HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-10, Page 4I ,
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I"" 0 . 11 ____ ____ I _.___ __ _. iC,'"ton Now*-RocoW , I � . August .loth l"s,
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Clinton News,-Reord , vm�i M * Gailerleb, TawAau'p. Byth. Aging W0114CA0 M ,-,?-,C*'*"""4*"W,o-.#-oe,e-,teo.---.,to**� ,:.s. -.00-P.--,,-;--.-,..,,,,, !� I
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CLINTON, ONT. We Are baviug A loug strip of Ajitg; Patrick Of Ilderton is (on A Umsrs- Joseph ,And Aiftrd Walker * ALTH AND STR1,4WITH, t I
. grauolithic Walk put down on north visit to ter sister, Mrs. H. Thomp- of Chicago are visiting their father, m GAIN I ft -1. " W, . I
- son. � I THROU011 DR, WILLIAMS! PINK ,.,r. ____ ----I--- -.,-
sWo of main street, with Contract tt McKINNON A 0`0,t IS L VFTH '7'* M
M Mr. Jabez Walker, a low days. m� I X
. I PILL . ? � I I ; ____ - 4 I
>131iseViption-Wpor year in or Faster as foreman and 1VAaYQ11KVyP The 1OW118111P Council met on Mour Pur Are canilkany was out on Man- . ;;�� � �e
Terms of m r 8 S P.1 M $I q 0 iim-'s 4 0�i � i;v--- 0" -m _-"—r-0V-",9;—jj- Y
I — �?
advance $1.50 way. be,cliarged if es as Overseer. There is no .doubt al day but there was little busin%nis to day evening ,filling up s,auio of the M -
not ,so paid� No paper 4iscQutinued .4 first -008 job beiOgdon , . eSt St4rtillr, X ,. , , � l. ,, AIXA# 46 -
0 transact. A low accounts were pala water t,wiis which were getting pret- Bloodl-esslies" Is,,the stir ' .�, GREAT — ,&UGU8f4qPR __ 8 IF Y,
, I
until All Arrears are: paid, unless at Dr. - J. MvAshm, late of Belgrave, and tile rate was struck at five mills; ty low. . point of consumption'. When your T I - L 01 14 T, I
I 11 blood is thirt-aild weak and watery .? Augost, Is considered one of the dullest nlonth$ in the year, but it is ?; I �
,i the opinion at the publisher. ThItt and Mr. R d. MeAtIft of Naulto,ba are this covers the ordinary expenditure A garden party Is to be hold under your whole 4ealth declines. Yovir T never dull with. 1119, and to, , make this the butilebt Aukost In out, bi6tp W 10Z.
. -
. ry, e
date ,to which every subscription is at Present visiting; at the old hQuic- And the special seliclol rate., The 4.0* tile auspicts, of the Upworth League .'�. have decidell to 91YO Our custbmers such bargains aw were never give, Y
Ad on the Babylon Line. Payer has no great cause for -a Lick of the Alethadist church on the Par.: f4ce grown PAID, Your JIPS au(I V11113 : fore In Huron coot, ty. Be M - , 10
paid is denoted on t1ii label. I ste, , I m 10 I be
. -�** an Idea what you may 0 w we VOW A fOw T)rlccs which will five yon T
I Rev. T. Davidson and son Mex. at, this rate, The county rate will 4,?.,, sonage grounds on the evening or white, your Appetite fails, and your . eco when You Vlelt,out MIL9111noth Ostabl I baleut.
Ad iing rates - Transient adver- Itave returned from their visit to -tho a Ils. heart jumps and-fiqtters: at the least X White Fancy stripe,, "?, I
. vertir , bout two and 4 halt mi the loth inst. � I 'I- Umuslins, f6golar price 7q, sale price $10. -10 .
which .S � r X �m uslins Ill fancy WdVen Ind terpi, worth loc, for 00, *Y �
.ae -at our pitizen5 Intend. tal;jvg, eXciteMent. You have frequent At- A Inked Obwobt, .
tisoments, ,10 'cents, per nonp4ricl ,'ioa ,and Mr. Davidson has rpsume(f Rust has got into the oats m 1. white
, and 3 -cents . tacks of headache ax -A dizziness pald ,-.!. I aye In pink and blue; worth MI, tittle price Oic. T -
per line for each suiI m , his pastoral work. I In! seine places will be a total f.,Lil- lit the excursion to Detroit otr. Sat- -sometimes fainting spell' I m Led lea' Leather Belt,o lublack, and, COIO , Wo
I s. You & ra ,re W, sale
.sequent insert- Lost, ,Arayed or stolen. Did any- ure. On the 2nd inA 4th concessions, u are. . t , grico loc. Y - 0
, � , rday. LIidiesl Silk i3eltain black, white brown� green,.&c., wol.t Wofor2r)o, !j, .
Ion. svil ,g I always weak- and wretched. and lo v _' ed,Knicli; Villa, _ .
, all Advertisement not to one �sw " Hungry Joe" or it 1,14cls", mA ,Ob4 Denholin leaves o4 Fridayj . s *$ ". Boys Two . orso I - 00e, sale price 1301c, * I I
. ,UY fields will The cut which w.ill no# , Air. J I 7
exceed ono,ineh, such, As - 1% cow ? - I I rib ra h heart in everything. These are thi. --- Ludies'Obreets in 411 the beat m4tkest,l -2p,c, ar)c, 50ci, 75c,and, $1. . V I :
"S . Cg , -he seed .Lt
. ost,"I PAY for t - Ili other places the with another A
I " ote, $11- Mr.-. D. .MoNaugbt�dii grOur.d . sign, posts of colistilliption, ar.d you �e I Ladleal Tape Gil-dies,it, t)rowptone an 46 -
. I _ I 1. , -_
trayetl,"- or IStolont Ills arbwer has beer� used ,And the oatq for Vie West. . dD.&A;,M1tkea'*re,60cno*Z1c .!�
sorted Once for 86 cents and 6a,ch first grist of new barley on the 4th . tire -so poor they would not pay -for 'On Thursday ' our baseball team, I'lay easily $lip Into ka hoPeless de` **f ' N461111 Embroidery 4 inches wide, r� War loc, sale price 44c, - . t .
.. subsequent IngerC cline -?- Men's Silk Ties in knots And fouil-inT Y
, . , I ion 16 cents. last, Dan. is getting ready.,for a big ,*,threshing .0, will be, used for feed. drove over to' Teeswater to if you do notbuild -up your T new goods, worth 25c, e4W price ls�.. � . and in light and dark colors, all, -y
. . . _ . s play . . -_
.1. run this fall. . . I . blood With Dr., Williams' Pink Pills. T Men's Silk Bowli in AJI colors, worth 20c, sale prio - ?,
Comniquicatibus, intended, for pub ica- But -Wany'flelds which rip-oned early Cargill's crack tetlm,' but were deice- They, actually make , new . I V # .
