HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-06, Page 8- - . ..... ..... _-1___-1-_--__ --�-"�,---"-"�-.11�'ll"�--.��''I"-�..�� __ . _______­ - � -1-1 -_­..­_�, , �___ __ ,T ___ . , , ,­�, I " ­ - ll' � � . I I ­ -­ I ... ... ­ , , . . . "I , . ,,_,,,. M9, ­_­__.­,­. � � � 1% I ,, � 1% � 0 I . . � . . . � I . . . . P I 1� . 6 �?0011111111 0 . A - Q I . : (1) � ,�.� � ,;�! I I I I I I � i . My 6th, 1905 . . , I I The MU0,01,^� N# . � � � . ­ ­ ­_� ----.--.- I - -, , . _­­__­_­­_­. ­­ VA;~ - 41- "W"*01101W 16104MV200"" I i - . -.- , I 11 ­�i ! .";,�.,$�i!�"i�!!!''-...-=---,-.-"�.,--�. ----- � . . . . . --------. ­.­_­­,:­­ _ _'.._ __ . I ­­__­ -1 1. ­ ­___ - ­ __ ____ I _�: 1.1-14.�t�'l.;��,--,;;-��----���-�Z.-.7-,---.--,,.- .1 .... .. __ - ­­­ ­­ � " ____ -,-,--V,--- ____ I � . _ -,- , ,�;: +, __ __ . - , . __.____­___ - - _.� . -1. 11 .- . . le�i I - R 1, . 00 I i .V_­� - -1 � -_11 ,_ .1 I ­ - � I � # eare4, vague, ulli(I . ellned . I .- I 'ibroAt 0"04 Vayshlil 0 i I . 11 I PP I tn a mos, 11 I7 aswas her faafilou. the Scarf abotit her , . - 4� *11' shoulders just stirriug frou). the effects I G. D. MeTaggart . �sorf# 40. Co. I.. 1. I - - . . I I . - of uutertaluty. . I "' " 1-7 -UA.Ub�a -kar. - I - . - J , I "I . t , , t ousio op Ia 11 . . . 11011,11 excialmid, Louise, strlvlul� -to OfAlke dariva and her lips parted to 110'r I " burried bq-athillm I k1* . e. _ 1pno .ntlooptic Twbloto . th I 0% ho la VI WI) frang encoullual and Woe- I I P ^ � Ing on the king, as the people, J ��NKER � peao�Uate the U101W, eturiousrl I ey vombillo tile gicml;IdatVAI1A99fCt0*Ic0qV�4b A -M "They have Wiled Ulm!" said Jacque. "UOW did yoll- like tile vewmolly�,, V Pro i 01M 004 114;4.FAM - � . Soo PoW00 Ot flippory ��� ­� I.... . that night crowded * the reat - *Q luh".],�. � "Ancl did 'you KING BUSI- 1 AQQ. All alf"4404.14 � ... .. � .. . line, at -the same, time Staring toward courtyard around the great to- 'Ilho ask.d ( I I I I ... . r I- t1lother part of the, field. I Im , .11 elle Wont oil, w1thnat wit'.tAng .11.41 1, I .. ow . I I � I .� .;� i �!_!v rn -, ==_ ..­­ __ . - - .. . � . . . - , �_ , - �_! 11 e -'.� 4 e- ` _­ : � � . � . . .� R 41'alle(I him? Nyllav,­ began the I)Jes set In the open.air and groaning 14e #arlt lo6k lit fita (-.pa Or ImiltIng I � . . I 9 .1 I NESS THANSACT1,1t). , - NOTES ..#.4..�,..#..#...,#,...#, , � ''I 0 I . - I ... I . . princess, now t9o* with excitement, boxilevith vlands nutrltlou6 and succu- I Ills response, "tho lance"turrod upon . . . .04. . .01* I I.. I.q,.f . . I � . 1. "N lent. What 0wollu ,or yokel bad not a ay a ' ti�)t a liveapon of cour- I . � ; o; he has wou,"'44ded the maid In. you tod, . w� 3 DISCOuNTE'D. DRAF,rS ISSI,'Ei). ..-. 81 -,'ND Till-', NJ,,'WS-RI-,'V- - 4, I ! '�'.� : I I ;am- I , i the next breath as u. portion of the ob. wood of praise for the aouarch when. tes'Y'r " . - / . . , I , , I i � � , . . . I - be behold this ' burden of good clipir "You mean it irn-i dIrpetel by Inten.; . . � � , R � , _ , 1 .