HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-03, Page 7August ard, 1905
a, I), MeTaggart
T.,n. ON DE-
BARRISTER, soLaerron
office formerly occupied by •
Mr. James Scott in Elliott
Conveyancers, Commissioners,
Real Estate and Insurance
Agency. Money to loan.
• Dr. W. Gunn L. R. C. P. &L.R.C.S.
Dr. J. Nesbit Gunn M. R. C. -S. Eng.
• L. R. C. P. London
Night calls at front door of residence
on Itatteabory street, opposite
Presbyterian church. • -
OFFICE- Ontario street-CLINTON,
OFFICE -Ontario street -CLINTON
Opposite St. Paul's chuseh.
Special attention given to eiseA.,cs
of the Eye, Far, Nose and Throat
=Office and Residence-.
North of Raetenbury St.
J B. LUNDY L. D. S., D. D. S.
(Successor to Dr. A gnew)
, •
Office in Beaver Block, •CLINTON.
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Woret-
D. D. S. -Graduate olthe Royal Cole
lege of Dental Surgeons On-
tario. 'e.
L. D. S. -First class honor graduate
of Dental Department of Toronto
University. . •
Special attention paid to preservation
of children's teeth. •.
Will be at- the • River Hotel, Beyfiele,
every Monday from 10 a. m. to G
••••••••••••••••••••••• ,•••••••••••••••••••
A member of the Veterinary Medicae.•
. Associations of London and Edine'.
burgh and Graduate of the • Ontar-
io Veterinary Colleie,
OFFICE- Huron street -CLINTON,.
-Next to Commercial Hotel- •
censed AuctiOneer for the .County
of Huron. All orders entrusted to
me will receive prompt attention.
Will sell either by percentage.... or
per sale. Residence on the Bayfield
Road, one mile south of felloton.
ge Elliott, licensed auctioneer for
the County of Huron,,solicits the
patronage of the pnblic for busi-
ness in his line. Sales conducted
on percentage or so much per sale.
A11 business promptly attended to.
-George _Elliott, Clinton P. 0,, re-
sidence on the Bayfield- Line:- OW-
The Best In Current Llteratur8
$2.80 PICRYCAR: 25 crs A COPY,
total, NUMIrR COtarLitie IN into'
SO veAitsi
. AniintoiolidIng *Munch and detortanon maf
rancid, assert/en our opinion free Whether an
strieureonaaenteo. dAnDuou on Patents'
invention lprOb
e ribiytatept,ebik.efilmirnith.
ttons *ant Ir40. Woo *donor for It000rloltAtAMS.
MOM* WW1 ,through }Lunn & vo. rookan
*pedal natio. Without charge. In the
Sdatifit Thilerkat
A tandsoindif ilfulitrarAt *reek*. TOttettr.
otuation oe astir igiVaitaggli inzAiatts4
giamlitirrit Inn N I
onyz&0 s ruitvoly. e r
c.,ihro..woaksoot A
ISore Throat gond Calegit0
A simple, effective se4 safe reeaody for ill throst
Crefoolono Antigeptic To.bleto
They somitioe the gsriakidsi vales of cresotenewldt
*Po'hiPit Prsoutels 0* 'Semi. Ora sad ligerice.
1011,. All Drodiniti 400
The News-Reeoal gives the local
news, .
.••••••••-• ••••••
eany 101111
Clinton New .flee.reird
nder the Ros
"What shall we do? : 1 am full
xeuey,:" she confeesed, .. • -
"The forestoffers- the best prothe.
Bon," he releetantly suggested. Lit-
tle as he favored delay, he realeeed the
wisOone of sparir" h
ng theiorses. More-
over, her appeal was irresistibl
11 e.
woody depth. ;Why not rest by the
She gazed half diebiously lute Unit
the moonlight?" •
"I like not
• severed. "But if you fear the dark-
eeereeery-y•yeeeeeeere.ee..4ee".e,'-e.'"el" ness"---
• For answer she guided her horee to
.W43. ftVe 11 full fisor tmen t or the verge /if, the foreSt . and lightly
sprang to the groinid "IT o a grassy
all,iohauta lit,. tle way within he spread
"There, jacqueline, Is Your •educh,"
he said. •
"But you?". She asked. "Te rob you
thus of your cloak seems 111 comrade -
Open• and Top
Buggies °
tted with either Steel, Solia shim ,
Rubber, Cushion or Pneuma-
tic Tires, Also Market anl
Lumber Wagons.