, -guarantee ot'good -StAnIcY connPil met on Monda ' . ,, strong ,e5o, ..
tion. must � y at And ,before the rust got in its work ted. The boys expect to do better #? " Men's White Unlaum4i led Shirts, A 9004 snap at 25C. �
. ,,,. As a � I . T - - - - . ,
faith, be A&compa � one - a clock p. in, with all !he 111091�- the yield will be good. At tdme of nett. t! e. I . rich, red blood, which brings ba6k #j, ?
sent. After reading And ad-' wilti , , ' ,V %J %_`P � I.. . ? �
of the writer. I I � g, TuesdA�y, the grain is. Jailing Mr. Will, Shano, an old time resi- ..r. 20 llis ae'dpatb's 6'rantllwmtet Sugar for ',,00—' 23 14s E ........ IsiliII11111111111 IIII 11s... oil,
Aled by the name bers pre . in �your rosy shocks, your hearty appe- __ ; S '
. , . rS1 #
-!. Oanned Tomatoo.. Aylmer goods, very special Sic —0anned Corn, DOW, *I
� tite, your strength, cnergy and gellery i . Irow- hi,ilgal- f.,
. : opting the minutes Of the - fast. ft � 0,83 A. fo
. - 'nevious deater, -but now ,of Montreal, � was '!. And Ayliner goods, per can Sic-03anifed Peas, tb
I � , al ,good health. H�,re is strong proof _J
W. J. XITQHIF,LL,' Meeting business Was resumed. WrA. Willialli Downing ai14 family of visiting, friends. this week. , , . - - a befit Aylmer goods, +1
' '
. I . I Considerable time was spent in dis . Winnipeg are spe I I I . I from Mrs, Samuel Bellie, wife of A. X W cau 4c--19elected 11alsins, great'val . . _J_ I
Editor, Ana , , t . � . � lie at per I b 04c, &c. . or .
Proprietor, . ' liding a. few weeks Sacrament - wo English, well lin morchant. And oolitraotbr 1* * , I - .
, - hold in the
. I .
. . 1_- � I _ . cussiag. the good qu4itics of the (Ira- with' her uncle, Mr. V. W. Williams, church on Sunday mornin , . .Own �--S,r tftgh0st* PtIce Paid for Butter nd Eggs. ,"_ I T .
. . . . . . . . g. at.Shmt Harbor, X..S. . 'Mrs, Behie *. * - .. . 11 I
Nr, Quite a, au.mber of our qitizens we. . i -I , - � �
ins just finished and t1w ehicient Later On they Will he joined by T , in
. manoor lik Which the says ., "Some years ago. I beea -1 11 - . . .,- oil .:
Bayriold, . . oon'tractor, Air. Dowiling. * � . � . , � , me so ' , .. I 7 --- I � _111.- . ' -I I �
�, nt 4owu to, London to see the 'old run down .t., � I "" . , . # ,
�A. Guile, did his work, after whicli In this township 044 pt. .and , distressiTigly weak . ;
. .
'boys demonstration this. week, thAt life seemed .,n'ot worth living, I , I I
rsous are eal X .
(intended � for last issue,) the following * resolution was passed - tit -led to vote at Mt-nicipal and Par- XiNs Selina Bell went. to LoridoiA & MbKINNON & 00,Vy .- BLYTH .1
Misses Qrxc� and Maud TorralicQ "That this ooun . . oix had a bad, cough, was tired out at *$ . .� � . . . - .. .
. I cil-desires to Fut liamentary, . 0100ti011s, 148 'At .Municl- on Monday to attend tl�e wholesale cas� e ertiona . 0-4 -.*-'.'�--*.-4--*.-,-'�*- .;,O...to..*...*...*4.,00..*�-'.%�.,--,*ee.-O.--.W.-*.-*.w.-o..,o.,.i,"* . :
of Clinton vare spendlug ,theit vacat4 record their behrtlest �Pprovajl o( lh�, Pat clections, only, And 50 in Parlia- ,millinery openings'. - .. - �� the 'I .x ,nd Nvas unable 'to .5 , . , . . I .. I
� 1% - � . .- � �. �
ion with .their grAttelfath.er, Mr, James %,,cry efficient Inanner in which Mr. men�al-y eleetions, 450 Are eligible Miss Aille Emigh has returned froull ,best .,of mod � . I ! � �
. . do even I lit housework. �
Macdonald. B. :August Guile, contractor, ecimpleted as jurors . � .� .. . . lea! . aid .and 11AMWilaub, . .. I I � __M�Wmwmft :
, . Goderich where she has been spentle NI ft '%oNiI,-1%mL%k.0M 4W.. A.,;_;W."0m,,&V.,.W�,,0_r ,0�"pr�,O@!�A_w I :
' . t -N�- ", .
. %._%_%,- - -
Aless.rs. Arthur Cann, William isT (lie Siank�y Big. Drain. and the. Logan Oil ThilrsdaY last Miss Daisie" Cur_* 14P , ; a few days with friendsi . but did not get any benoll and grew. ' ' *AVI.Q.06>011649,10 WSP: .�,�w;c.v.;-.,�o,�.,4c.v.v.qc.;�,,-;�,.v.;,-,.v- , - . .
. . Picnic to allout fifty - of . Mr, Thomas Sloan of Redwood co- so se . -s I . I . . .. 11 I .. . . .. . . .
I ay . all concerned irrespective ivh,tte -a, brother of . Reov bod,' and.� - my -friends , * I . . . I . ..
Sund in the village. ver of her , friends at Jewett's grove, Anj� unty, Minnesot confined to- .. ,.
, u 4ml . 0. thought I was in w d'oline, r . . .
Miss Inez Miller of:Clinton is Visit- tbo coulliensation. d e 11 . . . ong 1hose present , , e .. My biolu t e P e' rf e ict 1. .
. of Exeter front a &Istance Sloan of Blyt,ll,, and who left Hurou . "'A� . I I OW,
sett, Earl Hardy SPOnt Drain And the great. s,%tisfactioli a I 'rie gave a . . riously ill'illat. I wa at last 11
. . . .
ing her uncle, Mr. James Donaldson'. The amount Asked for by the-.couu- were : Mr. A. Ril eough grew -worse and I disp4ired of �T; . � . I - . �. .
Mrs. , . ssell of Kansas City( county thirty �,ears ago, has been � . .� I . . . I . . I
Rathwell and daughter Mi§s CY is ovet $1000 more than ia& , getting. better,, My ,husband. 'then * * I � I I . I . ,� . I . . . . .
� � t ye- 0,. Russell Of Blyth,' Mr., and Mrs,T, visiting old friends ir.� this and ad- . . . . � . ,
Addle Hathwell of Seatortill Mrs', ar, which will rqluire 4 rate i)( .14-5 - Ramsay of Detroit, Mm. and . brought -me'Dr. Williams'- Pink. Pills, , I . � . ,. ll��111 . � . . I . I .
. I I . . . � . : .
AY� mills on ,Ab6 -dollar. The' ttwinship Batt'sof Toron,to, Mr. and M s, Fred. I weeks. Mr, Sloan wilst Ye y soon bogaz t . I I . . � I . �
Bingley and family, Miss Rachel"J", MISS' i6laing couitties for ,the. past 'two and to - mi -joy the 0 .
,_ . . . .
]or, Miss M. Rathw(31.1 of Detroit and ri�te is abou� 'Vie �aut-, being only Morgan and family , of G r ry f0rtun� h 1p me. Gradt,ally tl�y. streiagth r,c4 11 . W . . . .
* , oderioh,'Mrs, ate a few.years ago,. . A now rail- e , I I I .. . .
. Mrs. (Dr.) Diamond of Protein, Mls- �),.mills -on tWi, dall Last year it Eagimon turned, my appetite Tinpro.ved, . and ' * . . ,. I � .0 . . . .11 . .
ar. 11 , and children of the ,'30o, toad, passed directly through his. pro- ' . . I �. . .. .. . .
