HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-27, Page 8Nal 1 1 ens :..iiptori.1For the Ladies ress Goods Clearance. •-Saturday, July 29th, is to be a regular Bargain Day in Dress Goods. It has come to clearing time for all summer materials, and we are going to take Saturday to do it. Theremust not be a yard. of Summer goods on the shelves when Fall business opens, and we have prices that should clear these out in short order. Already the new and heavy fall materials are beginning to arrive, and we must make way for them. Here is how we are doing it. Don't miss this Dress Goods Bargain of the season. soc and 6oc Dress Goods, 35c ' 15 or 20 pieties Summer Brea Stuffs, light weight materials, such as Voiles, CJanvas Cloths, Mohairs, etc., in navy, browns, gteens, fawns and other light shades, lines that sold at 50c to 05c, •• new and fashionable febries, but we Will not them over. on sale Saturday morning at your onn choice per . „ • . : . ,,,, . , . 001i Silk Eollennes, 75c. Some very fine Sflk Eoilennes the seasian's handsomest light weight Deese Material, shades of fawn, grey, navy, brown, etc. Regular $1.00 and 7Kft $1.25, all we have in stock to clear at pee yard.... I • Summer Tweeds, 25c. • Four patterns in Summer Dress Tweeds, light weight and colorings, at wool, regular 50e, clear- 19nn ing Saturday per yard• , . .. ......• ... , . ..... :... Lon Odd Waists at 25C 1115 only odd waists, white and colors, odd ones that sold at three or four times this price. Choice of this lot gene Saturday LUti Summer Corsets 25C Odd sizes in Summer Corsets • to be cleared at half price. 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 20,27, 28, only. clearing Saturday at Per 25c pair, .... . Two Collar Bargains, Two _Baraains in LadieS' CollarsWe' came „ across last week. A good chance to get a couple of new collars for- the .prceof one. • . Silk Collars . 25c each. 35 or 40 fancy Silk. Collars, new styles, regular 50e, rene price Saturday.. . . L qt• Wash Collars 1, • fOr 25C • • Ladies' Wash Collars, plain' Whites and colors, a large as- sortenent of newstyles, raga. tar- 25e,• Saturday at.. 25e • 2 forAe.... • .• • • . • . . Thos loc And 15c Ribl3orias. • • We haven't sold .So•many Ribbons for many a day as we did last Siturday.." That was because we • • were selling the .cheapest Ribbons that . ever vent over our counters. There is still; a good assortment left. • Do not miss then.] for: they are good '40d, • • they are cheap. • - . Ribbons at 10 Cents. 000 yards fancy beck Ribbons 3 1-2 to '5 inches wide, m creams,. blues, pinks, reds, navy and greens, good quality, worth 10e, 20e to 25c, your, 1 00 choice ot the 104 commencing Saturday, at per yard , Ribbons at .15. Cents.:. . • 500 yards pure Silk Tafetta, Ribbons. This is the same quality as we have been selling the past two • years at 20e per yard: It is a firm, strong weave, and it has always been 'a big seller' with us. Last • week we got a chance to clear this lot for less than regular Reece and now w. are 'going •• to* give you a Bargain. There' are whites, creates, blues, pinks, cardinals, navy and blacks in the • lot, You may 1 net takeYour choice, commencing Saturday, at. per . yd uu. Just a Litt!'p Milhinery, to 'Sell.. We have just a little Millinery to sell, and we . . would like to see the last' of it go on Saturday* Outing Oats, soc About 35 Outing Bats and high-class untrimmed shapes. These ere the last we leave left of this season's goods, The regular prices Were from • $1.25 to $2.50; •You can take your choice on con Saturday foe .. . • i• • Children's Leghorns, 25c • 25 only Chitdren's Leghorn Hats, fine braid, regu- lar /5e to $1.25, eiteice Satierday for etteh.. • Flowers, toe The last of our Flowers must be sold on Sato., day. To make the tete siire, we are giving you a 1 0 g choice of Flowers we sold at 25c, 35e, 50e, at eneh Flowers, 25c • Perhaps a couple of dozen Whams a good Flowers, that sold at 75e, 51.00 and $1.25, on Sat- ?Ian urday YOU can take your Choice at each.... Hodgens Bros. Dry Good Clinton • • d''••7 NEW STYLE HAIR NETS—Made of man hair. Invisible when worn, col, - 'to match *all ordinary shades ot hair. Fits pompadour or entire head, at popular prices, SOFT RUBBER HAIR WAVER AND Clinton. Mows.' CURLER—At entirely Thew and prac- "*"tical kind, the most dur. able ever Inveaed, looks Ake 'the most sensible too. A slit in which to place the endr of hair; roll the hair around it and then a- simple way to fasten it. A BONE HAIR PIN—The best value eemeee,ee**************.we ever bad al 5 genie. Crinkled, four inches long, seemingly as good in 'quality as tho- se usually sold at twice the price, FASHION LEADERS ENDORSE THE1V1, WOMEN DEMAND THEM.- • Ageuts Parker's Dye Works. D Fair Go. Often the Cheapest, Always the Best Miss Laurie King is Visiting friends London. Mrs. Jas. Flynn is on a visit to bleeds at Coertright, itlisses Mabel Woken and Jennie Runkle have gone to Detroit. Miss May Weber of Loudon is vieit— ing tier mint, Mrs, John' fluty.. Miss Mollie Cleft' is visiting her ting- le, Rev. W. T, Oita, of Strethroy. • sa e JI I: .7th 1945 Saturday, July, 29th and Monday 3Ist. TUE WANT BIQ Business for the last two days of July and in order to got this extra trade we have IT prepared a list of bargains that should be very tempting. These bargainsare on goods of depend. able quality and goods you can use now. Read this list carefully, bring this ad to the store and see 11 goods are not as represented. • On sale Saturday And..,MondAy 9 • ,...4••••••••••,..w,••••,1*........* ••.•••-•n••• Grey Cotton Worh up to 7c at 4e115e, 18c and 20c Embroidefies 300 yards cq Grey Cotton, ranging in price jom 5c up to 7e, all to clear Saturday morning -at -per yard, 4f These are all Mill ends. • . •. • • • • • ' •New Silk Waists All Reduced as follows $3,50 • Japanese • Silk Waist for $2.25 • 3.95•" 4,50 " 7.00 " "•" 2.65 4 " .• 2.95 .4.50 8i -c- Mil:Lite Cotton at eic an 350. yards of 36 inch wide full bleached Cotton, good heavy quality, our regular Sic Cotton to go at 6Y2c. . • 10C to 150 Art Muslin at 8c Short ends of coloied art, Scrim or Muslin in assorted colors and designs, regular 100, 12ic and I5e qualities all to estr at .. • . • . . 30e9 350 to 45c Muslins at 15e 4 • Miss Black of Seaberth was the On Saturday morning we will place on sale the balance of guest laet week„ of Mrs. (Dr.) H. our Fowler,. ad•ored MuslinS that sold at 30c, 35c and 45c, all at 15c. Mr. -Harry Holden and his mother•ve-• sited 1riends lieu St. Joseph last Surlay. •• • • Miss Olive Coopee, teacher, N 'on . a visit to her' friend, Miss.!' Ada Hoes - ton, • at Wiegivain. . • Mr. and • Mrs. Harry Routledge and Miss IVIa,udie visited • friends in Seal - forth over Sunday. • Mrs. Williares and Mies Carter of • Brusselsare. the guests of: Mr. and. IVIrs. Geo. 