-4. ORD TO YOUR 130Y IN -*,P i ^011�i� . . . scurlog mantle was Swept aside, . . . , ,4- THE WEST. TW "LVJ,., 41f ::: _ I .. . . and at the end of each board, elevated, . - . , . ,_ I L i . I . . � -V � 1, I ­ "Of course! Where are yo r eyes?" � tloa?�, lie unted In'1111'erellfly. . I INTFREST ALLOWED ON DE I ' . I . . ---,... u a little and garlanolool with rosee, It ro- a ". 01 . e. MONTHS FOR ONE DOb- 44, ; V:W,­=M;=.q .. I I ­ . I ,rejoined her Mistress triumphantly. , " i 1,!:I- ;171�.,Avereql. � . C 11 . . . . I., � . I , � Is tatiol and portly cask of wine, with a. "' al', . I -.-, LAR, POSTAGN PAID. ,PP.# ' . I . "The ,duke Is one, Q; the emperor � I -�_ 1�1.tc!1(11-1� [..,.(] 1,ov,l roui6ve(i I I., I I mewltt�illat POSITS. .­ .. I I ... I .. .... 1. . ... .. I 0 41. , I " ." . I . . . ,. greatest knights.,* - spigot projecting bospl�ably tableward? Rd t e point left 1;'we.11 , . � . . , I 4. I'll, .. ".- . . . I ., � . _ . I � I 4 . . . ,., I -Within the kwg�fvp;14�lton the specta- 4 . ., . . I . . � I. ­­.... I 1-1 i -0 __­ � .__ -7 ; 7;1, � ­ - � ' " I "I'll.tuls came, madam, it Is but nato. * i(TO 13B COINTINI_1:1).) . I I 'T C"*INTON- ! . . . I cle alluded to regretfully by the Stri, . . . I I � . ALBERT ,STREE I L . I ral your eight should be better than my , . , � .. ­ , . . 0 1gloryl chivalry but fights for �- loyol All eyes were no* beat to the arena, and, indifferently by tile Ulan was at - I . I . I own," half mockingl3i returned, tile I I ­­ - . . . . that moment being enacted., Upon a '. . . - . - , � . -.--- The News-Recoi-d gives the local X,00k down, fair Vqslll a peroration where,- on a powerful nag, oat perched, maid, I I . news. Willett Was Ilusivered With lrlau�, pieces tile rotssb4p, j I eater, With whip � , I throne of hortor tile lady of tue to*urAA_ .. I . . � . . � . . I . . . on . . 1 44- ­ And 'in 'truth . the prIncesa was right, at " . W V ED , T E N L I I VE$. ' DO N, P', I galleries' above awl I Spur be ftli, vehemently plying a horse for the king's guest, tb . me , attended by two.: mal4s, looked � � ... . I . . W. BRY .- - of silver from the . that 9 , tubboraly stood as M, I 6tI0uI0s$ 4% wilefuling strength rough. over, down on a. brilliant asseiribl4go, thro4h I which the gorgeously 4ressed ,dillcials and greater mo- of 4ondon Girl From Ago . . . BAIIRUSTI�R, SOLI(I '11110A . . which now approaclied the king and Btr*"98, C1466 I readily unbent to gather, Jitmong,the carven. stioue, Thinking at the litst,1110- �xuerltuui, bad lightly plucked froin ble. to Childhood Pljzxleo English, ' . . 1,1�111,1(% F.TC. . 4 this per- � m the, seat A stalwart adversary. Ot I tile princess'. betrothed. -Who latter I . NOTARY, , fair hands which rewarde out of It plan for escape from here of I . . . . . funetory 4postrop , Ile to the , tender pus� dangerous f tile tOUVueY, the! - Ills following hilled 'not In the ... at� 0eemea ,.somewhat thoughtful. Ills eye . � . . Moaiosd Professioni � , . .. I I 0 . oi,,ielCE-Sloiej,v Illock-CIANTON. , talat,"'apd horses and troopers floua.