HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-10, Page 6" � I y � - - -_ -_ -_ ______ - . . . I
� I I I
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� . . I
____ 4 _ -1____._-.. _..__.______. ---,----- --..-. � I . I 011%t0ft NOWS-ROCMV4 11 I I . . okugust loth, 190$ .
-,-.,.,.-,- --- I-.-,-.-,----- - -
�_, 71 .. �j I'll . �4,;.I�_;;�:��_= M7,,�. Z . . . . . . 11 I 1. _1____-__ - _ . , .
, , , - I __ I ..... ..... ..... "I'll ��� ..... �� ;� W - �
, � "I'll, I � ____ - - - . � I - - - - __ .. I i W .1, ;-111-_,_._ _ �
- I , 1- I - __ - _� : , _ I . .. - � . 1. I I I 11 .1 I., . - v*
- . ___-, ___. . - "Nowwww - --"
0 . - _,__.._._V,r�__, - . _WWWA;"NW0%1*,
. Fou, Ona SIXTY- -YZA-AS. 0,074 aPplicittions for clil!*4., .i. of this I I I � __ _�_,___ -
I sort. Moreover, Sir Wilfrid Lo,urter Umbasey Amenitits. I ___ _ - I � . I -_ - _ . . .
Mrs. Wilslow's ;�.Iootblu% Syrup laos has said that the Dominion (1,16vern. Xing V-dward has suggested tO the � KiplinV, As 4 Proach9r. .0-00 011.....- ... ".....6.1 �.... 4-.."W". I 1. . I .... __ i-6.1- I
ment would not. object to the,nptab- now British Ambassador th I-Irance, Sir I UudYar4 X11pling once acted as a � I I I 11 *�. . I � I
been ltsed�by Inillions of mothers for OF' CHILD IMMIGRANTS 11431iment of trainili4,, faims In (lanada, jrranoldhortle, 4 radical Change in the preacher. Tho quartermaotor of the
their obildrcn wbile teething. It dis- giid this haz (cucouraged Mr. Cooke. ma � nner of entertaining which has hith- ElImpress lincr. on which he was A pas. .#.",#:
turibed by,alght ,41id brolce.n of your . ' He has:'aluo Interviewed several repre- QrtQ prevailed atithe I,Imbasuy.' senger, died, leaving a widow an4-A 1ho Difference Between &pert and
xotit by a sick child suffering and 4CHMMA TO BRING, ORPHAN CHIL* sentative guardians, and has not met in Lord Duffertn's and Sir VMmund I large family. The following evening I I
crying witli pain of cutting, tvcth.wnd OREN TO CANADA. ,with tiny serious discouragements, .at- Uougotil.s time, whenever a distinguish- there appeared on the notice board half- � ; Unskilful Tea B II e n. d in g, f
A, some guardians - , � .
%t Once And- get thou9b, at the outsL ed person, on a visit to Paris was "X I
. . I a bottle of "Airs. I way down the "ontorlailiment. Program" .
Wilslow's Soothing Syrup" for child- . I Protested against their best boys being ca informally to dinner at the Umbas- . this brief Intimation: 4 P, m.-$-.rmon -
Work Alrogi;ly Ponel As a Ch4rity 13y, draft0d out of the country. It might sy, it w4f37 � ,a rule -to Invite members of by,% lityman." Thesaloon. , HE qualities of different teas prove that th ' I
was crowded , . , ere is a
I �
ren teething. It will,refieve the Itoor bt,, well for some member of :Varll%, the fashionable set of French nobility i with curious folk at the o.Lppointed time, ' Tdistinct difference between expert Ited Rose blend.
little .stillerer jwiiiedla�teiy. Dopond Or. 13*rnardo--C. Kinloch Cooko Do- ment to draw the attention.ot . : . -
� the Gov. to meet the Ungligh .guest, and. this to ..and Mr, KIpling, from the front of An �
upon A,' mothers, there is no mistOW Revlon 1-110 Would Welcoma Governo. crament to Mr. Cooke's Scheme, and the exclusion of the governing Una no ' ing methods and the usual inctliods.
I have it discussed In tl�e House, publIcan elements, who wtre nevej Improvis9d platform, # proceeded to . - I
abo4t It.. It cures Diarrhoea, regu- ment Anterprinto Jim Thin Matter- - . , . asked to .any PrIvaie functions, i preach a, begging sormon of sonic 119- Several kinds of teas ma"111, b blended, but if unsldl- I .
fates the Stomach and Bowels, cures , . . teen minuteie length. The r�sult was
Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces I Question of' Training the Children. .1 I � It Is the King's desire that all this ' gratifying. From , a congregation, lium� fully selected. -they will not combine to mike 4 perfect �,
. , I shall be changed. His Majesty knows. ' ._-r�
laflanini.ation. and gives tone and en- For this. Life Undair Now Conditions, Woman At Her Worslt� beiing less than 900 the tium of over blend; they will retain, their original'indivilitial character.
. I . that the French. nobility do not rrepre- 1340 was iralsod� � .
