HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-31, Page 4Clinton News -Record
-Clinton News.Record
Terms ot Siihscriptione41 'per year hi
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uot so paid. No peper discentinued
• until ell .a,rreexe are veld, unless at
the opinien Ot the publisher, • The
date .to Which every subscription), is.
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates.- .TrOsient.adver-
tieements.,,. 10 • cents per uonpariel
line for firet insertion. and -3 'cents
per line for ee..elt subsequent insert,
Seaelt advertisements:. not to
exceed one inch, such as "Lost"
'."Strayed," Or "Stolen,,". etc, in-
serted once for 85. centsand, each
subsequent insertion 1.0..cents; •
Communica,tions intended for pulelice-
tion must, as a guerantee of good
faith,' be accompanied by the . aame
of the writer,
W, -J.•MIT.01•141ele,
. Editor and„Proprietor,.
Miss Reta •Keys of Stanley . has
for past week been visiting her eeas--.
in, Miss Flossie Cole. .
Miss Emma Rathwell of Clinton
apent last week at Mt. Alex.. Welshe•S.
Bayfield Line. •
Miss IVIary Marshall is rustioating
under the parental roof. :
One of the Bayfield Line's fair nta,,•
idens lost her hat on that windy
Saturday. We believe it must have
flown to parts unknown as the. ha:t
a few days since was still missing..
S. S. No. 10, has • recently been
galvanized on the exteribr, and pres
&tits a more attractive appearance
and will be a very groat - deal wanier
cole's Methodist church purpose
holding their annual AnniversarY anti
Tea .eleeting . in.. the• near future...
Mr. Sam Switzer Leaves not Sat-
urday for the West,
McKillop Township.
The, seperate school house in Mee
Killop is lacing painted and otherwise
A number of farmers threshed their
peas in the field. The yield will be
from 12 to 15 businde to the acre.
R. A. Bell and wife of Stratford
were visiting relatives here oli the
early part of 140 "week.
Miss Cleary of 'Toronto has been
visiting at the Mune ot Mr. G. K.
Mr. Alex. Gardiner„ who has been
quite 111 for. Kane thne is imProvine
M. J. J: 'Irvine- and daughterleft
for a two weeks" visit in Toronto.
They will:probably go and see' Meg'.
erg Falls before they return. home. ,
Mr: Archie McKay is busy- drilling'
wells with. the' new 'outfit which he
purchased recently.
Rev. Mr. MeNaine who was away on
a month's 'vacation, has returned and
taken .yherge 'of his church appoint-
ments. Mr.' MeNah is pouter -With
his people.-
• - Hohnesville. •
-. Mr. Albert Halstead of Reload,
Man., came home to see .his mother
will.) has been sick for some time. He
reports , good prospects for a big
erop this year. • ..•
Mrs. Stanley returned home • on
Saturday from spending two month.
with her daughter in Hamioti: Man.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Courtice are ea
a visit to friends in Toronto and ot-
her • points east.
Miss Eva Ranson of Constance . is
visiting Miss Osbaldeston.•
• Mrs. D. B. Ca1,1;tick and sen• of 'Cal-.
gary are visiting her parents Mr. and,
„Mrs. Robt. - Acheson. . •
On Monday evening Mr. Fred 81.•
ford spoke at the League on ".biy.
impressions of West •ancl• East, • part'
icularly. East." lie gave -a- very.. in-•
tetesting address and • will . be -••
listened to. at any Mitre
Miss Minnie Wallace entertained
few of her friends last Friday even.
1118. .
Mr. Harry Woodyard left for Bat-.
tleford, Sask., on Friday morning:
Ile will stop over in Winnipeg
visit friends.
The framers have finished their
work at Mr. A. Wallace's barn. ••
Mr. Joseph Thorne and 'Miss May
Coventry visited friends in "Goderich
last week.
Mrs. W. J..McBrien spent a few
days with Hensall :friends the latter.
part of last week. •
Miss Rase Riley of • London is Spen-
ding her holidays at home. .
Miss 1%. Mitchell of Londonis
iting her frier.d, Miss L. Young. .
