HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-20, Page 5Maims Newsellasierti
a,sta_6/104,444$40 -V•aiarrailliat
TH:la ,,..MOLSON 9, BANK
• • Incorporated by Act of Parlianteitt 1855,
Capital hid Up :$3toonoit riegerve. Fond Stow*.
• Farmers' Salo Note et Caished or Collected., 'Drafts on all po-
ints in' the Dominion, Great Britain, United Mateo and ali
Voreip Countries bought and solLat hest rates. Advances
• nude to Varniere, Stock Dealers Tod 3uskues Men atf lowest
rates and on most favorable terms.
SAVINGS BANK P AM'MilNT—DepoLt o $1 and up-
wards reeeiVed. Intereet allowed at highest current rates
• from date of deposit, compounded half-yearlY and added to
•:principal jiine 30th and December 31st.
11. 0. IIREWEff, r Manager, CLINTON.
***3006,k3.9400064,90.4a0eieiessiek FOR SALE.-11OUSE WITH FIVE
I rooms on Maple street for sale or
to rent. Hard anti soft water, fruit
trees,' etc., ete.--W. J. Falconer?
oaa•-"ara'a....004.4•10”... Clinton F. O.
There e no better
words to express the
lIellyar Watches. They
"ALL ftlalfr
in eVery particular
In spite of their -high
civatities they are sold'
ata reasonable price,.
If you have an
old watc we,
will take it part
• ,payment for
a Dew." one: .
Headquarters for •fine watch
qrsm vs .A.C.4.i.AL
. • .
• , Jeweler and optician
• .,
New and uy-to-date OPCICOPIOS
• ra ....a a. • e • •
6 LBS. goon JAPAN.TEA., 4,00
Ali kindg of
Phone 111:
Pronipt Delivery
office aid stable lately occupied by
Dr. Evans.—Apply to Box 161• , ,
Hensall, or •to ft Dickinson, Clin-
ton. ' 75
:SHOP AND4nsiDzNan TO ax.Nr
40 For Salea-The btick store on
• Albert steed together with the
• dwelling house letely occupied by R.
PitzsimOns, is offered either to rent
or for sale, There is a good stable.
The. premises are well situated and
• suitable for any niisiness. Apply to'
AlObit O. Elliott, %Odd Road,
* or Henry Beattie, Clinton 89
Clawvoyant.Phydno Medical
Pcaffilnation Fyne,
„By 00,- E. P. BUTTERFIELD,' of
'SYtacnse, N. Y. Believing in clair-
voyance or trot*, there is no gainaaYing
the feet -that the doctor can explain,
Ahe floret el pause of your, disease
either mental or physleal and ha te-
• %toted to health m4,414311100 MallY
helpless lieralids all their lives. Send,
lb& tit hair,: name, to and steno to
OH, Z. V, BtirrERPIELD, Syteeo-
lVfen's and 'Women's Clothing, clean-
ed, dyed and repaired is at, Mrs. J.
T. Seward's, 69
taps on Rattenbury street - west
for• pile. Will be sold ivery cheap,
Por furtlier information address
• Miss J. Stinson, Eden Grove or
• Cargill.•70-4t
don .-Road, mile from Clinton.
Abend'. 133 acres 'first "elass land;
rich 55 e garden, has been 4 ,Stock
farm for a number of years. Yralne
• house, :large barne,plenty of stab-
ling, *pig house 'for 100 head, im-
plement building. Poseession Oven
any, time. Owner wishes to retire
-front fanning. Apply to 11. Plied -
steel, Clinton, 71
draying business from Messrs. Mod-
. at and -Ker and rented the stable
of Dr. Evans wriere I have teleph-
one connection. Passengers or bag-
gage called for or delivered to any
part of the • town. Prompt service
gueranteed.-elosh Cook. 62
.Maple street, next to corner o! MdI
and Maple streets isofferedfor
-, sale. It contains a number of fruit
trees, currant ahd berry bushes, etc:
—Walter 1VIar1ae. 70
I represent two of • the largest
, Companies manufactioing cement
and can supply it An large or se -mil
•euentities. Have already disposed
of four carloads tlds season.—Mrs.
