HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-27, Page 4Clinton Newoorktoottl '7th 1905 a lv Ii ii it ii a 0 SI ii 1 . . ;Tinton Nows.Record. ,C14INTON, coNt, , Londesboro Miss ' Iniab: of Ellinville, daughter or Rev. J. U. ?hair, a former pas- to; is visiting at the homee of gr. lv.• prighaM Rey. 13. Clement visited his daugh- ter, Mrs. H. E. Ileidgens, .in Goderich last week.. . Mr. Jas. Carter, wile and daughter ilf %thou, spent Sunday at Ur. fitioh, Carter'S and the Misses Hiles of Kincardine, accompanied by Miss ll'ile es of the 13tli vonceseion. were visit- ors at the swam Place. • • •• $a . . , Miss Jennietirla 'of. Godericit vis- ited last week at Councillor MO- Cooll• ''. . . - . Mr. N.orraan Leckie, student eei Ira- an ton is on. a rvisit to his brother, Rev.. 1VIr.. Leckie.. • Rev Mr Leckie is now neca',Yine ' • • : . • • '''' :- the, manse, hmag • assisted • by los sister. He is a native .of. the old lend and spent his boyhood years in the great city of .GlasgoW, remOving to this country about a damn years ago and settling with the Cohere- of his family inliAmilton, front • which place he came here about two' months ago. He has already. succeeded in ire- pressing: favorably not only . the Peo- pie of. his . own churoh, but people • in genqa,L. , . , . . • . Rev, Mr., Miller of Willis chinch; Clinton, preached hero last e, 41 ed ay evening in thePresbyterian chitech. • . . . • . Sununerhill. Miss Coventry, who is viSitiaw here, spent Sunday at Goderiele Mr. Henry Wallace has erected so- me wire fencing on his property whi- eli adds considerably to its neat ap- pea.rance. - ' ' Miss Lizzie Lowery entertained. soy- eral of her friends at an ice eteat# Patty 61 Friday evening. , The ladies of the auxilliary of St. Pam 's church have used . owe of the4 Nada.. in pueeheeing neet wine dow shades. fee the church. 'This was a much -'needed improvement as the frosting on the .whielows bad almost diseppeared. - • ' • Stanley Township. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Armstrong returned last Thursday from A mon- th's visit to Stanley friends in New Ontario Tied Up. . Startling in the-eXtroine is the dis- covery that the Ross Government, as its linal 'large t .1. 044144-:“:44844441.4414.144.44.«.44144-:40044+444.440:0,1 ,. y Y M . •INNON & 0 0 ., Sim ITH • *-- X CK. - . ...„....,....„„ WM. Of subscription -fl. per year in acIvance $335Q may be charged if sot .so paid, ' No paper diScentinued until .all arrears are paid, Unless at the opinion of the pit/Abhor. The date ,to which every subs.cription is paid hi denoted on the label. , rivextleing •rates .e.", Transient adver- tisemeaU, 1,0 cents per nonpariel lino for tiro. inscrtion aud.,8 unto per line ' for each sabeelouent insert- ion, Small advertisernerds not to exceed, one inch, seeh as" "149St," "Strayedg' or "Stolen,n. etc, in- sorted once for 30 cents and each sabsegnent iiiSettien 10',cents. . ominuaicaiiOns intended for pubdiea- time must, as a 'guarantee of good. faith, be accompanied, by the name of the writer. . . • W. J. MITCHELlei, . Editor and Proprietor, • •i old the Northwest They stepped at Car- berry for a time and then went to Prince Albert where they met the Polloek and .other families who once - • lived upon the Goshen Line. Mr. Armstrong celebrated July 12th at Saskatoon with the Prince Alhert tor w n hespiper Lop. ho ), acted A and thoulo there were ilityiedges. bi the, march,. .111r. Arinstneng was 0481131 acknowledged to be the best piper of , them all. Old Huron and Stanley : led, as usual. Me. and Mrs. A rmstre. . Ong met numerous old . friends at the demonstration which was one of the most successful held, in .the. North- west. .• . Snowden Bros.• Archie and Simnel . ' • Sterling and W. Fee delivered horses to: .1301145e Johnson of Clinton. on Mon- day. . • • • The News-Tfecorci until- the end of 1005 for 25 cents. , Ales. ,J,. W., Reid and' children re- turned home last week. Deem visiting friemisinear Souris, Mau, . . Miss • Foster of London is visitieg oneof acts, tied iit a and valuable portion of New .01itario by its land grant scheme in behalf of the Grand Trunk Pacific. It seems that the company has been given . • 1,200;000 acres. of selected land, with all the valuables upen it except pine. The timber and the minerals pass to the c, V (iv- .e ompany, free gifts, and the r eminent cennot deal with them in any sleaPe or forM-ethe eine, as aireadY mentioned, excepted. . While the land 'grant itself is ..ex- orbitent the terms Appertaining to it are 'without precedent, med. are ba from every point of view. The cora- pally does not merely get what the Act , autiferizes, but it has the right to tie up a kingdom while the land is ' • . . being selected. A territory 36 miles „ bread . and 200 miles lonee-4,600,0u0 acres in all -is . clewed against settle- mente and every kind of business until the company has made its selection of 1,200,000 lacres, A tie-up more extra, Ordluary or more to be 'condemned Was never propoeede . The .disdoVery in Vila connection leads to an • exeminee 4 - • • - - - .'". ? ,t„ MAKINO - . 