HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-31, Page 2Climatv News41.4(y4
Fre.. Gifts of Toilet Soaps
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet
Soaps for which yOu have to pay out money every week.
Users of SeNLIGHT and CHEER.I:rUL SOAPS can get their TOILET
SOAPS for nothing.
ASk your grocer for patticulars or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can.get something you need and
Use every day. •
loworporros ikagemsmeassassivameimms.mr
A little forethought may .save you
no and of trouble., Anyone aho
makes it a rule to keep Chamber-
Iain's Colic, 4. holera and Diarrhoea
Remedy at hand -knows this • ti be a
fact, For sale by 11. B. Combe,
• Clinton;
Red Cap=-600ftto the poun 1
Deering--650ft to the pound
I have s. large stock on hand
and my prices are the best. -
J. A Ford
• . •• • 4.'w'
• SEPTEMBER, wym •
4 ,4,0P
• ,
• It pays to get a, business erl-
• ucation and it pays to get it.
• in the .school -whieh can de •
• most for • its students after :+
• the graduate. • This school 4a.
• recognized: to be one of the he- •
• st Business Colleges in Cana-
• da. All our grailnates secure
• positions. Business Colleges
• frequently apply to us to sec- •
• ure graduates as teachers. • *
• Write for our free catalogue.
• '& McLachlan,
• Principals.
• •42r
The Northent Navigation, Co.
Ideal Tourist Weather.
YOU?• • a
MA CKINAC--Steamers leave • Col-
lingWood 1.30 p. in., Owen Sound 11,
p, in., Tuesdays, Thursdays• and Sat-
Steamer • leaves CollingWood • Mon-
days and Fridays at 10.30 p. m;
SOUND—Steanter leaves Penetang
2.45 p. week days.
DULUTH--Steanter leaves Sarnia at
3.301a ro. IVIondaya, Wednesdays and
444ridays. •
Tourist tickets &cap rates to
Georgia:41114y, take Superior and All
' Over.
Literature and tiekets on apPlica-
tion to all Grand Trunk and 0. P.R.
II. H. OildersleeVe, Mgr, Collingwood
C. II. Nicholdon, Traf. Mgr., Sartba.
Mr. DelVfille will now rent the. fine
large residence •on Mr. Mee.aughan,
who • is' about remo.. Mg to Isoronto.
The Misses dVicCatighan have positions
in Toronto and wish their' parents in
future to, lime in the Queen' City.. -
The. Woman's lustittite will Meet
at tha ref.:them of IVIrs. 'Bedford on
llitiraday neXt. We trust thatt there
will be a -geed attendance. -
• 'Mrs. Currie will visit he relatives
in London during the fair there. .
,are glad that the contract for
the • new elevator has been giVe4
Mr Tromenhausea., of . IVIinneapolis.It
wili.likely 'kn.:built. of !Iron .or".steel.,
Tha foundation of the old el.eva,tor
was found • in • a very satisfactory
state of PreaerVation, even after
hot fires of the burning building and
sti,11 later of the .burning wheat up-
on it.. •
. •
The Newa-Ittaord will be sent to
any address Lntil the end of 1005
for 25 cents. Send it to your friend.
at a, disttiCe. It Will be appreciat-
ed. •
An advertisement in The News.
It d brin good reilultif.;
REMEDY. ' • -
This fact is well ltnowa to drugg-
ists everywhere, and nine out of -an
will give their eusterners' this prepar-
ation when the best is asked' for.
Mr. Obe Witmer, a prominent drugg-
ist of ;Joplin, Mo., in . a :circular to
his' customers, says "'lliere is noti.-
ing..on the malketairi the way '
patent medicine which equal's Chaniberlain's Ccilic, Cholera and Diarrho-
ea Rerntdy for bawd complaints,"
laor sale ,by :IL' B. Combe, Clinton
When the' Northwest 'wheat growers
get . a few thnusaad more dtaryest
hands ;and a few more Miles of freit;"
ht :cars life will seem to them. one
long sweet song..
. • ..
I Mr, Carrick has remohett from East
Street, 'to the house oMned on Wat-
erloo street, by Mr,. Nixon • Stut•dy.