Mrs. In the ourretn number of the 35impire In every sense the most objectionable sent the public In F rance, and that, - . . . : * - eir roughness and harshness emphasizcd�
ergy to tile whole system. 11 Fstics with th
Winslow's Soothing. Syrup" for child- nevIeW Mr. * 0. Waloch Cooke, pro- dress ever worn by , Briglish women moreover, many of them � like Count I . ___.�-#�.*
� -
ren teeth'11jr 'Sr Plea'Sant'tIO the taste P6 , do, a sch .a ,emigration was that of the -early 1601s, writes Hat, Boni as Castellane--are anti-OrItish. - , . _� � -r I r I . � Such tea is bitter, poorly flavo �i
un , orne for th . . I . .red in the cup.(and . J -
and is the prescription of one of the of orphan .and' a,bandoxied 'child , ren to ry Furniss in .The Gentlewoman. 111, Ile has therefore decreed that for the " -, ' I I I I 1, .. � I . I , form on the ' J .
oldest a . al W iliat d0V any lady to appear. refined In the future the Ambassador to. to make It - ' ". 1 � . . � . . therc is much. of it in bulk and package ;
, Ud best fernale'physicians; and Canada, Mr. Cooke's PrQPQ9 fitims of that period. I 0 : We like best to call . fnarket),. Jt emphasizes t
, t was a rule to Invite official persons to thea I he result of inexperience, lack of �
atcs, , just old enoujill to look at them in prIv . . !
nurses in VIC Ulliteid st , Price, the aim of the Canadian Gover4me 17 .ate functions. V -
25 cents a bottI6. Sold, by all drug- should bei'to especially encourage em - picture books, and gaze In my per,- . . . SCOTT'S EMULSION I knowledge of combining qualities of different teas, imper'
gTation from the British, Isles, a1idgive L Distinguished British Visitors# that Is . . I . I
re . lish- 4mbulator at the com of . I ct blending, poor r I
. alw%ya a preference, to the V,nK . mon objects to say, those distIngiiished persons. who i A food because it stands so em- I .
gists throughout the. world. 130 $11 . fe I $,election, and the IkVndreid. and one ,
and asIc for "ANIrs. Winslow's Sooth- speaRln$r nisttler who Is a British , sub- fashion with Itifftn4fler astonishment. move In society and are favored with , phatically. for perfect nutrition.
� . I . : .
ll " . � an' The hair stuck'out At the back of the Invitations. to Iimbp,�slos when -they I . other Causes of.poor tea. I
. I
in Syrup. _11 . ject beTore, he lands in C aft, one '
.9 . . � -made citizen head, an a chignon or bun (really re� come abroad, know little or nothinic ,t� . matter of restor- � .
. . . . who Is, in fact, a ready � , , ?�nd yet in the But my expert Red.RoSe blenders'SeleCt tile right
. . . . I Find assimilated at. once into the native sembling a lood), surmounted by a little official France -of the men who gov- Ing appetite, , of giving new . grades of strong, rich Indian teas and delicate frag-rant .
- I . . . I �, L I population. Were this system of a bu- black turban, with a feather stuck In em the country -and it Is His Majes. , strength to the tissues, especially . .
. . I I I It; tight-41tting purple jacket Strapped ty's desire that they shouWdo iiii, : to. the'nerv6s, its actiop .is that ,teas, and produce Red Rose Tea With entirely
. man preferiinco adopted lie says. we . i Ceylon . I
I 1'. t_ should, be spared the dangers which at- . and. crossed wth black or .red braid; I I., -4-.;- . ; of a inedicine. . ..." . � . . -a tea with that " rich -fruit
NO CHLOOtOFORM REMARKS� tend the Inroad of some of the worst panniers of grey color�bright yellow, �,-_ .0roalt'Country, Canada. . SC . I . new characteristics y R06i " �
say -on which were worked startling That Canada Is a fine, country lit . ..4nd for free sample'. tea soexqu ' .
. . elements of European city populations. & ROW.NE,, Chemists, . -a - . isitely diffetent. aind better than any brand,
. . . �
. I . Dr. Barnarclo'� Work, patterns In red braid; short full SkK which to spend a vacat-lort'ie. shown by Toronto, I Ontario. ' . . . "I I
-say of red�wlth wide upright, Stripes . SQc.;uld$tiop;&II4rcg%hto, , I r. ,. 'df on -that no on; ;;h; once tries it ever goes .
Pr. Color an firm Ground ii� Hii Mot* A the fact that department heads of 4he . .Ceylon !L
. 1r, Cooke's acheme deals only with � r .
. . . . real Ad r dress. . one. phase , of - this queiAlpn, It may of -purple brald'. 4 red parasol, yellow Beef Trust are erijoying much-newled � r r r back to - C i .
I I r _. . � . � gloves and violet -boots completed a rest In the Doinin 94,�-Buffalo Courier . , . r I I Jr. eylon. again. I
Dr. Osler, who is soon to enter upon therefore bo outilrned. At the outset tuind that our . I . .., � _. . . . . . I . . . I . . .� I . . . � r . . I . .
e - regiusr professorship _0462%,A--- - . . I . .
. I It naust riot be supposed that the; au- cos oldest gentlewoman,. T'A I . . . � 11 I . I .
the duhes of th still alive, once wore!11-PAIl Uall Ga. -��Z"_*. I
. . � . thor claims originality for. his plans, I ,r
of medicine at OxfOrdi'aixived in Motit, . . � zette. . I . . . I .. . .
real on the 14th April from Baltirriore, AII are aware that Dr. Barnardo has . . . � - � _r . I _________ I �, ___1--- . '' . 1 . . . _________ . � � - ,.,q� "I ., . . ,
. 1. . , . . , I
. . . - . I
and after declining to be. interviewed been carrying out a system of child . � ... .. I
y the newspaper men a tile emigration I for matiy years. Indeed . Janet's Good Reason. '. . � . I .. . . .
