HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-13, Page 8( ton Novo -Record
Pring at a
Mullins at ' Se
Cotton Suitings, roc*
Here is a trio of Bargains in new Cot-
ton Dress. Goods . for hot .weather wear.
Every yard new this •week. .Bright, fresh
o f s �o .-
and stylish goods. at• the prices. i 1� p
4 . : r morning.
worn lsne . On sale Saturday_
Print at 5c,
About 1100 yards new Prints, light and dark color-
'ings; firm, strong cloth, suitable for children's wear;
wrappers or quilts, regular wholesale price was 6 c, ,5
this lot on sale Saturday morning at per yard
M.usiins at 8c
250 yards fannyDress Muslins, in pinks, blues, • '
etc., also white grounds with neatstripe and fancy
spray effects in blaek,'very stylish, regular 1214. 15 8
and 204 qualities,. price Saturday per yard u
Cotton . Dress Goods at floc
Another lotof those .cheap Cotton Dress Materials,
in blues,reens,eta., regular' 15 to 18c per yard, on AA
sale Saturday morning per yard UY
Black: Peau De Sole
t-$i.00Silk a
]Easily Worth: $•1.25
Black Peau De Sole Silk.. " Bonnet's ''
famous make. Name woven on every yard.
Guaranteed not to .cut. Suitable for Shirtwaist
Suits, Skirurand Waists.. • Easily: worth . .$1.25;
Special at per yard
One Dollar:
a Linen Crash ilk. '
Here is the best Crash we
sold for the money. Heavy,
pure Linen crash towelling; 18
inches wide, red border, strong
and durable.' would be good.
value at 120 this lot 1 O
to sell at pec yard...:: Ce
L 1nen Towels 2 Tor 25e.
300 Linen Towels Huckaback
or Crash,'red border, 20x40 inches
hens y weight regular 18c each,
on sale Saturday at......
Two for
New Dress Linens.
White Linens are very popular .this season. tor •
Coats, Suits and Skirts They are the correct 'hot
weather Dress material. .We opened a big ship
ment this week—three lines of excellent value
25C, 30C- and:`4oc
New 1Ch'ecl
The right material for a Colored Shirt Waist
Suit, The demand 'is so great that theyare.: 'ver •
scarce and hard to et:. New' lines ust;. in this`:'.
g J ,
week. - Green and white, black and white, brownn
and white.
I C..;..pet ..yard.
Still SeMling
Our big Clearing Sale of trimmed Millinery t
_ a"
half-price has been a great'si<iccess, The regular
stock has beenY
racticall cleaned . out, For thi
week we have had a ,fresh : lot trimmed up;
the last four high-class trimmings,, which must'all
be 'cleared Thesefresh
hats are s
e tr e h from our work-
rooms, and'we'A ut them on sale Saturday ,'at ',your
choice for
Exactly half -Price.::
These are.choice styles, newlytrimmed, . and
pa simply' p 1 pY
the half-price is made ossib l because We
, ecau
want every bit of Millinery Sold before We wind up
the season at the.end of this month,.'
Tweed Dr
Goods nods25c
These Tvreeds are stylish, and will make
serviceable Suits Or separate Skirts. We bought
them at half-price, and now offer them to you in
the same way.
• Anoat, 150 yards of Colored tress Tvkeds,
light weights and colors, all pure wool, regular 50c, 250
on Sale Saturday morning at per yard., .:, . • • • •
*********rend hu -
.man hair. Invisible when worn, col -
.ors to match a ordinary shades of
hair. Fits pom adol,r or entire bead,.
Sell at popular prices,
CURLER --=An entirely new and prac-
***********tical kind, the most etur-'
able, ever invented, looks like the
most sensible too. A slit in which to
place the ends of hair, roll the .hair
around, it and then a siniple way to
fasten' it.
A BONE HAIR PIN --The best value
-*******t***************we ever had .ati
5 cents. .Crinkled, four inches long,
seemingly as good in quality, as tho-
se usually sold at twice the price.
Agents Parker's Dye Wozks.
W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest, Always t,e Best
i nnunuuuu"'nannuu,
uul it.
