HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-17, Page 8i Clinton News -fiord August 17th• 19 $ Hodgens giros., Clinton. lVIost.QQilvolilollt till Clez:,rin the Odd.s. and Ends We are still busy clearing the odds and ends of Summer Stocks. That means real BARGAINS for you. Cost or value have not been considered in making .these prices. It is simply a case of getting rid of ..: the odds and ends and broken lines, ° before_the. fall" gooc4.s. get here. ESEMPlimitsitstainansmittafimma 25c.C�iiar$atJ.Qc: Turn -over .Collars at, less than half ,their value for Saturday. Just 5 doz. of• them to sell at these prices. • 60 only ladies embroidered turn -over collars, New patterns just in this week. Regular 20c to 25c, Ap on sale Saturday morning at your choice for Oar White Skirts 79c White. Underwear must. be cleared to the last garment. None are to be carried over, if .prices will move .the lastfew pieces... These : white skirts :. are very cheap. 25 only ladies' white Underskirts, We 11 made }out - &tr lish®flottvrm,' foamed with laces and embroideries. Last ones. that sold at -1:25 _ ; and ..� a -on Saturday 7 . 1..1•r 1 citote S >,tt lda 9c i 1 64, Hosiery Bargains Two offerings in Hosiery that are '.excep- tional value. A bargain lot of :boys' strong Stockings, and a lot of traveller's samples that must be cleared out Boys' Stockings Two pair for 25C • 75 pairs boy's .ribbed Cotton Hose, .double. knees, seamless feet, an extra strong 'and qq) durable Stocking, special at • 2 pair for. Et Sample .Hose p 15c per pair 100air Ladies' and Children's sample Hose, pain and ribbed; regular 256. and 350 qualities, clearing Saturday at per pair .. a 15c i 15c P10c . 20oY..g' ards:_of strop sateen finish, suitable for wrappers, etc., navy and` white, and black : and white. stripes and mixed . patterns,. Erre; strong cloth, re ular i5c, clearing at.Per • and �.0C;. The One=ha1f Off Lace Sale'.. The " One-half Off" Sake of Laces has proven quite a success. Dozens of patterns of fancy trim ming Laces and Insertions that sold at • 25c,' 50c, 75c and $r..00, are being cleared; out at exactly half price. We don't want to carry a yard .over itiito next season.—We would rather take half their value than do that. Some of our finest and best lines are on the "Half -Price " tables. First Showing of New 'Dress Goods Real shipments of Fall Dress Goods are here. Not full stocks, of course, but enough to give a hint to what will be correct , fabrics for Fall wear., Plenty to give, 'early buyers: ample to make selections from. Plain cloths will hold first place, with Mohairs, Tweed`s and Plaids much in d .tna id as well. Hodgens Bros. D1'y Goode Clinton. 6 Easily Adapted Handily Fitted Suitably Seasonable positively useful;' timely, helpful and opportune device for the mounting.oi small pictures yet, produced. IT'S CALLED FRAMELI•;T Is an aceessory to Passe Partout dir.g,but can well be used without it, involving no further expense, not :even the adhesive, It's a mat made in three colors, grey, green, lfrown, and in two sizes, 840 and 8x17.;, wi- th opening cut square or oval. Ar- ound obverse side sof opening and out- er edge is a. strip of dry mucilage which has only to be moistened to securely fasten it to a back. It has even a hanger attached to hold it en the wall. Openings are in seven siz- es, five square ar,d two oval. In 'brief "It's Complete" with a stress on the words. Did ydu see our 27e piagque ? They are the btst yet. Also witir a stress on the words. Agents Parker's Dye .Works.. tisl.Fair Go. Often the 'Cheapest, Always the Best UIl! tltlquunwuwunwuu,gA Midsummer Clearing Sale. A LL SUMMER GOODS must go to make room for the Fall Goods which are arriving'daily, below is only .a partial list of the many bargains we have to offer you from every department. On Sale Friday and Saturday, August 18th and 19th 20c COTTON DELAINE AT 12%c 150 yards of Cotton Delaine in assorted colors and designs, regular 20c to clear 40c AND 50c LADIES FANCY COLLARS AT 25c Your choice of any, fancy collar, lace and embroidery that sold at 40c and 50c to clear, at. 