HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-10, Page 1r `..r2T-• 11 e Clinton io.o.p.t.44414411410.41014.40.........••••44,414•.41, Our Specials for all next week Robertson's Ready -mixed Paints, 30c per qt Special Discount on aa,soline and Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows at Reduced Prices A Few Lawn Mowers At Cost To Clear Granitewear Sale still continues at 30 per ' cent. discount, • • • . I HARLAND BROS.:. . I. IHardware . . and . Stoves. •••••••-••••••4•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .11/A11111111111110, 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . The Sovereign 'Bank .••. Chartered by - - Dominion Parliament 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0000 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000(,04.(xx> . CLINTON .BRANCil a. T. RANCE, Manager, . 0 • 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iniimmiliummmovermaiiiimmimmirrimposi• • • T. Jackson Clinton i en Suits en s We have 50 American Linen Suits for Boys which we will sell at from . . . . 75c to $1.00 per Suit. T. Jacksoli Sr., ,Clinton.• ..., • . .4. tiowiewilwaws:-.. er46.416-er.Ab.16#44fribegariewvioubAikribrbow.. + , ..s. ..1.• $ ' '. - ; 4.4. * FUrnittire and Underta.king .. ...,„ :$ • • .... . . ' ;ice . I .... . .?: We desire to announce that during the absence 2 # of Mr. J. C. Stevenson in the Old Country, the Fur- + # nitnre and Undertaking business will be carried oti. X as hererofOre. *** S Undertaking $ * e. . 7 • x , will be carefully looked after as before, and. # 4# -Night or Day Calls promptly attended to. ' • X ''S• . .s ‘3; .s: 3 A • •34 oit c. Stevenson, 3; $ ItEsimistat ON . EVIION" STREE # • 4: iiieft0416.4.411, 16-.116Alvoir. .06.04h, 04kAII:4 X 011§04444+44144440:40+4.4444.4"4444++.0000.0144404.)4+44.04.4 . was merle that t would be A good ' CLINTON, ONTARIO* THURSDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1905 - he Tai Rate Will Be 201n. on the-$ At Monday night's meeting of th town council the logeet list of a moats peeeented in several month was passed. As will be seen we d not fare so well as our conterapore ary for while he received $47.50, 'oer account only amounted to The estimates were pessed (*eine the rate At 20 mills on the dollar. This is a 'Tittle less than fast year and is aecounted for by the increase ' of•about $004000 in . the Assessment. The eat e is made up as fellows : thing to reearrange the pesition ef the c" ° I. whole of them an4 if se that " few would be.. .placed where they now st- 3 and- However, they will be dealt 0 with According to the following illa- tion which was ietroduced by Cosine oilier Gibbings and passed : "That one light be plaid on. corner of Frederick. and Joseph, etreets, another at. corner a Kirk and I1igh streets, still, another at career of peincess and Raglan streets, and the fourth .at corner of North and Rettenbigy streets, and Unit the committee have pow- er to reearraege the present ligh- ts." The estimated reeeipts and expendi- tures for ehe year are as folloees : • Town 6 mills County • Schools 1.* mins 7 niills Spedial & .consolidated 3. rniils. Loan to W..Doherty 2*rnills. It will „thus be seen that the town •council has under its control the sp- ending of less than one-third of the total. revenue. citizens who some timee look in vain for 'results an impatiently Ask "where in the -vs:eel does all the money go anyhow ? sh ould bear this M Wind. Councillox Cottle would like tie ha- ve had the amount eet apart' for the cemetery made a little larger in ore der that irnprovemente now wider`Wa might be completed, and Coluecillo Gilehings thought, the perk