� � bad but encountered that of the duke's . I Sion none was more , . -eased a , , lavlsli tn or�orlugs huachlidek'had bribed Ono of tile at� The astonishing cuse of a girl POW than those matront( and maida* In the tondants to fetch him a steed .Which dered In the sand. . . . . tool, �vhose, gaZe eXpi � . I I , , . . . disdairt- 4esslhg ten aopara,te and-ollstinot per- , - __ - I f � S f,101 . a,mile. foi sullen obduracy surpassed any . '�fk 'ful confidence the other fain would - . . ,. A4- 0 1 vicinity of tile king, A satirical ' " ., As tile lines swept together, wl , havo fathomed. I But for that unfortu- I �Orlxlltles vithln 6�enty months Is be, I . . again marred Calliette's face, but Ile c1larger'lu the king!$ Stables. Fate, Ile the.dust rising before, ,Tacquellue per-" . . " . IIENRY BEATTIE, ;r-,-," 4"-J-T�-" 4" -� ,--v -,�­� kept his reflections tQ himself, reveri�. was called, because notbing. eould � . . I . ! nate meeting in the lists which bad 1 Ing much discussed tn British medi0al I , I I . . I - I ciroVnq� .The girl was.a.patlent of Dr. . . I � BARItISTER, SOLICITOR, ETV .1 Ing to the business of the tromeat, move or change hilt, an(� Pow, With I. , 7 ­ _� - I . 1. . . . scaled the lips of the only person who,. Albert W116on, and so remarkabl, Ava-i � . . I I . . I offiev forrilerly oceillAt'd by , We have a full, assortillent-or "I should be off at oticel" he crle& bead, pushed forward and ears thrust I . I . . I . I I bad divined the hidden ditiiger the free. ..-the' case that Dr. Wilson laid It befoi,e I . . . . , . . . � I 1. "But what can we do? The king h I Ath � back, be Proved himself, beneath the'. . ' A I � � . I .1 . . I . I .. barow Would. now have been waster ot. the committee of tbd'Me'dIco-PkiyOhOI0,.. . I . . . . 4e.' I I 111r. Jallies Scott ill Elliott I I ve In . - . I commanded alt'the jesters to appear In blows Rod. Spurring of,tbQ Seemingly ' V1 - . � I r the plaisant's *,designs. Abo , the , gical Association inany of the 010111. 1� . , , .N, � �� . .W. t- s4epi- I . Block ...... .. ......... ......... ... Opocti and Top the tournament today, pr . excited .rider, worthy. -of this- Appella., 4i � � � ." .palace the trooper With the red. mus- bers of'which-00ay �Vere at A operly armed . 11 . I .1 �� I 1. 1 tteal. . Thcy flPalvy agreed that � tile . I . I . . ,o4eb uncouscious. . . . - - J�IONEY TO I,OAN - - . and armored, thb better to 'Make. tion. - . 1. . . �: � . . I taclik illy on hisc A irignifestations,jundoubtedly were g0ll� , . I Bug�Jes sprightlier sport amid tile pQnderou0 -, "G� ou,*.F4te! . Go oii!'� 'exclaimed . . - 1 -.F.or'how long? The. Court phYsleift. I ulne, but they*ere unable to offer any I .. I . ' - pastime of the knigh , ts. Here am I. the apparently . angry dwarf. "Will '. - , .. .- I. could not ally. The soldier might � re-. explanation. Then Dr; Wilson repor , . , Willy you -be balkk now; wbQn Triboulet has ­ , mala-i4sensi,ble for hours. �Thua bad I bound to ablike on horseback, . , . � i I ed the case to the i�aY61llclll -ROWitreh, . RII)OCT & IIALE I Uted with either Sfeel, Solid .Illy. Yet this inatter-of yours is Press. glory -Within bis gras�l .Miserable . 