Miss Bessie and Mr. Norman -Leek-
ie retterned on Monday to their.home
at Hamilton.
Miss 'Tufts of Kirkton is visiting
her sister, Mrs. G. Moon. • -
Miss M. Rose visited' her friend Miss
0. Brigham last week.
Miss M. Brogden has been appoint-
ed organist in the Methodist church,
Rev. Mr, Clement leaves this •• week
for Toronto. He will take a trip
through the Thousand Islands and the
Upper St. Lawrence before rettnning.
His pulpit will be supplied iiext Sun-
day morning by Mr. S. Jenkins' and
Mr. J. W. Wilfrid of Blyth •,in the
evening. • '
Mr. Haggitt Sr., is very low, and
slight hopes being entertained for his
recovery. His six sons have all been
home to see him.
Mr. Wm. Hobbs is working in Clin-
Messrs. T. Mair, W. H. Ball,J.
Govier, R. Bruce and others left last
weelk for the West. We hope they
have a pleasant and. profitable trip.
R. T. of T. Council Nfo. 150 • Will
re -open on the evening of September
illth. Installation of officers, re -or-
ganization of committees and other
important work will be in order, as
well as a, programme of literery ahd
musical selections. All the merieltere
are requested to he in attendance.
A Tale of Woe,
'Mese are the days when the long-
suffering Toronto housewife is again
getting "soaked." Two little figures
tell her tale of woe. These axe the
prices she has to pay for two of the
prime necessaries et everyday house-
Butter, per lb. 270
Eggs, per doz. 21.c
Whoever heard of such figures in
the middle (4 summer, at least in a
civilized couhtry where every farm
yard is full of hardWorkitig speckled
hens and every pasture field is a Pic'
titre of bovine indttatry in the pale
art of milk -making I
Yet those are the prevailing figures
in the butcher shops and gtoeery stet.
es of Toronto to -day. The TOrento
linuselreeper's poeketbook had had
many etrials in ite day, hut this is the
sorest blow yeLe-Toronto Stare
Miss A. J. Keyes lett on TAeSday
for Orillia Where elle intends spead-
ing a fortnight with her sister, Mrs.
J. Barber.
Mr. and Mrs. •T. II. johns of Exet-
er %tea Sunday under the parental
emit. .
Rev. Vedeens of Toledo, Oldoewho
preached in it. John's Church the
past month, will, leave her his own
parish this. week.
Mrs. H. 0. etchings of .Goderich
township is spending a week with hee
parents, Mr. • and Mrs.. J. Johns. .
Mrs. 13. A. Higgins retuned home
after spereding a" week with her friend
Mrs. G. Italie,
• Tuckeramith'Township?
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Waldron of
Toronto paid the old home a Visit
daring. the past week.
• Mr, and Mrs ,:fos White and lam-
ily, Mr. Robt. White and Mr. Athos
•Town§liend were passengers on the
excursion West on Friday last, their
destination being Nesbitt,
Mr. Thos. Jennison lef 1, for Carel
en the IlarVester's excursiore
Mr. George Staubury shipped 70
bead of priine exPerters on Wednes-
day the majority being finished on
his own grazing lands. These pro-
bably were the hest beeves that have
twee ehlereet ,this year frOm these
parts for Which Mt. ' ::-.$taribury .der iv -
ed the benefit. •' •
Mr, Wm. Grant Wears a broad fat-
herly smile theee days, his wife t. av-
:rig presented. him with a• fine young
• awe may McKnight hag been .euffee-
ing. from. a severe attack of sickness
during the past week. •
Miss lihoda Lartdshoro is paying
old friends a visit atter several Years
sojurn in Dakota, '
Mrs: W, O. Landesbow -spent last
Suailo.y with her sister,, Mrs.• C.
Barritt of •Blyth.
• Miss R. Landeshoro has returned af-
ter an extended etay. with her. both -
Rev. 'John F. Landeshoro, Con,
gregatiortal .11 -Allister in Nebraska, and
her. sister • Mrs.. S. J. Clarke or
13towa County, South Dakora.
• Mr: Beaton ot Clinton will occupy.
ehe pulpit of Turner's church . next
Sunday -in the .aheence of Rev. Mr.