Call and see them before
purchasing elsewhere
:Hu ron St, Olin ton;
YS ONE.- ' • e*
:We sell the International :Stook
Food. Read thee testimonialse •
Jan. 21st,- 1905:
TM'S in to :certify...that I. have dSed-
InternetiOnal • Stook, Feed and haye
•foond- it verybeneficial for hog's that
are troubled: with iedigestion 03; are
iiiinted in their groer.th.W.
.pbell, Westfield. •. • . -
Auburn; Jan. 31st, 1905.
Mr. 4.. Nitholsen ; • ,
Dear have used Interziatiore,
al • Stock Food • on 'my; delver this •
winter and, have derived first " : class
results. I- have uSed many Other foo-
ds but for a blood •purifier ase food:
saver nothing equals ;this. I could •
not recommend it too highly tomy
fellow tatmers.-Itcbt::-Rutledge, An- •
bure; 'Oat. '
. .
i "The cloek Is. yours,"he returned,
',As. it is, you will , find it but athard
"It will seem soft as down," she re-
plied and seated herself on the hillock.
In the gloom he could. just distinguish
the outline of her figure with her el-
bow. ac er
then the shadows themselves. A. long
drawn, moaning sound, Coming with-
out Warning behind' her, caused the
girl to turn,
"What is that?" she Said quickly,
"The .wind, Jacqueline.. It 14 eising."
As lie spoke, like a;tianneter.it entered
the fotest, Ahootthem branches waved
awl , tossed. A 'friendly ," star Seen
through the boughs lost iteelf behind n
• cloud. Yet .no rain fell and the. air
seemed hotand dry :despite the Mists
which citing to the ground. A eras))
of thunder or a flash of lightilleg would
have relieved that 'sighing dolor, which
• tilled the little patch of timber with its
:.melanchole• soundse •
Suddenly *above the:plaint andneur-
'neur of wind and.-.ferest. the low, •ciear
' was:no ballad, arietta or pastoral, such
as he had before hettedefreee her. lips,
but a Simple hymn, the Setting' by Cal.
vin The jester •statted• • :flow cants.
• • •
she to know that forbidden . music?
• . Net, onlyto know; but to eleg it as he
eebad never heard It sung before' Sweet-
iy it. -vibrated, her way*tifilness sunk
. in • its 'is:welling rbytlina, its-, melody
--freighted-H-vstith-theAreasure ofjer
• trust: A$ he listened he,•felt she was
'betraying to lain. the. hidden Well of
. her efaith,ethe Secret of her: reilglow•-
that she his coMpittion;*aa proelaimt.
• ing heeself heretleand:thereforeden-;
bly an outcast. • • • •
A. sta.nzn and the ineiody:.diecl•a*ay.
on the winge of. the tenipest. • His•neare
was 'beating violently; He Reeked ex-
peetantly 'thiveted het :Even more gen-
fiy, lullaby. to, the turbulent
night, the full measuredeadence oe the
majestic niaina was .again heard. Then
eanother • yoke, .deePer, fuller,. blended
• :with thee of .the nrst ,singer Unwa-
verIng :she .contheued •-the song, - as
' thotigh it had been the Moat- natural
-Matter he Should join, his, voice. with
hers:: Fainter tell: the liarindliy, .theo•
ceased altogether...ea hymn- deitined.to
'beconee•enterWoven With terrible aiern-:
: the tragic • massacre laf • tba
• I Iluguendtif .an the' ill feted night of "
Itoning to grave discourse; MS the
Chriatian king, the brilliant patron of
seienve and learning.
The storm. had sighed, itself to rest,
the stars laid come out, but, leaning
tvith his back against a tree, the fool
still kelet :Via. •.
XPERIENCING no further in-
cOnveulence than the "iirclina.
Xy viciasitmles of traveling
without litter Or cavalcade,
severld dap of wandering slowly prise.
ed. Pew perifyle• they met, and those
for the most part various types of vag-
abonds and nernads; As it minimized
• their risk the young girl was •content
to wear the cap of the jestress piquant-
ly petalled upon het daik culls, there-
by suggesting an indefinable affinity
• with vagrancy tied the itinerant fra-
ternity.• • .
' Not only had she deoped the symbol
of her office, but She endeavored to act
up to it, accepting the sweet with the
SOUL', with ever a jest at discomfort
and concealing weariness with a smile.
Often the fool wondered at her endur-
ance and her calm courage in tbe face
• y
. •• , . . , ••••. ; •.• • • : At Bartholomew. Again prevailed the -.
. • _..........
The Il-eK•llo •uta.:Tto tritfnl dirge ofth.epinesiMuliAousngwell
mistress," salee7the .
