HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-31, Page 1a
6th Year
Wire Edge
Ready Roofin
Can be used on any kind of roof, flat or steep
Is suitable on, any kind or style of building
Is quickly and easily put on without any pre-
vious experience of the work being necessary
It is weather proof, water proof, wind proof
and fire prcof
Metal Shingles
Galvanized and Painted Metal Sidings
-Stone and Brick Pattern -
Tarred and Plain Building Paper
A Small Lot of Graniteware to
Clear at 30 per cent. discount
•••••••••••••••••••••••i••••••••• •••••••••••
000000000000000 000000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. The Sovereign Bank . .
Chartered by Dominion. Parliament
000 K>••••••
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11. T. RANCE, Manager. e W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 e e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T Jackson
for 75 cell
We have 50 American Linen Suits
for Boys which we will sell at from
75c to $1.00 per Suit.
T. Jackson Sr.
naresseenearien*Anselieeineenala-esaineiejealean .+
X Furniture tint Undertaking .
We desire to announce that during . the absence
# of Mr. J. a Stevenson in the Old Country, the Fur-
+ niture and Undertaking business will be carried on
1."' as heretofore.
will be carefully looked after as, before, and
Night or Day Calls promptly attended to.
3. Ce Stevenson,
About 014, Friends .
A. eitizei of Clint" who is, speak.
in a, fevir weeks in the West, writes
asafto4117 from Aberdeen, Smith
• "I arrived M Aherdeen last evening'
and was received with the utmost
cordiality by several former residents
of Clinten, who are new ed this pro-
gressive town. Their reception has
been so whole-souled as to Make mY
visit of the most pleasant nature and
I only regret that owin.g to pressure
of 'time, it must, preforce, be short.
The Allowing • ate some of • those
whom I have met :
,Mr. Will. Eagleson has been here
seven years and a septette of geod
seasons they have been for him, . The
blacksmith business which he estab-
lished on his arrival has constantly
grown by reason of •Ins good werk-
rnanship and -genial social qualities
and yields him a good income. Ile
has, also, when the opportunity pre-
sented itself, Alibied in real estate
and has made several profitable deals,'
On the whole he has every 'reason to
be satisfied withhis experience hem
He is now getting the material on
the ground with which to build a new
residence next summer. He Las a
()rosy home, a lia,ndsome and amiable
wife and two lovely little daughters.
In his stable are two bay drivers,
both Ileet-footed •and should an old
friend' from Clinton happen this way.
Mr, Eagleson will hitch up and spend
a whole aftereoon in shoaling him that
country for miles arotind: ,
• Mr. 'Wilson Eagleson is associated
with his brother re business and pos-
sesses the eame genial turn, He pos-
sesses, a .fine home an one of the best
residence streets and it is a. Warm
clasp with which lie- greets visitors
• from the .dear old home in Huron.
Mr: Pete McNeil, formerly of Ford
McNeil, has -a good situation in
the Leadingmeet market in this city.
He has gained a littlein weight site
co he left home and is enjoying, hhin
self. He was eager to hear, •of his old
,associates, business and otherwise,.
and enquired kindly Of Jim Ford, D.•
A, Fiatester, ..inn Hearn, Tom Mas -
and ethers. Tnough it was his
busy hour .he Comte .down to the de -
Pot to see • Me off andealmost his last
woide were *: Harry .Fitesiinthe
that . we .kill fourteen 'hee& every
week:" ••
Mi,. David. IVIcbaughlifl. arrived. here
before a, railroad . and • has rethaieed
ever since. In the twenty -tour years
that have intervened there have b'een
many lean seasenis: Hearts greW"Sore
and despondent at successive failures
of crops and many Who hOniesteaded
with bright hopes left the territory
after sacrificing wirerpropertyre-
mained. order t�. get .away.,Hap-
pity hetten days 'appear' to have da•-
aveed• and 'Aberdeen 'is • now on a sol -
•id• foundation. Mr. McLaughlin fur-
nishe buildere' supplies and, has his
heeds full. He is soniewhat .... of a
politician, " but is not a Republican,:
neither is he a Democrat.. The prin-
ciples ' 0, which he is an.'ardent- ex-
ponent . have Meet, supporters in this
state, that When they pees from pre
cent 'into practiee, and stand the test,
the. result will be • thebetterment of
manitind; there . can be but little. den-
bt. M eenirse Of •eonversatioa Aire
MeLa,ughlin said to *me t. "'iJiinntn
•Sheppard (of TOwisend street,
ton) and 1 sat- on the grass. Of what,
is now 'the • prinnipal hotel in the city
and • figured' out the hill of gen.:thee
for the building. That :We:Stitt-1881.