Mrs. Durnin has 'recovered so. far;
that she took •a walk to Harbor
'Park last week, We trust twat she
may speedily recover her former vig-
Mrs. Straton and. her guest, Mrs.
Sharpe spent a day or two in
-Stratford last week, preparatory itnoe
Mrs. Sharpe's leaving for her ho
in •Sarnitia We have to thank. Mesda-
• mes Ileaford, Ga,tetiby, Black, • and
;Johnston for •presenting us with bo-
aucts lea'.
Mr. and MrTalluritingston of Maya-
ilttai re at the Nene of Mrs. Wyatt.
Mr. Burtriagsten •is :one of Mr. Pig,
gott's; staff. "
..:Miss Rea Of Walton is isaending 'the
Season with her sister, Mrs:Small.
We regr,et -to-learn that Mr. George.
IL Fowler has -been very ill at his.
residence Mapleburst. He bet, quite
aelighted' that .he got through the.
berry and .harvest • seapclita 'so Well,
het we fear le.‘ tared' 'his strength to
to great an extent.' Nowt{ er : 'We
truat that 'he will' soon recover from
• his ;-• present indisposition. . •
•- The .family of 'Mr. and Mrs. ja,mes
•.MaeVicer spent their vacation all
tegether ` at their residence •I-Iir.ess
:street. It was (mite a reunion, Five.
sigters, Ahree brothers and their fath-
er and mailiert - health',
.and . holding ..g,o041 positions, except
the Youngest: sister, Wha „is . a sted-
. eel. at the .Cellegiate Institute. Mr.
John :114deVicar late of .Wittst :Virginia
iiiser..7.1,k,,,cuag the -season With MS brat:
The heavy in ti of •tbutalt r .thet
tonipanictl the rain on • lito: eVen-
• inga •August 2.1s1, st: tick . with greatforea lhe handsome laiok tesithnee or
• Mr. Tom. McKenzie. •The largo ..ehiM-
ney was deniolisa'ed elrovv.... the roof,'
atid, cracked. all. tha way. davva.
baseinent„ where, the liatthen is, and
Sha,ttered Pretty: well the landing lea -
ailing front the ''hasenienta The:: salon
. of -.sulpitur was very! great.. 'One good
thing` perhaph. that preyented any ser-
ious dainage wag that. {lie ladiee . ef
the. hoese Were sittina ;in the 'dining
.roam, ;and in.et. .they •.had• closed the
door betave.n it and the landing. Mr..
McKeitzie• Tan the greatest: risk of all
. of being killed, for he has a shop in
the, b•aaeinenti and was Woeitiug. away
at hig bench; with his tools' all aro-
und .. •
Quite . number of our' 'citizens are
now. Vancouver and. Vleinity.• Mr
Artie; Stratton and wife, Mrs. Eaani
'and' part of .her family; • •Mr., .Willie'
Relph and family, his :brother and
some of :.his sisters,. Mr: and Mrs,
'Dobson and several others. • •
„ Mr." Jaok Acheson and stater .Eva,
are •idsiting.:Vancottaer and other ()d-
ints on the Pacific Ceest. '
MISS L'thel :Acheson has...tett:reed
from . her: European . tour: including a
Visit to the anoient. city of Rome;
' We ate sorry to leant a the sera
• .
iot,s*". illness of Miss Price.; • .•
• IVIles ' Hogan of Detroit revisited
her relatives and acquaintanaes • in
Augest.. While here she was r the
guest of 'Mrs, Captain ,Lawson • and
her cousin', :Mrs. Tont. Griffin.
Mr. Wesley G.. 'Edward •sPent one
day in leant durinaa the m•daith a Of
•Auguat the guest of his .parenta,pre-
paratory to travelling in .Eastern
:Ontario.. . • ,
Mr.• Colin Clampbell Wah able. ' to
drive from' his faint ..Oa Tuesday of
illaossvt, Week. :hands are ,qttite' well
1V1iSs Kate Campaigne is preparing
to take. a course Of study, as aaturse.
in training at toe Scranton Hospital
froin which. Misa..tegsio McIntosh has
graduated. Ttivo Years oompleties their
studies In, tha.t hoSpital. We Wish
• her!, goad health .and good fortune. .