InsuranceComgang- .,.. . jester htoftly. "fait, true you are opt of.,
a ated sect?" ; • • ' • •
. • ' .. • • • .• 1 '',As true as that you did not deny
•-Faten and Isolated •Town•Propeety-. tlier: heretie volume •:. found in . your
-Only Insured- . ' room" she replied. • •: ' •
. ! :• A silence ensued between them. "It •
. was iearot plaeed.the•horses there foe:.
-LOFFICERS-- ue,". she Said 111: Ieriktli. ,q1e, too, is e
• . : , .. • heretic and mould have saved yotz."
McLean,_ 4 en , • IPPee • - Thereafter the silence remained Un-
. •
O. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice-Preaident, broken •ftlk some moments, and then -
Brucefield P. 0. ; T. E. HaYs. Sen.'''. . "Ood keep, you, mistress," be said.
Treaeurer, Seaforth :P. 0 '• ' ."God keep you," she answered soft
, • Boon her deep 'breathing teld him she.
'William Shesneye. Seaforth sJohn evaa'"sleeplizie. and as she listened. in '
Grieee, Winthrop- .George Dale, Sea- .
becile morio leaned upon the table. nt*
huge forneethe be Was a glint einem;
stalwart nen-and. Mn great moon
*shaped head made itint at onco an ob-
ject hideous ana miserable to contem-
plate. But the poor creature seenied
unaware of kis own deformities and
ensiled contentedly and patted the
table caressingly to the oprightly
tbilratrug upon- thihoice asserOblage,
the- plaisant was vaguely conScions
that some of the curious and, uneoine
mon faces seemed familia', and the
picture of the Franciscan monk Whom
they bad overtaken on the road re-
curred to him, together with the nets-
givings be had experienced upon part -
leg front that canting itunve. Ile halt
expected to see Nanette, to hear her
'voice,. and was relieved that the gypsy
One this oceasion del not Wake one of
the unwonted gathering. The land.
toed, observiug the fool's discrizninat.
1. Lig gaze and reading something of
what was passing in his rabid, retis.
euringly motioned the neWeemers to
an unoceupled corner, and by,his ntarl
Int sought to ellay such mistrust a
the appearance ',eat his gueste was cal
culatea to inspire. •
As the darkness gathered without
the merriment •increased within. Ove
the scene the dim light coat an uncer
tain luster. Indefatigably the dicer
parsued their pastime, ivith now and
then an audible oath or muttered ine
PrecatIon which belled that docility
alaine•host had boasted of. The trouha
• dour played and the•morio yet listened
Several of a group who bad, been sing
lug now eat in sullen silence. Suddenly
one of them, uttered a broken sentence
and his feileta immediately . turned
their eye e toward the corner where
were fool and jesteess, . This rireele 0
interest did not escape the young girl's
of. peril, for, although they Met :with attention, who saki uneasily: .
• no misadventures, each day seemed • '.`Wily 09 thesemen look at Us?"
fraught with jeoperily. .It appeared a "One ot the& spoke to the • others,"
brave effort to bear un undee contin. •' repliedthe•jestea "He eulled attention
I eed learilshipe-.1nsufficieut rest and to soltething."
sharp ritling-andthe ;fester reproached ' "What do•you suppose it was?". she
himself • for thus taXing her strength. asked purloins:4'. • 7 •
• , •
But often when he sUggested A..pauSe : "(limbos gemintitusr ("The, jeWeled
• .
• she would shake her head willfully, ea- st'•;•ord.") • • „
sert She was net tired and ride but the Whence crime the voice? Near the
faster. . .• couple, In a: shadow,. sat A woebegone
"No, nor on would say % "If we 'looking :man who had been holding a
would escape we Moist 'keep :on. We book so close to his. eyes as to conceal
cnn. iest afteLwaid" " his faee. Now he permitted the volume
• •
"Where do you ettish to go?" he asked to fell,: 'and the jester uttered an _ex-
ber o Ce '
• elarnatfon ef surprise as. he looked up -
Wow played a flow chords on his in-
strument. The passion fetled front the
creature's fuer. Cetzletty.lie tamed and
sought the chair nearest to the min-
"Sing, master," be said. •
"Diable, thou art an insatiable men*
tevbtt grumbled the .eroubadour.
"Insatiable:" smilingly repeated the
strange being.
" vole went aka, ma deuce miette,
• • The joys of heaven I'd forego
To have you with me there below,'
Sala Amason.). t Nieolette,"
softly sang the troubadour.
Over the gathering a marked con-
straint appeaed to fall. More soberly
f •4 momeet they etood thus,
the men shook their dice. the scamp
student took up his book, but even
Horace sem:sled not to absorb his un-
divided attention; a mountebank at..