T. A. Walker, Cliaton. 76
No. 13, Stanley, duties to com-
mence after the slimmer holidays.
Applications, personal preferred, re-
ceived by the undersigned up to
July 1.5th.—James T. Keys, Secre-
tary -Treasurer, Varna, .P, 0. 77
. sonic EizeurSion to Goderieh on
Thursday, July 6th. For rates end
particulars see posters.-- C. I-1.
Sanders, Secretary,nxeter. 77
, . „
tfully offer to the puielie and attest
to the fact as genuine, a - large
number 1-.)f Bell organs and pianos,
some thought for eash, but mostly
taken in payment for new pianos as
I do a;Iarge piano business over
the county of Huron. Sonne other
• Makes in the list. About $5000a00
• -Worth in all. Some almost. new.
Call or. write .to C. Hoare's Greet
Music Emporium, Clinton, • 76-4
Bulk or Separate tenders for aU or
mil el. the Several hranehes rekeired
in the ereCtion and' conviction of:a
Cement 'COnerete Factory handing
for tire "Clinton Knitting Co, Lim-
• ited," ,at Clinton, Ont. TenderS aro
invited also in connection .withab-
ove for Cement BloOks or white bri-
ck, above the basement hae,as the
• proprietors wish • to reserve 'to th-
emselies the right to ereet tAther
Cement Concrete, 'Cement Blocks,
• or White Brick. 'raiders will , be
repeived up to July 20, 1905, at6
p, Plans and specideations May
be seen et Combets Drug Store,
Clinton, Ont., or at the office of
a Clinton Knitting Factory, Clinton
• Ont., or at the office ot Stewart,
. Winton Zfr Taylor, Arellit.ects, 8
Maiket street, Brantford, Ont.: •All
• tenders must beesealed and endowed
• "Teeders" and addressed to IL /3.
• Combo, 13ok 166, Clinton, Ont, Lo -
%Viet or any tender not necessarily
aceept6d. Winton, July 4th, 1905.
dry. Beet work in the towe. Gee
• aranteed. No machines 'used to
destroy the clothes., A trial so,
.ort work which will be ex.
• ecuted by heed. Stand-up collars
ironed without being btoizen hi the
wing. Shirts ironed 80 tbat they
will not hurt your neck. Ties done
• to look .like new. Aleo wife and all
other classes of work, Parcels cal'1.
ed for and delivered to any part of
the town. Setrie Priebe': Shirts
Collars to, (Nilo 3e, 'Ocitten
Shirte So, Fanilly Weshing etareli-
ed, 40 coats per doz. am1ty Wad-
ing, .25 tents per doze Plain, • not
• starched. •Pure Tea—Direct from
• Obilift for sale. GiVo it a trig.
Laundry on /Into street, next to
RidoUt k111,1011 °MOO, , 76'
Mies Bella Dunlop of Prize& Alberti
Sask. is visiting friends aud ae-
quair441001; a*.Mrs. (Dr.) Slaw Toront,c)
on Mrs. Wm. Snell on., Manley.
Mrs. David Tudor of Toroeto,
brother „Than Tudor' of i•heeforth,
celled on their brother ..)unatii 'ludo
on Monday.
Master George Jewitt sspendinz
bis vavatlon With hie uncle, R. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. S. lo.tanley end
son, also Master Charles H011idge ef
Toronto spent Monday 10.nd TuesdeY
the guests •of the formers sister4Mrs.
D. Tudor.
Mrand lYirs. Jabez Roues end Miss
Mary Rands of Clint ez visited et nne.
Edward Rands' on Sunday.
• Mr. Templeton of }Jensen is visit-
ing in the neighborheed.
• Ur Jos Rands was I. el zet woik
part Of lesteweek with a sore eye.
• Mrs, Daniel Sutherland and son
visited •the former's father, Mr Hen-
dersen, on Sunday.
