HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-09-07, Page 2'our :Koiner Back 'with Sunlight Soa
Sunlight Soap is guarenteed yerfeetly pure, genuine, and free front
edulterations-all dealers are 0.411-zumed to return purchase Money to stuyone
Sndieg cause for eemplaint.
Therefore you IOW nothieg by trying
an yo* will agiee With millions of other women that the Sunlight way is the
truly way to wash clothes.
as,000.00 reward will 'be paid to any personwho can provethat Sunlight
Soap contains any form of adulteratioa or catcalls any beuriotes cheneeali.
Just rub Sunlight Soap on yon r clothes mai let them se drn tepid.water,
then rinse out in freS11 Water. la; equally good in Jerre or sea wator,
"a" i.estse, ereee,
The Sunlight Maids do not rids and boll their clethee to shreds .•-they.
• wash the easy Sonlight way
- Fresh..
Binder T
• AgrietiltUral SOCieties.
! Prol in2lal Superintendent of , Agri-
coiltural Societies, • H. B. Cowau has
, been gathering information in eegarl
' to number of fairs widely hold 11%)1:
ra,ces. at their fall exhiaitione.
A. :a leant of. a series of. •aueete
ions sent out to seetelies. it hes ban
• found that 141. societies are In fa,ver
of horse racing' arid 126 against it.
Marty of the societies ht favor 01
horse racing believe that the value ,ot
the purses should he. limited,' 110
societies report that they believe horse
racing to be necessary foe the sue-
ceee of their. e.xhibitions, While- :130
are not Of this opinion: . •
itt teply to a ,gutetion e,saed ths
societies as to Whether they °Would.
conSider horst lacing trecerisary were
there fewer calabitione in their vier,
eity 1'18 societies replied that' they
would, While 152 stated that they
would not: •The value ase :'the perelss
offered at the exhibitioes' lest yeas
etnotintod to considerably over 32ffel
000% 125 societiee are -in favor . of
restricting the races' to horses °Vaud.
by Ince living' within- 20/ Miles oath()
-fair, .while 142 seeicties stated stimt
they' would not be in fp,V,C11: of • . such
r.."(Sli.Tiiteeti°aP'notellse; SoCieti.es er.e
. in levee of restrieting the value . of
the purses Otellicepurs es: for, . hoese
Jams, to a' stim not ii') 'exceed oito
"third of the th
value Of „e total atm,
mint paid ••in : prirea for all .agricult-
ural perposes. •
Clinton News -Record
The News of Goderich.
• Mise Eloise A. Slchningi, orespondont
la the Gananonue Manliood League
series, Dr. A. 11. Mabee, L. D.
brother of 1)r. L. M. 1Viabee, (leder-
ich, gave au address at 9 a. m. iu
Orae Methodist church, his suojeet
being "'lite. Necessity ot Right id -
eats." •
Oa Monday, 20th August, Mrs. Is-
abella,Ilill carrick celebrated, her
Seth birthday at, her residence, New-
gate street, ey giving a birthday par-
ty. Mrs. Carrick wore a handsome
teostunie of black peat de sole site,
with lovely whitVlaee headress,white
lace chemisette nod. Collar fastened
by a bealltifta ,hr0Oeh1 the Otto of her
son, Mr. 'William carrick,
Boston, coataining a, photograph ot
his father, IVIrs. Carrie& wes assist-
ed in receiving ber guests by her
datzgliters; Mrs. Robert Armstrong 01
Brandon, and. Wass 'Carrick of lown.
Fuer generations were represeated at
the. gathering, Mrs, Oarrica, her dau-
ghter ffirs. Robert Armstrong, Bran-
don, terawidaughter, Mrs. William
Dewing and. greia gratelelaugirter ba- street and called ,on. all her mother's
by Isabelia Lull Dowing both of Wir-- relatives, the Vide= family. atlx.Jel-
ipea, One' strange fact connected with fries is One of the most popular bar -
0 0 0
Mr. Hays has painted the steps le -
10 ala hell, door,. a pretty apt
green shoo wilt,* adds much to toe
appearance of his residence.
