HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-10, Page 2•
Clintoo. Wows -Record
:roe Gifts of Toilet Soaps
The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet
° Soaps for which you have. to pay out money every week.
• . , •
Users of SUNLIGHT and • CHEERFUL SOAPS Can get their TOILET
SOAPS fen nothing. •' •
Ask your grocer for paiticulars or write us for -Premium. List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of Something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and
use every day.
Fresh e
Red Cap-600ft to the.:pound
Deering--650ft to the pound
.1 have 6, large stock on land
and my prices are tle best,
J. A. Ford.
• SEP1EMI3ER 5T1.1.•-•
• •
• It pays to get a business ed- 4,fa
• location and it pays to get it 9
sa in the school which ea,n do •
• most for its students after *
• they graduate. This school is •
• recognized to be ofte of .the be! •
• •st Business Colleges in Cana- •
• da. All our graduates secure *
• positions. Business Colleges *
• frequently apply to us to see-.
• ure graduates as teachers. sla
• Write for our free eatelogueie•
Elliott & McLachlan, • ,
Prineina/S. • 4
• 0
Muskoka Lakes,I Lake of Belts; Ge-
orgian 13ay, Upper Lakes, Temaeand
Magnetawan River, Kawattha Lekes,
Thousand Islands, Quebec, Portland,
Old Orchard Me., White Meantaines,
All reached via the Grand Trunk
Railway the "Tourist Route of Aire
erica." Dieect connection with all bo-
at lines. Tourist tickets on Sale
daily to all resorts.
$68,25 to Portland, Oregon. Lewis
• Clark Exposition with special side
trips to Califordia points: Tickets pa
sale daily. Valid for 00 da,ys,
For tickets, illustrated literature
and full informatics' coll on agents,
, A. 0. -Patirson, Statioti Agent.
„ F. R. Hedgens, Town Agent.
J. D. Macdonald, District Pass..
Agt, Tvonto.
I have purchased the coal busiftess
formerly carried on by Harland Bros.,
but lately by Mr. Doftald McCoreie,
and ton prepared to reeeire erders Thr
all sizes of teal, Grete, Egg, Stove,
Nut and Soft, and solicit peer pale
'Image. Orders left at my Office near
the coal sheds or at Harland Dui&
harderarti store Will receino
ve prot
Attentioll.Wilifom Downs, 701
Mr. Adam, arganiSt of North sire
eet :church, is engaged at Hotel
Goderieh it'e give eoneerts every
Rev. James f.A. Anderson and fam-
ily are spendingthis month et Tiver-
ton she guests of the Rev. gentle-
man's •parente,
Videaneof Detroit is theguest
of her cousins, the Misses Videare
Miss Olive .iverner returned to her
home on Saturday accompanied by
her friend, Mess Beatrice lIarrisoe, at
-wimee home she has been a guestefor
eome weeks.
The Sundayschbol close ofwhich
miss Sbeeman is teacher- held a. ha -
:Aar oii '1.1itirqda,y afternoon on -the
'awe at the residence of Mr. Walter
Pridham in aid of the new church
on North street. • The young ladies
hat a most creditable display of;
fancy work which showed that they
had mode ':good use of their • school
holidays, The candy and flower table
ryes presided over by Miss grace
Robertson, town, and • IVIiss Rose
Merritt, London. The fanny , work
table was :wider ithe management 'ef
the . Misses Olive Turner and Jean
.Catitelon and the ice • ereaan table
was. •presided over , by . Miss . Ruby
McLean •anel •Ettel • Sharman.
The trees were hung with Chinese
lanterne and tittle flags while • one
large deg did thityiir the.faincy work
booth. Lovelyflowers were in bloom
along side of • the la,wn, walsing the
whole •affair • quite picturesisue.
geat many people pall:erased the
ba,zaar in the evening .
• REMP1DYe, • • •
'••• ThiS • tact •• is swell known to drugg-
eVerywhere, and nine out of tar,
will -give their customes this prepaea
• ation •when ..the beat is "asked • thes
Mr._egne.:AVitmer,. a• -prominent dritjsg.•
ist• of Joplin, Mo7in 'a:circular to
his easterners, says ' "There,,,is vote:.
ing .on the market ie. ,the . way Ai
pateet thedicinewhich. eqeals Chem:-
berlaie's Colic, •Cholere and Dierrito•-•
pa Remedy for 'bowel • oOmplaints.''