F�jurj, have rented a cottage Ironl,Xr, ivas 21, but riving to tile lacroliI6 of .Miss Ii,'tbel . Widden. and her friend per�y, the statii I on -being I-ocated there. tile 001191, I.Of t ilie, and day .by (lay I � I . .1 I . . t, � - I � . � .. . . N . . . .
T. J. Marks for th . . . . grew, better u1lt;I I was -again 4 well . . 1: . . I . .. . f . I
. ssment there is. 'very little chan- 'from. tile- Ist coileession, and others on, from- which has tf. .. . 111. , ... . . . .�. . , . - I - I ..., - . . .. . . . . I . . . . I
. . . . � . .1
� ..
', . . . . �
- . .t,. lid. flourishing ' village. , . .1 11 . .
Miss Tena Ross of Buftalo is visit- Lre I . . . . . .1 : . making a large gathcri4-, .Aj . five tip a large a wonian. . I have 'since had perfect .. . . I I . . .
lit- her Parents, .Xr', and Mrs. '14. After -discussing the cement tileand O'clock a IO1YelY 1111110110on was Aerved health, and wlicnT'compare��uly'cc.n_ : � Themalzers 'o f "I Qu[een Quality'? Shoes.have an' " '� I . ....
, - . . . I I ,,. Mr. SlOafillas recently been -out Ili the diti6n . . 0 A ' I . I
hoss. . . . . culverts, to be put in ,be coillicil Attor spending a plea 1. 11 -OW with W state.'I was, *lit airn fn vi . - .
- , sajit. afternoo , 'lladian, , provinces . —TO EXCE L��Ahb&iogh constant, en * ' . . ,
Mr. and Mrs, George Benson, Zas- -�jj eet n )iew, 'Ca � aild, has When I , began tiLking, Dr. * Williams' . . . .ew - . . . ..
ourned ,And : in ls�' Al ltdf.y in and e-Ye-ning* the. .company. ,%vended its s hat locality. i Pink Pills; no one . . .. deavor to make .Queen Quality better, 'has kept it . . . .
, , 0
ter Challener and Miss Ucebia B64- ,,� at one P. M. -J.., Z, I'larnwell, Way ho ,need* wonder that . . . . . . .
, I . . . . OWA4 �atisflfd that it. was - Mr. James Y.ors3r,th, 'brother of Mrs. I- am euthusiastic in praising tAls . " - .
. 11 -
. . the mor.t. enjoyable g- L . . . I . . I -
son of London are the'guests of. Mr. CePt ' : . I .. -lie or ill n Henderson and Miss Margaret I w I BEST,, they. -are Still strivin� to make it BETTER I
. � lori O
. ' ..�. .. . . atheringp ,I,oh I .. ,.. 11 ' . I I . - �, , � .
. . .. 11 . .
and Tdrs. F. A. Edwards. .. The tillsiem Of S. S. -No. 7, ,S-taii' ,they blid ever attended. � ' Forsyth of D yth, haa.been *appointed medicine." - I I i, , . . . .
� . , I . . .than,B.EST,' The oal they look forward td s . .
Sheriff Reynolds and. wife of -Goaer-A lley,p fOl ,highly elated by.the sk.cc�ss Mr, Nixpn Sturdy ,has sold. his big chi( ,f, clerk . Cases of , tllis I kil(d.olin-only be .. I . I . .g� � . �. I .. . � ....
I . . . . .. �. . I., . . . . . I . ". I . . I . I".. I � � ..
1IRS -wi ne)v I I . . .
I. cured, by filling the Vie* .. ..
ich spent Tteesday in the villa)gie. of. . f -heir teacher, .:Miss. A . Vonsi . tt .chesnut'ilr4o�er f6r W;h-i of the finance department , t1i ., , , . . .
ell he rectivoi of the Dominion Govfirnilient'at- Oti- � � . ' I I . . I ' ' ' � . .1
I I . . rich blood ,*, * and every dose � of . Dr, . Ab lu tcti n. - - ..-.-, - .
Mr. Chesswright and .. dilughter,Miss %vll() -headed a class of. �8 Ali the $165. Jronl Mr. R. 1�amb of Dublin. , P so, �te .. Perf 01" . . I
. aWa� . Ills salary. will be 42400 ;, I.. . . .. . , 1. ... I . . . . .. I � . .
Ilope Chesswright,' of Walkerton are ,11acdonald Institute - Guelph. - .Coll-' The - ehesnut 'was ' Per William,-) Pink - Pills ' make rich' . . N - , W . . . . I � '. � .
I -
visiting friends in the White �Clty. - .� . grratul-ations .to Mis )'Con tt a go,od.dziyei ,*And anlium.- For several yeags - Past Mr. litalth-restoring ' lilo6d, which ,goes _ . �. . . h . sec redSole A 1. 'C n " an . .1 �
s $1 ai; weft, the -'goni-al township cleric rttlier re- Forsyth has b�en a valued - ser-vantL g4 . . o,ency for- ii ton, d - � - , . I. I
. . . . I'll U Z:� I . I. 14 I. . . I _: ,
Miss Maggie Vans -tone ()I Detroit is as thip .trugtees-of the 'School in luctantly partill " th, It. ri t to the. root -of the discatie. That ill N iv'ill b�. �1�a - , . . li. . . �
. . . . - . 0. . - sed to show.you them. , � . . . I .. . : . . .. - ..
. . . . Wi of the Ontario Goverunient at Toron is why these - pills curcover IN , ' ' . I . I � . .
� . . . I
home on a visit. - '* s-cebring her valuable' ,services , *a$ ' Mr., Howard , MIller' 'ouk to. and w y_`dAy 'a"' ' I - W� - I -I6 cl�aring.duf sevi6ral lines at ' -reatly * re I ' . . .
Mr. Harvey Greer'of Qrpund F or1q, teacher. - � '.. I I one-ol, -here. his great ability, -.� -has meats like -anaemia, heart troubles,,. ' 6% ., a. . 9 1*4 1
. . . township boys, -who has been atten& long been ;recognized. H,6 will . i . * , Y. A . .. � . - .
I North Dakota is vlsitinv� -friends in The Official enter indigestl6n, -nervousubss, headaches " . duced.'Price's, to make r`boin� f9r. queen Qual't , ou . . I .
I . � Board of . Varlia Oir- in .-Coilege at th6'So6, UPoix -his - new ,Autics -At �Oinqe, Ills . . . . . . . . I y. U Pg. .. .. � .
, e Methodist 'church, h sec.ured, his diploma, And' . . 'neur ' §h . Id se.d. them..' )(6u S ' , .
. '
the village this week. .. vilit; met'in th ,4.� the Business . '.is -now salary' in.,Torohto w4s $ , 1.400, . and backaches, -algia, . Xfdaey - . ou . . ave'money p*ery.. time yo . !� .. : I � .1
I � troublex, rheumatism erysipelas, and .. 11 I . � . . .. � .. .: , . . .
Mr. Maitla%d, Mr.' Rankin an(I Mrs. Varnot,,' to trar-sact the business r of a meinber of the, U�ablling I . � - - bu our' footwear at ' .: . .. . . , . -
I. . , ,
I .
. . The appoin,troeilts were all commercial .0.0partment of tha,t , ,I '. WatcritoWo, . I . � . . . . . 11 . - !. : .1. I. . .
