HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-15, Page 1THE WINGHAN TIMES. VOL XXXIY.-NO. 1740. Tailor -Made Clothes $11 We will make your suit to your exact measures, to your order for fifteen dollars cor- rectly shaped and faultless- ly fitted, superbly tailored _ from some pure, all -wool fab- , ric, staunchly guaranteed. For seventeen, eighteen or twenty dollars we would use a fabric of still higher quality. We make them with care and skill .and can guarantee you entire satisfaction. _ Trousers made to order at $3.50, 3.15. $4, $5, $6. ( • - A •fine selection of Gents' Fur- _ nishings always in stock. Silis 11011111111 • Tailor and Gents' Furnisher 2 doors from post office. SPECIAL SALE OF China Tea Sets For The Next Two Weeks Having bought these goods right we will give purchasers the benefit of the low prices. Three 40 -piece English China Sets, regular price p.00 now 44.50 40 -piece German China, regular price $6,00 now . 44 -piece China Tea Sets, regular $7.00 now $6.00 44-pieee serai-poreelain, regular $4.75 now $4.25 These prices will buy any of the - above while they last, Also a large selection of fancy china suitable for wedding gifts. R1 Al Hutchison GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. Phone 59. Prompt delivery. To the Real istate 13uyer, no matter 'where located : I am a•-bsolutelysure I ani in a position to save you some money. unle.s the circumstances under which you buy are very exceptional. I can and will make it profitable for you to buy through ane. I am in touch with property owners in every part of the country, and have on my liststo-daypropertiev, both in town and country, that cannot be excelled either in quality or price. It makes no difference whether you want e $50 building lot or a $10.000 feria, I want to hear from ynu. C. J. MAGUIRE Real Estate and Business 'Transfer Agent, VANSTONE BLOCK. - WINGEAM, ONT. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Amended Pha reacy Act. By an Act of Perlis ent on May 19th, the following are the on1y drugs that general stores are all wed to handle: turpentine, Epsom sal e, amine, borax, alum, castor oil, suipliar, glauber salts, cream of tartar, carbo: tate of soda, bi- carbonate of soda and tlycerine. • 1 Some epeeist prices in furniture for the next 30 days. It will pay you to oall • and see our large stock and get prices. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON. MARRIAGE LICENSES lamed by Menu PATBRBON, NO. 23 Victoria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses reordred. DOMINION BANK WINCHAM Capital paid up, $ 3,0 0 0 ,00 0 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $ 3,644,0 0 0 Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold ors all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal 30th .tune and 81st December each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager. Visnstone. tiolicitor. BANK OF HAMILTON (WINCHAM. oapitat paid up, $2,235,000.00, Reserve Fund, $2,235,000.00., Total Assets, $26,558,840.57. President-, TIOn. WE. Gums. Vice -President and General Manager -Z. Toratatrin. Assistant Oen. Manager., -1/. IL ',Million DIREOTORB lobo Proteins 'ahem. li. mantes, 4`.8.11endrie, Geo. Itutherford, erne A. Dirge, laspeoliov-B. sAvnios BAlflC, allowed on &polkas of 81.00 and ap- t/M.4 iittionsa on ass *sr and niteutber tam year. soiled bawinits Ao sleeted at current raw o Intierset 00318001,1), Abut, loi0Xixte0it a ROL M.Eis, Belleitore. MILLTNERY.-In order to reduce my stock as much, as possible before &tem - tions will be started on the store, I shall sell regardless of cost for the next four weeks everything in Hats and Flowers; also Black Ostrich Pinnies, $3.50 ones for $2.50, and $3,00 ones for $2.25. Conte early and secure the best. M. MACPHERSON. 8. 0, S. The 5.0. S. erci to Owen Sound on patronized, and a p outing is r eported in the trip. Piper Mabel, furnished p ment for the outing. seven tickets sold station. Excursion, rsion over this line tnrday last was well asant and enjoyable those who took :cDonald, and Miss t of the entertain - There were thirty - at the Wingham Mus oka. Do yon know the pleaeure has suffere a mental little jour ka by asking for th ka Folder issued b Railway System-' nineteen views, a Take the journey supper with your Then slam the doo 1905 by taking your journey through th The Ideal Family tioulars, apply to a lace? It not, your Take a free trip, ey through Mitsko- t handsome Musko- the Grand Trunk contains a large snap, a fund of facts. ome evening after