•• tempted several, tricks., but 'failed. to
amuse his apeetators. The candles,
• burning low, began to drip, and the
servant silently replaced them. • Be.
neatb lowering brows • the 'Waster 9f
the boar moodily 'regarded the young
girl, whose face seemed old and dise
dainful in :the flickering light. Tbe
•plaisant addressed a remark to her,
but she did tot answer, and silently
he. 'watched the .sbadow• on the floor,
• of the chandelier gwinging to and fro
"There isetime enough•yet to speak on those Witched, worn, but well lo -
1. of that," she -returned eeaelvely. • membered features • • •
4`You have some plan, inistress?": "The scall1P Student:" he" said, .
. .11"Paelfthsashyly Inonediate.ly :the reader buried his
she looked at him beneethe head. °lice more bellied the hook and
• ',
. her dark lashes as if to tend how'depp- spoke .alooti in L ttxn i, ,though 'ettiot-
ly he was annoyedand, 'seeing bis ;ace tug seine pitasage wnieh be 'followed
'clear; 'aligned lightly, • • . • with Ills finger,*•"pid you underattind?"
'What are you laughing eitt, mis' eY..es,""rinely.ered the Dials:int, appar-
tress?" he said. ' • • • ently speak:Mg.:1e: the .jeStreSS,' *hese
"If. I knew .1 could: *tell," SIM: replied.. .faeo- wore a puzzled .expressisah.• • •
• ... 'Toward gund,own on the fourth • day • The . Scamp .student bad-. the Voluine
they eaine to a Inely• . a on the table...""I'lleae 'men 1110 outlaws
Ciettringen.the• verge 01 11 forest: They anti iii Lena to 'kill .yon feryogr jeweled
-h4d-ridden liste in the'ineenti2Lht the aword,"' he :continued in the language
night:before and all that morning axiii.7 of Horace. ,
ahrioat: Without 'resting, and::::,• "'Why dri'yon:teil inc this?" naked the
the that sight Of. the .1Olitary'beeteity '; fool in the, sanie::torigne,:.nowlstadrese;
ns not imweleenie to the. weaxy fugi 1u direetly the scholar... • .
tives A second einspeetion of the •"Beeafise.•.yett snared my life' enee
place, heir ever, 'awakened misgiVings. Would keri-e you now...". • • .1
The building Seemed; the, betteis adapt. t, • 'What's e all . thismonit's glbberlsh
ed for a fortress ,than a tavern,' being I.. riboutr- • erie.d an iin'gry voice...mit the
heavilY : constructed, With • maSsive .inaster . of ..the boar; stepped eoWerd
doors and blinds and .1depholes abieve. ,"them. . , • ' • • . •
A. brightly painted , sign, the Ifooksel. ."A-disetissiOn.betweea two scholar's,"
...gaunt waved cheerily, it is true, above readily anSwered .the'Sercup Student.
the door, . As :though. to .disase4 gos,:• don' t you taik In n hinguage
picion; but the. Isolated situation of Ne-.unelerstisml?" gruMbled..the mane •
the inn and tbe depressing . sense of , "Latin is the tongue of learning,'was
. .
the surrounding- 'wilderness. might well the tangible response ' . . • • :"
Cause the wayfarer to hesitate Wbeth tf Iike not. the .sdnaid ef 'it," retorted
ee-th tarry there Or Continue. his jour - the.other. fie he retired, . Froni a ills,'
to caste
ney, . • • , . • .•.. •• j tanee, boweter, he-eoutinnd
• • •
. A.glance at the pale face and unntat-..• stispielousi glances tn: their direction.:
malty bright 'eyes 01 the girl •brought • Bewildered, the girl looked from 0110 01
:the jester, hoWever, to .11 quick elect the alleged centrovertera•td the .046.,
.sion.' Sprieging:frent hiaboria. be held • Nyle • Woe tide • starVeling the jester,
. .
out his hand to assist her;,, but, over- „seethed to lino*? Again wete. they:
come by weal ness,. or fatigue,. she 'conversing In the Ituignage. 'of the mime
" would lavefeller' had he not sustain nstei v, and their.eollOguy bed to a. con..
:ed. her. Quickly site recovered and.' elusion as uneinecte4. as it was Star-.
with -a faint 'flush mantling bex White Ging. . ' •'' •
cheek Withdrew' front his' "Whot if we leave the. inn now?"
, .
at.the same •tune the landlordof the .asked the jester.
taverns:collie forward
:to welcome his "They would .nrevent yeu.!Z, .•
. .