Haystead of Detroit arriv . ed. AS, .the Rie- term.' I . .staff in the Mri Win.- McCrOtght has gone to the special. �aiifments f womankood' . � Y. Y . ., I . .. I
, I I . 0 .
. .
. .s� , - ll;w , . . .1 .
. . South Dakota, where he and girlho-od., AII these tr,oubliis are ; I I A - � I. I ;
Maitland CottAge in the Whitd. City' represented end everything passed off itution. We are' all P16 d to -he . . I . i� h. I . . 1. I . . I . .11
. . � . � . I .
. .
. I I ase ar will 'take A'spee!41 course .of treat� -ro6ted .in' the blood; wit' Dr, . . I . .
this Week. Q . I - : I qt1letly: and. Very harmoniously. -, it 4nd wish .him continued 'sue ' . . . .1 . � . . . I . . T H E O.L.D.- R E A 13: L E '-'� ' * - - � I .
. , i . . c,,ss - - nieut -in a, sanitarium, .- I NVi ' I- - ' .. ' ' I I . � . .... I . I . . . I . I . L I ' � , . -at. - . , � . I ... ,- ., �,
1. . I I � . . iainsk Pink Pit -Is is the only m' ; I . . . . �': .
-of L.dndi�n, , Is . S6111c 'of . the picnickers off, Parr . .� . . . . . . edicine .. - . .. .'. '.- I I . . .. . . ..
Mr. Eric Johnston I . I I I � _ I
I .Mr'. James Leach left . oni, Satu d . , I . I �. a- !
, N
. -
visiting the Chapman family. in. th-6 . nd . may t , ''. .---�,�� .: � � �. I . I �� r 9'7 that a6tually. make new.Vood.. .Com- ��� . . .1. I' .. 1, . -� � 11 . ..... ; . ... I . ... I- . �. '. . - __. 1R. ., . '.1, . I - I
I . . I I . .1 I ,.. . .. . : � . . I . 11 . . . . I . . .
. I .Line with their frid p' now, erro . I -'to fippud two. woclks ..with . friends .at in n nicaicine cannot do. this so you � . �. .
-ty. I . . . . . - . - .. 11 . 10 . � .� I .1 . . � .
White Ci thems'el.ves ' Baptitils, 'being.jillmersed �.*: - . SUM erf,jill- - * . ., ,' Lond6n S't Thoma' and Tilsolibu* I . , I . . . . I I I I
. M . . I " s . . � ' - ' ' IV. .
.. 1. .. .. . . . . arrett .will IiAvt cha�ge Inc. pil . , , A . * .* , I
I , . . . . , . . .
nimercial, Capt. McDarmid,, ('apt. M " , ' � ' . . . .1 - .. - L � . i .., .
.The following are g�ests:i . I ; r'g. sbould- insist upon getting t I ii" I
9 . -he tug at ' � A V- ,�,O -. !`& SON. . .
. t tIlQ 00- - ander - a'. mighty Wave of the deep. Wh I - .Mr.. Robqrt B ' I he genti- 7 ,
, on t Several, of,- 06r" Is. with tie full name', " Di" . �::_ si T � ,1 . I
cl: 'le onigy1h '4 free trip - havic , W111i I I I .. �. . .1 ... �., . . . . , I R .. 11 . . .� I ., : , ',* -�,:�,
- . . , , - . I r . P, , ... . . - . ". I .. . I I I 1. % . , , - : i , 1-1
- I arm '. �ur of Mi... aill,'Robeetson's. bakery_' Villianitil Pink -Pills. fo . . I
. . I - � . , . .1
Engineer r aigie, essrs., �,Bayfleld', ifter,which th,�rc'wasqqlte 'cha4�.d a L,, ..of ,the' darnag I- , _� 1. � 11 .11 . .
Donald E A.:C - , , ,.'M � . I al.4 Pear
. . .
. , q . 13r I . I . . ,.IIiI*.0W6AIV6..W1 "�N.-1N1.-1%,-V_*.,.q_%,!N,.*. .%.� , . .. . : . " - I
- . ad, ' i uriag his Abson o � . . � -1 1Z4&1SF;1S0*- ------,!07-00--,0--.W � zk n� . - ` � . . . I
- J� il�,�, Joe. -IM-wards-'-willialn- � . . b - , ple", on., t .w.rapper. aroun�d.... every. . . I � . 4b" . . I
- ii�h; . I : . . . ., M�
.. -� --c:G1A,0St`as- --to- Wlio-�lwulct--.(I-tLy.--N�1,6,a-t��i�p�ni-�-t-lie-�6leva,toi!-�t�or-. feedina -M.rs-bl6fil,tgoni-,ry-a,ndLMit�--Ftlossio. .he ,. I Jop wr 4�01��o . .
X , V. Z�
___11TWreT9Mr1__(1TXsT_ It I � 1� � . �. . .40'. � I
, .
k,'-i-gnr,--A.iA,h;ul--&I�&-4wK-ew4Tes-��feA-,-wWulTffi-- ' * . ::�i � - - — b6x%-U�,', Wil -seT.dd1Toct-toF-the . . . , _. . � , .., , � . . .. . .
. -J2mTPT)STS7— � . - ..- ,--- -::;:: -7— T-11-M-STel =11,11111; 1:111:::; :::J, . _ : _ .
- � ... . � I . . 1. !1:111I Al�-i- 144ALU W - . . a .. -, _ - .. . .. .. .. -1. I
,�, . :: X in . d i e - 7 _. - - _
I I . 1.
Burney Drid'iwater and -.Denny, Lfnxx 1-�rs iv,eKe running footraces to, .excitc.' Master 01ar'elloe and Miss I Ruby C,Iint.6n,, and Miss Flossie Aleiklider- Dr. William ' S., Me ic n. COL. I;' . --Q--7- - . . ___��.�' . I . . . .. .
, I , � . I ' ' . � . I. � .
� I I .,i��.& ##+ , . . . . . .
' ` I . " *** ****# *+*** ,"#44 .
. . I .
of the dredge Arnoldi,.andjug Huroh, ; .� �. �e I . doubt- * I Ville, Ont., and the * pill's will be sent ... "I ... m ; : " ..
. . . 1. .M . . ffieir �7blocd. into action *,IA6 Kilty of.: Granfollt arrivod� J,ast: - week of Berv4e were Nyisltks�. at the� : h ' #* I Ir
, . . '.: - -
' �
- Mr. and Krs* Dunlop, Tzvi$to6c,� rs, . Ipss bad Leived quite a sh clx_' :`,� - for'a . OMO wby mail' at, 50 oents,-,a, box or s ix , .- - ` . . . I . . , I . . , I" P. t . � 0 .11, , I I.,
I . . � .. . 1 , * , . .. .1 . .. I � . .. . :, � . '� .
. . . � ey a ., . I . , ,
' 0 ii1011th�s visiV afilong -relatives., of Mi"'o,nil Mrs� Ja�mcs! Bent! : .I 8 , 2"5 : � .. P
Davidson, Misses Ina and JcAu Dalvid� - , � - . . '' .I. . . �,.. . .: .. I .t� a . J.: B.4*HO : - :` - -- .- ' " '
. . . . I I . here. 2 ' , ' . I. I I . . boxID : for � $ 0. , . .
