HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-24, Page 1he
. 4th Year
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Marked Copy
Wire 1::dg€
Ready Roofing
•Can be Used on any kind of roof, flat or steep
Is suitable on any kind or style of building
Is quickly and easily put on whhout any pre -
'WOOS experience of the work being necessary
It is weather proof, water proof, wind proof
ancl fire proof
Metal Shingles
Galvanized and Painted Metal eidinge
—Stc.one and Bri4 Pattern --
Tarred .and Plain Building Paper
A Small. Lot, of Oraniteware to
Clear at 30 per Cent. discount
Hardware and .5toves.
44+4 •••
e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
•:• The Sovereign Bank
Chartered by - - Dominion Parliament
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mr. W. Wheatley has finished ex
coating for the tounelation of the
new knitting faetery ceed the builders
are eXpeceed to start the foundation
next week.
Mr.- A. Tune; informs' The News -
Recd that this season of 1.905 has
'been the 1Seet for years. His sales of
new Wheels, was the largest since be
ivas started business. He has dispos-
ed of over 30,v/heels slime the seasoul
opened. •
On Saturday Mr. Oehaldeston of
neer Haijrnesvj11 called at The News --
Record office and left a eilver headed
welking stick, whieh we advertised as
being lost betvveen Clinfton and Hol-
inesville. The owner wishes to thank
IVIr, Osb•aldeston for the returo o
the cane. • .
It ee rumored that a new C,Ionmally
has taken. over' the foundry And will
make . extensive improvements. A.
man from IVIontreal is .in town thiS
week looking over the building, pat-
terns, etc. •The company nia,y_put in
a complete electric service, the power
being supplied he the electric. light
plane. The company, it is said, will
giveemploytnent to 150 hands. -
• -Friday evening about hill past
eight o'clock the Are atom wes ece.
untied and it being early it . the ev-
ening a very large crowd of citizens
euehed to the scene of -conflagration
• the house owned by Mrs. Rumball
and •occupied* by Mr. G-erry Dennis.
The fire brigade also reeponded to the
call but. their services vvete not *re-
quired as 'some 'of the citizens had,
.after ecane herdwork, succeeded in
extinguishing tae blaze which had
gained someheadway in the 'sheet -
Mg limier the shingles. It was a
close. shave and deolced like " all
day" with the house for .some ehne,
but the • damage was not very. great.
The cause 'of the fire is not 'Certain.
. ,...„
1,71-1E 'FUNERAL. '
, The . :funeral a the late W. J.
,HoIrreae ti;04place from hes late re-
eidenee on Princessstreet to Olin-
toti cemetery, the services .being con-
ducted- by Rev. r. o ines o o
, „doe, at 'present • supplyang Wesley pill -
pit, mid Mr. Sommeryille of• Teron:-
ele eaforth, Strate
to. .11 riends and relerees were pres-
ent from Goderiford, London, Loodesblerte And White-
church. Aedie, the oultesten, arrived
Saturteee• freeeeaeleepeg, • Mr.:
Hotel.% was 'born on the .16th eon.
of GOderich 'township 51., years ago,l,
the third of this month, ,conaing lat-
. .
er to Clinton where he learned his
trade* ,as cieriagemaker, in which
business he was a partner for some
years in this town with his: Lather,
W. T. Holmes now exf Oklahorila.. • Af-
ter being burned Out they lived *for a
short time in •Lor.desboro; and then
the deceased went to Stnatford where
he was With the Macdonaki reanuface
tering company„ About 15 years age
he returned to Clinton With his fam-
ily and engaged With .heePhereen
.tiovey, in whose- einpley hewas at
' the lime of hi a deeth. Ile leaves to
mourn his death, his wife; • one, dau-
ghter, Miss Minnie Holmes of tOWn,
.atd. one *son ,Aidie, Whit hits beeli in
00.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . CLINTON ..BRANCI-1 . .
u. T. RANCE, Manager. - W. PRA `1"ea`•77 'Solicitor
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• •
T. Jackson Sr.
Linen Suits
for cents
We have 50 American Linen Suits
for Boys which we will sell at from
• 75c to $1.00 per Suit.
