HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-03, Page 4I
-�-1.111111.11q,...17"1"111..,-�,�wl,�l-;,- 'T�l -W-_-_-,__ -: I -'-----, ,__. "*_1_11-n
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I "''"' � �, - __ ___ --- --- - � - --- - - - I August ard 1905
. .. � '�;� "' �;� i;�- w'.��4j"' -1 I 11 -, I j �... _11�� ... � m �6.6� j � , I ... 110 . 11.11'..... -11- �- I _-.1.0 - __ - - .1. 1_� __ - ,.I Ni!!!! � � .
� Clinton News -Record � Kippea. Tho County Couuil j *900*0"000 **"*#"#"*-0* *0*"""*#*""" . __�_�"
t 11 . I
ONT, 11litend4w for last issue . -111 0 .
1 ,7-z �e 0000++O+"*+.�IX.IWOIIIPO-***.:Ii- 10011*11***.#*011*-4#0t*"-,�-#!Ioll!,+O-.., ."011:loe*el*oloo.r*4*.Ol.e.l�e,
11 I 1. 11�'�,�:S,;.m - �
I . I CLINTON, . .) AppoiAts Wootairs. I , I
. I Vs$ 9499te MOVIYU104t, of Load -1
. I- . t,,_ , . . I ri Z. j
� I
� . � sit with ber parents hero. (aectlag -in the council chamber, clin . �Z I ;;,;i;;i,;ii6i;i�;i;i,__i;;iiii;,;;;i;.� �_ i 0, '�
0 - "'' T McKINNON & 00., r%L f -low" " "'
Is spc%�diag a, plea I V, 1`110 County Council held a� special 0 1 11 t ,
I , sant two weeks . "I
� I �
- ;;;;i;;;4;;i_
044- _ -I � -1__...._ I 1-1
Terms of *UbseViption- - I ,. ,- ( � .? V :
$1 'Per'YeAr 14 J'ainto'" - . .�, -� .
. Adv4eo ;1.50 WAY be Ch miss Bessie, Nunn -of MY vi ion, on'S&tUrday last t'olecciyo the , .- ., i I I 1:1-111-1- - j '_____ ____ 1:i.M__,____ � , I
, grged If sited . . � _.X� Z�. I "� L "", �ij - i;4;-;�;0' *or_
. I "i, . �, _, ,�.." ,
not Be paid. NR�p;iper discQatiwled her riend, Miss Mary, *Johnst-Q% o4le, report of UO building Committee Of � ; . I.; t , . � . ,,, I U ? N C . 4
� . , I � 01r, L.dffok
. until all,4rregr5 are paid, unless ,At dayliast week. . the ' House of Refuge And tojappoint I I � T . . S,
-tea- County valu%tQrs., I . SO 0. 9
Miss Lillian Whitewall, mtlsl� I I y I I "
the Opinion of th.e publisher. The I , _4 WWI .0
dAte,to Which overy Subscription is ch"r 0 Detrolt, IS spending her vAN%- It is, so We aro,informe'd, more I Collegiate, - � . . . . Ne � ets 0 -
. " .
, . .. .
paid is dolitit.ed on'tho la,bol. tioll in the old home. . than :twenty years Since the present I I 1. " 1 44- We 40 An lul "lease trade in Ladles' vorspt% We,haveju �
I valuatio 0 lr_ full assortment III the latest ayles fron) tile follo, W! Jig ".1014110*11 diakers ' Y -
. � Miss Louise, Hore, Public, sabool tea. , a c ffc an here Instibite 1, "I *-'* st received a *? ,
. . . . . . . __�i, I � . .
Advertising rates - Traliple4t &dyer- Cher of,'Watford, is vivittag in have been in the m Z _- 1. . ,,!. -Crompton'$,. 0.'& W -,,B. 4 U., D. & Aq V. 13. (;.� and a. & 1. V
, j , it�41' ", ;
the j eqAtime very few _�L V;�." V� 11 r We show
� 1loemolits; IQ,�ceiitsr per 11011114401 home of her cousin, Mr. W. 1J. i ch4uges- But the fact is the people I _ 1. . . 11 . - , M14 ger4soortF41011torsoull)let,vot,solbj6x)oti�t)(II)iktiticei" all gizes . .04- * I
Win- kAll;' ";, 'n � : low we mention (k few of tboleading Jilleb wacurry. - .
. .61 � .. j . � . ..
UAe for first inqert1q4 and 8,cotita ston. of the centrif portion of the county , I n.o� . . . . . ., I .
. . . . . . 7 1), &A Tape 01rdles, in all $40s, regalar, ft., fop 35,c� �
' '. 7 1 t *
. or line for eAOUL subsequent Insert- � . I . j 11 , . JU & C. Suillinot. Vo . � _?�
� I riiets,.tiioLdeofbtlotigi�c-tuo4iiiii(ibati.t., 411 #
Ion. !Small advertisements +**"*"1#*** 440410040 . 11
P Word has been received that Miss feel ,that those .of *the northern and L****#** j I Z in 1!
I j I . +# . -"4 , � j _r
Aot to Maggie MAODIA-1:11114 and Mrs. : Alex southern. parts abould bear a little , es, atZe, 35c, ft -and r&-. . _ .
- exveed, ,Quo Inch, such As, "Lost 11 McBeath who went 04 � the late ej-' .larger, Share of tho burden. bf cour-ty When the students of the Institute eneelibrAry, the science room. I's well *;#j C. & W, Erect Forna stralj4bt Frolit, 0orsetr, 11111da of fitse Pat) Ilud _*r
.1 - .1 . t return to work at er the holtda 'a they * . ? .
6%trAyod," 'or 14,,Stol � taxation. 'there wero *oven Candid I equipped, and the gyinnasillin antl if colitil, steel filled, v0IX LiPeOhd. at 50e, 75o miti $1., 1
1 _ . -
� 0k,". etc, In- icursion to the West, arrived safoly At , a" will scarcely: reco, uize tho famiVar old campus , - Crompton's Corseto, it) till'their be-st, 11)14kes, -it 50v, 75ei ,. I . ON
,. , I � _ . give, arnpia oppq,tunity ft)l, ? -1,
$or nated for the Position. .Of building, So. m4n3 And 00 great will be physical exercise suchas drill, basket- ? $1 And $1.25). ..
tod once for 85 coats and each their respective -destiliat-ions, vlz,, tes nomi � Q. B.,Q. Comets, in the Julie Wide, Peggy froul Pale and Batwing , � 0-0
suboequent insertion 10 cents, valvato .4 .
.. � PeAse And Mooselaw, Assa. r. On the Argt ballot W%n. the changes mad� during the i4o&tion. ball, football"ete. The proficiency of ##' sty es:,. something neiv, tit 75e, wid $1, . j
.. . I ,� We ;ire pleased to see Mr. William Bawden of Exeter received 11 votes, 'rho floors of the origin I I ?" 1� 44, Corsets, ninde of fine pt,.rVilloand batibte, itz ille dip �
. Communications into . aIjbillidipg-four the boys At football i's Attested by the- ,00. .. .
. .uded for puglipa, . '
. j Cudwore out again second ,ballot Mr Jon Cox cla4s-rooms, balls &a -will be repaired. lougholding of the Rough cup. long big, etc., new models, lit 50c, 74c atid hip, .