• Mr. Gilbert Jamieson. of • Detroit
spent his vacation with ilia pa, ents•
Mr.. and Mrs. tiaizin Jamieson
On Tuesday evening Rev, eft. Cle-
ment gave an address 'in the Metho-
dist church ,bere, giving the inqprePs-
ions made uppn his mind eerieg his
attendaiiee at the International Sab-
haeh school Association meeting A
Toronto some weeks Ago. the work
of the -Convention was conducted al-
ong broad and liberal lines.
yesidenee of the bride's parent,
Wingham, on July 5,th,' by Rev,
D. Perrie, James A. Cummings Of
• ListoweI and formerly of •Wing-
• ham to 1V1innie Frylogle, daughtee
of Mr. D. leryfogle.
se, Goderich, on July Oh, by
Rev, James A. Anderson, Thomas
William Burnett of Goderieb to
Henrietta, Bakes of Campheliford.
FINCHL-Iii Clinton on July 15th; to.
Mr. and Airs. Entantial Finch,' a:
BRETT—In Seaforth on July 10th;
to Mr, .and Mrs .• R. A. Brett, a
WEBER—In East Wawatesh on June
.„30th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Web-
er, a da,ughter.
BRENNER--In Zurich on July leth,
to Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner, A
D•eaths'. •
cook,In Clinton on July 18th, Bes-
sie rreee, daughter of Mr. David
Cook, Rattenbary 'street, aged 2
months and 19 days. - •
1-16DGSON—In Goderieh on July 11,
Robert Jos. Hodgson, aged 9 years
and 3 months. •
1VfeKINNON—In Goderleh on July 0:
-• Emily 1 nevi relict of .the • late
Neil McKinnon aged 69 years and
• 5 months. . " •
••I'lre manager of the Canadian
tional Exhibition has received a num-
ber of congratulations on his secur-
ing the fa -mous band of the Irish
Guards to ' play two conoerte...daily
on the Exhibition -Grounds, from
August 29th to Septernber 9th, both
days inch.sikte. Of this organization
the Oroliestra), Thries, published in
London, England, and recognized as
oue of the first musical authorities in
the world, says that "Banclinaster
Hassell hag succeededin getting 'to-
gether the finest musical comihrnation
in London,. or in fact, in Great Brit-
ain. There are several superp solo-
ists among tiS men, and the band. is
well balanced and adjusted.. Their
engagement to go abroad 'has • sur-
prised • dverylrody; as it is known that
• they have bad to reluse a number of
engagements in •Great'lEiritain. Bawl -
master Hassell, whose popularity is
he a greet measure due to his method
of adapting his programme , to the
•tastes aod requirements or his mull-
•ese eg, is entitled, to the thanks oi all
lovers of music for ' the , splendid
band he hasformed."
• .
. •
the sum of $21. was drawn on July
14th in favor of 13. A. ,Iliggins for
which I have received no value and
therefore deels,r0 indl and Void. --
•James Keyes, Varna P. 0, 80-3*
SgiNotts. • von SA— ANY
quantity of good cedar singles now
being ' manufactured in the Village
of Bayfield. Prices right Apply to
W. R. JoWett, Box 30, Ilayfield. 70
UM* Count?*
Beteg Outlook.
Cline(*) July 111.-Whan the 'Canada
Land Company. got hold a the Huron
comity belt tad brought in eeetters
years ago it did good eervice to the
Canedwhich was to be. • The peoPle
who bought the land were of a. gocd
typo, itidepeudeet, theifty god ambit-
ious. Their coming in made possible
the country of today, with its pros-
perous towns and large. output of all
the varied farm products of Huron.
The wide diversity and extent et tho-
se producte.are such as to put Huron
einem.); the first live eounlies o Oze.
tarn) in „the production of greln,roete
and stock.
A County of Big Figures,
Tha Wheat crop of 1908 amounted to,
1,163,000 bushels. Last year it drop-
ped down to 044,000. It will be rent -
%labored, however, that the yield
throughout the Provinee was .only a
little over omo,opo 'bushels, which
.was less than half that ef 1903. This
year's crop. will be laege. There is
fear, of rust with the continuenee of
wet weather, hut the rust bee hot yet
appeared. A crop a 1,500,090 bush-
els of berley is now 1he -normal
for Huron. Thie year's crop promis-
es to eXceed anything 'ova, harvested,
here. The Oat crop for 1903 amount.