'LavN this week. • . end-ell/1ra John Decker of • near Zurich Were guests. of . Mr.. .and lefts. . John Terrance over Sundey, The ts of Blyth were gu- ests'of •Mrs. D. B, Kenneay last week, and .Mr.. Laee, photeerenher 12+e 300 yards of fine cotton and Swiss Embroideries in assort - ted widths and designs* These are odd piece3 that sold at 15c, 1.8c and 200, all to clear at 12%c. • - More 20c White Lawn at 10c 39 inch wide white India Lawn—this lawn is made of a fine iound even thread and is regular 20c quality to go at 10c. Lace Curtains Reduced for two, :Only As .All 50c • Curtains at All Daysi Follows ; •38c ••“:• 85c •ic .•70c • • 1.00 • •".•. •" 85c c' 1.25 " 1.00 1.1.5 1.75. <4• 1.45 " 2.25 .": , ‘` 1.75 More 1V11 inery Bargains tor Saturday and .11tionday . . $1.50 to $2 50 More Trimmed Hits at $1.50 • Hats at 75c.. . • On Saturday morning We will place , on sale any ready- Any .Trimmed Hat in .the store that . early in the season to-wear-Rat...in ...the store that soldat $1.50, 2.00 and $2.50 AIM—have- sold at $3,50 to $4.00,to. go Saturday at. $1.0 • of. Fort ,William; • was a tisitor at • ' the same plaee, • • Mrs. .Fratik Yeo returned • to Mt. 'For- est on Friday' last a:Gem:pealed by her ' sister, Miss • Nettie ear.telou, whO will. Make her ,hothe with bee for a time:, • • Mr. Arthur Cook lias goae to Osha- wa where lie has been engaged by Mr, 1. 0: Henry, apple , eipot ter; with wheel.he expeettto remain Until, the apple erop is harvested Mr. 'Constantine, the genial tellerof the Molsons Bank, • returned on Sat- urday frOin a holiday of two and e hall weeks spent 'on Georgian ,Bay, at his 'home in • Toronto, and else- wilexe Major - Dudley • Holmes. of Winnhane was inj town on Monday On . his: way home after spending. Sunday • at • Goderich. He was • •ftecoinpanied. . - • • • • • . by his two handseene _little .• sees, MastersJack and Pat. . 'Mre. Will, :Moffatt is •visiting friends in St, Clair, i1ieli he !las not been in ((pod health for some time, • but the, many friends are hoping th- at 'a few weeks .of la,ke and rive e'breezeS will effect e . Mr. Frank Warner of Tozer & Bro wn's tailoring stall was ealled home, to Durham •on Saturday by the e6r-, ious illness of bis father who •died, , on• Monday forenoon. The deeeaeed Was for Very Many years a...reSillenh of that 'town. • , Mr. T.. Jackson Jr. returned tle town on• Monday evening alter a pleasant !. • ten days' holiday 'spent. at Go Home Bay on' Georgian 'thy and report that the air of that much -famed region is . having a very beneficial. &feet on the' health of his daughter, Miss Irene. ,Their many friends bore will be glad 'to. hear this.•• ' Mr. •'Geo; Se, IloWard, priecipalof the Blake Public school, was •in town on Monday. He has been a decade in the profession and having given his best talent to the work he has elide a success of it and is regarded as • one of the foremost teachers in the inspectorate •ef 'West Huron. 'Mr. Howaed 'was ac- eompariied by Mr. W. Pee, a, happy • Aishrean, who Wires near Zuriele. Mrs, Deering, sister of 1Virs. R. Fitz:, siniont, is here on a visit, She is • accompanied • by Mr. Miller and • Wife, the letter: Mrs. Deering's dau- ghter. Mr. Miller's relatives li,Ve at Dashwood for .which place he leav- es this week and in a few days . • takes boat up the lakes • back to his Western home. He travels • for one of the large wholesale dry- . goods houses and is taking his ho,, lidays. • Rev. O. R. Gunne preaehed in Paris last Sunday. His work here was taken by his brother, Rev. J. M. • Gunne of Wyoming, to hear whom Iatge congregatians assembled. His texts tor the morningg and evening services, respectively, were Luke :18, "I pray Thee have me ex- cused"., and Matt. : 20, "What shall a man give in exchange for his soul 1" from .both of which he preached impressive aermons deliv- ered -with that cloquenee peculiarly Itis own. Ry the way, there Is Otte • a similarity in the pereomi appeari ante of these two 'brothers which • leads to seine amnsing incidents, some people nuking orrots in judg- ing "MAC it; Whieh,"' etc4, re .