HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-10, Page 70 . 114 � 41 , . I . " August, Ifts IPOO I 19 Cuntort. Nlews-90,00#4' !W I 14, I -1 I.. I- - -.1�....�-------.�-�-".,--..---- ­ - . ­­. - � . - I - -1 - � - -11 - -.11, I 1. 111.1 i 111"I _110 1P.M. IN . . .. I ­­___ ____ , -, �, � I _ , I I.. ,I P III I 0 - . I 1. ­ I - ­­ - I � � ­­ . . I ' 6. D. McTaggetrt 6oro Throat wnd Cougho I I I . I . ' I �, A v! 0. effective 0,04 We res;iody for 411 t1woo . kritaule, , I Ilwkeu I left, two mes's'ages tile em. L It 311difo"41i . - .. deretand, has ordered file meshes mado strucic R light. In a vorner lay fUrze I . BANKUt 'Pro"_1060'Antleeptic T*bleto . .. . , yet smaller." . . peror 'gave nic,".w.ent Ott the other, I. . - .. . � - Thoy'Combitiothow". kwally4lus,orct"olonowith They"bad paused on the brow of a "04o for the Ulug, the other for yow, I 11 � 11 1 -4 1 I----------- �__. I , A 'GV04RAL HANKINO hill commanding the view of road and And, taking from Ills doublet a doea. , �. I - � �� V,,' . ,�UUSR. , .1110 '""'f7w T(ol!,(XIO�xa)ulrllo"gloy000t"pI 411, *104 . ... .. - I . . �-��-m­._­_­­­_,_ - .11.1--- � tavOr". I)Azed, tile young girl bad Its. nicut weighted with a ponderous disk, ..... .... I I I r I , a**- the' tened to the grecting between tho two tile speaker handed it to the a-uke,ri ­ ­ . H_ V1 ose I , 11 1�., . .1 . NESS TRANSACTED. NOTUS � .�.,.,,�,+#,+ 0. # , I, * ",int.. -v- .. ....., ', 11 I � well. This ragged, beard'grown trou. fool, W110 silently thrust It fit blu 1. . � . I e*�*,,*.� +" # , ._.-. . .._.,. . .. P *##* " �* ' 0 I,,' . . � ­ . . � bailout, the graceful, elegant CaIllette 11 breast. I'Moreover, twexpevtedly, but I . . I I 11 � i�� ���-, N, 't I' �P.�,�,� . �i�`� A.'A - 11, .11 _ U d R DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS I$S1jjVN). 40� SEND THE NE`WS_RF1C_ 1*41 , A ,.7 I , I � . . I 1111 � - I .�g � 1. I I of t'railels' court? It Beemed Incredl- 1 as good fortune would hqye Itis lite " -.-- ORD, TO YOUR BOY IN 4.1� . I ­ I I ,�., - . -ble. At the same time through her 113aJeSty' was even then completing . I I DE_ I v* THE WEST. TIVELVE, 4� - I I � . 1: mind passed the- memory of tile plal. preparittlona for A, Journey titrough . � I I 1�3. INTEREST ALLOWEI) ON DOL , _#, � F . ­ 0. MO �.. ­ . . ... saW# reiterated exclamation in prIs. .Franco to., the Netherlands, owing to 4 - 4 NT113 FOR ONE . ­ -_ , It.- LAR, POSTAGE PAID. 4i I ',I,;, ..� =----A . � . . _� rrrr I 011, 'ICAIII(Itte-In Spain!" words. sUQ unlooked for troubles In that part of . L POSITS . ......... ......... . l. ..... 1. ­.­ ...... 1. I I I . I' .9 .... I'll I . I I'S - . 4, _ I.' .. -1 I �. � . had attributed to- fever, not Imagginiffl't bid donlaills, ,and had already dls- 11 - , I . . 06 � �� I I � . they had an ". I , -'..Of )p y foundation In fact, patelfed his envoys to the king. Charles ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. . ...... �� .... I . . . . . . ... . i - I .1 lililiiiil .1_-_1 ­­ . . -.1 ­ .1 -1.1 I . __ Assured we that he would still, further . . , . . - ,low this ullegilected. encounter I . � _�_-___ . . . abruptIj-'dispellea her first supposition, hasten Ills intended visit to tile Low: � I ' . I .. 0. Should the Jester spring, upon It us, but quip for quirk, my merry wagri, and ofiened. a new field for speculatlim. Countries and coi I no tit once. meau� . . I M6 Advertisement In The 1 Newa- -now.? 4' atraifge loathing wade 14m , And so speaking, lie directed 4 violent � . Certainly -had to been on a missio .. king", I <1 ,� I I I . ... W. BRYDONE* 11 Record br�ings good, results, liesltate, aa4, before Ue.bad time to ' tilrust, A of wUlloills communleatiou to the . , which,, bad It. t44eu effect, some kind somewhere, but What ills %pping Ills breast, "willut least delay I 0 -----. ___ . 0 carry his purpose into execution , I I I . � I I . I � -11 ., the * would Indeed have made good the lead- .errau4 PU6 could not divine. the fibbtfals, and, with the promise of I , BARRISTER, SOLICITOR i � . ­­ ­.. ­ I, . I creature, thrilwing Aside 1uttlier pre- . er'sth,reat, , . � I � . � . . . I But it she was surprised. tit CA' )Ietto,4 the emperor's Immediate a- 1".., I 4 NOTARY, PUBLIC, ETC. . . . a tense of caution, swung back the. 400r - � - ,I rrlval, the * I I I � ... I � . . � . , . j3ut the. ptalsont Stopped aside, tire , unexpected presence And disguise, that marriage cannot occur." , : . . � and launched himself across the apart- - blow grazed ,his shoulder, ,while .Ills counterfeit troubadour ba 11 I � I 11 Block-CLINTON. Mellt A heavy, blow, swiftly followe . �d been no less "It has occurred," saId.t e jester, . I I OFFICE-Slome 1 4 own blade by,u rapid counter. passed A f The other uttered a- quick exelaina- . . - . I by another; Afterward, the stIllness. ot through the throat of his antagoi . list, amazed to see her, the joculatrix o "I . ; I I . 11 .- . � . . . of A tion, Itioll have 1. failed in my er- * ,1 . . tile, princess, in the xnean garb , , . . I I I ­ � I .- H� I I.' f S �, flol . I With 4 shriek, the blood gushing from , wayside mintstrallssa, wandering over rand'i" he muttered blatldy. "But the . I .... . � . ".. . I . , P .1 . Every moment -the Jester expected an the woundi the master of , the boar fell . 11 . . .- __ ,, I I . . , . HENRY BEATTIE, -T��"4"-y-1v�-q-T-T�4T-4"4"4T4r,-.�-- Outcry' the announcement of the frilt. lifeless -on the stairs, his sword clat. the coillitty,like one born to the no.. Atog? Ilad he no suspicion?" . . ' . - -'-- , .�� .. �. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. I . . . . ' Jo . niadle existence. That she had it na. "It 'was through the C,ountess I .1 � - 'L � . lessuess of tIW Attilekk but the mQj tering. downward, 4&t that grewsomo He forgot he vet held Iter hand, . . ., I office formerly occupied by � ' Made no sound., The silence became', sight his. fellows �paused Irrei9bite, And, . . and the spirit of a d'Etampea the monarch was led, to, . . I I .gypsy lie well believed, but that she I change the time for the, festivities," And firewood, dad from this stor*e he . . - - Mr. Ja6mes Scott in Elliott I We have a � full I - assot I tnient -of I oppresslye, The plaisant felt Omost seeing their indecision, the Jester would forego the security of'the ro'y,ql spoke up Xac I quellne ifty.olulitarIly. drew, heaping -the combulitible maie, . . . � ... . Irresistibly Impelled toward that ter- rushed headlong upoll.thein, striking . . . , Block ........ : . . I I rible chamber, when with Ileavy um fieredly,.when their hesitation turned household for the discomforts and dan- "She!!' exclaimed thopoet, with it r1al on the ,hearth until a-.,oheoring, .11 , ' I , . 0 M. '..I bering steps the creature reappeared,- Into panic,. and the knaves fairly flew. uId not rec� gestui* of halt aversion. For some blaze fairly Illumbled the worn and dI-. . ,, I - , ­ **­­* **** ... ­ "' , pen � and Too , . , I ... , gets of a vagrant life be co � I . onelle to, that other part of her chat- time they went on, without further lapidatpd Interior. Near the:firepince I - - MONEY TO LOAN - _1 . . I I . I tra,yftsed the hall like'a huge automa. !Below the irate landlord stamped and � acterwhichhe knew must slirtilk from words., Then suddenly Calilette dreiv , were A pot and kettle, whose rusted ' . I . I -1 , PUtgie$ . ton .And mechanically descended .0e. fumed, cuffing And striking. as be � .. . .. . . - � .1 . . - . I � . I .. . the actualitles"of the straggler's lot. rein, - . I appearance bespoke long d1suse, but a.' 1. . . . . . . I . 'i stairs. moved among them witli thM04 and , filave you left the court, mistress?" "This n ' , I . I RIDOUT & HALE 4 - "Weill" Is At done?', asked the harsh - abuse, I � . ews makes It the, more lieces. - trencher and porridge spoon on -4 etoo) .. . I ­ . . . fitted With either Ste�ll Solid ' voice of the Master of the boar. . - - Thus exhorted, tile knaves o � nee more he )low Asked abruptly, . isary I should hastenA6 the king," be -near by seemed, Waiting the comilig or . . . ... . Conveyancers, Commissioners, . "Yes, done!" a's the submisal "Yfls,",she miswered curtly. - . eald. "The emperor's message-Vran, the master. A �Oucfi of straw bad been. . . I . � � . . Real Estate and Insurance . . 11 W. I The eoll the Ionely I . I Rubber, Cushion or PlIell m'c-. lve An- ' took ' : heart and gathered for. the at- . strailit that ensued. between cis should receive- It at once. Ijere, , oliepherd:is -bed it be . . . . . I I � . . tack I . . . , And I ter t . I . Swer, I . . .0laves were provIdedfor those . them was broken by,a ne lodg�ment of his enemy, the wolf. .' . . . ' Agency. Money to loan . .......... ti,c Tires. ' '7tl,so. . Market. an I. "Good!' Now to get,the sword," � - In front, I and- the plalsant w4ited grlm�­ . w aspect of therefore, must I leave you; or why do, �, I . . .. I .. . . . P , g ' "Here you may rest, Jacqueline, ' . , the now distant conflagration.* Be- you not return with me?" addre.sing . C. B. HALL' - JOHN RIDOIJT Lum e.r Wagons.- - . . . . "'Not so fast," broke In the, landlord. ly determined, ,yet liking little the as- - I 11 . � ,.+I,.: . without fear of hein ,14-p-1, ,1 ,n 4 _.. � I .. + forph 1 " I . - . - . DRS. GUNN.& GUNN I Dr. W. Gunn L. R. C. P. & L.R.C.S. -Eilinburgii- . ­ . ' I& Dr. J. Nesbit Gunn M. R. 0. S,. Eng. L. R. C. P. London . . I.. . . . . . ,0 : * . . . . . + " I I Call and see. thein befo! e . . . � . . I : . t pUrebasing- elsewh.Ore, - . . . . I . ".. I .. . I , � . - . I . I., ! '. . . - - - "Do you kill, morlo, withimt drawing. b16 d 2 Look at his dagger,pg , . � 9, , , The leader took the .blade,. examined . It ,And, illien1ftan t call, do . wix .. curses � .0 , on t ' f the imbecile monster. �`Cleanrsave for a -thread Of c6tton,0, . � he.'erled wjgrjly,� "You never Went beau . +. I . I 1. . Will." ... . '.. . . I pect of those terrible, weapons . and . feeling the.end of the atiliqual . . . 11 contest ' . was not far. distant, when a light hand - was laid on his arm. ,. . � . � , I - "Follow me quietly," said JAcquellne.' "We mav- yet eseape... Don't question � -me, but come," -sb6 went on bui,liedly, , Impressed. by%. tier earnestness,, the � . -_­ . I . . . , � . Night calls at front door of residence . . RUMBALLa L. I . I . ' ' I . ndMoRnATH ,"Tes yes, masterjill replied thd crea- I , I � . I . . turp.; . gerly. ' . Jester, .after ..a 'moluent's liesita ton, - - + , � t � obeybil.. $Ile led him to -her xvioni, . (m Rattenbury street,. opposite. , � lyl _. ­­­ 1.1 I.. % .. I ­ ­ I . , . stabbed the bed, fool, not: . � . closed. And locked the door, but not be. - - , Presby�eri-an church. .1 . I + . .. ... . . . tL-ProhlnYou ... L ,01 roughly returned the other, fore a pefihipering of feet and sound of . OFFICE- Ontario street-CLINTON . I fftiron,Sti, (1141torl;... ,,,, , . � , � . �."The rogue -has guessed -Our purpose . I . ,voices told them the - rogue . s had gain. * L . , . no more tra, velers," M ffald Caillette.- "I . .14orse4adbecome . I I .. � . I .1 1. . . ,. 1. �. , I and left the room," he ,continued ad- . I i . ed thei upper 'Aa$Sa,g�, and dr�W him - , I . - - __ ^.."VftA2ii`ii"i_. . _ _ - � __ ­.­,­..7�_­.",!!!!��. . � 1.4ressing the others. "But lie's skulk- . . I I . . hastily to.the whido.-w.: . . . DR. SHAW I � �. . . .. N - I . . . . I .; I . I + . H Aftess . . . . : Ing somewhere. Well, knilves, here'g it,,. litti c , I I � e , oursing for us all. Up with you, . "Seel", she said caggrly. IIA ladder!" ' . . li� . "And at the foot of ,.the ladder on ' .tarried I while to now the . c . parly � it' , - t � k, and e I - . .. OM . \ . I morlo, and find him'. Perhaps, though, horses!" `he exclalmed...in surprise. PHYSICIAN AND -SURGEON I \ \1 , , , �. . � . I . - . he mAj prefer to come down.'­.Afid � 1. - '111Y)'ho has done this?!'