'ed to over 6,00b090. bitehele,' and the
outlook neWiS•for anclther such crop.
The acreage .0r0eas is larger thiAsee-
son, end, rye, coin, buckwheat and
sugar beats are promising well in the-
ir lieilted areas. Hay is an abundant
cropand of quite goodsquality. •
Apple§ Fall Behind., •
The apple yield promises to he sma,-
ll and away lielow the nornial of good
yearS, The explanation is wanting,
but the fact is 0,f the root
crops nothing but good is spoken• .
rhe same is true, whether of pota-
toes or theother roots raised for
stock.. The.effect of a long any se
son on potatoes would eot be good,
but not the slightestehrre has 'heen
done as 'yet!
Oeig a the Rig Four. .
Huron ommty :produes -annually
Ormous herds of. stock. It is. one of
four counties' in Ontario, Essex,Kent
and. .Sinicpeebesing the others, ewhien
produce and • sell more than a mIllin
dollar' 'worth 'ce Swiee- each. In lUda
470,l)00 worth a homes were gent
mit. But the large figures ere needed.
for attle. nthe. same year $1,729,,
000 worthof battle [Were Shinned. Tho
average value per head was 342.511. In
:MiddleSex ,it was $40.60 and in Well-
ington $43.73. The average for the
Ttovinee was $35.93. It is „ -believed
that Stock generally •i$ as free from
'disease this year .as eVet •before.
Shorthorn cattle are the —i favorites
with • Huron peunty .steielonen and the-
re are in this section a number • • of
good herds. Mr: '...tareei Snell has .A
herd of twenty-three .Sherthorns • oe
his effil-a.cre farm : in .Hulletttowtishe
ip. He was :Porn. over; on the eext
tarn?. His father- was -the -first -white
settler in .149.1; district. He has • a
Red • Rose calf Of last. Odtober which
he ,-.prizet, %Seottish, Peer, athree-ye-
er'-eld imported Mill, is ' the pride • of
his owner. .Mr Snell is a .prominent
Leioester sljeep, man and has a drove
of -eighty ,Lemesters• .and forty-eight
lanibs The output 111 sheep frone
Hine% amounted. to. $165,000', in 196e.
Mr. e Snell re/lees some Alfalfa cloitee
On:la: farm and is:feeding it at pres-
ent,' but does. not like at, He prefers
the old timothy and clover end will
tick to that infettire,
'rhe Winners.'
In the same toWeship W Grainger
& Sons have a Shorthorn herd • of
twentyeSeVene This dm it is which
Won . tbe 'gold -medal at •Chieago Fair
in:1893 with the World's Fair: Meld, '
In the herd are some' splendid mach
coivs. M.r. H, I. -Javelin also " •iiag•
herd :of sixteen. ,Vvell-bied:•Shoe thorn's.
..Mr. W J Biggins, a diee."4,: 'Of the
Shorthorn Breeder -a". As, Riation and
'who lilies overon• the ether ;side
the town, has a herd 'ef tereity4our
his,faVoriteihreed. • ',Jame splendid
types of the 1Vliteh1iss. and eel Ttese
families,' are to be seen in this bee
An . iniported heufer, Wiadsor ,13?1,1e,.
and An iMP,Oited. 21 ;i noeths'
Deneide; give promise developing
into valuable animals. ••
Beatitifiti For Silatatien,
• The • Attrill farm •Mid .4olnesteeiUc
aerogs the. river • from' .Goderioh, tiiver-
leokieg Lake Huron from the eights,
is a most interesting ple*to the Vis-
itor. • The farm and tear piet of the
present .home were originally: -oweee
and occimied by John Galt: In
Henry Y. Attrilie fethie of E. C., the
Present •occupant, etatiie' up from 'Bate
Whore and botight the ',place. III nail
previously been emelt* eummers- On
the farm,. It is untie the high table-
lands,that the. Attrill Petal ' oi forty
Shortliorns feed.. &tatair oughr to
•produce good stock, Me.- Attiill also
has a herd of :twenty -live, horses,
Ifaekneys''Shires tzul Porenerans.
