HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-08-03, Page 3W-""V--------W"W __1. 74"I111WTT_1VqFWx1rWW_. _V-- _� - I I I - 71F1PWV .. - - ---.w I - I I 1. I ." � a � . , ­ dl . I I . I I . I I'll. August 3rd, 1908 . % I & cNaton Nows-ReCOV4 , � I I I 0 0 . . I I - 11_---_-___ I I --- 11--,�--�-.--------�.���,.,�,,�� ... ______ -.- 4__---- - ­7_,":�V­ ­ __­ - ­ � -_ W., I - ,-.-.-.. -_ . I . � '­ � . I .. ::_777i � . I *0 1. OVIZ 114 A 11XV9K THE KITAMAAT JNQfAN$. ADVICE TO CANADA. ,, 00 BLIND AT $ONSET. P.*R*1wow. - Is F.. N 'r;q4*rx**%N*xD-9*144i§v,A�*N,wln�-N%�-x��***Ox*s,w,x,�x,,***N,, .1, I I . . K. N "I � I I I . .1 Tfisit''14*441% iwan *9 put the post of - H. Ridse H699ardt Notod Writori 0ayo 14,49hine, Quebec, Correspondent T0'%, I . � .. , *iM�-ww*,Lml,*'W-,,rK%N-*-,,*;����,,N..f�*.W,I,*,,X,,�,,,,,,,,,�..., # ,� - � . I . I No R*co Suicide Amoni� Thorn -Civil- � . I I? . I I "Im-telf J"to Work," � i , This Country 4Koqld'A4vsrqae,,. Of 4trange Ailment of,tho Woqd;� ,� . " . fif., . .. 11a, lQV44 that llttla� 'QbJild. I I Imation lnorqsi" JVKhrato oil WArno Al;t,ainst frarm. f,xo * I 1. That Leads Ul * Tralge,dy. . the P,401fic- Coast. , && i .gedy. . - 7 _ . L 0 . I I [91 -,fr . I aa� called, her Dora. I � x1oht-blindness Is an ailment prova- 11 Plan ufactur'e"iro samples ot . She Was' A SWCOt lItt1QlDhlld-7JU# tbs. The recent 401alto settlement -ot tho Mr. Rider Haft novelist and lont Among lumbermen NY116 -,v * In I .., . . . . � kind Of A 910 ,that theY wOul . d W1710 'new AlasXan; boundary. the sea tormin- sociologist of wor=Ti4e Umv, wax. shanties re . mote enough to makf4*) vcgel I . I , I . ' .. I I 0 I I . the dWingulphed guest of the Cgna. I to *' I I About And plature., in the atcry� i. Ut of the G. T. P., the resemblance be. 0 to the �Oth(* day. r tables an unusual luxury, ii A%- 11 I no and the n . China, Qwbec, correspondent, Ill m-ist Ll � I a -V Was *n. ,Onxlaoer� � . I 1WoeA the Ultawaat India , 41an Club to Tor ays a I %. 1h. ­ Re ran betWeen Toronto and Mont- .Taps, and the disco a new Ill I The Author of those ever Popular 04U, Instance$ til'o Persons affe4oted I L dies'. Hosiery an i . 0 I- real arid just, before the . $leg of English literature, "Silo," "Xing have 1. . d K*d Glov* els , 11 k*@ji Whi' , , train reached watha on the Paoldc--are all epitomis- SQ1011104's M11300111 And Picuspo, came the normal use of their emight from I . . . . . I � tbY YQ14 might 46khIra with his eye ed by the Rev. 0. H. 110cy, who ro- not 4# a writer of fiction, but *�a a Sunrise to sunset, but are stone blind . I - I . I . '. 1 4 looking t9wAr4 !through Toronto and rft�jplploft Which IS dearf ;�7_ ��_­­­ .'.!! ­­__._r,­­r­­­ _­­� ­­. 7 . , , ;�'i, * - � :­.­­ ­­­­ ::..=..,.-­­ � --.X_ ­­­­­ , �g a . _ little house to .. . the oently paasea when the sun Is b,,;Iow the horizon, N , , . , right., . � i talked about his. home in � sr to big heart I . - X . I Der,% lived there, I � . , I�Itamaat, than the business of achieving fame Sometimes tile trouble comes on . . . . I . � . I- . � . I 0. O.. . through the Production ofistrong, wall slowly, begfnilic'with a dimness of vio : I. . I I . th Every (lay she would irun out, and As, Mr. Raley, who : has been twelve written and Intonoely , Intoroastilla . olol. ,at morning and evening, and In- , We have Purchased the entira riange of an, English manufacturer.'$. I . 11 e train whizzed by she wayed her, years working on these Problems, IS A creasing unt1l It 1.4 Impossible for Vio K I Samples of Hosiery and Kid Gloves at ow, ­third per. zent. off regular prices"and xi . . novels, Re came AS the commissioner patient to stir outElde cxccpt wh.�a I .. 1. hand al.ld threw Ulm % kips. . missionary now on extended furlOugli of the British Government and as rw X . . . � . � . Taso they were pleasant days fok with Mrs. Raley. He is a'canois y0y, presenting the axe n Is'lligh. At other 11 . I.; . , - I the au times, and will, place,,these on -sale Saturda I X'N I . -TacIS-pleasant the hours of - ou.ors of the late . Y at Less than Wbolesale price. . A � I , ,. � I . , anticipAr ageur, towwbuilder, linguist, ex art Cecil Abodes, with 9. view., to lnvastl� i especially in the briubt,days of )darch,. k N � f . I P ., . .1 I tion $not for the glimpse of her face� montal gkr0aor. explorer, practical I i wheh the glare of the sun upon the I I . . I One day the , y noticed A. fluph o gating the workipo, ctut of the settle- I . � . . . Q N , I . � a her snow In tryInu to all eyes, nJg4t-blind. x 450; T'aim Ladies BlaA Cashmere On Rose, no two pairs alike sizes 8i a, . . . . . cheek pilater, newspaper editor and amateur . s e Salv4tloa Arm:V. I nossacts In suddenly. . . I X1 . . I , and Cott" . Y I .1 , 0 A chill, a favor; the doctor said . pl;4otographer -u. swarthy, mild-volood, in Amerloa. Should he report f4vqr- . . 4 9. To Pecurea, baigaiti 'we advise -,in eaTly c,all., , . . . , . It was pneumonia. ' � mon, with an ji;ngllsh accent And an .1 . I They eel Ably on. the 44mIndstratlQu of the There was 4 curlIous case of this end- IN . . 1. . , .it for Jaclv, end the -engine mightily Interesting, the pulor of a , I . . . . X I . 1. � I was slow that day, as Jack, in the , Army colonies on this continent money 4en coming on of 'the blitiddass In the I . I . .0 peculiar people Ili a Strange land. ' Will be Provided out of -the great - Ottaw.a lumber district, near Beaver I 100: Pail's ' I . . coach behind, pAt waiting, waiting - 4 r "The Only Indians that, T know of , 'love Is . �Q �. Im Lake. Four iften bad been detailed to I Ladies Colored (; s in taus, brown and black, sizes. 0 4� -and 7, t I , . . the station that would, moliaillisn , porlallat's estate, supplemented by � . a ess. . . nearer Who never lived to tepees or w1gwa , * . 1, . . home. I . . me " grants from the BrItIsh Cover mark the logo laid upon the tee, and, , "I than Wholesale price. � I . I - . , oment, . . I I I I I he so . , tbey_had worked three or four ' days, N . � . �L . ,Id. ,showing A picture of old lCita- to aid In the founding of similar eel- I I . -.. . . . . I I Dora know him; she put out her lit- .rn4at with windowless hutsI, made Of ontes in In the .,scorching Itzlit of the March sun , . I � . I . . .