- tiO4.3114st, As a,gu4raatee, of good . after big . recent OR the � ' The two east class -rooms, and the � . - ,'f. L '�
I illness of Godorich township It Is alrobst unnecessary to renli"j) _ Ildleol 8 oulder Brawes, Ask to tvej the *1 4 * .
I fAith. be AccorAp4led by' the name . I received * 8 science room will be strapped end ro, f 114 At 05% . . I*
� . . * Votes, and on the third Mr ,Jolm , - lutOlIding students of the a4vanth4es * 4 -
of the writer. . fell last S'At- I stere4 as the two west rooms were of (Ainton. Z tj
. I .4 I", -4-c-v _Ds -'�- I
., urday a Leckie of tBrussels recelyod 71' votes. evographically it. is a . -U3NX1VX_01_r_,71 -
Mrs. John Whiteman
, a severe diglqcA�. fast. year r .. .. e I.
j .ud sustained . . These improvements Alone, reached by its railways in All dlreoti4o'5411 _," .C-1-00-
. W, J, MITCHtLL, . tion of the shoulder joint, �W These -three mea are the valuators. will r j . . e.-
. a are , 44ke a decided difterence in the Its churches include .411 ordinary de oel-4' We are 9011119 Off out' Sumnler DrossVIPOOR, * AfuRil" 0.0
. ,
, . 1; has 4n excellent " .. Zepbyrs,� 't W411sts, Underskir(o, V to -,lit terrific - 0.14 . T. �
Editor'and Proprietor. - glad to note.that Pile IS progress- Next came " up for discussion - the comfort of the, place in winter. The nominations,and I I 8, ObAmbrays,
, . . . �, . , IN - i'vints, $114t I
. daily rem front stairway will be removed and free Public Libi,aryand ReadingRootil. Zo 1,6 tions it) prices to clear'. *.I. .
. . I __ . Ing favorably. - j' . . uneratio.n. these iden. wero to the teachers' pfivA . . due .." ....... -"O .......
. � I I � I I , teroom. will be -in Board and l6ilgitik are obtAillable on I I . . .
. . . I I Mr. A. B IVICLeAn was suffering receive for their s6rvices. Several MO It on ' f the, yailding, them I . I! . "- I 44* "191100t P400, Paid for 8 tftr an tggs. .4, 0.# .
. . . , tm t efr to I - e.+�
. last week. from ne'ural a Around the Ion-% were made and as t4e diseussi - I . ava en- reasonable tefins, � U (I
I I I '* ==�.n , . . .. . - 0
. &I on trance being somewbarmodifled. Hat v SUC4098 __ I . e.#1 .
"Ullett Towwhk- ..heart,,:but All are pleased that he ii iproceeded were withdro,wa. . . and Cloak rooms,( .- I j SPUT4�8T.17DENTs-19" .1 . I _ - --- _-___;__1_1 I -_ . *.,.
. j � . . which the building . . . _ , . ;; � 7 11�- .
I I . � ! ' Moved by Mr. McQuilla,a, seconded has never had) will occupy the iest of Honor MatriCulation-S. 130ard, R. X . . � .
. almost himself again. - j . .S... . e.0
. .
Mrs, Gagen of Clinton has been I I Chidley. 0. 000 r, *0
. During a recent. thunder stoxm Mr.. : by Mr. Isbi.ster, That valuat6rs re. space in tile wide. -hall. For the stud- per, G. H, Ounti, J *.
Onts, there. will be. two lolde entrances, X- Houston, X, L, N lArch, C, M, it, MbXINNON & C 1^ L
visiting, hot neice, Mrs. P. Quigley, William .1vison's house was struck, ceiVo $5 per day' .this �$um toinclude . , .. I .01 SLYTH
the past week. Mrs. Quigle7 his itot # . ,4_ . ,e#***.****.--***.*-.*--.*--.*--.*-.*-.*--.*--.*--.*.!.W....;...*..*...,*......�., . . .0'e. . I
� where the side doors now are, but the tArd. - ' I 1�1 . * 4.
yet recovered her usuat'goad' health, by lightnIng and Mrs. XTI�oa and dau- . expenses.. , - - , j . . . . . . .
L . I balls will be widen�d to allow stair- Senior, Leavink, Part I -E. Chidle . I . . , v 'o.. * " �
ghter were stunned. A.littlegirl in In discussion MrISPAC�inansAid,. ways for the students to go to t I lie � B. Dunlop,,fl. Malming, N. L. M tire . . . I ,.*# .
her ,many friends will regret to haar. a neighboring h . � , ' � . . K, � - � ... . j .. .. . I
fin4shed 16r Ano - ' Ouse tj�grht she was "I think $3 a day and expenses so- upperolass-rdoins and Assembly room. C -A, MUStIlTd, N. Ross. Part TI -A. .
. th struck also, Though !age board unds better. That is , A point to . coa- , tit teachers' room. will be MoRwan, A: McQueen, R. Chidley I #**#**+"A.ALI&,& - *"&-- . .
er season and ou� farn AoNN, I . .1"', res" 11 ,P-V"w , . . .
. iV,s, are I . converfea 113to owriter room. X. Murch, Or. Bedard. � . I. ****+"** �,* j . ,% '. 1
' I
. was .tQrn off. tile root of Mr. Ivison's tend with." Therefore he made . the, There will also beanety%lackboards of ' . . ' . I
busy drawing in their 7 fall wheat. . I .. . I Junior Leavim.-IVL'S. Aike � W . S � I
I The wheat is not as good AS expect- house no fire resuli�vd. . I . motion : Nloved �y MK? the most approved kind, throughout. .nbead, H. ., .
. ed al�d will not bb . a � . Mrs, Alden Jones of London �1001= seconded by Mr, Mackenz _ Arm4rongj,, - W. Boles, J. CA er. . G .'O *0 D N ,E1 . '. I
. good s Mille, vith . 'le The want of good blackboards was, it Tu . . . I . I . I
I 11 That '. ' On, L. Can-elon, S.. J. Coulter, A . . � � . �
. aer children and mother, Mrs. I%Oth, . the -valu&tors each reedive $3 serious hindrance last year, and stud . . j . . . . .
being considerably. shrunlien. . . . . - Doug&)), L. M. GrAssick, C. D. ,4ras- �_ . . �
are -enjoying the -holidays with her per day and expenses paid.. ents and teachers will welcome. this ,� . We have secured the Sole Agency fojr�� .. . I ,o
j . � �
I I Mr. McKay of I-lensall and his staff falbor,iii-law ona.�. MI..,, Motion carried dn.a.vo improvem sick, W. 0- Henry, E. Hunter, H. F, � I . 1. � � I I . . . :
, :Mri Joha.j � to of 8.to'5. ,ent. When the i.00ms are Johnstone, 1. Malkay, 0., C. Murdoch, � . ;
of men are now busy building the Alden -J,opps, . . Mug the, re -calcimined and the whole. building T., Ross. I ... . . j �. . . I I . I
* spends Sundays with.hisr Thenecessary by-4aw, aut,horl re -painted, . . . I . . I � . . I . . . .
cement ibutments of St. John's brid family here and 'dellights the congie� �valuators �tb act, making provisio . - the appearance will be . . I . * I
- I . . I . f
. , I .