8118INE88 HIIM .4. . 0.* A , • em .. . • . • ' , . ' t se X .e. We are in the second week of our . , et, • ., ,_........,xav L .,, e • et A . . eectt . .• CX-ae.etS.3Et.XXG 824-1,.., ete t'' Theenthusia is immense. •s4 , . . . ni We have no inclination to use many words em- 1.:' • e phasing the values. • We prefer to have you come and judge for yourself. .,..• et - venue early, come often, the store is at your dis peal Inspect the oods ask e.,•• fre . riiieetions, buy if you wish, with the dietinetPund . eat d* g thg t leth '4,e, 4., good* arenot iiei represented you get your money brie' k.4"Alp"ply al test t: t ' , 44 any of theee lines : . 1. y -- . . . .. • -Prints, in iight and dark colors, regular 10, for age,. . . . to . • 474. 2, . • ete v -mats, extra, wine, last colo, worth 12ic,.sale price 'lie. ' 4 *.'!" -A tablefull of Wm& Goods, in Ginghaine I4i ' Ohit b Z h '`' ....*: Etei, at half price. / . ce le, -Have You seen our Printed Satens, worth lee, for ee. ** y s -Ladies' Collar Frames, in. all sizes, black and white, 9c. 4,,, -Ladies Silk and Satin Belts, in black and celore, good . Value at "350 and .t... 'e. 40e; rule price 25e. • • t •• Lad' ' _e - tee Black Sateen Skirts, with 6 frills, worth $1, for 75c,. • " . :!:. 1 __Ladies', Cashmere Hose, eiees gi., op oi, woto 2b -e. for 150. e;:, •,--141-dies' Lace Mitts, in blacks,. browne, drabs,' • ,1** tans and ox -blood. worth A . , A - 20c, 25e and 30e, your choice for 10e. • . t* .. 4 -Lace Curtains, 3e• yards long, 60 inches wide, worth $1.50, for 114, ' y. ws4a ,-,,BC.1 iliepnickersi,inepord,iroy, tweed and serge, in all sizes, just received, -..z.: A.. _ , . , . an .umon, per cen . o .. l' p Carpets in tawstrywool Brussels ' ? _ Ladiese Shirt . alas, in. great variety, at clearing sal ' ..*4 a prams.. 'ete t -..., .4101111talifilCe. . Six pupils of this school wrote - t • ' • - • •• -•t'a the recent Entrance examination • all of whom were successful, three tag- jug honors. This is certainly .a eve- ditable showing and reflects- favorab- ly • on Mr. ble W. Trewartha, their , painstaking eat affable teacher. • Master Harold Lowery' in spending , • Part . of his holidays with bis grand- parents in this village. ' a ' family Mr.' Ed. 'Tebbatt, I wife and are visiting a few days with Mre- Tebbutt Sr.. and the 'Forster family. His boyhood years. were spent on the Ivi ai ti and Concession and. about trine- teen years. .ago he went to California to seek his fortune, remaining there till the early part of . the present ye- sold out and .,.. h at when hcarneere • - with the intention of once •more. lo- eating . in old Heron.. iiewever, not finding .a place suitable he. eventually lairchased a ' farm. in, Michigan ,' to which . place he went to reside, hat the climate seemed to be eletrimentel.• - ' . his: 'health . , . to his- health and he has also .so Id but there.. We are inifirmed.tbat it is his intention to-retntn to the . sunny land of California Which has been his so M home for any- years ' . . . . . • • • ' . • Bayfield. .. (Ineended for last 1SSUC.) , The. social tea, given.by -tha LaAies , id of the Methodiet church Friday. 'ening was a success. , . '. •• • Miss Sant4n1011):: of DeWitt Is t14 , . lest of Mrs. 'Sin*. • MiSSeS Rayne and ?Igoe of London re guests at Mrs. John Feegusonts.' mr. W. D. Benson of Londonand ,., [r. Alfred Chadwidk 'of Toronto were F. d- louts of Mr. and Mrs, A, . E Ards. • • Miss Meta Erwin . has been spending. er holidays at Kincardine, - , • ' • • Mrs. Parsons, who has ebeen visit- ig friends at Ridgetown e : past th .lw . ii an i t hi, returned home on 1:0es- ay. Mr. G-eorge Fisher, who has beta Penclin.g a short While in the Village rith friends, has returned to • :his ome. at Wateilop Mr. 1 -loath •of Toronto. hat. putelms- il a lot from Mr.- James Thomson n the hill facing the • river. and • i -s- ow erecting a summer cottage whi- h he expects to occupy shoetly. . iVliss Malt Falconer. of Goderich ie . pending the week undet the Patentee tad.. . ••• ' conductor Troyer of Toronto spent few da,ys in . the Village. tlitiegneet f his sister, Mrs. Thos. ,Sanderson ; Mrs. licFall of 'Detente.. is the uest of Mrs. .