- - � .. N I . . . '', : . ..� -, . � I . . . ' the leader "Give. . - . . � Her -.a t ' OFFICE-Ontarfo street -CLINTON * I . i�� . .1. I �_ .. I... � + FOR HAJ�NB,14$ . ctilled out, -yourself up,. rascal] ,, or it will be the worse for.. - response�was Interitipted by. I lignd.fit tbelr� door ilild a blamor with. il Opposite St-, Paul's churoli. if 'y WELL MADE kND. � you -pt- -, . . . . .. ,Out,follow'edb he - y avy blows .' : I . � + + �J . `e , I " . SOLD - AT A REA�. � I �.. � I a To this. baradoxic I threat no answer, � . q e nel" . "QuicK ile 1 ' 'lie c led and I 'T - n . . � - I - . -A. ( I- I . - � ;�SON 'ABLE PRICE . . . I � . was returned. . � * � . . � ., . . to t helped ber lie ladder set, as l,t� ' long . � � I DR. C. W. THOMPSON I � PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON t 1, 11 _ I .k � COME. TO US. ON- . , I I I I CH A, CUSI OMER - , , ' "Yop won't answer?" cried the lead- er, after a'sibort'lnie�val . ,ismett fitall I + I . I seemed, providen�lally against the wall. I - , ..1i all'yoit do W11 -h iiskpd, yet hold. - C. . 0� . , Special attention givcxt Aw uvscabul k! . . I OF. �OURS ALWA- I I � I . I . it :. � . � ".. outtlien, rogues I _� �. 1. mr 4,I, a I.. I. .. . Ing her Uhhd Her.eyes gave himall.. I I , I � � . . 1. 11 11 " I T, I . J.. W�. e o er from clial, es 'Will exonernte you, and Francis will rqr Ward you in proportion to the I . iijurles � . jyi?u have suffered. Wrlilt* say you,, ,. . M119triess?" , . I . 0 . � . � ., .1 . "That k will never go back," sh6 an, swered briefly and looked away, I . I , �Caillett6�s perplexity was relieved by -the plalsaht "Farewell, 'if you Illust leave," said the latter.. "We irieet ,agal I tru4t.11 - . . . '' : . I... . I n' 1- 'Tile fates willing,!' returned the poet. "FareWell, and .good ior'tune go with you,both," And, wheeling. abtupt. . � ji, lie rode .slowly, Woic The " .1. . Jester' and "the girl watched' him. d1sappept over the road they liad come. ' . ' .. I'A, truetrtend,'� said the*pIalsailt , as Caill6tte. vitnishea In' tile gloolil. . .. , "You regret not returning witli-him, , . Perhaps?'.' she observed ijulckly_ "Hon- ors and offices of prefermen,'t are: not . . plentiful,". , ' . . . .� . . . : O'Iwaiit)aone.of.theII)iro,l**n�r�neigst .. . . " be returned as they started slowly on I ,theIr,w;iy. . ­:. . . . s' . . . " ! . :,Their horses 6rept;. aho . i . 1g; th, . e girl . I . . 0 V rb� - I this. night," he said. , ' * .,, . She 'sank wearily, upon the straw, then gave him her h i and .gratefully, : Her face looked rosy il' the reffection from the hearth, A. comforting. sense of warmth .crept over her as shO lay In front of, the blaze., Her eyes *were lan- guorous. with ,tile luxury .of 'tile 'lleat . I after.' a chilling ride. Drawing the I cloitk to tier chin, she smiled faintly. Was It'at his solicitude? He. noticed boiv her half' swept from the., sa(1416 . � . ,1. jilllowing her, head to Ahe ear , e 6ioo . tbl 'and, slitfilg� there: on t1i .1, wonddring perhatis , at: its - Abundance, or half dreaming, lae. for * got he yet ,held tier I .!land. Gently she with.drew*ft, and.he. ; . .1� .. I " . . . I . . . "'Why'did y6i; not tell �me,tt *ag'not a discussion With .the. peamp. st I udent 2" she asked. "Why did you let me im- 1, * ' ' . agino .that youlf- -Her -eyes said the, . . 1'est "You should ndt have permitted 8 .. ine.tb-to think It," she re�teritted� . I � . He was -silent. She,closed her eyes, I I . but I . ri� . �a mompri . t her lasbbs upiifteil,' . "And- I should . not,bave . 'thought It", I of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ...... . I I -Office and . ResidencL­ " ,­ ALBERT STREET WE ST,CLINTON � I - , . orth of Ratteribury St. I N . . L .1 - L I . . - I . .. �_ .V I � . - J. B. LUNDY L. D. S., D. D. 13. - - . . � � � , . . - ­ - , .. , : I rks ONE,.,., � I - . .. . . . .1, .. ­ I . � , . We . sell. thii hiterriational � StOeR. 1. I Food- - . nonial. .'3 . . . . . .. ,. . . I . �� . . ... . . h'. , I I . � F. � . . Jan. 21st, 19,05.:..- I � This is to cortify that I diave-'AkO 'ON " I � d__11_,1_Vn N112M &"84�, --- found it very. beneficial. for hogs that . -stion" . I are troubleil with indigt or )aTc ' ' � .. stunted in their growth. -IV. H. Cam- ' '. � n..e nuand ueotmersathisbeejfiv�. sWer, . a.,, re oasw Wri. w C ,in& � .. I !- ,� . . . I .. . -the morlo slowly'lliade his way up the'' hQr'descend'.. ` I ... . . . I . I . � stairs. . Goaded by% the taunts of,the -i Tile dolor"qVivdred. beneath the . gell- I � . . - - butlaws, his.-fa6e, Was .distorted with eral oxlslau�ht of the now. exultait out- - 11 .. Ill. � . . ' I . ' d the I' ter6olt rough his, �lips,, came.. a' - laws, :An, it's. a glave- slint0red. ly; . I I . , . . I , , floice, � sfbtlitlftt breathing; In- the, dibi. .paliel the Jester threw hfiligelk,over.. the � , . � . I I�ght his, 610�sal f1j&e and enormous , . casemeTA. . A.. deafenin ell- , . I � ­ - 4"k--�seL-med=4e-�nom4s".iiiiia--n,�,�, ll�-bk�_"ot�su I - Ave And � - , - �dden _yR wily, . , , . tile band rushed Into 'tile. room. A . raiUer'a, m4derous phantasm.. : . � I . t --oh, Ohl,, . _ . .. . . I . uluribauked a voice- behind tire - same, time. the,plals"ant rall down . . . . . . � .. . . , I 'gr n - JQster, iind, turning, he 64W JacqueZ , .the � laidder and: sprang to. tile oil d, * the . . , ­ .. . � . . � A.qu-101c eff6rt tnp- the fpolls 'art ; � . I . - P - � -ford tl� , I . , . I ,Q, taveril, now b.urj�ftjg on all " .Ades; could bie.distinguisiioa iv.number . I . or' Agure.5 - frantically running hither, . . . . nhd thither, while. above the crackling . I f 'tile: flabics a lid -the criliffiorous cries* e , ' of th blrds'� W6$ beaiil - the" Tiili�e of - tll.ir7praiyrfet�u��l . . . , ' r1i al,! '. with the kn6ves to save. the tavern. alid. e""T ' �xcci .,,, . -ating. him, - who had- applied 'the uuii�,iorwaruwettriiy;.,,ueiet,O reLUeeX-. 