•guepts... • • • '. • ' • "Who Is the leader?"' • • . •• •
In appearance. mine .host was round "The man with the boar," answered
, and JOVia. His bulk bespoke • hearty • ti e scathe) '.student.' ."But it is .the
living, his rosy face reflected ` geed. eimorlo who email& kills' their victims"
cheer, his stentorian video free.. and ' "Is there ne.way Of escape?" tbe. Jest- •
easy 'hospitality.' .Uis eyes Constituted •sr asked.' . ". ' • •
the • only setnackto: this general '114- "Aloe!. I cart • but warn,. not adirise,"
0tession Of friendiiness and fellew •sid th se to ' ready the leader
: feeling. • They 'were • small, • twinkling, suspects Me" . .! • :• .
'glassy.,... • .• : .A. half shiver ranthrousi bim I
. "Geod.:even to You, gentle the preeenee Of actual And seemingly
Said. "Yon 'tarry for the night. I. fake • Assured death he had enpetired 'enith.'•
It" :. • : ' • . • • • . resigned, a Secretes • in tepap.ertunent;
"If you have, suitable accommoda.• • .before.the mereprospect.of danger the
tions,. answered •• thee jester, reassured . apprehensive .thief Andfugitiveele-"!
by the man's•iispeot.and manner. • r molts of bia.natpre Uprose,
"The Rooks' Hattie never yet turned'. • •e'Yee'; 1 Am sure 1 have nut 'mYteam
away a weary, teaveler,"' answered the neck' in it", lie twittered:. • "I iiinet de
landlord. • "you. _come from the pale vise a •wity to save it I have it We
,ttee?" . , • !mist seem to quarrel." And, eising,, he
"Yes,"..briefly,as a lad led away their• dosed his book. delibeentely. '
/13 er ?or ill:hi ie;:oi: eoJgdo, h; in3 LoWdmiai eaitts,acnI.oin; anrojloiaielyikr;cs. itil':vtgaollrs, * , ,:,,,,(ig. , ,i 1 : , 1,‘ , 141..i :?yif,i):;41:4:;,i , , , 1 f,
. t'lir,., • ,
W,I',..:.: .',' • -; -.°:.. ; • ,.: .1%;;;.1
. .-AGtN'T$- 11 ii,',e1 . •ii,,,,,,ie,,,,
. , a ,,,,,,,,,,L,„ I,
Robert Smith, flarlock ; 4. Etta- vtk41.•" IP ,99,;,.
chley, ,Seaforth ; J eines Cummings, le,
tr Pi
i ' I i i,:r9/:',
Egville. ' ..
mondville ; J. W. Yeo. Holmii
Parties degirotIS to 'efleltu
et itisurve, iilk 411/)
or transact other busitess will • .be fr
promptly- attended...to on .apPligatlelLee. •
to any of the above officers addresetele-el ) i
te their respective postoffices. Losses
inepected by the director who nVe3
ileareSt the scene.
liken waving sword. .•
. MIR you have something More, good.
- fool?" said the' insinuatiug and utlex.
'pected Verde of the host at ,the pia-
' pent'e elbeW,
"Nothing." • - •
•".Yeit were right not to drfrtv,"' eon-
' tinned the bonifttee, with ra,faharp. look.
"What could a, jester ;de: with end,
blade? • Ill Warrant' you do not
bow to use It?" ' • • .• •'• •
eXay." • answered the fool '"I now
how to•use it•not-eandesave my neek."
• • Mine bot ,nodded approvingly:I: "Ha,
' a. Merryfellow" he said. Come, drink
•agalie 'Twill make You •aleep.." •
j 7"1711-ave.-hetter---ntedietne thafy.„that,"
retorted the jester and yawned"Ab. wenuneas 1 11,- -.
. warrant Yen!.11.
• :., seat like a log," he added a he EL1,9V6T,
AWny. ' •
At that Ooni.e one Who had been lis-
••teniug: laughed, but .• the fool .dt&'not
look up. &greatelock began to strike'
with harsh clangor,: and Jacqueline'
.1. suddenly arese. .24 .the 'same time the
Stretehing his Arms, strolled:
leto the doer and out into the open air
-"Good night, mistress,". said the •
: harsh: voice of the master of the boar,
as his, glittering .yea -dwelt upon her
• gitteeful,ffgtire. '•. •
• • '
The girl respenel,ed, eoldly. and, Amid
al,6shtoursh.. ,froin. the company, made her
• '
waY to the.'stairs, Whialt Shesiowly
•mourated,,preceded. by the lad who had
Waited upon 'themand f011owee by 'tbs.
' At the end of the paiiinge the guide
• of jestrees..and fool paused bethre it.
• • door. • "Your them, mistress," be said;
"AndjyOnder.is yours, .Master •37.aster!!'
--Then,' Placing ..thej candle on a .stand..
:.ana., vouchsafing no further Weeds, he .