(I.h.) Atkinson . at .. . . . . resent.. ' • • • . The following . pupils of ...the. 'Public. :thool passed the: Li trance ion : ...N4Sses Alice tippet, ':,Mitanosh.. ;twin, Katie Ross, Mamie MOPOLigall ad Lizzie Robinson and . *Stet 4eo- and McGee. - . .'... ,• • ' .. ' . -J.: Dr. Atkinson of Detroit :spent a 3N9 days with his Lankily,' the ' Past. reek. . . . • , . The following persons have , . :been uests at the ...Albion-, hotel: .:' Re.V.:: . . :ippen and wife, Wept Lorr...n.,. Mr. nil Mrs. John- Beattie. and 'tWO•cliil, ten, Seaforth ; Walter. -Baker,.:: qralti.; V. J. Robinson,..Seaforth.. • ' • ' At the Sommercial .hetele•were. ,tin•J Alowing :' Mr. and Mts. Charlet ',Ed-. yards,. Mr. and MrS. Fred:. Edwarns'; :Pronto ; Mr. and Mrs: :Wood . and lies Gower, London. : . ...e• The following persons have arrived The he past few days at • the White City Ir. and Mrs. J. J. ••Keyes and family , If Nashville, , Tenn. ; Rev.. snider, .1Ni-, e and family .and Miss Stella 'Harvey If Berlin, Mr, and • Mrs.. Dixon, .105.r.- na. Dixon, Seatorth.;. 'Gordon and Ife- , en Pierce; St, • Thomas, Aire. cuttiS, Myth ; 1VIrs.. Hannah and sea Bert ,nd Miss Irene Holtby,• ...LondOn ; Ms Margaret - Maitland and. ':eviiss tensbaw, Detroit. • • . - . -.: : • • Mastert Roy Campbell,. flab ,Brewer ad Tom Rance of • Clinton have pitL: hed their tent in the grove . for • the. amulet.. .• : . . • ' • . , .. .,..: . Mr. Lewis, London, and Mkt.. Hen-.' erson and three children Of lianiii- on arrived Saturdor.- eventneaarl.0.3,0 topping at the Lewis cottage. on thisi ide of the river. " •• . • .. ,. . ., Mrs. Treblecock of Leandon has been he guest of Mrs. George Erwin, with I. Her sister, Mrs, Will. i/tuvson, Miss Martha RichardSon.: was the guest :Of MISS' Georgina' 'Johnson a few days last • week. , • . . • Mr. .J. C. Reid sport e a dandy rub bet tired buggY 'now. krolin ' wfil i' a- tion of the other land. grants : made by -the Ross Government and the re- sults that have come from thein, ft.i somewhat similar bonus is that gitrea. t O the Algoma Central, The amount • of land here passed over to ;the rail- t :e . .....„ , ‘ . 'e 4 if McKINNON & CO . BLYTI1 X y..• , . . . . . . . , .• . 9. .. . :. :,•• . . •• . • . .... . • , `. ' • 44, . . . • • • • • • • • • • . * **"*"."'"*"4":"'":"*".:":".""""*“"*":*"••••••••••••••••••"••••eesevyvy,+•:•1•41 IIMMNNMENN/~///f a., . he things hustle. now. ! e 'Clata way is 7,400. acres per mile .. for • 200 . • . . 4 ."1"."41.4"......* ' . Yth Bi . . • 1 . , . - _Miss - Kate Barr eevered her con- section with the Myth post -office la- ril st Saturday. ' For e past three yen rs and a half stle has been the popu- to postnias... d -efficient assistant • la and . . • . . - . • • fer McKinnon:and leaves the Myth 'Alm • te accept an imPortant. • post- ' lion in the .• Goderich noSt4office. She . ;ors to . her 'new .• pot..." of dirty with the well 'yelellea of her man friends' • • yo here, • •Her .poeitien is . • the • Blyth offiee.. will be .. taken by •Miss Miss •Aggie (ieSiliali of Morris, • . . Mr. T,. W. Scott and family ' have ben spending two weeks :on the shot, - -: :s of . Lake-. Heron at Bayfield, Der- ing : Mr. Secitt'S :'atisenCe Mr. W,' p. Jackson, aecouatant in . the Ripley 1.-t;ranch of the. Bank...Of .Harnilt6a; will' •act as a,gent:of the .Blythtbraneh. • • lefts... B d ' 't Saskatoon,'. s i'• aw en 0 - as ca-.. .tcheWan ' has been the guest .of Mrs. ;• . ' A. McNally dating the past ..weel. • :•or some time past , Mrs. /3awdon has f;seint leaking. her ,hcime it Satka, teen with her daughter; MrS, S, iter; ; t and family'.• '• ' ' • ' ug on, -e . •. ., . . •• IVIr. Gook Mainsf • H llett • h , . ge o u as purohaSeci. from Mr,.. Thomas , -Rainey 31 ..Buffalo the south half of the east.. . half of lot 36, • eerie le -East • Wawa- • The • farm contains 50.. acres • . tad', the puce ,paid was $150.0,• . Mi e . Uains • has. had this farni • leased...frOin ' Miss SPaclonalit . of ttinsgreen Sunded at home. ... • , Sundayed . - Mr. •and Mrs. • Alex, McConnell is ited qt. Mr! Wm. Tayler's.onStuidaY. Mrs Fergie •ef Winghani and Mrs. .. . . „ . miles, or 1,.1110,000 acres altogether , ' The company is entitled to, receive the land iu blocks of 148,000 acres ea- oh and everything. ,except,. the pine go - es with it. •• Most interesting are the . - • • - h .0.41144.40........1044">.• -.... 