HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-13, Page 2est.J1' ▪ > eeee,_ Dirty woodwork or any other park . of the*house that requires cleaning Can, best be cleaned by using UNLIGHT 0 It will' remove every 'particle of bright and cheery. Absolutely markable cleansing power. ASK FOR THE SunliglAt Soap washes Me clailffs LEVER BROTHERS dirt and • make the whole. house pure, an every bar possesses re-. • ocT'ApoN BAR, Otte and .roon't injure the • hands. LIMITED, TORONTO. xa 1 ays Fresh • OUR nom( OF 'DRUGS ETC. WILL ALWAYS • BE FOUND FRE,SH AND UP- TO-DATE IN EVERY 'BR- ANCH, AND WE INVITE YOU TO GIVE US A CALL IF YOU WISII TO PROCURE ANYTHING 1.I-SUALLY FO- UND IN A FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. • 6 • I I „ The News of Goderich. lti the Cliutoit Novipottstotiti Ixteeetkeopeesee-eee Re.lfse141.0.14"4"ereCt.deteefttfAXIWS I 0) Intes-glefee A.Sklitning4 Corespondent cii,C&F,$(..a("XiXt.)000 OY.;;;WOOFOKXKii: 'atiC01.41XKI• • • Nrs. qolin Campbell returned front Miss 'Mabel Thompson was much her trip through Eastern iietatio and impressed by the natural beauty of found the Woman's Institutes n ot Wieeton and the delightful heating on successfully carried on. i Colpoy's Bay. Mrs. 'netIty at 11:U1140;t1),:1a. m; Miss " Florence Vraser retuned on spend the season at.theresidence. of Saturday from her two weeksOM „ ;• her cousin, Mrs. Jote. little, at lL Detroit", "W11tQWda1e 1 ML and Mrs, Benjamin Faust and Modames George Bissett and .Tolin their Sea, Louis, were the -guests Rob ertson, spent The relay a, t, (At vie. last • week of Mrs.'P. Lynn. . paetiton. Miss ChriStian "Rea of Walton; , and Mr. Barry'S 'house will .ficiori 'he her mother, Mrs. Small of Torontee ready for occupancy. He has put • . a bath-roCan service luta it, • • Mr. Harry Wells, •Who had been in- disposed . for • some weeks • at his home, has so tar recruited lis stren- gth that he has accepted a position in Detroit. • 0 1,, • Mrs. Mary Morris has had • her ..rooms • in the. ,Bedford block ell new- ly papered and will soon he riipar- ed lo reee.ive• her friends. At present she is at the residence' of Mrs.W. T. Heys. ' . Weare sorry to learn that Mrs. John Macdonatd has been a .ereet sufferer from asthma ler the past •year... • Mrs.; Campbell,. who took HI with typhoid after removing into the nes! house built by Noble Smith, is pro- gressing most. favorably, . "Mr. Bruce hasgesoliee launch so with thee Shamrock, Captain. Law - son's . yacht, -some of our citizens will enjoy the pleasure of •a sail this. season. • Mr. john traiton, static* master, has *rented , the cottage lately occu- pied. by . Mrs. Durkee her son 'mine promoted to. anther ' station, . Miss 'Wfabel Johns,on . and her Fro - thee, Allister. Harold, of Wiertetleare. the guests Of their •aunt, Miss John- son.. ,- Miss Allan and her .brOthers• have re:ter:nett to, their residence on . Cam- eron: street; . Col, Young is. building a residence �n Cameron street.' • Miss Isa Nevin is head milliner for her uncle, -Mr. Elliott, of Dungannon. Mr: W..Plett has rented the resi- .denee occupird by the late Mrs. VanTilvery, '". • . • Sing. Lee 'bade. his neighbors good .bye. mt. Monday and geld. out . his :Weet street: laundry busie.ss to Sortie Other •.Chinaman. . ." -.Mr:. 