'I'. Jackson Sr.,
011440.01,•4004444:•+•:48•44,41.44,,;•t:444•••:$0;••:••:••,a0+.1•44:44:44,4,04480:••ti •
lieeeikellaelelevereheele eikeeeleareeeeeekeefeenbeereefeeeiremeeleeeeetle,
* Furniture and .Undertaking
We desire to annOunce that during the absence V
• of Mr. J. C. Stevens& in the Oid Country, the
▪ niture and Undertaking business will be carried on
as heretofore.
w •
• •
will b(i carefully looked after as before, and
Nighc or Day Calls promptly attended to, $
• 7
ea •
J. C, Stevenson,
' •
. •
0,00D For.c -WILL.''
No doubt all our readers noticed
in • the result of the examination in
last week's paper that Will. Taylor
: was the only pupil out of the ten
who received Junior Matriculation
certificates that received honors.
Will. is- a pupil of whom any school
.should feel proud. •Ile is the first
pupil Of the Clinton Collegiate In-
stitute. to pass the Junior •Matricu-
lation exam. with honors. ' is
also the youngest pupil of the class,
beieg only 15 years of age. Of cour-
ee mach of his success is hereditary
The Taylor faintly all through seem
to • be a larnily which excel in every-
thing they undertake.. The late 'Mr.
Willett). Taylor, .grandfathee of Will.,
Was A maxi of, great business a,bilityl
He with his sons, Messrs, Jaeob and
Israel Taylor,. worked tip one of the
beet, shoe businesses in Huron‘county,
starting with one cobbfer'e bench, .
side or. tveo .s'Ole leather, etc.
This energy, pluck and perseverance
has ShoWn itself all throughathe ear-
eer of •Maeter Will. .Starting to sch-
ool in his seventh year it Seented to
come naetiral to him to be at the
head of his class, While gong to the
Public school he was elWays one of
those boys who, took greet interest
in learning. FolloWing the old adage
that All work ancl no play makes
Jack a dull boy"--1Vlasthr Will; was
found on the play ground as often as
any of them and always took a
great interest io sports of all sorts.
(k. chip off the old block.) The en-
trances examination of 1901, although
a difficult •orie, was passed by him wi-
th a large number of marks. When
eeheol °petted for the fall terni Mas-
ter AVM's name was enteted on the
books of the Collegiate Iristitete and
It was then.' that he begot to study.
Ofcourse he did aot allow himself te
be "crammed" but took tet great in-
tereat in the sports, gytnnastic work,
ete. In all his examinations Wilthas
made a good showing aid we Uespeati
tot him, great suceess in Whatever
profession he takes up, knowing that
if he displays the Same energy and
perseverance in the future 'that he
has in the past he will have un-
bounded stieeees,
J. Walker of town expressed
himself as well setsified on receiving
from Mr. A. Hooper, a cheque for
$131,00 for indemnity for recent il1-
It paye to be Insured,
The Mayor has instructed Cousta,la
le Welsh to put into full fere° the
by-law regarding bleyelo riding on
• the sidewalks. tie says there is no
excuse as there isn't better roads in
tae county as we have at preseat,
Mr. Welsh extends this as a warning
to all trespassere,
Those who attended last Sunday's
morning . service ••et the Ontario $t.
church were tread to a, profitable
discourse. *Bee. W. E. Ken was in
his usual good form and preached the
secend sermon of the: series "Paul's
rayer for the Ephesian 'Church,”
Fhe text was taken, %from Ephesiani
8 ; 1e. The cheir ;rendered a• couple
of appropriate selections.•
:Last ';week Afr. 6. Hoare. dispesed
of a Cabillet Grand Upright Piano to,
Mise Briahameof Londefeboro and also
one to Mr. H. Rieleer pf Kippen; hire
Hoare handles some et the finest
pianos placed on. the market and be-
ing a; wide-awake salesman, does a
very large trade in that line, besides
• handlilleg all kinds of second hand, or-
"sgalitrlieleit.- pianos- and other m81'09,1.1.42
Mr. Charles Seeger', OroWn Rttoe-
ney, .Goderich, Was in town eFlee:
day on his way to Wingleam, having
been summoned there ber telegraph. to
deeide the cases ed. several who took
part in a sort of tumult dr as called.