: .. I . . . � .. I . I I ..... . I , , .4 :, , . I OVER. - - ' : NELSO N BALI. ... I �
son, Stratto,ild, -Miss McNab and friend- .. . -.'. - -, � . I I � .- ., �. I . ' I 1, week.. . . ; ' . 1� � � � , , , ! . . � .:, ..�. .� , . I � �� -7 1 . . - : . .1 . . ... I � . .. n, . . .
, I . . '. .
. .11 . . � . I I .. .. . . I. I I . '. I I �
1. -To 'UP, . . time 'the right , -: ' . .� , ,. I �
I . . .. '.. ': .I . .1 . Mr. .and Mrs., Jos., Procti6 , to-A116'present" ' . . . I " . . :�, . .
, � .. . r of I .I- � . ... . - . . . � . . . .�l . . . . 1. � � , , I I . 1, . I ,. _
- . I . . - - � . . .. . I.. . I I . . . . : . . I ,. . :. . I . . ': .. " .. .. I . . . .
of Seaforth, Miss ConA�Ily, Clinton I '- uc'efiildl , � mesvilic sp6tit " , Th rough' Blyth ha A- ,the , . � I . . 1 ..
I . ' .. . ,Br , I ursday* la, .. way th s 60 � . I ;,
. . I
. Guests at the River i -I I . : . . . . 1 . I .it at Mr. or . I I . . . .
otel, Mr. and - . . � . � . . . . .. .. , . . . I I .. . . �. I I I 111. - . . I . . I I .. .
. .1 �. . . . .� J, 'I,oweiy�s. . .., . I. .C.*P,.R_ $8470-andthe end is not ydt. � . . .: .: St. ifelent. -. , � .. � 1-1 I . I , . .
Mrs. James Moore. And ' H all ' ' 'Mr. a' . , , . . . . ,, I . . , ! I � . I .
son, .Wnsia , d ,-Mrs, Aobt. Lamont.' spent � ,- - t - , , '.� � ,. I " . . . I . . . . . -MM J. ==in : - - . " " - , I- I .._.___. ...
. .11 . - . . The village' gave the railway a.bollits I 1 . . . I_ . T H 11 , .1 -
Mr. Huron Essex, Detroit. .. '. . . I . . I . , . � I . I .. � � . �. .. .,.., :, I I . . .. . .
i i "
;' 81,Aturday.wlth friends in and around . �, — . . . . . . Miss M. -0ari i's visiting her grand- . . . . . ., I . I . .. _ . I .. . �. I � . . " , . I I
. . . . � . . . ... I .� . . . ,.. � . I . . of' $3000. . . . . . . � . ... . .., . .1 1:-. . .,: 1. ., I . . . 1. . � . I -:-
Mrs. Mudie of London is* sp-qndipg, a Va'rna,'.' - . , - . . � . parents Mr.andArs-'James, Ram- I. . . .. .. . . . . . . � . I �.. I .�_;_�,
. I . z. . I I . � . I . I . I ,I . . . . . . . . . � I I I. I ,
. I . . I
' sl age.. * , . . * . I I � . , .11 I I - .
. ' I I . - for Blyth�w� . . I .. I . . , . . . I . . I
- short while in the villaige.. - � , ' 1. , '. 110ithesVill,e. . The .voters' list as fir . . . . .
. . - . I � . * 0 , ,
. .
, . Mrs, j,.,5nider sperit Monday with,. . I I I ! . . . , I . � I I , 0 � - I ,
* . I � I . . . � � . . � . . . . , � .. . I posted up last Friday. and , contains I 0 1
Mrs'. IA. Drehmann and fa,mily ILIt 'Wr's. Wm. Forre-qt, �. . . . .. M6st 0. the farmers around here Ila;- . - . r a .. - I ,, : 4 . -- �
I . . ReV4. F, Swan,. wild'hnd faniily are t6c, narnes-of 326, Voters, divided as I . . . � . . - . . . 1 . .
I . .
,on Friday ,for Hollyroodjo'.spezid � a �'Mfss Ethel., nold '.ipen ' t Sunday. on pending.. thi ' ws : . part. 1, 206 ; - part 2 I - 94' ve their *hcat and' barley -out ' -and . . . * .� .
few weelks with her parents. .. .'' .der the .parental. roof. .1. I I I .1. § s Week Ili Goderj6lf ' at- J.011110 I I. ,are .commencin ',.t . .,� ;..-. I .
� . . Jeh4ing - the summer .. . I .g,. beir - oats ;this * I I ". ,
� � I . . I
Miss Maggi � ' ... . sch6ol, - . I part,3, 26. There are 81 pergon ell- � . .. . . . - . . i
. . I I . w"k. :.. . 1 .. , - - - . - . I � � ..
199 - Maggie �' CA - a I Vhe�'pa th - ' - '' - gihie:to,terve as jurors.,_ . . . I I . ,. -in : I
-o Falconier: *h was spe- m� I . s a e n, , I : , q . �
. , .
, ..
A I - � - � -t .6 0 er, 11
0 .. _' t , -Cu t , .8 'r t h
mpbell, *spe; t, .. e� - roll . Ot . . . � . . .. I . I . - .
I , Uw . xty .-who took. I - I ,-� 1 - . "I .� '. I , . . 11 . . .. � . . . I ., . .1 . �.._ : .... L
. � . .� Mr. Ab- Bell, -'o W, ' I . .1. �, : I . , . , .. I
a weerc under the .batehtal . � __ I ingliam. ' *.%ifcd .' � . .. , : � , - .. . . ; . . f .
ndinig . . . roof .days .last �week the guest of ,Mr. ', S. Wire fe'lloe . from , W. - ,,�'tlin ley's * - *111 , , . . , . . .. . ,. * . "' ... . �. _ . ,. - I. I �, s . . .� . '. . . .... ... I I I � I .. - .
returned to her home at (1-oderich, Heid and fami .. . I �. . W:� :I*- 1 � * ' ' . .... 1. . .. I . I � .11 I � . � 7 � . .: I
. . Jyj Varna. ,- , , � confdr a:.'fivor -by letting, him�� k - ' .' . 1. . '. . � riond� around hire las-t Sunda - . . . I �. . I .1 I I
_. 0� . I � I - . 1. . I . .. y I I I . . . . I '.. I. I I . . I . I � �
. 1� � I a P. .. �. . . .1 . ... �. I . . '.. . . �� 1. .. 0 � ' � ' I � . -1 � , '.I ,. 1. *
,. . .
arrived in the ji-arbor last week I o . . . 1 ow't ft I Mr. Thos. Todd left for the North- .41 . . � .
. - Miss Maggief Reid :and Mrs. ,' M. Me- wlie-A they .ire r idy Ao put it up _ . I MeKil op T hi 4 . . .
The dredge Arnoldi -and tug Huron now - . : * , ,
- Thoy Naugbtbn speAt Tuesday. With M r s-. , offie C . . . I . , . . � ;
, I ,
. . .. I . I I . � .. 0 . . I ... 1, west limst'Tuesday. , . , , .. ..; . . . aye .- T * i - , � - &L b - � - : . . �' , ,.: i
I are now eng . . ourtlee, of. Chioago Dental -. - . , . . . . :- S .. s. � ime !OU : a or........ . .
.. .. - . The fall, 'wheat is' all out' but ivill � * I .� .. . 1. . :_ . � I - . . � I :, _ . I I . . I :
-agdd dredging the'five ' r-' Alex, Johnson,'. Balillockburli. College;,' is the. guest- of his patents� , - Mrs-. saikeld.. ,Of "G6derich is:vislt- I . . I . . � 1. I I . ; � . I
� I .