• Mts. Captain T; Tretheway left on
Saturday evat'ng of last week • per
Steanier King Edward for Sault Ste.
Marie, where -Mrs. Capt. 'William Tre
thewaY .will join her, and both lad
ies will go to Vancouver, •to visit
Captain T. • TrethewaY ;at the mieea
• in that vicinity. :They' will spend
this month in that beautiful city on
the coast.
. The. bilious and dyspeptic:are con-
stant sufforera •and appeal ' to eur
:sympathies. There' is not one of
.them, .howeveT, Who may not be
brought back . to health' and' happinasa
Oy the use of. Chaingferlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets.• These tablets in-
,vigorate the stomach and: liver - and
strengthen; the •digestion. They else
regulate the ;bowels.':tFor sale by
13. Combe, Clinton, • •
'Don't Throw Out
That Old Carpet
les good for a tong time
yet if cleaned with
odorless • rten-Dotsonoue
COLORS restored like new
OUST entirely. removed
GERMS absolutely destroYed
All in a few &laments, for a few Cents
For coarsest or finest, molt, delicate
fabrics. Don t bsiy new silk waists,
dresses or skirts because they are
dolurtYhoolt_algeowt grease spots' or stains
SAP -0 -REN -0
at your grocer's and save money.
Absolutely' guaranteed or money
refunded. Toronto . The Huffrnan &Teeter CO.
• *ARP.; S'TortA wryn •
Vir Stevenson.
I have purchased the coal busineas
forMerly carried en by Harland Bps.,
but lately by Mr. Donald McCorvie,
and fun prepared to receive. °Hers for
all sizes of coal, Grate, Egg, Stove,
Nut and Soft, and solicit your pat.
Irbliage. Orders left at lity ofliee near
the eoal sheds or at Harland Bros.
.hardware store will receive prompt
attentiok—Williana Downs:. 70
" A WARNING •TO moTtittts'.
Too much cart l cannot be used with
small children during the hot weathor
of the summer months to guard aga-
inst bowel troubles, As a rule it is
only nect•ssary to give the child a
dose of • castor oil to correct any
disorder of the bowels. Do not use
any substitutea but give the old-fash-
ioned castor oil, and ace that 11 is
fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and
has a tendency to gripe. • If this
(Ices not cheek the bowels ea Ch-
amtfierlaires Colic Cholera. and Dior-
goea Remedy and then a dose of
castor oil and thg, disease •Inay be
elweited in itii Incipleney and all dan-
ger avoided. Tho castor 'oil and this
remedy should be procured at owe
and kept ready fax instant use as
soon as the first indication of any
bowel trouble appears. This is the
most successful treatment loaown aed
may be relied upon With implicit con -
Mime° eVen Cates of chOltra in-
• F':•if'sw..•flaraAtity.K.44.1fisaf4.? filff;WiFia4a,
The News of Goderiehe
• Nils* Eloise A. Slabirtialga, - ereapOndent
‘,#)(•)*®fettiA.KX:K•XliKTX,t0)6'.:;:iXF.V00 CaKiX.i.#9*®EaWa,(01,.K.af•afatlillt-Y,•)firaKA,1
Miss Vot Craig of Torouto, Who Mr. Franit Calf is a clerk in the
has been for the past three weeks tile
attest of the Misses Sault° of the
IIouse, returned to her home
at Toronto tills week,
Mr. Tom. Moore of Luchno•vv is at
preseat the guest of hia relative,Mra,
Swift, (who has returned front her
visit to friends in London.
Mr. Willie Cantelon spent his va-
cation iu the establisheinent of Mr.
Charles Newton,
Mr. Humber, p, ma says that tha
lightning , came right throagh his
house, nut apparently did no damage,
Great soraow was manifested in
Goderich when the news of the fatal
catastrophe at Hayfield became kno-
wn on Stuulay, A 9,4t3
and a gre...
eatanlialinteut Of fftr. It:beam alew-
Mouday next is Lanor -Day. A
grand .excursion mail arrive from tn.:
vity of London. •
Mrs. Charles Adaert (nee Miss blt in
Horton) and pretty lit tau ilauaattei,
Laviaia 1-10,aini, are the auests Oita
week of liars. 6. Animate.