- shuffled off in the darkness, leaVing the
• turustanding there. '•
'"Lock Y•onre. door this ;night, 'Jacque.
line," whisneeed the fool..
"You Submit oVereasily to • an .efe
front". was her scornful retort,...bartt..
ing upon the jester. . •
• :
'Perhaps," lie replied phlegmatically
.,,yof forget not the bolt" • • "
' "It Were more • pretetioti than you
. .
• are apt to prove," she. answered, And.
. g•the: r.roomclod
se, hard
A. momenthe stood in indecision,
then rapped 1igtIy' • • :, • •
"jtiequeline,". he ield in., low voice.
Trains will arrive ate.and depart
from Clinton. station as follows
Going East 7.38 t. rfi.
Going West
.4 4
horsea. • • "Fool!" he said in a sharp voice.
"And have agile well? Reaped a heir- . "Yotir argument is as seurvy as your .
vest from the merry lorde and ladiesr Latin,: Thou, a. plilloeopher,. a book-.
"There were taw others there for less, shallow dabbler! So I treat you
that•purpose," eeturned the jester, fol. end your reasonings!"
lowing the proprietor to the door of Whereleion, with a quick gesture, he
the hostelry, • theew the.drege of his glass in the face
"True. Still vn warrant your fair of the jester.. So stiddenly and uner.
companion coaened the sileer "pieces peetedly was It done the other sprang
from the pockets of the gentrye" And, angrily fronf his seat and half drew
Smiling knowingly, he ushet'ed. them his sword. .A moment they -stood thus,
into the principal living room- of the the fool With his hand menacingly up.
tavern, on the hilt, the scamp scholar continu.
It was a smoke begrimed apartment, hag to confront Iffm with undiminished
with tables next to the wall and rough volubility.
• ellaira and benches for the guests. . "Make a ring foe two monks, my
Heavy pine rafters spanned the cell. masters," eried the man with the boar.
Hee/ came ehe to lenoto that forbidden ing. The floor 'WAS vein led with Then let each state his ease with
WOW sand. b'rom a chain hung a wrought bludgeon or dagger."
iron frame for candles 'Upon a shelf a "'With bludge oe er!" d
8.23 v. Tn. fancy he could heat the faint echoes of . 0 gg oe
row • of battered tankards, suggesting the excited voice of the mole, whose
6.20 v. nt. her vOiee, necOmpanied by the sighirtg. mazir,a bout, shohe thilly,, like it line appearanee had Undergone a trans.
1 OA t nt, wind' IOW Intrepid mu she beelnedl of war worn troopers, while it great forttiation. The indescribable vaenney.
ieeie ;: WI, Him Ild0leee was she howl And ne 110 pewter pitcher, the Worse for wear, With Which lie had listened to the.rnin-
„. „.. bent over her, divining, yet not seeing, eonurianded the disreputable array. strel vvai replaced by an estpreseion of
164-i r x• he ssked himself Wheuee had eel" In this room was gathered it non- revolting taullignitY.
'thistaltb in hine, that, like. a &lid, she deseript company-etnountebanke and , The jestress half arosehe toe otice
LONDON, HURON nnuon DIV, elumbeted amid the unrest of nature. buffoons; rogues unclessifled, drinking . •
What had her life been, who her
• I robust s Mole white, her dark eyes fantened on
nit d i •
Going South 1..17 a. tu. friends that she ehould thus havse oho- tile -fool; But the latter, realizing the
ieet slept a performing boar with a purpose Of the aferont and the actual
Ooing North 10.18 &iv her f th from fl
- nosO0 a black horded, ahaggy haired ed bhp, unexpectedly 'thrust back hie
11, & L. II. torreetly? Was it-
, 1 ragged and tvorn as to have lost Its ..I'lifl I t k • "
I< tE 443 p. m. ten. a eeter as eon:Wide? What hod ring -badge of aervitude-through ite service the Setrinn student had render
'1 " 0.33 p. m. fitimelees hazards? Had he eurmised Spar:Ish troubadour with attire do blade.
A, 0.,.PATTISON, Station Agent.
P, IIODOENS, Town. Ticket Agt.
• b, MACDONALD, District 'Passen-
ger Agent, Toronto.
Wants too y:urig tO taint me"dielitinia.t iis
tared of croup, vvinieoing COURii and colds he
malt Vsoo•Oteeoltute-ther breatheiti
"Ths king" She murmured with told
nor g 1 a puny. boo wenn, be
den restlessness in her sleep.