an aenaproper AsSepably.". It seeina
that the:fatherly Advice given to. the
"Scarlet Women"' by out Worthy
MaYer availed little as that person-
a•ge, whose home is in. Wingham,'"was
the. cause cif the riet. Nothing could
hie proven against her,: however,. aed
the others were remanded vbefore the
.k#oriqy aid lea pff tvitli holeinr.
waening and .veispended sentence, : • •
• • • 7. •
Rev,. Edwio Hohnes, who has been
• he--woricalreeWesley4/1
church during the vacalloa of Rev
Mr:* IVIAnniag, will corimleteleisH-ene
gageoreirt next Sabliatheand Will re-
tareto his home in London on Men -
day of next eveek, ,a 'Man of his
ilercelemze.znabiltylveaclItieonve andhis
"alepviephisfateil. Although on. the retired
list he is •aept very busy, scenethnes
• preaching to the prisoners in the jail
in the 6,sylurnfor the insane, the
Aged People's Home, the Home for
facurables, as well as A in the differ-
ent 'churches ie the Forest City.. and
outside, far and near. And °Yee noW
ort the close of hie labors here' 'fresh
tequeits• have been made for his help
to such an extent that a reptiug tine
Tor the Rev. gentlemen seems to be
fir in the distance. Mr: Holmes,:epe-
alcs very highly of Clinton aes a ' keel
liee toym and. fully .appreCiateS the
trielutlifeess and *keel/gess shown to
himself and Mrs. Holmes eltiring theu
residence hero- and sincerelytrusts
their la;bors have not been in yain. •
. .
One pf the saddest drownitg 'acei-
denti that hes* ever happened iii,Bay-
.field, occurred. on Saturday when Ja-
mes Ferguson, 'William Bailey and
WRIlain Woods met their sad •end.
:On, Saturday niorning they went out
to lift their nets,. and not returning
towards evening a boat WAS .sent Out
in *weed' of them, but, returned with -
d. morning word was ent s
out . any tiace of them, and i?'\o God -
n, Sun-
ayerich •• for tugs and three .of • them'
etarted out to: search for thein and
three fishing beats inane the village,
but, not until five o'clock p. m. could
any trace of the boat be found MI
. John Toms, Who wae running one of
• the fishing boats *found the boat:
out three miles our, sunk with • the
• top •of one of the masts out of the
water and floating. • He gave • the
item; and., eomi" the tugs came to
• hini, They had the . beat towed to
' the river,. just then word dame from
Goderieh that Janne Ferguson's body
had been found on the beach, et
Cna,rles Naftele farm, flee miles -Irene
Gederich. The body was brought
'home to. the village. • Ile was one of
our most respected citizens and spent
the • most of his life hi the village..
He was a member ixf the Hayfield I.
0. P., and also a member of Port
Dover; I. 0. 0. F., The fishing seas-
on here being ebout over this was
his last trip out and 'he intended
leaving on Monday for Port Dover,
where he had bee* engaged to run a
tug. He was 85 years of age and
leaves a wife and one,eltild, William
Bailey was the •eldest son of Richard
Bailey of this village, aged 28 yeaes.
He was a member of the C. 0. r.,
4121d- was ,,warden of !Trinity Chureh
mid a member Of the choir, and one
of, our most highly esteemed young
men in the vil1a William Woods
was the eldest son •of Wilhini Woode
Sen., tilso of the ;village aged 28
years. He Was of a very quiet and
reserved disposition of good chataet-
er and but llttteknoWn outside of
his home eh*. Th q were all 'Bap,
field boys, bora and raised here, Wei
every one feels their loss keenly and
deep sympathy is felt for the bereaer-
ed• ftunilles.: At the time of writing
the last two 'bodies had not been re-
avered.."Prom our Bayfield eortee-
pondont. ••
The Public ,Sehoel will open ou
Tuesday, Sept, $11i. Parents, are re-
quested to send beginners in taie al-
ternoou. Will pupils who have just
unwed to Vont please meet the prin.-
etRal on Friday', Sept. 1st, at •9
o'clock .for a few minutes.