. . . I
b , ddressed . 11 I � . I .. .. I � I
body of the medical students at McGill yeoterda�rls paper announced that frona A Scolph dlvine,�'wbo w * as a bachelor, . 1W I ' .,A 0 ' - , '. I ia;,d . 10 S e_�
University, luixched at tha St. the Barnardo home would come more and whose.manse -,vas in the keeping I � .
Club with a number of well -know James' . je, rof an Did housekeeper'caliqd Jalieti'was � 1, . . . .. . � ,
n local . constantly annoyed by the fact that � . 0 P
physicians, and In n deliver, But Dr, Barnowdo's rtilos;on has been: .. . _. 'm ,
. children thI6 ye4i? than: ever befo Weste.i . - air . Clio
ed a speeish a:t the rxiedical faculty din- carried on as a charity, not as a Gov- , the good dame always fell fast asleep , . . I , I.S. V�o od' Tea. . - .
. � ernrn t. enterprise. lie. will - be I as soon . as lie euterQd the pulpit, where- � .11 Ir"T R, , . 1. . . .
nqr ati the Windsor Hotel. . : .en , one . . X"1011TW4 THAV MADE f.%LL , . . .
of the first, Mr.- Cooke thinks, 4;t.o. wel- as - slib - kept wide, awake Whenever 'a . "Pol"k-TOPAIr FA141. PQ�ULAN
. .
Dr. A. Cummings, presi&irit of the . I . . � . I . . � . I - . . T. . H. EstabrooRs
come a scherne which Nvill relieve him- strangei was, the -preacher. One day � � , I . St. John, N.B., Toronto, VVinnipeg .
I , , , (
. ` r
Medical. Association, presided, and .611 and -all private Institutions ot'the bur- he summoned. his courage -to the Stick- '. i. V . 1� --- . . When Governor sitacoe fallf ill* foundattoi of : . -1k,". ..> a, .
.the platform were ,Principal '3�1f.terson - ;;; 1 ,. � .Q 14ou4on, Ontario, one hula , . P , '. .
. . den now thrust upon them by the Ing point,- and tackled the old lady -on , J .. .... I F dred years ago he knew It . . 4A%6A=aV=3n�-WAAM==:P . I I
* . .
and a score of.physiclaus. The address. I . 11 Vanet," said he, 1'ye.ke,n . would grow to be a great city, bu.t had no thought of the , I . . . .. I . . , * .
-.-.as,. as Pr1nolpql Petersoxi obs rVe.d. . State.". I .� . the �rubject, I . / . , I
. 0 . . . .1 �� wheii I proach_,Youlre almost*always- western VAir, .. ' , I . . . . __.__-..___ .__-.....__* . . _-,.,,.---. .ff7-.--------_._w�
' I
. I
marked by humor,'professional. knowl. Orphan, ,and- Deserted C.hildren. - fast, asleep before, I've :Wetl given out I . The western Pair Slyes the people: � of thi . 0 country , . . . . . � .1 1, I � . - ..., . . . I . � . I . . - .. I-,-- - I—— � - ... I .
* dge and wealth of IIL�rary 'allusion., *The scilieme concerns .itself. solely, ,my text, but when any of these young, . an excellent opportunity foi a. pleasant outing 'at a , I . � B' " , ,
sweepingr from' St,o Cllrysostoln to wifli*ehildrea who, for on ,men from St Andrew's preach for me," I ealtiftnun of cost, stud attlie pat . to thus deveto"s their I I L , S `lI Zk '
. . .
.G,�orge Eliot. Wit. and -fore were bril- � another become a, charge on the: State. I'see you never sleep a wink. Xpw, . . staia of practical and useful kuo;i�leftq, , I . 7P.A,UTY T31 APT%e
. I I . . I .. . - - % "M
. I . but (loss, tot Include. Inmates of re� t a I 0 Xts educational featuits be" Alway's hoon earifully I . .. . I .1 J I V31
liamly blended, . . . a � . I . ha.'s what I call not using, me � 2 y, u i 4 ^70.1k J6 - � . , I
Apart from the general mass.of his -formiLtdries or penal institutions., These . should'do!' ' . .. � � . fbateried by the Tilrectiori, This year "weral leappriatst .. .. I I
L' L I L L . . . . -
the Co Slot . b, � . I Cuts Of 41114ROUCtivill VAIUTV IIAYS 1091141 added, L . . . . I . I . � . . . . . . � I
remarks, Dr. Osler advig-43 .5tuderits children n . of many thousands "Hoot, sfr,'� was the rWy,,L "Is that I . Improvem I L - IL MINNESOTA LAKE PARK,RE' ' .
' 0 .S., . S�So .. . I L
to study two thlngs�boolc.� and men, who arb cornmittea-by magistrate. to .9"'I'll soon� tell ye the re n of th 't., .. . . Tile colobimed gist u1jula,14 Restingist Und will gift " . 1, L " L . I 1. I GION - 1. � .1
I . . a L 1. .L . : . LAKE MACDONALD, No L .. I..