• "er . ny Plower iu the Stoke at HALF PRICE -- • : . . AM. • ' efejele mower RACK IP VO'fil* WANT • ' . • • . • . . ' CLINTON .. • Personal. t The Canadian Bishop's A New Name for Horns. Mine Host Deirrow of: the ComMereial . • hotel, Be:y*1d, was in town : • on Friday lest. • • , ; MreS: 'Baer has been on' the sick hstt • during the last. two weeks, but ;is : now• improving. • •• • Rev.. Mr. Dickie. with his wife • and little son are .guests - at the hOme of Mrs; .7,as. Fair Sr. • • re Eldred Archibald, son of • Mrs• . Archleald ,ot G,Oderieh, Presenii • on the staffeot the Toronto World.' Mr .John Mole of Auburn was ern • tewn•on Tuesday an. his way twine from visiting hit son Ed. ie Sea- 0Scar Rogers visited Seaforth; Ditb- Mitch'ell Sebringville and Ste, •• atford last ' week advertising. the S., S.. picnic. excursion. to Goderich: • udge Elliott and wife, .ore °renege, itlissouri, who have been gtiests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Trick for some • Weeks, are now spending a fey days • in Goderich. Miss. Ruth Bedells, who has been Vis- • iting Miss Edna Cooper, leaves. this 'Week • for Milford Day, Muskoka, where the other members Of her . family are suinmering. • Mr. W. B. Hale, 'brother of C.Bellate of town, is here on a, short 'visit' feom Chicago Prior to his removing to 1VIexieo where his lime itto future. •Born • in Clinton and edu- • cated in the Public and. High sehoo- is -he studied some time in Toron- to University, taking a, special coure' • se inelectrinal engineering at the School of .Prattical Science, after whieh in 1890 he metered the enmloyi • of the Western Eleetrical Co. which position he has since retained. He studied the Spanish language and was Spanish representative of his company at the World's Fair of 1903, his duty being to meet peo- • ple from illexiee and South America and converse with them their own tahnwi ragespa,neistue. f•olimendywtoelt itaottyoefarer fac- ility %peaking, that language. Portuguese, 1tMian and Peewit ha- ve received great attention also, and are fairly within his grasp. • Mr. Hale is very modest and Unassum- ing,. but has plodded on in his gide et way, making his mak just tho • same. He has lately been appoint- ed general manager of the Mexican Telegraph mad Telephone Co, With headquarters at the city of Meeiee, • and controlling beVenteen exchanges, practically the whole country. This is a very lucrative and responsible Position and we oiler congratulat- ions to this Clinton "Old Boy" who we verily 'believe, is worthy of such recognition, ' • Reilly toSOri Not • ler.g ago •a goat was perches- .. Rev., Charles Miles told a good sto- • rY on the 12-th of 'a Canadian Bishop Who has a son living in - Chicago. On 'July, 4th the son wrote to say, "lam celebrating the day we licked you." The lather ,wrote in.reply, :1 Cele- brated every day I liciked you I would be celebrating half the time." ed by Dr. Cartwright for his chUd- ren's The afternoon of its arrival little Margaret, agedthree went out in the yard where her,.hro-. ther was playing with the new prize, and after a: brief inspeetien • of •the animal exclaimed,— • ' "On, George, let me hold his hail- •dle-bars !" • • • . • . . • • • ** • '; • • . • • ' • Running Expenses • ••. of the Dominion. • The running expenses of the eountry have been increased by the sum ot, $578,277 by the Dominion ,Parliamen- t's increase in Salaries. The ainoinete are made up as follov., • Increasein members' indeinnity, $214,000.