The following is a partial list ; of
those who came to ye :aide towne
en • Saturday ..on the Old Boys ex-.
cursion and who while in town.
were :. the guests.. of friends as fol-
•Mrs, John Ross at Mr.. H. W. Cook's.
Mrs. Ed, Floody •at Mr,(D. eantelon'o
Mr. and • Mrs. James Depew at Mrs.
R.. Miller's and Mr: Thos-. Beacom's.
Misses, C.• and E. Ferrier at Mr: Jos
Wheatley's. ' '
1VIr, • :John Beattie of. Varna was in
town on, Saturday:.
Mr. Wilson Cook, 'the Varna boniface,
.was in :Clinton on Saturday.
Mr. D. Cantelon returned on' Friday
last' ''from a business .trip to Mani-.
.Mr. 'and Mrs, James, Jewell. of Lien -
miller called on friends in Clinton
• on Su a; •• .
iVlrs.Josr and dot Miter Miss
Lizzie, at Mr. S. Rathwell's, • God-
erich township;
Mr. • Sam.' Cantelon, Streetsville, /and
Mr. William' 'Alexander, " Ashgrove,
'at Mr, Ti. `Cook's. ' '
Mr. and ,.Mrs. S.: L. Seot,t_:at Mr:: --S
G..111uinniei s. Mrs. Scott will re-
main a 'fortnight.
Miss Nettie Stevens at the honieste
ad, Mi:. James .Stevens', She '
inains for another week, •
Mrs , George Pray of Niagara. 'Falls;
'and • kirs. ,Fred: Baulch and family,
Toronto, at Mrs,: 5,•.Davis'
If you ;Havefriends at, your home or
you have•..been away visiting, plea-
:* se -'-let The Newa-Record know agouti
:Mrs. Adan: Cook, Mrs. Bert Coulter
and :,daughter, Electa, and Mr. and
Mrs: W:• Pridham, George Cook
and`• Mrs, Wi (idle Gibson at Mr:
'Arthus Cook's. '
Mr.: E, M, McLean, Soienee Master at
• the Collegiate, is in Toronto act
ing ' as • associate examiner: Mrs.
McLean is also in the pity . 'from.
whence she goes to the Soo on a
to parents. visit he r•
Mrs:. W H..Boacoin and her. two.
,children • Celia and. Elmer Who
had been :v.'.i;siiting at Ethel for abo-
ut:six weeks, returned on Saturday
e . tothe homestead on the Bayfield
ev. Mr Greene,. Dr; and 'Mrs Thomp-•
son, Miss Deatrice. Greene and Miss
Frost accompanied the remains of
the late Mrs.• Greene to Owens So
told where the , interment took'
plane: '
Mrs. John: <Emmerton' returned last
Friday' from Ripley ..where she Naas
for Several ' weeks helping to nurse
the young son of . Mr, J., LmrriKrt-
on who has been very'. ill hut: is
now. on :the niend,
Mr. T. H. •Wilson, head book-keepor in
• Toronto" gaol, Mr. John Carson;
supervisor in the asylum, his` two
children, ' William and Violet,: and
Miss . Flossie , Wilson at 'Mr. W. 0,
Elliott's, Goderich 'township: •
Mr. A. J. Morrish, the gonial man
ager of Hodgen Bros, clothing
store, accompanied by `his wife, will
leave for the West next Saturday
• on a holiday trip. He expects to
be absntit •about, a month. • His im-
mediate idestination is Oxbow,
Assa., where his brother Harry is
located and doing well,
Rev, H. M. Malnnin'g and family leave
this week on their holidays: Mr.%
and Mrs. Manning intend spending.
'the t'iine rusticating in Muskoka at
Lake of Bays. They will be accom-
panied by Miss late: Miss Fr-
ank Manning is 'to journey to Port
tl for brief .
none , o a b e stay and then
proceed to Belleville. •
Mr, IL Plumsteel returned on Wednes-
-day of fast week from a three
weeks' trip through Manitoba and
the Northwest. He visited maw
points and ,everywhere saw oviden
res of a boom, 'and while he be-
lieves that with a oontittuance. of
good crops there is a great future
ahead of that country, he was still
not impressed to the extent of wi-
shing to ' lake pp his permanent a-
bode there, Ai middle-aged of old
man who is doing fairly well in
Ontario should remain here, is ]Vir.
