HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-24, Page 2••• SOAP Pr& We advise everybodyIle tee Susellght SeaPee It makes child's play of wort:. SUNLIGIIT We have used "Sunlight Soap," and we want t9 tell you that it N the best soap made, that's why we are writing. We foetid out that the,Surilight way N the hest way to Nfah With ' un1 t Soap.° At first we used to wash with Sunlight Soap in the old way as we did with common soap; but 'after NN'e washed according to directions printed on the package, we wou!d never wash the old wuyAgain. We first soap the articles, leave them t. soak soak and then rub out lightly on the wash board. Not much to do and it makes the clothes White ae snow. ASK FOR TI -117, OCTAGON GAR Sunlight Soap Fvaskos. the dothcs ohite one wo'n'e tioture the hands, LEVER BROTHERh LIMITED, TORONTO. . 1tla ,....0orommrap ays Fresh OUR STOCK OF DRUGS ETC. WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND FRES} T AND .UP- TO-DATE IN EVERY BR- ANCH, AND.. WE INVITE.. YOU TO GIVE US.A CALL IF YOU WISII TO PROCURE ANYTHING USUALLY •FO-;• UND IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUd STORE.. wastaaseareefrbaavia te..!•=csasoinerwriso.m.rome,,, CORN IS DEAR.. • The loss of time. and comfort eau-. ed by a corn niakes• it dear to keep. Setter invest in Putnetn's Coen Ex- traetotetinel cure that corn.. Putham's. eis painlest and acts in twenty - four • hours ; use .no -other than ``Putafant's. • CIHEMIST Aisai 'DRUGGIST. yl • 3 .rn • NMI 'Mlle • Red Cap-600ft, to the pound Deering--6.50ft, to the pound I have a large stOck on ,hand and my prices are the best. • J. A. Ford - ************"**** 346* • .•• • FALL TERM OPENS •• • • SEPTE1VIBER, 5TH • • • Ci-NTRAL fi Nea • STRATFORD. ONT. • It pays to get a businees'ed- • ucation and it pays to get it ,• • in the school which can . di4. • most for its students after • • they graduate. This school is • • recognised to be One of the he- • • st Business Colleges in Cana- • • da. All our graduates Secure • • positions. ' Business Colleges * • frequently apply to us to see- + • ure graduates as .teachers. • Write for our free catalogue.. • • •' • Elliott & McLachlan, • • •Principals. • ••. 4' ••••••••••• The Northern Navigation Co., Ideal Tourist Weather. DOES GOOD FISHING ATTRACT YOU? • DO YOU WANT A WATER TRIP ? DO 'YOU GO CAMPING? ee siessiteseses. FOR SAULT SRA. MARIE AND IMACKINAC--Steatners leave Col- lin•gweod 1.30 p. ni., Owen Sound 1.1 p. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- urdays • FOR POINT AU BA1UL, FREN- CH ItIVF,R AND KILLARNEY. -- Steamer leaves Collingvvood Mon- days and Fridays at 10.80 p. in. FOR SANS SOUC1 AND PARRY SOUND-Stearner leaves Pei:totem at 2.45 p. tn. week days. • FOR SOO, PORT ARTHUR AND DITLUTH-Stettinek leaVes Sarnia 3.30 p. m. MondayS, Wednesdays and Fridays. , Tourist tieleetA at c•litiap rates •to Georgia, Bay, Like Superior -and All Over. Literature and tickets en applica- tion* to ail Grand Trunk...old, 0. pat. agents. e ht. GildersleeVe, Mgt, ColligWOod C. 14. Nieholdono TrMUp, Sataia. . - Sonietimes the father is very glad that. his son eannet always follow itt his foobeteps. • NOTHING ON THE MARKET: EQ. UAL TO OHAMI3ERLAINIS. COL- . IC :CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. ' This fact. is • 'well knowe 'to drug:g- ists everywhere, and nine out Of 'will give -their misnomers this prep§,te atiOn when the best is asked • ler. Mr. Obe Witmer, a eirominent dregili- ist of Joplin, Mo., in a circular to his customers, Says ' "There is noth- ing on the market in the Way oe -patent medicine ;w.hicit equals Cham- berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho- ea, Remedy - for bowel eomplaints.": For 'sale by H. 13. Combe, Clinton. - The less yhiPtell the:Mere. will be told yon, •' One certainly In. Up ae stunip upon malcier kiV"O:nkr4) Iteleee-which• is tale- ' en seriously; ' Clinton News -Record ee 1.1:!l'eeith•'..chThheettiefeA.h9hiXisfit®C) Cie (I) (4) The News of Godetieh .