- I �1 N . . .. 1, I I tle hand, and as he beat to kiss her he Split cedar, .South. Africa. Mr. Haggardl . , 4 , I h , "The Xwagtulto, x4ttion, Is devoting his onerales and abiltti I as to refleetpd from. the clear lake surfac I ANOTHER LOT OF BOW TIE ­ . . i I . . ro -, , . Papa.11 a d Of which the lKitamaats are 4 branch.. t With particularly bad- results, Two of . � ; . S . � 11 I , � . . " . . . . . he oolution,of the slum problems. of , L . . I .. .1 I . . � I . I .. . . , have lived in wooden houses eversince congested English cities. His message thern were suffercirs from ftiglit-blind- . .. . . I . I I . I . � � . . . . . I q . , I He could not Wait long, for they say the Stone age. When Lord Dundoriald was a plea for the encouragement of , a neas and.Aad; to be led home at night -We hove just received, another sbi I a�, C�S L �.c , ! I . .1 corporations have no lsouls, and in the was out last year I showc4:hIlA, broad and Comprehensive Campaign to. , . . . I P.M(Dt Of P5OW Ti0q, for 11 . I 0.11 - Bill,(-, X I I I - . ., great . by their comrades, and as 'their shanty . and men , , . , , . I ,morning he left for his.trip. cedars partly split by,the I -the lake -it fancy and. lain colors i ,2C,c - 25c' 1 . . t diacilurage the Ill-advised move t , , . . _t,4maa �ift,ftt ' was tour miles away from x p - , regulal I to gO at 3 fbi o' I . . I I � 1� .., They were night runs now�rims be- flint a4zes, which'are as keen as axes, characteristic of all civilized countriesi ,�i4s their custom' to start back a lit- . . I I . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . 1. � .. 11 itil . I . . . . . tween Toronto And Montreal. - - , I The Xitanitiats are no� nomads; can- from the :farm to the, ova before sundown. .- 1. . . . : I . . . . . . . .. . '., I "MaiT," he said, as he o rcrowdo(l 1") . I I I I .. . I . , . tood In the.. not be, for, they are shut In. VIshere citie , and to encourage the. phappy - ' All Completoly Blind., I .. . SWIS5 IMBROIDERY ,AT, 5c L . � .. , . . . -11, . � . . .. � . . . . , I - .. . - .hall ore he left, 411f Dora Its better place , and hunters, they care but little for And4unfortuiiate victims of, moderri -Olie day they had about finished the .... . .1 . . I � 11 . . . . . 1. . I .. . . ' I � � eav I " -in -l� 2 to I .. .. ... . I .11 I . . . F I - back to thO land and Joll'afid worked rathWIxte to .... com-. ' . . I a light In the window and I the white r_n4n'o food If th.cy can' get fish, urban life to go . Still fhore is' left 300 yards of F e Swiss Embroidery, froxx , 5 in6hes wide, . I- � , . . . curtain up." I oplican. 01i ba . I . . 1. � I .rk and hIlleam, root J find 'richetopportunitles, fiealtilier con- plbte'ii. To their dismay they found , I,Wery'patterna gemy 'worth it! the regula ' ei yard to .. � A . I I .1 1. And that night As the engine thuna have about 500, all told, in a hu r- dit,lons, and' 4L Simpler, more. hopeful When they stopped Vv rIc . and . Slipped . I ­ . . - .. ..r. way 10c p go at 5c.. , 'N . . 11 ,ge pa . . � , . . I . ,dered by this lIttle,homotherts was an ish that I cover throe times a year by and better eklatonee in the -broad areas on their coate that Allofour we I . � � . . . . . . � � . . I �� : .. -, � I . . I ... f i , . eye on the rall and one ort the wiridow,, canoe.11 . . re colft- . I . . . ! I.. ... R11 . . . . I . , The light wag -there. . . ' I of Great,13ritatals Ptilonles. now Await, plately blind. . .. . � . .. . . , . , ' . . � Here Mr. Raley produced all the files Ing Settlement. . _� The night :was terribly cola and . I . � 2sc TWEED' DRE65­GOODS 10C � . . - I . . . I I . .. . . I I I I All, the Journey was bright that. of 'the .first and only. newspaper ever oner is a_wellt there was' more than half a I gale of � . . . .. . . I I . . I . . .. I - . �� At � . . . I . .4 . '0q . I . �. � . c 11001 dLrei�ses i` ' - published In the. Kligmitat Laad-;-the built man, Ili the prime of life, with orth Ind blowing across the lake, To 150 yards Fancy Tweed Dross Goods,.. spleildi d line for . bildreil's ,�;.� c I . . inight, for Dora was better, There was � The author�cornmiszl , 11 W . . . . . - ..�� 'k of the rallp, "music :4'Na-N&­Xwa?1-4own on the Northwest strong, cl0amiit ,features, an Intellec- attempt to grope. their way home would . .1 Re'gular,25c and 30c' for'10c.. ". . � . . I ... I . I I . I . . . I . . . . I . ! music In the elle ti . : In the noise of the whistle, musipi In coast, d church. quarterly, founded by tual cast of countenance, and of un- be to risk their lives. Happily, one I . . . � I 0 . I . � � . 61 , . . ­ �. I ; Ithe voice of everything, music, music , . .. . . . . . '.. Ali, f I , ,, him In January, 198. ' The first edition _ ostentatious manner and appearance. 'of tbe-men, remembered that one of the . I I I . . I I � I I . .. . I �. I . . - . � I " . L is . . .­ . I .-I . i a , . glad music. .riend,.,Iovw is & -le.*ei Is yellow--o6t, yellow Journalism, how- He has no misnuerisms, no affectation.9, great timbers used.'as a ski way , . , : . I , .. . . !to lift, and. Jack wasba . . - d wag; a N I . .. . . $2.50 BLACK 'SlLk. VAISTS'sl -Jl5 � - �'.. ... . , ., . �.: his work was light Ppy that aighti ever, Here is Part df its news column! .' He Impresses' one -as being IL. practical stick of white birob, the cano6 tree. of . . I . . I. . .. I I I . . , I . . . . N , X I . .. �.. L.. , because of the light. - Mail received at XitAm"t bofOrO , exponent of "the simple life." .. I I , . . ' . I .. � . � � * � I . - ., . . . s in the window. ,� . I i . Xmas via Hartley Bf4y, 6V canoe, His Ahe Indians.. �� � .I I I. . I dozen'.blhck Jap Silk Waipts) n low -dosigns antl now. 81eeves. . . . ­ � twenty,minute. address was ma�ked by ' Cautious . . I . . I . I . ly they felt their War to- this I . I - Regular $2.50 is 1" . . . I :.1 I Yes, you and I have our little lights Sevaral schools, of Whales (finback , . I . I . '. . . . . . 2 . � . IL, dry huraor, by aptness and economy log and coatrl,�ed 'to -tear away a see- while they last to o at $1,75. '- . . . . �. - , . I VX . , . ... �, - . � to look forward to. The day's work IA ' roarers) passed up the Inlet this fall. in , the. use of -languago, and by direct- tion of th . a paper -like bark. Hastily . � . . . . 