'Joseph ;Whitely'S new residen- . ce is. -0,Imose reade for ocetipancy. S •Mr.. Robert Joneshas been in •Ter- • On to for some. •weeks 'engaged on - 000 • Hicks' Forecasts for Jidy... At the reactionary stoenr peried central on the 7th, 8th and 9th, there • is great probability that we Will in- ter., upon. a 'period el Prolonged. die- tkrIbanr..e. This is indicated by the extended Vulcan brace, - blended With •theee, of Alercerf and Mars; in. .th." • storm •diagram. After .htor,ms on the • 7,th. and 8th and Sile. chane to opal - Mir weather may result, but 'the eliancea are good that coritinued Clou- dy and ehreateeing conditions -will prevail until • We enter the regular Vulcan etorm period 'which -is ental on the 14the . Normally this. period would extend from:about,. the 12th to •the 16th, but meter :the combined in- • fluences of Mars and Mercury : Hese normal limits wilL inceit likely be overlealied, .Du.ring all this time, •iir•, eectiOes, •whet° storms and rains do not detain* the w.eather,seetalud heat and burifill::'dryncsg will be peo- longed. A crisis' et storm and ab- normal Weathee will be eNnericneed about the 14th to '101.4 inclueive,LL • ter which rising berotneter and eh:lie- ge :to cooler will 0,111:0 to • 1.110Eit, • ' pi- CHEM!S'f AND DRUGGIST. C)0AL LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NOW , FOR YOUR SEASON'S SUP- PLY' OF COAL. WE` CARRY - ONLY THE VERY BEST GRA- DES Wk11CR WILL BE SOLD • AT THE LOWEST. POSSIBLE PRICE • ORDERS MAY, BE -LEFT. AT • DAVIS & ROWLAND'S- HARD- WARE STORE OR 'Wink " W. J. Stevenson. •••••••••••iewb•••• 34*. • * • A FAMOUS SCHOuL •' • "' • )42)C, „PITRAL • STRATFORD. 'ONT. • • • This is the mast successful • • Commercial and Shorthand • School • in Western Ontario. • • The courses are upetto-date and. • practical and teaching is done. • • by experienced instructors. Du- • • ring the past scheol year We • • have had 'many more appliea• - • Hops from leading business hole. • • so • thah we had • students • • graduating. Write for our free • • catalogue. . •• • • Elliott & McLachlan' • • • principa'l..• • • 1.410• ••••••••••••••••••••*,' ERMe 3R01.:1V-sAy'st-Twea 70 SUMMER and TOURIST- ItESORrs 110111.116111.111.10. MUS1Crika Lakes Temagaini Lake of Bays MitgeetaWan fliyer Georgian Bay HaWarthe Lakee Upper Lekes Thotteand Islands Quebec, Portland 'feed Old Orchard, Me., White Mountains -All reached via the GraterTrunk Railway the "Tourist Route of America." . Direct connection with all beat lines. Tour- ist tickets bt sale daily to all re- sorts. tiomm stu.lxons tzetinstoN .--$39.00 to $40.50 To poirits in Mitnitolla, Assintboia,, SaskateheWan, • Alberta. „Good going .Ittly 15th, returning unttl August 16. For tiekets, illustrated literature and full •inforrnation call en agents, A. 0. PattCson, Station Agent.' P. R. 'tokens, Town Aont.'• , Mittedietteld, DiStriet Agt,, Torodto. AP -O - REN -0 " IT EV4PORATES,, ""Daln-inflalloniTgacd14iza • The Wonderful .Cleaner . •Wiil save the thrifty housewife • many useful dollars, cleans mars - est or finest of fabrics, oarpets or • silk waists beyond belief, DUST OntirOlY removed. • GERMS absolutely destroyed COLORS restored liko uew. SIZING renewed in carpets • ALL IN A FEW MOMENTB FOR A FEW CENTS '. And s. child can do it With SAP -O -RE N-0 • Get teat your grocer's. • The H'udFrnan & Teeter Oo,. • Toronto - Binder Twine . • .. Red, cap.