(,) Au. Eloise A. Skimings, . W core* po ad ant. 1? • 0:ift,C,S•140(0r.....'1"Aq.••••f;'reP:i.:17eX.6-.'iri.'WS.00..)$$C.Ar.e)(*. THEY A.PPEAL .70 OUR SYM. • ' PAT I le c4 The bilious' and tlyepeptic aXe COu- staat safiexers and aPPtIal to cul:' sYmpathies. There 1S not one of them, however, 'who may not bt brought back to health and happier sst t)y the use of Charieherlain'e Stomach . and Liver Tanlets:...' These •tablets in- vigorate the stomach and; liver. and strengthen the digestion' They alSO rdgulate the bowels.' For sale. by II B. Combe, Clinton. • • • The NewsRecoi d. ri gs Good Results DON'T let that little baby or your -` ' children play or creep on the carpet with their little faces close to the • floor. . Carpets aro receptacles for • air manna. of • ' DISEASE GERMS • Many a healthy child has been taken 111 account of breathing in the nn - purities frinn tho.carpot, Keep your • rtIgs and carpets purified by using . "IT EVAPORATES" • . odorless' „ ' Xion-poisonous . Non="inntitoralable • AbSol &Holy destroy's germs • Removes .att dirt • Restores colors like new• ' Renews tho sizing • All in IS few moments fore few cents • and a child can dolt with 0.;AP SAP -0. ' Tito Huffman le Teeter Co. • Toronto • • • Ask your cro.eer. COAL 1 LEAVE 'YOUR ORDERS, NOW VOR V01111. SEASON'S SUP-, • ,PLY OF COAL. WE CARRY °MIX THE VERY BAST GRA- DES wmen t1.$00 AT THE LOWEST vossitrx PRICE' . • ORDERS MAY BE LEFT AT ' ,DA.V1S i& ROWLAND'S If ARDe - WARE STORE OR WITH W. J. Stevenson. .lidka ilk** COAL! I have purchased the coal besiness formerly carried on by Harland Bros., hut lately by Mr. Donald MeCorvie, and an prepared to reteiVe orders for all sizes of coal, Grate; Ii3gg, Stove, Nut and Soft, and solicit your pat- ronage. Orders left at my office near the coal elle& or at Harland tilos. hardware Store Will redeive Mishit attention.-Willlam DoWitS., 7•0 The 13owliege•Tournament opened me the West Street, Bowling green • on Tuesdayafternoon, Aug. 151.1e. The morning was wet, and promised very little change in the hot:oral...ter, 'Wet gradually the sky - cleared and the ground dried quickly so that the Bo- wlers got tin n, good afternoon's work Wednesday delighted all the players - bright sunshine, no dust, and lovely green sward -all werh anxious for their rink to win, and no wonder thel prizes axe very chic, aed some of theni Very expensit'e . gad apparently rare. We noticed IVIessis Taylor and Jaeksor. from Clinten, Barrister HaYs front Seaforth arid we met Mr. Nay - smith from Stratford. Mrs. Spence end three' clever young daughters of Berlin are all the guests of Mrs. Spence's mother and brother, Mr. amiMrs, W. Marlton, Mrs. R. J. Reid and little. sons, Freddie and Leuie, who have been ,holidaying al Alenesetung Park, are this week guests at the pretty resie denee of their relatives Mr. 'and Ms, Archer lharroive • Messrs. Charles Benson •Cousine, Deaver and his 'brother Mk. George Cousins; of Toledo, arrived. on one of• the trips this month that the King Edwatd makes front Detroit, and Wern while thete the guests of their ; parents end sisters, Mr. • and Mrs. •and the Misses COnShin. Mr. 'Georgel 1.1oesine, returned or Itheday a. to his home at 'Poled° and Mr.:Mbar- les Benson Coesins will rents:in a eon - 1e of :weeks longer, and haS•• hem ' rusticating on the farm' of his sister Mrs.Orr.. Mr. Cousins had jut. covered-. from an . !attack of typhoid fever and wisely resolved to re -visit hieold home. . Miss -Williams of Masiistieue, Reece of: Mrs. Doty, whbse hgeest she • „ha, been .fpr. some time, left on. Ftiday mornleg to visit. other 'tela,tives at Toronto, Saginaw and other points en her homeward route.