4 I- ' ' And da' c temeat ligerb,ad sustained hdr, but no,w'the reaction friew till,she had . . . ' ow . . upon her. - . She endured bo'r6. -4 .a . I or. cr thought'of - calling to'.thq% fool,, avm I I I .: Ing ,the rest she* so needed, but a', fc6l- I . � . I ill -.66nstrallit held .her . . . g. of,- pride or . . . � %flent. Before hei the shadows danced > I . . . I =414 URIT41Y 741"I W­G"ft1I""V-�C1han9__ Pd and .. ,shifted,. then .it,, glanwerIng .1 . - . , 'and partial- shade,were, swallowed iip� i .. . . - I.. � . . I � . . she said, - . ... . . 1. .. . � . . � . I . � 4 .. , . * � - I .. I. �- . . I . . . . , . . . . ! �' .11 . � . I I j'? . � . I . , .1, . ,. gJadquellne he cried, starting'00,6 - . � . . I 1. . gb6 did not hnswer-Indeed, - s6e' 'me ..' .. . . . * I . . . . ......� . .. . . , . . . ping -w% -her face tu6aed fro .: .6.lee . . ni.him,:: 1. ' .­ . . ­ I . . I .1 . I :,. .. . I . . . L Tbr I ou . gh the� . open do . oi�vay tt stre '... . � I .1. I . I ,,ak - , 1. . .. . . I I of. red4a the enst-Abraided the:. coming � . . , . I . ­'* .. _1 � . . . - . . � '11:1 b � ep,!' twit- - - 1. I - i . � . glory of the morni , "p, q . ; . , ,. . I . . . � . tered a lbird on .the roof oUthe"hovel. . , . I . . . . . . . . om.�he popl�r it wWanswerecul to) - . I . . . , , . � � ' . . �. -,. more melodibus - wel : . � - .. . L 1, I � � phrase, a adlig of - . ,'., , .1 .. ... .. � ­ ­ 7'�­:­ i,u .1 "'a,wil. ' . . . � - (Successor to Dr. Agnew) � I pbell. Westfi�jd, �� - .' I I I I . :­�, - * . . . -ftne.-, Disturbed. by the tn " ult hlid , , I 111, - at the y6unj *ifo�A side., From ".Ove " " . . I I . 'tbr' I I I I q1ii - , , �.. � I .. I . 1. in a black cluism, - . . . , j .� t I . . come to the radian d momell , , . . . . . . . � � 1. � �.. I . . I. - ,. - . I . ­ .. .. � � I A ' � I Auburn; Jan. 31sts A '95'... , t6 toud,lvolces,,the jestress,h�d.jeft I � I L , , � ' caine eXciaxnait6iis. 'of - ':wo'lidef-, � and i' . . . .. . . . . .:* ., : , -1 � � , I "CaP.4a DI tbe landlord ,WJ 1. sna�e . eu'. 1. . Rldlng:'n6ar, the jeste � 1 pbser . i r . ved �b6k � . . .%, .1� . � the jester listened, his Iiead ralsed to, .. . , - -.- - . ' . � I 7 . I 11jee in Beaver Block, CLINTON. � 1 . . . Mr. J. Nichoison , " . - her room to learn,the etiuse of the un- . . .' . � . .. . - . . amazeme nt, m in g Led with Invective. - ' . I ',iTfiei,re *tied , . no more tra, velers," M ffald Caillette.- "I . .14orse4adbecome , , . I . form, sway from side to� side and spur- : ' * . I. I thb growing splendor ,of - the b6o.10ni . 11.1 . .0 ... , 11 . I I . then threw himself. oil the eArfhen floor _1P . I . . . I . . . Dear Sir u Ifitornatior, . "this .-usual din, And nowi.wIth beir daik hair, , , a cloud Around bet; stood gazini &ai-., goile!" C -one. -. �, . , "H4ie -they.ilrelll exclalmeft anoi I . road worn and - . I . per. " for6e I. bad -there-- sufficient- red -forward. In a' moment he had - .. , . ' her waist, theu-11ited, her from .. I .; ' � I . . . . . � . I , I I . If the - hut 'and was at. once -over I come . , , � . . . . �. % o . . . . . . . I . I I I . I , �_�, __ - - al Stock Food on., m driver . Y4 . . . winter and Uave derived first , class � . . ', ' , �� over . fully , .thd i0ol's shoulde . r. . � I � . . , _ �. , �heL . ce .setzed. ..tile' means ' . .t ' ' . jcs6r at on' i .tarried I while to now the . c . parly � it' , - t � k, and e I - . .. OM . -clasped . . I .. � ibe saddle aiid hold her beforelliibi_' . � .. � .W . - - �. - . � � ­_ - - . . � . I I .1th sleep., � . : . . . , I . . .. 1. . �� . . 11 . . . . . . . . I � I , , DR. G. ERNEST HOLME$ I . results'. I have used many.'okller ioo� . At. t he,. sound . of the young .glrl.`W� voice 80�_Ln�ir, the..plalsant,ij hancl,. of d.e.9,b,bil.t, but net bcko�e Ahe man . . I . I . . � * o blAd- dise6vered them was "oil the I host. When you, walked in with this!. � . fair �lhaldj:could hardly believe my.. - * I'Jacqllellrie!" he cried; -.�2 , - I . . . ,.. �. xeslstanci§.. H she. offered'no er. bead ­ . . I . . * � . . . . ''. - � . ­.. I .. . . � - I 1. .. �. ... .1. �. ''I HAPTER XXII, - , . .- I . .� I - C . I OrK I Specialist in Crown -and Bridge W * ds but for a blood purifier 4Ld food . . saver nothing * equals this. I 6 ould . . . � which'for. the Woment..baid been. un- . ,.steel. .4. . . t - lipper rounds.' , A qnlck..bffort on .the fool's * parf ladder -* eyes. 'Twas..a nice tra'A'and,ne land-. .. . .. 'unctuous, . . . I I remained matliinl6ss on big bre,�st Sed4­ . � I I . .. . � - . � .. . . .� � I . ... . . . . . 7 P" 'HIE slanting-raTs bf.'fbe sink- . ,, �. I .. L, . . . . ,:. h . . � � , . , , I D. D. S. -Graduate of the Royal Col. . � - . not recomniend it too hi'hl� to. iriy 9 steady, became!. suddenly . . AI. most -im and i, - I . . 04., and roguet led over'tdgether. Thd ford an fellow'. for -a yillaln. . . jljOjjsjy'h� bok over'.h er.,­ The: warm n., . . . .ing E�i � s ot athwart. the val- . . . . . . . . - 11 �. . . * ft . . � . '4 '.. . lege of Dc-41al Surgeons of On- I . . � .. fellow farmers .­?R,oIit:. Rutledge, All-. . pAtlently.he Awaited the-coin4, I . -I) . ''I . . . . . enterprWrig , , . Asgured thilt you could not go out,Aj' * . . . 'a breath reasstiredUlm; tired nattire bad , . . 1. I., . , - � .'. glanced . . I , � ... ­ I . ey,. , from. the' tile... . .1 1. I W 'of 'the '� - ,tario. ., � I i . . . . . ... burL- 00i. - -,- '. , . ' . ini'afthe.morlo.'At. last he. drev�.neiiri, . . . I I knave lay mottonles� where he ll.,*.,�. , fe * . . . 'D16u! ' 116 Ia - you came, I e'en preparba less. con. ...simply succumbed. I .. � ' . I i ' roofs of I , . , � . . . . .the homes : , ' ' " ' ' ' t . I L. D. S. -First class honor gradu.�te . V . . ­ I ... . L " � :, . . I . . . . but, L'a6�'if -instinctively iealtzlng the . i . ' � ,,"Vral wanted to come � � I ,. ventional.m6ans of,exlt.�� . .1. il, � , Gi.tt.h6ring the y'oung'form, gently to.,. I . 