-600ft to the pound Deering--650ft to the pound 1 1ittve a large stock on band and my prices are the. best; J. A. Ford. COAL are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Small of Albert street. • • Miss • 'WllletacJeof aitieelniCiMae t°n'satccifil71.4 ied1 O'Neil, spent a day ier Goderielt last week. •' ' Mr. George Porter returned float Clifton Springs, New York, last week end is • now ableto walk to his store with the aid of crutches, Master Ray . • Rurnball ; of • Cl- inton spent a very pleas- ant holiday here with his uncle, Mr, 4 • 1eNews-Record Stwares..rd will be seat • to any address until the end of thetyear for the -small sum of 25 °cuts, • The. fishermen at the Ducks were loyal to Dominion Day, the tug Min - hie A. Clark bringing them home for that day. • • • The Misses F. M. Watson, Tessie ,Jenkins and B. McRae of Clinton N I - sited Goderieh friends last week. Stewart Lane, barrister, St.Cailler- Ina; visited. his percale Mr. and Mrs; W. Lane, last week. • Mrs, •J. Lockhart Stark is the guest of her •parents and ' will •spend • a couple of Mouths with them et "The Aberdeen." , •• . Mrs. (Dr.) 'Wilson of London, fam- ily and nurse, are at the Aberdeen. M. •Wilson is the proud mother of littte •twin baby daughters, as . beate tifid as they are small,• ' Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Clunis and -Mise Mary are the guests this week. • of Mrs. Percival E. Bell.• ••• Mi. and Mrs., II. Clecas came • up • from Toronto. with the Old Boys. • Mrs. Chicete arel Mrs..Rattenbur,v,her eister; took passage in Sunday even - lug for- Sault Ste. Maxie -Where they will 'be the, guests of t•heir lereelfer,Alr. EdeLoan •. Mesdames Griggs Of • Timone° •and Burgos Of IVIimico w,ere the gueses cn, 'Saturday, Sunday autlaMendler. • their twice, 'Ctrs. John Gefilteme. Mrs. Burgess visited Goderich about 36 years ago and wieethen. the'guest Of fitting out a, yacht. • her sister, Mts Caulp, now of • Mona Me: id Mrs. Clraig of London and treale • • Miss ;Emma Bell were the guests on , Miss Purcell of t.1Cr1coc is the:a:bast. Dominion Day of ,Mr. and Mts D..1 of her sister; Ales; Waterworn. .. • Bell. •• Ooderich, The mea whu eat the grass or, the streets ought, to have the town, lecli them in sharp ecylWs as . they leave as much long grass. standing as they out. Miss Chrystal of Loudon spent DoMittiou Day tn. town the guest 'of her graehmother,' Mrs. Leeds Ell- iott. Miss May Elliott, who sent . bet .Vaeation With Mrs, Lewis Elliott,. left for her new posit:het in Toronto on Monday. Miss Elliott' is tojhe eongratulat•ed "'Oen • her ealary,, it having readied. the .$1000 mark. Mrs„, Edward' Shannon and her dau- ghter, Miss Carrie -Shannon, et Me.. .1.131Ven, 'Mune will spend the , summer here as heretofore,. the" !Nests of Mtge Symons. • • • • MIAs Rebeitsoa. of • nolland, Man.,. spent last week in, Clinton with tele- tives, Her cousin, -Mrs. .14erizies; and little .datlAtee Nette,- spent last Nvenll the guests' of MO. L. Elliott ' mr.' Belcher was able to walk -up. to the eieeare last Thursday. • On • the anniversary of" Mr; James Miller's :birthday, Welt fell on ' the 20th - ult.; :she was 'delighted to re- ceive from • her son, Joseph, a. lovely large cushion made by the Indians. at 'Revelstoke, B. 0., of ,deer skin with at, wreath etepleleaves peinted . • in • the centre.': ••. • - • . On the. 8rd inst. Mr. and Mrs. Alex... Kirithricie -celebrated the 54th annieersery of their wedding •day.. 'Athert Capstiek and her dau- ghter, :little Miss „Ade,were guests the..past week of Mrs. _Henry Thome pson. • • ' . • Mt. George Johnston ,has..been the past two. weeks, tie geest of relativ7 es let 'Quebec city. a • , Me...Johe•PaYne.:eieddattghter, Mise •Alaud, -of Toronto, 1\vere witile l'ere • thaguests of Mr, Payne's "siseer,Mrs. 