9 . . . : . . .. � I I .. I I . . I 1, I '_: ,1 I � . I . ­ � I . I . I - �! hard, the friends have' turned 'you - in search of food,. One r� ter came ness and dtfeattveness of expremiton. rolling this up Into what'would aSnis,v�er .. I I . . ,� . . I . A; . , , 11. q . .- . I . I I . . . . I acne I �. . � I . d ... . I ­ I . . . � : , . I I . . . clown.. Ah,yaa; we wait for ilia clock 7 . . I - ­ - - . . --------.-- . ­­.- � . . I I ._� -, Within 290. yar s. of the mission house . He is not a rhetorician'nor aposeur In for 4 torch they It Jt. with- a, ma-tdil . . . ____. ____�____ .f x � ... . * , . .. . to t6ll us we are'free, and horri6Waj-d on Oct. 10th I 1. - . . I � . . . . I . .t 1. . . .. . I . I .. . . .- . . . I . -� � . , . ... we go -home to those we love, home I � . .. . . . �. I . I � I :. . I I . . . .. � ; U, , � . A chief and Ave Xihmanu -'people - are . any 'sense. - , . - and derived 'light enough for three of - I . . . . . . . . . .. .. .11�� I . . lar, Haggard Wag. accompanied *by his , the four to be -able to distinguish -their . . r% ^1 * � .M. . W Rah Jd� ' . . . I . 1. . ey � p . I . a .1 . . .. - . � , com% O'D & R to . �� . ..., . �.. � . "I who understand and lmo-�r us best, for meat language,,. , I . . . I - Commandant. Booth-Tucl I car, of th � a The ' birth pole was at on�e'-Conipietts- N . - � � . I . . ( 1111010 � 1, I .. 'IN " .11 .1 ­� . s I � � - � . . , 1. .. . � I I-- _1­11__� -love Is a lever to. lifti--Charles V. ftr, . 'The Kitainaarttribe is not decreasing. . I . . _ .0 " Z. E.- zwe.:, .:. � . I .. . W- N 1. 1; I Is. I to those wtLo ate true, bomijd those. I wintering heie. Th ' a eak the Xltiv. daught - 6r, Allss AfiKelo -H gtard, and surroui_1dings. I � . , . � I . �.- T ' I I & M %J N. _ ­­ � � 1. . . . , . � Salvation Army In. the United Statei.' . ly Str p and' -while 'at .� - I :1� 1- . . . I I .. I � I I . Z , ,. �- . . . I . ., . . I - Ipped of Its. bark, .. . ...., .. .1. . . ­ . � I I . I . I . . � �­ .. I 11 I 11 .11 I ­ . r I .1 I . . � :. -� . .1 '. .. . ,�. .., �_J morld, In Toronto Star. % , I ' I .' During the year.there have been, is go tied beexi Interviewed, he said,'ISY, this 'work.* they Aecided. -that - it would. ii. . X .1 I I- :­ .1- . It � . .. , ' I . 0 vslp-i�x -*.X-44�-�--��It -�'g­R-k­oR­�R-CX--M­oM_0,X �w �-F,]-*O&[�X�- 05-9- N .% X -9 I � , 1%... �__ ., ..., .� I � L I .. �' ... I . . . :1 - �... ,births,. three marriages, 12 ,deaths- about 400 reportefs,. and he'. thought be, almost madn"s' to, tiy � to reach , -9-9 a . . . . I ...",. I 1. , . . I . �­ 1. About 2,500 , copies, of N&;Na,1CN%,a that 'every one had his own 'original their sh . &_-L2M-k"x CxJ-Nr-Uml-A�-Lut-F&-M-@�--5-,�3:,-,Gr-b-tA -1 - 'a, i 1 N ... , . . - I . . . .�-Wl- 9_ -_t,tj IC,��,%J-L.J]-��-%5��L:%]�%UM 1, L. I I --' . . 11� , _r%. R1,;4-% -WS-;-.&(P X,C,, -_ , . are- n � . . . I . anty. that night along tile nAr-. I . 111. =, , M =1 . A .. .._ _ . . ; , � . OW printed, evbr�r, quarter. : and unique -report. .'He. *hid Just re- row *pa:th*ay theW footstepE.i, had _. . . . . .. I. 1. . ­ . I . . .. . . . � ­ " � . . U � . .. I . I . . . . . I . I . . . � ­ . 4. , � .. . made I -,�--�---�,�---,�t.----�..'�.�.t...�l- ­ ­_,�__ -.-.., ­, _­ _-w-...- . ­ -,�-�-��"..",�.�"-"-..,.,�...�, , ". I ­_ . . I. � �.. . . .. . ­ . ! ­ . I �. .!". . I I .1 .. . - ... . .1�1 Have Your Inutans ,iioi tube . rouloists,. calved from England a letter from: a In. the deep sno*. Right across an tam : I - . I. ., I � . � . . . � .. . ., .. I ..� I 1. I . I . ... I .. . . . � .. ... I � . .. . ­.. % r, Raley?", .. " friend drawing attentlon. to:. the fact ..of.thd lake on ,a projecting point j - SETS THE'TIME FOR.CAN � � . I . corne-l" OX AnIll Ing .. 011 t. 'w I ?. kv(.p . ... I . ". . . I . wa ADA. I . "I � - . - . _I - - A. TACTLESS N URSE. � I . . .'all , .. . . . : I .., � �_' �'. -rboy 14ve, but we are fighting It, that a newspaper article hVL4 ref-�rred a deserted shanty,. And'thither thoy'de-' I -:. sizes Ill atod�., , The klext 1111ealro "'.., I . . . .1 ' - I I I I Ther4 is'less of it -now than.'when f I to Wr, Haggard ig having "touslad termined,to.go, ' . . I . I .. .. f , . . I .. 1. 5.14 . I I . � I . � . ". - Went there. The mortality 6f cui In' 'The - Heavy Ri�pons­ibi�jty Rests ,.Vpgn Sig" The Creepr 36111,14or Ill 11111011 she ..'ain, Operating theat(w;� with 'JL-o�ll,,o.-.iL- , I I . .. . I - .. . . . I . dians Is deer'e I - auburn looks.,, ."I'lie reporter had, mix, Journey. Was, difficult, a.s ,even � � .t * . 44.0 tertabed!, a 114itient. I . i. ' . . tm, . . � I I A asing, vvith civilization. ad, -me up wfth my daughter " * Ith ,the flaminig bark . to guide them . Clock in McGill Vjive - 31 l . � .And the- doetor 4jilst rvady. I..) 'bo", n" I I . I I., . � � We a .,. he coin�, .w . . . rsit�.. . . �� � . . .1 1. I xc or was spcujl�jl,ly lyl%;ttil - � I I re teaching them to take.- care, of . . Vurs .1.14 i .alid iuy torniont � I . ., . I I . mented. - �. ,. . �the poor'fellow� -to nd It difficult- to Few -people, even In Canada, r lize I . IN I class, a inosf c- el� i I . � I � S" We Lowe , � . u . ea I ' . as, are,, . , . � - . I I I 1. ! ."_ L I . . _� .. I themsolv,e that ,to a vanish- . * i ,of Lt because the . � : I I ; " .�, I --- I Turning .to the �ob act of his misgioix. steer'a straight ' ' the, responsibility resting up9n the big . nurso dPp1(.t;,I ?��J . . :1 I � Ing race.� `V�Tben-x � 11 J course. ' It was. prob- . Jent body o�, young wqmen, but, as'lu I I . . . . - i LvVsOf: When she poiliteil otit, 1�,)N�,_'. . I ,. I . = . went there the chil- to this continent, Mr. Haggard referred 'ably near m1dali'lit when they, pushed timepiece iii the oliservator�( of'MCGIII tile -case. of doefors,'. one dccaslbn�qlly I . . I . :p dren -Were dying wholesale from a I . . . , -i . I . I PlVer, �aloclles were NV r1i b.) - . -, 1; ,,� - . I I I . ­­ x1 to his Present .Nv,o.rlc Ili Seeking to solve open".the rudo wooden-blilged door * - if '. University,' Montroal , Even the '6 that ", . ., . 