -settler she spring full-fledged, a, • vigorous young cont. rnonwealth, into the Union. And on the day that Coegress admits her to Statehood • she will ta.ke rank with the foremost of the Western States, Her population of a million and.three hundred thousand,-whieh is the com- bined population of Oklahoma and Indian Territory, according to the arexual" report of Governor Ferguson for the year ending June 30, 1904 ; It is probably someWhat Mao than that now, -will place her in advance of at least twenty-one of her sister States, several of them among the original thirteen. Not Minting TeX - as, only two States west of qiie Mis- souri will be her / equal in number of people-Eansas and California, 'In old New England, three States, - New ieampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Is- land,e-eould he eambined and still not contain as great a population atz , this new commonwealth in the West will have on the first day of its Statehood. ---From "Oklethonia, Vig- orous Western CortimonWealth," by Clarence fl. Matsoa, in the Atrierieim Rattily BMW ot Review fOr Sep- ,t0Mbere Agony After Eating DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS CURE THE WORST CASES OF INDIG- ESTION. ••*61.•••••• "I suffered so much wiith indigestion that my life had become a burden," says. Miss Nellie Archibeld, of Sheet Harbor, N.•S. "Every time I took even. the lightest meal it causes we hours eif mous The trouble caused e choking sensation in the region, of my heart, winch seriously alarmed aie. My inability to ,properly digest my food, left me eo weak and run down that I could not periorni even the lightest, housework, and I would tire out going up a IOW steps slowly. I sought medical .0,14., and tried sev- eral medicines, but Without getting the • least benefit. My stater, who lived at a cOnsiderable dietance, and yvho had been , an invalid, wrote as about this time that she had- been cured through using Dr, _ Williams Pink Pills, and this decided, me to give them a fair trial, pratically as a last resort. In the course, of a few weeks there was' a notable change in my condition, and 1 began to relish my meals. From, that on. I began to gain new strength, and by the time I had used. sevemboxes, all signs of the trouble had vanished and 1 Was onto More enjoying good health, 'and I have not since had any return of the trouble." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure Ind.: geStion because they mak,e the • rich red blood that; brings tone and strength to the stomach. Nearly all the common ailirrents are eli40 to bad blood, and when the beel blood is turned *.-lato good blood by • Williams' Pink Pills, the trouble dis- appears, That is why these pills eive anaemig,' dizziness,' heart palpi- tation, general debility,. kidney 'trimble, rheumatism, sciatica, luinbago, and nervous troubles, suelt as -neu- ralgia, paralysis and St. Vitus dance. That- - is -why they bring .ease. and comforts at: -all stages �f womanhood and Airlhood, and , cure their secrets .ailthents when the blood supply be: comes Weak, scanty,or irregular But you must get the genuine pills, Substitutes : and. 'imitations which some dealers offer 'leveeeuro any- thing.: When you buy the pills, see that the full name lir, Williams' Pink, Pills for Pale " People is' printed on the wrapper -around eaoh. box, -Sold by all dealers. or sent by mail at 50 emits a box, or Six boxes for $2.50, by Writiag the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,. Ont, . • . isiortOiy • There are natihy theciries ter the teaching of hiatciry, hut . a nation's .hie - 'tory displayed throtigh sirecierelye per,V ods by dons is a• novel idea that ham JuSt'been, realized in. Pieria byM. Leo .Claretle, who, 'besidee'' being an 'emi- nent educationist,is en. ardent adie- „cate of rendering edneittlen attractive.: HIS system Of the history of France in• dressed ,doils ie to be placed on :pnblic -.exhibition, is. an ,obleet lesson in its Even the Prehistoric periods,' whose llfe can only be known .on the testimony Or the rocks, are reb-;- resented. Within the. pale of histOiY- . . . eteky, page is represented y its lead. Ing figures, as Gime predtomane niazi. and Frankish. ' Thep Conic:. 