HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-20, Page 2ree ts of Toilet Soa Vim SUNLICrEIT SOAP and SAIrla THE coupopyis. . The Coupons am the same as -cash because they can be exchanged.for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out trioney every week. Users of SUNLIGIIT and .CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET • SOAPS for nothing. Ask your grocer for paiticulirs or write us for Premium. List. A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use every clay. 2000 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, CANApA, Always Fresh. • OUR mom OF DRUGS ETC Wil L ALWAYS ' BF, POUND FRESH • AND UP- TO-DATE IN EVERY, B13.- ANCII, ,AND WE .INVITE .• YOU TO GIVE US A CALL . • IF YOU WISH 1'0 PSOCI:JRE. ANYTHING USUALLY FO- UND IN A FIRST-CLASS, . Bauo STORE. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. 'fho' Softhaila Navigation o FULL SUMMER SERVICE NOW EPPEOT. „ Lake 'Superior . Monday, • Wednesday and Friday .3.30 p. me • leave Sarnia for Soo 4nd Port Arthur, Friday steamier throu- gh to Deluth. , Parry S'ound Division" - Every week day leave Penetatig a 2.45 p. m. for • Parry Selina% " Georgian Bay Division -- Tuesday, Thursday and •Saturday leave tiollingwoOd 1:_3(! p• °well Sound 11 p. m „for Sault and- way ports. Trips to Mackinac. begin. July Isti • ansonsaniana awsi 1•4074.• • 03dericha- 1 M. George Johnston.'returned last I week -from his visit to relatives in Quebec city. His brother,„ IVIr., Jain - es -Johnston, attclided;:to his 'work duringhis-absen00. • 1 sesmassmaismismair 410010111111111111110A, 441 Great onic" ^ PSYC. MINE 44 is a wonderful tonic, It contains medieinal elements not found, in any of the patent medicines.. • 44 PSYCHINE is a regular practicing' physician.'s formula. A tonic for weak people, for men of business worries, for the 'tired mother, the pale, languid e girl Younggirls just budding into womanhood;• • elderly people who • feel that weakness due to old age find it a reMedy they cannot do without. It restoresvitality; cre- ates rich, new bloed,. removes all impuraies, strengthens the nerves. • If yop need a• trial ask druggist for .".Pseefiltie,“ • GREATEST, OF AI.L TONICS ' f* • North Shore •Division - Monday and Friday leave Collieg- woad 10.30 .p.in for Byng Inlet aim French River.. Tickets and information at all Gr- and Trunk and OP R tiosm, ottices, He 1.1.-GildersleeVe, Mgr•, , Collingerood.• C. H. Nieholsein, Prattle Mgr, ' ' • Sarnia ***********446*****14.0 • ,s. A FAMOUS' $CHOOL • '/-'CENTRAL STRATFORD; ONT. • epi This iS the most successful .* • Cbmmercial -and, Shorthand' # • School in Westetti Ontario. # The courses' are up-to-date and 4, • .practical and teaching is done # 40 "by experienced instructors. Du- + • ring the past school year we • • hive' had way more apPlica- • tions Beira leading business houe # • SOS than: we had students # 4r. graduating. Write for' our free # catalogue; , • • + Elliott 41e MeLacidan;• • Priecipals, .# .•4444.44444*******.e• GRANO TRUNK RATE% 'VAC SUM1V1ID ATION RESOR'VS. t I, Itimako a takes; La.ee of Bays, Ge- orgian' Bay, 'Upper La,kes, Temagami Magnetawan River, Ita,wartha Likes, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Portland, Old Oreheed1‘1,1e., White Mountalftee All reached via the Grand Trunk Railway the "Tourist Route. of Am- erica," Direct conneetitm with all bo- at lines. Tourist tiekets on • sale daily to all resorts. PACIPXC COAST EXCIIRSION 268.25 to Portlatid, Orogen, Lewis & Clark Exposition with, special side trips to