11 . posure In long v63�ages. to the,. potl4ctt I _ � I 1. all . . I 'er, coilies across, specimens who, - a.re' 80 I)ut I chor and his'a � ssIshilit". . 0 . . . ., I � I some of the great Problems cdanedted e4tered -the ,shanty. , . ii1ftft fleet In, the Azoreis set their.-Atine . . .. '' . , C.n, . . I- I I feats. Who�erver ydu;flqd a potl' tch , t ' I * * . � � I .1 I . ­.. . - � -fent Ili 04A.ftilq S - , -%N,Ith the . .1 I A 'leavo,v(I I 11 1, I .. � I a .. with he Iffb i'this . .� by It, The clock'it McGill is comp deflC ympathy � . 13 Ickly -,w po,;,.,,J)1t', ij . . . .1 . . I . 9 great c ties in tng- . . . � .Discover a Tragedy. , . I . ar! , I paRs on. ,1,,,,, (111. I - � I . vi , lags ther are -few '.children,. NO land. Ont)�,i)ne�seventh_,6f the popula'. " I I � ' ­ ad at .frequent intervals with the. I afk -as to be. 1fosRively, biough unin- �! tL16 no ' � .. . civilization *does'not.:rnean race sul6id "A'&e was itutekly' startdd In the on, 1 I . .. I . I Xtilleture. lt1va,jl10t1t),�,,,g,Iji%N,_ , " . .- ,� . . , � I -h us� ,,, . I . . . - . I . f . a . 11 � .. . . � . ... I I ­5eo, q . . . . 'life bad, from the.bottom'of srMtorlesr by means. of the.. . , . - 11 9 a tion of England, he said,, now dwelt on ; boose, with., som,6 of t. -� clocks -at the. Toronto "d Ingtoul.t6ntionally,.4rutal. That - Seems '*to be ' t : .� . 1�1.1 Ill.;; . wit ,ulte the re�erse. #a po,ws.. tak6h , - 1 .w4sli . ,ver, be oroz�ve.c rhe.to tbe.,J)�n'tr.1111, of . ­.. . . i � . : aars resemble the, J40 farm, ThOl glamor of oily � � .. . ­ ­ - . 1, - . I -I- u,say the Kitam, steadily drawn into Its deadly. nit the. � one of ill.- lsllelf_:� . obse - telegraphio 4 - of the followln ; I ar. -p! '. �. . I I � . . fate of, tile WOW .11. yi. our he,, till sic�,Ic,toij.,. N� I. . . . I . , . � . . I 1. sleeping bunxs� s*. ill' in, po4Mon all � le, . ary. �V��s ..'�,oaki-d" , 7 , " , , *'� - . It.! .. 1. ;, � � '. I.. . like - r � I colftmunic4tibil.,'As ile, the Signal .9. .11r,,(� � I � . :� 11 Ci ;; I 1, . . . , 11. ,�fl� Jips Me. Ra I . ' . . -Young . a in tter, . � , .. - ­ , . 1. * . I I (a� 11 . �� 0 ... 1. . leyV * � poor Yokels feom the. farm. . ftbm'.wAshington are slightly be I I . ., '' I .; 0-tiklailied that IN 1: I . . . I ­ , , . L $*Do- �. - m`dle­'_.A.Ad7' teflia . ! � . lx' In e , L3n-: i but at- . ct r s d- string Oilld. be piffled - , ''... � ­ . � : - . .;::,. � . . lie�,�thvr - __-n -i Q _t6 ..."Late -one night,. w prij ,wa � :: I ls,ull - I sma 1: Xitamaills alongside -big i1aps and drifted to'the cities, onl ,A,-arri *after I g came i aek -to �: th!Fifi ' (�_ A - , - . . . . I. - I I 11 . flb4c - Z eb-,­a`t­t* �rl'� ­ * qkgnad 'the, .1. tne ' . � . 'o dAnfte-r1aS-`i -g,r ee'a- time''their tilose-jr0ift'ja Atreal. 6WItils,to 8 ��,-. I . . and Strong; _��lls, . Aft� le . 11 U re S. r .1 . sense..,of .seein L 6� back '. . --.-. .__ ; ., ) o upe I - -And ­thQ­-eIO1lk_.-feX_ 6fL_1n­41U1n1 -0 - _­ ­' '' � .. � , . . ? W-u I � '41Y ; 11 1. nobody could' t4il the difference. yes, I . & �f�w yeal�g that k to ' as th6y-sat aboutjhe. biiLrlit fire, aild: " ta�.c(i �between the �two'clties,, but there, siderable.: pain, ;,qnd_Tfii-1:[J16 to �lcej),- . I , L f _ -.--., , ' I . 4 1 ,,1% I ahap, .. So n . � ­ . ' . . . , 1. ' their � hopes of hap- p a u. d "" ' ' I have been onl�;, :about Six occ � . .1 . I fact the b1totographer liad. e.,ltigd�t it , t I .' , , , , , � n �� �. am quite sure these. Indians dome from, �pinass anmd� "" ' th y cc I look a out their new. b6ifte, " ,asions - my., nurs6,. In oirder, to proVI'de clicerful .1 I . - I - . __ * . � I . success In, the restless life I .b . . * .. -during the past fiveyp�rs wheri there 11 . .. I . .. the -moment of falling,, .and tilL ij,­,,,' e , '; " ` ' ,', I ... , . . . the Orlent. Why -thes' ; ' wa�e dOom-41b.b - -s their, vio- . �-dlver-5ioD, proposed to show"' ine a few , , I , r . . . I '. `�':. ,. l � I .. ;, et -very Japsmho.m :OfAhe great Otles - .1t., - with tolerable clearness. A , : Wa.4 . : " I . . . � I . . .. ­ . - . . ary rt la! 11 I ..; , � 1, � . ___ ­ I . I fish right I . . `�Tnaft � out '410"'ll, , a d ' Ifforence 6k'.. Over 'one - Second ..-reatuie� of I An. nnained hid -� � . I m - - , ... " , e I - ter disappointment � I ew -ever - atta n _- 91 Dei*,een the, two clocki, .. �f her photographs. � So a. candle w a- :,:141 1)�Intti : ': - . . 1. " ., , . % - - clearod:, ' they . I I I had . � ---.;-__-.-- '. w�e'have. there! ar � 16n . . , __- .­_!:��..�"- t . . . a 6atehinig I -A tire of a� alaw seate' 1� a , .. - I .. . I . ,.. . . . 1 . ... � � - � I . . . ,along fn� eonJunctloh'Wit a r , d at tile clerlt'g desk ­TbS,danadla Pacific R . . " , , Y � d'on n3y,nionlory. ,I adliot - , ..�,:_ _:..".%, , . � .� . I � . A. � Idtania&tS L ad th''tr aml)itions; aibft - were c *ush� In the �brrfer,�.-%Vltli' a'Ane b..Ajj at beds] ­ -� -Ly, anyt 1119 'tgainst,lVary as a sf�ele- 1. : .. 1� . . .. . � , - . � . . ft allw-ay , Co. - brought.to the de and the. pletures - � / . -F . : 7,goo 10tiers they a are', ' too.,, . ,, . -ad by the �relentless coTilpetition. ot. :,his feet, �` :* 1. ., . . � has . - * . '. . . .. . . '$� h , . , . . 1. - . . .. .I I— . - . itLf � Is no'W umber of-frsme .,i - ' � , �g.rk, official Almel�eepei. at all teTnli' . ,were -held before lmy� a ,. . , . ". .: . . Canada's Rbd` Mini. ' aa . . i Ti umbers,. itrid, were swept � aside Ili. tha ; ,.� ' I . nts.-wh'o corrects, othe *isf,ches . .. � Y��ij as: I lay, On ton' I'lit She.was, hardly� all ;apparit!oll. � , 1: ...'...., . .. 'i .. �'. '. . �. houses, - expectantly A little fnvestliga�tio. - - ­ - - "� I nal., - Pei . � I I I ... 1, ) I . ' t� . . .1 .:, � I .1 An American exchange says:' The .. population 200, mad rush. The work of the Salvatloft � . I) showed .that of. the triinmen, On* hie'division roM .my back, I Vqduelng' -the first -with . to bring'edinrort or'8,16cp 0 a- poor-. . � _.. _.. . . 11, I . ELTM-in-oCmrtm-da�-m-ni�u,Gh-lik,e,Alielr- ,. . a, Q. T. P. . :both man and dog. were,'9tonec,dee,d I . . I . . .. 11 I I . . � .. �.. . 0, . -- - M_&ffY----W5-K-e-dtth-Y-dh-M-rW I . 