'Jeister' I ry . 111)e Salit and ''Ill'tillned ,the. lofty . � . 'T � ., I., " _ I � , � I '. .1 , � . of Dental Department Of Toronto . � . . I � .. , I je K 110 holson'' I presence. of. danger, paused; his ,arm. . ceasing tjo. strike, but realainitig t : down, I said an appro�lfig voice., -� � . I i - , Turnlug,'ibe jesier'biebeld the Spai-.,., . - � : Re bad scarcely, finiiiied th s - I 1 0.pla%�. . natl6h *Itb . .. ­ him, the rode 'slowly ��on#, and' 1 .. . � . the: horse; his '.!oil' a fbIlowe,j . . ­ . 1. . ,.. I �:, towefs of a � great iiianorial 6batedu. I .�.: .: . .. . 11 ­ . . �'.. ­ I -1 . I I ­ , : , . , , Into the Aittle, town tbe-foot of .... Univ . . , � � . , eta& *. 'troubadour, 'Nybo ' I when, a.a.hower o f spark& - I . . of In . . . co. pan - , . . I . �. at I � I . , . . I �.. Special attention paid to preservation . I ;. .�. . I 1. . . , . � I . . . I tionAry Ali the Air. , - - - ,: . - . _ - . Ish was compotedly . I . - I s axid it mighty,, eta b, the heavy roof i4lij 1, � ' 06'�he werit, he knew not. bo'* lonj -i ­ . ' . . I ... . . . ,house - rode shortly before " I I le, .die .big . .% I . . . .r I. of childrum's tectli. . . . . .. . . . - . AUBURN, - ,. . .. � - "Go OnZ!, finpafientli shouted those,, * . . . ­ :. � 'engaged. -In placin ' fra* I . g bundles of 6 ' * I "Itjsk over,�, murmured, Caillette, and, . I i ' reathing th' me , �ning ' o .her b at,ca . list ' . .. . : . I .� .. I lilghtfill . the jester and -his 'companion., . . I . .1 . . . .. I � . ,� ,. ' I . Will be at the River Hotel, Bayflel.4, � . . . . ... - . !.. � . I I . I . I I I ill' I . . � . . --- ­ - I � , '. .! I bel Ind - him. ,. - . L . . the'. cimilhan . I . e, . spra ig' d the creatur n ag'Inst the Wit]] of ille Inn. a . , . , ' ` � "I don't think he'll * bother. . you any. .. . , I I ad; thej, touch�d t bei� horses; leaving . � t ' . " I ,.. � .:. hind he smolder ng rulus.be them; he' .full, and deep, half � fear g,. half woo- . i In . . . Iderlhi At that relaxation.' For the .first . . , . Duiing - flid day file' I young girl: bad . I . . � - . :. -,7_ 1 I . I . .... � ; . .:�_ , r. epn � ie . d diffident kild . constrahied. She' .: . I .' ry Monday - from 10 a. m. to 0 I eve . I 8 p. in. � I __ ­- :­­­ - . . . . ­ I . ­ � * 'At . forward furlousli.*, When'the's*ord of . . . , . �. con Inued - the inhistrel .In his ,luote,vr t* , ; � . I . . , .. ':"If. . . _hddedr 1113it . t . how came the scamp ' ' I . . . I . - - � tilnei h . e -forgot. abo I ut th e . emperorafto . . . ­ I . ; . . v"ll.6 - - had:bcm all vlvaclt�.-aji(i, life"O'll . I I.- . . . 1; r �.. � � .. . . . - . I � . . � . ., .. I * . . � ; .. � . The''RK-111 Autu.W F- I re R . -�qfice, tWI�ei'-,Fr .the Jester, shot ouf2. . Om. . . I deep. tones, you'll'fide down the. . . . ' * i � student, to serve you? I wits watching . , I . , . 10 theliree b*nron, And tligi de. I I , � � - - � . . - I a. sudden kept ,silence, or when. she did .� . : .... . 1. � . . . . I .1 , I . . , . . . . � . - I ­ � I � � � . , . . . . .. . . . . the morlo's grip..,fell Alle� dagger; over . . � � :bls - road I'll join, ,You in. 4 ;pomeiit;'� I � . . . . - . .,.'So . ming, �96, so t tight . I .. 6 closely dild' list - e . ­_ .. . ,purpose� . * I sires,of sivebi 4vengement', 11e. thought - _ - . i "only . ,.. . . A a 'p- �. ..* ._� I , ,tpedk her Ao gue bad lost It !* sh, i - , - . . . . ­.'. � " .. 11'. , , : , . I'll I I I .i 11 .. . .. I I . . . . .. � . . i . 10-sufancell G OR an.1.1. face tlie-I _ ... . psi fol killing waslje- .. Om_L saying be knelt before.tho-c'­ ' I I . how 'twa§-�dofi") - . . o e. . . I �L;'� � Of. her' file heild; how coura US ye g6o t .. 1. ,. . I I . lle$s� �� � j, "'. , .� , " . . . ,. I DR.J.FREEMAN - �.... . ; 1. I . . I � . � � I'' . , . In d by.. 4' look'( th� &� 1) e c if 9uipkIse;';'w1 . 'on . ll� h . bustlble'ac&imulation 6 ad been dill-: * 11 . " - ' I ,-IlLspared his life once,' ? . . � 1. dh8wered the I I � . . . a , � lonevShe Was ill thp worfd;j20W she . , . - I. I 1: . . . - 1. . . H s first greeting t t r ng had . '' � 11 - I " ba 1119 ill . 1. . ­. - a? - � VETERINARY SURGEON � . , - I " �!, . .� ­ ��. , . . ' . I -Farm and Iso'lraed'Town Property�, 1 Sing e in n. be tbricw� both .' I on ajoij 'Audi . gently heaping tog,ether and struck.. a I . I I . . .. . .: I ­ . .11 I � I . , I . I . jester. - " .. I I'.- 1, :� . 4 " ' . . , , , , ' , . .. . � Uiid .planned the ilervic� which won'ber * � , , -1 I... - I ,. - I . I ­. . � I � - I ­ . I py 0 . . . .. . . e6iva swl�t al=t questioning 01ance - .. ... � ' .. . . : , : I . ��� A member of the Veterir.ary Medical - . I I , ­ nly ln*u id , � S to �- . . high tering like an' tOt Oak th�- . spark Which, seizing on the dry: ma- ' 0 "And lie remembered?,.. I Tie .passing �. � ' ilie, right to *his �rotection', � h6r � flight � � . . . ,. . . I I., � . ., i efore had lookt-(l ,away. . . . .1 ,, . . - �bl�h 1. . I .. ; . . I ' -� ' ,::. � I I Associations of London and Edin- .0 . - , I � : � . : � monster. fell backwArd.*10 a �raO I I teilal,'iliiledlaiely kWdledfuto it great I .. stra ' .. . from such 'a rogue' . A-;cleVer from Vl,ancfs-�-Vut where? � To whom � ' ., fa, her face wasthe freshiless,of d; wil " I . � , . I .11 I - ' '. - �' , j burgh and Graduate of the,Ontar- . . . . . .; . . I . _: % , . , . � � . . carrying wIth'him the rogues . behind. . . . I . '-fiam . :1 , .. I 1. I . c.- � I 11 . � . � 11 . * .. ..nge device to warnybu In. Latin' that life - ' could 'she go? T&..-wbom could. she I � - . . �. .. . ibe-.grace of s -rit !Lie - To* ' erbea(lV" ,.� . -_, - ... , , . . - , .1 �.­. ' 4 . 10 Veterinary College, . 1 � . . I . . .; ,, ... -or _ .1 I . PICERS . Imprecations, threats and ies Of pain � ' ct I �'W,hat, are'you doing,. villabiT, rodr- . . 