.Our bakers must have hem sorely
tried en Saturday knowing of • the
great MilUlf ofvisitors to our towa.
tettea -on Seaway otnings there . is
not 'a loaf of bread to ne .gotten in
any bakery in town.
Alderman, and Mrs. E.' .J. Jeffries
of Detroit Who- registered at .1.1-otei,
Bedfoed last week returnedto their•
borne in Detreit on Friday lest. Iltay
drove to Deatniller on 'inursday .aft'
•einem leaving. town by the i-1uron
licad and returnina via Settled -The
weather • was cbarnaiag auring , their
whole stay. Mrs-, jeltries never re-
turned to , GoderiCh since .she left it
alamat a,"quarter of a °eatery • ago,
with her fathee and mo•ther, • who'
with their family settled in Detroit.
Mrs. ..Williarn Stotts mother ot. Mae..
steal:1.es, died of late yeers. Mrs. Jet -
fries srevislla(Uer old home onSouth
, the bahe's name is that at baptism
the name Isabella Hill given the ba
be WAS,the name borne by both of
WEARiNG-LAW A. -Y• 1:011-LUN4S-4-
Red Cnp=-600ft tO the pound„
. .
Deering=-650ft to the pound
I have a large stock on 'hand
and my prices are the best:
J. A. Ford.
"aka 4.
• ••••••••••••‘••••• ise0
• -
It pays to got a business ed.:. :0
ucation and it• pays to get it #
in the school which can do 41it,
most for its stticlents after #
they graduate. This school •is see
recognized to he one ot the be- 0
st Business Colleges in Cana-
da. All our graduates 'secure #
positions. Busihess Colleges #
frequently apply to us to sec- #
tire graduates• as teachers. •
Write for our ftge eafalOgue. 4
Elliott & McLachlan, t
Principals. .0
The Northern Navigation Co,
Ideal Tourist Weather.
MACKINAC-t-Steatners leave Col-
lingwe'od 1.30 p. in., OtiVen Sbund 11
p. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
Steamer leaves CollingWood Mon-
days and Fridays at 10.801). m.
SOUND-Steanter leaves Penetang at
2.45 p. tn. week days.
DULUTH-Stearner leaves Sarnia et
3.80 p. th. lVfondays, 'Wednesdays and
Fridays..• .
Touriat tiekets eherip rates to
tebrale,t"Iley, Lake Superior and Ali
Literature and tiekets on applica-
tion 'to ari
all qrand Trunk d G. P.%
11. I-1. Gildersleeve, Mgr, Collingwoed
Nie11014011,, TOO. .1910.1 Sanaa.
' Yes, and Your. strength toe.... Stop
!coughing and' get rid of 'that-catarra.
The •One' rethedy, is "•• Caterrhezone
which. gees to the . diseased tisanes
slang' with the air eyea. byeathe ; • it
-can't fail to reach the source of the
tectuble; 'it's bound. to , the 'germs,
and as for healing tzil the sore places
nothing can surpass' Catari:,hozone.
If yeti ilee't get instant telief and
.ultimata • ctire yeti will at least a get
•btrielk :your money Sea Cetarrhozehe la
guaranteed% to .cur -catarrh ih any
part of the system You run no risic
-therefore• use CateirleasoliC4e-saf,Our
expense if 7not satisfied.. k '
, . • ,•
Robert Bacon of New Yoriwa,s ap-
pointed assistant United States' Sec-
retary of State.. •
odorless Non-poisonous
Tho Wonderful Cleaner
save the thrifty housewife
many useful dollars. Cleans coat-.
est or finest a fabrics, carpets or
silk waists beyond belief.
• DUST' entirely removed
• atnivis absolutely dostroYed.
•COLORS restored like new
• Gizmo renewed in carpets
• And a child can do it with
SA F3N*43-. FR E11111.0 .
Get it ab your grocer's.
.The HuffMan & Tooter Co.
-mum- ...mow- -••••".
DA.VIS & 11.0W I iA X HARD-
'W. J. Stevenson.
I have purchased the coal business
formerly carried on by Harland Bros.,
but lately by Mr, Donald MeCorvie,
and an prepared to receive orders for
all sizes of '60al, Grate, ,Egg, StoVe,
Nut and Soft, and seilielt your pat-
ronage. Orders Ieft at tuy office near
the coal sheds or at Harland Bros.
hardware store wilt reeelve prompt
attelition.w-Williant Downs. 70
eipters as well as alderman of the
city of the Straits.