25. c suririER .BELTS. UNDERPRICED All Wash Belts; the new girdle style, regular'40c and 500 to clear at....... . .. . . . .......25c riot . Counter. spent Sunday lir Bay . end:' Mr. Israel' Taylor of Loudon was -iii town this 'week ,_.y Mrs .R. Glazier is spending a few days in Seaforth.; . Miss Agnes Whittingham of Detroit returned : home on Tueshay. • • Master Wilfred Heywood 'is l oliday^. ing with friends at HilIsgreen, Mr, D. B, Kennedy and . Master Will. - visited. Blyth friends on Sunday. Miss Lela Hoover is spending a fort night' with friends -at .Ailsa Craig. Messrs. Grant Beaton and . • Howar, d Porter: visited Bayfield friends this week, ' Miss Minnie Naegle of Colborne' spent ' ivionday •and Tuesday ••visiting ..Clin- ton friends:. Miss Dot Bali who has ;been visiting her friends in Hullett'returtted honiq on . Tuesday. Mr. Elmer Finch 'of Goderich• spent Sunday •at.' thehome of .his father, Mrs Jas. Finch. • Mrs. WSouthcombe of St, Marys is ice. on e; lit tenbuxysti e .:.t. West •Mr. A. P. T. Suffel 'of Iiillock,'Minii, is visiting his sister, Mrs. C. R. Gunne,at the rectory. Mrs. David McBrien of she 1. ate Shore spent a few days • ia„ t week • with' Clinton relatives. Mrs. . Jas. S. (Murray and children, who were, visiting at Mr. Hurray's of .town; have returned to London.: Mrs. Gordon and daughter Tuna of Flint,. Mich,, are visiting Mrs, Gor- don's another, Mrs. 0. D,: Gilchrist. Miss. Annie Sterling, accompanied by, Mrs..Oliver. Walker, all .of •Detroit, are. at present :visiting: the former's father, Mr. Robert. Sterliag 'of. town. • •Mr. Kenneth, Beaton of Fort Stanley. spent a few days under the paren- •ta;l';ioof; ;en route from 'Kincarding. where:', he? has ' been attending' : ' • the ,Sumner' school.. Mr. Jas.'Donaldsori of 'Neter, 'rich.; called on :The News -Record on Wed-. nesday on his way toBayhdld for a couple ,of 'weeks,; after.. which he • ;goes . to the Soo to .reside, Mrs, A..Iiooper, who has .not been well for the past couple of weeks, has been at thelake side the ' past ten days recruiting. Mr. Hooper °accompanied herup and also spent ,Sunday. with her. Mr.' J:. W. Newcombe went to:Detro- it via the L O.0. F. excursion on Satui'day, returning on Mondays accompanied by his wife who has been spending -some weeks .under the' parental roof, the residence of:1Vlr. and • Mrs; Sterch. Miss Sybil Courtice will be at home during the following year, gibing 'to London each:Week In order to take advantage. of the. scholarship ..' Wop: in the recent examinationsat •the Conservatory there, • and • also ,• to look after her ' classes in piano arid theory in town. Among those who took in the exour- sign to Sarnia and Detroit on Sat Sat- urday last• were , Joseph ''Ftten- a Miry. and his son, ' Master Tke,.. Dom J iniek Reynolds; • and his daughter, Mary of Mullett,; Harry Rutledge;, 'Mrs. 'Rutledge and their .. daughter, Maud,. Miss Fowler. Mr. land Mrs. A. 0. Pattison and Master. Elmer •have gone ..to Mus- koka for a fortnight's vacation.. Du-, ring their absence Mr J. J. Magui- re, the agent .at. Lucan, will be in charge of the Grand Trunk's inter- este ;at this point. Mrs. Maguire and the•faniily are with him. Their many friends here are pleased to have then; again in their midst, even if only temporarily. Mr. John Taylor returned on Satur- day night from the state. of Ken- tuelcy where he was campaigning with a pair of Ontario trotters. He met with a good measure of ,success in the various races in whi. ;eh he participated; but at last got the header which is •bhe lot of most drivers sooner or later. In the third het in arace in which he a previously led under the wire, his horse took a tumble and being ho- bbled got badly tangled up in the sulky. John was thrown violently to the ground and had his right hand so badly bruised tend strained touse it, i bra h he is still unable that TIe insisted, 'however, on finishing out the race and did to and stran- ge to say another horse fell at the spot wh ro he mot With his misfor- tune. John says he is now• out tlf the racing business for good and speaks as if he uleitat it,, The balance of our White Lawn Waists to go at the following reduced prices : ,A,1T $ .85 Lawn Waists to go .:at $.60 1.25 « • 1,90 1.75 64 . . 