HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-10, Page 8lionmennamomming
Mohey--47 Savers
A clearing -tip process is going on all
over the gstore. Last ends of broken lots of
summer stocks are bang marched out in
short ordewr. Fall stocks are about to ar-
• lorive and we want these out before they come.
smimmilommomm. ...........m......,
5 cent Table.
A Bargain Table of Laces and Embroideries,
short lengths and odd pieces, High-priced lines.
Clearing them all out at one price. Com- NI,
mencing Saturday, your choice per yard..., tokA
Lace Hose, 15c.
A Bargain in Summer Hose that is a genuine
money -saver :
00 pairs LadiesLblack cotton'hose, lace fronts,
fine quality, sizes 8 I 24 0, 9 1-2. . Regular 25 ets, nn
On sale Saturday morning, at per pair.... $91,
Hose Supporters, too
At August Prices.
Hose SUppcirters at August cut prices. A
clearing lot .we got ata - BARGAIN Ourselves. All
have the patent expanded •loop, mhich 'saves 'the
.Children's Supporters, I23 -c
Children's Hose Supporters, strong;.ivell made
with expanding loop; regular 20c; choice Satin:day, 1
per pair
tot Nowa.Nord
August MO MS
Iost Convenient Our Great August Sale • .Continues',
Easily Adapted
dandily Fitted
Suitably Seasonable
positively useful, timely, helpful and
opportune device for the mounting of
small pictures yet produced.
Is aa accessory to Passe Partout bin
dings but can well be used without
It, involving no further expense, not .
even the adhesive, It's a mat made
in throe colors, grey, green, Mown,
and in two sizes, 8x10and gxli, wi-
th opening cut uare or oval. Ar-
ound obverse side of opening and out-,
er edge is a strip of dry mucilage
which has only to .be moistened to
securely fasten it to a bask. It has
even a hanger attached to hold it on
the wall. Openings are in seven Si -
es, five square and two oval. la brief
"It's Clemplete" with a stress on
the words. • '
' Did you see our 27e plaidque ? They
are the best yet. Also. with' a stress
on the words. •
Agents Parker's Dye Works,
D; Fair Co,
Often the Cheapest, •Always the Best
4.1 • 111
c -
Mrs. W S. Harland .is visiting in.
Toronto,. '
Miss Rodaway Is visiting, in Goderich
this week.
Mr, W. R. Lough is visiting his old
home in Eastern Ontario..
Mrs, E, Laird went to Wroxeter on
MondaY-for a week's visit.
Miss Nona, Miller, milliner, Fort
winiap, has returned home. •
• Barrister flrydone was in Goderich
on professionall business on Monday.
Miss McRae of Cianbtook is the
guest of her sister, Mts. G. p. Bat -
Mths Josephine Tisdall of East Wa
•wanosh is the guest of %Mrs. Thos.
Mrs. John. Bell is spending a week
with her daughter, 1VIrs. IL C): Bell = .A Millinery Bargain For Saturday •
.406* Bargainsin carpets ancl Mattings, —
we are going out of the Carpet Business and.have made prices io low on all Carpets and Mattings
that should clear them out at QIICe—in every case our prices are lower than you would have to pay at
the mill- seit will certainly be to your advantage to secure your -share 01 the bargains,
In addition to these Carpet bargains we have placed on sale many lines of goods throughout ;the Store
at greatly redueed prices
All 18e .Hemp Carpets to go at
25c "
30c Union
50c "
50c ,Zir 60e Tapestry
•750 "
it •
' I $
; I
85c 6, C6 (1.
$1 Balmoral Brussels Carpets to 0 apt 60c
85c Wool Carpets to go at 57c $1.15 Wool Carpets to go at 75c
15e Japanese Mattings to go at 10c 25c Japanese Mattings to go at 17e
22c " " 15C
• • 20
A..Clean Sweep of MuSliris
30c, 4Qc to 45c Muslins at 15c
it is the rule of this store not to carry over any Muslins
from one season to another—no matter how low 'we have to
sell them, they must be sold. • On Saturday, .August 12th,
you can have your choice oi any of our' Fancy Muslins 4
that soldat 30c 40c tO 45c. at ICC
I8c Art Muslins and Sateeus at 121/2c
- Odd shades of our best 18c Art Muslin and Sateen
to go on sale Saturday morning at . 122c
of Winglia.re..
Mrs', Aspinall And. her .daughter, Miss
Hilda, of Buffalo 'are ..guests of
Mrs.' W. MurphY., '
• Mrs, D. L. McIntyre..lett yesterday
•• for Chiselhuret. where she :is the
Mrs. W. W. Fareaia.And iVirs. II.