was timer, .ving of more care than :there Was Money te give, but both gave way -arid the estimated expenditures as give en were finally passed, unameaded. * What th known . as the ,Dunlop str- eet or Mackenzie drain' his been more or lees a bone of contention for sev- eral years: The property owners in- terested put down -a drain at their ewe expense' to free their propel:tye. from surplus sriefaCe water. This dr - ale led to the water course Which' . passed throtegh Thos: Mackenzie's mile property. In 'the course of time the . Passage across Maekenzie's lot be- came clogged And :the water ' wag tureed back cei the gardens Of the owners .afopesaid. , They etotested loudly and almost as long but the eueetien • has fleaely been brought to what proinises to be a • a's'ueeessful issue :' That this is sh is •largely due tothe persistency of Citizen W. jone es who last week ciretilited a peti- tion whieh .was sigried by all but one of the owners interested. It ran as follows.: " • • • "The Undersigned ,rat0PaYeeS (Pe- • .tition you honoreble' body to ha- ve the Dunlop street .or% Mackende . drain mit. into • proper :imitation, • the proccediegs to be ender , the :Municipal Drainage .Act and dost of the same to beassessed again- st the property- Owners bCneltted' and the eorPoration, as adleised in Opinion . given by , your solicitor, lieriry Beattie, to the cOnneil, •• dated . May 6th, 1904 -Signed, Jahn Ernmerton, William Jones, Arthur Oar.teloe, . Mary Cooper,. Margaret Beacom, J., Dunford, E.' Glenn, W. 'Glen, L. Richter:dem, H. Sereetsia Alf, • Barge, Mrs. •, Estimated lieeeipts Lice/lees • $650.00 Rents 4 and Fees .600.00 • Cemetery ' • . 560.00, Statute Labor & Dagfrax 1(10.00 Magistrates Fieee 20.00 • Interest or Bank Deposits 100.0Q • Taxes on $727,511.90 at 20 ' mills on the dollar 14,550.23 The conneil accepted and direeted :that steps be taken to Carry put he' wishes forthwith. There ^will Le a etlrVeY, eta:ten:mit of .cost to :lifferent owners, a • court yevisjori, 'thee -the • wok .itsell it' is peoposel to . lay an eight inch tilethroagh ploperelei, ten 'inch ,along Dunlop strine anti fif- teen inch . tile aCeoSs hetarecereie's Ithas beets. the intention . of the council to lay .a °Orient. write on the oest 'side of tharre street frr m 'Joseph street to the G. 'P. U. nd, the beau' 'Wee- ...was torn up, • but on 11Ton4ay night a majority petition 13ttiS pre-, eented against going on. with . the 'It is thf ught hen th ;work. 0 • , p , a, q npposition was ehiefly to urge action in the matter a the drain and the latter being now decisted, upon the Walk May yet- he laid: this. eeiseri. The 'signers ••of"the petition Weee.; John Emrnerton, Jatines: Hea,p, Done aid Singh Jonee. and Rebec- ca Pinniug. • • There was A second petition..itgalii- _ St a • proposed walk, signed by le Dodd, C, J, Wallis, 'W. J, paisley, W. Moffatt and Samuel Perniebaker; who objeete-d to the construction of a •cement walk me the west side of Nor- th street from Heron .to Joseph, Heee is e -motion introduced by Me. Ford iwhioh ' pissed the Council without a dissenting voice and is ri011 expected '• tl?b� opposed by the pro - party owners raos.t interested "That the plonk walk from New- eoiphe's corner to Mary street be torn up and that notices he serVed on the Peoperty owners that it is the intentioi. topreened with the laying of a cement walk," The street committee will lay a new crossing from the Ontario street 'ehureli to the Publk school corner.. Councillor Gibbingo said that the town' hall ceiling was being repaired, In the list Of payments le an item of $40 for removing the old tins and other refuse from the duniping ground on King street to their new ratting place, It Is net expected that the present generation will ask for an- other removal of tile debriti. The circus whith lately visited the town paid a ice or $25for which it got the use of the ps,rk, but it Will require a third Of that 'amount to remove the trades a its brief oecupaney. 