Natiopal Records a Fact.
The Canadian oational reeol di, for
which Live Steck 't'otrimissloneellee.
son worked incessantly for eeers, are
tow a faet. Certified eophis of pedi-
gree have 'been received by lrezal men.
They still lack the DonsioiOn seal
and the sigtatute of the blioister of
Agrieulture, but are signed hy •the
Registrar. Most of the kcal breeders
take to the eew regietrations, axe re -4
gard them as good.: Mr.' einnieS Sne4
is an exception. He seys egood reg -
titration was built up at Toronto un-
der John Dryden and hnoivs of no
sufficient reason, why any ehettge sh-
ould be made. Ile recognizes the
cesslon as in the ititerests of the
West and the larger idea, but is
able to to see anything of Present vai.
ue it,
the Ontario stook raiser.
/Vire W. J. Biggins sees the leuestiou
In emetically the samez HalvIA
register on the Dominion lists isecause
that IS now necestary, but with no
degree of. interest beyond that,
The Cattle Embargo.
The oWtation ,for the removal of thj
British onbargo oit Canadian eattle
finds little response weenie local rais-
er§ of pure bted stock, The reason le
that they ship very little to England
aed •consequeiitly are not afteeted.
They do not pretend to speak tor ca-
ttle buyers, Mr. Snell 'thinks the
shipMent of three carloads of regiSte
.ered Pattie to South Africa is the
beeineing of a trade Which Should
age of'Bayfield,—Notice is hereby
given that I hog transmitted or
8 a
s. nd ofetlee
delivered to the pereeris megtarioeneel
iti section
• Voters' List Act, the topic5. requir-
ed by said seetions to be, so trans-
• mitted or delivered of the list made
• pursuant to said aet of all persons
appearing in the' last revisal Ass-
espJent Roll cif the said 1ftrnicipat-
Ltg, that are er.titled to vote at
electione for -Menibera of the Legis-
lative Assembly and at Municipal
• Elections and.that said liet wae
firet posted up in rny office in the
Viltago of Hayfield in, the County of
• litirozz on the • 11th , of July,
1905, and remelts there for itispeo,
• Orin. Electors are Galled upoe to
tali and examine enid list atd if
any otaissioes or any other errors!
• are found within to take immediate
• proceedinge • tO haVe said errore
• corrected ocordipg to W,
8rw1n, Clerk, July flth, 1905,
ohce at the wayetiey
Putt02, 72
attnitt large direetielette. He Would
•like to see Canada, get a, abate of
the Ua4 ingood etock with Aloe-
tins, and favors doing everythii. ig re-
eeonfibly progretsive to secure the
trade. Mr. Snell regerde the building
of stockyards at Teronto junetionas
a move in the right direction, and is
of opinion that the yards in the city
should 1* closed up.
Stock and Prices. ,
Hogs are le good nuahtity tide Sea-
• son, and going at six cents es brou-
ght in by the .larnier or beuglit by
the 'drover. Few eattle are moving.
There was a boom on prices for feed-
ing cattle last spring, which stockmen,
do not yet understand. One ot • the
local ponelitions giyen is filet there
• were not enough 'mitre for all the
naSture laud of Huron z :buyers got
the impression they were goleg to be
left out and. paid prioes in Toronto
• quite unwarranted for their feeders.
Consequently there are great droves
of cattle in the eounty being held for
• a rise in the inaxket.
• Eggs are fetehing fourteen cents.