For sale, by U 11. Combe, Clinton,.
AL !
• DES WH1(111 VITA,. BE SOLD • •
: .DAVIS ;&:-.P.OWLAND1S-liklebe • •
VT. J. Stevenson.
odorless rron-peisonous •
The Wonderful' Clectner .
Wei save the thrifty housewife
many useful dollars. cleans coars,
est or finest of fabrics. carpets or
silk waists boyoed ,
Duo? entirely removed .
GERM8 absolutely destroyed
COLORS restored like new
SIZING. renewed in Carpets
. A SIM oENTs.
And a child cosi do it with
•• SAIII:0-0eR0114-SCO. .
oetit at Sons grocer's. ,
.Tho Huffrrinn Teeter Co
The Northern Navigation Co.
Lake Superior Division— .
IVIonday, Wednesday and Friday
8.80 p. in, leave Sarnia for Soo and
Port Arthur, Friday steamer three-
gh to Duluth.
Parry Sound .
, 10017 Week day leave Penetalig at
2.45 p. tit, for Parry &weld.
Georgian Bey Division— r •
Tuesday, Thureday and • Saturday
leave CollingWood 1.80 p. in., Owen
Sound 11 p, foe. Sault and Way
ports. Trips to Mackinac begin July
1st. •
&ortit Shore
• Division—
Mtiday ilia Friday leave Collins -
Woad 10.80 p. in. for Byrtg /Wet wet
French River. , ••
Tfeliets and informatien a,t all Gr -
Arid Trunk and v.p.rt. tioket offices.
IL II, Gildersleeve, Mgr.,Colinwood.
A IL Nidiolson, Traffic Mgr,,
. •
Mr. and Mrs. Mmes . -Tilt have re-
turned from their visit to Detroit.'
Rev, Mr, LeGear is spending his
vaeittion here with Mrs. LeGear and
their pretty little daughter;
air, William Lee has wee busy ex-
eavating• .at his new pureliase of part
of the Garrew property, to cowmen -
cc building a new residence which
intendr to occupy,
Mr. Worsell'e new Melia on Victor-
ia street is assuming flee preportions.
It. will -command a fine view of la'ce
and river; .
Miss Nellie Maclaren has returned
Trom Sault. Ste, 'Wade to speed lier
Vacation with her parents. •.
Mrs.. Frank • Brown of Kelm:wizen,
Mich., is, the guest this month of her
•mother, Mrs. *James Vivian, .
• Mrs, . Fred' Audrey Dillon end •little
deughter, •:•Norrna, and Mrs. Dillons
neme, Miss Natalie Dillon, were the
guests, lest wo.ek Of their aunt, Mrs.
1:011 ; •
• PATAIIE,S. • .
The hilieus and dyspeptic are con-
stant • •suffeirers ani appeal to ;01(5
sympathies. • 'I here is not one •ef
them, however, who . ma.y not: be
brought back to health and happinesi
1..ly the use of ObaiMberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. These tablets in-
vigorate the stothaeli and Hirer , sat
strengthenthe digestien; They else
regulate the bayselS, • For, sale by H
13. Combe, -Clinton., •
Bfr., asellilerse-A mews of Weedstoele:
and. pretty little' daughters 3.-te . seek-,
ding.' their vaeatiim a1t..-the. heanc-so •
Mis ArmOdr's , mother, Mrs.. Virelicsi..,
17,11.0 -Cloak factory on Kingston. str-
tet 'hatresumed work again. .
• :Misses • Merritt and Anderson ,of
Louden are belidaying at 'The itap-.
,Miss Olive AohertSon..i-cettthied last
week front% her 'visit at Detroit, wit'
• •
rela,tikes. Miss Mabel Diekinson or
:.'Detroit accompanied •her, honie.
On Thursdayaft,erneen, :3rei
the • Woman'S IestiLute met at th,"
i•esidence ,of • Mrs. W... '.J.