'Eliza Blaek. • , .The W.. I. met. last -week at : Mrs. D. Can,telon's; Theroll. of 133 mem- bers was Celled. Mts. Gundry gave a, fine ..recipe , for making coffee. blies, which le as follows : 'Scald Upint of milk, • when nearly cold mix in .1 sablesPoonful butter, *..eup white su7 gar, :Sufficient •(lout' to make a' thin batter. Dissolve. I yeast (Ake in •vea,- nu water and let all .stand in mitt place for 10 hours. Thea, mix • dough 'lightly, adding 'e dessert spoonful . of 'salt to ehe. float. :Make into buns and bake for an hour. Mrs: Gundry - also gave ,a Ice-Otte:for. ".Raisin : 1 cult. apples (a good large Om), 1 soiled raieies, 1: cup boiling water; 1 cep sear, juice.of one lemon, thicken • with ',yolks' of two eggs. After t peste• is baked in den tutu mit the ',raisin mixture; add well beaten Whites . and Sugar. 1VIrs.. Joseph'.Saftel,d read e very Perfect essay :on all points :111 (Aniline and presetving.. One point we remember ,well, is to buy new nth - here for the sealers every season , and eterilize the sealers well. •"Mrs. Horneyhath the follovvieg lisi of visitors last week:: Mr. Tom Hoe- ney nit Mrs. Woodart of .Beampton, also• Mrs, Horney's eldest daughter, Mrs, E..: Albec Bisbee and little daughter, Maryof Toronto, Mrs. Mc7 Phers:Et and two ehildren; Alma and Freddie, Mes lIewy Horney and dau- ghter, Mrs. John McDonald and little • Miss -Olive McDonald, Miss Ada "Tor- ney and Miss Fish all Exeter Teta- • tiveS, save Miss Fish, . and Mr. and Mee; Horeey ot Stanley etr.edt. Master, Melville Illeyeas, youngest son ofMrs W. A. Rhynes, hi one of the staff of clerks in, the Tradere' Bank at Owen Sound., . • Miss Jessie Murray _of Stratford is spending the eeason the guest of her sister, Mrs: Sna,zei., Airs. Sue.741 Sp -1 ent one daY :last • 1;yeek. With friends at S 1 . ' ' Mr. iltigh MeMath of Toronto' and little nephew; Brogden fer- mi:1y of town, came up ,with,, the Old Boys' exeursioa.. , Mr, Alex. Naysteith ot TerOutte • came up to visit his father, , Mr. Naysmith tt Mes. L 0, Hee- r won's. •• ' • Mr, and Mrs. • Denison of Bothwell, who • were the guests of thuir dangb- ter, Alta. A.. Moore, .for some lime, refereed to their home test wiek. „ . , . STRATEORI> IIERAL.D'SeSPICOND • 1.905 3 --DAY EXC1RSION TO • arnia &Detroit SATURDAY TO. -MONDAY July 22..to 24. , A, epecial Grand -Trunk train lim- ning' an eime schedule e as below,: will leaveClietele at 4.45a. me.. Satur-. day; -.'.•July -22, .running via :Stratford ied • calling it all lettirmediate eta:- elemas far is Grantee; arriving . at ' eARN1A • Town Station at 8.30 a.:m. 'rickets are good to return, on any regular •trair. up to the special leaving Sar- nia Town Station at 6.3d p.m., • Mon - .(141.y, 24th, for Stratford • --7TilieFl TABLE AND July 22 a.m. Clinton 435 Seater th 5.00 5,15 Mitchell • 5,25 Sebringvilie 5.40 •.Stratford 6,00.. St. Paul • 6.68 St: Marys Jet, •;, Grantee • •6,35 Arrive Sareia Town 8.30 THE MOST' CHARMING • TRIP IN THE •WORLD SARNIA TO DETROIT and Clinton. FARES -- Adult Child $L65 • .85 1.55• .80 •.1.35" - .70 1.35 • .70 1,25 • .65 • L25 .65 1,20 • .60 1.20 .60 1.15 ".60 •• SA.TURD A Y, JIJLY 22n.d• to 241h, •'Pim. Stratford Herald haS arranged to conduct another excursion • front Sarnia to Detroit enthe above' date. The • City of Toledo', of. the • White Slat Lite,. will leave Sarnia, Wharf at 8.30 a. ni„ Saturday, July 22nd, • • iiiimediatey on arrival of the -Herald eXeersion trait. and; will make a• fast , .rtin to Detroit, arritiegethere sheet- ly after • noon.