• Mrs. E. Pla.yter and daughter, Miss Edie, Mrs, Leslie. and Mrs; Doty, all ef 'Porento,..weee the Rues ts • cif Mr. .Doty. . . Miss Drew of Detrolt is. accompart. :led on her holiday viSit, to Go:detect' by Miss Kane of the same city mei both ale the guests • of bliss Drew's patents, Mr, ahd, Mrs. Drew. • , • ehliss Charles •and kiss Middleton are at M.S. W. Proudleots re§idenee for the holidays. Mr. Proydfecet and •fan -lily being: on a trip to Portland Fair, .witme, they Will be the giiestS, Proudfoote brother, Me. Rob. eet• Proudfoote, a wealthy • citizen iot it city.. Mrs. D. 'leSilleratid Ttinily, ho nre rived last, weet. seer' steatner Ionian at Merille , armee at thei St. Law-. rrnee on .• Tgesq,kly .ey01.02.1.3! latit.WOn Mr. Millat'rented Alin Si. Lawten.e feohnnlefre. A.Beck, who well for the present • fake rooths in the bui•liling °Veiled byehlre. D. K. t raeltan,ath °ye .111r. ilollande grocery. • " • ;Me., .Bert Hale who •eceeee ten Rion sortie'.ereere ago. Or be . T• Was opera:tett .111)00 1,ast Week for:, 0,S7 the..M.: D'S say an attack of ap- pendicitis: ' Beet has ; always been so atesioue to get on in the world, and nr•as .delighted 'when he • exit ehance _th go on the road. 'He is mow. ere, ported out ef da:nger. - Atm; W,,l,a§hain has been spending sonic weeks at seinsboro, N. 1) the guest .of her son JahneLashatte, Man- aget' -of the Hillseoro Natienal Bank. The whole party spent some time.. at Shoreham Lake, _Mine. -kV present Mrs. Leshem is.. at. Grand 'Fake, Ne De the .guest of her eern, Mr'. Williant Laehare, jeweller: : • • : Mr; Charles Dee'Mille has !C I! stl ill( resitlenee -foriherly -owite.d, and led on Nelson street by Mr, eV. G; Smith. • Mr. Charles. Naysmith, Dregeist; Steatfordi one of • the slie•eispeare .hoWlets, .called upon his • consie, Mrs .J C., Harrietie.• T., • Mr. Hugh blehlath of . Hyde Per's was . in town last'. week. • • We have been .informed that Crun- dry pros., have .perchased the lilt Stables on South Street. .The Guie. dry Bros., arepreparing for a big livery business. next year. . •• iVit StraAtonewaS operated upon; ;foe the third .'time e Drs. Gunn,. with Some of 'aut. local M., 'D's performed • the operetiose• Mr, Straiton iwas .very weak for some days 'after. Mise Fannie' Hutch•eson is Still in: the Montreal 'hospital., . • Mr; and 'Miss Hutelteson areistill alJ their lake residence " Gleregowa,n.” Miss Senile. of the Sanits House wrote •home , of the tore& storm thati raged in Boissevain •during her visit :to her uncle; 'postmaster W. Sault's, Saults prefers her native town to ;either Winnipeg or Eivisevain. Mrs. 'P. F. ;Trask of 'Butte, Ment. ana, is the guest of her eneice, Mrs, (De.) 'chalk. Mrs. Tresk has visiled Goeferieh several times. . Mr. WoodWorth of Detroit Ai as a. •guest at "The Aberdeen" during his stay in town. Ile attended •the gar- den party given by the Ladies' Aitt of Knox Church. A WARNING -TO MOTHERS'. Too much care cannot be used With small children during the hot weather of the summer months to guard aga- inst bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitute, but glee the aid -fash- ioned castor oil, and see that it is flesh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a tendency to gripe. If this does not cheek the bovvels gihe Ch- amilherlain's Colic, Cholera Anil Diarr'; goes, Remedy and then a dose of ca,stor oil and the disease may be 41ce".4,41 in its incipiency and all dan- ger avoided. The easter oil and this •remedy shotdd be procured at once and kept ready for instant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel :trouble appears. This is nib most succe.ssful :treatment known and may be reliet upon with implicit ton- lidence even in, eases