A Newspaper In Distress.
Help wanted .here I Things are et):
ing Wrens. again I Our crop is cut
short by the late Spring; the rats
have eaten our rollers ; our supply
of blink paper is exhausted ; or
*mill grindeth not; the grass taketh
the watermelon -patch ; our corn -
shelters don't sell worth a cent 1 our
'cattle are lying out ;• fish won't bite;
the mail routes to Mud Creek and
Do:eglass are no more ; James Mc-
Donald wants our engine .to run his
fly fan; a barrel of paregoric would
not cure ,our chickens of the ohoters, ;
the hogs got into the crib and at
about all t'he corn we had ; the dogs
scratcheth under our gate ; ota neck
got so sore this week that we had
to have about a panful of eriliks,
cranks and creaks rubbed ont of it ;
the eats fighteth at night andaWa-
keth the children; gur pocket Change
has gone down so low that we, act-
ually refused •.tobuy a • Bible. Yet,
we refuse to ask our 'subscribers fee
a ' cent, even if .the " devil " has
struck 'for higher weges. We only
.raireelon: these things to show what a
newspaper man can take. -Coffee Co.
' • SPITTERS ' • ,
. . • .
' • Public expO:ttoration."i§ against' -the
eomnion law, 'a,gainst' the 1aw8 of he-
at also .- When the throat tichles,
that's the .tiaie you rieed ."Catarrho-
zatie" ; it sootlievs- away the' irritat-
ion, outs out the phlegm and • loosens
the tight :feeling. You'll quickly cure
that catar it.' andthroat trouble. with
Catatrhozone. It positive1y. prevents
re* atteeks' and. butes catar,rh for --
ever alai. for all time to dome. Don't
(eke our word' for it, try- Catarrho-
eotie .yotirself. Once used yonll be
delighted with its pleasant and help-
ful. infineace:
Neatly. every 'week, says in exchasi-
ge, we hear ed.. someone being
ted". by a shoddy . pedlar. Some ,peo-
ple say why does the dounty ceuncil
not put on a stringent lieense fee
and prohibit them. That is not is
easily done es-, geld, With the .Sint-:
tite. reading as it does. One of . the
most 'effective niethods. is for the Rube
lie to positiVely decline to. deal with
strangers, and we will guarantee
these gentlemen ' would soon seek
now ,amil greener, pastures if . this plan
was followed. One reason why there
are so many shoddypedlars scouting
the country is because their profits
are large and n� expo/Ise comparable
to a iegular established thesiness man
in the *ay of • taxes and insurance.
The 'eStiablialled Merchant has w stron-
ger claim • on the trade than travelling
salleemen, who •Very often practice dee
if nothing Worse. Deal with
the home merchant,". is good advice,
which, if acted upon' Will leave much
more satisfaction and permonent re-
sults.. The resident has a hundred
claims to (mein comparison to shoddy.
.eedlars on the trade of the country;
Steer Clear of Soap Fakirs.
•A man Who :gave his name as
White, accompanied by his wife, or by
a woman purporting to be his wife
Sti3ICIC town last week, and lost Ito
time in getting to Work. Their MiS-
NiOn 'hero was to supply the people of
the town with soap, that would re-
move ink or other stains. This soap
was offered for sale in little sticks,
nicely done up in scented paper. They
dld a thrilling business for a day or
two, but were then interviewed by
Constable Russell, who had the man
brought before the Magistrate on a
chard?. of peddling without a liseense.
He was fined $20 and costs. The wo-
men gave the whole thing away.
Whak they. did was to buy a bet of
ordihary soap at a grocery store.
TeSihg it into theirroom, by means
of a tin Punch, they manitaetared
from this one 'ba r 75 little eticks, to
he offered for sale to the public. The
next step in the process Was to wiap
each of these little sticks in g print-
ed label, and then to sprinkle a little
higuly-seented powder oVer i t. 71
seems that they sold quite, a lot of
it in Walkerton. This soap fake is
an old one. Some velars ago, when
the late Jas. Rothwell kept store
here, tic Sold a lhar of common Sun-
lieht soap to che of 1hee0 fakirs.