11 . e was, ailging: .. : � . .. .. I � � hren In this country In polftt� o ; tribmw-t- . . (RH--c,4eok-in-MOW-real.--T-,heae�-r44s-T at litirse bol� the ' - 12 . . . - __� . 4 ArmyIn the slutyi:'distriots of:Lond6'n,,. the,- daily messages received fjr�,tn the' e lif ' * h' ' . I , I ,", ______14 -waiting for the day wheil th - f f :, I I , . ___%_-Z. _ � .Pr brat f or a ;-N-_1:r'-d'F'V&tfr-g1% wWe;e7' �a�tromen.,to-stitI:ness.-;�_xA:a _avidenf. . civilization, but.. they behave - the' _ 'terminus � there. a . nd when oc � -War ' . Poor, . :that the- shanty bad- been the boat , ,a , � .. al. .1 earl-goint �;fed,by:the thousands at charlt a 6 : . . I ;s % .. � "_� L . " i �. , - -the dead ­ r eve ng at 11.54 - � 1. selves and play a useful part Ini ships shall dri a out the fin-ba6k. roar-! ab] . . P41r for.i considerable time, .1 ,.'.. elitials lii�,Urm.-- , , � I . .. b1___ - * the ... Y . a Inatitut!ons, totil soffi�thfhg of the -:. The greater Part of 1 fla6 deer .1 hung atid the, secon4s'are ticked off . until � callhig."-m_LDndon -' , , , " .... I . unities where they : ... I . L , . . I .. � 11 L . .. . I I I . , * .* . �. I 1. , ,� col;am livig. The'D er. Whales from the' 75 -mild harbor.' * 1. pad story.,- "Wheri'l thfnk,'� he added,- .In. the -cook's , I � I ,, .: � , . minion Government has long - main- 11 ..� I 11. . . .. .1 I ,� . ,, . . .1 I lean-to. which was c nter- 11.50, when the message closes. Wheri. . .1 . I . . . , .. I . I � . - . . I . *Of the happy. ,conditions surrounding a tho'time -message Is'lleing', sent, th"e, .. . . .,��... . .. � I...'' � '. '. . . italned schools for thq children of 'the THE- ECLIPSE -AUGUST 29. � the. door from -the rear of the ., � , . ­ � .. 11 I .." ., ., . . . . . .Salvation ArMy.colqn1sts at -Fort a 13'y a lines.. have to' -be cleared of all: other -1, . . . I I . . . . . I.. . . . � - . . forest and taught them the arts 'of I , ... .1 . . ., . .. . . . " ' A * ty, I! Col6rad�, iiiid a,t the OtIler. shantir, 'No fracewbf figur or other pro- business, and this is: -a. rule'that On no j , ' I . . . ...... . . . . . .. -- - :: - ,---,-. ­_­. . . .. .� � �. .'. t . , . � . _��., �*4 . , . . . I . I . .. ­ : - . 1. 16 . . .� mi a � visions 'was to be':seen. , , � I I � . . I � i .... . . 1 7: :­­ .* ­ " I 1, . ear: I . . . . , I I . . . . . . . . � I 0 I . . . . . I � I I - 1-1 . � I . . _. � � .. � I . ' farming and other 'Industries., -in: the " .Remarkable 'Phen6menon Begin.i. N' . Colonies. in California -and ' Ohio, and *The -%�Igltorij had . . accOlm t to allowed to ,be broken.,' , The ' ' * ". '4 ="'%�� . I . . . 'Canada the Indfanz I ... - . . � . . i�Z2&_,., 11 . =1220�_'11=_ . I � . � I . I , . . . .1 1. . . I . .. I I � .. I . - I.. I .... 1 . . . 1. I . . - contrast with'these ' their use been. prodigal in Canadian 11.acifld' talegra . . . . I . . . I 00 ,1: ,. . . older Provifices of s winnioiisj anadian .Expe'dition'. ' . . �bonditiong the: MIS- � ph .% office Is i I I have grown up with the - White 'men .1 - , '' ,C . .. ., � eries. of our English slum , districts, I A .of matc;iestand 'now dizscover- 'nee '' I . . . - 1. ­ . .... .. '. � . .. � . . . . ; .: . . I . I . . I � :and have Increased In Population. Race I . 0 an , .1 � ad thatAhey had usedAhe lak-of;thelr, con Aed-With the McGill' Observittbry. i, .. I . 11, . ... . � I I... � .- ... . ... .. 1. . 1. . � . . I . I., ,- . I 11� I .. .. . I .4,11le 26th of August next C Ada kai,amiz'ed. at the fell' clo6k'bk a lipecial q gnalt - , , . I., I 11 � . . I . , . eated to one - o .. . y- andinhunianIty . . , lrc)A,It� and. st � . ­ I I . . . .1 . . . . I . . I �. � . .. . I.. I . .1 . ,, � _: L . , suicide In not threatening them, *and I will be,tr, f the* crandost., of is� nation thaA ;�vfll alloiv s y.,' T)ie keenest smrcli of the � i ... I �,� G '.. , . '. ' I I � I : �, , * �. . . -, , .. I I . . - udh - need, Sup)" ' are continuously sent 64a� this cirpult ' . _% .. ' * I % * . ... , .. . - '. . . . ­ .. . . :,. - � I '. , - '. . � . . . .. .. . ' a:n . I , . ,� . .... � .. -d, - " . I .. .; . I . . . by the clock.. 'These .Signals are re,s ... ,: nd . , .1 ., . I .. , .. ;they are not a menace to lAW and or- and most Striking of astroli6mical Phe'- -less sufferingto eilat.;�, clothing ind: stores of* the dead m , �# ShWlha, . � � der, -for there is no competitto 'bet' nornena-a iotal eclipse .'Of the sun. The 'The gre t filled't6L discover a- single oii.e. Though - , � ". . � I. . . . p � .,. . " . %, . . . : 1: - .. �i , , I ween. , . ­ . � I �, . : . . . . n . , i . ii, vital.qUestban tit the back' . edived at the we�tern terminus of the , . .. . � 1. I . . . � I., � . , . I . - � � a_� 1. ; the red men and the whites. In the , body, Of tile sun presents a. brilliant of ever ' thay,found*. a fills rifle In. -good-'.order. . . . I I I .1. I., I . . .. . . .. .1 . I ­_ . I '. , � I � 4: . . . . . ."', , � . I , � . � ,�y' ' . , . ! . I ;; . rn - . I Age, he continued, Was, the pieVentflSn 'William,"Winnipeg , , � and Swift. I . . . to N�rite. and easy: to read .after "-. � '. - :, - - - . I I - ;Provinces -the In -1 J osophore . In'the,bunk wherein the bed had been. at Fort. is: . ,, % - : . ., . . . .. . . i surface known' as the thot Y SOO1Q.1ogical'ordbiern of this railway through .automatic rep6a.ters , . . I new northweste * ' � . � !as� to learn, ,ea � ; � ' % I r I Which ' radlates­to us our light- and of thia'baleful' excdds�fr6' ' ma,de, not, a .Single cartridge, wherewith - - .. ' ,. . !­. _ _. . . I . I .. . . ., : . . ,I . . . �dlans were not wanted by*tho.o. iginal, ' I . In -the country , Current. � Abilut 3-100 of a second are * it is, writien. . . .. . . �, I ... I I I I . I - I . .1. � . I white settlets, but there has *been L.�rooffi:. t heat Above -this' Is �i I . a flame might * be� obtained could, be I , . I . .. I I . . . . . . ... . . -,?, ! , , . . gVer of gsfees * to the 'city. ` The greis,t aini of philan- I Occupied .Ili ..passing' through each re- , I .:. . I , I I . . � � .. . !, kftoWn: -" the reverstn"g%layer, which.. found.' .They are oftoe PiliM all-avall­ . , I , . . I The..' stude-lits of -the FoIr�st Cit �. . I . .. .. ,� ,, ;.. I ifor both races, and the Indiana have' . i thropleta should.,be 'to. devisa, If pos- . I reater, .and .th a up ad on the . . 