Mr. Horace J. Horton of Sault'
the child's great grandmothers be- Ste, Marie, and his On -in-law eget
fore their • marriage, eite laving an
.leitgland; an,d the other ir.• Aberdeen,
Seetland, On. the 'parental side the
behie's great grandmother was Mrs.
Milian*wife of the late Mr. Wil-
litune, the first French Master assoc-
iated with Mr. Sohn Haldane in the
(lint Grairtmer school, also a daughter
el the late Rete Mr. tall, rector 01
at lenglieh" Church ia England: The
babe s father, ,Mr Williarn Downing,a.
C. P.r. Conductor of Winnipeg, was
resent •and. Miss Armstrong Irma
Stratford. ' Tho presents were very
pretty,and included some gold piemS
from Mr. ..end Mrs. Carrick o Boa;
ton, . some good Canadian eills from
.her daughters and grandschildree,
'very tare rose bowl and emerald
head salt bottle, painted china and
acnne ether pretty articles. Or_ ths
table wete vases of floivdrs, and tier
!peels; did .justice to the, biathday.
celee, 'Scotch biead, chic ,ea• patties
and other delieacies. Mrs, . Carrice
eitioyed herbirthday party as Much
as her gireste.•,
• Mr. Stancomae .and fatally must be
eongratalated by all who itnow' them
on .gaving their handsome new beica
residence for oeMination. . The fiewei
and. Vegetehle gardens .were not ne-
glected eitherlhe rows of ,asaers
are niest attractive. ' •
. Through the ki•ndness of Mrs.' Whit -
else -ad of Clinton, Hodgees Bros.,have
-*Wafted n th wiriciolw.: el their or
store • oti north side of squere a
Moose's head whieh *awl presentee • to
the. late Mr. Whitehead, by the Huta
on flay' *Oo.,. the year, on which
the If. B. and G. R. R. Was finished
It is. a. wonderfully:. well Preserved
headr:witleatne_latgee antlers, all at-
• ,Many pleoele along .' :the streets': (in.
Wedriesday a. 111: 'teller oiled • thiiikip„,,,
.ot - the. iong. leoaed or event, the .001-
11)5e of the sute..which hapeoned , at
-the exact- hour noted bathe Canad-
ian Press 6.30', a. m. Aligust .30th,
es05. It, was almost' a :total ecliase
brit .pessed, oeer so rapidly -that efts
sun 'cense out in great effulgence ale
oia, 7 es'-' m, and •later mere. ettee) ob-
seered by Passing ,clou le whica soon
pasSed 'away. • '
Geeat delight was exhibPial by oer
grocers .and o thers i tears aid in Pi B
.conunissia,kit department Qf the 7th
fueiliers, • on their • coming ice oir to
wn on Saturday.
: :Mrs.. .Lindhurg) of • Bacto°1 ts the
guest of her :uncle and eenta • alr.
and Mrs. 'Alex: Straiteu.•
Mr.. and.. Mrs. .Peter na.-1Vihn: .
Mise Mabel Goldthorpe spett lasts
week at the National Exhftbition, To -
'Dente.. • '• • ' '.• -
We are promised a tew September
wedding's, but Nlcry tew go. far. ,
Mr. Jolla and Miss Newcombe were
.Torent o %•yieitere sleet; Week. •
Mrs. W.11 Smith of 'Hotel Goders
ich ' ticeompanie& her daughter to
Detroit, one day last week. .
'Mr,. Joseph Ileale of :Winnipeg paid.
; last month his annual 'visit to his
parente. Mrs. Male is mu& better,
Miss Mahal ',ICer• of Clinton, while
in town was the guest of Miss' Ye'
Mr. Phineas Wiggins 'of Saginaw,
arrived here- on -Weihiesdal to visit
bis yotingest heather, ()eaten. • Jain
es Wiggins, who has teen seriously ill
gra past two or {hive months. • Mie
'Wiggins' Was much pleased with our
town. • He says Segfaaw is now a
great .eoalmining place. Bo! has
$1041 quite a lar•ge. seam :of wet
• which lies underneath his residenee,
and some days it 'trembles with the
explosion folloWing ithe miner's esti of
dynaniite While digging out the Coal:
Mises 'Scratch and Breahney have
registered at the hritish •Exchange.