When he went home to dinner, he
found that his wife had bought three
little paeltegve from that fellow, and
at three times the price that Mr.
Rothwell had charged him for the
Whole .140.-Wellterton TeleSeege,
Safety For Little Ones.
Every mother who hoe tried Baby's
Own Tablets becomeenthusiotic
about them -tells every other moth-
er how safe and how: effeCtive they
are, how mat it relieves the anxiety
over baby's health to use these Tab-
lets, Mrs. S. W. CeaWford, Thomp-
son, Ont., says t. -"My baby Was ill
with censtipatien aed teething,
troubles and I gave him Baby's Own
Tablets, which gave speedy relief. 1
coteeider the tatelete an excellent
medicine for children." These tab-
lets cure eenstipation, teething
troubles, diarrlicyea, sirople fevers,
destroy worms, break up colds and
promote natural healthy sleep. And
you hey° a guarantee that there is
not a particle of opiate or poisonous
soothing stuff in them, Sold by all
medicine- dealerS or sent by mail at
25 oents a box by writing The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., 13teckville,
Ont. Send for our little book od the
care of infants anti young children -
free to all 'mothers.
ikoaual Report., of .
'Comissioaer- Of Highways
,The most voluminous anneal report
yet Submitted iliy .,BU. A. W, Camp-
bell, • 'Commissioner of tHighway§ for
Ontario, gives :sortie- 'idea be the. im-
mensity of .0, public Work 'which is
iMprovinge some 60„000 miles of read
within the proviece. . •
.Statute labor; the report demonstr-
.ates., hap been stiperseded in. 135
eoweships„ by a system at ooinnweete
ion: A number of countries have .ese.
tablishett- • eounty ,systems of -Iroade.,
whien are aided by . the Provincial,
Government to the extent'. of .one-
. . , .
third of the entire cost:of sonsttuete•
jolt, the Counties whieh 'have • adopted
thie plan "being Wentworth, •••Sinicee,7
•Lanark, .Oxford,. Lincoln, Wellington
and: Hastiags: Thus,. . under the .1111111 -
way. improvement act these :counties
Nave lsktas
road, and- • &Xi/ended thereon in the
'year 190.34,4457,244-4,. to whichthe
Gore/nine/It has • contributed $152.
'She -report lays stress tipon the
-Valtie and .inieer twice . of; concrete eel).-
seruption in bridge. abutments., Cul-•
Vette and fleets. • The. facility with
Which it can be morelded makes it
.suitable.tor a Variety. of 'uses. It is
when properly made of' good mater-
ials, more durable than siotte Mas-
onry and coests less.- Directions for e
perfect mixing of mo. rte.): and br.otten
stone are appended. ' ,' • .
Broken stone is new .being employ -
for toads ef heaviest treffie, par-
ticularly . where good gravel not
.plentiful... Although a gravel -road is
More:easily built than a brokorstone
roadc'the latter properly conetrueteS
is. nmeh more., durable; :and repaysithe
.extra Cost. 'The Cost • Qf 'crushing
.4orie'ee earefullY talbulated. in the re-
"tio4. While this varies in different
localitiee: in the eane towiiship,gieen
•ataul • from. the Crusher to theroad
not exceeding, half e Mile, She 'cost of
crushing, apart from post of . quarry -
Sag, is ,approxiniately $24.00 'per day.
The. treatment of snow .teadsis. a
feature .of the report. The Mogi un-
ivetsal euro foesnow drifts On. a toad
'appears to he the use :of wire fences
along the. highway, By. this •rnetleod
me abstention is .raised to the 'Swee-
ping snow, .which • filters. through the
fences withno occasion to drif 5, Ma-
ny ,tOwnships are granting a bonus,
for tife erection of thie type of eence,
considering . this grant a. Matter •• of
economy,' as the .wire fence does aw-
ay the iiest •of shovelling • out"
drifts, .whiie the injury to. the ,roads
in She spring ' is verY much lessened..
Some 120 township are 'grantirrg bo-
nuses froth • 10 tents to, $1.00 per:.
roil, which he the, latter; case entirely
cones the cost of erection,' •
Toll roads seem to be steadily dis-
appearing in the Provinee, although
there yet remains 246 nilles of them.