. I .. I I � , I . . I �. . 1. . � . .. . , I . I I . . . - . .
Miss W4nnie Reid, Gbderiellt, vd, . . I not be. -a , fir * ' r 1, . . . 1. I I . ;!,. 11 . . I .
i I
, ,
1, I
I ,
�11.,,',,,�p I I
� - .1
U �it
11 "
11 �,11?
IV,� I
,� N, W
� I
I �
� , ; " It
, ,
�1�1, *
_31�4� i�
` ii,
�111 �
0 h
0 -
0 N
. -
74--" I
P t
, !. . Sit8d 'Threshing is' ,the orde� of the. day .1' Mrs.. , 1-Iolm - roo-t as well as I�ej .. St-elliss 'sample, la 91-4 ihg her dau , . � . I . . . . 1. . 1%. ... I . .. - . .1 .. I . I
es is . glitors, Mrs, R. K.' Miller . , , , I . I , . - � � �, - . . ... ., 1. :�
. the . I ' I I . . .�._� .. .� . . : . I
friends in the -village. ii�e PlIst week; an'd it -quite 'Jamllia-r.t ' hear. I ' - ' ,ill W*' 11' ' . owing .;io the i -o' -he straw. .. I . . I . . . I :���` " -; -141 . .1 . . I
I . � , I � I in f I ndp wol is .1 . rust n t , ' and Mrs, W_E', �Gordbii, .. . I I . . I .., . .. .. . : :
I 0 . Any rie , I . . ' � . 11 . . I I . I. I . ..; . I . � ? . I . 11 I I . . . .
. .
� Mrs.- John GoVenlock of $eaforth, io *Iristlei and, hum, 61 the machine; . ., I The ' . Miss Allice 'Du-ndat, Who -got her -log. '. - .. ..., . . . .. . . .: . � ... . ., . �.. I � . I . . .. I . . . . , . . . . . I., . .
. . I person wlio lost ille red h6tse s�cv�Xoly .h . . : I . I . ... . ... � I I 1. . . . �
I . . ,. � .
the guest ,of.MI!s. R. B&j1oV,:- - t ". Mr. - S, M,Offatt of Load6n;ii; , in - .6 b :b . etw. 1olin . . . . urt about six. weeks ago, - . I --- �- �. - . . . . . . . � . . . .1 . . � . , ,� � .1 I .. . � . . ... . "... .. � .
I . I - I . I I I �
. . . � I O.., ... sh. . . .11,0. ... ...'.
I . . . � . . .q . I - blanIc oft., I es,vilW_ and . . . ... . .. 4 . I � I . . .1 .,:�.E ''.. .Lt. . I . 11 . . 1. . I : � . �..
. the *�,flliga -in .the inte-r6st of the `01intoli. will is now.,. going. around.,with 'the , . I . . . . .
Mr. Kenneth Moorphou.sea.ttll ..Mrs. - i : . ... r.eceiveln-fdrmation alilolit .. I . aid of Xf you- - fiee. itjn'�The Ne*s-Re6ard � . .. �.. I aVe , _� ��I. ., .
. ,
. � � 0 , a , . , M.rkir Co�,,...,' . �-: �, * . .,. � . it . . ' I . tches, ' It is too bad to - have this' It!s So., . I . . .11 . . I 1. . , . . .. . . . .
Grahain Moorehouse of -AgIn'tW: , ItIT, . 1. 1 . �by..Calling at Mr.'Stanl-6y'sirt . .. . � I . . .. I . . . ... . . .1 I I
. I I G ds of -pe9p : . , I �. � 09ti ablo,young-kdy ��pt in*the,J,Ou'- &: - . I . . . � � i . � . ; . :"1. %.. . , ... I., . 1. I. .1, .._� ,
the guests of thei form Is pa'reots Mr - - `� re. . I I . le p ais�s , .. -our 4. humbi6r of 1;he' n - Leagu cru I . . 4 , - . , :, a I � , , : � fl 0 . I . �
. 0 ,
er; ..) Lt loa � . rth, - . . I . — __= *4> - V� . � . Guido H .. � I ': I -
. * . , . P .6 � :: . , .. ... . . � . ..
. . . � 0 . . I . I 1. . . : .
I . . . .fAll 41 I ... -1 se So lono. : , ! , I . . . . . . I �� . . ry . I . I . I . . I 11
and Mrs. T, J. Al-jorehouse-.. . .
. . 1
. Mrs. John Eagle . PA -
son, (nee ary Tow-
ase On . lelt. way tto, Plcnw,, ,at
� ...
. palmyt. breegy '13401eld: � ': .
M �WlLuetr_.. Rie.sumnler school; at.
Go.derich on Tuesday, . . � I
' ' . I
I - Alf' . Irv! .An�. hi ist6r, Miss*
, * 119. s s
risholid) of Sault Sta. : AT I -,e,,Ie visd ied �
I I . .� '
' ' I .1 .
. Miss' ' WOrknian � oft the Parr Line
' . ...
I .
I Nis. Willson wa:s in drodelAch last,
. � I
. I
'WcOk- . ,.
Violet, been awa�,visitipg 'the
, �
family ol� Ift..Ro'bert ray. $ar-
friends in the village the past week. .
Mr. M(Ad
Stanley, spc4t, a few days last -I week
, .1 w 'th Mrs. T.' S . inips6n.
- . .
M '" , , — I 1. I �. ... I '1,�
r., John .Cantelon fil,as.-, stari;M his.
. . . . 1, . .. . . ... I e
epta. I I . ... : .
I ' .
Oharles Atkinsoit ot, wil
is the . . -
. gues,.t of his btothar,. Dr. At
. � . I �
. I . , . . �
. I I. — I t , "
. , Mr, Prime,.io.ur station agen I is
. '
threshiP9 machine., . � . . , . . , 1.
. . I . .. . . . .
. . I . � .1 I
. . Samuel Ma4herson' went...6111C. : .:a
.the Maitlaiid riyei. the* -other da And
I . .. �
kinson. ,. . . . .
entertalliffi& sibmc�.of his, elatives this
I ri
. �
. . � I
. � � I � I I � . I I .. .-
I . I .
returned .
'with a -,he . y .s . tring
av of fish.
. . I . . . .
Mrs. John Naegle f -)f, Adbitri u as
week. . � . . 1. . -
,.. . . � .. I I.. . . I I '.
,.. I .. I . I ; I .1. . . .
. . . .. .. , . � , �
- . . - �* �- ,� , I
� Cond6n, Road , �-:.
George Underwood has. been on a -
. . �
visiting her nio ther, � A-Tra,. Hicharlid
-, �. .
W- , . 1. . � .
. ,
. I � .1 . �
visit -to friends near Exeter. , ,
the past week. -�. . I . I . � .
I . .. ., A I I .
� . . . I . . . -
. I .. -, " . -
1. . I , I . . . .
.. Hullett.
� . Tov�*hio; *.: �
. I * . � ..
Mr. and' Mrs. Samuel 0-howeli and
famli, I .
y of Clarideb oye. were the guests
SbIonlon-BeIi. who',.was-�isiting-fri-
I I . .
s -T turned to, his home int
ends . ,here ha e 11
. . , .
I . . . I .