Porhaps the famous - theoriSt. I spoke industrial schools.,to save -them from. When you preach, we a' ken t4§ w6rd" . three concerts daily dUrjngL the AkItibilloo, � Th4t sut"Jg. �� . XTANA - -
from experience wNlft he'.'said,--i'To no; injuripus',surroundinds, . and orphans . Went departusent wilt b6 better than ever, and Will include . ;.... L I � . . I . LAKE, C , . I .
of God Is safe in-�'our hands. but when' , . . � . . . . , . H]�LAN`t WASHINGTON -1 . I
. .
. .
man is it given to .know the truth, the and children relieved withoui.. their t , has y6ung Ibirkle.'s tale it In hand- . leaPing 144 94P In mid air 033 il Aleans sutontalillo. : .'. I L. �, L . . . . I 1319AUTIFUL PUGET SOUND L '. . . 1i
I .
I I A . I . I I I - . I
whole truth and nothing birt the truth. parents. ."I feel sure," says the writ- me certio! but it Ws us at to. look after . . I . .. . . I . . � _- .. . .
er, .."-that, properly trained -and given tllein:,,-dl � ORMAY69,14 .
� BVt what is the student but a lover, I . I rafl.thr, . VNIT9 Wo 4, 0916A. PAX0101IN't'. sit' . I ' - . - - L R JiRrviLEGis . �
-Truth -�Is n ' . . as!;ow t, vening Post, - ! ' I .. . . . I . . . AV= YOURSELF OF. STOPOVE .
courting a 1161cle Inistress, ew surroundings, - these . CQdren, It . - .- L . . . . . I . . � . 4 .A. .14941,1111'. 624""Altv - . . . ... . . I . WHMB -ON YOUR WAY TO THE, - . ..
the best you can.get with yoVr be.9t,en- -carefully s�lected,. would mand I ussful . . . Seconcl*.Hancl Weddings 1. , .. . . . .. .. . I . . 11 I I . . . . � . . I . I . �. . .. . . . . ., .. 1. . . . L, . .. . . . I ...r . I . .
. L . 1. . . ... . , . . . . , ' * o
L . . . . .. . .L . ' ' . e rk .1 . �
- nge . . . . . . . I ' . ' %*is & C14 ' Xposit1011 I I
deavor. 'Thus you will eain to bekon- colonists. L - The,. work, howeveri would Ali I nious-albeit I somewhat. - pa- .. �� . . . . � . . N .- - � L . I L . L I
- It -will have. .: wried with' 1� . . . . jq4q 1. .41, . . . . P . I . . � .. . I VIA THE , . . . I
tent. If you retain your modesty t6, be undertaiien bir a depart � . thetic-�-lnethod of gettizig mf LONDO . THE
. . I
enable you to avoid that terrible nien- - m.ent of State Ill this country, acting out PaYnTent of..tbe 6 t , , "'fees: Is, �' . . , . , . 11 , I : L . . . I I . . I
. .
tal blindness where .you cannot rec . og, . with similar departmentaL .us omat .. , , . A P'. . I ' . . �.
.in the CdI, I I V � .. .. � 7.�. .. , .�.. - I 11 . I . . . .1
. 'perhaps, In . ., . I LLL ,4 ,
ore extensively practiced L 1 . I - 0 I . . � . .
iii7e truth If it. starc s you Ili tbe'faQe-_ Lontes, each- lieh.ring'a share of the cost , . '7: I �111 -- 0 .. .1 I- - Gro at 16VA orthern Railway. . .
; I . . than 'is. generally .supposed, and the .. .j /� :�,,- ".. V ,,,- ,,. SO &'= 16 905' .. . .,.. I L ' . I .
the condition that faced 11arvc-ywhen Ili accord . .L. Pt . . ,. . .. I .. . I � .
ance with: ,a , plan .. drawn - up wa,y .6f.its Contrivance, Is thta:-When L . . .,�� 1. . , . - - , I , I . . . "THE.-COMFORTAtLE. WAV" : - . .
L . � �.
1. ,. .1 . .
he discovered the eiro.ulatiort of the -Specially ,eon- I . . . �, V I . . ,.- . . 1. . I ., - , . . VWX004orDetailledInformation. Addrdss Any, Representathri,9f &a . �.
I . Il3� an ' Impeiial council arriage is.beIng performed, I . . . '.. I I . I
. a regular in I ; L.. � ?:M I . . . �, I .
; blood, *and dared not publish it abroad ven6d, for. the purpose, and submitted - . . ,'' . .. . 1� .. . . . I . . I . . . . 0 ,. .: I L.. . . .. I Great liorthern, Aallw# I . .. �. I . I I .
. � L the couple, or Couples, who a a*,- N, , . I . I � I � I
ritiflo, . Lr�ati_ I �kil.thd 7 A�,�_ ____ � I 'L'. ' " L L L . � I . I I I I
for twelve years because the Iscie to, the differpnt 14egislatures f0r.'L selves of 'the. 6pportunity, for a,'fllee I .1 I - I - - -_ .. . . I _�11 1� � . . . .
: . . . I. . I �. .. � � . . I . .. � I 1-1 - '-7'--- . L.- 7�., . I I . 11 .
i I 4ders could not conceive that greit, , fleatio.n." ' 116 � believes, 'howeveri. that . nut;tlal Cerbinony sukromitiously lini. . L . . .. . . 1. � L'. .�, . . . � ��.. 1. 1. . I .1 I __ .. .
. �
I I ruth. L . . ... . I � -such t I 6- achelne Is .too va t itd . be zot - I .. I. I . ' 1, .., I . . . � 11 .1 . .. . .