'Forty 244neh tile will be procured from Mr. S J. Audrey/a for the Mt- teusion, of the Mary street drain, thre ough rifro.Sheppard's property. The question eif the keation of tho four new are lamps, width are to be added to .the service on September tst, occupied the attention of the outwit tor some time. The remark 414. • : • ''. - • ..e.Ceee„:, . $10,520,23 . • Expendituees : . Collegiate Institute $1.200.0o Consolidated Debt 2152.98 .Doherty Loan . • 875.00 Sinking Fund Doherty Loati 930,40 Local .Improvement Deb. 350.54 Publio School 3200:00 Public Libea,ry t0. 0. County Rate • 1.029.45 . .Streets , 1200.00 Salaries 1250.00 Electiec. Light . . 926,00 Proper: 'Or COMdtery 400 00 . 5e0.00 Charity . 50,00 Fire. arid Water • b.0 Street Watering • . :34050.000 Insurence 9000 Postage, Printing, eic, 150.00 Public Park • • 10.00 • . • Board of •Health • ,73::0000 Elections 2 00 5 Tax Refunds ' . .• Grants • . . • . • e200.00 Law Costs5 . • . eneieeneaes 25;8051) • - The followires acceunt,e wereotdcre. effetieebeee • • C. H. Carter, work ' $42.00' W., 'Flukor, .evork \ . • 33.00 W. Steep, teaming % 8.13- . R. Cree.; teaming- ' 2.44 . P. HeywIreTTror-r-;7-:---.- f0.00 F. EVaaS, draying • .. 6.10- Joslingi draying . 2.55 . A.. Seeley, repairing . • 13.70 T, .Mackenzie, leather .4:65 S. J. Andrews, tile 19.45 Davis & Rowland, 'supplies ,. 5,55 R. & J. Ransford, salt. ' • 2.00 11. Davis, lieery, 3.25 L. • Cree, dre-ying . 7.00 J. Miller, street waterlog , 60,00 Q. Crich, salary • • 35.00.. .Carrick, wore , 3.3.50 Herman, woi:k , 1.50 Royal Insurance Co. 10,00 . Electric Light Co. • • • 77.05 • Bell Telephone Co ,• 8.10 it, Holmes, printing ." 47.50 . W. J. Mitchell, printing 2.50 W, Fair Co. stationery '2.65 Municipal World, supplies 4,37 • Postage ' ' 1.20 . Mese V,. A. Walker, cemenfe e68.00. • C. Helyae, repairing '3.00% A• Seeley, salary 10.00 J. Wept, salary • 7.50 Smith, salary 0.25 Firemen,. fifteen • •, 112.50' D. F, Meephergon, salary 62,50 IVI. D. McTaggart, salary. . • 25,00 J. Wheatley, •Balitry ., 71.35 Weleh • salary • 95,28 • . A. Wilkie, 'weighing • 'Receipts : .Scales ' Circus License • :Shooting Gallery Licence 6.00 Both s July 12th . • 4,50 .and Shop Rent • . 21.60 Cemetery 2000, .ninraiNo or SCHOOL BOARD. : • Owing to the difficulty of securing the 'a,ttendenee of membere in the ev- ening, a meeting of the Public sch- ool board was held At eleven o'clock oit•Tuesday- fOrehoole' There was: not much businese to transact beyond the Passing of a feW accounts: and the en- gagement of a teacher to 611 the Place ' vaoated .by Mies 'Chidley, Miss Edna Manning was chosen. She will reeeive a Salty for the first year of $300. Miss Ette Jenkins ,of the Jun- sioio. rn.roto .eree ,aleo resigned. She Will be succeeded, it is expected, by a forrner -teacher of the same divi- ONT.ARIO STREET CHURCH. On Sunday. . evening the congrega- tion of Ontario St. church elected the following society representatives en Quarterly Beard ; J. L.. Courtico, A. Dt Beaton, R. Tiplady, J.• Cornish, G. Wray. At Turnelle, appointirient W. Nott and, T. LiViegstorie \ were chosen. • On Mend•rtY evening Mr. A. Hooper WAS elected representative to the fire "Pelaaselr Itl3itiitiCrst mrlastinganirouneed that next Surelay it. m. he will begin a series of servicing on 'Paul' e Prayer -for the Ephesian Chtiroh." These Ser - MODS Will be continued emelt Sunday Morning until the Series is completed: Last Sunday Morning Mr, Will, Harland rendered the solo, "Nearer My. God To Thee" in his usual fin- ished style. A DISLOCATED. ANKLE.