'the crusades, the 'Email; wars,the later middle ages, the early modern period, and- so on ..to the third republic:7.ton- don Globe.. ' : ••. Acetylene Gam. . • Acetylene gas is new used. as ttn explosive.. By means of an air mixture a 'force is. obtained, from it,which catt compete With theta powder,and dyna- mite. Carbide of Calcium is reduced 'to small particles and put into s tin box. •• In this the carbide lies at the -bottom • and above • it is a- partition .11110 with water. After the drill hole has been completed the cartridge ler placed in it and the hdlels closed with -a' Wooden stopper. . Then the partition Is .perforated by a blow from a pin. 'and the water cornea in contact With • the oxhide, whereby ' acetylene' gas Is generated. This miXes with the air of; the drill.' hole. After five Minutes the gas Is Ignited by an electric ,epark. . „ A Parisian Spectacle. • M. Bertesapc; the French minister of 'war, is 'a man of resource : It rained the other day In • Paris with regorge- . less fury: There was an exhibitiOn of fencing, which „drew all Parte, awl :when it was weerthe ladiq foUnd the • street tinted into a -lake1. lifow were • they to. cross?' All the military men, especially the engineers, .were nen plused. ,Then the, minister had an in- spiratiOn. He sent some soldiers for chairs and a. double line of these was made across the street like P. pontoon. Bach distracted dame took the hand of et soldier, and was eonveyed oyer, the spectacle affording nitieh gratification to the rest of the..ecenpany. Atliletioe In Jonas. &mimeo(' etudents and schoolboys. twenty years ago hid no appreciation of athletics. They took too serious a view of their duties to waste on games the time that might be devoted to studies, and they had 'to be drIveu by their early English professore aild teachers lute the playgrounds no though to a disagreeable task. NoW they take a keen Interest in towing, lawn tennis find hareem% though crlek- et, with Its long periods of enforced he activity, (bee tot appeal to them, • Economical Japen. lapari'S war, departinent Is eminent. feel. The wornout seeks, stonkings and' other hosiery used by the troops in Manehuria are being sent bark* to Alum to bo remade into knittlue yarns. These tire then given out to hosiery nutnufacturers ftud reknitted by machinery into underWeer, which is teehiPped to the Seat Cif War. 1, -4 • ,eeeee • HP • 44 10*. • 40111011W4 "t* OH” "" 401 • • 4. 04m • 4. • 449 • 40 • + • .4" 40'1" • .0" • MoKINNON & BLYTH I - • • LOW RATES TO CALIFORNIA Via Chicago, Milwat•Icee & St, Paul • Railway. 4- to- Thie week we make out lint grand display of New Fell Millinery - . f in all the latest New York and Paris styles, in Ladies' Dress Hats. 4 • f• Ready-to-wear and Outing Hats, Father, Wings, Plumes, Flow- I • era, Ribbons'Veilings, and all the latest novelties in. Trimmingo, • + also all the newest shapes in Untrimmed Mite which will be trim- 1 * med to order on short notice by experienced milliners.• • Misa Hood, who is well and favorably known as an expert in the 1 • 4 i I ' -: .. 4 • On a , number of days this stnnner low round-trip rates • to. 'Cal" ornia points are offered via the Chicago, Milwaukee e% St. Paul Railway,: Lib- eral; return limita and stop -over priv- ileges.' Twothrough trains every day froth Union Station; Chioago, Via Chicago'MilWaukee & ' St. Paul and Union pacific Line: ' The Overland Limited leaves -6.05p.' and mak- 'es the inn to San Francisco -in less *than three days. The *California Ex- press, at 10.25 p.. m., carries throu- gh tourist •as wellas standard ing0 cars, and the berth rate for tour- ist- sleeper is only $7.. -Complete in- Jernlatien regarding rates, routes and train service sent on request. • Colo-, rado-Californila Book sent .for *.six cents postage. Free Folders. • A," J., TAYLOR, , • ' Canadian Passenger Agent, • 8 King Street K`ast ' Toronto,. Canada. The Wingham: Business College ; TRAIN tpuR, BRAIN TO 'SUPPORT YOU, What's the use of having braille if you •chni't ewe them ? Brains. are -gi- ven • you to think With -to produee thoughts VehiCh would earn yeti Mere- ey, feme and position. • . . What are you doing ;with . youth 1 Why don't you make thorn part • of the;machinery by which the Wheels of the - resolve? WING -HAM BUSINESS 'COLLEGE will train your brain for a .high sal- aried position. We teach you plain praetical op -to -date iblitsiness Methods. A postal will bring you full .in- formetion, if yott Cannot call:. :Stud- ents May enter any working day •' of the year,•' . . N. Reginald Fletcher,. ;Gee. Smitten, •' President. 