The county of York has three miles
operatedbythe }Tolland River'. Road
Via Chicago, MilwatJtee & St, Paul
$564 Chicago :to Portland, Seat-
tle or Tacoma and return is the low
price for the round trip offered by.
She 'Chicago4"14i1evaukee & St. Paul
Railway. Tickets are on sale daily
until September 30, and good for re-
turn for 90 days. One may go via,
St. Paul end Minneeemlis, via Omaha
and gden, via Omaha, and Denver,
or via Kansas City. test of all, One
may MalcO the going trip to the Pace
ific Coast via one of these ratites
and return via another -offering an
excelleet opportunity to visit Several
sections of the West at greatly re-
duced rates,
Lewis and Clark Exposition book
stilt for two cents postaw Poldere
Canad'an Passenger A2,•ent,
King Street East .
Toronto, Canada,
The News-Iteeeed giVeS the local
Morris Township
Mrs. G. I. Banter of •Manitoba vis-
ited at David 1-Wilsey's reeently.
Miss Bertha Churchill has been an
the sick list hut we . are spleatied to
see her able to be out again.
. We are sorry tei hear that Mrs.
Robt. Meehers is not so well again.
Iler many friends: wish her a speedy
• Jellies Russell, 51.h Line, who has
been poorly., is improving Mite Moly
we are pleaSedeto -state, and Was We
Le to .attend ch.urch on. Sunday.
Mrs. George L. Earner of .
roof, Mrs. Earner has twee visiting
Man", iS -visiting under the parental •
relatives in Uncle Sam's domain be-
fore coming to Bluevale.
Luther . Pepper1 who has lived. ..on.
the 2nd Line for the past seven yea-
rs, has decided .to remotes to the
Northwest and will in about
three weeks for •Ses'eailoon.
The funeral of Col. Twitehell, Uni-
ted States Cowell, was held at Kin-
gston. The " remains were taken to
Townshend, Vermont, for interment,
R. M. ToiriNell from Nova Scotia
shot by by a sectionman west of
Fort William, the hooting being pro -
yoked by bogies and other refuse th-
rown from the train,
If warmth and circulation are ' not
promptly restored, ehills result in fa-
tal pheumonia, This necessitated kte
aping N•ervilpie on hand. Taken in
hot ,,.water t breaks ito a chill in
two minutes. By rubbing greely over
throat and °hest it prevents Oolds.Ne
liniment so strong,so' penetretMg,
se . swift to kill pain and inflammat-
ion. Nearly fifty years' record , has
proeed the ' value of Poison's Nervil-
de. You should get a bottle to -day..
Stratford Horse Shim.
. The Horse Show at Stratford On
the .190, 205h and 2Ist of Septhmh-
er promises to he one of . the great-
est events in the history of Strati°.
ed: The citizens seen to be united in
their eltorti ,to gave aS greet a show
as possible. • .
The prise hat :Which 'has been pub-
lishedcovers over 52000 in *prizes be-
sides Valuable 'Ceps presented by the
Manufacturers of Stratford . Etaid the
chartered banks. ', •
. The Hon. J, P Whithei,rifPrornier
of Oetarie is to: Open the Show on
-t•he first, day. The, Government hav-
ing examinedthe.. prize list and .in-
Vestigated tee conditions of :the show
:have made a- grant towards it of
-perhaps the greatest • indece-•
Meat _and. the . mos tinteresting
1011 of of the progranorie will be the-
. 'Water . jumps ' which consist rof ay,. •
.feet 6 inch enileaulonent on the oft
side of which: is a . trough ettinning
the entire length of. the 1di1pndc-
tndingg 14. feet beyondit, this • ol
eMaie mil, be a great attraction. :
...There are special -freight rates giv-
en by the Grand. Trunkas well as
.special passenger "rates.
, The prize list is novv being distrib-
uted and can be furbished to . those
vvho -will conununicate to Secretary
W. .1. McCully, Stratford,
The commonest. °use of appendici-
efis is "constipation. When you reiluire
physic tiob't use drastic pills -get Dr.