Rance-;: are spending a couple • ., of
•weeks Port Elgin. , -
Mrs. James Flynn has beeu visiting
friends .Dettoit, Port Huron, Co
uttwright and..Wyondeg. • •
Mts. 'Brownlee has received *ord. of
the safe arrival in Texas . of Mr.
Brow•nled the past •weele.
Meesrs.: Norman Workman and 'Wilt,
Lyons ,spent Sunday at. the for-
mer's home •near Hillsgreen. •
Mrs. A. T. Cooper and. her son, Mas-
ter Willis, are on a month's visit
to the parental home at. Kinear-
dine. • .
Rem. :J.' Greetie, Miss Greene and
• Miss Frost are in• Goderich this
-week and . attendiu'g summer
Miss Ella Fan Of :Kincardine, . who
Was the : guest of :Mrs. R. J, ditiff,
• is now visiting the En -person and
hodie 'families in grodrich ' town -
Mrs..• J. Gibsoii from. Whitby "arid
1V1r. and Mrs. T. Hiekinbettorn and
Son of % Toronto were guests of Mrs.
:from Saturday until
Montlay,, evening. •
Mr. John Mulholland Of foundry
,stlaff WAS last week sent by the
firm to near •Barrie to 9x an up-
to-date attachment upon a thrash-
ing outfit. Ile returned on Satur-
Mr. • and 1Virs: Jos: Gray and . i'vvb
children, 'also Miss Christie, sister
of •Mrs. Gray, are . saiending. their
holidays With Mr. and Mrs. William
Graham. Mr, Gray is station agent'
at Atwood. •
Mrs, Will. Moffatt returned home on
Saturday from a feW weeks, visit
to relative's at St., kien.
The many. friends will fre Pleased
to know that lake' and river breez-
es have benefitted her health..
Mr, R. A. Thompson, principal of the
Hamilton Collegiate Institute .and
vice principal of the Ontario- Nor-
mal College, spent froth Saturday
until Monday afternoon With • his
brother,. Dr, Thompson.. Ile, was
accompanied by his two sons, Ev-
erett and Lloyd, •
1111r. Arthur Sheppard, .son of Mr.
James Sheppard of Townshend Str-
eet, has returned Iron Winnipeg on
a visit to the old home. no was
formerly a member of . the Palace
staff, but is now engaged in the
igtraolc.ery business in the Pralrie„eap-
Mr: Geo. A. lIodgens returned home
Monday evening after' three weeks'
illness in the Western hospital, To-
ronto. He had a, slight attaek of
typhoid, but the doctors managed
"to break it up" so his stay was
short. He is now recruiting .rapidly,
and will soon be able to resettle his
duties as traveller for the Gage
Mfg, Co., Toronto.
Mr, John Richzedson of West 13raneh,
IWO., who came ester to attend the
funeral of his brother, the late. 'Rob-
ert Richardson, left for home on.
Monday afternoon. Mr. Richardson
was for years a resident. of Godr-
ici but it is now a quar-
ter of a eenturyssince he located in
Michigan where he has succeeded
well. Ile Was long -engaged in fram-t
ing, and many are the barns aroend
West Branch which heY built, but of
late* years he has principally de-
voted his time to farming, though
occasionally, with the aid 'of his
sons, he still erects a barn, at the
request of neighbors who will not
have anybody else if they can se-
cure his servicest
Ladies'''Hose Supporeersi,-ene of the'strtndard, ....• . • •
makes. strong arid seryienfire, regular 25o arid 50e; 18C
choke Saturday •per ... . .. •
The Half=Price Lace Sale
The Half-price Lace Sale of fine .Trirn-
ming Lace will be continued all Month, or
until the lot is sold.. Handsome trimming
Laces and Insertions are being cleared out
at exactly half-price,.because we 'do not wish
to carry them into another sea.son. Iieyond
question the choicest Lace we ever . sold./
.Better lay in a supply.
:Z. Bargains
Ladies' hem stitched Handlterchiefs,at Only 5 cts,
and a better line at loc., or 3 for 25c. •
At 5 Cents
Ladies' linen cambric.hem-
stitched Handkerchiefs, fine
quality, narroW hern, regular
8c to 10c value; 5 dozen to sell,
commencing Saturday at gs
each til
2 for 25o •
Ladies' pure linen hem stitch-
ed Handkerchiefs, fine quallt,y,
narrow heti; regular 15e choice •
Saturday at, 10c each, or
8 for 25c.
August Specials.
Here is a list of August Specials still on
We guarantee the quality otevery article on the list,
and every one is a genuine BARGAIN.