12 years teaching experience. Nillii11111.41111.10111111111111111 To succeed theft days you must have -plenty of grit, cour. oge, strength'. Hpiv is it ivith the children P Are they thin, pole, delicate P Do not forget Ayers Sarsaparilla. You know it moltes the blood pure and rich, ond builds' up the general health in every woy. Tee eitillren 011111k0e pommy have skid • beam anima 024 Ixorrali are In prow Condi. 04 A siusalab elms a Mated .fansea, • *min, eteatitetac bowels, Comet- an 112=1" Itt et ale.' '4 sitseivingrizwiteri.eista 46 "Ai OM 11430g. Vrai =TORM. • art of Millinery, is again in charee of this department. She visited theprincipal fashion centres and copied the latest creations in Hats, Etc , as shown in Paris and New York. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come at any tune and view the finest stock of Millinery we ever showed, Zws2sr TJRS This week we have received our New _Furs in Ladies' J aekets,Cap- perinea, Buffs, Scarfs, Boas and Mutts. Now is the time to select your Furs while the stock is tie its best, and as the eveningsaro get- ting cool you will require something stylish in Fur NeckWear. 11/4,T112sr micze.„11,rx.Ams Our New Mantles are here and open for inspectien. We $how some exclusive styles this season. We make it specialty of Misses' • and Children s Coats in cloth and white bearskin, —ter I -Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs 0 • • • MoKINNON & CO, '"-"LYTH , , t4 , •••••,•••••••••••••••••••••• OP SO; • .6. • • • W.'. • • • • 40.110 • • • • • .10 4. • oh • • •• Mbaili1/40110,0 • 41P.4000.,••••••••.,40:401: •=1,71/11.-11"0" asie ;dee • • •,air:•dsor•of •,.."•,/,,010-4belimeNlievaeite .414 in" ra• • I T, ,97Absolute.Poefecti•Qn., ....i. , 'The makers of "Queen Quahty . Shoes ' lave an C:1.141 " . ' • Illeell°4 ' . '3; '. • * kti . 1 ii.airri in view—TO EXCEL.—Althouili c6icstant en -'i ' .i% deavor to make Qu'een Quality better; has kept. it / ‘ ', „BEST, they are still striving to make it BETTER gi I ii than BEST. The goal .they -look forward to is W *,.. *. . Absolute Perfection, ' . . We' have Secured Sole Ageticy for. Clinton, and I . .- We are clearing out•sev.eral iin.es at greatly -re- p ric.duced.pricei,,to make room for Queen Quality., You 4. i1 Sh011id see them.•Vou save.rnoney every. -time - you ;.• • • #.6 will be pleased to show you them. . ket 'buy your your footwear at • . •• it, • • H 6.,,Q . ..°••••• .'" • , .:.,1 WIVI:sf TAYLOR. Si....SON: . • * • • • • •,4!•••••+•••44•••••4 •••••••••0414.0.•••.*** • J. B. HOOVER.! •NELSON 'BALL t • • ate. lit Curtain Stretoher I: Saves Time and Labor. . ' , ' • . very Lady Should Rave One I i ' • — . Undertakino; promptly, attended to by night Or day. 1 i i , acro-o-o-o-cr-o-o-O-oo-o-o-oo-o-o-c-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-0-0-8-0-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0. 1" . . .• • „ . • . . • . ' • . , • • .. ' . . , . . . • . . • EIGOVER 84 BALL.. . . . . , Nighe and Sunday calls answered es• residence of either of • •tlit princi- ele t .peltee • • • •6 . * Z•41a..414•‘•••••41.••••••••••••••••••4•••••••••4 t , • o 0 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 COO 0 0 o®111®® • 0 01104i ' THE CREAT CASH STORE ecia1 For This Week 1 Mott IT—ILIT 3glIrr 3:31a1:1.A.MAIVIVEn 1\TT *• ' A For the next ten days we will offer some of the greatest bargains in Mil- linery that were ever shown in this town. See our bitegain tables upstairs. Headquarters for Up -to -Date Ciothing •' Call and see what we have in Boys' and Men's Clothing at, $2.50, $3, 63.5o, $4, $5 and up to $12. e• e; 1•0 pairsstBrooyngsjyTtwnaedeed, iiKontirieseats • and double knees in all sizes • , from 2210 33, regular pi ice 60e, 75c and 850, to oleo& at., • . .49 ii0 dozen Men's Working Shirts All sizes, light and dark colors, to Meer this week at...... „ . 1 U , Ladies' and Gents' Light Simmer Underwear: and Hosiery at moderate prices. • Ladies' and Men's Shoes in all the latest styles at the very lowest prices. Vow is the time to buy. yourty2g.lViiipaymi 1:7tour prism:Our enstome tybolaii3elle( ' oxt.o.pr x>n.x>15.1=z.v17zttt-ce. • and are quick to itairehase. ' ' Yalmaamaammormammerrar Successors to D. M. tieBeath. 000 * 0 0 04000®OS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Extension Tables Bating narvesting and Threshiag season. a Good Exteneimi Table Will be found Very convenient. We show eight different styles of Dining Tables wiiieh will aecomadiete from ,8 to 18 men, These tables ran- ge in prier% front $3.60 to $16.00 •eaelli. ettn and see there. J. 11. ctieLLew, Myth, toot Putniture Storo itt tho Couatr, t • • • • • a