44 4 4 1.25 1.95 2.25 3.00. it 1.50 1.75 2.25* DRESS: GOODS SPECIAL • — 85C SILK AND .WOOL CREPE-DE-CHENE AT 55c -Your chouce'of several dress Patterns—OfS k -aid- Wool CrepecTe':Chene in shades of reseda, champe+ign and black, regular 85e to clear at (per yard) . .... 50c AND 60c WASH SILKS FOR 25c Friday morning we place on sale 100 yards •of Wash Silks in .Checks and plain white, regu- lar 50c ,and 6Qc for . (per yard) . , ' .. • , •25c Fine Swiss Embroidered .Waists reduced for two days, only: 5 Embrodiered Waist Fronts for • Cg : ti , •aS1 5� 44. 95 1 50. 11j .: ,. _ • • , . ,GOLFWAISTS Golf Waists, Knitted Kimonas, the.New Fall K ,..., Norfolk Coats and Mis- ses and is-ses.and Childrens Sweaters • a, Personal. Mr. r.ov o, of .Wingham :spent Monday and Tuesd'uy, ' with :Clinton friends. • Rev.. M. Turnbull arid'. Mrs 'Turnnull of Goderich were in town:. Tuesday. Mr: Thos. Moore, Goderioh, renewed acquaintances, in Clinton last week,. Mrs. Ellison of :Seaforth has been .wi- :• th Clinton friends. far ;the past few. days. • Mr. Ralph 'Workman of Goderieh', acy co'mparied 'by lady friend, Sunday- • ed in. Clinton. • Miss: Pearl Duiiford ,is'enjoying a. ho- liday with relatives • and friends in and around .Listowel. ' Mrs.. •D. Dickenson and Master L�aur- for are :the:; guests of Mrs. iI Shaei ler of •Kippen this week, Mr Robert M. Sharp ,of Bloomfen- taine visited 'his sons, Messrs. Jas. and Thomas Sharp, blacksmiths, the • past week, Mrs. E,Ts IM. 1V1&L• ea'n ` has returned from' the Soo accompanied by her mother and sister, Mrs. J. C. Millet and. Miss Gcrtie Miller,' Miss Barnette, who has been the gu- est of her aunt, Miss Pensonneault, for a couple of months,' left last weekfo Windsor. . ao r • rhcrhome in W Mr, Robert King, who has .been, ho- 1ne for his holidays, left on Satur- day last to resume:. . teaching at Kag'awong' hi Northern Ontario. Mr. Thos. ilerinan .of. Tozer Si Broom • wit's tailoring staff resumes his duties this week after a short va- cation spent with friends in the surrounding country. Mrs. T. Webb and ' childrea of Lucan . are guests for :a couplb of weeks of Mrs. J. B.' Hoover at her cottage `at Iron Springs on the lake shore. • The Iron Springs are . on a farm that is historic -frogs the fact that it Was there the Fonians were re- ported to have landed during the year made memorable by their in- vasion at other points in the pro. vince. Old residents ;still relate stories of the panic which costed in the country 'at that time. `i Mr, H. 0. Brewer, manager of the. 1oeal bran& of the •1Vloisons bank, left last week S ora•wate1 trip to the city of Halifax. It'a a rounda- bout but i ealth»imparting trip, On his rote= he will be accompanied try Mrs, Brewer to M4ck1nae .Island' They go by way of Owen Sound to the Soo, thence to the far-famed Mackinac, one of ' rho most popular resorts . on the upper. lakes. Mr. Brewer was aceompanied 'to Mon - treat by his son 1Tugh, who has entered the serviees of the Bank, of Montreal. This is his second • son the banking business,. Cecil being int the service ayf the Dominion Batik. 100, Person al•. Miss Berrie Mason has gone :to .De - trait •for a, few weeps' visit. Mr: Fred. Hill spent from Saturday till Mondaywith his wife in •God- Mr.. Will Nimniens of Toronto is the guest of his mother, Mrs. George Ninimens, for a couple. of weeks.:. Mr.' William Murphy of Buffalo was the guest of his sister, . Miss Ida Murplly,.. from Saturday till Mon - •day _ Mr.. Lorne Dunford 'and two sisters, Misses Vera and Lulu, spent Sun- day with their uncle, Mr. James Dunford, Miss Tenn Cowing and Miss Florence Smith of .Listowel have beec, ing, at. Mr. James Dunford's for the :past few' days. Mrs. W. A. gess and family •of God-•. erich, visited at Mr. George Cot- ,tle's the ..past• week before proceed- ing to the state of Idaho. Mrs. Spading and ,children left' for their home in Battle Creek,Mich., 9n Saturday omon- ths! last after a n- ay two mo