Miss Ella Roberts, 'formerly of Go-
dericli but now. of ..3tratiord, is
guest of Mias llieeteete. .
itoberta Joined. her uatiguler on Aloa-
day and will spend 4 leVit days in
town the guest of Mrs. W. Mcoreallt
tit'. Mrs: Roberts lived fur years 10
Uodericli •both before and after hee
marriage1. but with her late ilusaanit,
at number of ;our eitizena went down:, R. leooerts (Boo) of the G. T. It
to Bayfield on Wednesday, 23rd Aug.,' staff weilie to Stratford aoine yeara•
to attend the funeral of the late Mr.! ago.
James Feegueon. Among them was 'Pile "Petrie" which was pureham,1
'Mrs, Syrnous and her mice, miss and re-chatstened by the two enix,-
'Edith Falconer, both of wham , took prising young makines; 'ao popular ut
down lovely easket. briquets of white social' eirclea, 11()IV the tug. "Two
ea.rnations to lay upon the casket. 1V10,eas" quite orio.lua aatate, as
Mrs. James Red, Sister of -the' de- the • owners ate Captains Aira'US
ccased,. presented a lovely, anchor Danald and Captain laoitert- ideisay,
with "Brothel" .upen it. 1VIrs. . TeOy: sailed • fot Toaermoray last
liowrie's tribitte Was an anchor and weea and we . trust that the Two
that of Mr; and Alre. Robert Olara 1..IVIacks".awill attract all the fish in
large Wreath, Mrs. Stoddert also at -'I Toberinclea)r to its not
tinded the funeral and presented , a • Mrs.. Da. John Lawrence of I3uffalo
easket boauet. A Maltese, ceoss waa' los, the gaeat of far. and Mrs. Fran,
the tribute of the young inan's. •Lawrenee. ff.frg: Lawrence has been a
fly, The flaw .cifferiogs were greater (oderiola.vis tor. aeveral timee before,
than O'ei. itefore seta in Hayfield. A MrS. *Well of 'Milwaukee knee MiSa
young Man who had inown the late Lynn Reid) is. the guest of her par -
Mr. Ferguson .cathe ail the • waydewn ents, Mr. and Mrs. James' Reid,. itot-
front- Port, D•over te attend the fun- :le street. Mrs. McColl has net visit -
oral. It was a sad' ending Of • three ed Goddrien-rof thirteen years•. .
bright. liveg. • .• Mr. CharlIe. Newton; son Of Mr.
Our. citizens:were startled :to learn Clement.',.Newton, Porter's Bill, is
•Ttteaday a. ma 23r4 Aug., of the Spending his vacation at his home.and
news by talegram received that a. with friends in town. Mr. Nowtoa is
111 . Hale as, • .191193vs : 'a clever stutlent, :graduating.. a shed
". Will • Hale is sbot-aStitt living." tine ago Irani the Stratford •Busi-
Mr: Will. J• Hate; :the subject ,of :the ness-Coliege and •is, noyv one of the
telegaarna ja.. cate of :the ponS of our staff of teachers of the Business Col-
toWnsmar, Hezeki.ah Hale, and Many lege. at. Ottawa with the expeetatien
years ago conducted ..a bakerY :in the of !becoming principal Of Sofa° neW
stand now the aket(ery ar• Roy Hera •fjollege to be 'estitblitlied .near.
rison, His -firat wito 'vis Miss Ked- fu•tuie..
slip who died aoim after .hea. marriage Mr. J: Tin of Buffalo IS 'reavisiting.
itt conacatienee , of. •.vvbieli Mr. Hale elti -seenek and will 'spend few days
alloyed . to Michigan and reamarried with,. his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. T.
it seems- the. 'shootinag Was a done by a Tilt.: ; „ • . .
German :baker in an angry fit, ...On.... Miss Kilts' returned this wees, .to
.Sunditty" nig.;kt . no word .reaehed tOWD her home. •at Tonawanda, N. Y,,
front Mt.. • lc:lemons but on Saturday coinpaniad •by•her• little cousin, .1VItisa.