Hamilton's pillg whichstrehgthen
stomeele regulate the boels
events any, tendeney to appendicitis.
In one day You'll fee) trerneaelous be-
nifit of '])r. .,. Hamilton's : .Pills. By
purifying the blood, and scleansing the
system, , they pr•ev•erit boadsches, lift
depression and drive away wea.rir.ess:
Nomedicine so successful as Dr.
FI'arniltonjs Pills,sold everywhere in
Mc boxes with yello-w cover ; get
the genuine.
Mr. J, C, Currie is away ora ho-
liday trip to Portland, Ore. ,
Mr, J. E. Swats is hem from
Brandon for • a few clays..
Miss Rose, of Guelph 18 visiting
with Miss' •Ethel King. '
,Miss Edith Hall is visiting with
friends •iii:Owecn Sound and 'Dame
The Winghaa- flax mill I'S now run-
ning at full force at the threshing:
Thefiax is .nat yet all pulled and Mre
.Tipling has a (large number Of • In
diens new engaged at this work.
We ienderstand that Rev, A. B.
leaarey. of Aylmer hag decided not to
come • to Winghant its' rector of St,
Paul's church. A vestry meeting was
held on Monday evening when it was
decided to take a little time in the
matter of securing. a successor to
Rev. Wm. Lowe. •
This week we record the death of
Sarah A. Vanalstinee beloved wife of
Mr. Hiram Smith, which sad event
ocoured on Moad,y . mornint week.
Deceased had hem a resident of this
section for ninny years and was aged
65. years, 3 months and 11 days. -A-
long leith her husband she lived
for a. 'number of years on a Mall
farm adjoining Lower Wingham and
a few years ego moved into • Wing -
ham, subsequently returning to Lo-
wer Wingharn. Mrs. Smith had been
seriously ill for some weeks and her
death was leoked for, but the blow
will be a severe one to her bereaved
inialleand,sons and daeghters. The fu-
neral took place on Tuesday afternooh,
to Wing:ham cemetery from the resi-
deuce of her son -in -10,W, Mr, Robert
SUREST etatto/Port COLDS
"It is with pleasure that 1 eertify
to the wonderful etteceee of Dr. Cha-'
seis Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine
as a cure for olds. /5 is the beit
and surest treatment for coughs and
colds that we have ever been able to
fitid."-Mrs, (leo, Good, Tielithrne,
Addiustou Co., Ont4
, .
Francis DeWollei 4111 Line, has not
been So well as usual during the past
eidese ediaaday. . beb e na y w ehyoeprehewhearty 1 I Ins; )3 es
bbtter. fie is past 132 Years of age,
At the last meeting of Morris
council Richard Proctor was re -ap-
pointed tax etelleeter for 1905 at a
salary of $85. Mr. Proctor has fill-
ed the offioe for the past few Teets
and doe's his work well.
A plietty Wedding toek .place in
St, Michael's church, Blyth, on Mon-
day ,ruorn.eg, when Miss Annie Kelly,
eldest daughter of Mr. „Wm. Kelly of
Mores,' became the bride of Mr. John
Myers of Stratford, The •marriage
ceremony was performed .by Rev.
Father Pinsonnea.ult in the presence
of a large bomourse of people'. Miss
Reenact Kelly, sister ef the nrideesea,s
bridesmaid; •Aand 1VIr. Jno.:McLatighlan
assisted the groom. The yottng couple
will reside' in Stratford. • '
•• Mr. David Cowan' Met with a bad
and . serious accident on Thursday. af-
ternoon,. while engagedin laying •
.floor in a new hoeia Morris, near
BrusSel§. His feet slipped and he fell
astride one of the joists. He Was
brought to. De. Lindsay's Office and
everything possible was then° by Drs.
Lindsay and Milne to relieve 'the pain
Until early the following Morning.
.Gunn of Clinton was sent for,and
during Friday afternoon he performed
an operation, assisted by Drs. Milne
and' Lindsay. *Mr.. Cowan was meth
relievgd by the operation and is now
Ateadily improving, although, still in e
very serious condition:
August aist 19045
,,,..,~444 s$•++ •:+»+.