. .
. . I I . . . . . � . ,
ga. When complete withiroll st,por- T,ations lit jh.e Moth di�t oil all - by for th n- greatly. improved. In fact the Getl' PASS Matriclllatiou-J.�*A. Mcl�iwan ' . � I 1. . . . I
. . air payment'a j I I I . � I . : . f
I I . . .
structure the'l6ridge. will cost $2,500, a] I I Q ur I . r.d also co,ntain- tute building will be- much b�tter than A'School-H. Br . ewer, 0. Cric . b) M, . . . - . I r 7 . . .11 . * I
I . his spl adid siiigp na in the chloir. By ing other coirditions relating to.-tiniog ever before. .These A . ��F I . * .
I . *
Mr, 1hos. Carbert has, retuAmed . . � linprovements . I? . . - 41 . . � .1
. the way, We shouldn't rorg6t�to men. quorum,, etc., was drafted, and pass- will cost the town A considdrable sum,. Dunlop, D. I"OrrOster, W, Holmes, . . . . I � � ;il,,i46 � . . .I I
from St. Joseph's hospital,, London, 'ion tha, ch ed. , - .. " . . . ' S. Holmes, .W. Houston, ,�� . I , I . . . . I j . .1
, . . . .
. and now looks hale and bear w I t the� choli 'in this . chur ,� I . qnd, 14ter, the citizens will be pleased more, E. Ma R, Liver, . - .. � 0 . I . I
. ty, _P renJOars oXcellent servic''e.every S$b- -t They are.to, begin work not later to Warm that the expenditure has not haffy, . L. - McCourt, G. Jo � j I . .1 � I
are -glad to say. . . ' j I j I . . j I 11 . . been in vain, -that the school Use in - McTavish,. N. Nesbitt, B. Olson, H. - . I - I I .,.,I j .. I . ,
. j
Mr. James Tighe has, secuied - - the bath. j. ban Sep't.. lst,and ar,y� two of them ,every way. increa6ed in efficiencly We Fort6r,M-1tance V� Rogers,, F, Ro. " . 0 , ..
. . . l I . . I I �
� services of Martin Brennan fbr I the I Last. -Week 'a, gloom was cist over ,4riI to form A'quorurn. .� . .1 . hope that the renovated building will, ere, B.'Seale, R�'Stddall, M. Smitli, . � j ... ----- I . . . .. . . � 01 I " '� - - ,.
' .,. the -neighborhood When it,orag, known The report. of the 1uilding 'com- be respected. by students and. others M Wolsb, W. Wiselpan, . . .... , j � . . 0 , I -
. barvest, while Mike 'Blake. is asslist- j I . . " vho frequent the. grounds. Student Commerefitl Dipl 1-1 .. . 1. . . ,
., 'hat Mr. Wm.-.-Tr&quaitj Who 3 - th 'A read' This commit- V a � Orrin- .; Porter, . j . . . I I I . .j
. I Ing Mr. William. Morrison; 1 : f Moved Inittec wit, a , I - . . � . i . . I . . j . I . . .
I - here * about two �years ago, ho t6e --met on July 2 * � should 4emember -that one* of .the . ' . . . � .�_. �.. . . . . I . . . S . , I . � .
Mr. Thomas Quigley and two of his . .4 . (lied .8th at the, House . worst . ways ol keeVing, their ' Military college, Jciligstoh�-U. P. Tiq.., . 1. . R . . .. . . . I I . � .. . . .. I � * . I I . ..
. . , . . . . j. I . I I I ' : . * ,I , j .
x- Addition cherished remembrance is to chisel . , . : :
grandchildren, Tom . my and Eddy: T' at.thp comp,arattvely.-mrly� age . of of Refuge and found the 'new, � names in. � . dall.. Mr. T-10dall is the first to enti . . . . .
. lftT� - A. practically- co I inpleted, The,architect, from Ofintan.,and took a very. credi . . . . . . . , 1. _ 1. , ,41&' . .
. I
ghe, spent a few days recently with � eVen, . succession.of Strokes . them-ou . desks or walls� Respect for , t. � . I.", . . - Irt 9A wAl. � - , . � I *'. , - . ,
� A paralysis:,did the work. Thd.. do Mr-Ife ride; . -pit to Pro able stand., heading the list of . those . . . . . . I , .
j . I
his son: William 'of Kingsbridge. %III: I . . - I R -however,: potate.d. out bli ipepty Should be a distinctive , who wrot� frOul high schools,. takinir . . , . , jm . . � , . I ` . I � �- . ..,. . 0 . .
. , * . .1 , .1 , " , . .
. . ... . COaSed 'was a most kindly man belov- to tb� con-trictor a Jew minor . ducated Person. ' � . . . . . , I . 41. . 1.
� Ashfield towr,shiP. I . I . � .. ...., I. do" feature. of every'� tbird Place An -Mathematics, Ana Am the 'walk ever for men, The goods will- be here in 0out, tWo,weOlts : , . .
, . M, by! all' who knew him. , Rev.. Mr, trLils, Which will roccive'the libcCS'Sary, One. change has tak6n place in the a nd in order to CILd-at dut the lin I . I I
. The small sum of 25. cents will. ' ' ' , A on, I t . . hat ,staff, Wise Johnstone, ,who has dont . :st4qd.ing high ingencrol. proficiency,.. . eowe have in bttick to-thake room for. 11ye . -
. . pay .= �f Egmon4ville conducteo the attent � The- atolil act stated t ... - , . . .1 1. -0)OV8 we Will give you the best bargains. in � ,' : , ' " . . . . . .
a * subscription to The News-Reco . rdj . 1, I 1. -11ding was'a'substantial * excellont work,.havibg resigned,. An& - I - . STAFF - . * I . I . I - I � .. . .. . I I . .1 � . . . . -1
I until the end of 1905. .Try it4 I . ., services and having lillowil the - bu One being.succeoded by Miss, W aterWorth,,'.. . X Houston 'I% I I �, 1. -,- , I .! . $ . I I—.,
-Mrs. James Hunter is vieiti him'for several yeare'paid a warm Allk. thlat the 'Plumbing and heating toi the lasepix years in Ridget - I io'A,,�Anafp,al; English, Ladies' and Uentlii Fine hoes- I . . .
� . . ng al tribute of.pralse t-6 his many 'excell- arrang6ments, ': *,are complete. Th � - � ain. romi � nd I French, Gt,rman ". 1. � I . I I . � . . , ..�., I I . . 1. . I
Bayfield at present. We iip pleased I . . I a . We would ag ntending ! , . . . ", � . . . I . . . , . .
, . . � -H. M, 'McLean ; Science 'And G ' ever offered. 0 We have n eL room to. quote pricss.., - if- v 66 need a fpair 'of' , �
-. ;
to hear she is enjoying. better 'heal. ant traits.,:, Preyi0U.S to Coming here Ponimittee, ,expressed illemselves. as students of the advantages Of th(i'lusti" graphy, I I . . . 00 - a - Fine Shoes come'Ai�& see what we' can do foi- you.. * W.e ean save -you . At . . - I . . ... .