Allorreler, Aftci the besinesS 'ea.:weed-
ing; We're .'etufed •MrS. J. L.. Ait,•,in
gav.e ,t recipe for nialfing Sweet
tVliistard Pithies," whist she had
tried nerseit arid ..folind it Al. ...the
reeipe is as tollews '7, Two . quarts:
small Pielding onions,. •• two • large
ca,unflowers, :Id. 'stand 24 hours ,rn
,briefee hell • in .a bttle vinegar, -when:
• taken out of the liquid. ISraine the
vinegar Off and 'have prepared': IWO
artiarts. virtegaie, 1- . cep' 'flour,' three
:ounces • .mustard,e we little- teirmerie,
tWo , entail repliers,. aiittle cayenne
pepper atd five pups- granulated sug-
ar. , Heat vinegar to he :sufficiently'
hot, all the flour, mustard, etc,,
in a tittle eold Vinegae Mid • when
sienoth pat Strtegether into the hot
vinegar ape keep waren foretwe ho-
urs. ' "Wrs. ("Olin Campbell teed a
letter: from Illr; sPetrnati governing
tee, toles eind regulations ' to be fel,
lowed by. the membersin order : to
obtain. a p\r\ize for fruits and honoye.
to lie...given by. the' directors of the
agricultural society at Ma'Ssey
Toronto,' onNov. filth:. We give he'
low the names of the different '• lehide
of knits , to be canted:, Nothing • 'but
sugar canbe pet into the fruit tI
order • to can it. • Classs1---chorri,
peaches, strewberrieS---lst prise SA •
2nd $8; '3rd 12, '•Cless 2—pear, Pie -
1aspherries—$0, • $2, • Class'
liseepplesescanned, jelliel, pickled,
apple butter—$1, $e, The ,next, meets.
big will be held At the home of Mr
John Dedfortf:Sr.- .A vete of than! s
was gieren • Mt•S: Morrow for •the use
. The, National anthem.
being sur.g a five o'elepic tea wets.Sers
ved at whie1j besides :the Institute
bread And 'butter Melte, lruft, jeil
and other eakes were seried, Mrs,
.ritincae ;Steyr tison of Clinton end Miss -
•Chester of Bayfield wei•e guests at
the InStitut,d meeting which they en-
joyed very inueh.
Too much care cannot be Used with
small children during the hot weather
of the summer months to guard agas
hist bowel troubles. As a tide it le
only necessary to give the child a
dose *of ' °fitter oil • to • correct, any
disorder of the boWels. Do not use
any substitute, but giye the o1d4as1i-
lofted castor -oil, and see that it is
fresh, As rancid bit natiseates and
has a tendency to gripe. If this
does not cheek the bowels glee Ch-
• aineerlaiii's Colic, Cholera/ and Diner-
goea Remedy and then a dose of
eaStor oil and the disease' may be
checked in its incipiency kind all dan-
ger avolded. The castor oil and this
remedy should be prociiiiii at once
and kept ready for instant use as
soon as the first indication of any
bowel trouble arrears, This is the
meet successful treatment known and
may be relied upon With intplicit eons
(Renee ey,ffil 111 enteS of 'cholera la-
fantion. Por sale by IL It; Combo,
The News of Goderich.
• 1 CIXI
MISe E1018e A Sklinillg$P COMSPOMIOilt
gOCO JVC)0' (AC' q't Teeel&E.;€ * KiXes../Wi-Q€C4
Mr. Charles Kni4b.t's house is pro- (Zn cnapb
earaegeliat, utuoronleaureoallah,aii
ine i
Miss Eva IVIclIlath, nurse in training verb* moSt satisfactorily from the
itt Moilet Sinai hospital, New York,
he Veceireedieet toth hands
bathed wire fence on some part (I
has arrived from 'that city. Miss from canine; in ontawWi
his farro. Ilis hotstaeatened to
ran away and Mr. Campbell to see e
himself t•ook hold of the barbe4 w:re
aod in memo way was dress, ed, Wong.
Blood poisoning is always feared
Mich cases, bet M. Calephell escaped
that fearful afilictioa. •
A raft of 500,000 feet reached port
from Pine Tree end Stolos Bay, toes
ed by the steamer 'Wetmore,
Mr, and Mrs, Charles IVIitchell of
the Ottawa Free Press visited Mr.
Mitchell's brother, Mr. James Mit
hiet wbek.
