HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-31, Page 8.,.yam,.. qw IEi;..Lger.s Bros., Clinton i a. .fists :SATURDAY we put the balance of our Summer Shirt Waists on sale at 1-3 less than . regular prices. Not one • but is new this season. Nota great many, but every cone a BARGAIN. 1-3 of. f means $2.17 forWalsts that were $3.25 if if ii ii cc cc << ff; 1.07 Loo 9oc 77c 2.50. 1.50 1.35 • 1..15 Silk Remnants i c and .25 � 5c A season's accumulations of short ends. of Silk go on sale Saturday morning. If you can • use an odd bit of Silk of any kind, you car get jt • here at a BARGAIN, if you colne Saturday.. There will be two tables of remnants Tafettas, Eng'lish'Silks, Japanese and Fancies ; lengths 3-8 of a yard. to x yard each; Black and all colors in the lot No matter what the. former prices were, you: take your choice Saturday for , • 15c and, 25C per .yard Gowns atc 47 A Saturday Special tri Gowns. About a p couple of dozcnto: sell, _We want"want ,them _:out. of the way, and there is a saving of 18 cents' to you because we do. .Ladies' white cotton Gowns, madefrom gciod English cotton`:. dice ly .trimmed with :' embroideries' and insertion'. Good value at 65 cents. Saturday • morning, choice 47. cents. ,aBelts at i5e Clearing belts out: on . Saturday. t• black silk belts, last of 25C and . '30c .lines: Choice Saturday morning, . Or .15 15c Handsome Fall Dress Goods :o -s New fall Dress Goods..in all; their beauty . and freshness, are on our counters; Never have we had such a superb collection.to lay before our custom- ers. The season's correct fabrics in all the fashion- able shades; are here, and variety enough to give you practically unlimited choice. Plain cloths hold a strong position,. Broad cloths especially promising to be very popular•' and much in demand. Our showing of these is particu- larly strong, both in assortment and values. These three lines are exceptional value t at oc p•er. yard: s Fine ualit lain ladies' cloth cloth sgood .•° quality suitings,�g • weight, 38 inches wide, comes in all the popular shades, such as greens, browns, navy's, cardinals and' black. Special prices per. yard 5oc, At Z5 • yiir cper yard Fine quality venetian cloth, rich, bight finish, made from pure yarns, will give excellent wear, and will make handsome costumes, extra special value at per yard , , , •• ......... • At •$1.15 per'. yard 75c Extra fine bright froth, strong weave, vene . •tian finish made from the purest yarns, rich and dressy looking,. one of the handsomest cloths we ' have; black And all shades, extra value atper � , yard 1.15. dal fill: nery Miss Pettigrew and. Miss Burke are at- tending the wholesale openings and studying the millinery styles for Fall, They will be back next week, when our 'millinery depart- ment epart-ment will be open for fall business. in the meantime, new outing hats, in many styles, are here. ' Hcdgelis Bros. Goods . CIiiitot Novisolisoni While You 111 Think of It .1,1•4•44+++++.1•14.1•444.1. Just look up what School Supplies y o u ip will , need for . School Opening, then brings ;your needs to us and !: .lave them satisfledpro- 1! fitably and to yourad- vantage Complete lin- es of Collegiate Instit- ute and Public School Y•• . Text Books, and alar- ger thanusnal assort— ment a li d values in Scribblers, Pencils and other requirements. we,have honestly done our partfu make it to your advan- tage to buy your School Sup- plies from us. Agents Parker's Dye Works. D, Fair Co, Often the Cheapest,. Always the Best 1n: Mr. W. H. • Newcombe' is. in ,Toronto this' week. - ' Mr. John Mole of Auburn was in town • on Saturday. Mrs. (Dr.)., Gunn' and family are Spen- ding e. few •days in Goderich., Mr. Charlie Bali of Goderioli:spent the forepart sof this week in town,• The Misses Hamshere left Wednesday for Toronto for a• two weelcs' boli day, • .Miss Ella' Fleming of Ottawa is• vis= Ring the Andi .ws' .1 amities for a few weeks. : • Rev. and Mrs.. Holmes . returned to their home in London the beginning of . this week: Miss Bessie Porter has returned from. a two weeks' visit with fiiends in and around. Londesboro, • Rev. Mr•. Stewait has returned: from his trip through h:the west, lookingokin g. much better for his outing.. M'rs. • John Hunter and the • Misses Annie and. Tena Cooper of ; town, are spending ; this week; at Toronto: Mis Alt Austen ani.