Carnal& points. Ticketoon, sale dant. Valid for 90 days, Feir tiekots, • illustrated literature and full information call on agents, A. O. Patttson, Station Agent... •.0. R. Hodgens„ TOWn .A.gent. 1•...1. li. Macdonald, Wattle:fr. PasS. c , $ Agt, Totonte. The News-Ilckr;id will he sent to Any address until the end of 1005 tor -26 cents. f4etid It to your friend at it distance. It will be appreelat • FIZONOriNCED 81 -,KEEN, ALL Dilneel2T3-0NE DOLLAR -FREE TRIAL DR T L cleetde; Llmlted • 179 King Et. 141. Tcirontoi Canada , •i LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW POR :YOUR' SEASON'S SUP• PTA/ OF 'COAL. • w* CARRY' 'QNTY TEE VERY. BEST GRA DES WHICH WILL BE SOLD Al? TEE. LOWEST POSSIBLE.' .-pRtcE • • ' •••• • aRBgRs MAY BB; LEFT AT. ,. DAVIS .8t ROWLAND'S HARD- WARE • SrPQRt OR WI'R J. Stevenson 110AST YEAR'S k • Silk waistor Clothes seem 116 p brand new when cleaned with If EVAPORATES"' Odorlees zron-oeisonotui • Iton-lottantmable ' , Workg wonders beyond. belief on the coarpeet and finest of fabrica, carpets , or delicate dross goods. • • Kills all gonna in carpets, etc, Extracts all dust I nestoree colors like new Renews the sizing ' An in a tew moments fora few cents • • And a ebild can do it `with 43AP-O.FIENI-C) , Melee old thing's new and removes Bream and Stain from tow things.* Ask your grocer for eap-o-ren-o. • Tho Haft & Teeter Co. orente . Binder Twine Red Cap.-600ft to th poun4 Deering.-650it to the pound f ha• ve a large stock on band rind rny prices arsothe best. •J. A. Ford. have purchased the coil business formerly cariied on by Harland Bros., hut lately by Mr. Donald McCorvie, and am prepared to receive orders for all sizes of on1, Orate, El;g, Stove, Nut and Soft, and eolicit your pat- ronage. Orders left at rilY office near the coal sheds or at Harland Bros. hardware. store will receive prompt attention.-Villlatit Downs. 70 Goclgrich Rey. Mr. and Mrs. -Sawers of Bruce - field spent a pleasant week in town the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oherles Symons. Mr. and Mrs. Jodrett of Rayfield spent Tuesday MI Goderieh tire .gues- ts 04 Mrs. Jowett's sister, Mrs. Cale- tain Sheppard. Mrs. Jowett said that there Were 300 horses under shelter le their grove on Dominion Day. Baydeld must have great at- tractions . for a 'holiday oeting, • -Our well known artist, Mr.. James Graham, has °returned front some oi his. foreign tours. -• • Miss Holt has returned (rola a de- lightful it to relatives in the Ner- thwese. . Mths'. OliVe Bates .i)f Toronto i the .gueet o her father, Mr. Charles Bat- es, • .ivlieg • Vesta Watsee, beeing :grailu- ated with: tumors et tile Nottnal Colleee, -Flemil-ten, will accept her .position here as teaoher of the fet; Andrews?' Ward sehool Which she held WOO 'attending the College, ',Many of our eitizens. who Inew • Master Robert • Joseph liedgeon,• the • adopted son . of Mr., Fred, Hodgson, were grieved to learn of his death on 12th Julffromeappendiditig. He came. with •Mrs.' Hodson on her, e - turn after heremarriekle from Meside, with his Mexican nurse,and dellghteee everyone with his lovely • mintier: •A large' Tcasket beieet of. white Carnal, - tions was laid by loving' bandstilVa the pretty 'white casket. The pelt, bearers.. were Leo Beetles, ' •Robert Dean, W2Illarn ,Phaler.,,. LeSlie. Webb, Gerald' Kidd and John Griffin. • 'I he feltheal teok place • from . the residene ca of: Mre.- • Edward Shannon on Thee istlay to the itonian batholie Ceine- tCry 'at Colhorne. Quite a nOniher of • carrieges were in 'attendance: Rel.: PetherelVIeRae evaseuiliebidablY.