� I ' . P . tate.the aqtipiisand Whisperingly ,re- I 'LMMW!�-. ' ie'DressCutfingCOloirte - . . I . . �. . I . . .
: . . SLaiide' I "I ,
Tile speakell"epitonilzed his advloo,to* under way in axiy: reasonable t1iiid, ;and, peat L the iwponses.and . vows of the pair �' 1��k` .I 1. I . 11 ,. . . . . . . ,
I - . 1. . I � ,..' inv"ted in 1899,jini�kqvoc* In 1665. - -. L L .. ...". , I I . .. r� , , � I . I � - .. I . _L ....*
I ' ' 11 .t .1 , I 1. , ]['HAVE,1r(tPioV64 My. Dresa Cutting' Course Ao it ealft be t . , , '�
young medical man is,'follow9:r�-."There so desires* to haVo, say.. 2,000. chl.Win before the' altar; ,and whe he rites, . ! �t- - ,, ,, ,,:: 11
. . t at - . . . �:. I I (11 ( Nil � : . ,
i * - , . 19, *I : I I .'� . ,* I
. .14: -ok 14the'orphafi kfid deserted ,clasb". .. i 1. �, �... . -lotions , , , � - 11 11
are three things the practitioner need 'if . . tI1 I I - . hGine,=UL"tterttuLnLby pbroonal lamstructions, . call bo . . . .- . , I � - 5- . . I . . I .
I . I e therns6ly-es - gut in. am-% to 10.%eelM ebarge no 'more tb making of a ;;a '' __ , , , - 0 , , ,:, . I I
. are concluded they bellev..' 'i �, ,g
I ��, , . Ad) I .. .1 u L. '(! - I I I . I � 7 11 - . . 1
-60 nntn,hoak i -lit � 1;1;1;;! 1xill . - emig.Lated as an .ex�eriineni. Is . I I . 11 %, . � L
, - I _to_� d .Na -ss.. jTobepaldab C"ll'Oriustallmont Plan. lie ouaDerfect I - . :�, .. ,. . � � I . .. . :� i � . I
L _ __ .---- - ----.--- . 1� . .
- I . .
- .-
__ In. -dusting. : The ao e- 66 . is L __ T Re-maj - f t ti e yh_a._i I � b � e- 04 1- - -6 _X_P -1-n-e-d --- by'- . - sons Ill[ Mons, I _w oltim- natruct-, &A-wu.. .. _
94 - - legitima eir %vedded . .o ky
1 filaI bia� - n. MIL -Oft Vr0VeA___SUCC`sSPL1L1r11 TERM- or Uivr �'Itenlo A� . I
I necessary to heep'llve obsLirv�Ltlons. on- of exporting- tens of thousands bf chil 1: as. . rpsslyjo I �. inve tor oex rience � nece =_Wl ! - -I=,., 't I I
Ire L anyone tbi Can roVe that thlij , .
I L . . I � , , the officlatInx clergy'nian.- Of Course,. - � �.". :1 ho 8. ar t-, .! . . -
-, :d .1 r_ ,� lc o ell ' f �
all cases,'serlous , obscure,, and mistak reri a, year might L be put ,Into' ope �� . I \. I b . .
- " . ain. � ati6n., i :., . �, - .. . , . ihb registering wid othe� ....... . I .. - ov Oil o t cou 6 In .. u o...41p.,or b;t-a,11 ,: .. V I . I I . � .
. . . �
, en diagnosis. . With regard- to -:br' . ,!�., - � . . ; , I 1` Qj , I 1, . I : 1 ,or It, t ed lg�. . I - .e,b '. . . I
. I . pre binb Araz n6t .. ,in at . � ; . . 1. I . ,
- . . � so del tho I . - I 161 L .
. . . ,
dusting I advise merciless self-Sr,volity I. What Ck'nada.* 91hou Id 06. - ,:', leasily. bVerconao, but. 'apparently -they' � .. IV%, . � L'5,.,, , MI(S.. : 0, ,I . i .
I L 1 . . 1. . . I H&L ,�i,,
and broad chaylty"6) o'diers, but 6spec' L -Under this � -nenf . .. .V. AND : %* , MW8. oil' .I a . I . . �
. . arrangel .each ,Colon- 0 not- regarded � obstacles.-:-1,14-d's . ... � ove r: ' '�' , write to -day fqr P,#%iculan. ' , STRXTFORD,� ., Ilux 15R : ,. . .
, tally always that you .play the -garne . ar a's L . .. , , . .,
I lal Government would provide one or L Week] , , . I . I . . . .. : I - - I I . . 11 I 11 .. . ., .. . . I � . L. L I . � . , I . _ I . I I � L
L of L . Y. ... I L . .. v"- ii�mm4e--A.&,us�tuA,-;i4��,t=aaozm,:�,�,.,�,%= ! . . I . . . I I I I . � . L ., � . L. .
ambition everY Young more agrIcultuiul ,.hoinei � 'or farms . . I I.;- I I . � . __ . � . . � - __��4 . . . I . . . � '. . I
I . .
' ' . I ,� _... . L . I . . . .1 I . 1. ��4.� . . . I . 1. " _�=---=_�-'.:txwv=w.r�r%�=� . _��!��-. 2 , � -
! doctor should be to .hive threa,well� - where, the Children, `%vould be edia-dat6d7 ' -- - ' -- "Twikt. Jest -and'-'Ear-neft. 7�- 1 7 .., -1 -1 - - - �� . - . I.. . � .. . . . .1 . . .1 .. - '� _ __ _. - - -, . ..-..-., _ . _. -_ . .. I .. . : .