Mr, G. W; Fowler of Hightower,
Ala„ relates an experiemp he had
whales serving on a, petit Airy .in
murder ease at Edwardsville, eounty
Seat of Clebournc county, Alabama.
He says "White there I ate some
fresh meat and some souse meat and
it gni% me cholera morbus in a very
severe form. I was never more' sick
in my life and sent to the drugstore
for it eertaiti cholera mixture, but the
druggist sent me a. bottle of Cham-
berlain's Collie, Cholera, ar.d. Diarr;.
hotta, Remedy instead, saying that he
had what 1 sent for, but that this
medicine • waS so attieh better he
Would rather send to to me 'in the
fix I was in. 1 too k one dose of it'
and was better in live minutes.- The
second dose Need ia entirely. TWo
fellovjurors were afflicted itt t
'same manner and one small bottle
cured the tinve of us." II or 3416 by
daughter, Mr. and 1VIrs. Kelly (nee
Miss Bertha, Barton) eed their little
sen Iler•aee, 'arrived per steamer Kau,
Edward from Saida Ste.. IVIarte ori
.Friday andwere all the guests last
• weee af Mr. and Wis. S. Knucele.
They are thie week attendine the Na-
tional, „Exhibition. at Teronto. and are
the guests of Mr, alartoa's brother,
Harry Horton; druggist, Toronto.
Mrs. Charlie Young and .two sisters
• the Misses ivers,• all ot Pontiac, were
the 'guests -last week .of their brother
Mr, Wilson Ivers; hayfield .Road.
Mrs. Young's lite was despaired of
a feW 'months ,ago but she has re-
covered Very .rapidly. .
Mts. Albert Cox' and little daugh-
ter, Miee ,Alma, have returned from
a trip to •Toronto and St. Thothas.
At the latter place they. were the gm -
este of. Mrs.' • Cox's parents. • Misa.
Alma is new entirely well. ,
We are baPpy to attain ilie Meade
'of the Hale family here that mr. B.
Hale its able to be about town .aga,-
in and looks :very Well •in,fter his aeic-
ere attack .of apperidicitis. We said
On. Meeting ••bint "You got a .quem -
cure: for your • attack, viz: the tele-
gram etating that hie .,brother wes
shot. - Nies" he replicC"I was .s3
glad that- I was allowed that dee by
the 1t1. 1) to sit out upon the..: lawn
and -When that. telegram earner 1 felt
,myself all shaken up, bet, thy brother
aithottah. not out. 'of .clanger at • Mt,
Clemons is getting on: very. nicely.. •
'.Mrs. John ' :11. Armstrong returned-
. . . • ,
week- frail a; :visit to relatives in
I ipley.
•I Ma and MrS.. Lewitt and youngest
sOn.,. Master Wilfrid, .spent lest week
at the: great National. Exhibition at
IVIre. Edwarta Tighe; accompanied
, by her two peetty little children;
and Terence, .returned on Sat=
urday to theie home at Guelph after
a delightfid stay of n '.menth r six
-weeks it the residence of Mr. , and.
MrSa:William Fighe, Britannia ,Roads
alre Edwatd Tighe's old home. -
Miss Ktlts, accompanied by her lit
tie cousin, .'Harsiid Edward, lett .fot
Miss Kilts'. boine. at Tonawanda, N.
Y., on Thursday last.' . • • "
On Friday eau:mien Miss Fannie.
Hutchison arrived • in a speciai. car
froth the I.Iospital it Montreal where.
she has been since undergoing an op-
eration. Her nuese and some of, her,
sisters sadeeinoinied het '•freen , Mont-
real. ,She bad' to 'be carried front the.
trala to a Carriage in waltiag: Qui.
teadeess• 'will remember • that 'Vass Hut-
chison fell oyer a year ego, while
etrosSinfg the tiled: noor of a .Moetreal
place of latisine.ss and broke one of
bee Iimbea Which it scents was an-
perfeetly set hence het preseeksuffer-
Mr, and Mrs. .•JanieS Fowler Of Car-
laedville, 'after .spending a delighted
week with Mr. Fowler's brother, Ge-
o -140 H. Fowler, attended. the. Nation-
al :Exhibitioa. returning last . week, .111
time to take the King Edward on
Friday for their home. . .