The Coronation Club are Vetting at
Bayaeld this week. !they are : Eo
inset], and .his brother; Charlie Lew-
itt, Barry Knight and one or te()
-other compeeions, We hope they ale
enjoying life in camp. •
mr, Shirley, U. S, consul,. spent last
week in Chic.
• Mrs. Tate ot Orangeville (Pee Miss
•A see of Mrs. Thurlow is engineer Susie Cook). IS the guest el her fri-
for' a, furniture :factory at Kinear- end, les. A..D, Mebean We sympa-
.dine, • thise With Mrs: • Tat in -the recent
• Miss Lag° Grierson, who has loee of her lovely little child. •
been the guest, of Whs. Tom Bates, IVIiss Fannie Blackstone has tequila
has i•eturiied to her howe at Bay (xi from s, holiday visit wttli friends
City. Sleet is inspector of teams. . a al Blyth-.• ,
tape factory in that aitY,' • Miss X, Ma4Le11azi, .formetly of the
Mr. Tone Bates lias his new house staa of the 'Collegiate • 'esthete, °e
on Wolfe street, near completion. me up from her •home at Stratford in
Master Rob Devine is employed. as company with' her friend,' Miss Jenn-
e paintet at Calgary. •• •ie Megan and both were geWsis of
Mrs. Brown, junk dealer, has perch- Goderich. fri(ents: • .
ased the O'Rourke residenee oecupied Mr. and ,MiS. :Arthur Bates end.lit-
at present by Mr, John Dean, Mr. Ale son of Stratford wore guests at•
Brown intends to locate here. • „the, Ironic of .. Mr. Charles Bales re -
Our citizens are getting into line cently. . , •
aed. begineing to patronize. Meeese- Mrs, . j..- Martin of Winnipeg is
tung.Park, Point Patel and the White spending the seeson at' London the
'CI ty , Bayfield• guest •• of her parents; -Conductor aed
Mr, Fred. Cook of Bayfield, who Mrs: .Algie, . • .
has. been very ill for some time is Rev. -Joseph 'Elliott: preaehed • ,ed,
recovering most satisfactorily; . both sestaCes at Knox ehuch on
Mrs, lephraini Downing ilas return- Sunday. At the morning service he.
eel from a six weeks' stay at Leame tcok for his text Revelations 227.5,
ington„ quite recovered afthrher ie- "Arid. there shall be no nightthrre."
disposition of some weeka her.e. -Mts. Mr. Elliott's gentled was felt .• of
Down ng was e;ccompanied ty her de clear and concise: thoughts, touchine!
tot,hter,, Mit. W. Cox, and theee pret- mainly , upon the • beautiful life 7 and
ty little daughters. who will e remain teachings of t‘lie.4e late Rev, 'pastime
.here Septem4r. ' Rev. Dr. Lire. •
Mrs. 'Profiles, and her twice, hiroi. -Mr. • Parke and familybase arrived
Duncan Stevenson, anddaughters ci in' town :froin Wingham and new oc-
dinten, have yethrned totheir• limit ,cupy the house on South street men -
atter Spending a• pleasant week • in ed and lately occupied by Mr. Josiah
Goderich with their fdeadi Mrs, Cap- Whitely. e 1 .
taiii •TretheWay. . • ' • Mr. Loalis Welsh is •ptittisaia rough'
Mis Ruggles arid her sister, Miss east finish: upon his „reshietee, It
Emmeline Deidrich •of •Flo-ridate • are will some_1001( 'quite new • •
Urn guests this inontE of 'heir pare '• MrS. E. Caftwion. bag-pm:Chased the
en ts., Mr. and Mlit7Dletlei , • Ce reiteti Se rest demo •cif lVIrW G.. SnlitheoneNele
- Mr. Robinson,. forinerly. of. •Me. George • 'Ilronison hes- perehased
• • • • ••• • eein street., . • • • • ,
1VIcMath 'filled the place of the mat-
ron of, the hospital during her visit
to hlufope,
Mrs. Charles A. Humber visited her
daughter, Mrs. Cassels, and son Malts
land Of Stratford last wee.