. . . .L he 1 had. lived, - 6bout 'six y6, satished with the'. worlvas. a , 'whole Uite, .The school hag-long.stood high j l . . I � . ... I . .
. . ars. .in 'Us- C-_Malcinlion i3,'.A* *,01,6, least 25'per cent as we.diustdlearthe .out. *The Old Reliable fur' Genu-
th. . I I -an . � � I among those of the Province. � Its re, H. t . . , 1. ; . sics ,and - � In . . .. I ... . .j . .� .
- R. and , �ye man'-' borne tl.ov�r tWcaJy.yeqs.in�KoIIj, but.', that.it w4i n6t'copipieted . is ory. - - . . � . .. AneShOel3argains,- We are never undersold., �. j . . . � 11 .j . .
Messrs W.'. r . are . I . . I in cord in the Departmental and Univer. .- D..., . . .. � I . I . . �, L .
cOuntY. near Learning-toti: -the Uma � specified i�. the cantract. �. Cranswn,'11 I I � � . I - I .. I j � ,� � . I �. I I . I . . ... . I j : I �
, ,
visiting af present .at Mr. Andrew ,. where - he' , .. sity-exaitiinations is-alwaye good. All I A; - Iffathernatics. , � . . . I . I � I . . I . I. : j .. I. I .... . . . . I
, left a. farm besides the one here ' He They concluded, however, not to,. ' Cbrnmercial-��hliss. G. MCC. Water-* . .: . . I I �' . : . , . I . . �. . I . . .
� . . 11 1. j .
Tyerm"'s. These.yourlg. 'mep,, Are � . .. . � . efcapt' th6. courses of )study Are carried oil for , � , j . . . . ... - I . . I. I . . I . .. . ,.-. .. .. � .11 1.
. , leaves to mourn his death a wife; a the .penalt of $10 ' I .Junior Teacbdrs, SeniorVeac � r6pth, , � .. . � . � I I � - . . .
studying. Medicine and are - taking), th- - � , y � per. day, for hers,"and . . . 11 . .. �. . . I . . . I
. � . j . j
. . � . . � .. � . 11 cuilati6n examinations.. . . 11 .. I . I BOARD., ' � . . �. . . . - . . . . ...
I eir' : . , . 9FOW11-up �son , d daught6r, besides ,, , I I I . I . ... ovi . 6r . All - . - .. . .., .. . � - JON . I
. h. lidays, at -P ' t I I On timo.. ", .. I . Honor� Matri . . WX TATLOR'&.8 .1. - .
0 resen. , . . 'Co a are allowed. - A. - Forrester I I . . . � :, ,
- . - . lz� stweral, brothers and �,Jstp";.. all - of.. , Mr., bper then put.in a bill: 'O : � the 6ptloni Students . D. -0baliman , ... . . . . ... .... � .1 0 .., .. . �,
'* , , " *
I .
Jilten Itartop essions � ,M . j .. .1 . . . 1 4'.. . � ". . I .j I 11 �..... I I I . ..i, � � .., j . I . I
. .
1 * , ,rep tortheprof McTaggart-,Sebietary - . .1, . - . I . - I j.. -
Miss. Mina.-M-01villo.of .SeAforth is � . I I I . . fs ' d I . i%re , D.' . . . . � � , .,
I �. whom- -ba-v�-ihe---sy-m.pa,t.liy�-6f-a�.-I�iia, extras�, amounti� � . I . I I
, � -
visiting -at Mr. Tyerman, S. I .j . . . . . �. _& to .�257,-. litit.'the . at-eveminded that. the sooner they, ��- '%Vr,a.''Jt�tkson�-,Tie,alsux,,er .. � . V**44********+ ****** **+"***"****"**i4" , . . %.: ... .
. �
. acq'i,ii0taticeg: ' , - � : ' - - i - _� ___ `� -gta-tho--autly--�-X)f�t-lie,�-lmg.liagei , . . . � . � � .
. circle of. . . , - 66111 .Ctoli� W(Falidci ,A bill �ga V __J. !Fair,_,H... � . � � "'. . � I . I I .. I . 0 . .
Mr. Lou Farnham sold a fine;Here- I . I . j � 1. j . . �1_ I Ang. . - - - 1. . I . .. . +. . . p . .. -1 . ..
. , .. , I Mr. - Co4er .for inslir -ter. -The.*hool has -a , r- -J; - .. . . __ - . "..00, .
mouth: - I . . " "., . . I 1� ance, fuel"ete., bet � good scoft. ,. - .1. . ! . . ! ,�, ,.+ I
ford 'bull to mt. A': xey - last .1 - .. . I .. ; .. 1. . �. � . . I I . . . . . � . . . . .. I =1 7-7-� ------ 77� - � - � , : � ...
.. .:: I . 11 j . 41lujunting to,"a,trifla more thail, h -i . . �� ... I I :s= . . . .
� ;� I- + 11 .. I .. . � I . S �� , .,:; ::�. .. . I . 1. �. " ,� . . " .. - � I . -��__
. +week. ..- _. .;__. _._ . . � ---..L- .� � . . a * a 0
. _ ......... ��'. _...: +, � - , , . . . � . . '. . .- . j 9(E0@6@0C-"@.6@6@6@6"& 4K , . 41@0@0@0*0(�)fte
� . I . . . . . � � - ,
G ri� :tii j � '' bill of,':cxVrAe jA copipromise . as cf j �. 1. � . � ''.. . . . . 1. I I , . j � �. � . �. . _K � � ,
- . . w - .1 . , , . 7! . , ... I I .. : 0"., - .. ,
� . . �. .. � F . I I I .1 . .0'. 1 �
. I . __ � -d- �t - � . ,� I � 11 . , ., , I 4 .. ,. , .. ,. . . . . � . . . .. � 1� . -1 - .. , . .
. . . . Vallf - I . I I I . 0 , � . �
. 4. . j ,
I The old. wood and Stone - culvert, . , ,,.: . Ode I 11M.4, - , j. I �. , ___e_x"Cy1 .. ....... r. iie RURI�.-- 'The `1146 'Be �,� THE-CAEAT.' __ I— , �,
. W� :
-on the Gray,61 Road near Ofin . . ,-1, . I _ I I I 1.1 41 j footed by an, exc ange 0 -Aft--E4Ur- -hitt -A:,, � " "'i - _'� "� � . . � I
. . lit cl6sing .,Up this buildirti li'usi .. I .. � d �of Mr . . . . . I
_. I to'A wa'� The Misseg -11 , -d -kahat i� .. ncl.,is , ,. . . I : . I - . . . I . .04 , . , Ausemetit., '9 - '. , � CASH, STORE - I I - - .'7'�
. . . . . �, .. .1 I . . . V I I , . - . , , .::I . � .
,. � . !... 1:
duct. telon. Clinion: sp�nt last Wednesz . '. r . I,, .. I - � .m_,_.__� I I ., . . .. .. , , , . I . . I I L . , 1%
replaced this )ieck by Ali .ag% . J4 y an �an , . . , � . j . ..
I . (it , the e6mmittee wished. to exp ass their. - . . j . . - .. I _,���., , .1, j . . .. ' ' - - .
consistin'g, . I . , , . .1 . -
. ' - I �. . . ! I .. .� I �. . . � ' . I � .