' A party of our toWnspimple • includ-
ing Mrs. and Miss Gerctrieve. Brawl,
Meniphis, Miss Tessie McIntosh, See-
antori., aliSe Cairria Shannon,,lViEwan
Term., ,visited the National Exhibit-
! oat at Toronto lett. Week. The. party
alto .visited the Niagara Falls, but
thesouvenirs are se highly priced
thiS year ef 1905: that no purchases
Wen Made.,
MeSsrS. . ;Charles Watson • of New
York, and Mr. Diedrich of town left
oft Saturday for Nety Yerk, Mr.
Charles Watson has beenseveral yea. -
're la Ne.w York. Mr. nitelrieh • has
obtained' a position . in t drug store
in . that city.
• The Steamer Rote. metint we learn
• is laid up,awaiting the harvesting
of the new wheat.
. ISIr, Donald MeGillivary of the crew
of the Rosetnottet is engineer at pres-
sento, tnfor No. 1 .Fire Station, Xing-
• Mrs. J. P. Brown; who visited the
Va,tional Exhibition at Toronto, re-
turned° to her home on Friday.
W. D. 13irehard of London is Mail
elerk prtem.
• Mr, JaarieS Doyle has been *absent
tour inonths, owing to indisposition
consf4enent 'linen the loss of his only
son. .1011e is at Sudbury with his bro.
1 -hers the Messrs Jobe and Sylvester
Mrs, 'D. Fisher has returned. to her
rooms in' Parsons' Fair block,
Miss Keterah Brown is the guest
of friends in Stratford.
lind Chamberlain's Stomach And
Liver Tablets more beneficial tban
any other remedy T ever used. for st-
omach trouble," says J. P. Itiote, of
Edma, Mo. or any disorder of the
stomach, biliousness or constipation,
these Tablets -are Without Peer.
II. Combo, Vor sale by IL B. Combe,,
' AltAA"h
' •
September 7th 1905
Trio death of Janet' McMahen, re. The outer breakwater suffered mat-
lict of the late JaMes Clendenning,
took place After a short illness at
Victoria Hospital itondon, on Fridar,
18rh August: lite remains were tak-
en to the residence of her brother-
in-law, Mr. John 11. Armstrong, and
the funeral took plaess to Maitland
Cemetery, on, Sunday. The pallbear-
ers were Messrs. WflUatu and Nelson
Armstronfgr, ArMie Nicholson, William
Sproat, Walter Sbarp and James
McDonald, Rev. Joseph Elliott con-
ducted the services at t•lie house and.
grave. 1VIrs. Clenclenning was bore at
Kinloss, in 1858 and was married in
;1830 to Mr. John Clendenning at the
residence of her brother-in-law, Mr.
John H. Armstrong 4n Hay town-
ship, and \Volt to Michigan toreside
living there about 6 years, later co-
ming to Gotle,rich where Mr. Menden-
Mug died about 3 years ago. 1VIrs.
• Clendenning who had been in delieate
health for same tinae before her ims-
baed's decease seemed to rally after
a few weeks and had the house re-
modelled. About April of this year
• she thought that change of scene mi-
ght benefit her health, and went to
• open a business in London. Her str-
ength failed however, mid she fell a
victim to appendicitis, and .died after
the operation woes performed. She
leaves to 'tneurn their loss', one son,
John, at present in London. Her siss
tors and brothers are ' Mrs. Shelton,
Ripley, Mrs. D. Taylor, London, Mrs.
J.Edwards, Sarnia, and, Mrs. Arm-
strong, Port Huron.. Her two broth-
ers are Meseta. J. 1VIel'4ah.on of Sea
forth and M. McMahon of Port Hur-
Messrs. Percy and Reggie Tye are
spending the balance pf their fiaeat-
ion at the residence of' their parents,
Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Tye. • :
Master Archie McGillivray is a very
; efficient clerk at the grocery of 'R.. T.