Jimmy only .retnained here for .a cola'
-pie of months,"parting' Mr,.Mc
Laughlin said "Give ,best reger-
dee to my old irked :•Toni 'Mackenzie
60 tell him that nm as : tat as
. •
Mr. James Mackenzie, .esare_of Mr.
Alex. .Mackenzie Of Clinton, has been
here About five years and is now fere-
Man 'In the exchange department of
a 'wholendie -fruit house. Ile mtairied
a Dakota •giri and is: now the happy
daddy of two bright little children.
He expecte •to visit the •old home nes
xt winter. ,
400 ••
4,,,sot.....„......46.,i6,w1046,...,......406.,"„A~6,„tob,40,41,,,,4,6,40)4, 3,Ath Detail. tied froin there ma,-
a!! a
Mr. William Young will be well re-
meiabiered 'by Clintoniene 'as e for-
mer resident of their town. He has
been here our yeers and is prontably
engaged in house Painting, his line
workmanship .may seea upon sever-
al erthe best resiclnpe i tOwa,
but white pleasantly, located here his
thoughts often go back to the deer
old town. and he wiehee to be renieen
hem' to late friends' recolleetions of
whom are green in his meraory. Mre.
Young and son have beim visiting ni
Huron for the past number of weeks,
but .are expected back next Saturday
and M. Young and hie pretty *
g.htr are counting the hours which
;nest intervene...
Chief Wheatley and his gang are
this week putting •down the Rattein
bury:. street walk and have also the
sidewalk on Princess street torn 'lei
and the excavation made for the neW
content Walk. When the present con-
tracts have been completed' Clinton
will have over eleven, miles of cennet
walk, Not too bad, is it, •
•Mrs. M. A. Turnbull and her dau-
ghters, • Mises Eve and Mina, who
have been for' a, neither of years xe-.
sidents of this town, .leave-Thutsday:
nekt for South Bend, Where
.they will reside for the future. inrs:
Turnbull ,and daughters are held • in
very high esteem bY our eitieees,Miss
Mina being a faatlittil' worker in the
Ontario street League and S, S. fr-
om Which • She will he much) Missed
but all .join in wishing thein pros-,
peaty and much happiness in their
neve home. „ • •
VV.e are inforeaed, that Mr. D. Rich -
Olson has disposedof his residence
on Albert street 'north to Mr. John
Foster of Queen street and will take
up his reSidenee in the vicinity of
Kippen. Mr. Dickenson has long:been
a. resident of Minnie and his fatnilier
figure will be missed en Our streets..
A man who eves too economical to
subscribe sent his little boy to bor-
row a Paper taken by his neifil./ber•
In his haste the boy an over a ,
stand of bees- and, in ten minutes
looked like 'e warty summer sapash.
His cues reached his, father; who ran
to his. assistance ,end,' failing to not. -
ice a barb -wire •fence, ran Into. it
breaking it ;down-, cutting el, handful
of flesh from his anatomy and ruin-
ing a $5 pair .of`pants. The old, cow
, took: advantage of the gap in, the
fence and got bite the cornfield and
killed kers& eatieg green corn. Hear-
ing the racket., the wiferan, upset' a,
lour gallon .churn of rich cream into
. a basket' of .. kittens, drowning the
whole. flockale her hurry • she drop-
ped a $25 set of false teeth. The pea,by)
leftalone, crawled through the spil-
Ith Cream And into. • the pallor,
1n a $20 parpete Duringthe excite -
'meat the oldest daughter ran away
.with the hired Mau, 'the' dog broke
up eleven setting hens, and the calv-
es got out- and cheined the tails .off
'fOurfine shirts.. •
Mr. awry Beanees has been putt-
ing down ea artesian well for the
Messrs. Nediger ei Stephenson ef the
eleetric light works.