Pli.mstoel's candid opinion. X'Io re
lates that one of the passengers on
the train on which he journeyed
was old m Who said
home an an a
0 0
I rn going home to Ontario and
the old woman and will stay with
her as long as 4 live," This o. in.
had gone West on a prospeetilig.
trip at the request of his fancily,
hut could not be persuaded to lop
July' 10t4
1 5
rapanese Mattings
and Carpet: Ends this
Week at Big Reductions
EVhiAL weeks ago we told you we had decided to go out of the Carpet business, This we lully intend do.
ing. Many lines of Carpets have been completely sold out, but we still have a lot of -short -lengths of Wool
and Tapestry Carpets, ranging .in lengths from 5 to 16 yards , that must be cleared out at once. If you can
use an end of Carpet et to advantage,we can you a lot of mone on purchase, All Ja anese `'lattin s are
, p save Y yourp a � P ,, g
included in this Carpet Sale, These BARGAINS go: on" sale Friday morning,, July 14th, and will continue for one week
/8c I-Iemp Carpet at Igac,, 25c Hemp Carpet at 18.0 3oc %inion Carpet at 22e 50c Union Carpet at 33e
Dozens of Remnants of All -wool Carpet, the best 2 -ply, in
leitgths from 5 to Y6 yards, that sold at;85c and 9oc, to
go on Sale Friday morning at
Fifty Cents per yard
tate there,
5oc and 6oc Tapestry Carpet to go at 35e
75c Tapestry Carpet to go at,..,..,. ,.; _ 49e -
85c Tapestry Carpet to go at ......... .....„ ,,,,.; .,,:,.,.,.•.,,55e
$i.00 Balmoral Brussels. Carpet, to go 'at .:...........:..60C
All . Japanese Matting to go at the following Reduced prices
15C' Japanese Matting, at 100 22C Japanese Matting, at 15e 25c Japanese Matting, at 17e 3oc Japanese Matting; at 20c
Look at these Friday. and
Saturday p S ecials..
Children's 12/c and 15e Hose at 7e
7 dozen Children's plain and ribbed Cotton Hose, sizes 5, 51=2, 0 and •
6 1.2, these are all gparanteed fast, black, regular 12 1-2c and: 15e 7O
values, on sale Friday and: Saturday at'. ,.
Ladies' 65c, 85e and 85e Corset Covers at 50c
Your. choice of about 3 dozen Dorset Covers, that are • slightly soil-
ed,.that sold at 65e, 75e and 85c, to °Tear Friday and Saturday at . , . 55�
$ c25 and $1.04' Girdle Corsets at69c
• • 3 dozen pairs of white and drab Girdle Corsets, made of fine Batiste •
and coutil; these are our very best $1.25 and $I.00 Corsets to go on sale. • L+�C
Friday;inorningat. ,.. ,• •. .,. U
25c Swiss Embroidery at 6c
This Einbroulery comes in madellion efTect'and is beautifully made,
3 different patterns to choose from, regular 25e, on sale at per yard -
A Special Silk .Bargain for Friday
and Saturday..
60e Silks at .25c cher yard.
200 yards of Japanese ilk, conies .in all white, with cord.
stripe ; brown, black and navy check Wash Silk, • suitable ' for
Shirtwaist.. Suits, regular. 6oc quality, to go at
25. Cents •per yard.
Miss ;Edith . Horne of Mitchell is the
guest of Miss. Maud Moffatt:
The Misses Cartwright of Wingham
are visiting at- Mr, John Poster's. ' i
Miss •:Maggie Walker of 'Toronto is
' on a visit to her sister,. Mrs;;; J,. W.
Mr, E: A. L+appne •returned on Mon-,
• day -.from Louisville,,: Kentucky, to
his old post at the o, f. '.
1VIr; and Mrs.' F. R. .116digeris and
family left oK Thursday rani to sp-,
en¢ (their holidays' at Maplehurst,
Mr: L. R: Whitely;. teacher of'Mod-!
erns in the Cg}legiate' Institute at
Belleville, has returned to town and
will spend part of his holidays
Mrs. John Tedford and .her daughter,
. Miss, Grace Tedford, Of Minnedosa,
Man.; former residents of Clinton,.'
are.: din town on a visit to "Old: fri-.