. , . . .1 . . I . . ' . . . I � . L , I I I . . I . . I
: I I . -_ . - - . . . L
I -stocked charnblSrs--t-a library, a lab0a- - � I I . .. . .. i .... v .
. , I 'brought Up and trained under. arect'. � . . . . . ; I . , . I _ "I .- -I- -1
.t I .. .11, The first anniversary of ,the L"eum" . . 1. . . i . . .,.,. ,. I . L " I _. �E=10 .1 - .. . . . . . . . I
1 tory. and a nursery, . You 'maz� . po - . .1 1. ; . � , L . . . . . I . I . I I ... . , � .. I a , . 1. . . . - . .
. . . . L 4
Gove.. . I . I .. . I . I I I . . ,. I . .. . I .
L rnment',sup6rvision, for work: Irr. : Cl�b, ,a W.Gman's org ' ziftiph of Lon- 'L...:. LL . . I . . . . . . � . . . I .. I . . . 1'.. L
' .
achieve the first at one 0,111 . . . � � . �. . . . I I . . . . . . ,.. .. . I . I I . . L I . . ... .
I e, but -you.:cen the Colony.� 'It' would alEfo ',undertake, doh, was, held the other day; - The: 6c- - #-%,-%�-%,,%. , , , . . . ... I . . . .. � .. I.. , , . . - . : ," � I .L . L I '.. . . . �.� I .,�. �
.. . . . I . . . , 4. -Vw-w -%,.-%� -%.,.� -%,Vih� .0 . I - .-
. �
i start at least, and, if necessary; foi, the � to place-'thp children- In"uitable situa;- pluded , . : : , -_ " ' ' . . . � I . - '_�
. . _'q1`vqIi"# .
. ... . I . . .. L I I . . j . . . . % .. $..' ' L L
, �
Ito the future." � I . 1. . . . n of the children Wtil each reached:. maio *Speakers being W. B� Yeats, the . . . . . 5. * I , L , ' . I . :. L I . I
. . .W � . I.
11 - " I . rg6 Irish 'poet,,who: vialtied this'countity L C . , $ ... . . I . ' ' '
I I . . ""!^4b � I I ' ' � $ . . . ' . ' I
1 sake of the first two, leave'.the * ' . sex' was admitted Ift g6nerous L I . . I �.. L' 1G.
xiur�eiY tions * - An aidequate 'im9tem: Of,ins,Pec- numbers .to the program, -one of. the - - - -
. ,�� . .
. . tio
- .. . ' �
._!�= ====..1_. . .the age of-eighteen.is'another'clis, I . '. . . . � I .
. .1 . . , I
I . V , th', C L . . 4a . � . A%TA . � . I .
Etymology of a Slang Word. - . a . olon fal Government .would be.ex- . go. - My , Yeat-9 expr"scd . . I , � . ..,. -.A . R EAT - . . . I.....
. . I . � I I . I I L.
11 t L ' . I L . to RSSUrn.oi L'r '.Board . . � . I I . L. . . I . . 0 JU L, ._$'. ' : . .. I .
The reason why a -d-' ecti, L "dell local� , . , I , I I � . - . I .1 ,� . . . .
I 0 ,�6 pollec_ poc�ed .. .., .1 L. . aL his complete sympathy with the objects � . % L L .. . . : I . . 1. I .1 1 1. I L "O -1 . .L .. . . 1.
mail Is Cslb�d 9L 1'spIJ'6!1 in'tond(in . 1v . of; Guardians` desiring - to .'-establish . I 2 . . I L 2 1 .
, L L L
i 9,,j hi_ child In .A , be. of 4licli w6man's clubs as the Lycouni, .. ..: .., $ I . , I L 1. � . . .. ... 1_1 ..I. .
tlio&e who have ,6ocosl6lij to aV - Col6niaf home .would - . " � , I . .. I .� ' �T' , ", - I � , �L
for, they aimed at abolh�filng an InSLi, . L�t $L'
. 1, ' �' hand -over ille chlld',ai the ythitIL' . ,: - . L . . . . . I , �.. . . . I � 1. . .. i . .
- llg4 1 obliged - . I L I . I . . 0 . . . .1 L . .. �� . � .. I �_
is because Ili the. course of his dut 11( age of ten, if Possible, stri'd 'also toal- . tution -which .did more than:an 9 . . . . . . . L . L
Pitts" (or breiaks up) crinillial. ,u(ill- : ' else'to.degrade British art,,British 'lit- L I +-%,,W-%,.%�-%,�%.-%,,% 0 '.%,%� L' ' I ' .
! I I , lalL�. I . L ' I I . . _# 1% _.W 'I � 1. ''
,e4rns. . ,.� . low each Colon . d6vornixiient -to so- . . �Ak,�'�''% L' ' .
*111 , nee4 L . . _ . . L
. . � I eraturo .a:nd British inuitc: � . � . . . . . . . .. . . . .
! �. to I . $ I . . . I .t O.. I. . .. . . . . . I .
I . .. -4 . I . . T'RI.A.L ..FFER:' "'.. . � L,
___ __ ,� � . I . lect � the -children and to � pay for. their hardly add," Continued', r. Yeats, Pchat . 1. L . I.. . I I . . I . I I . . . _ � .. I I . . I : . . I ". I I .., . - . ,l . 1. - � I . ..