- Wiiliani Cochrane of the :eine ton football team, while playing ix match with Hohnesville at the lett p Ace last Friday, was so unfortunate as to have his ankle dislocated by accidentally being. kicked by a meek 6f the opposing team, TO KEEP IN TOUCH. THE LOCAL MARKET. . le. 'Wheat 75c. t a T3Uey. 35e to 40e. er'. Oats 35e to 40e.• • Butter 160 eto 17e. , Eggs I5e _to 16c, .1e. DEFECTIVE WALK. A letter recently received from Ridgeway says : 'haVe beenlook- ing over The News -Record and have decided that it is just the thin to keep me in. touch with "Old Huron" and particularly that part of' it whi- ch surrounds my dear old horne, -so sconteilpoisieou.h,crewith the ailment of stile- , II1S SHINGLE OUT. Mr. el, R. Bell writes home that he has hung out his shingle at Lloyd- minster in Seseatchewae. This is• new awl rising .place on the Canadian Northern, about one hundred miles west of Battleford,. In addition to dispensing law, J, Ree is dealing. in real esta-te. . THE ELEVATOR, • Mr. W. G. Smith has reeled :the, elevator .m1(1 is now •doing business there on his own account. It is tw entyethree yea,rs since he first embar- ked in the grainbusiness in this town and witli. the exceetionTof one year all this time he has been buyer at the elevator. Fie is well and fa.vor AblY known by the public and . will get a good. eliare of the grain sen#1 to market in this district, ' • AN ACTIVE CONTRACTOR, • Mr. D. -K.•„peter or. Monday ed the brick work ea Mr; Thomas 13eacenVe new residence and is now busy on hir toetract for Mr. Dale near Alma, Mr. Prior doesn't lose any time during :the builder's coin- Paritively short Season • and bee .in addition to Mr. Beacom's completee his .eontracts with the following par- ties already this season: Jobe G. Steep. and John' Smith of erich toWnship ; • James Handiton,' B1YD11.; 'John Sbannahan, IIullett, and Ale)e. 'Rose, Wawanesh, • A WANDERER ARRESTED. . A young woman, "A Sharlet Worm. an," they celled her,a,reieedin town last week,. suppesedirerouy Godeeicle but 'after very Meet' sojourn she wan- : . , , • dered into llullett and 'finally meander.: ed•into Loratesibera where she was tak- en en eleaege , on eloneley by; Chief Wheatley, complaint having he,enelod-. eetle-a.gainst her. Afteer_gonie_eineire spent in thecooler for quiee eneditri- tion, she was taken 'beeore. the dadi, who • gave her .soine fathorly advice : and ' set her epee, on condition that she hie away hphie, or ..at any ratet out of the bound's . of the municipali- ty. She. • emiled .her :Oinks to. the kind-hearted . cadi, nodded adieu to the, good-natured .constable, then we- nt" 'forth in seareli of pastures . eew .-and greener. • • While corning up town. on Monday Miss EL Richardson tripped upon the ,board walk paseiag Davis' livery And sustained a nasty fall, eutting her face somewhat. This is one of the few reinaining pieces of plank Walk in town arid after a few accidents it, loo, will probably disappear,., SENDING OUT SEPARATORS. The threshing seaSon being now eh, outeon the foundry people are Ibusy sending out the Well-known ivfonaree separators. To the following parties sales have recently been made: Mor- ris 84 Morrell, Clinton ; J. -Gibson, Hensall ; J. Beehfield, Mitchell ; F. Koehler, 13roadhagen ; J. T. Goletbe neve, Saltford ; H. & J. Deunie, Wal- ton. AN ACCIDENT. ' Mr. . John Lelliott of the London Road met with an accident last week, Which might have bed more