- Sent, being, called to Sandwich with (he other clergy 'of the Diocese. ' . Miss „lyssiee Henninei o Londor. .sPazita few 'days in toWnthe gue:it of Mr S: John Robertson, •• - ONE • DOLLAR SAVED ,11EPRES, ENTTS TEN, DOLLARS EARNED. The average man does • not Save to exceed ,ten. per (*lit of his earnings thest spend lithe ,dollars in Item, expenses. for .every dollar *Saved. That )eing the eaee. he dente& he to care- ful about uneceSsary expenses. Vezy often a. few cents propeeey • invested; taksying seeds or his garden; will save everel deflate outlay later on. It is the Samein buying', Charnbcrlain's Ocilic, 'Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- edy. ' .It costa but a few cents, and a bottle Of in the house eftrn 'saves a doctor's bill of several. dollars. For sale by .II. 13. Combe. • STRATFORD HERALD'S SECOND' 1505 3 --DAY EXCURSION rro • . • „ Detroit SATURDAY TO MONDAY • lily 22 to '24. A -special Grand Trunk train run- ning on thee .sehedttle as below, win leave Clinton at 4.45 a, m:. Satur-, day, July 22, running via thratford and calling at all inteeniediate sta. lions es far as Grantee; arriving e 'at .SARNIA 'Nwn Station at $.30 a, m. Tickets are good to return on any regular train Up to the special leaving Set- nta Town. Station at 0.30 p.m., Alon. way, 24th, for Stratford and Clinton. • -TIME TABLE AND FARES - July e2 a.m. Adult Chili Chilton, . 4,45 41,65 .85 Scefortle • 5,00' 1.55 .80 Dublin 5.15 1.35 .70 Mitohell 5,25' • 1.35 .70 •Sebringville. 5.40 1.25 .65 Stratford 6,00 1:25.65 St, Paulo 4. 6.01 .20 ,60 St, Marys Jet. 0,20 1,20 .60 • Oranton - . 0,35 1.15 ,00 Arrive Sarnia Town 8,30 Tim MOST°HARMING TRIP IN THE WORLD SARNIA TO DETROIT • SATURDAY, JULY 22n4 to 24111, • The Stretford Herald hag arranged to conduct another excursion from Sarnia to Detroit on the above date, The City of, Toledo, of 'We White Star Line, will leave Sarnia. Wharf at 8.80 a. m., Saturday, July 22nd, immediately on arrival of the Herald excursion train and will make a fast run to -Detroit, arriving there short- ly after noon. BOAT TICRETS, 75e ' CHILDREN, 40e. whieh may be'proeured from Herald representatives enroute to Sarnia. Tickets ere good to return by any of the White Star steamets within the three days, up to the afternoon' •of Monde". •24th, when the Toledo leaves for Sarnia at 3.30 'o'clock, Canadian tittle, reaching Statile wharf at 9,05, *6** trve"~0114* The News of Goderleh. 141611 A. Sidmings, • Corespondent " tif,*q • s''‘,,iX•XSX•Kli,*(4,0(t)avt;;KrX)0.04s)(:)(1)(Mi,KIVIikpx,),:t4A,0444),c0) Mr. Hummel' has purchased the residence which be has -occupied fot a couple of years on Toronto street. Mr. Charles Megaw is on a vita to his Parents here. Before return- ing to Montreal he will visit Winni- peg mill the Northwest. Johnston MeBrien •ot Port Arthur is spending a few weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tilt end little deteghter Edna., are spenthog thelo • holidays at Galt, 1.4ving Springsendl other •points, alikOng their •relativee. George 'A. Rdherteen, an 'honor graduate of the University of Toron- to, and a .specialist in science, has • heen engaged to, succeed Mr. /I, G. Willson as Selence Mester in the Cole legiate Institute. , • Mr. T. Tilt is spending this week in Detroit the gu4t of her dangliter, Mrs. Littlejohn of that city. • Mr. Ed, Tilt 0, E. is in South Da- kota, and 14 eXpeeted home in • Sep- teMber.