___ ---- - -.-_ - ----.---. . _. .mAinteiiiince as f6liow's.1-m-A. suid. - of I allude to -the -home," . For a stc6iid . . I .L . I L. . .. . . .. . I ., I I '.. 1 , . .. . I , ...
. 1. I . I .. . 1. . . . � . .
� I . , . I I I . .
. �
7;rr,77�t' "N;N-&
F I k - I ]I
"- I
. 11 I
L L . ,. - . .. I.. .1 . . I I * . . . I
. . L I - - -otherwise'.equal to ,� . I . . , .. m: . I . . . . � .. .
� I money annually or . .. .� '.. . I - .1 . .:, . ... � s -
. . L, . . the Br4tIgh mati�ons.gasped. Then. they. - .. . � .. . 1. . I . . . . . .
. .- . ". , � I the'sum. Paid f6i. billinging up the chil, , ' the'j' I �. . . I " I . . . I I . . . I I ; . . . . 1 I
. . "I I . . . ; . �. I , A a A ! ai _00 ---- ^N!~W&0#%AA , . - - - . %awl -al 04 - ! alom� . .., .�e . . . . . . --- I .. .
I � .saw olfe. I ... -, . .. . _. - -0! 0-0-0007VA . - owl a i a 0 01 a a ii .. .
v I . . : W00"s - - - - - - - - - - . .
P -C Of . 111*0 - 1�ert An England,. the amount not. to'ex- * . . ; � , I I . L I . " * �� r . � ., , 1. . � . . .1 . . � � . . I . . 1, ,. I I . I . . . . . . I p . . .. ,7 1 . . .:.. . . .. I . . . I
1 -11 orwminfl- J-� 3_,..' - 'Coed in. any ,&se the expenditure for ' : ,. - I . ... . . : . . . ..... .. � . . ., .1 1. '.., . 11 . .. . ,; . . � I I
. , , _. , . . . . I . . L. . .. . . . L I � . . I . . .� I. d I . , . ..
L . . . � '. . . -� .- - . . . L . . . . . . I . .. , . 1. L
. I . - It' pays'.to, ladvertfse in :.The. - I e ;i- - - ,. - , , - ... . L I I . . � . . . .. : . I . . . . I., . .. .. . I. .. . . . I
I . . . I �. V� .111. . I 1. ,L I . 14,:Q� . I . . . I I , . IL, , ' L. L ': r .. . ., . L . . L . I
-,also- Agre I . � . . . I . I .. I . . I � .. I I ... . 1. .1 I . . . I . . . . . .
four* 'years.. ,dri. ' ed surn to. co .1 L I - I L ' ' I .. . _.
, . J. - Rqeordl'l:` , ., -.,!:*:.:'� , .L . 1. I . . . ... .1 L� I . ' . L . .1. . 11 .. . . .
A. �' et the Cost' 6f Inspecting *6 :chIR on .1 , I I . , . 4., � � I �,.:. LIN , - . , 11 ..� 1. . .. . t , , L , - - .. L'': .: I � .., , . 1, .. . '. .. . : . I
, I 'I. �: 1. 1. L . .. . . . . . . . . I .11 I—. * .
I I I � I '.. . ... � I . . -bib: s t 1. ., . I I. , � �:: 'L :._ : , I
*1 " - ro. , -111' YeAr's talt reacfied� tlie':aire of eigliflien. . . .The, , :ewsR.600rd-, will.. , , I., .. .:: �: : �, � .
LINN, I . I . I I . I . I - . . , 1. - on . I I . . I
I I . .� t L 11 L A : - - - . .I I .,. �...- . I ,� . 1-1i . . .. . I .. 11. , I .. I . .. I . . 1L.
I � I . , . 1 I . I One of the Chief. drawbacks: to the. : . I , : . 1. L . . ': . I . . . . � I . . , .L . . � . I .. ! .. . .; � . I ,, .. . . . I . . . ..� �: : , .. - ... . � : 'L ... . . .L I .. I
. : . I . .
Would w4lk fheflodir ln.;q�ony
. -Doctors could ndt-661'3
: him. * , . * I . '. - . .
� . r . I
Mit. J. Rnnnnn, 103 Faller �ir., Torontn,
writes: "For fourteen year,41 muffered the
torment of the damned from i whhig.pil",. Day
after day I could uot sit down long oninigh to
eab I rn Is, =1314 walk t1io flooe in
Aug . I was . by doctors for, years,
I . .
I , . and tried all gorts of ro.
I . nedioa without'succeas
I ., ,Vaaadvised to to
I . I . Dr. Chase's Ointment.
. . "llitaitedtobatbetbo
� . , parts in hot water night.
I � *1- . - , .
. r lk and inoirnin � 'slid would
I . . then apply 1%.6 ointment.
. To my surprise one, box
.. completely cured ale. Ili
- . _� - . rkiy e8timitibn tills il 6�
, I . .wondtirhil ointinent"Arld
. I would � re6ommend all
. . 6-afteferi � from piles to
. MR. itzz�ol% use it.,., .. I I .
If you know what ib means to suffer frolu
piles you will -not wonder at Mr. Ittlosor's en-
thusiasm in praising Dr. Chase'o Olutn�len4
which did so much for hfin. . � . '
The record of Dr. Chase's oinhinent, so A,
cure for piles has never beett paralleled in thd
historyofinedlejue. 00ote.a.box,ats.11deAl.
era, or Minaasont Bates & Co,# -Toronto. -
. .