? - to
y .
. 4
„ .•
The sidtive man's . loocl.
Pork and Beans Ontain all the eS-
sentiai • energy producing elements.
colialeined with tastiness. 5e and 10e
per tii..
The Wingham
usiness College
ITS; . VP " TO yOU
To prepare' • for the. ilicteese dee •
maid for bookeepers and sten-
ogpa,pleers., .....
Why do you go 'eleewhere when the
,can fit you up •in the sheorteit posei-
• ble' time to corneetently. fill this in-
creasing demand, 'and at much less
cost than elsewhere. . •
Special classesSept. 5th.
When in town attending the Fire -
mils Demonstration. on Labor. Day
cail at the College, and neve an in-
terview With the principal elk' •see
our magnificieet window'dienley 'Whitt
is 'under 'the superyision ef PAT; Ed-
win Clarke of Chicage. .
• •
N. 'Reginald ,Fletchere • Geo. Spotton,
,Pri11cipal.- president.
la years teaching,experience.
Elmer Was the oldest child of an
already Somewhat ',numerous and int-
eresting :what rapidly increasing fam-
ily, and yet Elmer was only a little
One pair of twins had marked ean
epoch in the family history between
Elmer'e birth eaeld that of a little
baby Oster, vvitich lie was invited. to
go in and see. before: she was honor -
e4 with a name, or W's big etiough,
in Elmer's estimation, to 'be designa-
ted as anything MOre .tharelust "it."
Asked by his mother what he thou-
ght of .the dear little creature, El-
mer looked at the mite, very attent-
ively fora time, and then answered
like the young econotniet that he
• was,--
" W'y, •niamma,, it's nice, of cour-
se ; it's real, nice, .But Edo you think
we needed it I"
-Henry M. Witte°,
vat7 .
lour nail'
have a failing out with
your hair. It Might leave you!
Then what? Better please it
by giving it a goodhair.food-
Ayer's Hair Vigor. 'The hair
Stops coming out,becomes
soft and smooth, and all the
deep, rich color of youth
comes back to gray hair.
1:44712,ytgitt ItstIZIVeglitirg.°4
tar drOlartat Slid also mull ugY Nur from
Whig out. II Writ tad ye ylilierlyitto 15
initglon atilltititrIC6VIV
sittl SAlt5AtUntLik.
of a 141thitiftlienntikl.
• sile'ilee
• „ •
• Iltt
• •
o B
S Noor
We make a specialty of Boots and Shoes. We do a large trade in
that line. We have just rieteived a large shipment of high-grade up-to-dete :
Shoes for men, women, IniSM and ehildren, in biack,etan alfr,Phocolate,
incleding the "King Quelity" and "Peerless,". which axe unexcelled in
flt and finish, and guaranteed solid leather, atto a, large stock of lower
priced goosa front Quebec ,etel. Montreal. We have a regular shoe store in
eonnectioa with our business, where you can get any grade of shoes you
wish at elooe prices. Below we mentioni a few styles which may be in-
teresting bo close cash buyers :
Men's Fine
FBionxe PC'°aulfg°ainadS'bbnoen:'iD4 a,.. cagollsizes,at e1,50, seetealie ea.
ie Shoes, .7. D. King & *CoSe make,
extension eoles, Goodyear welt, elelSay •EitiVII, in plain and patent
. ,
leathee, •at $2.25 $2.50, $3 end 53,50, , 1 .. ,
1VIen's Heavy Plow:Shoes., extensiou soles, at $1, $1.25 and $1.50.
The Williams' gtent Adjustable Heavy Shoes,just the thing for rail-
way men. They are made of solid leather/ waterproof And great
wearers, at $1.75, $2 •ad $2.50.
Boys' Standard Sohool Shoes, $1, $1.25 and $1.50.
Ladies' Fine Dongrtla Shoes, Plain and patent toe can, good valu� at
$1.50, for $1.25,
Ladies.' Fine "King Quality" Shoes, in demote, and vici kid, light
and heavy soles, French' heels, Goodyear welt, at $2.50,, $3 and
. 3.50.