serious. results. His hoese .becaine frightened by the escaping steam trom a areesh- ing engine and bolted over elie side of culvert. The buggy " tuned epside down, bruising Mr. Elliott eel. a I:ittle. The horse broke • away from the buggy ane ran a. considerable. dis tance. . • CHIEF CONSTABLE yvA.Lal-f. Big Chief " Wheatley being engag- ed' in the laying of cement walks at which he is an • .expeet, Constable Walsh is acting •Chief,- the duties . of which office he perforins most leffibi- ently. -There i•s this about 'him that 15worthy of note ; What hp under- witk ,initocvailbitgctelirofstei., • i:wttTo,o, hareidscomr.'0` '11Cnoebi;. heeste..tf. ul gst epxirditiously and , is making a gpod. • A. FAMILY RV -UNION: - The faMily of Ms. R., It. Read . of London, • formerly. Of Clinton, had a re -union the- Past week which was ate thieded ley. all the members therect„, 'Mrs. John. •Cellazider, London; .Mrs, A..V.:..Leplier, Niagara Pelle; N.Y. ;Mrs,.Will Harland, ,(ilinfon Spencer, 'Ottawa. e•Allan.; G. T. R. Cee Poet . freight agetrft: Montreal ; Harey fejaRrveoyad, 'oitirReadee& iete, Cainabelleeejewelery neamila.cturerse . . wtiNT•6111.eciof ipeaIr•k.13:0;,.004tvtlaiwsza.,. corepresei‘nitrz loefe,adth.elarndhafaprripyllYre:eir.oen,1.6,1:g ee,sidei.tts ed and much' respeCted:here se . pee Iiitizens Will :be much pleased to hear :pe They are ',we..11, leer: BARN 13URNED, . . • : • : About five. o'clock on. Moriday ening the. •barn of Mr. John W.* of •the Huron Road, .east, -went tip. th smoke .together with all its contents consisting of about tWenty-five. tons. og hay,, three loads Of barley,. all his Implements .excepthis , binder, and three pigs Mr.. • Wise . had been. drawing in barley and was busy at the supper' tahle, When the fire was diseevered, too late to, hey& the lease „ . . hope of lextinguisning. Indeed, Mi Wise and his brother :had to .huStle to 'get out their heroes and then: to eeVe the.house %which, -until the. wind -for- tunately turned, .was eiit great datigee of ,a,leo being destroyede•So great, Was the heat that elie plants:. inside the windows were ruined. This, loss leaves ,Mr, Wise .Without any shelter for the balance of :his crop' or stock so that it well be 'aeceesary to rush el) 'a buildieg with as little delay as. possible, There was eh:Menke/ice in the eleKillop Mutual, but it is quite impossible nowadays to replace barns at their '" foemer cOst. The dense of the fire .18 unienoWn, but is suppos- ed to .he due' to -the •heating , of the hay, • , . • • • LITTLE LOCALS. ' . • ; ' Mr. Thos. Mackenzie, is sending belle dere' supplies to Goderieh. • 'Twenty-five cents Will pay a sub 40 The Neves -Record. untie the end of 1905, . • • : The Stapleton- blobk is turning out , eaerge stil It' is expected that the plane . will be in. full operation dur- ing the coming fall and winter.' , Will. the 'person Who borrowed the printed copy Of the town bylaws from the clerk's office plea,gb return it It is the last one and is frequently needed for reference, Mr. George Roberton intends hav-. ing his tohsorial parlor repapered, reelluoletneed, etc., this week,' and thug make it more attractive than ever. Nothing is •too good for my patrons, says George. The choir of Willis 'church excelled itself last, Senday evening rhea. it Was assisted by Miss Mewl Tilt, Miss tvloVittie and Mr, Jas. ThoteMeOth all three members of the Presbyterian choir, • Goderich. For cepies of the Heaney (Man.) Star our thanks axe due Mr. G. J. Stewart of that town and to How- ard W. Miner of the Soo for eoPles of the Star contalaing it report of rtihveer.eelebration 4n both sides of the Ensign i Poole of the S. A., M.O. travels