1 607.. . I the jester served himself .With that - Societyi which pas published It in the' . . � . . . I I . I , I . 0 0 a . I I Coliveyancers, Commissioners, I have It. I coil e'en' fall beastl Vnbappy fatel .When bright .. I � , stroke better lban he knew, and- he of, record of its Pro e df go. I . I.,state and n Rubber, Cusbion or Pneuma- -09, -stay I eyes are Vklt6blng, the great Tribou. . I I -1 Hoqhfels bit lite Up. and fit . med in -ward- ril April, 1895, ille .girl, wbo then . . . Real from my horse, by a rqse, retire from . . ' �. I . . , . .� . . . I . 171) - a of age and, indiffer- I . . . . I southward." let"' ' I .1 ly, but. to no pu ose-, not. that he be- was under 13 year AgetieN - 11olley to loan . ...... .. tie Tires. Albo Market And the field and fly . � . �� . . Iteved *the peril to be great, but the, , ently educated. had an attack Of Ili- , � . . I .. . . - JOHN RIDOUT I "Then will I .Wish you godop;ed If, hot destined to .edore success with - I ... I . fact he could not grasp it '' . I tluen7a. After' remaining ,Ill bed 'for, . . . . I I I C, B. IIAI,E 1,umber Wagons. now," said the duke's fool. "Never his lance, the dwarf at lellst'had WOU ' . . .11 % \� , dolt ton days she went out into:,the cold . � . I than thine, Call-:. a .victory. through lit at situation. , .. ( I �\N and. he cursed the trooper for a � air a:nd suffered a retapsei Within the - I I I , � . was a stancher heart ' I . , a comic , i ___� and ready wit. Fair, ladies forgot his - i � t and a 0�ltrbork illat a 'more fool bhould .. . I . ) . . . . I lette, or a truer friend." I I I ) . � I' � next two* days she was on the point of . Call and see thern before � .Ugliness, tile pages his -ill humor, the I I ! have vang[Ulshed him. And so lie had" death, but gradually recovered her I I I I I . I . . . . . . . I 1. . � . "One word,11 returned the otber� not I . �, , I ' left him, With a last.look of disgust at strengtb� ' -, .` . I 1) R,,-�. G - Q 1: N N . . 'Slyness, the . , i . . I . I WNN,& _ __ i I -� I � courtiers )!is vindictive . _ (,. �s. purellasitig elSOWhel-0. without a trace of 1��qllng which even .. 1� ) - I the silent lips -that could not do his Then commenced to appe4r In Bile . . it, . � - . i)r. NV. Gunu I.- R. C. P. &I II.R. - his cynicism could not filde. ,!Beware monarch the disappointment Of, Ills fa . .. . , L . . goceeded'to the royal cession the ten personalities, the I%st - . . . � -Ediallur0- of the false duke In the.*arenal It will Ure,tO Worst the dult:6� fool, .and all ' , 11 I . I biddingt'and had) nal. act ot the . one of which becufroid 4x year -arid'� I ., � ,. . Dr. J 'unn M. R. C. S. Enl.;. _ , - , . _ - - . --.-.-- ---.-,---.- be his opportunity to"- ' . . .. applauded the ludicrous figure, about- I I'll � - . .. , I . pavilion, where. the. fil 1. I eight months -after. The first took the - . I I ; . . I - Nesbit (I I . I � day's- drama; more momentous . than . 1_ R. C. 11. London ! 