. 6W . n . ' � :
staftle 6 P... , ,
y T hi
. .. .. ,11
. " , � ,
On, W, . niornin -
. odnesday i . .& of : this week'
over Sun -day :of 'Thomas W Id . ron
Mr. a ' -
� Mi�ss -PhoebeJenilloon 'of London
StratforY.'.. 1-10, intends engaging . in
farming in the noir:ftititre.. I . I
. . :�� . . . I
Miss Mary Huck,5tep VeI1'AsIpcp,agQd
. i ...
years, :She 'was East
sPqtvding-: -a . mon(th's vacation undev
' *
Tho� I�oys find girls of Mr. Klobert1s:
, Mr. Beldie'Welshand tMaster Wilbur
Welsh and Mrli.'Johnstoo Si., of, ell-.
.74 a.liatlive"of
Kent, 'Engi6nd;.and� came. ' ' .
to - thi��.
the'Par&fitaf roof, :1 . . . . ''..
, 'hic, lil&,� of the thresher 18 again'
family have ,been gathering ir., .fifty
vOtinds of iaspberries daily for some
I I .
nton visited ;at the home.of'-flie, iiat.
country a- quarter of ago
and lias over %sifieeMade her, "*home'
. � I I �
becoming familiar. This. week ..will
timeback, !This shows what industry,
- .. .1. . . ,
ter's son, Mr. Ed. Johnston, thb
past week, I . . . .
' 1
with, her gigt�r,� M 4, Bricko.nden,
� . . rgl*,L �
� , .. �.
see most Of the. Oats cut- .
I . �. � . I , �
will accomplish. I... .. . �. I ..
I I � L I I � , . I .
1. . . .
. I �� . � .1, -
� � . - 1. ..
Mr. Rob. Watson; accompanied by.
She was a Wildly and ddVoted Chris-
- ' I
tian. ,woman and a rnember 'of. the
. . . . .
- - - , , I . . . �
- I -- - ' - ,
. . I . I I I . �
. I . I ' � -
. ... WINGEtAX" . .. .
, I
his sisters, Misses Ethel. and � SAdI&
of the Sauble Line' w6io' the g uests
Ontario 'k
st cot Methodist - church, Cli-
... , ,
� Cons Once. 11 ,
. .. I t . .
: 51r,* And 'Mrs, .W. D. Coj nyu of De-
� I *
. 2
. of Mr. Lainty Clark oil .Sunday.
' 'of iis
ntan, - .Which she attended.. Tegillarly
until her health-becam"o. feeble. - The
. I . � p . . .
Mr, 116bert - Weir -of Wingham vfs4t-.
troit mourn the dia,th -of, tfltir son
Harold. The little follow War 2J years
Mr. A: Sthison Ripley afid .
bro-therrin-law, - Mr. -PariO,ns freilri
end- was Pftcoilll and she passedlAway
, ,
ed his brother,; Mr. ,David.Weiri
I I . .611
Thursday. . . . I
,91d, and While his, paren tti, were gone
. .
Kiilnsas,,called on friends. aro,unq h�r
.� . I I 0
happy in. the. -belief that there would
be a 'glorious resurteotion,Tbe fun-
a . �
M Jack Staples Jr, of Seafortb
. ,�, : . ''and.
out ' a, fe w momeiits,�he wandered obt.,
1, In the..Pdge 6
IQ ' I, PineI lake and
the past week. . ` " ' �
, etal wfilch� ..will 'be'.:.liF1Vjjte'tj!,'b's
spent last week the guest of his cptl%-
. .
As f
iff ound ten 'itithutew later With lift
Mr. R. Peak 'returned home,'the part,
week from a'lbusiness trip to the.
pla;10 - to Clinton. 60metery , on �'Tha'r'sa-
day af ' ' , .
:in, Mr. Edwin Htitton, . . .
,XINS'Bella P.arnbatn �i ChiCA910- is -al
extinct. Mr. :Cornyh 'ls%'a nephew of
I West. Dick is all, stuck with,. � the
tornoon" , - �
. ' '
I . Miss Hiteli -has gone I On . An o ten.
x dea
. . I
present the guest. of ,her- brother, .E.
Win.' Cornyzi of Wiftgbam- . ,
, . , _., , . I .. ...
prospects out there and intends %&�
,,,.4+ � rZ A Xi.
L. V arr,hanl. I . . . I . 6 .
. . . 1. I . . 1� 1. .. ..
.. I
ack, this fall,, � ..
Ing b 11 � � .. ...
. . I-
. 0. L . 0 uvai, asal.U, -
. ' L
Rev, 'Mr, Dever and, wife ,of Tilson-
' Ke Children -W ell.
, . .
--.-.------- -----:
_. . .� I
. .;PxAQ %juvixg �= . .. � . .
4n o x P I .
-Eurning -. - . . I
Mrs. (Dr.) Diamond is tho'gues I
t 01
her brother r
M - WIn, Taylor-. -
Mr. William Brown arrived froin
. '
Detroit last 4 week And is 5p6ndi i
-Ing -a
- -are spending, a few Igyq , With.
his'brothori Mr.. Geo. Dever. I
. .
. .
It you- want to ke op Your- children
. . I
I . '.1 � .
I . .
The Wingham'
. . .
I . :, � . I.. . . .. ,. .1 : �, ; , ,
� ' I �
- - GOIiW DATES. -i I—` . . .r %, ,
. . . I . . . I I . . I . I
� 1. . . . . I ... 1.
. ,
Mrs. Thompson 01,01licigo., ,Acco'ni�
. panied by her daughter�' Miss Lott4q,
fortnight at thehomesteaci, Mr. Habit;
Brown's. ' ' . I
Mr. Win. Staliley of Hol=-qVillo
calledbn higbrother, Mr. Jas, Stan-
h6arty, rosy And full of lifer. dering
� flid hot wea,ther months, give Went.
- �01 -i- ,
. I . '
, � I
� Business.Colleg
I I ...
AUGUST 20, 100$�Stations south of niai-ii flne Torontd to Sarnia, .. . I I
I ,'PTEmBEI� 2, 1905 -Main line Toionto -to Sarnia -atid stations.north
, SL
- .
are expected to arriv
1 *6 this Week 'td
Jf, you arc�not a News4tocord sub-
ley, og -Friday. , _ .:
an o6edsional dose of Baby's Own
.. I . � _... . 1. I
� cicept north of Cardwell June.. and Toronto on North Day section, . I
. . . .
4 be guests of the former's sister, Mrs.
scriber' we:, ould he. pleased to Ili.;
I .
,elude you in our -list. 25 cents Willi
. Mr. Arthur McAllister'of lie,n,�,all
silent Sur.day with Mr. A,V. at,witt.
Tablets. Thi� itiedicine. wiII. prevent
ill- forms'.of stomach and , bowel'
PENMANSHIP�-A. * knowledge, of
* I
- . 0,r4v A EMBER 4, 1905 -Pro . I
. in all vollits-Toronto and east, to and includ-
Ing Sh4rbot LaRe and KiiiistIon, '
and north of Toronto ,and
Ap-4rew Keys -of the: Babylian Line,
. for a few weeks. � .
entitle you -to -receive a copy..Of the
. .
Mr find Mrs, James Parish Nisited
trodbles which carry, . .
oft so hiany - lit-
this study In Indispenigiblef to success.-
Business 111611 demand it hence
.. .'Card�: .
.well June., on North Bay And Midland ,Divisions.. � .. . , ,
. - . .
paper, each Week the end of
. .
at Thos. Coo-mbes' of ANI'lithrop,
fle ones during the hot .�summer
no Yo.