• • The .bowling club held a meeting ion Wednesday evening of last week and • decided, upon holding the annual to- urnament on. August 15th. ,n - Mr. Clarence Rhynas, after spend- ing his holidays here, has returned to Toronto. • • . Miss Margaret Fulton returned to -her home at Brownsville on.' Tuesday, after a tvvelve weeks' visit to our • town where . She has been a guest • at The Aberdeen. • . Miss . Grace Polley must certainly win honors this year for her last .oil painting of herpet dog "Saxott " theism from life, portrayht him stane ding in the ha,ppieet of moods. The coloring ef the sky is very godd and the vvhole painting a Credit to the rising young •artiste . . ' Themethers who gave their child- ren SCott's Eentlsion during the wh- ooping . cough spell felt tha,t it is the best remedy they ever found to give relief. • We have not Iniard .of many caees of • wimps but some children suffered greatly during their siege. Miss Hattie Spence has returned from 'a visit to 'Guelph •where she was the .guest pf Mrs, Charles s- We tind that Marbles are purchas- ed • for doinestie purpoees, in the cul- inary line. A magazine says " To keep your raspberries or other pre- - serves frorn burning while; in the ket- tle slip three or tour new Marbles into the kettle before putting in the fruit." Mrs. W.' Proudfcet IS improving rapidly, the Pain ,in her arm leaving . Miss Martha 'Well's,- is Spending icaotuiTpes,7f. Mentlis in DI,roit with re- '.,•• Thursdayseemed providentielly :Cheep'by ellie Quad of St. Geoirge'ee Churele on which to .hold their 'partY2iti th lovely gcouflds of Captain A. M. ShophaTd. Theafteye noon and evening were ideal; the vis•'- itorS many. and the tea tables; ex- tensively patrOnlied., The were Most indefatigable in P,siisling; •th Guild The candy table was un- cler the management of the Misses Florente Ball, Laura, Craig and Gra- cie Rhynes and . tidiedladies deserve Special, praise for mantifacturing, such lovely sweetmeats. Other members el the. A. y, P. A. had the lee ceeani 'tables, also. the lemonade and ginger 'ale .1i4fler their care. The .1an:4 work tables were limier the idanage- mente of a committee of the pi:Ed, '1VIrs. Steger.. presiding, assisted by Mrs. Reytiolda, *3. Holt and • Mrs. IVIcKitn. :1V1r, (Merles- Lee • undettode the lighting of :the .grounds and the ropes on hieh the: Phineie lanterns were hung Woithl do Credit. to CaP- tain.Shephard in, the, pleasing Way in which they • crossedeach ether over ;the lawn, Ther e were over fifty •Ch- inese lateteres • doing duty as-wellas the gasoline flambeaux, one of- which mighthave been the ()use Of a ser- ioue tonflagration had .any ofthela- dies been near. • . Ars. De 1V1ills of Hamilton is •°the guest' this week of Mr. • and, Mtg. De Mills of towe.• Mr. and Airs. RothWell • of Toronte' Were :the .guests. last. Week of their relatives,the Misses „Mitehell and Mr, and. Mrs, D. Cariteleii, Mr.'. Angus. Macdonald hes liven tiP his position as 'mate orbit° Steatner rt. Lyman SMith: to contmand; his new 'steatner the ' Petrie, with which he. and Captain Robert -MeKey intend to join the fishing fleet at To.hernioie The IVIegsre.: • Rensford May tlot knoW that the one time Ono residet- ee• on their estate 1nOwn. asRansf0- • rd's Grove is being wrecked by goine un'eioWn persene Who are beginning to cut out the flooring in s'onaree, Which is lita,vyblank clierry two in- ches thick, very valuable‘indeed, and the big chiMmey is in p.:71-tutd of annibilatton. • The ibuilding is • more than half a,..century old and, eels lin- own for years as the (gliittOn" sidence. It was built with ilne large rooms, hi the days when the Canada Co, held the Huron tract, of