• • • BOAT TICKETS., 75c• • ' • CHILDREN, 40c,' whieh may be proeured, from Herald • representatives • enroute to • SaAlii-a.• Ticket; are good fo return • by any • of the White Stet steainers wit hi n the three days, titi to the afternoon of Monday, 244.h, 'when th-e Toleilo leaves for Sarnia t 3.30 o'clock, '• Canadian time,. • reaching .Sarnia wharf at. 9.05 '1 have phrehased the coal' business formerly carried on by Harland 13rose, bet • lately by Mr. Donald MeCorvie, and am prepared to receive orders for all sizes of opal, Grate, Egg, Stove, Nut and Soft; and solicit your pat- ronage. Ordera left at my office near the coal sheds Or at Harland tiros, hardware store will receive prompt attention. -William Downs. • 70 CACAO® _ • v4:11.,,4ts1frfrrt,!,to,.. • 1504OG ^ PROP. S. L TAUBE • and , • M. S. TAUBE . Manufacturing Optician and Eyes;ght Doctor, of Optometry and Specialist of Toronto Neurology • • " Will be at NoRmAkDie HOTEL, CLINTON-- & S.A.TITY_RIDA:ar., °"tiire.A.ox, 1151 And will xamine Eyes and fit glasses to all sights. No matter what is wrong witht your eyes, or whom you have consulted before, if you are not satisfied or pettedly fitted it will be to your interest to consult us Ds we guarantee: satisfaction. prente Addrnat l Bank of liamiitoo Block. Long Distance Phone main 142150 OO 406o .CEOLERA ,IINF AN TUN', CIIILD NOT EXPECTED TO LIVE • FROM ONR*HOUR TO ANOTIFER BUT • CURED ,BY • IN'S k*OLICI; ••CHOLER4 AND • DIAEEIIGEA REMEDY. • 4.1466,6,6= Ruth, the little daughter •of E. N. _ Dewey of Agnewville, Va., • was seri- misty ill • of cholera infautum • last. tummer. " We gave her up and did not . expect her to live from one lime 'to another," he says. "1 hap - pelted to thfnk of Chareberlein's a01- ic, Cholera and • Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it front the ttore Ih five•hours I saw a chenge for the better.• We kept on giving it And be- fore Shehad taken the half 'of •one sniall bottle she Was This remedy is fer Sate by II. B. Combe. July leth 100,1 s niatiSin You 10.Rlien 1 wilitch Oho a• Boxeyo nein The laws of Canada provide among other things, what the 'Size a a ftuit box or basket shall be. The,Dorain:. ion Department ‘,4 Agridulture • hue been inetreeted to•tee that the, 14,w is carried out."' In order to protect the public, and those box and bask- et manufacturers who are now (ma- nly* with the l'aw, Mb Minister of Agriculture directs that steps. shell be taken to -have the law 'enforced. Box ot basket manufacturers will please accept this ware'rei• and be guided accordingly., • The Dominion fruit • .inspectore well be instructed to Watch fer • eio- laelona • but ,any person mayelay an information against these Who fail to carry out the • previsions of the 'Act. These are : • . • "Every box of cherries or currauts offered for sale, • and ,every berry box manufaetured . and.offered. • for sale. in Cetrada shall be plainly mar- leet etn'the side' of the box, in black letters, at least. half an inch square, with the Word "short," unless it contains When level -full •as nearly exactly.as. practicable, at least four fifths of a quert,. or two-fdths of a quart, • . "Every,. basket of fruit • offered for • sale in Canada, unless stampiel on the side -plainly in bfack letters • at lost three quarters of an inch deep and. wide with the word "quart" in full, preceded with the mininiten number of quarts, otnitting fractions which the basket Will 'hold when level -full, shall 'Contain when level7 full, one or. 