Monday neXt being Labor Day 'the
bysiness places will be closed and a
large mealier of our citisens will sp.-
end the day by the leke or at other
towns where, (*oak) are bent;
Ca:Abell:in Bros., are probably the
lergeet shippers of eggs, butter, sm-
all fruits, etc., in Huron. Their ships
ments this week consisted of 60u0
dee. of eggs, over 10;00 lbs of bate
Der and they averaged between, 100
.and 125 baskets of plums daily, '
Wheat 7.5c,
. Oats 27c to 289.
Barley 38e to 40e.
peas etic to 62e. •
Butler ltic to 17c.
Eggs 18() to 17c,
Hogs 1700.'
Plems 15c to 25c per basket, ,
Tomatoes. $5c to 40c per ' baseet.
Fair's mill has been .. practically
*shut down for the pant few dayseutt
that they have no work, tor the whe7
_at is literally piling in upon: them,
entle then; rolls are in Toronto being
re -turned and .during the 'cietay:' •the
• staff . are Making • a complete ovexhaul
of the wigine and boiler, so that next
week they expect to . make thing
hum, nient and day,
Five mites out, of Aberdeen is the
home of itdre and Mrs. W. J. An-
derson, forinerle orthe Bayfield• Line;
Goderich township. They are happily
situated and have tile() aeres under
cultivetiOn. 'Ther.have three sturdy
sone, tWo of • whoin were assisting
Mr. And'erson when'I arrived it the
homestead. -One was driving .the
header•and the other the'heiadingebox,
While Mr. Anderson Was stacking, He
was assisted by three or four more.
men So the • grain wee rapidly being
headed and stacked, His broad fields
presented e fint appearance and. theta
.was every prospect of h gobd yield.
The numerous friends of .this worthy
pair in Clinton and the townehip will
be glen to heat that they and their
family are enjoying good health and
material comforts. •
stov a dozen threshing outfits to-
day, some ready and others making
reany tor the season's operations wh-
icii" Will be in full swing next Week,
though a 'few have already finished
up. There seems to lb* an abundance
of help from the east, but much of
it are boys from eighteen to twenty
years to whotn the farmers" do not
take very kindly. They want season-
• ed men. Sorne of ithe latter with
whom 1 conversed began luolvesting
In 11Canses in June and have been
Working northwards the season tiliv
vaneoti ; ten days hens:* Will OW thein
hy Will drift into Manitoba, and the
-Kansas City journal.
The .coneert that was to have been
given • last ThuredaY evening ie. re-
creation park was postperied because
of the threatening 'weather, till this
evening when a• good propane* will
.be givea by the ()Wiens' band, as-
• sisted by, the Marine baud of (+oder-
ieh. Arrangements have. been maele,
to' hole the concert in the towa hall
Should the weather prove inclement..
Everybody conic and shoW the boys
that thele efforts ere appreciated.
. ,
• 'tli(. eXecutive, of the peaty S. S.
AsSomation held a•ineetier
ton on Ilionda,y morning and coneie-
en4 details In a program for a ser-
ies ,of .rallies Lw. the purpose Of cone
pleting the township organizations to
wonk in harmony with the COinitY
Association. - There are • only About
half* a (loan or -these" townehip bodies
and it is lemed to secure one fer 'ea-
ch Municipality in the county and to
that end When the details are all an:
ranged". a :series of meetings will .be
held,' .probably' early. in.,Ino.vembee, to
be addressed by •representatives 01
the 'Provincial . and Connty seecle-
eions. The program be .publislied
. .
in the county 'press when completed.
, .