well - hewn jogs thenplastered and -th4ngle4 from ,cool to cellar, a, fine house .,.for the inclennut weatim and the best timber of the county was mit into it; • • CHOLERA INFANTIIVI onliin NOT exPvoTnn TO LIVE PROM min I1OUR TO ANOIIIER 1111T• °until)) CHAMBERLA- t0OLIO, CHOLERA AND DIAEZHOEA REMEDY,: . Ituth,, the little (laughter of Z. N. Dewey of Agnewville, Va., was seri. Ously ill of cholera infeertuin last' summer, "We gave her up and did not expect her to live .frotn one hour to another,' he sou, I hap; Pelted to th'llk of 0hantbeilaittl*Col. le, ' Cholera and Diarrhoea.' Remedy and got a bottle of it from the ttore In five hours 1 RON a change for the better. We kept on giving It and be. fore she tad falterthe half of one small bottle she was well." This 'remedy Is for Sale by H. D. Combo. • 11115S f.bristina, Oundry returned from Chicago on Friday. Mrs•'Charles Slaelt has rrturned from her yearts visit to Moosemin, with her daugliter, Airs. Lindsay Et - woad. , Buyers have come to Ooderich.from all the surroultiling towns and yin.i ago for :grain iroui dhe deviator, Mr. • MeNairn of Torontooutbid our deal ers at the sale of the elevator why. - at He paid seVen tents per bushel for it. He will have to got a. dredge to .be able to gatnar up the wheat in the harbor. Unotain Belcher of the fire brigade fears that h's injury to his leg is much worse than he anticipated. Miss Mande Glover returned Iona her long 'visit at Detroit, on Sunday evening. Mr. Harry Wells has returned horn Detroit and will accept a position at home. Be feels muCh benefitted ir) his visit to the City of the Straits, Mr. George Henderson hag bade adieu to the organ factory and is a "till 'fledged baker again at the East street (bakery. Nothing 11:..e dough, George, • Mr. Johnston of Clinton has been spending few pleasant holidays hare at thehome of his mother, Mrs., .Jas. Johnston. ' • Mr. • Andrew Duff and wile, ,• Tor- onto, were recent visitors to our toWn, • • • The Baptists Will hold service wee- kly • in the lecture: roonv of the public library .for Which they will pay $80 per ' annum and provide their own janit ra;nd Mrs. Barron and sou Har- ry of Teronto were gutta ,of the • Blackstone faintly recently. . The Misses Anna: and Doleria Mae ekenzie Of _Lothian are spending their Vartatiou at .the 'Merton . the residence. of Mre. Peter 1VieEwaii. •LoMthisisan,CillsilisitnadiniVig dire .'4.`e.lel'oeelle:4thed.ti het. home, IVierton.Vilia. • The . funeral of . Hale, relict, of the late Neil McKinnon, took pia ca from her residetiee .on. Sa,turtla,y. • The casketwag ceivered with, lovely floral tributes, .among them .. beIng an anehor of • double white hollyhock, tribute' of Mr. and Mrs. es-. M. Elle iott ; wreath .of white toses; Mrs. A. 11: . Davidson.; wreath of:white roses, Miss , Geetre MKinnon ; casket bo - quell of ...white hollyhocks, . Eleanor Campbell, Maud Hale .casket bocluet of white Mice ; buena of. mignonette Mi J:,J;e.e,..1111eight-; bocitiots' . of sweet.. pea -tied:, With white. , ribbon, little Lily via:Prager,he,quet • of. white. Klieg from 'ffirg,;Dtinlop„' end baguets from. Meade:Meg W, and • • • Alex. , leavidatin, also a pre tty 'heeeeueteof sweet pea androses 'froni some either friend: The feibute . froth -11/Irs -James Ptirsene was a boquot of :white daisies ,whicheteerelaid .. in - 'side, thee cegtket upon the beeast of 'the- departed.Rev,. 