'other of the following 'quantities': Fifteen .quarts, .or more. than eleven quarts, and be flee • and three-Oat:ter inches deep, perpendic- ularly, inside measurement,' as • near:- ly exactly as practicable; six en(i twe-thirde quarts, and be four and, ‘`e eigh t s inebes deep, perpendicular- ly, • inside measurement, • ae nearly! exactly as '..practicable.; • or • two. and two-fifths quarts, as nearly ex- .The News-Moor:it gives the local act v •as ,prtaatieajble. . "Any person who neglects .to .cont- plv. meth any provision of this see - tion, end any person whot sells or ofe fete for sale any trait or berry boxes in contravention ot this - section., shall he - liable. on eunenary . convic- tion, to • a' fee not less than tvienty- fisciv.ledc yrt,eottfeerteef.ralcolit .eir :box. so • , poderieh. Mrs. e SinmsOn. • (rice • Miss - ller 111 t Baler -Cit .Wiatten is the guest of her sister, :MO.:Bair- • Atter being an Invalid 'for several years the tete .Mis Donald Fraser :(nee.. MISS:M. le Wallis) . eaTeerr to her eternal twine. on 3rd July, sure • roun•ded by her .daughters: Who. have carefully and 'lovingly ettenilid ter for seieral years.. The pon. trent • which he eoffered- Ccas of .a iteurale gie .natitte, iwith which our physici, ans .failed to eepe,, sate: for, . shert periods, 'hut 'through all •for years she • bore up patiently and will -ever be: reniembered.' 'foe her deeds :of dimity and general „kindness. to all. eAirs. • Fraser :Was .,. born in Lincolnshire, • Englasid, in. 1821, and was the tlakt7 ghtet of Mr Jaalos::willis,. who -with: his famuly arrived ire New 'yak in: -1883: :• Ir, .1834 they eettled inHuron ceunty, chocIsing the farinieg ;country on Lake Huron for their eiente, . Bay, :fide being their, nearest .town e In 1850 Miss 'Wallis' inaerhel the late Donald Fraser and With him settled tipon. a farm alwaysknowne as . the :Fraeer farm hear .:Baktreld. Later they rethoyed to Bayfield, Coining to G.O:detieh soon altet In 180 Mr. 'Preset while on a visit to hus oid: tionie• in. Nova Scotia died, 'and 'Fraser :gave *herself up to _•the educe- tIng 01 herefantilye only two of whom survive her, the 1Vlisstee Margaret and • Caroline, young ladies who are )(nowt: workere.. Sunday' •school, • Ladies' Aid and Foreign AlisSioa. wo- rk Connected with. Xnox ohureir, • of whiele • their . !tercets Were devoted ineParbers. .14Its. Fraseris the ' • filet 'et her Pareetff'. Welly . of six .Ohildreir to. pass .away, the others •beitrg • Mr, ot town, :James on the beinestead,. Mrs. •Mackenzie , Giiderich • township, Mrs. Jones., ' .61 Baltimore and. Mrs. lades Berke of Smith, Miele All the • le town and .township attended- the fun - peal. , The casket was covered ' with .lovely floral tribitt'es., tinmeg • them 'being e large handsome pillow tri- bute .of the' family, and a large cas- ket • boquet of while carnations, tri'• htite from the W. th T. O., and a lov- ely boquet tho W, U: sent •11.e.r on the •Sunday byline> her death. Rev, James Anderson, offiCiated • at residence and 'Maitland cemetery. The pallbearers. Were W. R. • Robertson, Alex. Saunders, W: A. Harrison (Le- eknow), D, Stoddart, James •Rober t - Sint ..a.hd W. Cox. Much Synapethy is felt for the Misses Fraser in the loss. of their esteemed mother. Quite a number of carriages from BayfitNI di respect to the