pf cholera In - Per sale by 1-1, 13. Combe, Clinton. hire. T. Long and three sons of Toronto, and Miss McDougall, were all registered. at the Park. House. Captain John McDonald 'came in with the Azov the other days on his trip to Blind river, for lumber for the Merely Co„ • Chatham. ' Mr. J. W. Smite, ox-aldernian, was quite elated by the reception of the following telegram. received by him from Saginaw "Missouri Chief" won first prize.' The Bowling Tournament opened with a neat 'speech by Vice -?resident O'Connell and F. .0r. Blair, barrister, en, behalf of the town -council tend- ered the visiting bowlers - the free- dom of the town. Thirty eight rinks entered for the Trophy, there being one each, front Winslsot, Brussels, Guelph and 'Kincardine, two from Mit' ellen, three from Winghani, lour front London, five front Stratfoed, five (rope Clinton, six from 'Seaforth and eight from the home club. Good fellows prevailed all the match. • Mr, and Mrs, James Doyle spent. their holidays here with their friends Mrs,- W. D.' .and MissSharenon, •-and, Mrs, James Doyle. •• Mr. Jones' Doyle, men clerk; was oblidged to take leave' elf ahSVI1C0 1011 the past four months from his dales as clerk, on • account 6( ill heal- th 1•Ie hasteen. visitin:g,,his relati- ves at Sudbury and will seen re- turn. Mr. arid Meth James- Doyle returned to their' home at -Detroit per steam - King Edward; on Friday A. M. .: The house eceepied .stn. Lightlious .street by Mr..' Haleer has peen paint- ed White with terra eotta trinim- ings. Mr, Attie D.' MeLean is attending' hiplinsiness everyday. .. . Mise Price is very ill of • pneurnone _ bit SameVanstone of the Goderieh organ .factory • is vett ill of , pneu Monte. , • ' . • Mrs. Stothers, Mrs. Kannawitt and. daughter' MN§ Edie; of Seelltourne, Ont., who are visiting relatives., in Dungannon, while 'in town 'N.:ere the guests of Mr. And Mrs. Stephen Sto- • .Mrs.. Paltrielge and little dkeghter have.'teturned front their holiday vis, it with .relatives at Forest. • Miss •Silier. of Detroit was.the gue- st of Mrs. Captain T. Teetheway 10-04 week, . .. Mies. Margaret Maud MacGillivarer of • hVianitoba is the ',sliest • of 'Mrs. Tweedie. • • • !.1,. ' The Messes' • Tweedie, • St,. ,etair and Ephreine returnel n betreit en ...Monday. *: • • • ,Mre....' W.. Diedrich held her Poet nit - p ia amp to . on -nuts( ay tele t re": day „17theand 18th Augtiet 'at. the 'in:. „.. . . sickliest. of .1ter parents, 'Captain T,. . Mrs. :Diedrich received liekeguee ts 10 the :drawing. room and was ahSiSt"C4 by Miss . Pearl ,Trethevv.ay her eistee,. and Alias, Sibley ..oh.Dettoit; Mrs.:piee Lich Wore her ebridal ro.beeof gee green silk colienne With deep :Cam! Of pleneu lace. • Mise Peari Pretheway, ware a, mauve silk . eostume the waist. trinunedearith rich ecru lace, and '.11isA- Sihley :wore a pretty .eostume ray - al blue ;silk Wolfe. • • . • ,.We, pangratula,te the City of Londen on; '..:,beemning a' centre •of mnsie. and 1:iterature. We he the pleasare of returning. ,thanks. to Sec. Trea,s:. of Harding; , Hall :college.Afia Central, Conservatory Landon forkindly see -- ding 'their :catalogue for .1905 1906. One Of ',he direotoes wekli .wn to, oue• (Goderielt loving musical public -fwe find. .that Allteet.G. .Jor- datt, :Organist and 'Conduct& 'of • the ,May Festieral :Chores, and other or- genieations, • . also 'a :brother of. Met Henri Joeclan and well ;known fernier organist ' of • Knox- Obtli•eit. •On lb.,. Beard: ofreference among the list• Of prefe§set§':and Reverenhdh "ere %find the • name' ref :Rev. ..W.H.Grabani; B. Pastor of •Victeria Street Chueeli. • • We Wonder what our visitors think'. of •our , chip authorities, having - no tat -nee. at -the entrance. to Hartior, Vaerli;e....'' 