Mr:..T hos. H '>3rownlee,.' Principal of
was in towiieon Tue-
sday. Ne purposes in a week or so
taking, a trip up . the lakes and may,
go on wttt towards .the coast. •
Mr.; S. Kemp has returned from Stir-
•atford and.Mr: S. Kitt froxn Toro*
to to resume their old positions in
the organ factory. • The • News -Ree-,
• ord is glad to see the ord boys.
• back .again.
Mrs. Thos. L. Lavan:returned to'1'or-
onto.. ori Monday evening after a
couple • of days' • visit among old
Clinton friends. She was' the giiest
of Mrs'. John Johnstone of Ratter-:
bury street.
Mr: Thos. Lmmerton of iChippawa
Falls, Wisconsin, is over visiting
Huron relatives. He is now at the
homestead at Kincardine, but is
expected by his brother, Citizen
John Emmerton, this week.
Messrs. Albert and Arthur Townsh-
end of Bayfield and Mrs. Andrew
Halliday of Colborne returned Yes-
terday from a !visit to their sister,.
Mrs. mhos: Sa idersof, who is ill in
a Toronto hospital .and is not ex-
pected to recover: The cause of her
illness is paralysis of the spine, `
Mr, C. McKinnon, Classical master
AA the Collegiate, .left on Tuesday
"to assist the Seaforth football ;te-
am In its final snatch with the Ber-
lins, which was won by the former.
This places Mr. McK'tnnon's name
on two .championship cups this
son,the senior Associatioi and the
Cup. There are, few bettor
exponents of the game in (loarfo
than our Classioai teacher. Ito . is
now.. id Tororetto acting as associataf
examiner. Principal Houston is
also so engaged,
Four Millinery Bargains: for
Fr da :ani Y Sa4turday.
Hats Trimmed .FREE
Hats worth $3.50 to $5,00, at $L50
On Nriday morning • you can have your choice of any trimmed Hat
in the • store that, early'in•,the season, would have sold'at $3.50 to $5.00
at 1.Q
Any Untrimmed Dat that sold. at'S1,00 to $1.25;.for•'50e
Any untrimmed Hat in the store that sold at $1.110 to $2 00, 75
Any colo d' Flower in the store at half-price.
-Hats :Trimmed FREE :
oi,'.r,Hat ::and _Triinmi here..and;Nce- vllLtriix -YQur Hates., -:
fir•'• w
M. Gunr., sister of Dr J.. N. Gunn,
is paying her:brother a .visit..
Miss Coleridge of Owen Sound was
the guest . of Miss Nellie Brown this
Mr•.. Will Lyons of the G. T. R: stag
is on 'a 'holiday 'visit aVlais • home.
rn Londesboro.
Master Emmerson :Lithoo of Toronto
As spending Several •weeks with his'
aunt, Mrs. R. J. "Clog. '
Mrs: ora -Fisher and her. daughter,
Miss Mabel, of Tororto spent fi;oin
Saturday' to Monday wirt+h Mrs.Jas.
Finoh, • •
1VIr: Georcge Wheatley of Hullett spent
Saturday with his daughter, Mrs.
:Iasi Pinch'.'
Mr Graham, medical sludenft,.is
• - Spending the' v'aaoation assisting in
• theoffiee. of: Dr. Gunn: '
'Miss- Carol, .Newcombe, 'accompanied •
' byMiss Sybil Cour•tic,, has gyne to''
Boston'' to visit, her sister,`
Mr. and . Mrs;. J. J. Keyes Of Nash-
ville, Tenn,, are 'spending' the brig(
holidays, at the White City, Bay-
field. • .
Mr: and Mrs . W. F: 'CantelodM. and
, little son return to Toronto . this
morning after a pleasant two weeks'
visit with relatives here..
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerr and Misses
• Annie and Leo, of Winghan dro-
vedown. on Tuesday and spent the
past few days with 'Clinton friends.
Mr, and. Mrs. M. Toier of 'Toronto
are, guests of their soti, Mr, W. J.