111. understand," answered the duke!s ' 111g,'Waving his arms, atruggling With . ,� I . . . . . tlf�' kin form of blindriess and imbecility. Nqw� - -. I . . ­ . . � Adence illette,s - IneXorabledeitin .. Finally, la�qespdlr, . - . � I . g. or other spectators realized, at, the age of 22 she Is in. good health, - 'i �, I . . .. * Ni,,Iit qalls at [rolit door Of reb fool, again.waymly pressing Ca , . y � . I . . ties that show- - I . . I � . . n . RUMULL an(I MeMATH . . his'llands fell to his. side. I .. I , . waa--to.be performed an act In which ' tho'best of her persortall . . I . I . On RattellbilrY street, ol)pOsitv hand, "but with the knowledge you are 110&-�'reslstless :necessityl". he -cried. . � '� ' - , .. , ., . . I he would finve aPpefared witli much � oil i,tself having I)eelt educated and de,� . I I . . . . . ' - . I . . �� , � . - I . I .. .. - . , . . � -v(lloped. - . - . 111-t-SI)Yteriall church. ! fleeing to Spain I have nk)'fear for the . I . �� . � . . . . I I . . I . . . , . litilon St..'Clinton. eat not afteitoday"- . But'in his heart he said: "It Is well, I .1 - � . �6. . complacency but that his ebagrin prey . . , I I reet-CLINTON future, If we m . . . I . I . . . . , P. ... � I � - 1. at-oli'lils vanity. � , - . , I ., a thern.., . . . .. . I .." ! . OFFICE- OUL100 st I "Why, life's but a span, and vul�; am as safe as. on a Woodeli. horse. Here. . . q . . ed som'evvh , The personalittes . manifeste , . . . Like, a th-wro4rrholl, 'steed , 'and * r1aer B L ut his splendid self control and. ju.� I selves as.kolldwo: The Arst personality, I . . . . I ­ � � .,., I. I I I stand, - Let others have their heads :I . 11 .002)01'.' - I �. . . . - marila - � . � 1. __ , .. . friendship has been short, but sweet,.,. I Trlboul�t, . leaj�ed . upoa tho . ti I . � daelty revealed to the ::Courtij, Raj I In ApAli 1995,,showed An acute 1. ,... . I . I � ., - added the other. .� .. iplit or their .bodies. broken. . f�om -.eelve � of that . the dukels, , : � trooper. had : . semblago.no trace of what * ' 'a ' of lntense.fcar,� blindness,, 1110stons as . . . . � . Irish of like. the gods,"vlew,6 the* carnage . ­ . ,. . was Pas * I to the ,Presence of 4nakes, and a 'craT- . 1. . 1! . I I DR. SIIAW I I . I : Now without sounded a flox .� . � . I I . � sworycd1rom Ills colirse and,was bear. I ing-li *his mind. ' He walked by the - , � iinges 'and lemonade. .. . . � . . .. ., I . . ess limpets, and every glance Wi afar," .. 1. � � I � I I ! ­ .. .. : . * . n . I ­ I Ing for; o . �� .. ­UCIAN AND .,-;IiRCzEON Har'n - tr as ex� ,While ibis bit of unexpected comeft .ingdowullpoll thcAulte's fool." : . king's. side ,`AR'one ,not unaccustomed � Th, , second - �ersoinspift,y, . aboui-� - A - ' .. .. . . . I 1110, .0. pectantly dowaturned from the'erowd-. ' ' . 110h,11 s 0 -herself, "the - such' . . .uy-- nor . over� .! mOnth la�er, - was .that.. -of ,a - simple . ,- . . . . . 