. One-way second elazs tickets to Wi ,sold' with, ac 0
nAlPeg only Will bo Vr_
. Misses Sarah and E mm& Beacom of
19015, . . I
. I . ..
on Friday, - .
months, or it will 6urfi'these troubles
ung Pergov can , afford to be without
. .
I I ,
tifleate- extending the trip before S,ep tember 15th, .without Additional cost I I I
Goderleb township were guests. of the,
, jVh1le attachcd to* a gang plow last
Mrs, J; Emerson and baby froim�
I .
if i;ficy come On unexpectelfly. It 1? it. .. 11 1. . . .
f,O ,Other Points Ili Manitoba and,Assitilboia. �. .. . . .
.. ir uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Isaad
week .a, fine throe-yjea,r-pld colt. be-.
hear Torollto.are At present thev,u-
. ,
just the medicine for hot weather
- It purchasers engaged as L Pjarm� I;a,b orers at WinifiVeg (provided a . uch r4 ' �
, I a- I
Ezratt, for a day this wook. .
1009 -ink to Flynh Bros, backed up
osts of her Arontg,, Mr. aii,4 . �, , ,
0 .
troti-bles because it always ,does
system. You Will learn to. read figur-
rm Laborers work notless than 80days i
at harvesting, And produce cer-
Mr. and Mrs, John McKinley Sr� of
against ,'the handle .Which penetrated
Johlf,13rittoll , � .
good ind can .n&elt do �h-arm, As' it
es as' lotters. There. ap no two - stu-
tificate to tho,t e0oet) they -will be io turned to, original starting �Oi�ht at . 'I
Staforth, accomparded by,thoir' son
lt,5 flank, inflicting a, nasty wound,
miss Kato �&'ctison"nf blyth 8polit
is guaranteell Ire& from- qplifof� and
(lies so essential to z business nian,As
- rates shown 'above or or before Nov, 80th, 10�05.' . .
and daughter-in-law., Mr. and -Mrs,
To m0a matters worse the colt gava
last week the ,guest of Xrs.� *.To;,eph
harmful drugs. it h4 good, -for thil-
good harid vtItinmooftibifted, with thf$
Tickets will be issued'to'Women asv well as men, but will. not bo issued at' .1 I
- Jas. McKinley of North, DAY, spent
.it twist which the plow
Ilands. , I
dren. atevery stage from birth on-'
ability to' figure-rap.ldly And correct-
. . . 6 .
I half, .rate to children, Tickets not ,good on Imperial Limi tod Express Tr - � . I
. . one day recently with relatives on
. .
handle in the"Wound. Th 0 vot. -had,
ur, S. L� Dever of Westaskiwin, Al.
ward,, and will promptly cure , all
. . . I
ly. ''
. � 1�
iris. Vol: further patticularW apply t4 nearest Canadian Pacific Apent, or
I . Goshen Line. .
to be o
,allcd In to .drbss it which he
berta, eldest on Of Mr. G, :4. 1)over,
their minot'ailmo0s. Mrs. . J. ,J,
. - .
I., G� 13, POSUPH, D. P. -A., C. P, IL, Toronto,.,Ont.
Miss Mamie Xjyg of Babylon 1,1no
did so skilfully that the colt will be
is Spending hIs holidays With. his
MeFarlatie, Aubrey, Quo,, say's :, llm�
JNG-Wo offer only th6bost cours'a of
. �, , .. .
� . . .
I I Is at present vialthig At the hOtne -of
her unole and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.
all right ,again in due courw' of thno.
Master Harold
Parentsi He- has been imehingrsehool
in the Wco for abgut tfit-4 years
baby was�, troublod with colle until I
give -him Maby's Own Tablets Mid
ttainittig ton Gregg. Shorthand and
Touch Typewriting on tho test ma-
____ __1 -_ MM�� _!!tnk,
'. . . . . .1 . I
'�' . 0 Morris Townshio. ' ' I
! R. dovenloek of Seftfort.h. , .
, ,
Biggin of Colborne
� his. been visiting 'his cousin, Willie I
. .
Miller. . .
ar,d also has an Interest lit A, csLtile
ranell. 1119 comin-g home vw;
, (Julio" -A
they promptly cured hint. Now -whot
be Is a little out of -sorts, I give him
olliftes, Remisigton . a-nd UnderWood.
This department Is under flie super.
.. . . .
, . . I I '
Alfrtd Russell of Xaftsas City- 191 Miss Oracle Ferguson is ependilip; , 64*_
. In the Stanley voters, list, wWh,
. I I Clerk Harriwell has posteid, up, therb
, .
Miss 'Sybij bourtlea of Clinton was
,surprise to his patent$, .
. Mrs. McLaughlin of llrusz;Os, uke,
a . dose., of Tablets and they Promptly �
bring him biack,to hJSL uguAl h oalth,�,,
vision ofart export steifographtr as
well as'anexperieuco4 teacher,
Visiting at the, I iome' of his fathor, I her vacation it '1116-110010,or A, Gr fly,
James Russell. - � I
F'Alls, -O_nt,
are names as follo" : I . .
. I
the guest ,of Miss Eva mill�T the
. . 11 ., �
w6d1c. �
has been koepl�g house, for tile t!ast
' You Can got tho Tililots- from your
' ,nOOX-XVMPING-TauSht system -
'Niag-ar& .. I
S. Davidson and. Miss i. ,1�04n of . Morriu township voters' list wl�sz
I Part 1-580,
month for Mr. jas. Staliley, returned druggist or they, will be sentby,,mall
Atically, comprinifig single and doublor
Mitchell Were the guelits of S. 91111 Posted UP last week. The Ili t con.
. Part 2-86. , .
Mr. John nalley Is Adding, to�` the
to 110r home in Brussels oft .�,'at�rdaY
at 26 cents a, box by writing The
0ftttY, joint -stock co'y, banking, 04116,
Mrs- Jordan over sufidzy. tAir.s 8,60 haftl0a In all, sub-411vided as
I . Part 8-43, , I I I .
apftearahft of Itiq house by havving It
and her place Is taken by. Afra. Wm:
11101C llolme�vlllo.
Dr.'Williams Medicine VO,, llrookvillo,
X. Regjftald Pletcher, Goo. Spottoft
nr. 04 Mrs. Johnston of AdrIA0, . 1' - I
Part IF 705 ; oart .?I '117 ;
Mich., Are t,h,oAueqts of his bp,other, Part 3, 58, 408
, ,
. '. I , . I ,
� I
. .
PrIr-01PAI, ,ftegl4our
_ 4w compu,tent to ser -i
Il't Johastolk, 6th Lim,
I vo as jurors.,�
. . .
� , A,
. .
. � ,
I . - . . I . .. �.
I .
I . I
� : . .
I I . .
. �
� I .. �
I I .
I . I �
� � I I .
. . I
. . . I . �
I .1 ,
1 1 . I "
�'--..-�.�..--.,---,--,-,.--,-.".�-. .. -,-..'�-�-,��l,-,---,-------.,----,-,--,.---",-
. .
� __
I . .
� . I
. ft I
__ -
I .
,01 I I
- .___�
� I
. . , I .
- - - -.-.@.,..-.....A______
I I I \�,
. . . I I . . . . � I 1� �
I 0
. .
11 .
--.---- __.__.__.,__._..__.__ __ � - �