Mrs. Collett and the family of Mr,
J. D. Stewart have been, holidaying
in London and have noW returned
home. •
Mesdames Alex. Craigie and James
Tait arrived safely at Liv•erpool and
both ladies eujoyed the trip back te
Bonnie -Scotland yery much. In a
letter Mrs. Tait says that on board
the Parisian were thirty clergymen of
the different Protestant churches, one
priest, two elms and four dpetors.
Pretty well supplied with profession-
al' passengers. .
Market Clerk Ferguson is back ag-
ain into the house once occupied by
him and his family some even ago.
is the property of Mr. Robert Orr,
Stratford; 'but. now of. P i tts urg, Pa .e front, Maros ..Dualey •Ileltries `"The
Spent •a 1;4 days .111 Gederielis Aberdeen" -at, • pres(nt occupied by'
:Miss •Sophia StraChati is holidaying Mr, , end. Mrs., Collinsone •The place
hi% New' .Ydrlf • nnd is the crieSt of was soled • very cnegp,only, we :are
Mr. and Mit. Mauger, formerly of the told, e2200 heingegiveneforeet. •••,
big; mill Stalf.. • The solemn .tolling of the bell . of
Miss Jean Elliott. willspeed the Keex church on July .sist PrOoleinied
winter at Deneer, Colorado, the •guest toour eitiiens that the funetal cepa
of her, sister; Wigs. Kniekertege had left the residence of, the late
We natieed in some of the Toronto 'Rev: Robert (ire beering the earSect
dailies .the results of the Commercial that contained all that was moetal
Specialist :examinations of this year of the greatly esteemed divine. The
and 'found. with pleasure ibat F. AV: organ; when the corteee arrived' 'at
Edwards was among the puccessful 'the ohateh, pealed:forth the deep tonis
ones. • of ".The Dead•••IVISech 10 Seel: The
• Wjjjjam Leu kook as trip to the Soo , casket,' cevered with floral emblems,
in the jaterests of additional steatite was placed before .the pulpit.
et service to this ••poit. • '' •Mesers. Robert And Will, Johnston
• Mrs.• MauriceeBeckwith. and daugh- left lastweek for 'Pt.. • Albert, Alber-
ta, MissAlice, of Wingliani swore the. ta 1111 R. Johnston has been in tie
guests , of Mrs. William Young first emnloy • cif Buchanan, -and Lawson's
'week, of:August. . • • ' for in:any: years.. '
Miss Pirmi risiser of Clinton was Mi Tom Morgan is carrying on the•
lest' week the gu•est pf Mrs, J 11 groeery •-business foi. his brother. der-
Wersell• • • •hig• his absence at Calgary acid: other
•Mr. and Mre:..Runelman of •Strat- peinte, •. e . • : • .
ford :were the -guests last Week of Mr. • George Soott, formerly of
Mr. • Runeiman's aunt, -Mrs, Fannie Sharing:et% shite store, eanie up . on
, 4 ,
Fergusone • • • 'Saturday; from -Termite ' ecosompanied
. Miss Nellie McVicar; teacher .. by his cousin, .Miss Gregg,: of that
stenography• at • the Barrie business city: both ''ivere the guests ,:of Mr,
College, is Spending ter vaeatioti at Soott's sister,' Mrs. J.. VV. Grahame,'
her home here. • • Mr. and 'Mit: Terrains -on, (nee Mies
Rev. al, T. • Legear f J.aekson, Grace .ThOnias) were among the ex-,
Miche' .preached etiost acceptably on eueSionists on Saturday froth Toren,
Sunday a.. in, at the eonit house. tO 'to and were the guests of • '1Virs,
the congregation ot..Norili Street eh- 'intilinson'S... brother, Mr. . Charles.
tticli.. • . • ThoipaS. • . •• • •
Mrs. '1 R Sal/evils' was the. guest Miss Charles,:- a..foriner -Wernher ot
of her see, Mr. D. D. 'allows of the Collegiate institute :ilea; now of
Woodstock, on Ang 2nd Toronto; WAS' the guest while -here
Miss' Laveriek of Hemitten and NtiFs of Miss Ausehrook. .