1. . y �B6iness and'. . 1. 11 . . ' 130MOLM . able fu a -Wrl OQC I , , . . - , . I .. I I . � : 1, ., creased numerically. along: with Ahe , AbAorb� portions of,the Sun's light,and sible, eans of'billiging the el'near their fire and determin". wire . -100 of a see ....Shorthand 'College are, subjected i . . .. .. . .. . .. -_ _____ I � Ciduces the:wall-known dirk lines in . to: . . . I itself Is aboirt. 9, Ono. I , ,to. We test of the . , . , . . � 1. I . whites and are -everywhere 'holdift'g. � . .. I . op "' - ad fp -watoli . beside1t:01 � night. ; " : I � . I I . . I - I : '. . . Pr . "Olar. rtunates of the� er6WdeAcItIes back to _ The actual ,time'' tonsumed between' '. . business Educatora'Asioci * ' *', - � -, '; . ,�; - ' I !In th " � I . . I .. . . Ation'of Canada f6r diplomas. � ­ -1 . I .. . . .. .. . their own. Thb Present- Indtan.popu- - , spectrum.. At.,total eclipses,, a clean and. healthy existence. -oft tho .The ,.deo man was dressed In city - NontreaVand Vibioii a, B, 0,, Is abQiit '� . . . ' .; .. _ i. . , . . . . � - 11 __ . . ''I. . . I 1. ­ . � � t 108,000 ,by -the, I i '' ' - * - . ., I �*% ,Pass A 5%' fiuke h ­�. , . �.' ''. � ­ ­ � 1. . lation is estimated oL . d4sk of the -sun Is Out' Off,: -"land. !to assist -An -this .work,* ' clothes, some, broivn -checker material, 16�144*� 6 ' nd 6'' . onof9i, �':.­ * . ' .,. ­,, �.' , , , . ". .. i . � . . as the ' . ; , 9 1 � I- 1, w . .. 1. . '. .. i . . . . �,'.,, . Canadian superintendent this -hLyir has beien 6eeh,t6­produp6 &L, , ., , . ade, .and -be �bid -.6, .good , .f a, second. , The Signal arri'v*s' .. . .. ­ . ... . . I .., " I . . of .. Indian . -ObJe6t,bf his priseftt.missi6fi *ell m . . . gold to $L56_ *Vle orla.time. . . ' - 7, 1 . I.:� , . . .. .. bright line ispebtrilm; showIng'It to be ��� " I to day",,' i�atch.. Oil the table iver...Id -ne.WS� . . � . .t . L g� e ­.you � ome,:p9inters a our .. � 1, , . . , . ' . 11 I I - - I -, Th'e time signalk at Canso, N, S., are - . '' �., . . % i .1, :,. '.� , -,..":. .'. , ; ' . . I . L Indiaa Departnient a gaseous papers of , . systenl.an:d s for the askinx,'. , L . , . .of 6,000 since 189i, was'liev6r in Canada 1, : at victoria,�at 8,45 . i, f�ee _ .. ... I '' 7 airs, an -so. , I -I,: .. Catalogue will v " s bout Aff. .Inerea . ti - . . . . . . as reported by the, glowini gas. X%oire this IS Six ci eight months ago, ,�11 , I . . , I - ... .. . � . . I he said,', "But I have read- m'uch of. awtolfta;t1cally. repeated: to, the -Azor.e. .%, ... . . . 1, . . . . I . I . " . 1. . � . I ­ . . ." L I � . ... 1% , . I - I Il � . 'L 1. enVelcpLo knoliVa ,4 the, chiomosphiir6, "have.L`SWdIod.y6Ur Gov from the United Stat6s. A., load penell ,- . .. . . . � I ' � - -, 1, .." .. . I ... . th I I I ,79ur-60ufttiy� I . rslandis In,ille Atlantic and dAe vessels. . �` '' Scha.'ol terin'-Sept, till June inclusive - ,,.. . : .�. I ;_�_�... .1 L ".,...�.. ��­' ... .,.,,. . - , I . .L .. . ­ . . .. --- rough which. burst great flames Of ernmont,r "' t 'L ... * lay near the,'fiiald "of the (lead. man ' ' I . I .. - : .11 ­ . . , .. . . . I iiiiiiiiiiR iisolown" L eVor s..'I know. . how.va'st -are , .. i of the German fleet redeiv them from'.' - ' . . L' ­ �, I . . ,. .. . . . . . :. .. :. ­ I . . . ­- " .11 . hydrokon and metillie'va,pors; 'Theri - Canada's' opportu and a bit of -white, �Ircli� llark, on which a ' . * . . . . - .. I .. _ . I . .. I . . . . . � �, . W. L. . : _... . .. L � . nities,' how splendid I . 'tills'land - Also the time -is .signalled L . * . . I. �: . . . " .:, , . cpmes the. remarkable streamers df.ths- Was written ' *over and I .­ .. . . , , I I I :. ,, . . � '�: I L I . . her resources.. Way 1 offer oni,werd In liftai"'L "BlIndpo" ' � , over .again, frequerit�y to' fiio British Warships at . . I . . .. �. '�L: I -1 . Baby Hid Eczema.- c-roaa. frequently ,q5,ten#Inc.but three.. 'ad-Vf,_e? Why do 7ou' not make these . 4133 . � . . . lialitax. and - - Vidtorlm ,Not so . long - , � . .. . . I I . : ." L , . . . . .. . . .. ".'.L I � � . . I. or four million nillep .from th6 -sunli resources and this greatness which you, Vi6tim' of,NightmBl4idness. , In ,: �. ,., '. m I I .L . . . . L . . , . L - t 1o. be seen In s aturally enough � the four roan did 0 . _ I ­ ,. I . . . , t�g , 'the Warships � it, Bequimalt 'used'. :� - � � 1. . . disk. .Too fain' , 'N . I ; . . . . And sufrered what no unitillt Possess bettor known to the world? Why. . to, taker their own time by observation.' . . �. I . p6n 6" . I . not care to niake a very close:,Sear�c# , L I . , .. m . I , . . . I '. . . L ..� I as soon as the' auli's disli Is covered, allow so many of ourAl?glo-saxon Im., W". r ' . . . .L . eVer describd-Throo dootoi* . . but,: finding: that 'the McGill time . . . .. . . . . this pale, yet striking, halo springs Irk- migrants to be'attractedAo. th6 United" for, means of Idedification. They. con- always right, th I I., 11 I .. .. I , ., . . a art iVas L ey how receive It from' , � . - - �F . *, . .� I i . a ... � . . . . . I baffled. . . . to view. Partly shifting with its Own sidered. thatAll ni , stranger the *Canadian L ..Pacific telegraph. . At " "' . , �e , States and to 'other foreign bountriep? I I , .. . I . . . I . . . ... MRS. W31. MILLER, St. -Catharines, Ont.�- .light and Partly by reffecte'd light, ' Its .Outside, of e, fqw .Placards- Posted Ili pulr. - In the woods,, and an American. It. Is. Halifaxi'an opera I ter sends the Me I Gill . : I. . I .1 . I �, 1. L. I .. .. .L L . . .1 . .. I ., .; . .. :... ,.. � . . �L i . 'L I I L I 1. IV. .IMT.�V.,F . . L . 1. I I . . . writes: "Mydaughtor ary.,whonsixilio exact nature is nd't.yet'entliel - . . their 6pinl�n tbat the n1an was - affilet-. signals to' the Islands of Jariialca alid, . ". ..'Lor, I.., I I M nths I Y. settled. , *lic halls, etc., in England, and .with � . ,It Is remarkable as contixinlng:4n.aio� L . .Paper I. , .ad With ll�ght-�Ilndnoas while In.the they.' afj L _- I - � �Y. M., C.,'A, Btd�, I . . L . old, contracted eczema, slid for three yearsA6 the exception,.of Aft ,occasional, L � Ber uda and from. Vidt6ria . ' .. . . . � Prihci ' L � ' - L . . . I :. L I disease ba,ffled all troatment. Heiesaawasone ment not yet,found on. earth. � .. read-, to Some L small . agrleultdriil gather- Shanty. and becarne afraid to -go fir m I ' . , . I 11 palo. . . . . �.LONDON�, ONT. % . . 