WEDDINC+ 134144.
Auother of those iaterestioe• events
which cause a ripple of excilemeut
ameng the fair sex took pla,ce at the
home of Mrs. Geo. Nimene on Wed-
nesday evening when her daughter,
itose, became the wife of Mr. W,
R. Wilson of the West. The cere-
mony, which was performed by Rev.
Mr. Holmes of Loudon, took place
at 8 p. m. under a large white doe -
Al bell. The bride was attired in
white etimen over white taffeta, tri-
mmed with hotaton lace and carried
a .large baguet of white aetors. The
bride • was assisted by her niece, Miss
Rose East, who Wowed vbeerniug in
white ;organdie and carried a. Wallet
of white astors.• The groom was at-
tended ay Mr. W. Nimene of Toron-
to, brother of the bride. The Indite
Mg march was platted by Miss Viola
Olark of Detroit, niece of the bri-
de. The flower girl was Miss • Viola
A.' MeClacherty and the ring beaeer,
IVIise Hazel B. Clark of Detroit, also
aiecier df the bride, The bride was
given away by her uncle, Mr. Thos.
Kearns. After the ceeemonY, covers
were laid for about fifty guests, ate,
ter Which the evening was spent in
mimic and other elausemente. The
house and lawn were prettily decor-
ated with Chinese lanterns,. the coi-
ors being .pink and White,' The pres-
ents were handsome and nuxnerous,
1•10Pea,king the esteem in which the
bride is held. The happy couple left
On the evening, train amid showers of
rice, ' Old shoes and .the good wishes
of all. The' News -Record joiee .ib
extending coop:athletic:me: '
' The schools of ehe surrounding
couatry opened on. Manday •
Some of the maples are beginning
to S1Ow tr,b, e.rich crimson. of .Aueu.innt
R. Fitzsimins Sim shipped A (1047
ble decker of hogs :Petrolea on
Weare pleased to . see ..Mt. R. Bak-
er on duty after a lengthy , °stay .in,
• the .house.".. , • • .
Sure, Pm. going :to hear the Ginter -
this evening. Aiut you? •
of the Plynabuth doctritie gave e et:7
eet lecture on Sunday evening.
Messrs. 1 Stephenson end Nedieee
'have Placed . number of incendee;
dent lanipe re,o of
C. Ram*.
The Steainer. "Greehetiud" of *De-
, . .
• trcat . give a inteonlighe • ex-
cursion at Goderich• on Wednesday
'evening; Sept. 8th. •
Mr. Wheatley . end hie gang of
meet have finiehed the walk On Mary
street CO. have started Wokk 'oxi, Rea.,
tenbury. street, Weet.
The •energetie. •managers of elec-
tric light plant are busy this week
putting Up the poles ahd wiring for
• the four new. arc, lights.: •
The Ladies' Aid of Onta,rice street
,cntiech Picnicked Hayfield: on •Tues-
day.. They had a good turn out and
a Pleasant time:Wag. spent. • • ,
'A load, oonsisting, ...of about fent-
een mernbers of the local 1. 0: 0. F;
attended the; funeral of ethe .1 late Mr.
Ferguson in Bayfield yeeterday.
Mr. John Johnston of Rattentery
street has bought the Dinsley pro-
perty corner of Rattenbuter and ' Ale
bort streets', , • e
• .Mr. A, Asquith's motto scenes' to
be "boys, , keep the law.," • FIe wae in
Ged•erich last weelc' Where he made
tWo fines, The . Huron house and
Kelly Brps.' hotel. •
We •are much pleased to •eee Mr, J.
Elliett.of the big livery "et it again".
tayfterbea[ae.al days' illness,. "Jack"
is one of these "never give, in" sort
and to say' he Was sick means pret-
Ws, William Cooper. Of Fulton Str-
• eet hai been:improving her premises
by .having her three. houses re -paint-•
ed.. M. A. Cantelon is also having
his two residences on Isaac, street re'
paTinhetedo.stifria.te on the Dunlop St. and
IVIcKeneie drain being.so high* ($325)
at a nientinig Tuesday .evening the
rate -payers interested deeided to pet-
ition ': the couneil toe let. the Matter
reit for the present. *
Plums. Galore—Mr. C. Hoare in-
fOrms The News -Record that he *ill
have upwards of* 1000,,bushel of plums
for sale this .seasiee: 'besides. a large
quantity of 'pears. He also over
• a ton of the finest honey that 'lean
be- produced.