this' visit' with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edward. Walsh: : Was. of Toronto ' wa Miss Gertie Noble r the guest of ' Miss . Nettie Beacom over Sunday and an• Monday went to Blyth where she Will visit two weeks with friends.. Mr. Harry Houlden has returned froni his outing at Bayfield and resumed hisditties at Tozer & 'Brown's.. He reports one of the most .enjoyable ' outings he has ever had. Mr. Howard Porter, who for some time past has been night operator at the Bell Telephone exchange, has severed his canneotion therewith. ° He intendshi to 'take up teaching ag- 'ain, having obtained a school in ,. New Ontario. Master •Ray Rutnball Will now be "Hello" clerk. Mr. W. H. Hellyar, jeweler, has re - returned from • a visit to his old. home at Oshawa where he took part ''in an Old Boys . re -union. He re- pots a very, pleasant time and is noW More deeply immersed in bus- iness than ever. He is a. very busy man is Mr. 1-lelly ar. Mr. Will. T Butt, who some time ago went. to Omaha, Nebraska, writes to The News -Record to say 1 that he has- secures. a position with h one of• the big pork packing houses of that city as traveller dud is SOW familiarising himself with the "Outs" meat before different cuts" of making his initial trip on the road. We Will be pleased to hear that the work , s congenial and that he is making a success of. It. Ile 111 energetic and we expect ho ;*ill make it »go" all r1611t4; N1'30na1: Mr;. .Jaber Rands, • wife and sister,.. ..Suudayed at . Kinburn Mr, Frank Herman has accepted a. position in Hespeler. Miss Cardiff of .Brussels .is,visiting ;at Mr. 0. FI: Bartliff's at present, Miss Winnie O'Neil is at Brantford enjoying •a two weeks' vacation. Judge 41liott :and wife` of :Missouri spent Tuesday with Mr. 'T. Trick. • Mrs, Thos. Gibbings' of Virden,; Man.:, is the.guest• of M. John Gibbiitgs.,. Mr. Ed. East visited •from: Saturday, till Monday with Woodstock . '` fri- ends Rev, J. Greene returns home this week after spending some time in: .Goderioh. Master§ Morley Hall, Clifford .An- •.drews and Eldred McBrien spent Sunday at. the Nile : . Mrs,' Jonathan Marten, who •had a slight attack ,of paralysis, fast{ week,t is slowly recovering. ' Mr. J. T. T.reGeat, wife and family • of Jackson, Mich,Tue, ' called on The Sda' • News -Record on s Tuesday .• II: Bartliff and. W: Pinner and . Misses. 'L. Bartliff and Cardiff r Sunday. • were in Bentnille on • Mr. Jack Leith has resumed his dut- ies at Harland Bros. after. ,a .two Weeks' visit to his home in • Blyth. Miss Nellie Lyon of . Londesboro, ac- companied by her cousin, Miss Rose Lyon of I-iullett, has been spending a few days . with Clinton friends. Mr. J W, , Comba, cutter for 'Tozer & Brown, who has been home at- tending the funeral of his father, also visiting.his sister who is very: sick, has. rned town and.is ''at againretu." ' "Jackie" Stephenson, to who for some months was connected with Clinton Iectrie Light .Co.; is noW assist- ant engineer at the Sherlock' and Manning organ f otorytL n don fMr, larncst Runball has taken the posi- tion formerly held by him. Mr. C. E. Dowding, ,accountant of of the Molson Bank, .:starts on his holidays this, week. Ho first goes to Owen Sound, where his wife ' is summering at the hotnestoad, and i after visiting ocher points will l 1;o to Ottawa where he will particip- ate in the annual matches of the Dominion Rifie Associ a. n , the most important event of the kind in the country. The best shots' in Canada take part in this tourna- is • bre mines the resit d r the, �. nd. m a t personnel of the llisley team of next year. We fully expect that Mrr, Dowdingwill be well up in the list of prize winners, as becoming the best shot in Huron., 'here's success' tg ^h1fl1 New and Natty Fall Shirts just opened ' slip this week. A little b,it out of the ordit ary and different from any- thing we have y et Just . the new. e<t things in .Shirts on 'the itnarket. Colors fast. Fit perfect, Wear guaranteed'.' . No time so good as early to -get the best patterns. $1.25 dR4I $I.50 odgens biros., Clothing and Gent's Furnishings.