• • • Senators, $83,000. •• Addition to • Prime Minister's:sal- ary, $4,000. ' Leader et theOpPosition, $7,000. . Pensions to ex -Ministers 'who have • co . served a term of five ntinuous ye- ars, $42,500. •. .•• • Increase in salary of judger $222,7117 ' Total, $578,271. • • I. O. 0, P. FACtAtelION. Minerva Encanipment, .1. 0. O. F., ,Wingham, have arranged w.;th the G. T. R, to run an exceneort from all stations'Kincardine to Rippen. elusive, te Serbia, on Saturday, Augl. 12. Train leatres Clinten 7,,47 • a, fare $2.05. Retuening special from leave, Sarnia at 10 P. M. on 1VIOndaY0 August 14th. Arrangements have al- so Wen made with the IA bite Star Lire) to convey passenger's from Sar- nia to Detroit and return per mag- nificent steamer VTashmoo' at the loW rate of 500, Beat leaves Sarnia at 4.50 p. m., Saturday, and tickets will bo good to return on any White Star Lite boat up to and • including 2.30 • p. M., on 'Undo, Aug. 14th. This will affoed" excursionists alt ex- cellent outing and au .opportunity to spend Sunday in Detroit.. Remember the date and plan to take in this de- lightful trip. WANTR11.--A TRUSTWORTHY VO -4 man ai/Out, 11; Mrs of age to keen the jewelery ousinens.-eA. J. Grigg„ Jeweler and OPtiClan. XS Stier of MarriagalLiCences., New Early Ripening alts.•. .Ottawa, July 24th—l-larvestine has begun it the Central Experlueetal Faith. The earliest Mote of . Winter wheat; six -towed. barley,. oats and sp- • ring wheat bast already beencut. Aitoni the kinds of oats now under I test, the first to ,mature this season are:two Little varieties, the Datiben6i oatC obtained from Western 'Ontario, and • Theta, a new black oat freshly imported . from Finland. Both. these sorts. promise to be of value to farm- ers in northern districts, requiring an early .ripening variety. It haa for ma- ny years past .been the endeavor of the farmers to produee spring wheat Of good milling quality that will be ready to cut several days, at least; ahead' of Feed Fife, the advantage of , ,growing such varieties being very ev- ident in. those districts where the harvest is apt to be ruined by frosts, ...,•••••••.•—•••*•,,,•••••••••••,' • • • Preparing. for Another • Strike by the Miners. Philadelphia, July, 24—Evidence ac- cumulates that the anthracite opera- tors intend to give battle to the mine ers, at represented by the Vetted Mi- ne Makers of America, at the expire ation of the present three-year work- ing agreement next April. • Hundreds of thousands ot tons of Oat are being stored with a view ot resisting to the limit the demands Of the union, 'which the miners are mor- ally certain to make after the meet- ing of the tri-dieteict tonvention in Shamokin this fall. . John '1Vlitchell, in a speech a few days ,ag0, warned the miners that the companies are preparing to resist de- mands. Evert now the .preparations for a struggle aro being Made. Hundreds • Of acres of space are being covered With coal, not only the smaller steam sites, but the domestic • grades as well. Mr. A. J. Grigg of Clinton is an issuer of Marriage taiceneeSx 4 • ••• 4. • • • A window full of Sok • :at •a quarter. Men's fancy.Cotton Sox, new ptter ns, fashionable • colorings; regular 35c, • 4oc and 4,5c ,choice of lot per pair • 5.Cent 2.Good Collars • tor,liot Weather • Ne* shapes, 4 ply of good linen, the famous WG&R. snake. .20C each or. for • soc 3 lortoircipiiiii•MY.1110 tiodgens Bros. •••••••/..1.,