.cutt. , . • •
• Thercanains of the- late - James-
Tewsley -areived• on Saturday's' 1.30
pem train frem Clinton.. The fun-
erita took Place .from the station to
Maitland cemetery. Among the old
Colborne-, friends -was Mr. John
Buchanan, leolang wonderfully . eig
orous. "• .
Miss Rae reahrn•edto her' home at
Walton this week 'after a Pleasant
tisit With her ,sister, Mrs. Small. ,_
hfr, and Mrs. Rob. :Barney 'and
baby, Ibelehie, of Woodstock, arrived
an Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Barney's patents, •• Mr. and Mrs'. S.,
Knuckle East Street; returning on
lasesday to their Jaime.
- .
"My daughter, •.thirteen years -old,
suffered from eczema, for three years.
•She was treated by our family phy-
sician and used 'other ointments wi-
thout benefit. By nsingeDr, Chase's
Ointment she has bieen completely
eured. This is' the only -ointment, I
.feel Ake recomnieecling,":Mr. James.
H. •Patriquia., 176 Rockdale Areaue,
Sydney, C. B.) • • •
Mrs. Ad Miss, Roberts. returned on
Friday last to their hone at Stret-
Mrs. Wright of Aylmer arrived hero
•a; 'couple of weeks ago,' toput the
house in. readiness, eveliiefi Mr .Wtight
selected: for the occupancy' of Irina
self and .his bride, ' •
Mr: James Themipsesi, our, baritone
soleekt, spent the past week in Toe -
:onto, iand his father; . Ma. •, 'George
• Thompaint; visited the exhibition at
Toronto the previous week,
Judge and Mrs. Holt and Mr. and
Mrs. •We' L.. Elliott; .have returned
• '
from a delightful ;trip down the St.
Lawrence: : • • • '
Me; and 'Mis C:hailes 'ShaW. '(nee
Mise Georgina: Watson) it 'will he re-
membered left town to -visit the old
land; :twoor more years ago. • 1VIrs.
Watson rearmed 'last Week and ivte:
Shaw •will • return. later. • :
• Mr. and • Mrs. R. S. %Means and .
Miss Waliams are expected home :at
• an early date from England. •
-.Was M. :Doyle of Sedbery and her
sister,. Mrs. McFadicien Of Sault Ste.
Marie 'were the •guests recently of
their- brothel- Judge Doyle and fam-
ily.' They also visited the "National
Exhibition.'' •
-Mr.. and Mrs. Charles Munroe and
little datigitter leiVort the afterireoe
of. Labor Day for their home at Val-
dosta; Georgia. •
Mts. KernSgh.an Blyth, formerly'
Of Detroit, was tne ,,test for some
weeks of her father, Mr. kluckstep.
Miss Cook of St. Louis iS the guest
of her . Sister,..Mss. ITuckstep, and
• Mother, Mrs. Cook,
Can't eVeh •sleep -restless day' and
night--lifooding ,over imagined troub-
'16 all the time. The disease isn't in
the brain, but in thethIood which . is
thin and. innatritious.' Do the right
thing now and you'll be cured quick'
ly. Just -stake Ferrozone ; it turns
everything you eat • into tourishmet
conseauently, 'blood •contialaing lo s
of iron and oxygen -is formed. Fere
rezone makes fleets, ' musele, nerae-,
strengthens in a -week, cures very
quickly. You'll live longer, feel bri-
ghter,. be' free from melaneholy if you
use Ferrozone. Fifty cents buys a
box of this good tonid (fifty choco-
lete qoated tableti in every box) at
all dealers.
The News-Iteeord
any address until
for 26 cents, Send
at it distance, It
will be sent to
the end of 19050
it to your friend
Will be appreciat-
Rebuked. .
"loather," said .it boyof twelve,
an you tell 'me. who Shylock was?"
,"What 1" exclaimed' the father in
an, a.ggrieved.. tones: 'L46 1 sent you
to Sunday-sehod for the,,,past six or
Sewn YcabS. only.. to hawyou ask Me
who Shylock was Shame on you,
boy I Get your bible and find out at
ottee 1"-Septernber Lippincott's.