'the triends. intended to; kill 6 ' � � . lie i or, both, �If' turn? U neolisclou's 'sll6�-ifiy':IlX Ills . _ .. : I I . *' thg a lark; at - bli,bok -, �.. ,� , . .. � I I -,; , '', I : I St I tijpelr.fietk � wbls� ' �., - . � '' ' '' " " OFFICE- Huron street -CLINTON. . . .. . I . I - . ., . I . enE6ed,i',s'ey'eraI knaVes went limping landio Window, dis- . ed rd. from the � "'',._1 . you for the Jeweled sword." I .. I . I arms In - that deep sleep or 'beavy- la� ' una tftem . olltude. vast, n, , - - - , - ­­ I rwed,; aro Is I :. . . � '. , ' � i -Next to Commercial Hotel— J. B. McLean, President',, Kippqn - ii, - ' * . . struggling'group; one away frorb Ae I . I cove � -. '. ,ring the f6yks of fire already leap , ' . . . .. � .. I "NArby," spoke uV the young girl her 9 �. , i A -ertla, following extidu ton, her' p e . s .al. Inite, . . . , , , . � I I ' 41 He ,spoke and $he answered; , ! � b : . . . . . - ' I . . . I I Q. ; Thos. Fra,sei, Vic&Preslilent - 1, lay prostrate ao*the in bimielf,�Ihe - . 016 -.1 d crackling about tU`e tavekh. I . , I . nk)"nul . �attentiou sliarply'arre§tedj '.'*Ad It not. , . face, against his shbfilder. and .4q the ­ �. . ... � I . I'm .. .. -tier reserve became 1110cil6us�.tlley_ate-, .., , I ... �. � . , . I c'.� - .,iL . . ,�. Brucelleld . Ii O.,;., T, 1P,,.' Hays'. .. , . . � I .� . . 1. � . � __ 11 I I I . ' I . king . y ma a bonfire of a 1oul I.- ' - ., . . . a niero discussion of some. kind.? � And, . . .� r young plaidant bent o ve' iier'bld' h4art . I . -'tjic�l '.. .', '% z en cakes mid, dra I we I r WIne, - It oa�i . nl;'� I . . AUCTION EER --J AMES SMITH.Ll- Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0: . ­. - . . . . � .. 1. . , . ;, I . . . � . I . .. . I .. . . � ; . , -riest,11 Jlghtl3tj answereq� the ihinstrel,, I .. . . . . . -Ahe quarrel?'. . . . . : .. . T . I I thrilled with protecting teudeftess.' ! I , , , . � .. . . I , . . I . � I . eaci�-strongly conscious of tI L' preseiMp I . . . . I . ., censed for the County Auctioneer 'to . . I . . I ". I . .. . . . . I I . , � , CTORS!-� I - .�. . . , . . I .1 I '� '*' - �.. ­ . I : I i � , , , . I I I . 1. �. , standing back as though to, . . admire his, hhuilfw6rk. .IiYour vile hostelry burns . . ' , *host," � . . . � . I "A. pretense on the.rogue's part 4 to - I .1 avert. the of the :Waster � ,� And, :4ut for him, IVII6111"else, had I . . � . she? This young.,girl, had she not be-, . '.. �;� - .I. 1 , of the other. Then lie .rose, saddleil � 4 -...:, ­ . I I I .. " , .. ... . . I I -0ieWhors'6§ a tr to, moillit. I '. , - � . and'assIsted' he I - of Huron. .All orders entrusted receive attention. I 1-DIRDA 1. . � . � . . . . ,� . . I . , � William S, -h, . liesticy, t .; ­ -0. - �j hii I . . I . 11 . 1. � .1 I .1 I � I I .. I . I I ." i - 1. . I 1. . . . �. '. I � . � well, my dissembling , .1 . . . . "'Hell Varlett" .suspicion 9f , . I .H., �. ' ' 'the boar. I �out4.b�i maryeill-to.t 6 " come�hls burden of responsibility, his .':... .. . �. . I - , . ... . : . . I q . I ­.. . . � :.. I I . . ' . _ , I r10 they.todej.pau'sing, 6odwes to ftst. .. � ... . .. , ... . I I . I .. . : . �': . : I � - .. �� we will prompt Will sell either by percentage -or ,;Seafor I Grieve, Winthroji';'d�orge Date S Sca- � � . .1, , : 4 .. I I . .1 , - V.. I . . . dogl, screamed, the pro- to jester�-Ilaf yotii1orbearalled fi� '. , . I I ' ' Oral obligation? . vMrAlle firs t th lie in I ­­ 11 . ' ' arid ey : then Abe had litt.1,0 t6 siiv., '.., � - , :� ;:;, � en, I . I . I 11 ' 'ien k.jl;1)6 . , : , , I per sale. Residence on theBayfield j . . ) � forth ; . John -Watit, fla'rlock,; I - . Jolla. , I ,� . ... I .. . � � - I . . . . k rn prie r; jo*erwheilmed With ,conste a-. . I . . I . 11 1. I .. I tion. - ., : "I fear &'��cquellfie - tU' . I - had e right I h6a;eem6d, to , realize . how the Ili ie en. i t n her �ature 66 touched his, save once.w) . ,, - .. , . they -iji..+, . j ­ I q . I I - _ . a,qt. a , � ! � . . � . . . - -jim � '' I . I *ti6 bridge which sptinned a st,,c . I Road, one mile south of Clinton ' . . lifninewies' o' . ,Br � (Ili i , I agau ; ames Evans] I . I . I .1 . . . . .. . I . : . I � . I ' '!Is It, thuer you greet, your .guests V I � . , I . -. .to a poor t ,Of - bet- vjuliepp'je. . Ciplillon , is fool. - "Nor, do I me plied the'duVe ;Ia -drils of I . � .1. . touched and cluill; ever 00 gently,'but t I . ... . . . I I � �. . , "Who Is It- that has wedded tile 1")'r�h- : . . I I . . Beechwood ; James ,Connolly, Clinton' . [ . ; , � . , I , , - . . . I . . � . replied the' troubaillour,. throwing - An;. .. ­ I . I .0i . " . lot, 'he laughed, "In L esteeiiilxig�a stotiV . I . . I . . ­ � . I... I � � I � '. . . . fast.' - I . . . I ., : Coss V. , �� ­ I . I .,� . :1 , . . .1. . . I I . I I., . - . � 1. .. I . " , . . . - I I ­ . I , I . , I -AGEN'f.S- I � . , � . I �. . / . . I I other'bundib of straw.quipon' th o' al, , I . bolt more, Iirotipejlonil than -a i craven . He a aw, tier, too, secretly slid silent- � . . . .1 11 ( ) � 1�,, ;, - � . � T( . TlNTft-'D,) - '. ( 'O N 4 e� LICENSED AUCTIONEER.-GEOR- ., 1: . I 1. � .. .; . I , � .I- I . . . " � . r4eady 16ruilddlide conflagrationi '�YOU I I . . I . . .1 I I .. blade." .. . . �, I I . . ''.. � I ly cherishl. w -faith Ili bet,- bos-. , � . I . . ,. . I - . . - �, ­­_..... ­ __ .,� ,---!: , . . . 1."�*, , . , , '-' ­',�l ' . I , ge E Iliott, licensed auctioneer for I �" I the County of Huron,isolicits the R obert SI-Tilth, . Harlock ; 'E . Hill-- ' chley, Seafoith ; * �ani6s. Cummings, I , . * . �' I. . . , Were not wont,tb,be so discourteous,' I ' I my prince of boiltfaue," -*, . � � � � .. . I .. . T'L ' But tile girl did ..not answer, liroogh , � Om amid a throng, * la�i arth infirin of I . . I I , to I , . . . .. � " . I . � . .. . . ,�4 .. '. I . , 1. * . . I ,: ,. . � * . I . ... . 1. " � . ''. � - .. . I . I 1314 i patronage of the public for busi- I . . Egniondville ; J.