I . I appreciation Of,, I the., I , olAigjinj andt Torbu6l. * Aug.; . - 1.�,:%PzU4)�A , , -1� * . . : I . : ;
� %.
I . . , .
of cement UW .three feet ,day 4 F f ..-,,Th `We, ek. , _,�
in diameter. This -will 6 'Ai * the - guests. of - the MiAes A. 6 . , ,
! . arty an en- . Alle I Agricultural *.7 -Associations, - to �
+ I .
- � Mabel and Annie RathW.oll.. �-.* . ,. efficient - mariltbr in which the arehi- sbme,o�hat radidal programme of re- fairs not eliminated into 0 .specia, f: o . . � � .. . . . .
: ormou-"Umthy-OF-W-A-ter- . . e- I I 1 . j .. . . * , Combine the . ' . . . I J s* F . . .. . j , ..
. ,
. I � I � . .6 . ., . � ,.. �.
. I . ng a 1. for the ioad,.,'C�_* - . .. . .. _too" xr__MCBX� . . -[6)Lm is being hlx- , . ' * . . I t'. . .
. A i�, ; � 1! I � I � 1 Ilucl, O � AMIt- I . had-diachaiXpe-d ooted by a I bet of gro "i -I . , . .
poripanont job . . I la owall.. a nual ,ups. E ach artup Will . 9 1. . . + - _____� , I
. . I . . . . . - . . . �
cession informs 'us that -he, -his pitched, the..dilties -devolving upon him. ,They* .sullerintendent of fairs,_ -Til. -con � . . . . 1, I ,+ 11! .
uficill.or McCool was sup ug - . . . . .. jyno, De r+ecOMmended, to-go.in -for' special ' . U1Z,Z--:EXq:WM-'5e 3�) M J,- -&..M W Z�,X:M IV W ,
. � erint�ndi' nm; ':I-iQn with Xr. F. . . the 'i i 1, ' 1. � ' I � �� , .. + � . . . . . I 11 . 0 : - . +.. �. -
the work which was done ,by _ Ness . rs . at9%tYA*o lbadO of hay this season. Also tookmo-ta. of. the fact -that Cou' j * � . . . . I . . . . . .. I . +
. �
, I . . . . . � , j � 0, Silford, .of ' zed exhibitp, .. ,� , * - . . ` ill offersome of. the . greatest baigains fn Mil- O.. I . , . , . .. , . ,,.:.� : . . . , ,..,,1,j,, :
. . I j I
, j ),� A common AraYeling ex ibit of v�p,-� , I nory thaz were ever Sho 0 upstairs; , . . 4
steep and Cree of Clin This -is-.. large hindling'ior -one fdall, . :_ - , , nion papa)rtrae . ., For the* next.. ten days *c'.w 1.
ion. ... . 1. cillor Cantclou -had taken a great in-, . I)Omi lit 61 .i�grictiltutc, hi ' "' I .
,. � I
.. I . .
I � .
. ..
. . ;. � .
' -
as, -he Js nearly, , slxt�i terest in this filip r I worli� ' Mr.' Elford his ' itt ibe, 110vill" Vial linds will: be Suggested,.* * j .11 � . , wn.in. th:J9. town, - Se bur: haegain tables' 11 . I . ,
Mr. Albert Vodden.of the 8th con- espepially .' I I. ' 0 taut piece of Wr en for every . . . . . j . 6 . I . , �
.h. y cars �of � -ago, ' . . .. . I I I and .was Indefatigible in Seeing that1cial Department, -Offering to go into fair i , ' I .. 0 . � . . ,�, . .
. cession has rented his farm to . , is - * . . . . w 1- . . 11 'A glVell group.;, . I �- ' . floadquarters for Upoto-Oate Clothing.,.: - - t. . . I - ... .. � "..,
. . . I
� . . 'su6r ' ' d 60 - 0 . � . .
. I . 1 t was ,eWully A .
. . .. . j . . I . a rrie,. out. - Mr. Call atid See whatwebi�vedn Boys' and MeWs 016thifig jL .� 9. 1 I I .
Y,epbew,. Wesley Voddeti; foir�a. term of - *.. , j . . .1 . j. .a common. scheme of denionstration, An ittelnfit will be made -to'keep in R_ ' * $4; , $3, ��,. - ..
I . . .. li I 1. : 1. . I . I A:Mackenzle, -the -in -or,. also r ceiV- at' two fairs Beachburg, D, ', f 1 43.60j..$4,$5 and upto. $12. - .. , ., I . � . t � . j . 1.
years and. will take a.re4t. for A . I ' ,. . , spect c ' - n I Simdoe mich With - th(r British marketi .so . . . I � ; I . 1. . . �_ . . � . . . , - .
. I . . . I .. , � � ... 0 -his sharp'of, praWe . . 11 � _ ;, . . ... 11 , j � � . ,
� . .
while from farming. I . .. I - 1. . � ft,Si I ; The -contract -thi�'year. j I . . I h consum. . , eed. Knickers . .- - .' Z .; . . . I ... , . I I � F, , , I .�
. � - ,
. : .. I . j t 90 ance. . I . .. . . ' I tha'-� of. the Britis 56 pairs Boys, Tw I . . :.*. I 1 �,'." '' :, . � � � I
.. j I � . � . ' ' . . � . I-
. � . " will . .%. I , �.
' ., . . � -bes s e -Ts may. be d ' " . (
. . Tyndall Bros. have drawn in' lil) ' � . � .. I � - pri6e bad been. $2,0010, tbut''tho; actual - The officials of both -A a fair' .! _ . �t a Ii . emoustrated 1or �110' � . j I ,
- ' I . . . , I liti, . ational feii. benefit of �be . . Strbngly'niade, double seats and Aoubleknom in ii -Il ai7ei - . . , �. i, �, �. ..
4 . S . . 0
loads f' first-class bay Which aver- Mr. Jainog'.:PArish Slpmt'Saturday C)st WAS $9) 5_86: * Tlie� extra. - were I be askidto sl�ggest'educ I - � froltil 22 to 33, regular,' . ... . i, � , . .1
i . . .
0 . .. � I . Cailadjai producer. � ' , PdC4 60a,:75c�and 85e,,,t � loav't�t_. � 9.1:1�1 �,
. 'and Sunday willi-frien4s ln� Win - .following itenig of expenditure : - tures Which in . . -1 . I . . . .. I . I I �. . I . . � 1. 0:0 �.: . i. . . . I .
, . I . ay be carried out for -'.' One Min will be recommended- to' I 0 - ., , ,,- -
Aged 2J tons to the acre. � Mr. Lorne , . . 9 . I . I -_ It , I 11 . � . . � . . .
ham;: � �. � - - , " :� I � 1. � I : . . . � I I .j : �_10,, dozeh'Molils Working �Shirfis ', - - . , . . � . . � .
Tyndall . . . . . ArOitect � % . . $ 85.00- the idstruciiou�:.of'farmers' . . . � . 1. ,9 1� .j I .
is actively engag*d . in - the . I � . , ) , .. I . . 1, ,� take :'Charge 6f, 64ch, '' S "a �.: . ' . I A, " I 11 i
.. . - group of faft , 1.1 sizes, light and dark color.si-to clear this week at., ; .. .., � �.