Tozer of Tozer. & Brown and in-
tends remaining for a ootiple of
Mr, and Mrs: Thos. Briekenden end
Mrs,•Will. Brickenden .and her son
William, Toronto, visited the Brick-
enden, Rodaway,: Dale and Taylor
families, the past woek.
Mr. A. IC. Knight, a former 'resident
of town, but more recently of.Mca-
ford, has gone to Thornbury,where
he has taken the position of secret-
ary -treasurer ;of a manufacturing
At the "Wigwam," the residence of
the Misses Mountcastle, on Sunday
evening there Was to be seen in.bloom
the plant named above., The writer
was a Daher at the "Wigwam" on
Tuesday, but the flower had closed,
it being charaoteristic of this plant
to. bloom for one. night' only. The
boauty of it was shown, however, by,
a beautiful painting of the plantox-
carted by Miss Mountcastle herself
which is eertalnly' a work of art,
The Wettest Twelfth.
Belgrave No 462 won the prize .for,
the. largest' Lodge;'foity of the, .hiet'li-
ern•.teing• in lute: A large number :of-
sy'mpathisers'canie down with . 402 i;
the Order is strong and active . in th-
at district.
The Goderich township I odpes are
prosperous (and 'made 'a vim].' . turn.
out, 'Currie's Lodge has the lar;est:
membership but Cox's is a gob( sec
ond:. The ..Tatter has .a giro. ii; 3 and.
drum 'band which was very fa' orably
,commented upon in the march ; yes•
The ;decorations for the. day :v,!ere
elaborate and tastily arranged and
booths . were strongly :inevidence,
showing Gnat no pairs ;had Veen Oar-
ed' to 'make' .it as pleasant as ' pos-
sible forth visitors. The accommo-
dation, dining and •otherwise, was acme
quate. .•
Mr. }Brain Hill, one of ;the most
active of the managing ' committee,
was ion the move early in he Morn-
ing carrying an umbrella '•and with a,
pair of long rubber boots on his
pedal • (extremities. "Yes,• it couldn't
look worse and I'm •afraidthe rein
will continue until noon .: and . keep
hundreds away," he said..
Mr: Harry R. Reid of Calumet,
Mioh.;'brother of Mrs, Will. Harlan(,
will be married ,on.July 05th to .a
bliss Macdonald, formerly of Kincar-
dine: The genial Hairy is, a.' Clin-
ton boy and will have our early and
hearty .congratulations.
The meeting of the Young Ladies
Guild 'of Willis church was. held on
Monday evening when a very instruc.
tive and interesting address was giv-
en by Miss Mary Lough, B. A., en
"Responsibilities towards Missions."
There was also singing of • a cou-
ple of choruses and a duet by Mes-
dames hoover and Oiampboll. Alto-
gether It was a profitable meeting.
I ,l -- K A",ilio-
M LL1 i CLAIt L t the Mr�
dist parsonage, Corinth, on July
4th, y,,Jlev. A. E. Lloyd, Mag- I
igie, ,daughter of Mr. W. Clark of
the Babylon Line, .Stanley, to
lieu. A.,13. Miller, formerly of
Summer: Goo .d. s
n, h •
w s Vests
Me good quality,
Summer Vests,.g n a -
gua r
teed fast .color.. ', correct
style,, just the 'thing for
summer wear,. regular
$ r. 5o,clearing at
each. $1.00
1.7.5 Ve ts''
for 1.25.•
Men's .extra, ; ualit'
wash vests; colors • :uar
ariteed, cut in correct
• styles, regular $1.75.--
1 75.--8 or 9 to' ,sell 'at :: 2
Boy's •
Wash Snits $1
Boy's wash Suits, fast
Colors, sailor collars,
plain( linen or small stri-
pes,. will wear 'well, .re-
gular $ t.5o. Clear-
ing at each .....,,,,,.. 4�'',
Boy's B1O:uses`
IIoy's fancy blouses,
teat, small stripes in
blues,reds,&c. Spe-
cial at ...:............ (1.14
Boy's Stockings
2 pair for 25c
Boys heavy cotton hose
ribbed, double knee and
seamless feet, all sizes,
.regular 2oc; a special
bargain at, two forpair-. ...... .. . .r . ,..r...
Dodger's Bros.