`;family of Bay- field have been the guests ' 'of her brother, Mr. A Seeley, for the past few days. 'Mrs, W. H. Hellyar and two child. ren are visiting the parents of • Mr•, Hellyar in Bowmanville for a cou- ,ple df weeks..: • •Mr, • Walter Burke:;of Attwood has taken a 'position on the G. T. R: staff for a few week'sduring the absence of Mr. J. Sioman. Mr. R. Williams of the •braneh of the Soverign Dank goes to, Ayl- mer thisweek, ,having accepted a position iii the.bank there. Miss A. C. Elder of Blyth . and • Mr. John Kerr .of Wingham were ;in. town on Monday: attending ..the 'meeting of :the S. S. executive, Mr. Gordon 1VMaianing., who has been teaohing near Wingham . for some • f.ime, •arid returned to his. duties Asittuit41,0 1004 .,44,006010,00011,4, .ore Al. 01*: The Fall -Dress -Goods 6 •• • UR,,SALES in the Dress Qoods Department during this season p just closing, were nearly double those • about by 'keeping none but the best anygreatly, - of previous. season—thisincreased: trade was brought goods, .and selling them at the lowest possible price, that would insure for our customers good value for the Money spent. • 'have bought values •this, fall, We are anxious for a further increase in this departmentduring in Dress Goods for this season's trade that will be very hard to equal. We would be pleased to have you come in and look ,through' our $tock of New Fall Dress Goods All Wool • Cashmere. at 25c 400 yards of all wool Cashmere in a fine range of the newest shades- This is very suitable for child— ren's dresses or waists, regular value 40c, our Spec- ial cashmere at• ....,, : . ♦ :. ...� 25C All Wool Serge at 65c 50 inch wide wool serge, shades of brown, navy, black, • red, etc. This is an extra fine. finished goods and serges are one of the newest fabric for fall wear, This serge is well worth $1, very special,..... . . 65C • In Tweeds, Poplins, Crispines, Chiffon, •Broadcloths, - etc., we are showing a very large assort can fi. New Models In Fall Corsets 'While -the styles of Corsets axe very Int ch the' •same'for. fall as they were during the spring—yet we are showing . sev era. very new .lines which we would be very pleased to show you; Our corset business has steadily., grown from a. very'. The: New Golf Waists . are herein a larger.assortmentthan we.have ever shown: before—they come in several pretty styles and.colo s and pri- ces range from $1.50 up to $3.50.. • small department until it is now one of the best inthe store. New Fall Millinery We try:and keep Corsets that combine wear with comfort and buyell lines that will stand the test: and: ones 'vl7e can .re - Opening Milliners will be back next week to prepare for our,.. Y Opening. which' will be announced later. Any orders you commendto our customers. may favor us with before our•' formal openingwill receive ..We have corsets from 50c to $3.00 per pair. • prompt attention. again since: the holidays,, has since. resigned. Miss Susie Johnston -of .7urioh,` who has been spending the . past •' 'five weeks \at : the home :of herr; uncle,- Mr, ncle,Mr, Oliver Johnston, 'returned ho me on ':Wednesday: • Mr, Sam. Agnew: of London.`spent a couple of weeks at his home, the residence of . Mrs:. Agnew now, of Rattenbiiry .street,: and returned to the 'city on • Monday.. Mr. George ` Christopher of Walton, was on Sunday the guest of, his sister, ' Mrs: Jonathan McBrien of town, who has been iN. We . are glad to report, s.however, that she is slowly improving,' • IVIr. A,. Jr Morrish' returned on Fri- day 'fast from a six week's trip through the . West. He went as far as Edmonton, visiting his •brother, Mr. • H'arry Morrish, at " OxI ow, Assa, Mr.: Meirrish likes the West and enjoyed his trip very • much. Mrs. W. J. McBrien and Master Se cord of the Base Line spent , a few days in. Mensal], last week, return- " ing hotne on Saturday. They were accompanied as far as Clinton by. Mrs, Albert hiel3rieen .who:spent Su- nday with, her friends here,. and Mr. McBrien corning up on Sunday they. returned that 'evening to `their home inn Hensall. Miss Eva Turnbull, who has filled