1 Walker of Exeter are visiting • friends in this vicinity. . . . . A Outlier of the young people Vent D • d 1 • t Monday'. evening' ' t eys a i, spell. a.. the home of Me. II: Peck. • - ' Mr. Rob. Reid :accompanied be- his sisters, ..Misses Eve, and Ida, ' Reid,. 'spent Sunday it the home of Mr.. P. . . -Cole : of Goderiele township. . • - : Lottie Elliott Of the Goshen .. Line has been sueepesfui in. 'passing .. het ••examination in harmony:and rod, . . provisions mad.e for eettlement. 'The company is required to establish an ilmnigration offiee in Toronto . within a year from the passing of the 1ct , . - I • 0 .and it is caned ,upon to place a thou:- sand . settlers. annually upon 'the ter- ritory. Each-. settler must have . a. 'Muse . and- all the necessary equip-- I'llent • for fanning, and Wherever • the Government thinks heeessary school- . ICUSes and - tOW'a belle must be erect+ ed The 'Act: states that the failure. -We. ave secured the Sole Agettey. foe-- : . . i : II : • • t ; • • '• . . . . . OpHIStallee, . • , . ' Mr. 1V1cPlietson. of ..Killatney.., called on. his COUS121, -Mrs„, J.' Button, .on Friday. • ... • .. ' • 'Mr, and Mrs, •A... IVIeMiellael 'lett eli Saturday to 'visit her 'parents at Gr- eenWood. IVIts. .1VIelgichael's parents' will celebrate -their' golden Wedding . anniVersary .next week. • „. . • • Mrs. 'Charles - .Lowery. of N.• W. T. has been visiting her fe,thee, Mr,. Got- don :C.ampbell, „and other rela.tivee, . Miss Clara. Dever, left on Thursday to .spend her. holidays With. her• mule, • Rev' A Dever who • resides •at Tileon- . - • . , . . . ... • I .itirg,. . • . :. ; • . . . ..... .. . . .. .. ' :Seine ; of ., our . farmers . are 7. Waugh haying .• And have started to 'out . the wheat, . • ,. . . . , , :. .,., . • Berry picking is the ort14.6f, the. da yl• .for the women end ehildeen. ., •Mr•:-'• Biliks7wili *preach : • next Sunday afternoon ali..the, 'usual • time .. . . . 'Love feaat 14!41 lit held- a,t the clese .. of tee setvice.•..,-'. •... ,. ' . • .-..'•• • .- • , • Rev Mi .d-raharri Will speak. • i-, -r4 Aug: *. let • to., the ;Methodist "Maple.. .. enhehalf .t:if the "Forever iehleeernent'! ali4 . the •"Summer. School."- - A . good .. . attendance is requested The meeting .. •• • • : • ,.• '•,: • , .. ••• will . begin at. 8 o clock, rtineap, - .... . . . ..... ': . • • . • intents, taking ,first class honors ' .. . -to locate. the eettlees is vety. serious ' 'and, ...720!' . .. • ' . 'ffliffOlikte. I . . , - Ontario''.f• • d f Short'c t • , pre, .0.u S. , To' . ni ';ny sheet cuts • to ' success , h ve?heei 4 tried .in. Ontario politics, a " • - .11 • W ' • • . t • klinot At last .. .1). - lutney• •was s me - y . , • the. „happy thotight of travelling • a straight toad ' of honest' end coure a,,e. ' . • . , • : ,. . .• . ,... .1.)nta..' ' . h lf d • led ' t th d• * coverer' that it is Politically 'good business_J. P.:* 'Whitney to , travel • tli-- • t • . le the path of • •a pie. , • . Sincerity •and • eouta,ge even in Ont- :ario public life, -their. be the ,hest, pol- :..t, .. • • - ' . e • • - • - • • . ' •.T.here is ' always room n : the Straiglit toad: . , - . , The crooked ways 1.1tpelitiOS 'are ale - ,overerevided: •'. Mi Whitney •was subjects the company to heave pexialtiee-elnit the Goverment. may pats an order -in -council waiving. • the. penalties; in other words, the' re.- quitements are. not nedessatily to' bie ineisted . upon. Il his land • giant.was ... , , • -,. made in 1900 and there axe no qett- • , , •, .. . . . : •'. : els n sight yet. A laxgeo grant pull '• ' is that to the Nlanitoulin .and .Nor- th Shore Railway. 'Here 10,000 acres , .. : . .• • • pet mile .are given .for 141 miles. of rOatil • and,.7,400 acres per. Milo are given . for 205 *miles •••Of road. :Altegee thee the company is granted ..2,9?.7,-. 000 • acres ,"• The terms are .a11.• verk. allering. ' Settlers . are to be put: on. .the land' at. the Tale. of ' 1,0001 ' males . annually• .ati e..MAC? • .be ' ' ' a the • territory'''' ' - " .made to blossom .as lf. it -.Were, . -a , , • • - , : ,, • . e - - . . garden A .futtn•et 0..ant.triat. is pet- . , . ... . .• 4), ..' illar"" Olffh.7.111.. . • • • - • • • - ••• . • - • • . .* ..ro-the walk ovYee, for men. . The wields will lie here in about two weeks' in order to cleat out the lines we have in stock •to make room :for • the .. • I '.--.. - . . . .- 0 a ).ove we will give you the best bargains in -O. `7 -Ladies'. and.:Gent!ei Fine-ShOes-- • . .. . . . . . . ., • ' • . !lye". offered., , We have. net room •tei quete peicss. - If you .need, a lpair of.. t Fine'•Shoes come and see what • e can do for you We can save oti a . w least 25 per t ' twthem'' ' . ' d - n .. NI t . egna_nas! w_e_mens clear out The Old R.elnthie. for Genn7;....