1. , I . . �, .. .. h . I 't riveted the -attention of t e Spectators .. - ,. , lie whistickped t to, .exalted comp4 . . * . i OFtilCE-Orit'ario street -CLINTON ed stand, as with a clutter of hoofs atid . �. . ' . . W allates I I a * His coiiIr� ! child with reversed ideas ' as to ' �ii'l'lt- '. . .,., :, .. , I . . . . . FOR HARNESS waving of plumes Fra the duke nod. his folf6wers had Wo ly ,.master trow,ret. . .ou. the jester," , whe ined by sudden ho ors� . I . I lice's young ebiv- 1. . anil. field her brimith. . .. . . . � age w4s'supe�b, lit I a demeanor that of.' Ing', etc�. She repudiated her ' ' lfame� � . I . . .1 . I . . posite St.. paulls church. P, �,f "'ELL MADE AND alry dashed into the 119i divi6d Into - ridden .0 their . �Ae. of the - 111'aloliuM. . . I . . . . wo Id respond on bding refeyr6d - - - .- I Op I , a, . I 1-111d' lie', too, observed; these Sudden one bora'to'cop�uiand; in, him seemed . but 11 .� . .., . . . I I red the.squires I . to,'as "a thing." � 1. I . I V1 SOLD AT A REA- two parties, took iheir respective Here hov,e , adjusting a , ' Yet exempli ed a t pd of lite strength. . I I . I I . I . I perfidlQue tactics.? * Apparently. fi y b:r . . .. __ q( u. 'kirrup, giving a .last turn to -a Strap - � I � . . 1. ' 'Julyl -.' . � . . � . - ___ 4 I SONABLE PRICE places and, at a signal from the, - in ,, . . . I Behind lie Seemed not to olitin tile issue. .�,,� . and force dbuoting'a leader--rwhether - Iii her third personality, . ill . . - ., . % " . . . . , � I I COME TO US. ON- siclans, started impetuously.; against, or testing. -It bridle or girth.. . . .."W.1 , does lie .not Aa�n . ' aside?" iy or*a bland of swashbue- ".' 1905, her physical health fritproved. abd .1 , - * I . ­�.... * * I DIJ, C. NV. 11,11OMPSON I . . � eters - and P!3r, .. .1� I . . of " arn , � . stle bebai-xie,.�assigi),.Lt6,''9;tiein�fing..IQ I . . � . . � I I I . I .. . , .� .. CL A CUSTOMER one another. . . .. .. .. stood the. heralds, trump thought the inald. "Ile pilght:Sret do .klcj6.*� As the monarch .and. 04,free - - 1. eat. She� could read and . . 1. .., . . I . , . 1. ,'ON " . . . . .`irivanta in, their liright garb'Qf. office. . * I , .her ,clothes, I . . . . � . . . .... .a . - 'i - when ­. � .. - pitY'-;ICIAN AND SUItGL -\11 I . ' . it. A. fo�Oi and it kiligilt forsooth!" ; - baron dreNi near, the.�prlllceSS .Slowly,' Ivrite, though-- unable' to -do ,so . . � I . Special attention giv-ell to diseas�,R I CmipTb, it XII. .. At his own solicitation had the duke ,, . : . .. . . I ssed oif-'p�rsonality..numi .. 1. 1. . : .. I ­ .... YS ON E. . . I t -ad his , ber two . ... . 1. assigned. an Rctivp part An.. the. Pat tile fool Prick . horse ,deep- *gracefully aiVse, while, n6w grouped, posse . I .. . . . . -'ar, Nose ,jad Throat ...... N that first "Joyous and:gentle been . I.. I .. .. ly, - It spran . g; to the struggle.-madlY. aro;und the thr . one stoQd. the heralds. � -In the, I fourth.. pers6halltYi Alugiu,lt" " I � . - ­....� . . . of tile ENv, 11 We sell tlib International Stock 6y16.catertalument. .. . I I .. I . � � �. " - � �. ' . f -.S , - ­_ . : .. .. 1: .. '. passage of arms," ,wherein . 1. . . "P J, fits of 66, lists. 