On Thurscla,y last` Mr., jemes. mee
Ilveth of ..Loe 31, Cou.' 6, Hallett, de -
Parted thie life at the age Of 33)
years. Mr, Mclivcen Was a native ef
Irelaed "end cane to .0anada..in 1857
settling in, Philadelphia Where he tole
lowed • his :trade • as weaver ler some
year, • afterwards: coming to .Canada„
settling in Brampton where 'he follo-
wed the oecupation et. painting, mov-
ing . to Hullett some :32 years ago.
The lite •Mrneenveen leaves • one
• daughtey,. 1VIrs. Wm, 'Brown.; who res.
ides tat, the homestead, one Sisley;
Mrs. Weldon Oi Chesley and one.
John :tif Belfast, 'Ireland.' •Mrs.
.1V1eIlyeee jprecleceaeed. her husband
over ,17. years. He was a member. of
:the piesbyterian church, Rev. Mr.
Leckie; Londesboro, condeeteng -ser-
"'vices At the funeral which took place
on Saturday 10. Clinton *ceinetry, the
'pallbearers, being, I-16aq *Watkins,
'Chase, :Lovett, David Baii, Henry
• Beacom, 'J. Miller and W. J. MeHrietti
The following attended the funeral
John'. Scarlet of Leadbury, Rey. G.
M. Kitty of Clanton Rolet. IVIellyeen
ef Watford and Mat Mains end Wm.
•'Mien. • of Londesboro. Mr; ,Menveen
wer, asala menthe: of the Orange order,
over fifty of wham attended the fee -
' is our -pad ,dute this week to
'chronicle the • deeth Ot• Lydia Emeliee
ToWnshend, beloved tent of Mr. Tho-
mas Sanderson, and sister of our
former iwell-keown :townsman, Mr.
Albert Townshend *and Mr, Arthui
Townshend *Of . Bayfield,• which • took
place in St. Michael's Hospital, Tor-
ontoe on Wednesday of last week.
Air!: ,Sanderson Was the secotel yoline
gest daughter of the lite William
Townshend and Was born in Godericn
loaevhship ' on lot IQ, 13ayfield I due.
She was married some eight' yeare
ago to her now bereaVed husband
, with 'vvhom she went West abut
three years ago, settling at Moosee
Mw. ' About eleven weeks ago Mrs.San-
dere= Was afflicted with paralysis.. el
the spine and after remaining for a
couple of weeks under the care of
:the Moosejaw doctor's, ooze east to
Toronto where she entered the hos-
pital Ar treatment. Some nine weeks
past but all* medical skill dould do,
evened 'nothing and . OZi EridaY last
,they laid her 'neath the daiSy's bloom
to rest till that great day when all
shell nteet to Part. no mere. Mrs.
Sanderson Was a member of the
•Chitral). of England •and Rev. Mr. Ho-
dgens of Toledo, Ohio, who has been
Ailing the pulpit of the English thin
rch at. Hayfield, assisted by no. Mr
• MeGinnis, performed the cerertiony at
.house and grave. Besides a bereaved
husband the deceased leaves to Inman
their iloss tWo children, Edna., live
years old. field Willie, twenty Monne.
IVIrs. Sanderson did not MI% survive
het nother and brother, both of
Whom died in February last, .this be-
ing the third death in the family in
seven months. The easket W'as cov-
ered with very many bettletiful floral
designs and the funeral cortege to
Hayfield eemetry was very large.
The pallbearers were as follows t
1VIessrs. Nelson Yoe, Johti•Scotennier,
Joe. Weiler, R. McMurray, R. Cluil
and J. Lindsay. Mrs, Sarara,s, from
Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Halliday
of Colborne and Mr. Geo. Sanderson
of Toronto attended the funeral. To
Mr. Sanderson and fatuity and other
relatives the sympathy of their many
friends both in Clinton and Hayfield
Is extended in their se4 lbereave.
L1'1" -.111',I LOCALS,
School opens next Tuesday Mora-
ine at tt enclocle
1,he Pdtflie st;liool IS b.e4it4; bright-
ened by atone fresh palate
elms-1em:4 will of) set to
any teldreas till tb:e wL u1805 for
the smell sum of tweety-the (mots.
Deem rumor states thet several of
Cliatott's moat impute]: maids wW
eater the matrimonial sphere early ni
Septeinber. Watch out, it may, be
We are sorry to hear that• elre.