Word came that Mr. • Hale . hada been ter ;Harold ". Edward of -the 'Cafe Hal-
'eor.scidits for a .ahort time and. to . all: moral: a .1 , • ,
appearenee had im pro ved: sonteavhat," ..',M s•s,- Lott Walker of l'etrolea while
so. the M. D's• in charge' of .the :cage in fowl: Was the geed Of 1VIrs.
think ho srecoyer. ' .The .family tain John 'Cra,igie, •••:. . •
here haVe had a great deal, of sidle ' .111,ra.• 'Sharpealeft: tor, her home:. • it
ness 'of , late, and at present Mi. a Bert , Sarnia, ..on. the, last...trip down of the
Hale of . thia'ti....•:T: R. ataff just re• • :.King EdWard.. • . a.'
covering• front an attack o1.. aPpeadi::, the , late Mr,„ .Ferguholi of
altar , far which an tramation. , had Fieyfield bottaht his .aaal boat Somt.
been performed a 'few days . before the. yearsaage Maederiald,of alma;
!seriatra news reached t•hein froth Mt.. ..drighatoid ,hIM he hail: bought his
(ltnitns.Mr. ilale left hy: the •firat lt", aria. Whit` they •tetined the
. train after receiving the tele:gale aaaaaikinevfi build, • . ,
and was . jellied at Guelph by. anather Jessie -.Millet, • trained nurse
-Son;a1STra Freak Hale.,: is be al• loOdatOck, ,iSagp'ending her heli -
hoped 'alt will be . , „.. days. at her home •here
Some •' one . said to us the a other Young Picot was • badly wounded at
saw A..wholS:Itat frock :po-' AlOrrow's.:.slitughter house .'" 'A. nuin-
.RtS here and 1 'wonder What waS,go- bei.. of 'knives, Were .in ha,aket. Old in
hig thu". NO less an event thee the: SoMe...uhatetiantable'Way.. .stunabled
Ordination .of the new pastor for the and fell 'among them, 'cutting! .ai•-
'Baptist con,gaegatign .1tere, ,which •tery andafeara were entertained. that
took place on .Thurada.y evening. 41 the poor .1.my • would. bleed .tri.. death.
'the ,lecture roania.of., the ,Public . The • Messrsa Arthur hadGeo. Yule
• tY-.. Mr. 'Wright, 'a..ite•pliew •Ot.Mr...4. left •last .weets on the. Hairverters' • ek-
' J. 'Wright of the: Paiti!-Houpe, earsion Wianipeg.. •'
thOgentienian ordained,. the after, •Mr, Reale of, -Winnipeg visited. his
noon -. a council was formed of thc. parents. last..week. looka. eXtrea
. . .
1011°1011g Revertinds : P,a.gtor Panioy niely well ••: • • . •
Atwood, Clinton; W. D. ..Maat-e:; 'When the GreyhoUnd domes...in next
Gla.mmia, Pastor Bucitborough .;. IVIota 'week .will lose allaoUT "'• stiriamer
lit Forest, Ste,* ; Palmerston, 'Peet- visitors. The season was a busy •one
or Walker ; Tiverton., Niels ;. Wink' although rather .'short. . •• : -.•
:halo; iVIcLean •: f3tratford, • Elliott (I)r.) W.: Quart 'tat •Clinton alai
• Preston, 0, R.. J,Mtes. Rev, M. children are' at the "Rookery:" ' , •
. . .
Norton Superintended the ,afternoon Rev, and Mra.: Craig of Chicago
convention and the ordination ger- while here wero the guests of .Mrs.
viees in the evening. Quito :a, aunt- .(Captain) Parsons, who is an, aunt of
bei of the other inetebers'of•tilie dit the Rev. geatientatt:. His father, Mr.
ferent coagrogations attended the' or• Goa. Stewart, Was in business here'
dination: Pa•stor, Walker of Fainter- .years ago with his brother, the late
stint called Mr. Wright to the plat- John Stewart, and Was married :to
'form, and extended to him the hand Miss Kate Craig, a sister of 1VIrs
of welcome. ie. the. ministry Of the. (Captain), Parsons, but who died at
`Thi•ee Pivine Persons after •whie.h. the! her home in •Saginaatr several ae•ara.