wife and children, on the doctor for family on a real Muskoka District, sort. For all par- nts. Press Associat on Excurtion, The Canadian Pr, =a Association ex- oursion will start fr. Toronto on the 28rd inst., for a wee 's trip down the St. Lawrence to Q :bee, with calls at Montreal and Oita a on the return journey. The trip, blob from a scenic and historic view pa t, i one of the most famous on the ,ontinent, has at, treated a large num er of repreeenta. fives journalists fro. Toronto and all parts of the Province The City of Tor- onto will carry the from Toronto to Presoott, where th river beet will be taken preparatory to Ooting the rapida, while from Montreal o Qnebeo the fine new boat the Montrefil, which has just been launched. Willie utilized. Special arrangements halls basil made for view - big the many Watt if intend in and sienna Qnebeo, Mon real and Ottawa, and the trip cannot help but 1* exoeerl- Wei enjoyable isnounfit to eters menthetho mhos aevmtage of it. WINGTIAN. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 005. Wear Greer's Shoos and Rubbers Veteran Anter Dead. There died in De roit on Friday, May 1902, William W. Stewart, a veteran printer, in his 00t1- year. Mr, Stewart was born in Pero, Mt., in 1846, and for more than 44 years bad been engaged in the printing businees. He will be re• membered by soniaof the older residents of Wiugharn, as hreepent a few years in this town as ma ager of the Twos, which was establi ed in 1872 by a Mr. Matheson of Clint f n. A good house to rent, Apply to R. Vanstoue. Lost at The second ache No. 2 of the 0,L. played betweed th sardine teams at Thursday last and for the home te slow, though later teams were ruled Mount Forest for rough playing. half the score sto the home team : was 6 to 3 in favo incardine. le match in District junior series war Winghara and Kin. he latter place on esulted in a victory m. The game was sting. Many of both IT by Referee Ellis of reach of rules and the end of the first 2 to 1 in favor of t the finish the score of Kincardine. WANTED -Batter, Eggs and Wool - and quantity -cash or trade, G. E. KING. Lawn- Social, A lawn social wiL he held on the park this (Thursday) ening, gotten up by the ladies of the ni rabers of Wingham Citizens' Baud, th • proceeds to go to- wards the erection of a band stand in the park. A good -programme will be tment will ba pie -eating coraest, given, and a feats of the evening's en- ertain in which a number' of youths will take part, It is hoped shat there will be a large attendance. Au admission fee of 10 cents will be cLirged. A handsome rocking chair will be given away during the evening. 10 men and boys wanted to work in factory. Apply at office of the Canada Furniture Manufacturets, Limited. NOTICE -I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to manage my business and all owing me on notes or mortgages, can pay principal or interest at any time after falling due. Remember you need not pay until yon are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me and wish yon all every prosperity. ROBT. MOINDOO. The Coun y Council. The June session 1 the county coun- oil opened in Godez_ch on Tuesday after- noon of last week, rith all the members present except Mr. Leraont. 'Warden Mil- ler addressed the co moil at some length, referring to the an t pending between the township of AsiIleld and the county with reference to th Port Albert wash- out, to the addition fuge and to the bri The Warden's cons ich on March 7th at positious for settle ship of Ashfield, on mit the matter to a o the house of re - es under contract. ittee met at Goder- received two pro- ents from the town - of which was to sub- baration. A motion was introduced at t ie present session of the council to leave the matter to arbi- trators, consisting tv,o competent en- gineers with power to appoint a tiarcl, but it was voted de....,vn. The building committee of the liaise of refuge met at Clinton on Monday. 'The architect was preeent and said the work so far bad been fairly well does,. The work, the committee said, slould probably be about finished by th tend of the present month, and the COM nittee, with the soli- citor if he were requ red, were empower- ed to make a sadism int when the work done, A request of he ratepayers of the townships of MoKill m and Grey for a grant to assist in opening up the road be- tween the lots 1 and .0, 14th concession, MoXillOP, as a atatidii of the Guelph- Goderioh road vvOult be situated an lot 2, Was sent 10 comm tee. The Reeees of the two township were present and spoke in support of t 0 grant. Rev. .t. W. Hodgins has sent n his resignation as trustee of the Seaf rth Collegiate and • there is a motion bef o the committee to appoint E. Burr s in his place. Some other matters efore e0mrnittOes are a Motion to grant $25 to repair the bridge at Wingham, request from the Reeve of Wroxeter f� $200 to assist in placing a lookup in t e new town hall there, a *notion to gut% $800 towards improving the gravel told south of Wing bait, and accounts fr.