Alf. Goodwin is again on the sice
list wieh SeVere atbae11 of pitennume
Ilopee axe entertained tor her
weedy recovery.
The excursion to the West on,
day was larger than aver, 4 i4;rea,t,
many take advantage a this nerrest
excursion to see • h'Canacia's• Great
West" in its golden beauty.
The excavation foe gee foundation
of the new knitting factory is ,cona
pleted and some of the material " is
ay qa WkOrerlaid, ewilgIrrolleund let:At:41)1y tiefoxt
Agnew, a former resident ot
Clinton, but recenely •of Waite, has
returned to town and taken, up her
residence on. Retteebury street in
the cottage just west elf ilia old Rate
tenbury etreet cherch.
Of ()ours() everybody' will be taking
•in the moonlight ekeursion at God-
erich next Wednesday evening and the
excursion to Detzoit on Thursday.
This is one of the most enjoyaate
outings of the season and is always
'looked forward to. '
Cliesley, Ont., Aug, 24.. At 1 o'clo-
ck this morning the Chesley. • Chaie
Company"a factory Was 'burned no 'gni
ground with, all its contents. . Loss
about $37,000 ; insurance in. several
,eornpanies to the amount of $e4,500,
-rhiS item IS of interestto Cliatou-
imas as some of our town boys at
employed in that factory:
The 'regular meeting Of the WoinaiVe
Institute was held at the home of
Mrs. Kearns on Thursday. afternoon
of last week. There Was a good . at-
tendance and a very interesting mee-
ling. As our vice-president, . Miss
Johnston, is leaving tenet; for some
time, it was thought advisable to
reeeeet a and aim -president, Mrs,
Kearns waa elected to that position,
lioth papers given, were elceOtionally
good. The fitst by Mrs. Prank Hall
on "The seleetion of meats, and best
way of cooking eaeh cut," was Well
\prepared ami advanced many valuable
ideas: on choosing good meats and
the different ways of cooking them,
with a view tO their. being pa1e-6/.1k,
nutritious andttelidere Miss Johns ton
then followed with an excellent pap-
ereon "Daily and weekly proer let of
work" in which she laid down a,
very systematic program foe each
day's work, which if adonted would
greatly lighten the duties of the hou-
sewife. Pamphlets on "Uses ot fruit"
were distributed, The next meeting
will be held at the hline of Mrs,
Tebbutt, Princess xtreet, on Thu i s-
da,y, Sept. alst.- Papers will beniven
by Mrs. Prenoli on "Domestie Neon-
01nY'v and by Mrs. 11. 11, (Inuit on
"Plat, iind arrangement of kitchen
and pantry."
eThe W: fa M. society of the Pres-
byterian ehurch :sent a box of cloth-
ing • for the, indians of the North-
. iniss IVIamie Swan has ee jelled
been , a pleasant visit to Ilarringtoa
a:len:dee.' • . ; • • • '
miss TaYlar of . London IS, the guest
of Mrs. Jack Snider,
Miss Den O'Neil of (Minton was -the
Whole Nutftber 1a8
New AdvertiserUents.
Boots, and 64Q0S---MOli4n.9.411 UO, 41
Cartl.le Vol: iloitues • fe,
oll IVeis.te-liongeas' .8,
Dr.tes. Cneele-lseweontee's, .....
Cool Suits .Vor lloys-flotteeee theme.
School Supplies -W. la Fain Oe8
Alusie-Mies L. Jeclison " K.
13ayfield. •
Adr,•and Um.. if, Ilaunah, Ansa
lieneth and master Carleie littenala
Airs. Willtanas and daughter Alias Ger.
trude Williaxns of .Lonaone are guests
at Airs. Parsons. •
Miss Tena Rose, who has beea vis-
iting her Parents fur the eaet tuouth,
.returned to her home at nunalo ea •
Tueaday, $he was aeeemeenicd by
Attu Ruby Whiddon.