. . . ,�.. . .
,. .Xr; 'and 'Mrs. Applctoin'.E11coat of' Insurance ' - 1.. '' -. -, - - - -181,�O .0 ' decisive -- item on.'. the '. p ju�t d - - i i .. .� � A . . . I :
-harvest field notwithstanding -that he .. j .. . I ne rb- as Airy,: instructors now cOM, . � : - '' . ' � j I .. . . . ..-If. ..., I - ,. .. -.: - _* � t
. ' ' . .. . � . *
+ ^* - -
I *
I It
.I. I I.
b 11 I I I
,_ 6hi
refe I
1T7fFe_T-UW -con- I. I I
Is .1 !
-has hardly yet recovered from ' - the '. . I. ' . ;!' 'I Ladiesi ... �, I . � .
. u6le6ranifth " : ' . 0 � . . . .. . .
I . I . , I
.T o1i - , , I L telon,� I�spocting. *' _', I hint hi ' ' factories -int on 6 � � ,. . . - nderwear and - ' . 11. . ,
. . called -their.- noice A, an 92.0,0 grAmme will be- ,�fie.. poultry. demon-: 'age . and'Getits',Light Suminer U . . .
. j. . I - .. . : , . ,. . � . . . . . ... . '' � : � . . I , 1. -� . ..;
. e , � I I ... I . I j Hosiery atjmoderate. pAces..
I Mrs. I).' Tudor, on j5-4timilay, - A. Mackewl�, inspecting . ng, packing,�plitcic� c c ,o a . comm : . . . j"
trouble which confin�d him to the , . . a49.00, distri t ' . . - . � * e . .
. � �T. Worthillit i . . I . . . . . :_ , Ladies' and ftlenls.Sh6os In.all the latest s tes� -%, - - ....� , . . ... ...:.. . I .
. ty , ..,. �. . �1
j ' , . .
. .. ,� � � .. . 6 ' . � , 1 . . i,.. .� , � .� .
. .hospital for several -weeks list sljr� � Miss. Maud PAul. of -Brussels is., sp- j I. .1 . . on, Ingpectlog' � '. : ing, And feeding of � birds..,will ,-he 'all . ,.Thus the ol.d.haphaiard -township " . . . . . .. . ' p -
-I- "'.... I I., ending .: a,., fe�r � days -,,ilih' f riands', " I p U.m.11ing j .. . 1, . �.�9.00. . gone hit . ... j at the� very lowes ,rices. . . - .. 1. 0 � . , . 1. . I. j I..
Ing. . . �: In, * O on a Scientific basis. �.T.h 'fair with '.jf.6* fat a ttle. ' . . � I � t, j .
. _ I j I % "' - . . i. . � . a a . and- fat 0 1. . . I . . I . 'i ... � . � . .. I I .. . . . �: '' ,
I �
. , . . , Cos ofjaisin -1 I � I . UdA'R, Itwill t .-�ourpilcep, dur , .� 1� I �
- . . :,t4e,viliag'e'. ': '. � an , r "il ". "' t Lg POUUry *ill . j "I .
. �. d . . NOW la -the time tb bivy4oar'6 ,
. . . . I . . . , j . some'othe tri as. .. - �-* , : .. I . j n " .,and a,,-*Veoh, trof,, is " . . .. . . P J YOU 0 lr( ouitomer6 0 � . , 1. . .
. . .S . . 'a (
. .
. . . ' S considef - Itky-7hougo 'a ,: .,-:... . . .. �. %. . a . . . .... . . . , - � " realize th .bargainso- Of6d -a -the . .:. , .� � . �uitomero I - .
. I I . o- . � . I . also . bei , , P 'Mk�f s . Wa , , . . . .�
� I X, Mt, SaTuel:Poi�ard.has, a new hi Moy-ed � .by 'Mri Gard.! -ad, A model'' POU Zied P A . I 11
. . . .. nor, - econded .. I I I to paes-4. , y -.. , I .1 . I !. �, , . . . . I - .:� . '� :
I . .
.. I � :.. . I . ... , :, - i . ... I '� I jj . � . I ...:! :' - �
Porter's Hill. ' . wer� - on .bis� tbrc�biag mich' * i atthe' ' oxhibltioivi , I � . I - 1. I . . :,: . �> -�- :' i�tw.'- ..;,7;�,:..., 1 . . ,:. j
, , . . �. ifte � �ao* by Mr, Xaalc�nvxe, 7h, . report, 10 will, be on � - j. .. " . M Irmm . .. I � .
. .. . ... . . arA "is Prepared to do :every In I . . . - j.. ,. .�.. � �. j.. . . .. j .. I . 1�1 . _.� .. . G,X,OC�Mn . : JD 3P;A3?, j . ': : - j. I �. I ., �
. In read be adopted, This 'motion . � was .. I .. . . , . I . ., .. . I . � . I . , , . . I .
I g . . -_ . . 11 � . I .. I . , . '..
: . . . . � 1, . . . I . I I . � .. � . . . - I , : . , . I - ,
While r. James Cox and sari Les-
. �
first-class 9haP6, I , . - ��- - - : 'ba
. rried. � - -�: ' I. I ; .. ...,
I . I I . I
,.. . ,Uauor-��aying. T,9 ,be, 6nown., ..
. I . I
� were driving horde from:.Clinton ..
the other'day they,jaw two . Young
Mr., And Mrs ' " '
. , . , D. Weir .and diughter �
i �
I I . . � . I
... . . . I
. Re another lmaittdr, Mr.'CanteIQ4
. Labor-saVing : will: be i* Conspicuous
. . � I . .
coons ,on the road &nd �giviqg 6b9ge.
Pont a few ,Idays� last Week. -said
. I
relativ6s-fit Morris. ' . I I
- I''WoUld 'JiVe to draw the it�-
. .
ten th!
ftatbrd btthig -concerted -prbgramme
� ,
i ew of ,the x
This- is important in vi ��,.
, - .
. I
_ captured them -both I .1 1 7
A uUmber of People from
. '
. Mrs.- T. t:- Stanley and son of ,kor- 'thatt�
, I
-tion ,.Of gr,.�, 'Coun il to' the .�faet
. I . - c I
at th&:'building 'of the 'Piairie) .
' -
- lative sch.rcity 61 hired help. , .
here too�. in -the circus atClinto n,'On
onto -visi-t r
'. ed.he sister, Mrs, 1). Tu-
dor for 4 fewdays last We0,�
bridgb ' -there aira large stones being
A further steii.* in' thaiiiachinizatioill
of the I will*be taken Jn the . dis.;
� Saturday And report it . bpIng
.: . : '. .
good. � � . .... I
. ' ' e first .t� 1 1. .
Th teshing. of tke. seacon
� , ,
uped whereag� according to gpe6ifled
contract �non,6 should sed - that
'be uE
-farm � I
play of ,.g . ag*iino- . fl
engines. One o
I . .
* . : 1. � 'was
Mr. John McUlland:b�s. stiii
d .M4
W14 ,at Mr, V � - . - - -On�
. ". � , Jame . HitlChley's
TU6 - - w . .
aday'.. , �
would , not , go , through. 4 2i i�n&h
these efig4nes - will'. be ,:exhibited ai
4'Un.ning cream- '
, :
. driver for a handsome figure, , I I
. .