11 .. ... � . I 'Winnipeg, Ang, I know -of ildle �eiftj doni . . � , seat to the .161ands.0f1he�Pacific, *here . L' . . . . . . . . . , . I.., � !L 1. . . . . I . "': I of the worst that has ever come under my no- ' The eclipse:bogins�. near,::I' away from it"for fear .Of,'being over- . . . I I m I . . . . I .. . S*eeps across -the country And L . a to.at taken by e*tnin ,the -Australian cable.�statfon I's ' . � . I . .1 I � . . I 11 ; . I . . . I . I ' I tice, and she apparentl suffered what uo Polk � .,r6adhas tra6t. our English- emigrants to your �9- 'and'becoming..un- . Tfi6: time is also signalled da*1 � ly - C11- : *, . 11 . L . . I 't, . -V ��.. - .-� . -1. I - I . I I I . . . - � . could ever describe,_ I tad three differout doc� . the Atlantic Ocean at Hamilton Inlet;. -Dominl( , ibleL.td find hia.way back again. *"is ' I .. . I., L I.... 1. : .� . .. L � - . . . . on. You can, make ,arpurselves . , e'McOill Observatory over ,. . , I I . . I . . . . . . U% I . .;-----. - - __.­__­­_. �:­­ ­­ L '­ . . I . I v.�si River the '�befter known if you� and; 'his rifle ?V I . . tore attend to her, all to n6. -Labrador. Here at Nortliv; _wIll 'dnly� a opt inatches 'were"L used ..rect from'th �1�4­ 1 _._� 11 L V purpose whatever. Final. . Canadian expedition wilf have its,ota- I � .4 cartridge -having digappeaied ' I the Grand Trunk systam, � Thb signals ' ---o-­�--�- ': . , , ,;`­il;���.­­­ , ., .� I ­ I . .. I I . . I I decided to try Dr. ftlore;pnergetlo methods of'advortislak. a b It was . are sent from il.57,'Witil noon "clicks"L... . .1 . . . . .. .. . '. . _. I . . . . n .. I - 11 I . ____ - I - I .� - - I I .. . I I . . I . L, 1. I. ­ -tion. Mr. W., F. King; �hlef astrono- - . And If I may. a0 but'of4'other- word of impossible for 'him. to' make a Are 10 -being sounded .every ,secon& ' On 'thls� . I . .1 . . " -, * ,-L , . . . . . allishe's Ointment, and to mer, arid' Mr. Jr. S. Plaskett are Ili advl'c'e,, I �voui,d i .keep hims6lf w4rn-i or-tabook.his meat. I . . . . . . I 1. __�.. � . _1M :. , I . ' ask you to Profit front I ail 0 . . I . I my surprise '66'immadi- - ir� � , -rat way the Wires are kept olear, of all . . ately bagtn to iniptove charge of, the expedition, and Will bo' tile MiStak S - of � the Old world. With the ,thermometer ranging on, - . ,., . I EL_ I . . . - I and was completely cured .41 . .1 I A 1. . . � ­ � of that lohg-stianding din, Pr. Marell, and Messrs. John R; Collins, this conglomeration of unfortunates . in .,Pe long beforts' the frost wouia Canadian -Pacific, , I . I L . � .. I . . I I 11 SOOICtty Of .. . - 4 - ease. That was,fouryears . D. J. Howell and.t. R.dward , Maybee,. of Your cities 06 Dot'rePeat -in Canadian claim -both hita and his faithful 'hound ,It needs -,no further particulars to - I N4� I Wa . I I . C� sensted by Dr, ,Chant Prof. De Luryl. a healthy, L Pro- . 15 .'to' 90, degrebs below zeko,.. it W6 ,d other buAln6sa, While -the time signali '. I ., , ' � .Velit Ili your: new.and nation , not . are being sent, as Is the base. wl h ,the .." Apf the Royal Astronomic I k.eitles the evils of the NeW York ten as VI tl - , I 'ri� � I ,!, when we. lived at.., a . a,; . c ins when without tire or pro . P I ., . . . . ;; . wall, Out., sind gone*. Canada'. .L . . . L . . . I � I . . rove. that: should the L McGill block " I 1, . :_..'. . L 1. . . I Manis or of -the Londoia slums, keep Visions '. , ' I . I -cease to perform its-dutle I s for ever so � . L I., . . . . . I , a sympkim, has shown it, L . -Per photographs a very, CoftiplateL T' i * ' . . I ; I - cure Inust YbUr folk out of the cities, And do When rooming dagie the shitntymen, . � self sinco"the . equipmont'has- been provided, consist- : liot forget. to care fOrL . . � short'a space of 'time, the consequences I ,. I I be permsualit.11 your immigrants maue a-breakfast,bf the venison'In the. . would. be most embarrassfag., ' ; . .. I I . . , . L Ing Of,& $3,000 204nch coelb'stat, four . -in a sympathetic. and generous -mi leaft-toi aAd tken tartid for their' own . .. I . - .. . ­ rRac e .9 . I . I I . , S . . aftifer. I I , I . I I . . . I I . MR. 8. Rrolarmsoil, Ju., Public School calnetao. one of 81-Incli. fdous;'- two.. .of ' Reftlembist that they. are strangers in Shanty to tell their story. to their fel- ' I . � . . .. . . ­ .. . I I I . I . ".. I I � . 1: . . . -1 11 ­ " . . Teacher and Sunday School Suliorinteudebt , 10-hich - focusi'and one of 40 -In , Iowa. ' The ioreman And d, - c - ­ , - . . uns-il .. . � . St tier' ''s, Ont., writes: "Xamae up,irlte'3 L Which wiii give a . ell foduso.. Ix strange laild,'ana nood.you ouple of' . . .. I . . � ­_­_ I. - I -- , . r advice I I I . . I . � I . I 11 I ,q n Image of e sun and your assistance, Wig@ action and others at Once got out With one of the ' '' -* . . , . . . . . I . . � , I th - I � I .1 , - , .- . .1 � X I 19 I X I X X i I! I I . . - As A 4 11 IKX� . I CRL . X i K . X I I I . I ` � I I � ! � S P I i I I I I I %vit1%111r. 434 Mrs. Wm. Miller, and belie" 4 12. inches .In diameter. . In addit four to bury the dead man In the shan-, - - Of GPOilhd? D on'l , . 7.1: I that they vrould not.-t.aka a stateumn. bulksy; foil forethoWgfit now 'Will: ensure thb-btfild- but arrived at th�* lakesl4o to, find' Oldost � of the action in, m' story," exa* I ; . . I . I . . . . . . - I I . . . I . . to thesis for- dpeet'r6gvap � . � I I 0 ing it to be in atty way inislosdinj biwartie. W I , hie warX,.there , Ing Up here of the most,ilorious nation ill . y I . _��,�, I . . Ill be a Brashear 3 -prism. train spec-. yet fashioned by the genius of the Zle .bull4inig In' flame0o; which, keen plalned Pennibs, "takes place In a com. I ,. � I Dr. Chase',% Ointmento trOSCOPe, an -ObJective grating Spectre- ttitish"mind,11 I , . � . . . . I ;, I . � . I - -.60 cts. & boxi at all . , Madd total destruction of 'it and its efem" .