15e to .20e lanerNeek gibbons, August mite 10e
" 20e Tatetia Ribbons " 44 15c
tiOe to 60e all -wool Voiles " 35e
\ $1.00 to $1.25 SIM Toliennes t4 75e
15c Dress Muslins .
lOi White Muslin .
Linen Towels .
25C Wash Collars
2 Ur 25e
. 2 for 25e
EW Golf jerseys are in. They will
be on sale Saturday. Come arid see
them before thel get picked over. . t .
HodgeIs Bios.
Goods Clinton,
• •
On Saturday morning we will place on sale the balance
of our.Trithmed Hats that early in the season
would Sell for $3.50,to $4.50, to' goat each .
Any Colored Flomrer in the Store
to go at Half Price
• • •
Duck -and Li n flats at Half Priee.
• .On Saturday morning yOu *have your choice of any •
Ladies' Duck or Linen Hat in the store at Exactly Half Price
, •
$3.95 arid $4.50 Skirts at $2.85
, Your ehoice of about one dozen' 'Ladies' Tailor Made
Skirts of Tweeds and Homespims that'sold at $3,95
and $4.50, for ' di, 415
Tvvo dozenpairs of White and Drab Girdle Corsets, made
of flue batiste and Cortilli, , These are our very best $1.25
and $1 Corsets, to go on sale Saturday morning at .69c
A discount of Twenty Per Cent will be given on Ladies'
WhiteCorset Covers and several lines of Skirts.
A Wra
er Bar ain
Wrappers at $1415 , •
Your choice of any Pint Wrapper in ibe store „,
that sold at 41,59 to $I.69,,for. .• •
. •
' • '
.; •
. • •
Personal'. •
Miss Rena Vinch visiting in Brus-
George. 'Cook and his sister Annie
went to Toronto on Moisday.
Miss Allie Erigh, Myth, was. the
guest of Mrs. , James Twitchell this'
week. • •
Miss Edna, Cooper is Staying for as
few ,days at the 'White City, Bay-
, field.
Miss Lillie IVfaepherson, *Goderieh,Was
the guest' of Clinton ,frierida river
Master Jack Ballantyne of • Brussels.
has been visiting - his Uncle and
aunt, M. and Mrs... Geo. Roberton.
Mr: H. E. Hodgens. was in town
Monday evening on his way:back to
Goderich after a business trip to
London. - .
Miss Clara Seott, 'Potent!), spent
from Saturday to Monday evening
with her grandparents, Mr. end Mrs,
S. G, -Plummer.
Hartley Watts, Tpronto; *mit feW
days of this week with his niothet,
W. 'Matta, at The Maples,'
the family residence
Mr., and Mrs, "Cap" Cook came up
febin Toronto on Satisrday's excur-
sion. The ." Cap." returned lVfori-
day • evening; but Mrs. Cook re-
mains for some. days,
Miss Bertha Waugh, Lime Head,
came down to visit her sister,Mrs.
W. J. Nediger, but has taken a
situation with the Jaekson Mfg.
Co, and will remain here. •
Mr. T. H. Cook has gone into the
apple businewngain, the season ha-
ving opened, and has secured'
good situation with. a, Niagara, firm
of buyers. Torn combines energy
with a knowledge of wifat constitu-
tes good stock so his services are
it. detnaral
The followi g ,have been guests of
Mr. and Mrs. George Murray the
past week: Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Mu-
rray and little daughter of .New
York ; Wise Margaret Murray Of
Cuinberland • street hospital, Brook-
lyn; Mrs: Jr. L. lVfarray and four
children of London. •
Mr. Jos. Walker, who learned the
. "art preseevative" in The News -
Record office when the late Mr.
Whitely was editor, but for the
past eighteen years has been in
Chicago, called in Test night tor a
wee bit ehat ovet old times. Ile
is now foreman of the, big Interna-
tional harvester Co's printieg pl-;
ant. Ile was laecoiripanted by his
brother Richard who la traveller ,
for a Chicago house. They had
been visiting the parental honaa at 1
illytb and Cana .dOWn• tO scetheir)
unele4 Mr; Jelin Shobrook.
POOR moNielt Oikelt
Miss Vera Benson, 'Toronto, is. visit-
ing Clinton friends. - •
Mr. Fred.. Wasman, New Y(Tk, is
visiting his • parents; -
Miss Bessie Mackenzie of Lucknow is
visiting Mrs. MeLennan. - ' •
Mr: and Mrs. .R, Holmes spent Surf -
day with the forMet's parents In
St. Catharines.
.Mr.. Victor Barr, Stratford,. formerly.
of Clinton,. was the "pest of Mr, S,
Kemp over Sunday.