-us Listowel, Park. hill arid Harthston hig t Sellable for Huron pupils. Dr. Woods, W. Erwin and Geo. Erwin, of Bityli kis were present Monday and addretae4 the outwit on the necessity of he ridge at Bayfield, GOderich. to Detroit. By advertisement it another column it will be seen that 11* -date for this pop- ular event this year i Tuesday, June 20th, returning Thur ay, June 22nd. Passengers from Wi4gbam and way stations take regular n4rnlug train on Tuesday, connecting it Clinton with train for Godericia. TIlia popular excur- sion will no doubt be I ply patronized by people of this seotio FOR SALE. -A light commercial wagon, with platform spring, for sale cheap. Apply to Percy Hill. Passed Their tE.xams. In the list of sluices fut students in the arts course at Tor eat° University, published last week, we notice the name of two Winglion young men, Messre. Geo. Gray and 1john D. Camp- bell, the former having assed bis third year and the latter his 1st year exams, The name of Geo, °1 appeared in the list of first year etudent, but this was an error, as it should htjve been among the third -year ones. oth young men obtained honors, the fo trier in English and history, and the la. or in mathema- tics and physics. The Tnies is al- ways pleased to note th • advancement of Wingham's sons, and ve congratulate these young men on th eer emcees, Dr. Butler, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, 370 Queen's Avenue, Loudon, 3rd door East St. Andrew's Church. Glasses supplied. New C.L.A Rules. President Geo, L. Alen, of the 0.L.A, has issued a circular letter to all the clubs in the assooiatiou drawing atten- tion to some of the amendments to the constitution, regulatioaa and rules peg- ged at the last annual ueeting. We re- fer briefly to some of t ie more import- ant amendments :-Prdllessional players shall not be allowed to compete iu inter- mediate or junior tean; and if a protest is entered against a 4ayer for profes- sioualisin, said player iust prove his in. nooenoe to the satisfa ion of the Execu- tive by his own awori declaration and that of the officers o bis club, or the player and the club 111 be suspended. Charapionshipenatc s shall commence promptly at the adv tised hoar, aud in the event of either club delaying the commencement of e game for more than ten minutes, se for clube shall be fined $10, and juni r and intermediate clubs $5, to be cone ed by the referee and remitted to the 3, L. A. secretary. The home team shal be responsible for keeping the ground clear of spectators and for the maintenance of good order, If spectators interfe with players or officials and delay site progress of the game, the referee sh di declare the match off, and report the circumstance to the Executive. Any pl ,yer striking another on the head or face, whether accidental or otherwise, shall le ruled off for not less than five isdnut e, and not less than fifteen minutes for triking with the butt end of his stick. P yers roust not check the goal keeper wit in the goal crease, and goal -keepers in et not strike an op- ponent for enteri g his crease. The referee must puns in both cases. A new Harold A. Wil u ball must be pro- vided by the home t am for each match. Referees are given i struotions to report all cases of vicious 0 rough play, and a player so reported twice will be suspend- ed by the president, i ending the action of the Executive. T to proper enforce- ment of these rules should materially assist in raising the andard of Canada's national game. Art Exclusive Perfume "Good" perfunles-the common sort -are sold everyWhere. Volande The etquilitte perfume is not com. mon in any way and can be Obtained only front US, the specially appointed agents. It is delicate, delightful and suggestive Of vrell-bredneita--just the kind tO snit persons who are a bit partionlar. We sbould like to show it to you. Walton McKibbon DROCCIST, WINGHAM. xext doer to Post Office, • Sunday Schoo The thirtyeecond annual convention of the Huron Comety Sunday Selma