,Miss Bertha,.Orahafii Of " .. .
-Clinton. And
1*1 . I . � I . . , I
. . . I
r . . . , , . , . I . I .. 1, . :
. . .. 1.
,a separator', an an
I I I I . . .
- � . .
s ilage`cutber, a punip.and ,a sewiLg
. The farmers in .this vicinity - at
. a
about - through with.. their, .bay and
Miss, Sta,,n .
- 14Y. -Of Holnle�vllle'vislted at)
'Xi., Mack ((I
enzie : . was instructed .1
by th - t ,
CoUnly .ongi-neer, to -allow,
machine All at once. I I . :�. �.
I -1 .
wheat harvest. -86100 ji6.j�li(ihg Of
the home ,df Mrs.':D. T udor on Non-
, .
day, . - - I . . . 1. 1. "
li�go.c . .th-o
. t
r .'stolies � '.to gq'Intp the bu"Ild ..
If -the. present programnie. of the
r I
Department Is . carried out'. Ah6re, '
threshing this week_ . 4 .. -
` , ,
. Mr. 0. W. Potter hai gold his driv-
. ,ant-
Mrs , . Robt. Coates I . S�arorj.h,sp.L
Of I .
Tuesday -at Mrs.. Daniel � Sutb6r�,
Ing,,?:,) - . . � .. . .1 "I . . .. ; .�.
. 1. I . . I �... . . �
S " , �
-� everal. others., discussed th,6 ques- -of
. �
Soon, be ia revolutt6n in , the fill � f airs
I . . .
Ontario� - I . . . . . . .
or for a good figure. . . ... . I �
. Mr. 'George Vandorburgh has ' -� .
lallrd's. . . I . I . pl . .1 . � I I 1. .1 . .
1. I �
-Mrs. S. McMichael ketura_
tion-brieft I � ., .. . . I '' .. -. � .
11 .y. , I �
Mi. .0itntalbil 'co'niended' the
� .
I . ' . '. d
I Mr� .Cowan beligVes. that a � goo r
step wil.1 be to clilhinato a tiumbel:
chased a fine colt from 'Vr,. 4 ' John
. . I .
cdtrit,and ,
'sPaiidinti'a week with.frion6
. .that ,
contracts� 'should be completed'Ariet-
. . .
of oxigfing f ' ' " bo
- airs and 1. cor.contratd
I I I . ,
Mr. T. A. Macdonald's barn is covV
In Leeds County, - : � , .
- The Wonlali�s Institute mae#ag .will
ly according' to plans, ate., and - the
question . is Cin'the conty engineaX
upon a - fewer. numboi,' 14� . thinks
that better .exhlbft� 'can be. . . secured,
pleted. The -.0th.condessidn'is noted
. for its new �barns, a*. loss 'than: three
be held .on Wednesday of -next' week
step in and alter these �at will ? -
bett6r., ,buildings created and " his4er '
� . I
this s0asft.within 4 shoit'distinee.,
at - the -home Of )VIts, M.att, Atnisfe. -
Mr. Spadkinki, also said : "I believe
01US offered. I .. .� . . I . . . .
. .
. __. .. .. I . .. � . .
. I � .., __-6� 1 .
Oil I I I ., 11 I . : - - in
. .g . at. 9.30" . . . 1. � I. " . . . .1.
. . I . .. � .
hrMng . plans and -specifications .,
' .
O 0 r," .
carried ut t the lette
. I . i '
. � CoMbinp -,Into' Groups.- . I
,. . . � .
I . . .
. .
. I , .
� i . I
. _ . . . .- , .
: I I . I I ' r ' ' ' ' I ,� ' '' I .
' ' 'throwit,
, , � I . .. �
Xti the dis tigal' little 'Aight Nwts
I c on &
- The- Conte . ation � I$,' With *thO aid of.
, . ., . . . I
. ,
. . . I . . ... .4 -
I I . grave , . .�
Ile I 0
on'tbe subibet by'the state-
. .
I .
� ` . . .
I I . . . . . . I. � :
. .. . I 11.1
Leave' Cocking Behind When Y
. . .
Messrs. R. G. Reid And: C. A. Teboi- .,,
I .. .
. . . . I 1. �. I
. ..; I
The'Mis'ses Uvolaog of,LondOn 'Tard large
Bleat bha�- it i
. v eustomary to use
Atolles to, All'th6 Inner part'
utt ..spent Sunday in thi
. . � , ,4 vicinity. ,
the guests. OrMro. Thos,. and. Mrs.
. .
or an Abutment, but to use onlythe 090.
for your Ulihaysi, qlarklg Cann-
..Mr. Jos, Thorn of Sealortho was, a .
.. . I
John -Scindrott. : . . .
. .
smaller .� -ones In making the mixtur a
ed I
-Meatb will supply'you with a Vii.,
guest over Sunday At 0. "Ldworv's.
-1fist Cd&01,i.(_4+A,� i'A. ed 6 1.
bvcause I -r- " uiAA -1, 4U_ 1
� I
V . 4. _1U -1 I t_:.� , -
� . . I � ., 1.1-ir ab, UK SAL V 64 :%, vas � 8011le U S . - . . .
I . . . . y . . a . � =--- * . '
I .. I '
!, �� , o Some time Ago Mrs. Chas. Lovett turned home -after spend-ing holidays outside surface to have astpny aii, .. � . I . 1 I 11 I I I .. .. I . , . .1 . . - I . . . .
. � . while gathering eggos ob the barn at Mrs. Sproatts, - - � . . Pearanoe. The council thereforothou- . . . .1 I .. - : Irn . Re .... . I
- I . . I � ' Th f V A ham - * , . .
slipped. ar,d fell, hurting her side. I - e wing
Spector __ . t
__� Master 'Willie wid, Louie nurnIle of ght it necessary to get an. in H011 Weather - Ailments, E�ery L'ady, : Sho'n'ld 'ffa V U''. - 0 ' 1. ., .
I � I I Not much attention was -paid ulkt,'il 111,xoter -are Spending: the vacation 'At over the Work,. . . . . I I . . . , .. . I
. , . . � . . ..
. 0 ledrii . . I I I �. � � . . ... . . � I
su, . , , ,
I � . . . . �
� .
,.: . . the lady caught cold aftitthe co6jb- Air. Sion I I . Moved. by_ Mr. Secouded . t I . � .
: � ellousels.: , � Business C I I . . I
;� , . � Can,teloh,. The b0s-f medicine in the world. to . � 'I, .\ . . . . I . I . .. I . I � I * I l. .1 -
. 1. . ing caused her much distress, ald, on �by Mr. Grlevo� That Mr, Isbister be ward off . summer' complaints -is ""*�. I . I .. . . �
11.1. Win. Watson# colitractor, has "llota . . . ,���_�t__,:�_'�It:�`�=__� . .
. .
�� � . � examination it Wah found that a rkb inspector of work in eonnection with Bab the '- 'Pt' NM � . 11 .. . . . . . . I I I I
I , . � . bad been fractured. She Is I laid off ' work , for.,az con,ple of. , W6oks . Y's - Own Tablets and it'is ANSHIP-A -knowlodgo -of . I .1 .. . I ,
:, 11� now..al- owing to a lame back, . . tile Ptairle, briop.-Carried, .. .best medicine to eure them.Jr. they this sttiily� Is Indisponsible t6 success. I Vxkdoitakin,�, pr rantl,v attended to bynighi;, Or -d�j. . . .