'art ittaiitting has • et•eaehed Wellington Streee and Britannia.Road ,is 'keeping •up its artistic dignity, Oe Wellington -Street. Mr, hotise is painted. dark • yellew with terra • cotta trimming, 'and dark green Sent-. tees: Or, ; the seine street Mt.. Chat - les Hunt, has painted his house White with grebe • trimmings': ; On Britanhia. fload Captain John McDonald paint- ed his house white, and erected otia of the finest flag poles he town on his ,geontels. He brought the Pole down with: him. from 'some .of • the! itorthere parts. •„ • Mrs. W. Green of Detroit, Miss Lies Zia, blaster. ArmN, and the baby, .are all guests this month of ,Mrs. nt,a- toril; Mrs. Green's mother. The Garden Party held on the gro- unds:. of • Past-Mastet Gait, dn Tees - day •evening, tinder the :.attspiceS. of the Ladies Aid ef Knox -Church. was. e highly, successfel atiair„ 'despite the heavy rain of the morning. ' • Miss McAlpine, Teacher, Gatianonne, who was the guest of her. aunt 11010. C. Murphy' during her vacation, ' re- turned on reanesday of last week to her -school. at Taylor, Ont. Mrs. W. Logan arrived from Buffalo on Monday, 14th and will spend a esthete of weeks in town, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Xirkleride, atod daughter, Mrs. Fred Mureey. ,Mis, dello G. Whitereen and tWo 1itt14; eleeghters, Madeline 'and Doro- thy of Detroit, are the guests of Mr - and Mrs.. Halstead, parents of Mrs. WhirtrAlex. M . Mc nomad Allan has re. teiro•td from tome of his inspecting feuiCtours, and is With his family ,at his home "-The Larehes." Mrs. it. Meg of Hotel Ring Ed- ward has been twith her children, holidaying at IlltleVale. Miss Auguste( M. MeLeSed retureed in July from a very pleasant visit with her aunt in Detroit, •. • Mrs. T. Long and three sons of .11:wtiron,toThaerya e eperliedinrmrod geightoe- imolottth th it Park House, Mrs. Long Is =eh 0,t- taelled to her childhood home. . Ooderich mrs. ea,yley of Stratford, who epe- nt last eesseen here, registered at the Park House or, Fridey teeming., Mrs. Ilayley oleojov es to re -hit ' the" scene of her childhoi 4 although el, her, relations left -town years ago. Mr. and Mrs. B. 1,eslie of North Oxford Tp., were the ?guests last week of their relative, Mrs. Henry Thompson. Mrs. Armstrong and daeghter Mies 141a, and the Misses lelita,heth and Stella Gibson all of Erigden, and their sister Mies Ilelena Gibson • ot Saginaw, were all God:erich visitors, and Were all the guests of Mrs. Cap- tain Oraigie save, the last mentioned young lady, who w.s the guest o, both her aunts, Mrs. Captain Craigie ma her sister, Mrs. Ctostie. All save Miss Helen Gibeen leave returned to their homes. • Miss - Careen ot Toronto is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. Tilt. Miss Edyth AleteDottough of " Mae- Dor.oug4 lila,ce " Carlow, is sending her vacation in town the guest . ot her aunt, Mrs.. Walter Said tS, Si George's Cement. William Matheson of the Ceoderich Vollegiate 'Institute is the protid wee - tier of the sixth Edward 13,1ak:e 'Scho- larship for general proficiency at Tote onto University. Mr. Matheson ale() ranked 'for the second. Edward Blake Scholarship ie, mathematics; which was awarded to another cendidate by reversion.' . • A 111 tie 3 year old daughter of Mr, Robert IleyeoldS,• who has lately. Come. to town, while playieg :outside fell into a lime pit .adjoining .: her father's. residense. Proper attention , was quickly given the ehild andwe are happy the state • that the treet-• • nient was successful, her:eyes now be. ing 'uninjured. Col. Youtee - wetted very much tegtet the Accident to little Miss Reynolds: which might have de- prived the ehild of sight forever, Howard Durnin and Allan n Bowles passed in June the Senior Matricula- tion of 'the-Iiiiiireteity the fiteine'r. ob- taining eecond-elese: steetding . in gen- eral proficiency:. • .. , . • • Mr. Halstead .has ,Purehased ell the old sheet niron of the) burnedelevator. and will dispose of the whole.in lar- ge or small hits. - On Thursday (this evening) at 8...P pi,' Mr. Wright . a nephew of j. • '..1. Wright of the Park • 1 -louse,, will:. be ordained 'as :pastor of the 13aptist dearth here, The ordination serviees. Will he held in the Lecture room, of: the Public Library: .A, cordial:•invii- ation is .extended to all ' • . :. Mr. and Mks, •Charles Monroe of Val- dosta, 'Georgia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs,' James hlenree, parents . el thee former. , ,. : .- • .. • .: ' • .Mrs. McColl of Chipage isspending a • seaean at the- reeldenee of het pat ents, Mr. and Mrs. •Janiee .Reid.,Welfe, .. . 'Tie. Ed. Watson eot, the Goderich Gati,tClub had 11143,' aentraot ,of furnis-: hing 'the now elite ,ringe.'Witii•AiargetT A. Government inepeetor came .up to inspeet the markers butts and the, sh. Veceal :firing: points'. and 'found :'. the work -sol-id in every particular. Mt. hileColl ef town had the eontraet. . Rev: De.reeektektreet of Cleveland is the guest of • hi' mother, . Mrs. ,Capt- ain ' Gibson. On • Sunday. he .preached in Knox Church; n.' • : .... • - • . ' At • Harbor Park on , Thursday ade- lightful *Garden Party was held -under' the auspices . of the Lathes ;of. St,. Peter'e Churle There was . a very, 1 Ole •attendance, the day being-. an ideal - :eine.; -.R:ev. ,- 'Father • MaeCere miehrOf'..,Kingsbridge, •Fi!„. • Pensonne- auit of • Clinton,: Fr, Noonan of Si. Coltimhan;anireone or: tWo,-ateet ate- rgyma.n were' the guests, Of : AeV, • Fr.. Maeltea. A: lovely ',High Ten. • was served ,during theev.entng and candy and ice cream :table§ kept ittO •young lathes busy serving their :delighted Ira- ttons, all eVoning. The -11/firine Band renderede'a tine loitg programmes : pent many persons' who .Were awaiting the arrival . of. the King .Edward from Sault: Ste:Marie had the .pleaSure of .remaining .: with the ge.,y : crowd :for . some . hours, On° great attraction was the presentation of tee°gold via, tehee by .Reve•Fr,' 'MacRae :to •••the two youngT•iadies who sold more then ¶100 Woeth: of tiekets the §tteceeeful en'es being Miss Minnied-riffin• hese vo\ sales: amounted' to $199.35e and lies •Lena Neville Whose seles emountel. ta• W6.25. The watches were Welt eai.• nod. Then the Klee artielee that tit-. kat •holders had achairee: to Win, made • the evening most enjoy:a:51o: Altoget- her the, garden Parteenfor, 1995 for . St. Peteep Churchwas a lecided success; • Mr, : and Mrs. tine een, eh:Linden, are on a driving tour from Londoe, and spent a couple of days in town,. Alt: Prank Mullin, , a student in Divinity from the Redoniptortst Fath- ers College at Erie 'Penni, after 1/s- iting at his home !A Toronto •during the , first weeks of his vacation,. was the 'guest : hero 'for a few days- ot his relatives, IVIr. Phalen and daughters Britannia, Road, left. en, Se:tetchy for London 'whete he ..spent Sunday aftere Which,..he took train for Fele, MISS Dare Platten and Per sisters the Misses Hazel and Nellie, have re-, turned • froth a, delightful' • visit !with their relatives at Westfield. Mrs. Charles Smith of, London was the guest of Miss: flora. Felten, this inoeth, • Mrs.. Braun of .1Vremphis, Penn., Who spent some weeks in. Canute, about three years ago, and while here With. some Memphisyoung ladles were all guests :of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sy mons, .N • haw •aceoineenied to (Air town by her daughter MissBraun atittiorig. dhoth. tire the gt vets i 1 Mrs, Iey- • Mr, :Charlie Symons has Oita:heed goad emp1oyee:0ot and good wages in the city of - Torontg. He will likely speed .the Winter there. • (wino IrtnNty