late Mo. • Donate procession, showing theie last, trilruto arourta18,;ie. y joint <1. • ,in, ft,ttte.ral • • Mrs. Hardy St, left this week for the London hospital t� have her eee operated on for catar•a•ct, Aliss Clara Laween 'Atiatirft • ifs the guest of Mrs, 'Robert Jones. - Mr, and Mrs: James Carroll. of London were the guests flret weak jr. July of Mr, . Carroll's sister, Mrs. Ilertly St. , Mrs. Otindry Sr. returned from a pleasant • trip last week accompanied by her- sister, Mr. Ruby of :Muni - peg. While Mrs. Gundry was .'away she visited the Woinatt's Institute meeting8 at Port Elgin, StoutIville antly Uxbridge and feels content that tho Wet . Mutton Woman's' Institute is fur ahead in nUIflbCL'Sr of any of thetre When you waht a pleasant laxative that la easy to take and 'certain to eet, use Chamberlain's Stomach mid Liver Wets. Por sate bt Combo, Is one of the constitutional diseases. It manifests itself In local aches and pains, - inflamed joints and stiff muscles; --hut it cannot be cured by local applications. It remdres constitutional treatment acting through, the blood, and the best Is a course of the great medicine HootsSarsaparilla 'whic.h ha permanently cured thousands of case. For tistitnonlolo 0 romarltabIe cores ' lend for Book on Itheunnitinn. No. F. C. I. Hood CO4 1,00/On. Mao. Goderich., Mr. Joseph Mill-er 'Is now, in. Cal - PAT. • . Ale. and Mrs. W. -Deidrich returited front their wedding trip on • Settle:, day. •• ' 'Miss Alackeezie of Bayfield . is the .guest of her •relatives, the Fraser. •• . •• • • ' .•• • •• Miss Verner of Steatford ' is • • the gueet , of her time, Mrs. J. O.' I tar - risen, • Mrs. . Snell , of Chicago an(' little ehild are the guests "of her parente, Aer,• and Mrs. R. Thompson. ;Miss Olive Turner is the geeet. , of Mr's. D. Oantelon. Her brother, wit Harold' Turner of Seat -Ste. Maria is also visiting Goderich friends, Mr. II:arry Cull of Toronto wore . the Wee fbadge of the "Goderieh Old Boys" on. Saturday ' and spent. that .day and .Sunday at the residence of • his. father, Professor Cuff. • ' • ONE • E'NTS TEN' DOLLARS:EARNED. The eterage man does not.save to exeeed ten per etet of his carnim;s. Ile must spcnd' ol lar's 1n livine expenses for every. dollar'. Save:d, Tha,t being the ca,se he cannot: be too Care- ful uneeesea,ry expenses. Very often a few cents properly ineeefed', kAying .eeeds tor his ,gardee, Will ,..sive sale by II: Combo. bottle. nf en. the house 'Often saves e • . edy.- It costs but a few ernes,. and -a, doctor's. bill of several 'dollars. For the satne' in buying Chamberlain's (letleia and Diarrhoea Rem- seeeral .dollar$ outlay later Goderich, tiewe, 1 CROUP ABSOLUTELY CURiED, , . "There is •no remedy' In my anieloll • that can, act more promptly than Dr. Chas's Syrup of - Linseeti end Tur-, pentina. It cured reY• son of • croup; .absolutely in one r4lit.' • We gave hint a dose when he. was black in the tam> .with choking.: It give hint instant relict •and. cure:11-741r. :Wm. A1,41ee,'40 Wright Ave, Totemto, Ont. Rev.. AO. Godwin of Exeter is 'spending -S. few days tie towt. Be • -m taking a couple of inentha' rist, ' 'Me.. Lorne Chrystal, who went . to ,the Nor thWest'for his health, is novl on the 0.P. R. Telegraph staff, 'pith- .: big . up the •electricwires, eta, . et Aleosejaw. Miss Florence Fraser • retti irked on Thursday last from a visit • 'to fri,- ends in Detroit: ' Mr. :Reed of Sault Ste. Marie is the guest of his sister,„Mrs. 05--- wald:Sturdy • „ . 