�, t I I most well again. I I . I . . . . . . - Attack little onbs-unexpeotedly, 'At Business men demand - it henta: no, I yo- . �, . I., I I . . . Q � P . -1 � I I . ..
. I I OVAU90i8t Coultes of. Chicago Is . Councillor Lamoilt Was appointed . ,!.. . � . . .
I � �,. . Sevo,fal-from, here, attended 'the air- &. the, first sign of illness during . ,the 11119 Ptrbot: -tan afford to be. without � *00000-0�.��� 0*0*-O���� .
cus in Clinton on Saturday, sPetiffifig higholidays with friends in Inspector. on the llayflold bridge, I I . . I I . . . .
. I - I .
. I � Mr. D. Barr paid .,a visit to h,is, ..the vicinity 61 Belgrave, , Mr, McLean. G' . . hot Weather give the child Baby's it I I . - . � .1 . . . . � .. . , . . _..
oder"I ' ar'ff .Mr Own Tablets, or In a few , hours the . RAPID V IGURING�-Taught oil 0, . '. .
. .1 . brother, Mr. 9, Barr of Clinton, . cIn Master Willie' And Lula McCiool , of Currie, 10-ast Wawanosh,, were no 1. t trouble , Way lis boyond, cure. These system. You Will learn to,�tead fturw � . .1H 0 0 V E R A SALL I : . ' . .
Tuesday. We .hope soon � to bear, Wingham are holida,yin' with. their Pres&t at. the meeting, . A I
.." '01 � 9 . . I . .. I Tablets cure all Stomach. 'troubles, as as lot.tera. .There ate no two stu� �, I . . . I I , �61 - .
01 the latter's recovery .to complete ho- grandfather, W. 14oppor. .� � I � :. IV diarrhoea and cholera inhintum '"aild dies go essential toa, business,man As .,Night wfid 'Sundtty talls"ansivered a o. rosid6neo of either of the princl. .1
. - � -
. . alth. - . . - . . � � � � - PAIS. . . . . I .. I
. I . Miss Carrie Potter of the Nile has . . If occasionally given tathe welichild good hard:writing combined witil. the. I . I . I . . .
Miss Olive H-111 hold An, fbe.oroam returnedbota6after sponding A, fe.W` . � Astift' I Ability to figure rapidly, and aorrect-. #"*#4#"4* ""*****+**""*"4,.& A_& � � -,& I.. i, I 5 . I I ,
I PartY on W64-ftday evtftingl. of last days at Mrs. W, Wraylq. . . I . elA. Tbwoship.' - will Prevent them- Mrs, . r'Awatd ly, . . I . ., I. I ... I . . 11 .. 11
� I week Which WagAt6atly�aopreejatod , A goodly �JlUwber � wenIt t. . Clark, McGregor, Ont.,' 000". I I .. !i I I I I- - -_ 1, ..- I
I � by her young friends. o, Myth on A few days'ago Mrs, %I.' Vint of used Baby's Own Tablets for my,lito 811ORTHA I I I I -1 � I -W17% . - . ..
1�. I . Sunday evelling to -Mar 331.s,hop Wil- this�tow,118hip Met_ With An Awident tie girl who suffered froin' colic A,nIi ING-Wd offer' ohlY the best coVrso of A" AM, I . . I
l . Mr. JAMOV 90TIV0011 Still. continues liams. A eon6mation serylee WA,g which v.0iy nearly endolbor life. She boWel troubles and I found them the trainth'g In Grdgg 'Shortlmd end , � . � � ; ... .., 11 ��
1( very poorly. . held, . I . . � . . had gone ,Out to the yard to rd(M most satisfa I c6ory medicine I ,ovor Touch TYPowrititig' on the. best Ma- * I HOW /U KEEP OOOL .: I .
, ' l . . .
. . �
. .
't I , . 1. I Miss Covontry vfglted�l Myth I last nev. J, j,,]q1Stfo And wifo.are $Pen- And opened tba stalile door io lot tried." This is the experience of ill Oldnes, 110milft9ton a�d Underwood . . . , .
. . . I -
. . . L � -,
. I Weak. . ding thoir vacation in Detroit. and in several, horses which her husband mothers who h&vc 1,.gO4 thl odl- This department Ig under the sup'or' I I . .. Call an� See our Summer rurnjtu� 6 I
. g rn , - . .. I . ..
I . Progpeato are that iho- hat,vmt Wilt dthot'Wegtetneltfes� We-wishthem.4 'Was bringing up to food Iliom, Th'! chle. Zee th vision of art''OkIlert stenographer . . . j%
. . P a Tablets In the home I as CALL AND St. V, OUR sumun. 11 V URNITVIM4, SUITAMN, F Olt 'VV7,A_ ' I
� , be gathered early this ypar. Fill pleasant time, glid A site . . . � . L
I return. I la3t of thqp� with6ut ,illy api ayelit. during tho �hot woa,tbor� months. and Well as ar.exporlotood.teaChor, I . A14DA on .LAWX, I . .1 .
�, �, Wbftt �htlld 6,016Y Ue W611 P13t AM Thero, has. bten quite;& lot of dotneat cause kickid aftd.4truelt Urg, Vint You Can 1,001 that your cht1dreft ato MOX-XVM"PING-Taught eygtorn- Wd have large, easy nitek, 13obtoni, Vhalrg� $1.50 ; Settoci-mlilat."lar-
. oa,ts and Pea L *111 b6 tho btdot next � sidewalk, laid in. 1jelgr&VO, by tat t I '; Wift COUM76 ; Troll, Bods $3. No charg6 for I
*A4 19 a ute with both feot�on the tjr6i,%st %iliting Sato. gold byall druggistS or seat aticAllY, COMPtIsitig'sift'git, And double 90 O'hOugh for two $1.26
,� . . week. Tbil f4l WhOAt 16 not 4111tO labour thig, suMMOr, w,11101 401 Very her SO"NIY. She hu Anoo been laid by mall,at 26 cerets a box by writ. 'Chtty', Joint stock coy, batting, e(c. . ohdwfhg goods, I � I . .
I . "I to billeotatfolt '11L the. Matter of inuth to the app�4t.aftt,6 of our Vill. up from tho effects and :,% briptoving Ing the Dr. Williams' 11edlolno Co,q N. Rogitiald rillot0hor, Goo.' spottoll, . . - J. H- CHELLEWo Blyth
I pl#t, _,alof :. � , 1. .
4n, " ; -.; , . . . � .. ,'�J , " I "'. .
� . 1. old$ . . , , though someWhat slowly, Brookivillo$ Mt, , ptir.01P.Al, prosideat. ,
. I I . I I . . . � . . , I Larpd ftrniture ft)r6 Ila., th# County,
. I .1 ot I I . � .,�_�-%,-Oj
. . . � . � � .
. . . . . L .
I I " I I
I1, I . I I
I 6 ., . 11 .� I . . I " - P I W I . 1. , I � . I I . . I I . I �
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