I .
. . .
I I .
I . . r I
, I .. ;
I ____ . . . . . , -
nommill I !1 I I IC11.1".
- , 1 �
. , . , , r , .
. ,
i I I -
. .
I I �
I .. . .
. ". Irr
"Correct -Erig-fish,
I I .
. AV_-rA..1,r +rl vile,-,# .*+ 5y
. . present ,system -of emigrating Poor
-Law children' to - Canada," says Mr.
, Cooke,. �"lls that tlYek get no spe&aIr
training for the."-s.vork- they will :be
. calted on W.46 PLIMost..On'thefr arrival
In, the Colony. , So 10� c ' hild - oinigra-
tion has only. been carried - dn' with
. r
Canada, . and all that . the .Dominion
G6vernl�ieni . insists i1pon is that prior
, . I . .
to'. eirilgration r t0L' Canada the. Poor
LkW Child. Shall h 'ave -iec6ived instruc-
tion forat lesst six iriolitos under the
Board of rGuardians, .'or 'fix, a Public
elenientary school; and �ill that Dr�
Barnardo Insists upon Is that - Poor
Lavi. children ' Passing � through his
. agency shall reside for a period vary-
. Ing from' thrbe to six months: in one. of
� his � English .home prior -*.to 'emigraile
tion., rHo . .
,gives three. reaAon'ri6k -this'
detention -for r which, *.of' course, he re-.
calves, theiAlsual -Payment* from . the.
guardlans-but no one of them has any
reference to' tha! questioh - of -training,
Again, 'as nearly all the orphan. and
deserted ohildreiv are boarded out by
the Governnient, It .is � clear r I that no . I
r ' '
attempt on -their- part Is made to ope-
61ally train the -children for life In I
Canada." . . . r
. ' ,
. . I .. A Subjetit For: the G6VernMerit , I
At Is nbf.neCessary,to prove that's
thild. trained to live under conditions I
. which exist In' Canada. Will have 0, -tar
. blitter chance of success In life 'and be
of muelf. more, value I to this country
thg�i the chll& who has been Un Ir train_
ad. Mr.. Cooke notes this, and also
,, seems to guarantee Success for . his
scheme by stating that, from Canada I
. 0 last, Year ,there We no wor than � I . I ----oC;7 -7----- , . -- - -j= -- -- - -, -_ . - - - -, -_ - - - &_ - .
. I - . _W.�.. , .rr.:,,.,._."_,_,,..._.,,.,..,,.,,. I I . . �1_ . . . . r
� � . . I ; .. .. ..... __% � ._-_' � _.r__._..r-- __ I * . . . . . I .
. r
A MONTHLY MAGAZINP-, DVVOT- __ . --monamom I � I I . r . . . . I . - aawr .. A 9 . . . 116 . I � . . 0 I. . I � I is . . I 0 - , . 0 I I 4 . ,�� \ r
.. I . . mmmml . this ,offln. ,
, I
� , , .1.... .. .� I .. � . .., 1, I � r . .
ri,D TO ME 'USE do ul�NGLISM , a A a B - F, a . . r . . . . 11
. . . . .
. . .4 & Cl VA 0 . . 1. I . . ., . I �
J osephine TUrCK -J:SaKer� ILMIO]!,
I - .
Partial Cont6fit$ For This blontli.
L . .
Course of English for the'lBeginner,
Course in Vnglish for the advaticed
pupil. . I
I .
The'Art of ConvorsaMon.. -
How to Iner'cage One's Vocabulary.
Should and Would. .11OW to VS6 1 11cm.
Pronunciations (Century t)ICUonary).
Corteet n, nglish in the Homo,
0orredt 164gll8h in. the School.
What to Sty, und What Not i -o ,Sayi
COurse lit Lettor-Writing and ,Vwnet-
ultion. . . 1. I
'AlohgLbetia Itst of Abbtevidtions.
18usiness HInglish for the llusfneii.,i, Alan
Compound Words ,� I How to - Write
Them, I I I
.Studies in E-Inglish Literature.
$t . Satid 0 toott I
a yeap 'p4wstimom coby.
otraot onglialli'll nVatistout Ill,
i :
I �Vuttljt) I UN L UtIVItIl I
. .
� I
. L
.. p
Sol � d 11poot -From Tho. Minufaeturer lo The Consumer
.1 - '
' .
. Don't be Misled by:statemonts of ag nt§ handling oeuienL L
. i�il
I paying ,large Commission. Go yourself and see Queenstoll
4alls,and floors built in your bwn locality, Out barrel coil-
. I tains a;s many cuble Inches its any other cement, :and its
, L. `10(jlnC,nt - is gatigod by measuro, not by weight, yohr cevient
I Will F L its f, ,01.. 111forniatt'jon. r
'O ar. Wri,e 'US 4 1, ght, r,
- el %t,CS
and esitfnla4s cheerfulfy gl,vefi. 70c per, barrel, ' ,stribtly -
qash, f. 0.4).. ear.�r,' (�uep,nstoll.,�glo J11,with koup neighbor
. !
and ,get .benefit of - carload rato.94. 1, I
I L' '
I S A A 0- U S H t` R
0 1
. L I
. .
I .
. I
. A
� .
__ -, - fthk�"
I "