• Buyers regard that as inflated be-
yond •what can be had in England,
• 'hut Vie reduced supply and inereesed
toes,' demand Make competition am-
°lig buyers quite keen. Fourteen Yea-
rs no; 'before the adverse 1VIeKinley
was opassed, the man who Would
'be egg king of Canada foreed prices
up to • ten and eleven' °ante. TheY,
dropped. to. eight cents in •the reit
few years. •Present Prices epeeic •foe
• themselves. •Atkin,
• Baby's Own, Tablets
In the, hot Weather the little • Onge
suffer from Sterna:eh and bowel trour
bles. are nervous, Weak, sleepless and
irritable. T'heir • vitality is Ionia now
then. 'et any oilier season. Prompt
• action at this time saves a precious
little life, Baby's Own Tablets is the
best medicine in the world for little
ones: They speedily relieve, • pronipte
ly cure and give sound .efreshing
sleep. And :they are guaranteed free
from. ;opiates and harmful dregs:
They always do. . good—they • 'cannot
possiblygo harm, arid no home
-should be without thee,Tahlets, es-
pecially . 'during the hot . weather
months, when dangerous troubles
come sudden/y ' and alniest • unperceiv-
ed. . Mrs. Adam Maeticotte, Chlory-
dorines; -Que., says : " I have used
Baby's Givit Tablets' for -'-‘diarrhoea
and: Storeach troubleSand. always
With the mist perfeetenecess. l'heY
are better Num any ether medicine
know of.' Sold hy alldruggists or
by mail at 25 cents,a. 'box by writing
nee- eir, Williaany. Medicine,
Brockville, 0nt S'ee that every box
beers the name "Baby's Olen, .Tab-
lets". and " the picture of a •four -loaf
eiover on the wrapper. AnYthiee else
is ail - '
"Xy daughter was 'afflicted with ec-. •
Zema from When. threeweeks old. Her •
• entireface, and, head ,were raw, and
she was in awful* distress, When doce
tors, failed we began the use of. ..Dr, ,
pha,se's Ointment 'which has entirely
• •
curedherand she has. never had ' the I
Least •symptom of the trouble since."
—Mr. Patrick Sullivan, Welland Ave.,
pt. .Cetharines, Ont. • •. '
Live 5toek Market;
Toronto, July 18th. --At lbw City
Cettle Market today trade was 'rue
dull, the 'dullest, in fsete this S.1,1610a,
Ilithtelerta4Uwattc111411ots"updplyUlt'ar17 ‘Grearnan.vedr:
The Ontario exportaattle Acent fi.,r
the present to be entirely rat oft
from the Liverpool trade, all ave'l-
able spec* being talken up for the lar-
ge numbers of Western ranch cattle
which are now on their way Iwo)
the North-West. Acemeili",.g to lei.est
reports there are nnywnere Iron 410,-
000 to 100,000 head of Weercrn eat.
tie ready for the Linglieli mareet,
Local dealers estimate that this mew
nS .a, drop in cattle prices in the
borne markets of Men 75e t) $1 per
head. At this rete the drovers, who
for sozne time past iteve be n retying
tera higher market, will have stiU
InOre reason to oomplein than • they,
have had of late, and aireedy their
complaints hive been many ,vut, loud
on that same score. At all events,
today's market seems to be but a fo-
retaste of . what is in store, with
prices on a steady dewiest:ado. Stei1.
fed cettle that a month ago would
have sold for $5.50 or more, were
sold today ait. $4.75 the higbeet
prices today were ,bout $4,80. .
There is very little demand this
week for butcher cettle and all gra
des are lower by 20 to
• Sheep are steady, but lainbs Wore
a al latitylees on r the leasier side.
• Hogs were 1.0c firmer with a very
light run.
Total receipts for thday ii.ere 45
loads with 548 head of eattle, 1,021
csahleveopLaed lambs, 500 hogs and 102
Export cattle, choice $4.75 e1.85
do ltulls 3,50 . 345
diloo bieueidisium 8,25 3,50
• 3.50' 3,75
do light '
•cro cows
Bi:Itoechersb„' 0, ipeeicked
• r(11:
clo• fh
o. wurlts44
Feeders, short -keep
• • do • ,,medium
do light
do • bulls •
Stockers, chOlbe
do eemmon
do bulis
Sheep,export; ewes
• 'tido° •• bcit;icike •
• 3,00 •3-.50
• 3,00° 3.75
4.30 . 4,40
4.00 4.25
• 3,50 • 3.75
3.00 2,60
• 3.25 3.50
• 2,50 3.50
• 4.2,5 4,35'
41,00 a.26
3.50 3,75
2.50 3.00
3.25 ° 3.50
rye* Girl Sogriared "as lateriseasSeat
assePoisbic Catariii—lromad coke
• BY PE -RU -NA.