Pretty sacred duo " Pate • to 040 ago. • • -
was sung by Mr. Lewitt and and ,aMiss May. Cotriell has eeturned feont
her Male member$. of the choir.. Rev, 'her visit to relatives in 'Honsall ..and
Mr: Mr. •Nortoti then addressed Mr; other Points; ,
Wright giving him 4 great many rul- Mrs. Meters: of aHenaall, wh,o waa
es:to follow :in the ministry the first the ,guest - for some 'tape' of .her dam-
. one beifig -"Be clear. in Your definition ghter,. Mrs. Cornelia has returned to
of' words".--JfBe'eleax. ie your tetras' her home. , • ' '
qltatiOn of tratit"—"Be a 1.friend to - The 'Misses Hattie parrison, Nellie
your coaarogation" an•d setteral oth Chrystali and IVIarga,rat AlgeV leak af;
er ideaS to folloW. Pastor SteaS ter ipending their vacations . with paa
followed, advising the new, pastor to tante and :other relatives.here left for•
study ,the astaire given to Timotill; the infilinery openings at Toronto on
by Thea Glory :of God, pastor Wednesday of last week.
Stobs said,- should overshadoW and The Misses Harry wen,. spending the -
underly all his aatioas. Pastor. Mit- „I:: vacation out of 'IOWA. Miss Barry
gee and Jones made abort addreages at Woodstock and Miss: Linie Bar -
after which Mr. Magee ltd in prayer. `ry at, London with her brother and
Pastor Elliott read the third verse of • family, and ' at Taranto with .her
the General Epistle of Jude. After couSin, Mrs. IL Rothwell.
the addresses: had alb been made Mr. 'Mr. and Mrs, John Halliday of Dea
Wright, knelt dOWt.... whilO the council troit •were the guests last week of.
chosen ordained' him a minister or Mrs. Carletott and gra. Tom Walters'.
the BaPtist Church, by the ilt11/0$4" • Miss • Edith Monk of Cockburn Is,.
ion: of hands:. Mr. Wright made a land, is the • guest of Miss Vera,
very brief but touohing address, On itagoaa, . •
Sunday' evening Pastor Wright took mr. Cook of Clinton, soloist and
for his. text, Psalm XLVIII 12-13-ar teacher of •music, was. in town • last
and illustrated it in beautiful words week,
shOWitig that they f•Itou'd be watch- Mr, Olivet Whitely had OA eXperien-
ful like David; DaVid, he said,'was co of what electricity can accomplish
a man of foresight, a genius, a. friila on a sinall scale. I4e was driving
(hay ..Ierusalent was not Inman. home on Saturday night with ' Mi.
until his tone, 0,4 he With his shre- I I,
—orr.s.. and the horse seeiried all at
wd judgement saw how needful it Was: once to stumble about so Mi. Whitely
te have • a, stronghold and saw all got out di the Wagon tio investigate,
?he desiraWe facilities J'ertisalem P03- when presto l. over he Went. No* the
sessed to make. it ote. The choir re- cause of this • annoyanoe which
littered the hymns "Joy to the world might. have proved a fatality, was
the hord• has Come" 'and other al).- from the neglect ot some one who
being 914Un of my soul." There Was cut
ihneevgeury wtri
propriate 'hymns, the concluding one oreubildtheweslechetraide bights
a Very good attendance. 1Viiss Thirza oonsekittenees. Several 'peeple picked
Lewitt is -the organist of the tap- up the Wire which Was in the way of
tist church ond it Js m•osa o.reditable every passerby, but on the night ot
to her to •perfornt her duty so galls- which Mr. . Whitely oi,,•tne emitact
factorilya' •'• With it an electric current was at
There was 4 ecol .rnAlbery, on Sat. weak, .
today night. or Suoday a. tn. Haw- IVirs. Pigott and daughter Miss 741-
Vins"Hardware store ist.cs rifted. of a •gott retioned to their home in Ham-
ritle,'And whatever eash wks in the ilten the second week in August. Mi.,
till disapPeared with it. glInrinttlys ey registered at Hotel .Goderich,
shoe store vvas visited, but there wc- • The Misses Hardy hitve returned to
re few' eopects In it. We trust that their respective -homes atToror.to and
Guelph, They Word their visit here
very, muck.