ItooPer of ..Lontloti are guests.' at tile Mr. 13ert Manger of NeW,'Yorle..Whi-
,sesidenei of Mrs. Gundry. ' !" . 14 In town was the gutet •01 'his
• MO. V. 0. Rhynas and littie. ..son frietids,' I Mrs'. and the., Misse3 tta
erere,, while here, .the guests than:, • • .
of :Mrs. W. A: RhYeas and were. also: Mr. and Mrs: D. S. Cook and : date
gijoste this week at Mrs. Rhyn•as' old Meter, Miss Mildred, of 'Clinton, awl
benne at Ilayfield, the guests ()Cher the Misses Cera Dodds and : Nellie
mother, IVIrs. Ferguson, : Sproat'of ,Seaforth were the guests
Boyce, South street, silent la- while in town Of Mrs, :George'Eisa
st week at her old 'home. Brticefield. ett • at the postoffice.
Her •son and ,his wife, .Mr. and. Mrs.. Mrs. Tvvitehell and daughter, Mtge
.110yee -of---Briecefield, were guests 0 Mabel of • Clinton; were the giiesis
Aft% BoYeP during her absencewhilc in town of Mrs,. A.. an'd Mi t.
Mr. Pred, liedditt of. Barrie. was 1lviis, Lighthouse street.
°the guest. of 'Wt. and ' 'Mrs. James • mrspaltrid.:e and little Margaret
McVicar on Saturday,- •and 'Suedes', are the gusts. 'of Mrs. 'P,altridge's
MISS Mergai!et Meal/icier. et Peet parent:3 at ,Porest.
Colborne is spending her VaCatiO ,itt Miss Aggie Nem has returned • to
the old home. • . her home in Detroit. • • ••
Mt. and Mrs. Hyslop of Toronto Miss Emma, Bell is ill in Londe) •
came up on the, excursion from that With theeinatiSm. • • -
eity. on Satiirday and Were titegiteSts mr. and IVIES. W. II. Thothas• hare
-of M. and Mrs „ IL Martin. removed to the reeidelice on Victoria
August 10th 1905 ,
Mrs. Noble Smith of Preston spent S ,
Sunday at the resideuce of her lath- • croiu
er, r. Dan. ivimareu.
Mr. and Mrs. Ortivein of Zurich
were guests leet week of Mr. and
Mrs. Preng.
Another new jeweller has come im
town. He is the third new aiweller
within a year.
Mr. ,Loster Clntrcb 11:ts PP:rut-
in; a few days in 13a.ylield with D
twit friends.
Sie.k headeche results from .a.
oiderett conditiou of the sielotneeh 1
.and 1s quieltly .curtel by. Chem:An-1
lain's. • Stomach, met Liver Tablets,
For sale. by II, 13, .Comf•e, Cantata
Why Rifle Clubs
Are Discouraged
We • have .sometiinea wonderel why
our rifle elubshave not been more es-
ihusiastically teen up by the remit°
A correspondent of -the Tqronto Star
mentions a difficulty which eney florow
.some light or the situation. Ile writ -
.05 : 4-r11e governmen.t desues•or leans
'An ruins in the Prollertion of tne Liao
ship of forty, eaeli rifle valued at
to four men, ten rifles to a member-
twctity-ilve dolleeer but (Ione were
purchaseble 'even at that figure. Of
•the ten rifles supplit'd our association
no two ' shot alike ; not it single,
fie. Was accurately sighted, either ver -
it of
cetelocrivatfialcailly:;ioin..ocie'earenvtsoalsuri, al gettinglyNo thtenesnathueitu•
• rifle at each, practice, Under "these
eircemstances. the making of , a gond
rillesbot is A 'tedious, costly mat Mi..
• enthittiasts. he it had
• to get 'along with this sort of treat-
ment, there is .not
all tilat.the young men hive not, laken
dea up mere.
Nut•hing would discourage • a 1 eea
to er of rifle sheeting ie a • hostas'
tie e than to be compelled I o chan.se
titi.s at' everyprixetice and to lied ti -
at no . two of his arms shet '/e. It
..woild be is if . aleunis :player . ,15010
as ed to else .a different reeks:tat 'cab
game and were to find t:itt ea::n Ow
• ra,"...liet was a-:differer,t kind,
. country Would be,. •asel endou-
htt is, waling to.upply
met who join rifle ( I aSS and shoe,: any
interest inthe sport -with geed 'dine,
and it Ought to he iiy • tor. a retieto
:earn the right to the PoSsesson of a
rifle -ell ',tor' his.own use, ea long 'as lee
. remainsa member of the Olub • and
practices ,a pertain r times'
.ann: ..atly, If the -purposie of the ride,
club movement IS to 1.!repare Et - :P9)10-
.14 ti•Cn,. rifle shots. who \\'i ee •
. the re: sullies ground fi. r a uetensive .