for the Grace Iletore Meat 'BOZOS, conducted the meetinalg at the hatradrs , and on the streets on Sun- dey. The gatherings were larger an usual, something like old limes. Mrs.. A, ITooper has had quite in attack of hay feVeri , THE BAPTIST: CHURCH; , • • Rev': Mr: MCKinnon preached in the Baptist. ebnech laet Steiday, hie die - course 'being M behalf. of .IVIc1VIaSeet College Forward IVIOVernent. He. will Make e canvas of the 0611070:gap:i thie week and will while in town be the guest of Nies: Akent. • e, Rev. Mr. Priest Occupied the pel- let, in the eVehing. Thie gentletnan is. a sore-ihelaw of Mr. p. Robb and is Well kneVen..by many Of our:citi- zens: *He spent a couple Of yeete in fat -away India and came •hie on furlough hilly • expecting.to take tie that week again, but feeling that he; has riot yee 'quite regaioeil.his health he accepted elle Pastorate 'of the ch- urch at Georgetown. • .14 le expected' that Paster 1VIeGee will :be le charge next $undaYas us- ual. With his better half he.haS Veen enjoying eake breezes .the pat foet- night. • • TIIE CONTRACT LET. . The Keating Compeny have dee aided to erect theer new factoey. ore • the land adjoining the electric light woeirO. The building will be 90x42, feet end 34 feet high, Eind eontain Otter 11,000, cube feet of concrete,. The basement Wall will be.eighteen inches thieke the next story fourteen inches and the third ten inchee thick, Every ' nine feet there will be piers the feat wide arid leer inelles thick- er than the wall, These will be . to carry the beams. In the. construction it • ie 'estimated that 315 Leeds of. 'gravel aefd 250 barrels of cemeet Will be required, The coritract has been let to Mr. ..fohit Fisher of Brantford ,who . is expected to commence, opera- tions ,at one. Tile foundation will be got ready in a few days. The' evork will be visited with all possible spatch and the Company hopes to he operating in its new factory be- fore the old of the year, They pure Pose giving employment to seventy- five hands. !rho cost of the building is Placed at $6,000. Mr. W. P, Spaulding leaves in a, few ,days for Philadelphia to purchase a number of the Newest andernost UP' to -date machines, it beingthe tefition of the Company to have the most modern plant that Money can buy. 'rho present 'factory, in which there are twenty employes, is rushed with work to LW hill capacity and has won an enviable name for its 'output, pany for all the power they will re, ri. thupeithee:recaormwpeall;bwrailuth it doottl hpooetieriyo. power plant, having made arrange- ments with the Electric Light Com - 06. , umber 138.4 1 New tuivertiseinen4 •r• (L. 1 ideal WraMICT-14. Nay*: eaede Bringers--Toze 0,..mt Extension Tables- ...... , ...... if Pickling -...A. D, Beaton. ..... • ..-et.,• - • • 5 Farm For Sale -S. Reid . , -- •T% Howie For Sale -W. Marlowe 'Vetere List -7J. B. Harnwell 5 Grain -W, G. Smith 5- . Teacher Wanted -L. Tyndall... ,5: Spaniel Lost -P. Lewis • 4) Wanted -II. W. Erwin ..5 Sale Coetinued-Newoombe's - e . New Fall .Siii•tingseelliedgens. Bros,,8 Money Severs-Hodgene Bees 8. Girl Wanted -Mrs. Itiorrisen.......... ti.• leARLY PLUMS. Mr. John Shobrook north of toWn delivered to Mr. R.