'W. H. Grahlun officiated at houee•a•nd •grave. After • the addrees at •the' house "Rock • of Ages". •:was sung by all. The peat - beakers were George Harris, • James Berney, Dad, Buchanan, 11,.. W... Me - 'Kenzie,: James. ;Yates and Witha,to eeletiees. from . a OS- tanCe-. were : Beet. Hale., Stratford , Mr, and Org.. Frank Hale Gueleh ; and Mi Arthur. Wils.cei and family, .1401 meg ville; In the '•deith, Of ;the:late Mrs.. Neil' Meg -tenon Our town'.1oecs.a pioneer- and the eldest datighter Of ' the. late Mr: and 4Virs. „lames Who were married• Wilio*Kiale, be. ar,. Toronto, ...removing ..to God.erich where :the deceased lady Was• born. •Mr. Neil 1VICICitinon died in .April 1897. 'After. the .death Of her husband Mts. McKinnon spent eome time is- iting . friendge at Guelph but She ch- ose to reside f heelei bee sPaciats house ,littilteby thy 'Canada Co: for. the IVIeSite. Strachan,, sons Of. Iiishoe. Stradian of 'Toronto, and the hoese has •lieen kept in wonderfully -good repaii. Mrs. ItleKineozi's .riame will. eve,e, be venerated here for her getier- deity,. amiability and 'faithful obser- • &nee of the laws. of Christ, • Althdegh in rather delicate health for years She ,attended Divine service regularly, eecondeenied 'tbiy nee adopted 'dangle-, ter, Miss ger* McKinnon, Whom she educated and who ig 'a good :inutile - i an.' A. long period "to, resido. it d-od- erich; eitty-nine yearg.. . A. piceid party drove up from Bru. Oefield ine Friday to spend the day.in • Harbor park.' • The showery a. M. was ,suceeeded by a lovely .afternoon and although a peetty streng heedett pre... .oailed,' yet the picnickers: had a, theeouglily good They Were• the Misses Sawers,.. Laura and • Agnes, lVTr.,Charles , Sawerk •• Rev., • Mr. „Craigiee and ' Mr. 'Nichol. Rev. Mr, and Mtg. Salvers,who were viSiting Goderielt during the week, joined the at :the park and alfteturned to 13rtieefield in .the evening. - Me. and Mts.: Horace Horton of . Leeburn spent -Sundayin town'. the guests Of Mrs. Horton's parents. We had the extreme pleasure of h:1- ving a call on Saturday from Mr. Albert A. Shah, brother Of the late R. B. Smith. Mr:Smith loots ex. eeedingly well and is Seeretary and S al esman for. the Werner Sugar Re- fining Conipany. of Waukegan, and resides in Chicago. While here he: was the guest of ot his'nenhew, W. Roberts,On, editor or the The Misses' Olive and Frieda Van- stOne of Wittehani are spending their vacation here, the - guests of friends 111 to, Miss EVA May Walters 'of Toronto is Spending her littea;tion • with her aunt, Mrs. Walters. Miss 1VItaggie Proutlfoot cturned to' Toronto on Monday but will spend here vaeation here hi August. ° .41,..0"..441400.4.41.1.re.otArnr..0. ,Titilr IT NOW. Now is the time to buy Chamber- faftt's holera ajiOE Diarrhoea Remedy. It is certain to be needed sooner or later and when that time comes yon' will need it badly +0- you Will deed it. quickly. Ilny it now. It may geVe Por gate br 11. CoMbe. July 20th 1905 "- MrS. Becker of Grand Rapids hidi teen spending th:1 pat two month* at theresidence of her mother, Mrs. An - stay. Mrs.. Barclay -tiree Maggie V. of London, who is this wee% guest of her hrellier, John gentles, .Kineard)de Was with her mice, Mee. (Dr.) Bruce of Kincardine,. Aire g et of Mrs. J. P. Brown. Me, Harry Stoeve is preparing to build on his south street property. He will. remove the present whit% VMS the residence of the Loy Mrs, , Duman,farther beek and built in front.. • Mr. Feeeth, .o.ne of the Lig mit' staff, oceupOs the house owned tied formerly occupied by Mr. II. Stew. Little Benton Tremblay, a ”otir-ye- • ar-old little boy, picked some, pansies as we past„erl by and presented le: • with 'the little hcepact.. lie