Mra, Albert Vox (nee Miss Gatzke).•
and little .daughter :Alma 'spent last
week at $t. Marys,. the guest of le-
latives of Mr. Cit. thifodailattely
Miss Alma brotte a sniall haw (a her
ankle just before leaving by re.aelita
her Step while going. ap tee steps
atMlire.1: '11"Oairitt.'.1•ItsW)c)areltstiatl•rteir the ergali
factory, who has re t urn, 41 ft tau Tor-
witta. got his hand pretty badly
ane !Itli,a8Cttainwleieleka. has chanacd
'mind about renting the- reSitienee stie
purchased lately front Me, W. G.
Smith and intends takinA .her
eitlence there with her family.
Mrrtand IVIra. W. Oliver ItIfy" nas •
have returned to thair ene lirasa
(ford. Mr.' 'Rhyne:4 ealue up • ta t he
:ifitirtica:laislotiof his late hrother-iialawyMr.
• Rev,- *Mr. Jones, the first pi•raott
sent .to theallaptist congregation he•
re, is Stationed et Preston..
Miss Bone of' Winaham while visit-'
Mg our town, was the pleat OE the
Misses Proudfoot.
Dr: Gunn of • Clinton Was (WI -int to
toWn- 'several times of late, proles-
Per We by 11, IL Condo,' none nt out! 10"1 talent' Ill" been'
Clinton, out so lido at nieitt
Mrs. James Fraser purchased the4
piano at the sale 01 Mr. W. (+Smith
last week, It was • it •Chieltering and
• well preserved. . '
Miss-aBeatriet, Harrison returned.la-
st , week, from a pleasant visit to
Stratford. '
' Miss Bernhard oaf .Stratford was
the guest the past week of Mrs, John*
and the Misses Prot:afoot. . • • ,
The• Marine band played 'Some • ex-
.naisito Irrusia 'on"Yriday everang.. to•
tha pleasure of our citiaens and vis-
itors• generally.
• Mr.. Lethbridge •rettiowd frania- ifis.
visit his _home at Glencoe. ana
ffind his position last wee. in Encx
church choir.
• Mrs. John • Shannon and grand-dam-
•ghter, Miss. :Gladys Shannon; left •
.for • their home -in London.. I
'The ' .heirse' on KinaatOri: -atreet fiaaa
merly alre residence of • Mr. plink
and lately of Mr, Quit, has bean
removed to the' lot a.djOining •the
hiii., Edward itriViag house.. It . is a
writ aprererved old lioU$B and now'.
looks quite dignified in lig nevi pa-
sith at Mr McLaren had . the 'eon-
. .
tract of moving it. '
Mr. IsaacaCoates left on the Hera,
• Sick headache results freirca
ordered cenclition .of the. atomach
.aed •..IS quickly 'vercd ' by Chamber:-
Mtt',InaCh and .1...dy er.
'For Sale by H. 13: C6Mbe, Clinton.
Augnat 314 100$
Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis-,
auction of being the great.
eat' curative and preventive
medicine the world has ever
known. It is an all-round
medicine, producing its un.
equalled effects by purify.
lag, vitalizing and enriching
the Mood on which the
health and strength of every
organ, bone an tissue de-
pend. Accept, no substit.
Lute for Hood's, but, in.
sist on having Hood's
' - •- • • '
• alr, Daniel waa papering, a room
in his vakant huas.e when the eleetrie
storm Was on cat • 1VIonday evening;
Aug. 21st, He had. •the paper on
board and was putting^ on Lite paste
with his brush while he had .placrd
the 'lamp up. the window sill. The
eleetrie current canto through • the •
window and 'cut piece out of • the
lamp :as neat as any artisan. The
electric' !current seemed to .be every-
where.• • •.
• It is with Much pleasure that we
• received • 'Dr, and Mrs. 0,
Swit'4er birth. card upon whiell.