Mr. Jas. Livermore carries his hand
in ' sling the result of a bruised
finger. was rtmaing the "lorry"
into the shed and smashed the finger,
It will necessitate Jim laying off
work for a couple of Weeks. He is a
'member of the A. 0. P. been which
he will reeeive benefit's.
Maxtor Willie Moore is this week
earrying his arm lit a stage the
eause being a broken wrist. Willie
was in a treegettina some apples
when. be toali tumble with the ab-
ove result. He is a son of or
eewinganachiee agefat, Mr. WiUiam
Mr. Gm Baldwin, manufacturer of
paper racks, eaeles, e•ara tablee, etc.,
who has beetle a, resident a •oliatee
for the past couple of years, goes to
London this week where he has ac -
(*peed a situation with a butcher. He
will also have ainple, time to folleve
up hie faverite occupation in "Willow
We clip the • following . from the Loa -
don Free Prees of Monday and the
Rev, gentlenia,n referred to was a
former pastor of the old. Ratteobury
St. Church and well known by a
number of our residents :
"Only Providence allows ine to be'
in my pulpit to -day," said the Rev.
dames Livingstone, pastor of Welling.
ton Street IVIethodist Churixii, yester-
day. "1 was nearly (helve:el at Port
Stanley Saturday." •
. Mr. Livingstone's faintly have been
• sumfeerieg -down* at Port for the Past
.tmhoemnt.a, and Mr.. Livingstone weet. (town
on. Saturday to spend the day "with
.. His (laughter Verna, .pleeded
with him to go tlewn to ehe lake for
a bath, notwithstanding the fact that
the lake was very rough. He conced-
ed lo her request. His two sons Reg.
and Dangles, were 'already it -*that&
and 1VIr. Livingstone left his:.little
daughter on the beach and sought
deeper water. . •
Tne waves were 'high and the un-
dercurrout very :strong. Mr. Living -
atone intended to go out and come be
on the crept of a, big wave,
• When. out. some distance from the
shore; a large waye• struck hinethrew-
mg him, off of his feet, the undercer-
.. rent seized him, and but . Tot the
prompt action of his , eon • ladeglas,
• 'who was etazding 'closes by, he would
have been carried. out lieyond.
Doieglas swam out end grasped his
. father until liette arrived from shore,
Mr. Livingstone *as. carried to the .
beach in a semi-conscious coeditiene
teriekly revived, • hoWever, mid
Whole Number 1385
New Advertisements.
Ready Rooflug—Harlend Bros............li •
August Sale—Toeer te. Brown 3
Detroit Excursion 8
.Piano Tuning—Fred. A. Lewi" 5,
House For Sale—William vent:wee-5,
Auction Sale --Mrs. Turubull..,
Wedding Preseats-4. H. liellyar 5
Pleros—C.• Hoare... 5,
Fall Dress Goods—Newcombe's 8
Early Fall Outing Ihtts—reedgens'8
Taking Orders—Hodgens Bras 8
Mr. James Donaldson Jr. and.
wife of the: Soo are visiting his par -
eats, Mr, and Mrs. Donaldson,,
Mr, Jolla Patterson 94 Wroxeter
spent a feW days in the eillage last
Mr, and Mrs. J. Btownlee, • Mies
13rowelee and Mr. Hunter of London
took a. trip to the villa,ge last week
on. an automobile and Spew, the day,
With their friends, Mr. and Mrs.
Little •
Mr. George tCheeney of Sea,fortle
spent a, few days in the village.'
• Dr. Atkinson of Detroit spent • a
ew days with his family tine week.
elaseer Tommy Brandon is Nisiting
his grandmother, Mrs. Bryde,eSe at
Belgrave. •
• Miss Susie .Parke Of Detroit is the
guest of hex: parents,. Mr, and Mrs.