Di§nAsm, IVIrs, Toted, IBM, Walton St., Port Hope, Ont., states:e-"I Was troubled for some time with kidney disease, and though I: tried a great many dif- ferent medicines never sueeeeded in tobtaittin# relief Mita I began the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, By the regular use, of this preperat- loft for a time Was completely cur-, NI of kidney disease August 4tb 190.5 "*-•!lorritto,",", Rheumatism Goderich. A beautiful wedding, took place at ' " The Aberdeen " WeedstecK, the vesidenee of the bride's parents, Mr. I and Mrs. Joseph Loei-e, on Vednes- day Oth Anguel, tee mini. et sary of "Coronation Day," the ecntre,cleng parties being Mies Margaret, sewed daughter of Mr. :and Mrs. Joeeph. Locke,. and Nathaniel 'Sine ney bott, of Woadslove ti ithe teteattter Wyoming and formerly of fleelerielt. Rev. William Smith .0( the hlethintst Church Woodetock performed the marriage service. At 3 p. nt. while Mr. Richard Davis of orento play- ed Mendelseohe s Weddin oettelt, the bride eetered the drawing room 011 the artn of her father, NNI10 ghe her! away, and loolsed lively in her thy-, lish costume of Itoy,a1 Witte sits taste- fully trimmed with cream $ pass-, molter:le, white bride roses in iter ; hair, and carried, a shower boquet 01 bride roses and ferns. The brides- maid, MisS i'dyth Faithnk, I,011(1011 wore an exeeedingly pretty costumes .of pale blue sits trannied with whit�! silk pa,ssementerie, 910 hoses in bee : ,Mie and carried a shower baguet of . pink roses and ferns. mc. little flow- er girl. was Florence, youegest sister of the bride, who loneed lovely n in her (*einem of white site, ruffled shirt,. all:over while 'silk lace yoke, and Spanieh lace tii.mning her elbow sleeves, eairyin, a. lovely basettet of • 1 is ., reser, among; which the wedding rine lay. lee groomsman was . Mr: William 'Locke of Paris, Ga. • A lov-, • ely arch of. palms' end terns arrenged wi h great taste, tefore which the heir v and groom: stood, and the as- ters and roses • strewn in, profusion under their feet, weee the only de- corations of the drawing. roam 'save jardiniered with flowees on pla- • ne, mantee, wee ane tagles, Mr. • Richard Davide of Toranto, play•ed. Mendelsschn's wedding march before, the ceremony- was . eerfotmed, ..A most reeherche" weddng dinner was ser ed and the wedding palter and thin; •-gightt • aithilier of giteSts.,' with •eii 'i'1i.t'i'ts nan 1 emc,' made the event the mat dis- tinhished Oar or thee Woodstock soeial season The guegte were ' from Torentoe- Geehh, Ineereoll, Paris, innerkip„. Sarnia end ft (*rich: . Mrs. Julia MeDt Raid, Elgin avenue, sis- ter of the froune • was' the only representative of 'hie ftimily,•here, The: • greeen's preseet tei the bride was a • diamond rine, :a pearl pin to ,the hrideemaid, and a. pearl ring to the little flower Among • the beampui gifts'. to the bride was a silver tea -tierviee, a tribute from the . Ladies' AOL.. •01. the '1Wethedist ehureh of 'Wondstock.; The • haPPY eou pie af ter the • weddieg . diem r.. left fOr• Lootbon atml, Del roi t, • where tee• erooni 'join JIN:steemer; Wyom-• ' May tIieVoyag,e • thro4h. hite di. • k ss 0'1 if, rOftin 0 :,.rrn tw,ht wi eroseeri t 're • - • I • .• Is ono of the .constitutional diseases. it manifests itself in local aches and pato,- inflamed joints and stiff muscles, -but it ,cannot be cured by locd applications, It requires constitutional treatment. acting.- through the .blood and the best six course of the great medicine Hood'sSarsaparilla Whichhas permanently cured 'thousands of cases, itor.toohnolluds..0 remarkable ogres Send for BOOk on Rheumatism. No, .T • .C. L Howl. Co.. 11.owoll, WW1. - • .000erich, • .