- Grahlam on Sat- urday last the first lot, of plums wh- ich have'bece sell in town this sea- son. They were Of, an early variety knownash s the oiev e alillartdreoefs. which Mr, REAL ESTATE SALE. Mr. Isaad Baer of. Birth has bou- ght Mr, W. J. Elliott's property cone a very busy mason, *ill move into • teoiewenie,e of a con:forta,ble bricl.r house, ua•ted one the Bee° Line about a mile north of., town. ' Mr.. Elliott, .who is • bank barn and ten acres of land sit- , THE NEW WHEAT. : • (bitea large •quantity of new whe- el. hasalready. been delivered at lea- -lee' and the elevetOr. The quality is better than expected by eome, all as yet marketed going standard, • Some . barley Wag' delivered last Weee, • ' the IfiirtsfitiottotAd by' Mr. J, Pe McIntosh' .of Bayfield. , . . Rev. Mr. Hodgens, -recently of . To- - tirliet3Elisi5hhoptc),''..tohatgalbenth.e4.P.vvi)°Oirnitte.telf.,t1: ' parish' :during August,' after whir -hes, 'resident _clergymen Will likely. be ap- Mr. and,IVies. AlePhomson of . Lake Charles; Louisiana, are the : gueeteeettetheie 'brother, Mr. Jerrie-tele- omson .. Anse F Stenbery is seeinittig few days in Loadon.-• e • ' • : . • Mrs.' Webb of Clinton le- the guest.. • • - of Mrs. 'Green. , . • -Mee W. Doherty and family, have taken a cottage in the White City. . - Mies rOleve ',enemeon of Poiet Artfiur. ; • " IS home on a visite • • • •Mr. Samuel Moore was in .London . •• - On Monday on brisin:ess. . .• • ,Mi Arthur Peck and wife of.•Cieve- land, Ohio; ate the, guests °this Mo - ether, Mrs. •Pedk. - e Rev. IVIcleibben, wife and family of -:Ailea Craig have taken e cottage for the Senn -nee in elie White 'City. Mrs. Adam Thomson ,end son, Mae- .. ter 'Russel Thomson,' Of GoderiCh vis- ited her. eister, Mrs.. Cowie, .. this . week Mrs. Johnson; Miss Johnsen or intent and itliisee•44ert and McLaren a. Br 4detiold Are :guests of Mrs. Mr. Herbert .Colliday and wife • of .Chicago • aee the.eguests of., the fOr-• , meres sister, leIrs.• Cowie; • Mrs.. Jamieson • and chile, of Brooke lyn; N. y., are' guests at Mei. George Etwin's: • • ' '• • 'Mr. John Stanbury. of • Clinton is • - the -gilesrof his, brother, Dr. Sten- • bury, this week.. • • • - • . ., • , :. Mrs. A.'" Vanstene, and child left fee ' Gerrie lagt week to join her flueband , • who his received .situation as bale'• eer: there. : : • . Thorrias Stinson . spent -a few days in London the past weey,' . Miss Canipbell and Messrs. Riissel Troyer, I'erey Biggart, Charles end Willie .Martin of Toionto came up on 'th'e. L. O. L. excursion en :Saturdaye ate& spent Sunday With relatives - Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Runiball, • • Mr, and Mrs, P, .Marein, Misses Loaa Sharman, • Maggie Murray, Olive Keller, Mabel Joheston, Lihda Stele dY, Thuria*Lewett, Mrs, Jas. A.Rosse Mr, Ben, Cornell,\Master P. Ram - hall erred • Messrs. Charlie LeWitt, Stei Wart Murray, Howard RoWirison, Har- ry Knight and Hugh; Polly, all of .Goderich, are. caret:fine hi thee White City, and Mrs. Harry Speare, Misses G. Laidlaw, Gladys Henderson, Miss • johnsten, Mildred Johnston andfMas- ter Palmer WhithlY of Seaforeh • are camping in Galbraith's. ' • • * Mrs, Eby awl faenile arte Mr;. - C. K. Hagerdorn and family of Berlin have taken it cebtage this week in the White City for the summer, Miss Petty and Miss Butt of Heft - sail spent a- few delis this week bit . the eillage guests at the RiVer Hotel, Me, Bright Smith of Barrie is the guest of, his brother, Dr. Smith. Mrs. Baker of Detroit and the Misses -Cudinore of Seaforth are Mk' ests at the Commereial. Mr. Walter Raker of Galt and W.. Be Robinson of Seaforth are guests at the Albion: Mr. T. Brownlee, principal of the Public gaol, left •ort Sunday by the King Edward' for the Soo to spout. ie* *mks, -There ate on. the village voters' list the name* ef 123 persons who 'are.Che titled to YOte •aii both parliamehtarY, rind municipal elections, 47 may only vote at municipal electione and 23 at , parliamentary elettione. Thoeogeriale flied to serve as jurors number 10. • „ Rev. Mr. Priest, w163 and daughter of Georgetown are at Mr, D„ Robleft. s • : -