0 erstwidle picturesque chartieteristigs- saki and resented hie seat, &though •
I ' I
"The. king," sThiS Ittet fee from Preneeseesing his eheek Was gushed.
he repeated with aver. worth 1 ift d'f • t
b Win bee nilenh Disappointed -at this :Mane onto=
In , the jester a read upleaped a stared at them and then restmled his
fierce Anger. Tide was the art loving piece cold the holed -he naa b:sea slug. scoffing tind twittered sarcasm, re.
ginning, the company, With derisiVe
.monareli WhO beetled the fathers and hotg.
• owned their places; all save the inerip,
i the appearence of reel awe eesteese, of an Altair which had so spirited a be.
hrotbere ef the new ieltil;thltiblt Watehleg the nimble litigere Oi the eelle stood glari»g upon the jeeter. '
righteous rider who eondeinned niezi
to , shabby minstrel with pitiably thildish 'map, stab!" he muttered through his
(11411 Psalm 0,1411 for Aus exproosiort of ranusiement Ulf
JO t
ra* •iiry lips. And tr.t thrit tuoineut the trou-
• 4 I
*There leas no answer,
.• "Jetecolelinel" •
e The 'bolt eliot.shitroly Into place,,fas-
tening."the door. No other response.
would, 'she: Make, and the jester, after
waiting le vale. for her to speak, turn.
ed. Wad made his' waY to hie own chain.
ber, adjoining hers. .
Weary. as the Ming girl Was she
•did net retir atattee,'bUt, geing to the
WindoW, t OW wide open the blinds:
Bright one the moon, and, leaning
forth, she gaiad upon clearing and for.
est sleeping beneath the •soft &Mout.
'A beniitiful, yet desolate scene, with •
net a living. object visible -t -yes; one,
and she strildenly drew back; for there,
motionless in the full light and gazieg
steadfastly toward her room, Steed ft
ggure in whom she recognized the
Spaniele tretibadOur, s
011APTER XX. •
URVEYING lais room careful.
ly In the dim light of a can
die, the fool diseovered. he
Stood in a small apartment
With a single wiudoW, WheiSe barren
furnishings eoneisted Of a narrow
condi, a elude and a massiVe ward-
robe. Unlike the chamber assigned to
Jacqueline, the door wits Without key
or bolt, it significant fact to the jester,
in view of the warning he lend receiv-
ed, Nor was it possible to move weed -
robe or bed, the first being too hert\vy
and the last being screwed to •the
floor, had the °eminent &sited to hate
rieade himself from: the anticipated
danger without A number of anent.
dons stains eAllatmed the grewsome
character of the recant, and as these ap
peered to lead to the wardrobe, the
jester ' carried his" investigation to 4
mere eareftd survey of that ilnpOSing
'deo ef fureiture. Opening the door,
Maim:Wit he tottid not find the octet
of the'wechanism, the fooreotielizded
that the floor of this ponderous wood.
it reeeptaele was a 'trap* through
whieh the body of the Victim mid be
socrony lowerttt,
This brief exploration of his sur-
raludutliiilegn", ::fCteneDilt:Ititiblauitigaortettsv tleme°1exitlenntltise,
And heaping the ebonies- toFts.ther au
the hed into some rpaeMb1aile0 tg
human figure lying there, the jester
drew his word and soenT crept down
the passage: toward the stairs, at the
head of which he paused and listened.
could hear the voices and SOO
the eleulows et. the men below and,'
with beating heat, descended a feW
' steps that he might catch what they •
.were saying. Crettehing against the
wall, with hates1 breath, be beard first
the landlord's' teues.
"Welt, rogues, what say. you , to
another sack of wine?" asked the host
't .we waited king enough?"
an,toibuavtn,r irtmeupptia.otvtyeioln,ugtni yvg.o leo:ft:1,4 ygerou741-
turb him at his prayers?"
. "The landlord is right," spoke up the
leader, ;We heve the night before us.
Bring the wine,"
In _stentorian tones the, host ealled
the serving man, and soon from the
clinking- of cups, the deering. 01
throats and the eichnuations of sea -
faction foully expressed the -listening
:jester knew that the skin had Steen
4i:ciliated and the tankards filled,
"Where, think You, he got the
sword?" asked one of the gathering,
reverting to theenterprise Iiu kaiki..
"Stole it, most IlicelY," replied the
leader, "It is booty frond' the palace."' st.
"And therefore is doubly fair spoils,"
laughed another,. • '
"Renaeraber, rognes," interrupted the
host, "one-third is my 'allotted portion.
Else we fall out." - •
• "Art ao solicitous, thou corpulent
scrimp!" grumbled he of the boar.
"Have you not alwayS had the hulking.
share? Pass the wine!" • .