• hie ShoepBacr •. i . W are never underseld. • . • . : . • ! , • • - - :... : e . - . : • - . .• • . .. . . ' • • : • • • -.''' • • - • - • . - • • •• • . . . . 211 . . _ . • ' . : ' I 0. 0.4 ..............-4.... 4,........4444.......... • . ... ,. . , , . .. • . . .. : •• ..,. Nre. -Rainer for: the'peet'llleyeareee-:-.---:-Reve., • Retr.. J. Ni..BroWn• of -CroWri . Pointe' :.adinna,,:ocenPied the, palpit .of Blkth , vluthodiSt:elittrelt •••611. 'Sunday 'evening: :Air... Brown' spent .his 'boybbod days in . Ws' 'section... ' ' -• : • .. ..ittys .able 'to -.find elboweeroOin On " ehe. -etktght 4.004.. °mining .: 'ont• and.11ea:' J. P. 'Whitney hason- •ly to keep. on trii.a,ding- .. ,‘ ; .' . • standing is that to the.. Thunder Bay l• 'Nepigo eand-St :e.loe• line., • This en-. terprise is given 150,000. 'pros, The total land 'rants thus fat. Mentioned- .... • • , .. - • • CIE) o Ofaitocioo o 0 0 0 400:), o 0 o 0 THE CREAT CASH STORE' . e.--,.....eee • Time ah that e *Organ When .... ini • oanio ... • . ;•• • . ., ., • • •.Grand F d ' • ' • • th • bee linetrack • °PP .was . • e , . .., heaven and fame, . .. Are 'these e . , • ,, • . • ' • -.. . • Ames • Trunk : Paciac , , • 1,200,000 Algoma, Central . - ..• • ...„ 1,400,000 o 0 ....-,...-.... .. . :..... . . . . • ,. ... , .. . . . .. . . . . • " • ' ecial For This, weelc ' . • . . • • - . . . . . • •• ., . . mer - '.omp am s.-••• . &lila' ' r. C.' . '11 - . t . . . • .. , ..,- ..• - • . • - ....The very.- 'best medicine. iii he Wok.- • • . :11. lot summer 'complaints.; .thich at rdiolera :Infantuta; "diarrhoea and dyS. ,nitry is Baby's Own Tablets. Pairing the hot weather .mouths na ' :wise nother -should be Without,. a box 'of rahletsAit the ,heiuse.:. These. 'troubles zorne..'.Suddenly-' and 'unless . pi oniptly ..,heeked too I often prove fatal:. paw's • 0.*.p Tableta • act 'almost lfee 'Magic !n these cases, -a-Lid "speedily :remove all. cause of danger... •IVits... Alek.. l'on-i. Ilk Oaragitet; N. B:, .says . "I U think Baby's - Own Tablett"-thei. best .. niedi- sine at the World .' for children...1 have • '. 4eil, them.. for cholera. 'infantile -I; teething.. and :other ' troubles •ttlid it iS astonishing •hoW. 'quickly. they . Nieve• azal• : Mire these 'ailments.''... ' Aii,' ccca,... skiing 'dose' of 'ItabY'e ..Own Tablets Will keep the stomach • 'and, ..bowels„ tight and :: prevent :' summer ' '• corn- Plaints.. No mother 'need be .: 'afraid.. of this. medicine -it it guaranteed ' to Contain no opiate; or harmful• drug. • . It always does good -it oannot.p s • . . c - sihly do imam. fe sure ..that . every box heath. the fall twee Baby's .•Own Tablet's •and pi tide of four-leaf cloy-, Cl on the, wrapper. around the 'box. Anythitg, else is -a dangerous sub stitute: Sold .by: all druggists or sent; , by mail at 25 'cents ee. bole .bk. writ- mug the. 'DE; Williams' Medicine . Co.,.. . , „ Brookville, Oat, "; .' • " ' . E' ' II • d • b b. - t r f th . 1 z ..a. tea s e , y• ne e . o . e so - n ' Don't ' Sneak :through, Shunpikes • '. to save the toll." . • , '• , Manitoulin and North Shere2.9.2.7,000' ' Thunder., Bay, •Nepiion and si. ' • • • " .,Joe*, , ' • • - . ' - • . . . 150,000 • 0 . ., . • • .. . .. . , .. . . - , .• 34'sx:.1,ii.1-3hws-.....p33:110.4.1Rail\aMl•71,; .. . 0 • . For the next ten days We will offer some of the greatestbaegains in .Mil- '0 ' • •• -. • DOolop., • • .. • ' • • :. • • Miss Maggie McAllister, formerly et Dunkin; _lately' of Belfast;; wits . -re-. • . deafly.. married to ..a conductor on the. -..a., P.' 'R.- : pa the 1-latritstim.: branch.. . . . -She is • the, youngest daughter • of An- •firew_„.._•• MeAllitter,..fOrmoy • landlord Of .the ,Exchaa0;,: Dunlop • ' .'.. , • "all ' • Mrs... Chas. Mason,. of • •Tuckers.mith,Ontario"' . . on .'a • visit • to hot • siMr 14 ----s.. .:Alie•ni • and."to• ether relatives in and . about Gederieli, to :Say goodbye, lie- „fore: going to Manitoba. ,•.i f .• ', •.' . . Our popular toWneniehe: Joseph Mc- . . . • , . Nevin,' Was at . 'the' littib• .0n •the .12:th listening .to the Orange eratiOns .thid attending. to some • other. : -important . . , . buthiest.. . • • ' . :. • ._ ' ... : . ' Miss .. I,: • Hyndraan Of . Tilsonbargi Who • is, • enjoying. a vacation uederAlle • Pareatil 'tool. at. txeter; was . up last week on 'a visit, to •relatives here.. . . ' Louis 'HYntlitian, nod IlentY. 'and Ar- . ther„ Naftel . from Toronto, who are on a :holiday; seeing relatitret . he . , and .in Goilerich, Were transient ..vis.