'in )ter .1895, she �bocanSe� a� dea. mubb.. lie I . -Office and Res-itlence- I , The.kid 'fearing for t4e safety bf 'Crasl.il' like .. underbolt, .steed and . I . � .. .. . Food. Read these testililollial-S , �� I � . . . and. ph * rsulva , , . �. failcd�to hear -loud -no-Uses. clo.0 to her - , - � � � . ... . , , " �: , Ir STRE,E,T W the weapons were these. "of 91 0 postp6uea - 'xider leaped Ooper. _117heri hand Louise ,held it.16 �lfi, covered With ' ' -speak Ili the 4ehf and " ' �', . . . I '' , .:, F, i. 19! I . . . , I . . . ALBER EST,CI,INTO' I . his guest''4nol tho�,-pdssibl - ' . upoll t14 tr . �ld . � .. I . . courtesy," - their points .cov-., .1 . I � it�. W4S Jacqueline had murmured, it , ' ..I . . (ar_�, but 001 I � , I . I �% 2 I I . I I � .� � � , . North oi Rattenbury St. Jan. 21st, 1905. . I Ild 'any. Ia- I silver, vei -i aft efid or. wb�ch was . car� - du, Ill 6' language,' ' ' ' *-" -; -,": . . I . ered- with small. disks, several. knights . luerk�'.of �tlle, marriage -abou . . "They blive killed I . r! h of the maids. I . � . ..''. - .. I 'becem,.m ,. . I I I � . . .1 ,�. I This is to -certify that I have olsed Jury befal I I Will, had Sought to, dissuaide' . I . . I . 'I'll!" 110�,0011btiT)41 ed by �ac , . fifth Per-OnalitY, In I I .. . In the. . . ... ­ . . . ____- broke their lances fairly, two horse-- i � . for It'niourent, 6.jt'lie ,.had., sped to jle� ."Fair. lady of the,, tournament," Said -ber i896 she again. r�ver�ed. ,things, , I . 1. .. . , . . - I International Stock Food and .have men of the side Wearing red -plumes hilu.. fro`n� his. purpose,. but the other , . . . .. .. I . . .1 J'. �' � I ,. ,'' . �, � .. � . . . .. � king' "this '- * ' 'is Bba eal� ' ivhV'e, * end , , .goople., �-,' ­� . ,.. 1 . , :, . otructiou.' - . " 1, ­ . . . .:I -th gallaut�knlgbt led black thl.n , I '. . . .., found it very kLyieficial for hogs that , .� I � F I I � 1. . . .. . '' became unseated, and their opponents ,,bad,laughe4 boisterously at,tlie'IUOXL- . , , IV . - " 'I I ' . S170. ' backwdrolgi ,but wrote" - . I . . , ''. . . . . :w . - .t. glapee id thrjough . - a spelt. . ,. � . .. . ,� ­­ . � - . .1 - .A- Tsecond .swilf , ax . ,ouloir, Whom you h. `vP:.ev,en ,heard'.,, �at, ' I . I... .11 . are troubled with indigestion or are arch's fears and Sworn. he.would break. ' , . &yd.� She beftev�e.d, sh.6.was 3 .days!, - �, .. � : J. 13. IA 1, N 1) N' 1,. 1). S., 1). D - 1, , designated as the "white plumest" . the -veil,. less obscure, .she saw tile!' 'proclaimed iho JP - forw, , . . . .. � ­ . � . . - ' . . . stunted' in their growth. -W. If. Caln- . I I � a,lance ko,r"Irls, ladylovp t4af. day. , je�i�.r 4vidf . . . . ' I �Victor of-tue day; . - -� old bTit., uridersto6d. 6Veryt#Ing.;',tbat .� .. I .I..'.:..... -. ' 1. .­ ; . swept on intact. .�. � ag, uubarmed,.Us lance - urW 11A�proabb;. Bon Youlob!'"':eoininalid- " i � .... . - � . I - , 1. - I . .. I . .1 . ., . p. G ., I . Prar , ight 11111146 f. I � " I . .. �o�rl(J.lrer: 'She Was " I , . pbell, Westfield. . .leis too'.gallant' a kni �. .. ,%.A-as-goJng .on ai . ,. . i "Well done,". commented the ,king* I . . � brokon. Had, lie escAped ktte� . all? , ed the queeri4k love. � �: -' ' ra-ralykdd .