is pi c- owl -oust seeming ,to know our love for +lowers, for we never sa,w him before, that morning.. Mr. Noble, tate of the C. P. R. :111 tpectors, has rented the house on Ile- a street lately ioccupied by Mr. Le Touzei. Miss May Hale vitelted her •par- ents. Air, and Mrs. 1-L Hale, „ last Week. The -Best Canadian Pork, The Fin- est Beans. Spieatifically. cooVd-te,s- ty-with or without Chili of Tomato Sauce. .Clark's Delicious Pork. end Beetle. , GOOD FOR STOMACH TROUBLE AND COMSTIpAT,ION. Chamberlain's. Stomach and Live or' Tablets have dene. me a great deal of good," says C. Towne, .of Rat Portage, Oniar:o, L'Oeadi. '`Be4 ing a mild physic the after effeets are not unpleasatit,, and 1 eanreeom- . ;heed them to all who ,seffer from stomech diserder."- 'For sale by' The NeWa-Record. gives the BCombo. news, .0"'°'*`*"1"aeveltleTreerem;e.egeet‘eeee.22!oe'i. eie.i:Pee're'ieeevereeere. ,er Hood's Sarsaparilla 0140Y1 the Ills* auction of being tAhe great,. est, curative.and preventive medkine the world has over known. Its is an di -round medicine, produchts its un- 4. equalled effect* by purify. ing, vitalizing and enriching t,he blood on which the health and strength *revery organ, bone and tame de. pond, Accept ao substi. tiute for Hood's, but in. sist, on having Hood's • AND ONLY HOOD'S. Guard The People's Interests Tilbury East townehip has granted a• 99 year, fratehise or use of • the Middle need to en .eleetric rallwa.y, company and twenty-one years ex- emptien from •taxes. The franehise time is to. long-twenty7five years should be the limit. Township coun- cils rhould keep their with when dealine with electric road .a,e•exits and romoters, and when granting cole, oessions Is the time to arrange anti stipulate for equitable paSsent,er and . freight rates. • After you give theco- • any all they ask, it will be to late to 'guard the people's inerts. The pleasant, suave railway gentle- men, then will he entizely different men to deal, -with'. • Electric railway el, ne. Lee will be buey Ir u new 111° Securing franchises throughout West- ern Ontario, and the people's repree- eetatives, should carefully guard the people's interests._Ridgetown. • Dom- inion, local ily One Ir.. to M US Z..13t4fWYAL rlOmAN diPPOoRdme ME ATE ONCE P:41fr1ED IS NEVER CHANGED : • ..tomeoh.ss..........% A Multitude ot New Features Never O�forc Presented id America , . Iliano.Paok Agrobats, Gymnasts .rrained Anbisal I adore 111141.air Performers , AciS 6 ' Rose Docietill Seven Marvelous Belfords Doily Miller Illelnotte, Lallole& hleinotte tatelle Settler Plying Vkterellas Troupe .. Mille Julien Daring Aerial Weavers George fibilatui Rye Plying Sowards ° Frank MOW .Pattiolia eirdnor ramity ,AttI rAn King Graceful tieDonald Trio, • Joe. Lyons *Von RianiMOna JaPaneo Herbert RuMley Si* Sugimoto Japanese Wm, Dutton LatlySwordSwonteri it Pencere Herd of Elephants Congress orSeala Camels, Llantras, Dromedaries Broken to I-la:mesa. Fierce Siberian Nerd CakeoWalking stallions ° Ode Hundred Shetland, Pony t3iiIe c Mill Dralumt Pelicans 4it Pigit 100 Circus Champions & Oelebrites 10 HUGE ROMAN HIPPODROME . Alt Rinds of lixeititt Thrilling, Real /knees atid Tests of Skill 20dittetik by "dhettit j1OLY 24."11Wist, *4.trappy ,Thearotesque Olipana,-Tote thleittew-..*` runtlY Mir Seat • MILLION DOLLAR lifiliZTAGE111111 An Emporia coitoetiora of Rare Wild Beasts oaf of An Features of Ever, Kind GRAND GOLD GUTTERING STREET PARADE Wili LetiVe the ShOW Grollnde 13Very MOrning 10:30 Aduits# $00if Childtent as..44‘ etie ikkot Mains YOOto averythiol