George Parke, at present. ,
Mr; W. Cameron . of Detroit is
speeding his vacation, under the par-
ented roof. • " .
Mrs. Drehrea,ni.) And Ohildren,. Who
have been spending feW Weeks with ;
her parents at Hollyrood, eturned
heine last *eek. •• • ,
Rey, McNeil. exchanged pulpits *l-
ab. Rev, Shaw pi Egaicadville ort
Sunday. " •
Mrs. Little •of Chilton 18 visiting
her son Mr Little Of this village at
present. .
Miss •Flossie Stanbitry entertained
a number, of her friends on Wednes-
day evening last, •
The following are guests at the
Albion : Mr. W,Baker •01 Galt, • Mr, '
W. Robinson of Seaforth, Misses
Steep and 'Kane of Clinton:a. 1 Rev.
Hodgins, -wile and child of Tbledo,
Ohio, and Rev. McCeinnie of erharnes-
lord. . .
Mr.. Thomson spent a few' •
days in Wingham the past week. • , • "
The ' following., ere guests at. • the . .•
• ..• FIe appeared to 'be none the worse
for hieeeeperienee .,•yeaterday,•but. sta
sed • that .110 would not trust* himself
to the meeey of the Wave a,gain, •
• ' • . •' •
•, • ,
. • . •
• , yariw,
Mrs, • Kee, A. eire"at and: daughter,
Miss Irene of , Ohmage, Are visiting
• Tiede); the Parental roof.,
Itiles Ida Rud ot. the Hayfield Road
Spent Sunday with Miss Mina Reid.
Miss' Money of London is vieiting•
with: h.er friend, airs. „I. E. klarn-
Mrs, A, eliggine• Visited in De-
troit the past „week. • . •
Miss Pearl ,Dericae spent Sunday
witie her friend, PINS Obia . Rath -
well. . . •
*, Mrs. Woods. and eon, tiestee Willie,
of Listowel are visiting the former's
mcithere!Mts, Beatty. , •.
• Mrs. W. Cook teturned after
spending the past five menths in, pal-
**ifornie. •
A. Guhte moved *household
effects. to on Monday where
he has the contract' of a•lerge drain
in thee -neightioeho'od: '".' •
Mr, Ed,' Pilgrim had, the MiSfortune
to he,Ve twa. of his lingers setarely
crushed the other day. Ed. will have
a few holidays now ,
Mrs.. Woods • lof Listowel *nee been
spending the pot etevo woke -with
. her. inother, Mrs. Beatty; and other
friends emend Varna:
The aflisseS MeNaughton of Clietou
and Miss Kate MoNaughten of Chi-
cago • are visiting at their brother's,
Mr. John eicNatigliten's. '
IVIr, George Barge'who has been
touring the West irt, the ineerests of
Itodgens° Bros. tallorinie4 depart.
° mitt, atrived home on Monday'vvi-
eth a book nicely filled with orders
for that progossive firm
deid Mrs. AspinAll and little
daughter, Hilda, of Buffalo, who
were the ,guests of friends ht town
last fweek, returned home on Mon-
day. On their way home they will
spend few days with Mrs. As-
pinall's sista, Mis. t ftblirker of
. ' •
• Stanley Tovvnship. .
Mrs. and 1VIrs. J. KeYe end ildr;
and Mrs. Nelson Keys and their fern-
iles• and 1VIrs MAIM Keys or Pay,
field acconrinanied by the letters sis-
ter and nice& Mrs and Miss Thom").
soft -of •Chicago had apicnic at the
lake on Friday afternoon, • •
Miss Vera Benson of Toronto Spent
la,st week with relatives in this vic-
• Miss Gertrude Dowscer of Goshen
Line left on Patueda,y fot Tedford,
*where she has been exietaged as teach-
er for the coming year.