Was printed "Marjorie Helea Switzer
bora July 31st; la05" accompanied
by it larger card on which was prin-•
tcd •"Dr. Mra: C, Switzer,
Gaines, Mich. The two cards wero-a.;•.
laatened with taro etedy little boys
and ends of m hite bebe ribiaon. We",
at •,now ed,,t.: the teoeption of • the
• fa V OC froni Dr,' and Mrs. H. C. ;3wit-,
.7.er Willi midi: pleasUre, .at..4 wish lite :
little Iteiregs ,ev.ery happiniss in .
R. Parsons of the poi.. reeeia
•yed" teat weea a fine. s.ottaenir..flom
Edinburgh of 1 :city. aLfpna t wila;
the .castle 'aurnmenUat by: thii,tihistie
and at one side the "Gerdon" Plaid .
itt its eelors of green, bine' and:
vester'S • occurSien fee the Northwest
Int• Friday. Ile has. been suffering •
from asthma and is .•'ia • hope • that.,
the adiange of dithate imaY be ben-
CliClaI. We. tyust sp. • .
imiesoremi,ismirslams :
as. M040: s,.,
4:‘,04-0t. .ilim.Hfro.0...
..4.411neogWhere H iovered Be
tween Life 4.0d. Death... •
• ..
. ..•
. • ' • . • a ,
The .cause ofalmost every organic
disease is traced to a weak throat • or
affected lungs. The fangs. being the print-
ery organs in eircelation of the blood, if
they become diseased .the blood takes on
impurities which, are delivered .to every.
part of the•body: You sayyou. are RUN
AND FEVER. All of the above are the
outcome of diseased • lungs and are the
allies of CONSUMPTION: "
, • . • •
MOTORMAN WALDEN, to be seen any day
on a Broadview Ave. car, Toronto.
Cured with'Psyclarie sbt years ago, his
• lung trouble has not returned. .
Motorman VI/a/don,s Seery of1•119 !Reese
and Subsequent Recovery Through
• Using Psychine:,:
Mr. Walden says: "Aboutsixycars ago.
was taken down With: la' grippe, then •
pneumonia '.and typhoid fever, inducing ,
serious lung trouble, rhich soon developed
into consusuptiOn. I had a serious trial of •
11, and was under treatment by several
pliysdeians • of Toronto. • The disease
gained such headway that hospital treat-
ment "%vas 'resorted to, but gave me no hope
of recevery. • also spent some time in the
Cenvaleseent Horne, ;but the disease 're-
turned'with Ines:eased seYerity, and r'ivas
regarded as it hopeless case: .1 left:the
city for the countly under the belief that it
weuld reneW •my, strength and Make tide
well. On parting with my brother he said
afterward.that "h(1 never expected tO See
.alive again." -While oat of the city .1
began uSieg Bsychine, andl am' proud to
.Say it has been a blessing to me. I was
enabled to 'return &sine after Using it for's...
short time, and Continued the treatment
until several bottles had been used and I
was able to go about. When 1 beganthe
reined)? .nty weight had been reduced to
140 pounds—now Iweigh fully 210 pounds.
Psychine is a wonderful .fleshrproducer. I
do not know itS medical properties—only
that Psychine,' andnothing else, has re. '
.stored 'me to health. Those wbo know me
are aware of whatmy condition was and
the hopelessness of ease.. There is no,
medicine in the:world liket'sychipe for
Jung trouble, and I tun sure if it had not
•been for it I WOULD HAVE BEEN A
DEAD MAW' • • •
A. WALDEN, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto.
tPeyelhine 19 pronoUnced 81 -keen)
For sale by all druggists at $1.00 per
bottle. For further adviee arid informa-
tion write or call at Dr. Slocum, Limited,
170 king Street West, Toroato, Can
An Education for a Lifetime
• When vett attend the Berlin Busi-
nessCollege,you may look for.;
practical. results.• • • •
. •
LI give it traieing that not only.
as for the best Office positions, but
eyet•y subject' of onr eoerses-is of
aettial, every -day usc to any man, .
anywhere. •
We send more stenog•ruphers and
bookkeepers to good positions thnn
any similar school. in Western
Ontatie, "This. is. it aoth century
. business seliool cOnducted on 'strict
business princii pies.
• Elegant catalogue frile.
Enter at arty time,
1ir411' 1!i 1,11
"I11 111 THE
One of the fantotieroderated!Colle
W.1). EULEIJ Prinelpal.