very eflfciently, the, position of as- . sistant editor in The Nows office, leaves us this week in order to ac company her family, who live in Clinton, to South Bend, Indiana, where they will in future reside: Miss Turnbull is a thorough newsy • paper young lady, and while regret- ting her departure, we wish her prgsserity in Uncle .Sam's domains, --Seaforth News. Mr, Oliver Johnston who has been in the West for the past five weeks arrived home'bn ,.Saturday. Mr. Johnston spent most of his • thue in the Oxbow, Assa, district. I#e says they have the finest Drop in the territories, but while he was there a severe, hail storm swept the Country; the pieces ice comeas- tiring e p m as urin g five and sine inches h s in circum- ference- 'and destroyed some two thousand acres of crop. Mr. John- ston ltnows .the ins and :outs of the horse trade and easily disposed of his fine ear Of working horses. There is great competition, says Mr. thol ntsten, among the horse ibluy- ers i d Jou Oxbow. This Is not out West for Mr. ,Johnston, by any ineana, he has made live or six and file always Conies home full of the glories of w," The I 1 owery West,;" Our Staple Stock for Fall We.carry at all seasons a very, lullstock•of staple goods— this season oodsthis:season we have •im :Proved it by adding several lines: of English Flannelettes in the better goods. We have also add- ed ed a better;line of grey : flannels than .was'usual y kept, : these were made by one of the"best mills in Canada.::. .. lnTowlings Table Linens Prints .:Ginghams - Shirtings Etc. have °'a- verycom • lete• assortment- all of. :...we complete. � • • which are• Marked old prices. New Winter Coats r' .We are now making•our'first \showing of Winter Coats and they - are without doubt the finest -lot of Coats ever shown: - by this store.' Tweed effects are in great favor for the new. Winter Coats and come in several pretty styles: TheEmpire' Coat one of the novelties, You 'are cordially invited to •. call and wee. the new boats. . _ Children's and Misses Winter C�ats are here in an endless variety ofstyles-by'far the largest range we have yet 'shown, and best of all prices..are very reasonable. Personal.: Mrs. S, Kemp and : little daughter axe spending a week', with 'i'oronto friends.. spending r • Miss tons; 1Vlaguir_o`is a. few • days at the' horns of Mr • Thos Adam of. Hullett:: Mrs. McCourt, , Albert street, . is con • :fined to the house With a strained anele, the result of .an accident. • Miss Lizzie Carter is spending a •couple of fweeks . • with . her grand 'lather, Mr:' Thos: Adams of Hullet. Mr. George Burgin of Hamilton is `spending a couple of weeks with his brother -in flaw, mt., Fred: ' .Al- Mr. lMr, J: ,Mitchell of The Star, Goder- Melt, was hi town, on Monday : at- tending the meeting 'of. the S. S. Association.: • Mr. W. Jones is spending this week being'trea- ted Cons where he is a in Toronto ted for deafness,; We hope Mr: Jon - .es may .receive Much benefit. Miss 1islossie Stowe of Toronto spent a fel days with her friend, Miss Dot Balker, and on .Monday evening went to Goderich to visit her pair - eats... : Mrs.. and Miss . Roemer, who 'have been .' the guests of Mrs. T. Trick for the • past three weeks, left "Wed- nesday morning•.•for their biome in St. Louis. . Mr. :John Scarlet of; Leadbury cal- led • on Clinton friends on Friday last: He was acoompanied by Mrs, Scarlet who visited friends. on the Base Line. • Judge Elliott and Mrs, ,Elliott, who have been visiting at Mr. T. Trick's for the past few weeks, left Wed- nesday morning for Toronto where they will visit the Fair before re- turning to their home in Missouri. Mr. D. Centelon came home on Sat- udray front down east of. Toronto where bad been for several weeks buying apples. `The ;statement, that I have joined the firm of Mc- Williams & Everist in all a hoax," says Mr, Cantelon. Mr. 