4 The Nathan Navigation Co PU14.14 .S;t5MMER 13ll,710,1!; NOW IN IWFIWT. ,f,ake.•.",,S1f.iperior . • . ' Mendey, • Wedeesda,y and • Friday 3.30 .p ni leave Sarnia, for Soo aed Port Arthur, et.e.aenete:theott-'' gh to pouth. . Pare)" 'Sound Divisiote- . • Every *week daY leeve Penetaitg • at . .2.45 p. tor Parry. Sotted. . . . Georgian Bay Divisheit-e • Tuesday, Thursday and' • Saturday leave Ceiling -weed 1 dO p. Owen :Sound 11 ra...for 'Spelt . and wey )orts. Trine: to, 'AlackMap egin July ist, North Shore: Division - Monday , and Friday leaNe:Vollinge. Woad -10.:30 .p. ne.,for Rpm' F le1 aud French River. • , •• „Tickets and 'intern...m.1;1bn at all' elr'7, and Trunk and C.P.R. tiokot •O ••• • 'Hell. Gildersleeve, Mgr,.; . • Collin wbad, . . 0. IL••Nieholson, •Traffie Mgi • t. • s 11. (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) as Made Him a geitrong, Healthy Man -Has Brought Him- From a Bed of Lingering Illness Where Heliovered Be- tween Life and Death. The cause of abnost every organic disease is traeed to a weak throat or affected lungs. The lungs being the prim- ary organs in circulation of the blood, if they become diseased the bleed takes on impurities Which are delivered to every part of the 'body. You 'say you are RUN DOWN, • have STOMACH TROUBLE, KIDNEY TROUBLE, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH, OBSTINATE CoUdtIS OR COLDS, LOSS OF FLESH, NIGHT SWEATS, CHILLS, AND FEVER. All of the above are the outcome of diseased lungs and are the allies, of CONSUMPTION, LUNGS MADE STRONG WITH PSYONINE REMAIN STRONG MOTORMAN WAtnitN, to be seen any day on it Broadview Ave. car, Teronto. Cured with Ptyalin° sbt year ago, hie •"httig trouble has not returned, Motorman Walden'. Story ofHte IIIneee and animal:quota Recovery Through Wang Poychina. ear. Walden siva "Alvin six Years ago I was taken down with is. grippe, then pneumonia. and :typhoid fever,. inducing , serious lungerouble, which soon developed • into consumption. I bean. serious trial of it, and was under treatment by several pbysidans of Toronto. The disease . gained such headway that hospital treat- • ment was resorted to, but gave me no hope of recovery. I also spent some time in the Convalescent Home, but the diaease re, turned with increased severity, and I WAN regarded as it hopeless case. I, left the city for the country under the belief that it would renew my strength and make me well. Oa parting with my brother he sdid afterward that "he never expected to see tee alive again.* While out of the city I began using Psychine, and 1 am proud to say, it has been a blessing to ate. j Was enabled to return home altar using it for a short time, and continued the treatment until several bottles had bean used and was able 1.0 ge about. When 1 began the ' remedy my 'weight had bean reduced to 140 pounds -now I weigh fully MO pounds. Psyh aoncoti nkeis a n 0witon ivsmdeedefttic6.1 erstho-pperrto that Psychine, and nothing else, has re- stored me to health. Those who know me are aware of what my condition was and the hopelessness of my case. There is no medicine le the world like Psychine for •I)IttEngA.rotrou:Amle, d I am sure if it had not been for it I WOULD NAVE PEEN A A. WALDEN, I Cornwall St., Toronto. TRIAL 130TTLE FREE (Pilychlrts Is oronounooct 61.1adin) Poe sale by all druggists at' $1.00 par bottle, For Further advice And lnfornia. don write or call at Dr. Slocum, Liniltodo 170 king Street WestToronto. Can.