Association was hal in Goderich on Tuesday, the presideust, Mr. A. Omens of Wimeam, presiding. Among those present from here wore Mr, and Mrs. H. Park, Dr. W. B. Tiler, Mr. Jas, Link - later, Mint M. E. FI -her and Mrs. Geo. C. Hanna. .A. repor of the prooeediugs will be given next -eek. The knife has been freely used on prime of furniture at this store. Come and see the special bargains we are of- fering during the next 80 days, Ws.Litga Buos. s.IBuTy011. District Council, Royal Templars. The meeting of Swan District, R. T. of T., was held in IV nghani on Tuesday afternoon. Ia the a lance of District Ocinnoil W. J. Ionia on, of Varna, the meeting was presidedl over by Mr. F. Buchanan, 1)omiaionj Past Councillor. The usual roadies bus.eiess was transact- ed. It was decided ti hold a county convention in the intelosts of temperance and moral reform. T at meeting will be held in Clinton within s few weeks, and a committee was appogsted to complete arrangements. The ituestion of sub- mitting local option to he different mu- nicipalities will be one of the subjects discussed. It was also decided to hold a county picukat Bay eld some time in July. WANTED. -At Once, partner for Real Estate and Insurance Business; roust be a hustler. Apply personally to C. J. MAGUIRE, Real Estate Agent, Wingham, Ont. From the Id Land. In a letter recei ed from Mr. H. B. Elliott, proprietor 1 this paper, dated at Galashiels, Scotia d, June 1st, he states that the party fro here had an enjoy- able voyage, arri ing at Liverpool on Saturday, May 2 h, the steamship Ba- varian beating er own best time in making the trip y over an hour. Mr. Jas. Coohrane is n excellent health and spirits, and feels ery much at home in the place of his ativity, visiting rela- tives and viewing le scenes of his young- er days. Mr. El ott states that they have already met number of relatives of Wiugham peop e, among them being cousins of Mrs. D vid Currie, of Wawa - nosh, and of Me rs, Aroby and Frank Patterson and W her Taylor, of this town. The reaches of the Trues will probably be giver later a more extended account of the tr p and descriptions of those places of iberest in the southern portion of ScotlrAd which it has been the good fortune of he editor to have an opportunity of vsiting. Ladies look Younger. Which is the desire of e and all. Take the trouble of letting Prof. Dorenwend's pr vate show rooms at Brunswick Hotel nghatn, on Thurs- day. June 29th, a see the many beauti- ful inventions in Styles of Human Hair Coverings, Wigs, Bangs, Switches, etc., and inspect his new patent stracture. Public eeting. A public meetin was held in the council Chamber on onday evening for the discussion of th proposed bylaws to be submitted to the atepayers on July 5111. There was a fa ly large attendance and considerable i terest manifested. Mr. R. Clegg was a pointed chairman, and called upon Ma or Bell whom:alined the proposed elchera for the •extension of the present wate orbs system, which is briefly this: -To xteud the present mains on Patrick et eat from Frances to Catherine street; cross Catherine to John, and up John o the standpipe to be erected in that seoinity; mains will also be laid across t Victoria street and down Viotoria to c neat with the pres. ent mains at the lirnion factory. The estimates for this 4orlr, iri couneotion with which is meta ed the construction of a new flume at tije upper dant, ere: New flume, $1800; 4onstrnction of stand- pipe, $6,000; extant n of water mains, $4,000, atid for cont Oxides, $700, mak- hitt a total of *12,4. Many of those present at the meet g expressed their views on the propose 1 by-laws, dwelling on the advantage to he town of more adequate fire protect an and the neces- sity Of a mora extent .ve waterworks and sewerage systems which coal be used for domestic purpotass. In connection with the by-law fixi:4 the assessment of the Candle Furnit Ire Mataufaoturers, it was stated that the 2otnpauy wish to concentrate their b eSS as muck as possible, and the int OM la to make Wingham one of the ntres, owing to the convenient hl$$g feeilitiee. Thean matters are i4iw Wore the rate- payers atht 1110 hoped that all will itet wording to what aptkisrs to be in the best interests ot the t $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE i R T. of r. Officers. There was a govt attendance of the members of Wingliam Council, No. 114, Royal Templars of Temperiume, at the regular meeting cm Tuesday evening, and an active inter.et is shown in the work of the organisation. The follow. Mg are the officals for the ensuing term: -P. C., John Kerr; S. C., Norraan L. Brandon; V, 0, Miss May Reid; Chaplain, Rev. Dr, 3-undy; R. S., Gor- don Manning; F. S. Mite 31.1. Hammond; Treasurer, Miss R, Gandy; Herald, Brook Brandon; Diputyllerald, Mise Etta Wellwood; Go ird, Joseph Guest; Sentinel, H. Bachasgm; auditors, Jas. Begley and F. Buchinan. Hello Boys -The n est gents Im- perial neckwear, 12 e. cringe French Phu:netts. To be had sniy at Crowder'. Wingham Citizen's Baud now open for engagements for garden perms. Anyoue desirous of securing their ser- vices ceramunicate with Chas. IL Green, secretary. 