• • - cur citiztn were all grieved and Stl. • rptised_ to learn co Saturday' a. m„. of Ore sthisien illness of Mrs: Pride ham, Mother of the Messrs. Fred and - Walter Prideam - and Mrs. P. B. Crews- :of Kingston No gee has heard' • Mrs. Prieheen emnplain- .01 11). health she has boo°, tit/Mg.-in nee airy' toorne in the Bedford Bleck ar.d, took elle- uer every. day at the Stl- lea,wroece.- Alwaye 1;;right it seemed strange to learn that the was. stricken.with an • attack apparently srious,. Mr, litunball. of the Fureiture Face. tory met with What "might have pro- ved 41, very ..seriers§n injury on Settle - they lest In haling hie- core finger of•• his left band cut open, It might ha C , been lus whole band,. . • • IENLPI.XSS WITH SALT -RHEUM. • "For many months my wife . vvase unahle• to serve 'herself with her han- • ds 'because of *salt rheum, Dr. Chase' Ohrtmentehas- riq'y cured. her and we- 'strongly- recommend ••it to -any , whoestafer from. sunder 'ailments, be- lieving .t•hat- it. has no equale7 - 1;titodecti.oll.,)ni(Tlittey. ,. Pigeon Hill Miselss- 4. • . What a men marries a widow - ought it it to •coinpleirt when slit fors to htin an "her eecend," • e- • ,. . HOW TO CURE TOOTHACHE.. • .• Any.. achine too:th can, be relieved in- , Vtantly with Nerviline. Pill ethe cav- ity with batting.: (Rinsed in Nerciline and rub' the •getes With Neter:iliac also. If the face :is swollen and sore 'bathe, -the pettily!' parts. with Is:01.01111n etel • co Ve r evni th a flannel, This .ca,n't fail because Ntivmlmnc hilis the- pain' out right and -prevents it fibril:returning. .Stn neer, • quicker,: mord •satieraetoty then'. any 'Other. PoISOn'S- :',;iertiline has been ale largest eellet. It ear Iy .y..yeate ;.try it.):0 U.- . self: • • Sick • headache' results from a di- , ordered • eon:ditign of -the • etornaelr • and • is quickly. 'euted by Chen -Mee- , .the poorest. imaeinahle way_ of -SteentethreeTerid • Liver Tabletswhite:Washing ofte§eiris by- painting eFor sale by Ile It. Combe, Clintom-:.., other people blach. • • • • a!zusciftesumif:li.cispacr,r4,:z.m...5.r.TOFrnt.T,tisralral.traesto*V.044.r azateetnn.wap:d.9a Taken promptly tions will not On never diseases Which bonsuMptiOn. and faithfully according to direc-• ly invariably•prevent Consumption fail to cure any of these lesser ' are always the forerunners of . . ColSzcot,/, May 3oth, 1904. .1t affords nie pleasure', to speak of the merits of Psychine, which I found to be a marvelous tonic r.i.rt. tissue builder. I Was taken down with . a 'bad cold, which settled on my lungs. In fact, I believe .1 was never free from colds for monihs previous, and tried many of the common cure-alls and cheap nostrums you see advertised, but obtained no relief. I had then, • learned that such remedies are tnerely palliative and not curative preparationS, Friends advised Psychine, and after tal.ing several bottles 1 becathe sound and strong again. Scores of 'my friends have been saved much snaring With Psychinei and I voluntarily give permission for the publieation of thisstatement. MORRISON, Ps chine (Pronounced Si -keen.). ' Per sale at all drug stores, $1.00 per bottle. If your druggist hasn't. PsyChine in stock call at br. Slocum, Limited, ree Ring street, west. Toronto, . and a large • sample bottle will be given you free as a test. To personsi living outside of Toronto a sample mailed upon •• requestt . ERIN • We have`po$itiveiy the finest Veal- tigSS College 1.*ennses and equip- ment in western Ontario. Our attendance has trollied in the last three years and the College has grown to be easily the leading school in the West. This is not a 'school living on its • reputation. It is practical first, last and all tbc time. ALL OUR GRADUATES GET POSITIONS. • Don't ettorki Be,frioss College unfil you have read 01.11 118114.19M110 pagi.1 Cat,110131I,.. TS Pita:, W. D. EULEIR9 Orincipal. ONE OF TR mos FEDERATED COLLEGES.