Women's Pebbled and Wove Grained Shoes; gem(' value at $1,25, for
... :
rm. •r*
1: :0160.116'4114'172.irr.""k`gattimor-.1*‘rio-410-."1"416' -..,-.01..V...."1".. "..41*.""(eart.4..•10:Vire'llF"... -'1:4441141.--r*S
_ -
',',4 4.1r 4* 4.44 6:44 4* 44. 0 4 t) 4:44 4:••:'• •:• 4.4,4 r) qr 01'. .:4, 4:• 44 •!,:r • 4, , •:', 4* 4, r) r:r •I'• 4,464:44:r 44,44 rti. ,4,
1 N / ..or...,,,,,,,,,,row•lor •Areureurrtronror,wro mo. Mk. mgr, mr, mar, Nab moi.
Nt w
Absolute Perfectiont
1 t
•NI ..
9? -
• .?
The •roakeiS:ctfe"-•QueetrOttalityl! Shoes have .an W
aim in view -TO EXCEL. -Although constant en- crt
i? deavor'to'.inake Queen Quality' better, .has kept it
BEST, they are still striving to -make it BETTER si "/
ijf than 'BEST. The goal they .1ook 'forward to is
'• ,t(' " - .
/.., . Absolute Perfection.. *
We have securediSo.teAgeney' for Clinton, and
i will be pleased to show you them. . ' . : ,
..4.1 .
i : • We are clearing out several lines atga'ati.y re- 2...
i‘ dueed prices, to.make room for Queen Quality. You j'A
g‘ should see thetn. , You save money every tin -le you fA,
Ji buy your footwear at .
r , '.6
.,. .:
.. A
. ,
e' /1
.....,......,:„.............:.....;..•• , - . - '-- -
.,,,,,,.....„.„.„.„.....„......„...„..,..........„,i.,......„;„....,.....:.,,........._:;:...-... _...,..:...._.:....,,,_.
'IS. -.4`-''''i."6"..'.. '''''`,.'"' '40-*ArPr'...r.•.&'''‘',-;:41-7 Ar747-7--,:ar:orrrffli'
re o
vory Lady ould 'lave One
Undertakino; promptly. attended to by night or day.
00-000-000•00-00-0-0-00-00-0,00-0- 0,09-00-00-0-00.070,0•00-0<>0
11 0:) tf:.) V E R
84 BALL,.
of either of the princi-
* •
*Night and Sunday calls answeeed as residence
mice° 0 0 0 0 0 0•000•000•00
0 0 00 0 0 0
Speciai For ThiS.
. Week
Iale4"2" 1:3311113.A.M.TM.35:11\7"21
FOP the twit ten devil we will offer some of thegrentest bargains in Mil -
line*, that wereeVer ihown in this town. See our hitegain tebles upstairs.
Headquarters for-Upto-Date Clothing 1 •
Call and see what we have in Boys' and Men's Clothing at $2.50, $3,
$350, $4, $5 and up to $12,
50 pairs Boys' Tweed knickers
Strongly made, double seats and double knees, in all sizes
from 22 to 83, regular mice Mr, 75c and 85e, to clear at,...
10 dozen Men's Working Shirts .
All sizes,' light and dark colors, to Clear this week at
Ladles' and Dents' Light Summer Undervveat and
Hosiery at moderate prices.
Ladies' and Men's Shoes in all the latest styles
at the very lOweSt prices.
. 49
. 19
Vow is the thee to buy your sUcAR. 'It will per goat till RI Our prices, Our eustemers
realize the bargains wrote
GI1OCElt.!`12" jDZX'.23c.V.TIstmisor
and are quick to putehaso,
G. M. Chambers & Co.
Successors to D. M. ticBeath.
0 0 0 0
vs, .
Extension 'tables ,
During Harvesting and Threshing season b. Good Extension Table will Ti
found very convenient. No show eight different styles of Dining
Tables Which will adcomadate from 8 to Hi men. Thegie tables rank 40,
go in price. from 0.50 to $15.00 each, Call mid see thetn,
J. CHELLEW4.1313411.
t.arscut Purrtiturd More in the County!