'efts. 'J. R. Geetenlock heti' Seafor-
th and her daughter Mies Mable were
guests one day last week of the for -
flier's sister Mrs. W. L. Xeys of Be
hyion Line,
The W. M. S. of Geshen Methodist
churelehad theirantitial quilting at the
Goshen Line on Wednesday of last
alrs, Thompson arid her delighter
Mtge Lottie who have been spending
the 'paid two • weeks with the fer-
nier's sister, Mrs, Andrew Keyes, of
the I3a,bylon Line; returned to their
home in Chicago oa Tuesday.
Miss Porthole core -mewed her duties
as teacher in Babylon Lioe school on
Monday. .
Personal '
Miss Mend Dtuicati is visiting friends*
in Kippeo at present and before re-
turning helm, Will :vend some time
In Seaforth,
MitChell ; Mr. D.. Wilson,- Win:Rhein.; ,
Mo.- and Mri, T. • Coleridge; Lon.den.;
IVIr. and Mrs. Nathan Newman; Iler-
bert Newmau; Miks.. IVIarie Newman,
Befioit ; Mr. Joseph. Derstmn.e, Aen.
sail ; Withers. George Chesney; Walter • •
Plokard• and IVIISS' Clara' FickardiSea- :
Mt. • M. Y, IVIcLean. ol Seaferth sp.' • '
exit Mphday, in tbe village.s.
Mr. Wilt. Young o/ Aberdeen, 'Da-
kota, is . visiting his grandparents,,
Ma. and Mrs. *Nilliam Eagleson. . .
Mt. and 1VIts. ,George Taylor . and •
child of London, Mrs; .Lernmie and
two (Inchon of Hegiall, ,Mise Petite • • *
land of Detroit. and Mr. .and Mrs. .
Iltintilln of -Landon are gueste. , at e •
Mrs. Parsons. • . :
- . •
Mr. and. 1VIrs. John- Macdonald . of ' •
Ailsa Craig Were the guests
brother,' Mr. James Macdonald, ..last • •
Mr. aud . Mrs. Welsh and font chil-
dren. of. Stratford, Mrs, Nthitehead of *-
Clinton, Misses' Baker And Miller • ot
Detroit * are guests atethe Commer-
Mr, Alek.:.MeLeod, who has '' been '
engaged as principal of the Znriele
-Public- school, commented his duties
this week, ,
Wss Feli•th Torrance :of Clinton • is •
.spendirig her holidays in -the village ••
with her -grandfather, Mr. Jarnes , •
Macdotald.. • • ' .
Stanley Township.
'Miss 'Elia Reid was the guest et
Miss Mina Reid, of Varna, on: Sun -
• Meeers. Chris Parker and John
Spencer and Misses Clara Parker Aral
PlosSie Polio& visited ene eveubig
last week at Mr Charles Johnston's.
Miss Raehael Reid. was the guest of
WMeilslseosnMsaigungdiacy?laiik and/ R ath•-
Miss Bat Stinson, Of Ripley, and
Miss Parsons, loin Kansas, visited ;
friends hi this vicinity list Weela.
A number of, the people cf this
neighborhood pienieked , at Bayiield
onPriday last. •; . •
1VIrs. Matthew Bates visited friends
hear Seaforth one day mast week,
Mr, Andy Stinson speht Sundae
with. Goshen' Line friends. .
Mrs. Jim Johnson e of Hayfield, was
the guest of MB, Charlee Johnson
last week. She interide goingwest
on the exelasion next week.
Miss Martha liathwell and Miss
Flossie Bingley are the guests et Mr.
Willi/tin Rethweli this week.,
Mn. and Mrs. Rob Whet Sunda,yeel
at the home of Mr, Andrew Reid, of
the Parr Line.
Mrs, F. J. Redneend, Ione Leeds,
N. D., is spending this week with her
brother .and sister, Mr. John 1VIcKin-
ley and Mts. Get. Dowson, of the
• Mr. aod Mrs. William Keyes, sr.,
of Babylon Line, received word last
week of the (illness of their son-1-
Sa,muel Peebles, of Harris.
ton, and Mrs. Keyes left on Thars..
day to vieit him.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Elliott and.
faenily, who have be,en, spindirtg theie
vaeation with the fotmere; tbrothere
Mr. Robot, nlifott, of the Habyleh
Line, left on Saturday for thole
borne In terlint
. •