Teree 10 the, ilay, of -fiTrie;c1;Tit Wan lake
:no hunt. to 0 tsr a .11116 14n.ring abd-
. the fire-Oac7.s in the honies of ail
'.sueli men. 'Then .they would Itate an •
arm. to Which'. they Were •aseus omit,
vi'tattaiP.4 lo 1 eeP • Ili
, "My .second deughter, was troubled
with bronchitis- from' the age of three
ereeleS, .• Oftentimes 1 thought •• • she
would choke to °death. Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine
brought relief, and feather" treatment
made a thorough cure. This trouble
Seel. to come back from time to
ime, but the 'Eure in 'now perman-
exit', ''-1)/frs. 13tchmond .wit4row,Ilants
CO., N. §.. • '
. :
The News -Record will Ite sent to
any- address until the end of • 1005
fer 25. vents. Send it to your friend
at • a distance. It will be appreciat-
• Guessed Front t1ie Bills„
" What bewich of art is your son'
studying. in Paris ?t'
" The art of .spending money,
Is very .ofteu sto ulred,
though seuerally tflted4
Bad hymeney foul air, impure
water, are among its causes!.
it is called' "the soil for
tuberciON"and where it.
allowe4 to remain tubercu.
losis or .consumption
pretty sure to take root..
Retuoves every trace of
$crofula, Get Iiipod's..
For testimonials of remarkable atm
'end for Book on Sallotnia, NO, 1.
L Hood Co.. 14,0V/011s KVA,
• Patty Fledges Dishonored.
The tollowine appeased in last
week's Esue of the Weekly Sun : •
In the epectacle presented at Otta-
wa ir. the closing hares of the session
honor is dishonored, the principles of
jest:ice violeted ana truth ignored.
Previous to the general election of
1800 the Lieeral party made many •
pledees. •Itith the exception of the
any regarding the Manitoba: schwa
si.estion, these- pl(dges have not been
litlfilled, while true Liberal principlee
have %este vioiat.ed on every hared.Anya
thing thet will keep the ba•usier peak
in 'tower appears its be the ruling pas-
sion. •Atneng these pledges *made be -
re p'e0o6Nova:ritohwe .hone
°t b7trebneeetnicelirt:
sled out with an increase in expendi-
ture of nearly IS:0,6e0,e00. Makin e duo
allowance -for •development, the pre s-
lit expenditure shows -how utterly 4..-
.c/swee1en' many . of thementhees of
the government are to fill the positi-
ons lo which tts'y h tee al tal'ned. tAny
Cleeeraiecut that will squander mon y.
as the present A diet ale trod ien. hM'
done, en work front which no benefit
.ean he derived, are quitetumor-Illy of
the confidence of the people.• We iltiee
specimen uie eight liere at home:
At .• three d frereet sessions thousands
of dollar:: were toted to St, jessph.
harbor, Lal e Horan. •A more • utter
Waste weld •nel 1:e imagned, •And
we could lime Many ethers. ••
is not by
y m
as;neofetalitle4 alcoltutlititome
Ottawa are guilty of. To ane '
supported the Liberals at' OttaWa,wh',
ether in office or •out or it, it is' goatee
to -think that evety true Liberal prin-
ciple has hten sacrificed to meet -the
'exigencies of fanatieal partyisria
think that the stiecessois of true' and.
holiest Liberals shobld.bnalile th term
.Ql 170"11;cdopl n b8 tVe '9 eao cf or gowlir m lchrt et
in nple,.we have tbliSsorry spectacle,
Wmlhe.s-tte r61-.'-s'ti.'irc
Pailiarnmnt tiling.i.)assit:n is to
e • .••
geL the.,i.e,'.hoWever unfit for the posi
ht sOjary piab is e.11 t (in ,t to
the.pri sent 1session, Any persoe who
epetals feW hours at ' the Heusi:
oWs .that--rnany_ sitting -there could
notgive the country. yalfie for hell the
sum they • receive .in 'sessional nutem-
The eeisithooniiehge f
the Members of the Goerrnment for-
ever hold their pew about .the Lib-
eral prineiplesathey espoese. ••The po-
litical principles they • practice aro.
those • born Of .political Coxruption.