Miss Nora Dean of Goderich spent
from Saturday to Monday with
Miss Blanche McIlveen.; . •
Mr. and •Mrs. R 'Grahain and Mas-
tets Roy. and Ernest visited Stan-
ley friends on Tuesday. •
Miss C: Good, Toronto, who had
beervisiting' in. *Wingiram, was the
vest of Mts. 0. Cooper this. week,
Mr. George Pybus and IVfiss. PYbus .at•
Chiselhurst were gu sts at. Mr; A.
McKown's fromSaturday Until
Mr. and urs. James Walker Of Wrox-
eter were in town Friday last.: Mel
Walker is aC.Q;1. organizer who
has more than on 'added to the
lumbers* of 'Court Maple Leaf.
IVIiss Minnie, Lear of near. Myth, who
had been the guest of 'Mrs. • n,
san, , returned home Tuesday even-
ing. She was accompanied ey Miss
Dot Ball, -who will beher guest
for a feiv days.
Mr. A. W,'' Drandenberger, Stratford,
former landlord of the. Mason Hou -
sect was in town yesterday. Ile is
doing ia, little commercial work foil
his brother, • who is on his Western'
trip, hut' has no liking, for a trav-
eller's life.
Mr. Albert More, son, of Mrs. E.
Moore and brother of Messrs. J.
W., R. A. antrW. Moore, arrived
from Winnipeg the other day for a
two weeks' visitno is practising
law in that progressive city and
keeping pace witis its rapid growth.,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ensterten, who
have been Visiting at the fornier's
brother's, Mr.Jolut Emmorton's,left
on Monday for Toronto pnd thence
via the So for their home in
WiscOnsitt. They expressed themseIves as very much pleased with
the neat and thrifty appearance oaf
Clinton, the farming country sur-
rounding it and such ported, roads
as the state of Wistonsift 'knows o$
onlyby reading or hearing.
bougowork. Twola the family': $20
per nanith will bo paid.—Mrs. O.C.
Morrison, Oodorioh, 83
. Peracinal, •
Mr. anct Mrs. John Bean returned
home on 'Saturday.
Miss Maggie Friel of Seaforth • has
been a guest of Mr.. James Flynn.
the past Week.
Mr. .Norman Webb was faSt week in
Walkerton where his wife has been
Visiting her parents.
The News -Record is interested in
those •visitors you have. 'Pleasp lot
' it know about them. '
Rev. L. II. Steven,S, wife and child•of
Bay .City, Mich., are guests of
his father, Mr. Henry Stevens.
Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Jervis, Chicago,
are on a Visit It his • father's, Mr. ,
Charles Jervis', town, and to
• ends in Goderieh township. • ,
Mr. James McRae returns next week
from Louisville, .Kefitucky; where
he has been employed for a . few
• Months. he resumes his old post in
the • o. 1. • .
Mrs. Clarridge and her daughter, Miss
Lizzie Clarridge, of Hamiltonare
visiting Clinton friends and aro
guests while in town of Mrs. E, j..
• Mr. John Demmerling of Stratford
• an employe of Jackson Bras. when
they were engaged in the retail
siness, was in town Monday call-
ing on former acquaintances.
Mrs. D. French and Mrs. P. W Watts,
president and secretary, respective-
ly, of the local Woman's Institute,
attended the meeting of the direct-
' ors of the West Huron: Institute in
Goderieh on Tuesday.
1VIr. George Southcombe of 1Vlacey &
Southcombe, piano manufacturers,
Toronto,' and his wife and two ch-
ildren spent a few days the ,past
week with his mother, Mrs. South
eombe, riattenbury street.
Mr. Peter Lewis was in Goderieb on
Monday, the double -bar case again-
st him being again before the Mag.:
istrate. No decision was then de-
livered, his worship wishing a few
days more to more thoroughly con-
sider Bid question.
Mr. W.Moore, one of .the exports of
the Canada Cycle & Motor Co., To-
ronto, was in town Tuesday and
accompanied Mr. J, P. Tisdall over
to his cottage on Bankers' Row in
the White City, tie returned to
'reroute on the afternoon train.
Miss Cela Hamner arrived troin Tor-
Oht0.. Oft SatUrdaY and spent until
Monday afternoon at the home of
Mr. Edward Rathwell, Goderich
township. On her return to the
city she Was accompanied by' her
sister, Miss Lizzie, who had been
visiting friends in that township
and Clinton for several weeks,
The first of the new
Fall Suitings are here.
Fine Worsteds, from
Yorkshire; and pure.
o o I Tweed',. woven.
on the best looms of
Scotland. Neat, tasty
patterns, correct color-.
lugs, that will not fade,
qualities that will stand
hard wear. Of .the
b e s t, tio t w o Alike..
Drop in and see them4
it's one too soon to
make selections.
Clothing and
• 1,