� I . ,.. ... I - - Shovel , ' � dealvr%, or Edmanson, Bates & Co,, Toronto. - . I I . . it :� r , , . . ' . . . * . I'Virell," raloined CrIacus, - .1 . � ­ � . 0 ... r - __ , I .1 . I . r- ortrai b and siguaturo of Dr. A. W' Chase oq scope and a primatio camera. A num, ; CoffinVindant Booth -Tucker followed contents.' . . that!s. a. - �� . , . k )DJOL, . 1. .. . . . � . I . . . - . ' Probably It will never be known W I . ­ �..­ . .1 Ashes. , . I . every box. bar of telescopes Will be used for visual , brielIZ, , � . h(y Wood place for . . . � 1. . .. . . observations, . - 0 . _ . � I __ . � .I- � � . . . . . . the unfortunate man was whose body � . ..., ... �. �_.�_�_­­­_��_.­­­ - ____-_4.;��-, , , , 1,;� . . � IF, , I .1 . . ~,... .=!_#-611.* ­1 Improvin Sh *6 oWas discovered that night by the',tem- . I . . . I .. � . . . I � . . I I . � . I I . . 9 e P. . ODE) SH I " . . . I I - � � . norarilybilailed *,i-- Q-- �t� i , I OE PACTS.- I . . . I . Fi 9-05 .. .1rHa C12ANREST 19VUR 1 1.90511 1 I � I . � �. I . r .11 01.111 jr,rif I A fairly well bred' flock of, eweg bkod. 1. I for S few years to none but first,class - Pression haii declared Itself among.th6 lumberlers that he W,is 9. fugl'tiv o from . � I . � . i .. eb. � � . Greek. shoes -were peo,ullitti In. rtit I I . . . � . � I . . I Not 6he make of furnace 'in twenty is supplied w'Ith an I .1 1. . ramp will In a short time give as -fills a' . flock as one could doefre.'for all practi- 64aztice Who tried to hide himsol , f in the Ing to the' Iddle of :be I i , m . . egs . I � ash,pan. . . . . . I � I I .. . : " . eal.purposeo, I . � A I ji�i b P+i � . . I �;-joda,. I . . 'Initaitigating Ouebbc�s Danger, I . The pidsent fashion of shoes WAS Introduced Into Ungland In 163s.� i I Without an ash.pa,n'the ashes must be shovelled into . I . . . . . . . . . . . overald it, ­ . I ! . Dr. It, 14, Aml, of . 'the .Geological Sur� . I 'In the hinth,and tenth e6ntpries the . I a p . ptacle for removal -means dust ! . . ail Or some other rece' � I .� ' - Mrs, PANSAY-Mary, WA,sn*t thAt geh. vey of Can" al hag loft Ottawa to , grolitebti)rIodes of Europe wore wood. � I clothes, extra work ; a dirty disagreeable - � , .. . in the eyes, fuln64 ' I Vemotli 48kIng for Me? Tile New Mald I -No, raum. Ue described the lady,he I make an examination of flio g..010910at structure of the cliff facing the Xlng�s 'bastion . en shoe:91 - . I � I . I . Sh6cs Among the wero'made I 6 ng'. . I . . I j6b-the Meatiest'part of Nrn,,ice 'teildti . - . I . W"ted to see 40 befia' abOnt fOrtY,.4110 I t6ld him It e6ijjAn't be you. Mr& and the Citadel in Quebec City, Where the Place in 1889, when go many persons and fam, ,TeWs of leather, Unen, rush or. wobdi soldiers' th6es Were sometImeft made of brass- The StInshille.Furnace hag an -ash-p'an which catches . all the, ashos,.and slides in and out easily. Has tw6 handles ' . . P490AY--Quite tight* my dear, And illos perished, TO XoVember of last I . -Or-J176% � ' . *sh'069 I . . % . for carrying. No-sboVelling, sweeping or dirt� I I . Ydu shall have tin extra nfterno6n,�Jlt. tomorrow. Thd New, Maid -yes mum 'I Year Dr. Aral drew the atten"o of the Department of Militia -and De;onqe to In the r6igh of rtlebard 11, Were .of Su6b absUrd length as to re. ' i , . I I � Thi's is only oge, bf a dozen good features possessed . -thankee, mumi 'Yeg, vilum-, t 010 the thfoAt6ning condition Of the Strata Immediately under the westeril,oxtrem- -Mlite to W supported ,by being tied - by the Sunshine Furtlaci, noftel., of which are found on . . ' . hIM It couldn't be you, for y6it Was AbOUt fifty. MrA, Passay-Alid WhI16 ItY of DuttArIn Terrace, and in the. cliff below to the knees with ollains, sonlotImes of gold or . . � I any. other furnace. � I ­ . I . I I .. yett're.taking your afternoon oft You'd 'hunt tho 01tidel walls, where & hum. ber of orevides.wero, secyi, The min. silver, Ill the� telgh of W1111Ilm,ItUfus 6f I . , . , , better a now, placel . . � . IAtdr of Militia and Defenc6 was mak. . LZIngland In We eleventh contnry a � I MC A . . � I . : I b r � . � . r . 1.1-1.1.1. 0 1 1 " P I I . � . Ing .atrafigAmo hts with' the 001091W .Survey botartmaht witil,a. view ,of great 11dUde,11 %tobert ilic' Honed, usod " I I I I I I ,Y. I ; ft#* iolever Schottib. �� .. V1khfkY­�Wh:P In the world do you making a 4041led txaminKtion -of the conditions whbn snow came on . the shoes With ;shftrp 1)6[ntg studed With tow and twisted , like taws' horts. I .. . . . �. . I " . . 1.0;qI10.40 Toronto,. moiltrtAlt Winnipeg, Varotiveto St. y0fill, 11,B. I 06nd AWAY,tor go wittly oat4logaes and ground 444 PrdVeAtlsd the OXAeUtion of The 116trifing made use of two kinds of . _ .11 - ��� ­ � � � .. 01 11 I W I " ___­ : , . I � - .. , I 1 sjj�,611 111, . theu never buy, any"Iffig? Stigette­T& *601) th6 PostmAn e6mlug bero, I doult WAnt th6#6 the Minlator's Diane. The fftrAr entor,4 tiln�d IwA 6411 have beeh realized, as s, desps,tch recolved from Queboo aw , islioe%-the soleft, ok neaftdal, whieli rov. ored tU sole tit tbo.foot and'Ntfts '$it home, alid the citiceng, whiell 'we' cov! . ­ I I . I . .q ,% It ' . ' ' , .1 1: 11ARL - AND 'BROS CLINTO, Wonidin Iteroba the street t4 ftOuftdd9'& Pdft(Oft Of the Mf hu falldn oked tho *Jiole foot and was wom 1# N I . P k140W thIlt lack Alid I don't oorrOP644 I dhd A 9 041Y VOrtl0ft Of the StrAtAL 4* iklimail , . . 1. 4 . . . . N N 11 -0 r . I I , 4 I OR I � _M"___"M*_". otlay morev . - .. Z-. , \ . . posod M"vin'slikosoor. - . .., '. ­ .. A­­�. I �. 0 t %, SOLE AGENTS ,4&i I . . � 0 I . I I*- . � I . 1. . ..k , I . I . I I . .11 . ril I ., h. ��4, t . ,,,�k !V#W.%­#. .,�- lefUll), �Mtl.* r .4. 1 41 t . , . I . . . - �_ kp,;%,�, , . . _ r . I I . . 0. I I . I . � 1�e__ I 0 . . % . . V . . . . \Z.__.* , : . � ." . . . . I a 0 11 � I � I * � � I,.: �. I . A . . , I � � I - � . I " . ,-, I. I . r I . r I � I L I ­'. ... I I I . I . I � � 0 I1� . I . . I � . �, I . . . I I a I ., 0 . .11 . 4 I . I I I . I I N . I . -.&.-_1_._11_ - -.�--,-.---.r-.1-11--.-.1--.11--��--�-----l-��"--..'�."---. ,-,- ­­­ 111. ­­­ ­­ ­ .1 . ­ � . I—— .1__..__-.1 - �. ­ __.. ­­ 1. .. - .. _. .. .- ­ ­ . I .. I . -000M�. - - , � . � _ . .11'.., I ____�__ _. ­ __ - 1.