. When the proper time comes ; if the
Liberals:. (19 not Show by their -Votes
their dise'pproyal of the present Gev-•
oorsee., in their selfish
Of this country,'
then: the electors will fell in it sacred
duty th y (stye to their country..: •
• • • • . . •
MeLeati, KiPpen:
. A Mile forst mug may sate Yeti
ne end . ef tio ible Anyote • who
metres it a rule to ,-keep ' Chamher-
lainS. holeia and Diarrhoea
Remedy at hand 3‘nows this to be'1.
tact. For sale by ' II. 13, •Combc,
If you see It in -rho New:ie.:Ref:Ord
001) GH it PSYCIIINE " differs radically from
the old fogey medicines. It is corn-
pounded on new, and advanced
methods of curing disease', otherwise
it would be just like scores of others,
TROUBLE w,ithouy, tany exceptional merits.
But "x-sYcnna" possesses virtues
of healing., that no other preparation in the world does.
ammo...omma tor *is /•••••• oantimmor... or....m•••=•
There never has been in the history oftnedicine, such
a truly remarkable remedy, for the prompt and complete
cure of obstinate coughs and lung trouble. .There is
nothing else just like it, or nothing else one half
so good. Thousands of men and women readily and
enthusiastically give testimony to prove the statement,
Miss. Morton of Marlette, Mich., ea-
compaided • Miss Conies to her r si-
d(nce, Bruce street, end will s. d
this season with the, Misses Cousin .
31VIr. and Mrs. Haley, the latter ha'vs
Ing spent four vveeks the guest of her
parents', Mr, and Mrs. Caldwell, re-
turned to their home et. Termite on
Monday. •
Mr, Inglis of Toronto, it former re-,
sident of Goderich, was the guest vvh-
He here of Mr. J. W. Smith.
• Miss titundry of Chicago is visiting
a,t the old home, residence ot Mrs,
guirdry, St. bavid streoet,
Mrs. Wes•toby lios ieturned from
the Northvecst'and is the guest ot herr
mother and sisicr,, Mrs. 14, and IVilse
'Mrs.• Chutes of Toronto ani,, hon
sister, Mrs. 14,tteribury of Clinton,
have returttzd to their h enetS after reit
etileyeible Visit to the Soo, Mich.,
where they Were the glieSta of their
brother, Mr.*INIward Logan, and mo -
titer, Mrs. T. Dark.
street formerly occupied by Mr, C.A,
IVIiss /Wee Spenee is spending part
of her vacetion in London and Glen-
Rev.' Mr. McKibben of McMaster
University; Toronto, rthaelted for
the Baptists on Sunday.
Mr. John Thereon of. Maliis tlW
guest of his 'brother, Mr. James Th-
**am or. '
.1, Drennan, Weeterti11111,
St. Citharldes, Oirt., Writes a "My
face was all twisted otit of shape
with facial paralysis, and Ave doc-
tors felled tp•cure or even relieve
me. 13y the persistent use of Dr.
Chase"13, Nerve Pood I have been en-
tirelycured and have returned to
work strong and well. I have,gained
in weight and Seel that I have it new
lease of lifc,"
itty*Sveite WM' !Estill:1r ME UP,
• Lindee, N. S., June 7th, teat.
"I cannot speak 'too highly for your excellent ----I my say Invaluable—remedy
for weakness of throat, lungs or declining conditions. My brother, mother, and
sister died of consumption and / suppose I Inherited a tendencyhis In tdirection,
but, thank God, throughtlie use of PSYCHINE 1 to -day enjoy good health. I
suffered for some two years from a distressing, obstinate cough and weak lungs.
I psed PSYCHINE tied 0X0MVLSIONy and they bele inc right up. My lungs
are nowastrong and I enjoy splendid helittle 'izours truly, • ,
"El.L'.'t M. COVE," '
Al" ALL OrttIOCUSTeessOt9i bOLLAIlls.ts"rittAL
The Or, *rt A. Weems Limitedo • 170 Kitt Street' Westo TorostO