- itors .here last Week. . .. .. • . Alex., McLeod, formerly , of Lochal7 Rh, but mow of ' the salineil.b:urg ' of -- SaltfOrd,• Was . up. in Loyal last week , sofas W. E.. Taylot. • Mr. Taylor .' is . 'take a . going ,.. to tette a party of • workmen • for L. -threshing .gang to, bit . fanner location where. he has worked for the . , . . . . • • , . . 'last few years. • • • • ... ., e -;Toronto. Telegrain. . . .. • . .. .' • • • . . • . . Total land grant .. • • .-5,7•57,000 " This ,apreage tied is 0 •linerYthen*ere ever. shown in this town.' See our ha gain tables upstaiis. . •., . • . • . . • • • . •.. . . • „ ''• Headquartees for Up -to -Date Clothing ' ' MU M ' Ve ' Will' • • 1 e • llrY 17 wing , . • - • •' : , ' . i .. , ., -',' : %•,. It Was . the.. first time • • Mary ..... . . .11a,d : aver been to 'a .eireas. -ger eyes were open very wide as she ' Watched all ...the. • people.. from her lofty . -seat.' She WAS very impatient. for the doge. begintter, and Ponies. tbegin• tbeir.::performaa- •ees,• ' and as ' the looked (Iowa 'the espied a inain;,woth.soda water, chew- chewe : nig gain; .Candy;. peanuts and .iitipeorit. ,1,16-...- . ::-:. •. , .. .. .. , ., . . • . "New': here' We arn, I ' .' Tho'll: • .'•haire .some ch'eWin.' .parperraints ? Who'll ha' Ire • a . nide. swish. of f).inic lem6aado. ?ii ....able • • - • '-inipossible •• -1- Mark- jumped' uji. eagerly and shont... • ' , Vast is up, or 'placed beyend.the,r 611.of the • Bei-. - - • °a • • tier and the: miner, and it staadt. to le son that this is a serious handle p.. • -"-a- - - • - • ' - .• .. '. 'a to New Ontario 'T ' :• ' • • 1 . '''-- • ' •. •-• : • .. - - • , • • The tie-up is the only result .1 thus . fat -.obtained. from the. so-called "Eu- nrrainme It : le 114 'V.n - , • - -o g • • ; . . ..• - the , sole . achievement of. the 'politici7 erns •who • talked so ireciferotisly . :., of 'thOr '. plans for the development .z, Of the new'. • colintrv, The :thine is , I:, -• • . . •'. • • • • - • • ' loge. blunder, to say tbe. least of it.: What then.ew Gotretriment can do tO . . • • • ; • •• • . •• , • • . : give 'relief to the provinee. and. to .eri7' baterpriseS.- to be .started, it is • at this moment • ..tO say.: .. . .. .. • .. • • - •, • • But it is. 'clear , that.not lung that . Calld ' • . h . ' ' ' .. . . A od :. _.. and see see w at we.hatre hi Boys". juicl.Mon'..0 Clothing at $2:96, • $3, - T..50 st so and up to $12. • • ' - • - • , . • • • .' . ' . •: • ' • • .. • • - . .1' o 0 50 pairs . soy's,. Tweed Knickers . ...- • • . . . • •• ' , . • •• . o Steorigly*made, doable seats and 'double knees, in all sizes •. .9 0 from 22 to $3, regular price 60c,• 75.6 and 85e, to clear at.•,', . _ . • . .• . . . o ° to dozen ...igen,i Working Shirts • -,- . . .. .. - 1.'9 0 - • All sizes, light and dark. colors., to, clear' this week at, . ,.... ...• . 1 .0 • llndies' and -Gents' Light Siiiiimer Underwear and • o . • - • Hosiery at nioderate Prices,. ' - . .• ..• o 0 !Adios' and ,Men's Shoes in all the latest *les • .•.. :at the very lowest .prioes. ::: • , • • o 0 • . ._.. NoW is the time to bu* 'our sfiave lc '11 ' f • • t • . ' . ' ' . ' • . - . r r • ... wi nay you„ 0 ve inn pates. •ourenetemees 0 0 . - . ... . mance p..0 barsains sacred in the .. • . • • . .. • • o Gcil:?.-2" •Xj4ilb..41i.7:01,M)St'Xi • : 0 . . . , o . . • . . .., . .. • • - . and are quick to purchase.: 0 - -.--- . • - .. .. .. purchase 0 ed . at •the top of her little. voice gre; •atly to the •thertification. of :her' dis- erect. mamma and • papa and the ' 'anti moment of all Who heard,- . • : will.Oenttribute.. - towards the removal of time bars to development should be left undone -Mail and Empire.. • • . ' 0 „„ ' • . 0 • • . . 0 amber Se:Co . ,. ' . 0, I will i" . Successors D. al: hcBeath. ., . ' ' . . ..• . . • • ore' •e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0**00C) 01110(:) • • . . 0 0 000.00 .. , News of the Diyo• . ,. , ....., . • Blake ..• . • Haying it now completed and ' far-. :Mrs are busy harvesting the 'wheat vhioh in . this -locality ie, an. excellent' rep. . • . • .., „•,:. •• The football *match •.played 1.1'.etwoeii hake and Zurich teams reunited .in. a' ictory for the yititing. boys.. I•y„ one . pal. • . Mr. Edighoifer has added to the. tauty of his -place by putting up al ew fence in front of his lot. ,.