Mrs. J, Jewett, and son,- Master
Jack, left on Tuesday for eoronte to
spend a .ehoet
Mrs. Snail of Lontioa is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. el amee
.Sturgeon, at eresent,
Wrieht ene tta,ughter of Teteees •
ham was the 'peel Di Mr. end Mrs..
T. Jowitt last week. •
Monday, next; bents; 'Laeor Dayathe
business Men of the villaee will take
the afternoon as- a half hoaday.
11Liss. Luella Rouatt of nondeur is
vieitiug 'friends in the villa,ee.
• Hrelimann left nu Tuesday,
for Toronto on bueinese. '
- -Rev.. -Steaelman . ,xoJine...pMipiLL.„
with Rev. Alenebbon of aeSia Craig
on Sunday,
:Roe. llotigins, Who has been taking,
\the work . of,. 'this patish euriee Aage -
eint, returned with his veiM to lus
home at Toledo, Onio, this. week, •
Rev, T: Itobinsone A.,°' of Ott-
aWa; oecupied the infipit 'of St. Anti7
Kowa church on Sunday.
Mies Maggie Sproat of Sea,forth 'is •
the gaest of'Mies .Letina '-Erwin. this
reek. • . •-•
ineesrs.- Dan. and. John' Spender left
last week on the exeureton, to the
Mr. and *Mrs, Forest .41cDonala of.
Palmerston .are visiting his brotner,
Alt • Daniel itleDenale at Present.
. Mr. George England of St*, 'Cent- .
ethics is a guest at • the Anne ;Hotel.:
. The tug Piluron" of Godefich Was -
in the harbor. on Suettay.
, ine." and, Mrs. James ,ffonaldson wee
guest .of Miss Elizabeth • Rattenoury .have been .spentling-a, . short whibe
laet week., ' . •' • ' • , with friceds hi . the village,: teturning
Mr:: D.' Ca.inebell has;_seltt out his to their •horne at the, Soo. this-evenk„; •
blecitsmith bueiness. •and house to. Miss 'Nellie Martiii, who has; Spent •.
'1Vir: • Aiietheet. Air. -(enuthell . has • the past eight months with. her, aunt,.
'molten his .family: to nigeneadyille. *Mts: panrplben, returned . to . ner
ietends. going to. • the NoiNhiebaste home at Toronto en Monday.
shortly, . ' , Mrs, Mellis of ;Kinpee is the guest.
• Mr. Waltee Baird or Mnntreal•wae of her daughter, Mrs..; (Ree.) Biennia .
in the. *Village last wook bon of the White - City. • .
, Mr.. George Swan and Mr. Feleva.rd . 1VIrk: James J oluistOte 'left last week
Caldwell left Mr the West on Fri- for Mileston, Assa., to join her hese
day. . • ; band whO has been mitthere the
Out Civic) lloliday is to beheld on past few Years. •
Saturday ..neet. • • Miss Minnie Green of Detroit ie
. Miss Eliiebeth Rattereeirn visited hoirie on yisit.
Clinton friende last week. .bit Guttridge of Seaforth who , has
The many friends 'of the Iteve Mrthe cone:riot -for the ,abutments , to
Sewers will be sorryto hear lie ie the new • bridge, commenced operat-
not improving as fast as they could ions last -week, •
wish . • . Mr, James Campbellhas the eget- .
Miss' Aggie Beattie has gone te erit cellat for his- new house eomplet- •*,
London • to attend a fashionable .ed and ienow ready' for the carpal -
Wedding on. the •Ith of Sept. , • -terse, • 1.4 . • '
1VIts. Snider entertained the Presliy-. : Mrs, (Pr.) ,Elliott"Was the...guest pi*
teriain ehoix at tea tin Saturday ey-! bit and Mrs. Fraset last week.. ..
•_ , • • - • - Miss. Nairn of St. Marys is the
of. Mrs.'. Fred: Tomlinson: . week. •
Miss Gertie Kaiser of • Hassell is The funeral , of the late James Per -
the 'guest of her brother, Me. Jack : VISOn. took Pfice pow his :late rest -
Keiser. • ' denCe on Wednesday, Aug. 23 at 2:30
Rev.: xe. Sewersis p. and was very largely attend -
this week:. • ed. . Rona McNeil. and Steadman to*
thesettees itt the house and I. 0.