"Foul namesi break no bones," laugh,
ed the host. "You, were always a
ehwlIdb, ungentle knave. There's the
wine. :An .it's• not better than your
temner,leshrew me for the enemy of
true. hoppitality. But to. snow; I am••
'pone such, bere's aomething to sup
Witiud..--prime head of 'calf.. Bolt and
sNyli4SraYtetlevielfLidiehee and the 'play ef
forks succeeded this good Waved sbg-
gestion It. Was.."trulY evidentmine.
thhOesitr Caopixt.p en:ann.:01,e (I, g, oo, 711,:nn,a: the. •
eel -Vices.. of: tbo..bann by annealing to
4. WaVe of anget. against this un,
wzeldy-hypeerite . and Well fed. male. '
'factor swept over the jeater. The
man's assumed heartiness, ble Manner'
"of joviality and good fellowship were
enlY the mask of metal ttirpitudeAnd
blackest purpose,. But fin- the lawiese
scholar the 'feel -iveintd probably have
retired ,to •his..bed' with, full eoniidence;
of the probity and hAesty of the;
greatest' delinquent of tbem ii,
"What., shall We do with the,. girl?"
Asked one ef'the Otitlaws. • ' •
"Serve her the.earite,as.the fool,"..an-
eWered•the landlord ,carelesslys. .
• .. "l3ut she a handeome weiten,"re
totted.the leader thotightfully.. "'Straight'.
• as. a pchilar; Oyes like. 'a sloe... • With.•'.
the hear andthe jade I'lhould.do Welt .
wIien'1 becometired resting; here:" • .:.
• • ',Give her to the seainp stildent,""*.re-
Marked the feljoiv. who had that:ann.:.
since Nanette. ran. elf with
street singer, and left me spenseless .1' •
have 'Made: a :vow of.cellbacy.".lastliys.
.. •
answered 4h -6 -piping' voice of the lapis. • •
. A. series of loutiguffaws, greeted the .
aeatim student's deCiaratiou; while. the •
Subsequent aangli•hinnor•of the 'Icinevef;
'auinadtligelatolie,istetacr'a. "cheek blip h
, •
"Fnough, rogues..,.. W`e intut settle •
with the jester. first ••Afierward it Will
be time eneogii to deal With .the mald
Haat '.dorte feeding •and: tippling Yet,
morio?". • . •-• ' • ' • ..•
"Yea, Inflater," said the stlapielOusly,
muffled votee of .the •imbecile. •
"Verea the. knife then; You Slant',
• .haire Another tankard when . yeti •ceine
•At 'theee SlAnifleatit 'Werds, •knowing
that the-m.161AI Moine:nth:ad Come.,the
jester retreated., rapidly.' and. making •
his. way down theateastige, stood iA a,
dArk Cornernear his reom. As• of one !'
.accOrd the..: veiees.' ceased sblow, a
,•heavy creaking announced' the- ap- .
.pretteli 'of the rnorio; nearer anti 11011- •
firat on the stairs', then in the hover
corridor. From where he rerna'ned eon-
eealed the fool dimly discerner) the hg-
ure of the woUld be assassin
At 'the door of the jestress! room it
• paused, The fool • lifted iliox bliole;
the•fOrnt passed 'on. Before the Chain-
ber of the plaisant its. moVement.le.: -
game reale stealthy; it bent and llsten.
(TO U1
irleinr* 'Ana AMU;
Many a• man IA a Moment of fine en-
thusiasm Applauds ratricit •Ilenry's
"Give Me liberty argive me death." It
Is a proper. sentiment to entertain, hitt
not easy to live Up to,. •
Most of us feel mere like the Penn-,
eelvanitt. Dutchman who told his wife
towrite an appropriate loam:Ippon on • •
his. Itimpsaek, Which she was peeking *;
on the ,eve of his departure to join
Washington's armyin the Revolution.
The enthusiastic woman, dreaming Of
her hero coming home n general, at
'least, wrote in gnod, round letters,
"Victory or Deatli."
In a few moments her husband
caught sight Of.it -
"No gootl N &lot!" he exclaimed in
•great excitement. "Take dat off gtilek
Put on goot vows, %rectory, oder come '
baelc again.' "-Youth's Companion.
. •
• ./.*wee*. Y. •
'ow(lt:r is. hater than o hrx uuar.
it also sets' as d.alafooktut. ,14
=eve -see,
fry's', your Mends or relatives suffer with
Pits, Epilepey, St, Vitus' Dance, or Palling
Sickness, write ret a trial bottle and valuable
• treatise on such diseases to Tint Lefind Co.,
tee Xing Street, W., Toronto, Catiacla. All
druggists WI or can obtain for you
1.7rgitat - - ,