Miss Sadie Robinson, 4 Rand street,
Malden, Mass., Writes; .
• "Forma was recommended to 00;
1 .
as I found that all that was saidof thial
about a year ago as an excellent remedy!
for the troubles peculiar to our eox, and
niedieine was tine, I am Ploa:sed, to en -
dorso 11.
• -
"/ began to use.It aboutv
se. en months!,
ago for weakness and nervonsness,.
- caused frorn OverW01* and 1000100550
ness, and found that In a, few days I:
began to grow strong; my appetite In.
creased.and I began to sleep better,
consequently my nervousness passed
away and the weakness in the pelvic
organs 5000 disappeared and I baVe
:Li and Dr. 8. B. si*VntHatman
Adr President
of The Hartman Sanitariur4Colambui,
O., for free medical'adVice. All corree-
pondence strictly confidential, '
• 2r..50 6 0
0 3;000
35.00 . 50.00 EXCURSION, • ' :
25-00 ' .$5.00 The Second ;Personally Conducted
. •
0.70 4.00 Excursion to California; and Lewis
3.00 3,25 Clark Exposition, Portland," Oregon.,
• 3.00 3.25' Aug,. 2aut to Sept. 24th, 1905'.
and *fats 36;.5.:13195) '''' Trunk agents or address E. C. Bowe '
For full •particulars oall On Grand
ler,--Room 8, Union Station, „or-
onio. •
30 •
Lauffie •
Hogs, 'selects 4$150.00 including transPortatien,
2.00 : 10.00 accommodation on train' and all hotele
rer lavalsboreivn:i' pevderiantitionodng iscanre,c-esssleeapriyng. car
As party will be limited to ' 125,
A Poor Lot of Immigrants.
-.."1VIatly of the immigrants flocking to
Canada frOin Contra Europe are,•fir.d-:
ing tbei_tway to theEprisong, to$Pit-'
alg and asylums. The Government
hag 4 ten • ysar Contract with "the
North ; Atiantiq. Trading . ponapany,,
whieb • seems to be an unIncorPorated
, organization •,of steamship egeitS, by
which it ,peys LI a head for all im-
Migrants froninorthern and Central
Europe, Such a eontract does not
make for •strietness in choke, and
quite possibly helps towards increas-
• inn• the influx • Octhe least worthy.
' _ •
Kington, July ig stated th:-
at in all prOlability F. *.1 illy ot
,West Itastings bogus -ballet -box fame
be liberated from Belleville jail
etemorrotE or Thursday. - •
Sam 'Francisco, -Cal:, July 18;,—Aer-
onaut Maloney today fell 3,000 feet
`-with ,Prof. 1VIentgornery'S ' aeroplane,
and received injuries that Will ..cause
•C• I C., 44 4:4 OS:* 4* 0:• 444:4 •:• 4,14 44.4:4 1..• 4:4 a..• 4:4•44 et* •
- • . . • . .. , " . ' ,
....f. 04.0. •••••••••...... •, 0..„•..•.,... 4...••..•..44„.•..•4 .4. 0, .r... e..."..•........i.....•,,•„.•;,•.....•..•..•.,•..6. „..... ••• •
•,• 1 4.„ • • • • • • • •,• • • • et..,* • • ,e, .6,--• .4-, • • 4. • • • ••.• 4,4. •-•• • • • • • a .4.
Colint it
S $4
. .
are con, sidered by jewelers the two
dullest months the
in: . year. We haire.'
. .
.decided, to reduce our iinmense stock
' f ,
• y,
cutlery, Silverware,
China, Novelties.
as an inducement to, our customers
to buy during the months ofSnly and
August. We are offering a big dis-
count sale of 20 per cent, off regular
prices on anything in the store. As
we have always made it a rule to
mark our goods in, plain figures our
customers will see for themselves the
large saving this will be to them. We
invite everybody to call and see our
• stock which is conl.posed of new and
natty goods.•
• +:
. f
:it •
. .46