The Kidneys
erially «t WednestlaY sight August Whea they are we*, tor.
30th from the storm which passed i„AA
over Lake Huron washing away over rut Tor oLagniantro the whole
200 feet hi the concrete wall (three system suffers. Doolt„ neg.
feet wide and risine eome four orlive ect) W• . .
ein at this tune, but
lect above the water.) It is thought:
that praeticallY rea the maul towt'; heed the warning of the
dation btoelis on the east side have; achinl heck wthe bloated
beer. Nvasht4 into the lahe. I „
A craft containing 2,500,000 feet of azce, e sallow compiewit,
logs cLusigned to the (1 oderich Luna-, the winery disorder, and
ber Co.,
ast wweekas expeeted in to our liar- hevia treatment at once with
bor l, 'but the storm pros- a)
late,• the raft will be taken
ented the tugs from going out, ant
Bay, and about a million feet, brou- eses. •
ght down here this
balance in the spring. kseasne, an'a th'!11 ale* timo num able cure
to 81°1‘''S , whichcontalestlic best. and
.11:totesd'iS.aorf rse
curative substances.
Mtrhze.:71t4erLarrt som\Whooyclig aago00,11htirtsa.1 send. for c13,04olitioonodRicodne:1,,os, No. 8.
at contract cni tho C. P. It. at lily tit
.atiel Mrs. Stewart and family have
removed from Niagara to hlytat at
which. place Mr. Stewart iv
When the • King Edward axrited
at the dock on Suadaa evenng, 26th
August, the friends of Mr. and 'Vim.
Will Connor§ of Detroit, fermerly of
town, were sorry to meet them with
the litthe white casket coverod with
floral tributes and lined with white
roses which contained the recnaina
of their lovely six mouths old infant,
their bright dark eyed Mary Margate,
pt. The little funeral took place on
Monday morning front the home of
the behle's grandparents, Mr. caul
Mts. Denis Nevilie, to Inc R, 0. cem-
etery at • Colborne, Rev, Father Mac-
rae officiatina. Quite a nemter of
earriases were in attendance, Mr.
C tumors teturned last week to . De-
troit. Much sympathy is extended ta,
the young conple On the 1os3 • --ot
their first-born:.
Mr. land Mrs.. (belies ( laystal
(n 3 Miss Sarah McKnieet) of Moo -
Asset., ertivcd in ' tcriVil ut
AiiicilAt. and while here wexe..the gueS-
.ts • cif titer atnt, Mrs. Lewis Elliott,
They also visited celatiVes at the
end Mrs. Charles Chrystal • of
Meosejaw . took passage on Friday
,per steamer Kir ,p ' EdWaecl. to visit
Mrs: Sickles eat Port Huron and` oth-
er relatives at Detroit! •
• Cn Sunda Y afterneon v,an load of
•the • London vole)iteers )(trove up
King,stOn' street presumably :on their
Way to hayfield and the song they
sans showed little reverence f er the
Svjaleath day, The chores Of the Son
was' "What the .****.• do Wecare ?" it
was, -truly unworthy 'of the Fusiliere.
who ought • to stand high on the milt-.
tary roll. They cerried very . bad -
1) at other pointS, Mr. Roy Harri-
son received the ordera froixt.the Fus•••
Alter Camp for hica,d and :pies. .:On
Sunday last three companies et
the Fusiliers: attended divine 'service
at • St.,. :Geoege's. 'at ,11 m. They
were ,he.aded by the ' htigte hand. • Rey.
Mark Terminal •Was. assisted 'lay 'Rev.
Mr, Buell.
.• 1Virs. 4. J. HolMee and daughter's,
'the ,Misses Jessie and.Maric, of einety
squats after sp,eneling some weeks with.
Mrs.', Haines' George
Thontscin, left iat Augooi to visitare-
latiyes in Lawreheee steer St. Thom-
as, and other Places, before rettirte•
ing. to: their home . •
Mr, Waite Logan of Buffalo', intends
.ed ' • visiting .,Goderich on Saturday
last • and spent Labor Day with his
wif and daughter, Mrs.• Fred.. Mina
ney, but he had to siak a crib at;
• Buffalo oa, Sunday, a• prOceedint that
was • a necessity, , consa4uently he
could net leave l3difalo, • He has laid -
cribs for Mitee'..at Buffalo and 'only
Met with reverses oace. '
tMrs. A; 'McKay OE Stratford is at
the old residence, West' Street,. heene '•
of ' the Mites picks.on. • s .