'phos. Stinson of Bayfield. gave The News -Record . la eall on Tues- day. Mr. Stinson looks very well for ark old ,man but the long drive irons Bayfield is a little too much for the old gentleman whieh pre- vents his . seeing Clinton but one° in a. long while. Mr, William Graham returned Satur- day from a trip down through Hen- ry . sall,'1{ippen, I.xeter and other pia des in the interest of the Berlin bugar Bea Co. Mr, Graham says the plants are looking fine and bid fair for a large crop. Mrs. Graham accompanied* hint and enjoyed the ;putin$ vcrq, ruuha, • Personal. • Mr. W. Wilson and wife of Bruce- field• spent Saturday 'with Clinton friends. Miss Gertre Grigg of Walton is visit- •ing . her. aunt, Mrs, Wm. Grigg and cousin, Mrs. A, J. Grip g Mr. W.:Potts is spending his • vaeat -: ion ' with Clinton friends, having arrived on Saturday from Niagara, N. Y.:: - 'Mr. Wm: ' Ladd met. with an accident • atthe O. f. ' last Tuesday which will deprive, him . of the use of his hand' for .some time. • • Mr, and Mrs. William Hardy and da- ughter of the London Road atten- ded ..+the funeral of the late.. Mrs: Sanderson: in..Bayffeld, on Sunday.- Mr. Sam. Agnew, who is employed in a "large :store . in London, spent ••a rcouple of weeks with his mother, wof t r..• - Ntrs ..�gnew; no Ra tenon y street. Mr :J. J..: Maguire of Ailsa 'Craig. has arrived im town and taken cha- rge of the. G. T. R. station during the absence of, Mr. • A. 0. Pattison in the West,.• Mr. E. H. Ayer of ' Detioit,' adver- using 'agent of White Star: Line, Was in town on Saturday complet- ing •arrangements , for ,the Detroit and 1VIoonlight excursions on Sept: 6th and 9th. •' Mr. Will. • Nimens returned' Monday to TOronto after a couple of weeks stay in town with his mother, He will return this fall and take char- go of his new purchase, the ' store occupied by : Mi ..R. , B,artliff. Among those who left Clinton sta- tion ta-do ij for different pants in Manitoba and :the Northwest are the follow- ing: Ticketed by Mr. W. Jackson:: Harry WAodyard Wm, Marshall John Hill John Parker John Bell R. Moore A. Townshend Mrs, J. White Wan. F1, .Ball W. Easom Shdbbxook R. B. Bruce,. T. Jennison 0, Calton Miss Wallaoe' Thos. Mair -....vet A.Lot E. Perrin D. Spencer J. White Arthur Huck W. Elliott J, Bedford • Jasper Mcflrien W.Beacom Mrs.B c m a L. Weir Mrs. Johnson. J. Slonian Mrs. C. Lovett W. J. Weston W. Moore A. Spencer Ticketed by F. R. 1:-lodgeni J. ii, Gooier A. Weatheral J. M°Ciay J, Robertson D. Forrester ; G. King Druce Medd Miss Yeo Mr, and Mrs; John 'Giblaings — Summerhill . Messrs. A. Huck •and. W. IJasom te- lt dor. the West' last ,Friday.; W. Sinclair and Wife visited friends at Hensall on"'' Tues'"day, • • Ex; County'.Master John Scarlett conducted the Orange serrioe at. the, funeral of the late Jas. Mcllveen on': S'atanday, last. County Master G. B. Hanley was also Present.-- Mr, resent Mr,• Geo.; Tyner; whoa has been in an *almost helpless condition for. the past two or three years, has so 'far improved• as • to be ableto walk with- . out the aid of • crutches; His " many friends Will be glad to hear ,this,; • BOOM F r A Washington doctor has come for- th 'advising, women to refuse. to in -i du in. habit kissing --1 1ge the aro of :unless it be with gentlemen who have smooth, I whiskerless faces, - Whiskers carry germs, says the •doctor: This is. great news . for the beardless youth and the barber's, and for' the ladies, too. Each will want. to find out for herself if the theory is. true. •--. De-, trona' Free Press. 0 OR THIi.:BARB :BARBER. j y�N��I++• +.+ + + +4N•+ 40•+ + +••:••�•. SEND THE NEWS-REC. •• ORD TO YOUR ' BOY IN ..• •. THE WEST. TWELVE '•:. • 4. MONTHS FOR ONE DOL- • ..• LAR; POSTAGE PAID. ❖. Lillian F. Jackson --TSACtt>sR-• AND ThEORV PIANO' & R Will be prepared, to give lessons to a ]ba- ited number ofpupils For rates, etc. apply at residence ,. MOH STREET or P. o. Di'awet For Bows J Schoolopens next week Weare 'ready for it With a splendid stock of -suits •: for ' school wear.. Nobby suits, natty suits, good-looking: suits, and' suits that w ill . wear well. Every garment made from all honestwoof-tweeds, cut' in the latest style and well put together. They are just the kind of suits that . boys like to wear, and just the kind that please theboys' mothers. With every: suit at $3.0o,• .• or over, a pair of the tam OUS if Wear Well " school Stockings will be given. Boys'•. School Suits, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 Boys School .Knickers 50c, 75e, $1.00 llodgens Clothing and • Gent's i ngs` ...... . tlrt�ts