0. F. at the stone: • The 0, .
acted • aS pallbearers. The following
from a distanee attended the funeral :. •
1VIrs. Porterfield, 1VIr. Alex, and. Miss
Mary Potterneld; -1V1):. and. Mrs. Ged-
dee of Itelgrave, Messrs,it I-Ioag and.
Dell of Vert Dover, Air. a;nti Mrs
•Oebaldcaton- of Holmes vila , Mr. and
Mrs. Simone; Mr. and Mrs. 11.,Olarki
Aliases. Meggie and Edith Falconer of
Gederich, le, Prank Keegan of Port
Heron, Mr. Oliver Rhyeas of 'Brant-
ford, 1VIr. Wm. Fergnsoe, • Air. James
Ferguson of Colborne, Mrs. James
n'erguson. and daughter , of Clinton.
and Mies Clara. Ferguson of LondOrit
• Mise Nellie, daughter of Mr, Albert. •
Towholiend, who has. been with her
Mint, 1Virs: Sararas of Hatabierg since '
last Easter, has reterned home.
Mr, Thos. Sanderson returns to
Meeseiaw this week. .
• The many „friends here were deeply,
grieved to hear of the deeth of Airs.
'rhos, Sandersoe (nee Miss Lydia To- '
wnshentl) Which • occured bit ToOnto,
Wednesda,y of last week. .
' MM. Young of elinton is the Vest guest of •Inre, II, Drehnimin this
in 1,0n40n
. .
The celebrated "Boot Black Orat-
or" John E. Claide will preach. in
the Methodist church .mo'rning. and
evening: on Sunday, the 3ed Of Sept
and wilt lecture in the toWn hall on
Alonda,y and Tuesday evenings.
The garden party in go•nneetion wi-
th She Presbyterian 'church took plaee
on Tuesday evening and a good crowd
was in attendance. The 33rd battal-
ion band et Seaforth fernisheil the
music 'fair the occasion M their usual
good *style, The band boys are al-
ways weleoine in Varna. Receipts
about nintneive dollars.
Air. Barton of London visited with
hie couetn, Mr. J. E. Hammen, an
Monday. He" came up from London in
hisautomebile accompanied by several
ladies and gentlemen and While here
treated Mayor Keyes and a feW of
our. influential* citizens to a, ride in
his bigtwsnty-eight horse power
auto. . 1, •
Rev. M .awers of Brucelield Will
.preath in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday Morning next, haeldgexchan-
ged for the day with Rev, Mr. D•av-
Iniss Pearl Wheatley of Clinton
visited for, a few days with her sister
Mrs. J. Ward.
The line men have been along. fixing
up the telegraph line this week. As
we have no office here this does not
interest us muele We Would much
rather sea a good telephone system
established here as we are in much
need of one.
• Mr. N. Purdy of fsleaforth visited
On Sunday with his sister, Mrs. D.
Tho rest"of Varna on -page 4.
The News -Record will be sent 'to
any -address until the end of 1905
for 25.. cents. Send it to your friend
at a distance. It will be apprecia,t-
Stanley Township.
Mrs. Wm, Sherritt and datightet
and Miss Minnie Sherritt of Stephen.
spent Saturday and Sunday at the
home of Mr. Win. Ragmen's.
Mrs. Joseph Monteith and Mrs. JIM
Monteith of Stratford vieited frientle
in this vicinity the past week. .
• Mr. Jim. Watson accompanied by
his sisters Misses Ethel and Sadie
visited at ,the hoine °NUE. H. Peck
on Sunday.
Mrs. R. Reid and daughter of Itide
.getown are spending this week at
the home of Mr. if, W. Reid's.
Miss Addle Rathwell was the gadAtt
of the Misses Powson's and Miss Ida;
Hathwell a. few days last wick. .
A number of the Front Road peo.
ple iiicnickea at Hayfield on Sattits
Miss Minnie Sherritt is the guest
of Misses Stella and Edith Ra,thwell
4his Week