.1Virs; Crasaw.ellar, wife of• the Fein-.
eo as the lake has been so rough of apardla
Francis J. McCarty, a seventeen-
year-oldboy, iiit inioited a wireless
1. Bet, nevertheless you feel pretty.
seedy. Best prescription is Dr. Ham-
ilton's Pills ; they torte up the en-
tire system; strengthen the stomach,
elevate youe spirits and make you •
feel better i one -day.' It's by clean -
int; thebody of waetes, by PutifYing -
and enriching the Meal that Dr.
Hamilton's, • Pills accemplisit , much,
Very mild, -exceelingly prompt, and
.guaranteed in every etSe. Your drue
Mist 'sells- Dr:. Hamiltim's Pills of
Mandree and .13utteruu . in yellow
boxes, 250 each, or fire for $1.00....
Get the genuine.
Further fish fa rig between. the Tar
Jeri, aneethe treere is reported from
Beau •• •
,t i believed . that Sir Ernese Coes
hyarte willcballerree ior the Am•eriee, .*
Cup. .
• '
" PSVcRINE" is t wonderful
tonic. If contains medicinal
elements not found in any of the
patent medicines.. '`:PSY.OI104'!,
is a 'regularpracticing physician's
formula. A tonic for wea.k people,
for men of business worries, for the
tired mother, the pale, languid
giri Young girls itist budding- into
womanhood elderly, people who
.'rec:•1 that weakness dee to old age •
,find it a' reMedy they cermet do
without, It restores' ere-. •
.ates rich, now blood, removes. all
imPurities, st.rengt1Mns the nerves.
..1,1 you need. a tr0,1 ask druggist for '
Ph a
DatiaelSI3.--:6NE DOLiale:-.FIIEE TRIAL •
D11 T A. 01.9bliNI, Limitott• •
•*170 King St Wi Toronto, Canada
:repel of the pirnia Collegiate Iestits !_sesaiseieaseessasesteiriisee*tesesesseesessees
nte, spent a few days in towa list •
_week, the guest of her•.fathet • and .
•sister; Mr. and, Miss Dickson; Watet- •
lop 'street, .' • .
. The schooner Vienna, Captain Mute
duck 1VIcDonaldi owner, • itriaed from
Sarnia on Tuesday and on Wednes-
daY and on W,edneeday he had a pair
of shears rerected'an order to take out
• the foremaet; .which iwill be strength-
ened at the mast head.
The sehoonee • K.Oltage arrived on
Vi'edna dee night from Cockle no Ise
land; with* 1000. cedar posts isr the
Goderich Lutrile r Co: When leir cargo '
is disehareed she will , sail for Sto-
kes I3ay to load lumber for ' Soutn-
KIDNEY pisEAsg: On: 20 YEARS
•' Mrs. Caswell. Reid, Orrville,
koka, Ont., writes :--"For aearly
twenty years I was troubled with
• kidney disease, and have recently'
?seen cenipletely cured Ina using' three
boxes of Dr, Chase's Kidney-LiVer
Pills. 1 have tiled a great many re -
medics,. but never seemed to, get any-
thing to do inc se much good until I
used these pills."
that works. kvorrred, ,
Evestrp,io prociuses
discontented bp poar-,
tlasse's that
.natce5:. which ars
colt,crwi6c beautiful.
V74,w ri seo
a,the disfiduring
Scientific JeWelor
and Optician
bow.we do it.
Send postal foe
God Students .
Good Positions:
Practically. every 'effiee in the
Twin City has hi k& Derail husieeas
College Student.
We have applieat ions nearly every
dny for office, help. Whee a bright.
stedent takes a course With us he is
practically certain or a position,
We have a large sehool , splendidly
equipped, with atitinusualar capabli
staff of instructors.
Our larg,e, illustrated catalogue'
tells what we do for our students and
Enter at any time,
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W. D. Z2UJ4PtitdiaSkao
ted Colleges.