- W� YcO. 1101111v$_ I.. . . I . .1 _­ But, 'recov�ring from big temporn � . I Fy her brain flashed'the re�ollectjori Of her . I . cold disdain, her scornful Words, bee purpose, and wopderm.ent gave way . . another ,emotion.'as Ills mind leapbd Mail ,From. HuTaionls May. , ., . I ': � I . . .. . : , Soiled and * . . . I � eathdr-istaint4 with d i � ikess in his line. Sales conducte I q Ville. . � I . . . I -1 . � . _� . . . . I . stu Or, the landlord-'wltbout-�eply, dis" I p. P I . prompt dismissal of the jester at her � . . I . , from that past, with itdicovert,. Inner' - . some . .. . .. . . I . ,of the 'addrespoo almost , undeciplier. . .. ,. . . � or.� percentage or so much per sale. 0 All business promptly attended to. . . . . �. ... . Parties desirbuis''to effect� jfigujajj�,e ' 11 " I �, . . . . I .. . ' 11 . 1. I ,. . 1. .appelfred from .the window, , ��. . I . . '!NOW may we safely leave,tfie flamea I � I . I door. I 'Weighing- What'sbe bad said and done With -what 110'ibad said and.lione, , life, to the ulltramm�led moment Wliein . she had thrown off the mas li in the sel. . ,able, and, other.4 having ty1jewriting , . 1. 11, I . I � blended Into an Indigtingulsbabto mass, . . . . . I 11 George Elliott, Clinton P. 0., re- 1 Or transact .otliok busffiesd will ', lip� I I - :T:� I - . "I, 1. I I . .. . to the WflIdj1!.:c'ombaented the minstrel , , � she turned t6 him quicklyj -impulsively. . I I itude of the forest, I . . I � . 11 . - . . a Package of 246 letters from. F ullenton, '. . ' I s-idence on the Bayfield Linb. 58 promptly att�,nded to on application to* any the �otljcers .. .�, .0 ____. � . *1 ,,-,' "- / --as he sprang upon 6,-.sMalj'na9'wbIch had b i3en fastene&to a shed near by, .Throug4 ill P setabiarkii6s she saw the.* - . .,. Aiar the bell of. siome.w'iindaker frolh . I on. the west:eoast,of.Hudson,s 13ayt - 4 . . Ivachod tho,'Mountiod' Police, Depart-, .1 . - 1� . __ ______ , I i , of above addiossad �o their, respective postoillecs. Losses . � ..�_ . . . I 11-1* .. % . I �. . /;� I .;- . I . I . . "As We�bave burned the roof over our . �, I . . smile Around hid mouth and.tile quiz- zical look with willeh.he Wits vegiikd- , the berd tinkled'droWstlyj arousing him : . I . kr6m his reverle. The botseFA were us. *, 1 . . . . hient, At Ottawai,&% the qVenlnt-j of the, .� I . . . .; 14th April 'aktor a leiurnev ,of almost . I . . 46--i inspected by, the, .director, Who lives . I . I A I ,,.o . � , , ., � � 1� beads," he continued, Addressing the , . . . Ing bet, whereupon tier co ra-ge kati. u icendhig. The. road emerged Into a. I . . I .2,000 miles' 0. . The lattefd ai- "from Ilie ,- -, nearest the. scene. . . . : .t l I . I . -�" :. , . , . I .. . . . I .. I wondering jester� And, his companion, . , . - . e.d.., She bit her 111), And remained, .�llefit, - I -en and ' gorse,. - Plain set 0111i bracL . I . - -ent at r, allortonj I .. . � Poll -e. hi the detaclim - . I . I . t . .� � . . . . . who had -a Iready inoutited- and were " ., . � .. I . . . . "I I ... . . �. I I t�!�__�:_��_ I . . I . I . us. sedl; another hosteliy.11' _. waiting, "let They bad how passed file brow'6f tile. with here and there it siligle tree Whose j, ed . . . the crew of the Govefrimen.t sieam6r . I I . I Arctle,'under Capt, I�ernfori the �� . . ­ .., I � . . .1 � . . . . . . I . . . � . . . L . : I- . * - ''' I . I I. -SwIftly the trio rode forth'from the hill; on each side'oft-ho.highway the forestO parted wider and wider, and luellillng trunk. tol a . d or stQrnis,br I . . . .for m4hy Seasono..' Neall, the,111ghway, and . C116W of the New Bcdford. sailing I . . . . . ,,4 . U 0 111MM. WA M . ___ . _ . � ..--ii- - , . ' ; tavern yard, out Into the moonlit road.. I k I . . I a 0 1 29001M FeU bachuard With, a 001olkh'. - 'Not so quickly, voy friends," com. I I the thorougfirare was bathed 'In' a . I ... In the shadow Of.a 6oplar, o n chooner, Eva; will oh Wintered -In. Ru 4. soil's BaY, `to their wives, rel;Wvelil or . I I � � ,- � master of the boar rubbed his shoulder, , niented the troubadour. "As I fastened -TIME TABLE . . I . . white light, q . . As they rode along oil this clearly It. shepherd's but 6pparently deserted,and Isolated from humankli.id, The fool ' I . . . . -tends, The' modorlty are, for C"a. I A . . I (Ilan points, but others ai-6 addressed . ** Trains Will - ai l Unatliernatizing roundly th 1 , I . . 6 hf . the doors and blinds wlthout,� we -ma.y, rive and depart I proceed Ielsurely, for It will be :Some lumined highway Clailletto glanced In, reined the borse, which for some tlui6 to blftces In tho"t1nited States, old a. I j � .. . � -at the disaster. - I .. . � frorli Clinton stiLtion, as follows '. , � I "I think my arm'a put out,,, he -said. I time Pefore Mine h9st and his friends I . terrog`011,61y tit the plaisant. The out, . . . bad been moving painfully, And at that . a brupt -cessatio, 6f inotion the Jestress n few are for Europe, Th(�y will be for� . . I warded ))Y departrAbrital oflieers to I A I . I Ila. ter their wily from the lim," *' BLWFALO AND GODIWiRICH DIV. It "Is- the creature dead?". he added vi. can t � come of his Joneney.--should he speak now or later, when theywere alone? . . � ,thoir looked up With a start. � destinations as I soon as possibie, . . I I . . I clo'llsly. , . � .. I . i .1iWho are you, slellf asked the fool, - � . . 'The minstrel laughed and wisw&ed Going E ast - 7,38 a. rd, - 119ealfrew me, I thought the' looter . I I The answer of tile Mike's fool to -h!s � Meeting bid eyes, at first she did not withdraw her own, Ciubstioningl' her -Lieut, When' -Col. �Whlte, Controllet- of I tile TvIouritt d Policey c,oiw,,.jVed the Idea j , I . ; It 99. . I . - was it craven," groWled,bg,of. the boar. Ili bid, natural voice. , . , 3 23 p. ru.. . . . "Don't cOmPftniOU's glauc6 Was a direct In., quiry, . 1. � . . . Y h1vildered gaze encountered his. Then . . of oponing up� mijil corhnluille�atlorr, I With the Arette r0glofis S. C14(l flot ; Ii it I q yotl know too, Mon anil?P, he 5:20 p m "What does It Mean?'I .. . ji - FF .