• . Our blacksmith is kept busy these aye and our village . seems ' Lull of ale since work • has been resumed:, ! . , .' .Mr......Wm.....Fee_deliatered-.:a.,...'tme-team I horses in Clinton. One dxv -reheat- y. Win.. keeps good stock !tint buyers now -it. ' Mr. E. Essler retuned 'last Thuile .ay • from the Northwest where. : he f • .month.He vas prospecting , or a .,. isited several points,. but finally de- ided to take tip land hi the High tiver District about Midway betWeen Jalg.ary and Fort .1Viefned. Until the ast few 'kentS this was donsidered be ranchers' preserve, but .the far- aer is now driving out the . cattle can and grain grows., Where not so on' sgo it • was • Jail a cattle ina, ic le •lintate is gad . for the - ' West eing Sheltered by' the Rockies and .miter the Influence . at the PkitiOok Ands Which pour through the Moan. ,ain passes. Alyout High River . Wit !Inlet says they have as good f01 Meat as he ever saw grown and: he elieves it will average fifty. bushels o the acre.. The Water is also good: Lnother !important consideration. is' he ftet that there ate toinpatativelg nv foreigners in that district, the ettlers .theitig Ontario people . and tankees, In short, Mr. tseler was So mil pleased with that part Of Allier.* a that he will locate- there it be ein dispOSo of Ms. property here. .....- ---„,........................, .. . • ' . Two• men Were fatall ' - ' •ed ' ' . y injei in -.a political row in New York. • , . • •• . ' - aff-. /$ . . 4410••••••#.44**44..G..............*••••...*.***, • J. B. HOOVER.' . NELSON • BALL : . TUro :. hoiictrect 1VIontreal Plasterets. aro one et ik • ' • .. ' d • ' t. r • e, in en eavor o en - xtraLotigf • . . .... an . a demand oi. n tease .wa,ges, inr6e• ' • • f ' i e d ' . lgr; • B. 13.•..Kellilier, divisional Astko - -•• • - : . • gineee at Winnipeg has been .appoint.o. • . . • .. • ' . -.; •, • • . ed chief engineer of the. utand Trunk . piteifie, ' - • . ' ! • •give - • • ' • ‘ . • • 1,v.. Widdideld, spa of !IVIr..WI& &cid -of Newitarket; was ,drownedl in. th' 'Halle dile v r at Beadle d. • e .: e' • • ; n 1. e• --'' • - • --r • .• . A inan_y . industries infamine of naphtha; Will tie up the Oentral an . d . southeasternrote . s' 1 R S' ' • •' p ince . e . us la. ..,, and Greene, ,the alleged Coe Gaynor-..fd . ., - t e States eintbiezzle.% will not aP- . t i „ . Peal again to -the Privy . council ,. • . Tip t date t .' •. h V b • p , ohole. fei. een Is eye*. teen cases of fever m: hew Orleans and six deaths from yellow fever. . . • The .eornin ' f German.'t ander o a boa - "1/1".11101.111111111.11.1111.0.1111111611111.1.111" .- , • . Feed your hair • nourish it, . . . .. 9 • t it'somethingtoAl ' . . live on. Then It Will' 'step' falling . aid' . . • . ' 9. . 'V/11! .grovr !Ong Ind heavy. A- • ' ' 1-1 V i ' 1 or s•the on y ' • • ' . , - • . . hair -f4 you Can buy. For . ' 60 years it 'luta been doing Just I • ' ill ttsf W . at we claim it will do do. • . .. It will not .disappoint you, .. . •• !OWE tied 0* be Tary aliati. But &flat :ins atrai itireavirt:ustigesviret:lieoir J -Ir° Tam aloritto a opleadid Nap thing/after baliac .1114mg.A.10 Wit. st611,thmit antri -Ma' J• IL Mina, ------` '-* ' . . • • .1. Mei _L IL • • ri .. . . , ' , :atent uotalil • ' . . •D . -STime ayes • .. . - .... • . - • L14 Ai • - t - . . . . • • . C .or tr t h . • • . . . • -.and La,bor.: • . , ' . • ' 1 •• Mort4h. TO*Tnahip,' ' . • • . •• - ,.. . ' Sad indeed were the eireumttances •terrolinding the death Of, Robert J. Rtissel near Sunshine. He left . . Div; 'lath Mi Saturday' for Inene in coin- , Pliny with his tirothkr, will; intending to visit his. relatives here.. Arriving bone on ...Wednesday. he . felt unwell 1 .. medical menpronounced.• thel trot, ,ani• -me 1 .-4--.. : ; 1 :ble to be appendicitis which rapidly .progeessed .until. Saturday jest : when the • Offerer passed atv.ay. The fun.er- at took place on Monday and . was largely' attended. The .following from a. distance wore'Viz • present, . . Arch, McDougall arid wife; Mrs. 'Sterling, , Mr. ..las• Sterling and Miss 'Sterimge Nits. Button, 'rhos. Elliott and. wife, P. iviti)04gali, and Wife end Mr. Arthe in: Currie and his sister, eeiss Jennie Currie,' all of Goderich township, and • .. •o G 'doh The Mr. •P'. W. Carrie f ode . .•=smoker. family connection coniesleoni. the facts. that deceased's mother wet a - Miss Currie, The sorrowhig family has indeed the community's sympathy in their .affliction. • ' ' Everette Walker Is home from Ditt- toe where he has,. been Attentlitig the .. Collegiate. . W. Hodder and wife of. (Mileage sp- 'eat a few days last week with his sister, Mts. J. Sellers, of the 2rid. . Petch Bros. have purchased a Stea- mer and., separator and will aid in separating the grain front the strivtv in good style. „ Mies Lily ldrsden, who has made her 'home with John and Mrs. Moon- -ey, 5th Line, for years, intends going to Omaha to Visit her mother and 'sister and may continue to reside there. l't .will he with no small re- get that the People of this locality Will hear of this 0 Miss Lily lo a ._ . i,.. . ..13...,•.1 Lt. nit ,..