13IPORTANT NOTICE -Undertaking re- ceives our ouretul aud prompt attention. Night or Sunday calls promptly attend- ed to, by calliug at the residence of Jesse Batton, Patrick street (opposite Dr. Kennedy's), or at James Walker's, Scott street. Satisfaction guaranteed, and charges reasonable. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON. Wedded Fifty Years. An unique and assent event was -Celebrated at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Win. S. Anderson, - 1 the B line, Turn - berry, on Thursday last, when a large number of their rel .tives, friends and neighbors gathered o join with thorn In celebrating their golden wedding. Just fifty years aga, in Dnmfrieshire, Scotland, were spohan the words which made this now veserable couple man and wife. They at ince set sail for Can- ada, the journey eking nearly nine weeks. They have eeu highly respect- ed residents of Turn gory for the past forty. seven years, laving looated here when the place was , dense forest, and not a building of an: description on the site where the town of Wingham now stands. Mr, and M s. Anderson enjoy the respect and este m of a large circle of acquaintances, melts, tokens of which were iu evidence at the gathering last week, among them being two very hand- some and comfortabli chairs. Among those present from a distance were Mr, and Mrs. John At derson, of Arcola, Assa., and Mrs. . dam Anderson of ()vilify.. Mr. Ander n has been a read- erIof the Times sine its inception. We join with their man friends in wishing them yet many yea B of happiness and prosperity. Gentlemen who are Bald. Or have thin hair, should cal on Prof. Dorenwend, at Brunswick : - el, Wing - ham on Thursday, June h, and see his wonderful devi es i • Toupees and Wigs worsi on ove ,000 heads. Ex- planation and dem stration free. Pn- vete apartments at Hotel. Don't fail to see his new inventions, patented all over the world. t We are Selling Kodaks The Genuine Bastman-popular alt over the world, and advertised in alt the principal nuigaziues. Kodaks $3 to $108. Brownie Cameras $1, $2, $5 and $9, Plate Cameras, other riltafteft, itt a bargain because we took them in exchange for film Kodaks. One V. Camera for $7 50. One $4 Camera $3.50. The Newest Kodaks and Sup- plies always on hand, 144CC811 86 COI LINITED. Druggists and Opticians liWINGRAM, ONT. 441 +Wingham 4. Business + 1: +- 4. 4. 4. 4. College* NOW OPION In the SHAW BLOCK t A course with ns in either depart- + merit willpav a better dividend then a gold bond.-Ntre have a number of gond positions a waiting our worthy grudu- st. ates. Enter now. No vacation. + Canadian Standard Beoldteeping. + Grngg Shorthand, Touch Typewriting + + Morse Telegraphy, are our fppecialities. + Call or write for further information, .1. N. REGINALD PLETCHER, Principal. + 4. GEO. SPOTTON, Manager. + At the coining nations in high ac triculation, it is dates are to writ Dominion Day This should be c should be asked examination on day. The should rectify t epartraental exami- ools for junior ma- t down that candi- on two subjects on Saturday, Jnly 1st. aoged. No student • compelled to try au anada's National Hon- ucation Department e error at once. When a wom n weeps scalding tears 13 Isom man is go g to find himself in hot water. Wingham's Leading Shoe Store SHOES! .1. Nothing But Shoes Confining our energy and entire attention to the Shoe business, and being the largest ex- clusive Shoe Store in Wingham we carry the largest and most varied stock of Shoes in this part of the country, Our Shoes are all that can be desired in style, quality, fit and drability. Herein Lies Our Supremacy. Seasonable, stylish Shoes are always sold here at lower prices than anywhere else. Our regular prices are as low as some are showing as their bargain prices. Call and let us prove it. or, W. J. GREER Shoer to the People. =1 t1,13 far Trunks and Valise's.. ! •