� � � . � With a titilck movement she vele-gaA I dreMin +h his ,I.i,­q,A.1A I_ I i -2 I . - I - _. __ . __ Going West . I. 10-15 a: In . "That he saw the snare and spread I said gayly, "What a Jest,thIg will be . ,,You found the empo r1i he aftia, I I A f L 1, . VI; . I � . herself from his arm and sprang to vO 640on and 14y, �iuj9ovs,sfuty, . : . ,--.---- . is 114 % I . 12�50 p. m, .. another," replied the host, I . stg6urtl flow It will tqnuso the king". Yes, find presented your.�messagd. . . . (I 41 . . "Calliettel" exclaimed the plalsaut � With some 11118givilig"! . I the ground. He, too,'Irumedlat6ly dig. ­ ­­.. ­.. ­­_ . .. .. I . 1150 YEAR90 I 0.40 p. lh.'I� , 1166 buk to your room, miaird'99,11 I - . . "And I did lie treat It . mounted, She felt 'very, . I ll,-t,or,sy.z(lvis6;ridncllt�i,qiTjk�ot nt"figair . 9)(PEAIEN09 41 14 . with the scant wide Awake - A, I I . 10.47 1); - w. whispered the plalsaut. to the young i loudly. .11calliettell, " cOnsI40kAt(On YOU evpected?" ' now, As. though the sud4en conscious. :'owder is b4ttbr Win- oi hor jl�*, . . . . 11 I I � I girl, "and lock I I .4 . . , ,_ , . - "'"011 the contrary., fits majest_v re I somp po%dera* ' yourself In," . : . ness of that onelreling grasp.or goint. alib itko data's; a'disinfocitalit,_ - ' . LONDON, . CHAP*It Ad it . . .i- , 04 , � . HURON & BRUCE DIV. - , NiNay, jq� not leave you," she replied. ;I XXf. . . . . thing In tile glance befO140 she slipped -4 -.%�=V--.4nk.�,�-A'V,tk.�V&-V.AAAV=.--=� . I I . 11 i . I � I I 44 lusnL10111 laughed the Min- not onee,. but twice, rind changed ed,l from ,,,in had startled away the torpor I � . . �, .. I Going South . 7 A7 - a. m. f I Do you think they will returnIll she ' Or,"' � I . I I$ 'it added In a voice elie strove to make strol. ,,Did I Jaot tell you I I ' of solnuolenco, � . .. 4.23 0, M. firm, . I "AW then?" , . , . 1. . 0ohig North 10A5 11 I should become a Spanish 41whatevei magic your letter 004, , "You fainted, or fell Asleep, mistressoll I � I tic I . I � . ' I 4. m., - "I am certain of It. Go"T liegyoft, to r Tn reat I ch- t01110d," replied CaIllette, "it oeomed , � . . 0 TriAtilk MARIvs . 4).35 p. m, ' is a el6n. I bg haind, be Added g6riously., he�sftfdquletl�. . D.teloNs your,whidow and call out. it Is a 616n- 1. I �Ilyes, I relylember, In We gorge.11, U�, & L. ff. . convincing to Charles. I'My brotber � I- I 1, ' coovnlak,ra &6, t . I . I (Tor hope, but the bedtWe have. Pear "Right pleased Am I to meat you. But "It,wita impossible to atol) therep so I , , fikoteh tod destirI906ft "Al , not, I call hold the stilles yet awlille.11 how came you here?"' I ., Prillicls, Must be straugoly credulous rode oil. But Uero fif this shepherd?$ quAltalkylonefiondine A an A. o. PATTISON, Station Agent. , � i 0 I � in In, . munidit, -A moment she liesitaied, then glided ' "I halve fled from the kee t be so cozelled by a n . impostor., may had slieltcr.,Y . r ,T, "cortAin our opinion Iiiiii w atbor out oft Is ptobab Pabsets � I ' 1) of the old ,.hut we tionsetria conflild'HYMMAIRle Tickriv A t, uoth lie, with It gicitill'or litallor Ili his I V I ffifON' F. .R. HOWEWS , Town q I . sent froO.ty1d0st 6116T. oroeou.,I) ­ all, . 0 9 aWay, At tbosame, Whe lie of the boar ,castl#,,whero I lay charged with ber� � And, turning the, horses, lie would � I I ki M, Patenti taxon ttrou It . to gave", I . . i I spedull twtict, without on If -I a J. D. AIACDONALD, Distriet Passoq. I 9tastied, a sword, Ili his left hand and,. osy," imswer�d-tho, jester, 'returning . I I have led them to the dooe, but the alli- I the hear � . "Aniiiostorl" It wita the young girl �Mftlq held bileft, theu stood stock still, . r, 10104 or reladviag sallerw;tf, . . . I get Agent, Toronto, I with 1119 right blinghig useless, rushed ty grip, I . . Ifyoo, Vollt fri �� $dt8fifit 010% ! .1 . I—— � .1 1. -1 ­ I.. I 11 .. I up the stalrA. i "The keept"' exclaimed 0111letto In . Who spoke, Interrupting In her atir- Striding to tile Uut, the jester stopped Itsi I.: p,lepsy, St. Vitd Dance, or F.l1ling: � rid0bidtillimatiAted WOW# tetitts I , i#k' �1 ti .. . Sidillesi, write for A trial bottle -and vgluable A hxi t 616 - I)Vlse tile troubadour's story, I In' but quickly sprang to one side, and , trc,%jjgd on guch Iliqcaseq to Tug 1,ittlird Co., oulation Of fifty seloutl utnal Tofts, $8 * . I 'IOU, there you arti, my n1mble,wit eurprl4e. k,You are fortunate not to 4, .011' did not know, mIstroas" said as F he did so some,creature shot out of 1 179 Xim, Siteet, W., Tororkto, Cana4a.,:� All IWil foittionthii.sLagoV4 byall b6widml6ft Th1=13 too 7-1ft to take h1#41olim utt.� bt, oraeki*111 he cried an tber 169tor stopped have been brought to trial," lie added y F -IR LEO taigraw"Y' NOW Yttk Cnt d (yNnont),w1moving �-ougfi slid culdg-by boldly out. "'Twas a pretty ploco at thoughifully, I'Vew .get through t Calilette the door alld disappeared In the glo6m�, I druggluis"null or can obtain foryon I usillij, VAPUZrIollivitiIii 't1lavIiisoilthe-it, � 06140f,v y00 Pla,Y04 on the WOUNtor And I solos, and fi4 holiness the pope, I un. I "No'," , I Ilste" th I% WOW" oxtlatilled thet plillsant, I t a ft, h r *4 WA41411001 15, 1 . . . I I I . . . � � ,� ... 014.6-6.1-,.... .. -, ­ ­�., .. .. -.1 � ­ .. 04ort 66 Answered drid nod 0 1 , . , al ­­ ­ . _, ­­ 4A44Z6, . : ­Aj4._,, � . . Entering t�o but once moret 0 4" IQ's IFITC.URK . �. . . I � . . Ir * r 1.11 - : . . o I A b 116113 1 . -7 .1. � . . It . I .� _.4 �w,, .. -.f . ','- I 1, 4 1 1 . I I I . I I I I . .1 . I . : . . 1> � . . I I . I , : �, . I . I � I j . ­ I �, . . . � � . I .1 I I . . . I ko I I I . , I ,� I I . . I . . . i I . . . ­ � ",""I'll, "I'll, . . . . . . . . . .111, 1-- .__­­­_­ ... .... ��.�-.��-.,,-,.�--,.."---,---.----.,�,-. . __ , I .1 I.- �. � I.. I - . ­ ­ ..­ . , , . ­ ­­­­ .,.-.. -..----.----.------- - --- ­ � . ---. .- - . - _�.&_, -1� .-; ,