--t,,,, 104,...d... 1,..*A . - • . ' • ZurielL • - . . .. . . . . ‘. . The directors:of ' the.; nay titancilt. Agricultural Soeiety •ake asking , for tenders .. for. the erection of '' a „ new show house : on; the .now . iviettltural gonads. • The building will not . be very• e : so erec large'• 'but will b ' ' ' ted that an addition May he 'added at any :Wee. The ' time is getting . sh- orb and the Matter will hew!, .to be pushed, . ' . • . '' . . . • •L : . . . • • Tense •Johnson is. making slow . '„ progress toeee,rds recovery • evith MS broken arm, The fracture is ' a. • bad one and Many weeks will pass before 1VIr. 'Johnson Will be able to use .it °soma. • . ' . . . ' Hartleib has. eligagOd ee air. W J ' ' f V' 10411 I ' . Mons o at - . •as iar- mr, E.., Templin intends leavia.• :e 4.1 a fit: 6 I or lfi)0 suayo oj Ay], isoouri it. a, fevv dakstwhere heihas secuted a l6. more -ucraive positon. . ' The Keiehorg Gas. and Coal ' Oil Engine' WOrks of Heiman ate hi anemia' difficulties. The works h ye been shut down and . about • two - a nty men no thrown out of ginploy. mut, ' ""*---eeee-eee--e-- apolo,gked fot using dummies of Fren ch soldiers as practiee targets. A pexiiameetley eennelkee wilt ht.; vestigate Rider fla el' • f mar p plan or locating Salvation. Army in mese wee . Ayor Oa. Zatr.1..Naai. : P . wasApiou.A. - Pit. ers is. • CORRY PECTeltaL , • ' i ver •. a E I, d should lave Ono • ..„ • . colonies . ' - 4111111111111111111.11111111111a • , Canada• ' - eorge Prescott, Walking delegate of the, National Teamsters' Union, •arke Shot „d -1 • / • ' earl at Staten eland by ' The Winglmoi • ' - . • . Undertakink promptly attended to . by night or day, n non-uni' • ' ' n Men. . . '• . 0 ' '' ' ' : The pposrtion in the British Heim ' ' ' Business College ,>6,0000. . .. . . of Commons r k efused to as for a. Div:; ision, and the Premier annouticed that he evouki. nee rest . . ' The 1Vliehi. 0 ' t 1 Railroad' gan en raha appropriated $100,000. for improve- rnetit9 tO its St :Thomas shops and egelpinent, • 'Capt. _ , „„..„,•_„:„„ 111';YUUAUI NVIATNMS • -RAPIDITY-, These are the three etteittials We k •cultivate • see •to • • • ' Backward and elderly students can - H -0 0 V E R13 -A L Li, • .. , 171glit and Sunday calls answered at reside.nee of either of the piquei. '. . pals, , .4.44440:•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ....N.*** i ,t WHY DO WOMEN SUFFER? • Such pains, and endure the torture c't n'etV°I's 111"4"116 'when 25e bliVi a cure like Nerviline.• A few drops in sweetened 'water brings unfailing re- lief. You feel better at once, you're Vreteed up, invigorated, headache -goe4 away after one dOse. The occasional ' use of Nerviline prevents indigestion and stomach trotible--keeps up health and strength„Every woman mods NervIliao and should IMO it, ten, ht . The body of Aim_ lEtattra,y, Who bad 'been :missing froM the: S T.' Ma, Hoe Ital time Weilnesd * Wa'a4 found 'hi the St, Clair riVera,' s . M lid . .' • t Oat., ". °We" of P" Thlue4' ' reports that her fourteen -year-old da- tighter has eloped with Walter Weir, of the 'same village, a married man. . -The American 'challenger Matches- tor, of the ManeheSter,' MOS.., Ya.clit Chtla, Won the third and dividing race.- lot the Scaviathaha Cop .04 tikkel St., . t _Aiileg . der our ii feel at ease lin . y stein of individual instruction. . A good eound buttons education is. the hest equipment a- young man or woman can hay* •for life's battles. Students enter an time. •_ :a.„0_, _ _. Y., . .• , vac Il ,11a " „ , ..,,, . ...... , 4.. .,.... viitratiee PuPlia m county, of Her- on passing over 400 marks will learn , tom tit- , A ing ravola e y wr • rig i 0. • . T r .. I principal, . • N. 'lleginald pletelierr Geo. Spotteho 1114,41....24. adlialsok .. .. TO HOW '''' • Call and See our honer Furniture . .. • CALL AND SZE 'OUR SiThillVIHR, .r. Vit NIT il II 141, ' SUITARIX FOR :VER. - , • • ANDA 6 R LAWN, We have large easy Direh • tottom Chairs, 41.50 ; Settees just tar- ' go enough for tWo. $1,24 ; Wire Cote$1.75 ; Iron Beds Sq.. No eharge fer showing goods. . . , , . . . `J H4 cHELLew Blyth , ., .. , _, ,. , 0 t OWtita. tA0,0.,tc,40.,... etf ika* tea 411/* atlitAtl,. By an explosion in a coal mine 6 ,a,Ittertne, Italy, twelve Men were Itmeu and many wounueut• e • WIWI. I. •