� . � � 11 (SllC(1V4s(11, to Dr. .Agnow) I ., terpose furtber:objeictionid an an- . .. � . . ­ . � .. . in I tha� leis� i.t this. sfagei� . . . 11 . . from his high tribunal its the squires. . to in .. . . . And: the trooper? .kIc,lftY among tild . ' -ift, the . '' - ail 1-- - ' ' - - I I �. . . Auborn, Jan. 31st, 1905. , . . N -the tra- I . . � , . The ainids'.uncovered Ili&. .g . but )ter.: condition changed in* 11 I 1, . ... . .... I 4ounceineut go'la'.kde ng with . -feet.-' She gaw Win ,..Cust ary ch plet, -gold, and stant, � . and She 14� - bed 'Ean . . . I . . I . I . . . and attendants began to clearthe lists, one - of the lists * thereupon had or-. '. .trtimplbig horses' (im it of.7boiai�du I . Ltped 00in . � . . Offlee in Beaver Block, C 1, I NTON. Mr. J. Nicholson : I assisting.the fallen belligerents.to their'- ofitt - 6W. How had it all -'.oidme about?. .as* the, free. baron bowed: his; he�d'tbe upstZirs, - where . she thr . ew herse'lf. to - ,- - . . . . - Dear Sir, -1 have used* luternatior, . - dered the best obar'er'l 'b � 'a . . I ".. . I : :. .: g n .Is stableapto . . ' I , . "We all . . I I I -ler, mind .was ... . .'the floor Rrid revolved on her back ind . . .. . tents. all have another such . :6ewildered..but in. spite filled the. - . . . , at Stock Food oil lily, driver this . memorable field ai that of Ashby-de4a. . be Placed tit*. the disposal. of- the .Prip- . I . � . princess with. a firm hand fat , rested on hot. . .. . - winter and -e derived first class � . . . . - of the. princess'. afssortlou to- the con- ;flitl&tons' of I her office. Alsing, Bon : Ahoulders. Also she, I .1 I - . � . 1. � . . I I .. . -"-.- -.----- _ haN .. � cess.1 betrothed and. again uoddbd..'hI9 .. ' ' licleak-." . . . . hDad and' attempted to -walk , P the � I. .1. .. � .. . ' zouch." . . .. . . .. ' .. trary bersight seemed unusual I 'Ouloiri �arald. the.ex6lamatious. of thi- . I I 1. . 1@ � . I . . . . .. . . .1 . . results. I have used many ortherfoo- -'apprObation. 11POn.the iippearauee'of I . .. . . ­ .1 . �- y . . walls. *A few days I lat j. she was, nor- �:. . . . . . I Event folio ed event. and those . . '' 110(iod lance, fool.!". -cried a voice front . t,'claftned tlie privilege* thai4ent, . . .. � I . 1. . . I I .., .. � I - DR. G ds but for a blood purifier ar.d food �O" e in the r1ag. But at least 906 .. .cour I .. � I I f,,ItNE'-',T 1101WE'S w profes ed. the duk . I � . I , , I .1 , -mal again. - I . .. . I I ,Specialist in Crown and 11fidge W,irli. � saver nothing equals this. I conld court ladles.who a . t first had I asemblage was ' the king's box, ,. -, '. .*. . " . . I. �! W.1th the -bauble.. A. moment he looked , in :hei�;Stxth persQnR1tty,*, in . May, I . I.. . - .. ... their nerves were weaker. than th�lr personArk. that vast a . . ,11 said. another., . . . . . . ­ .. . . . I . 1. . 4#Tbe: jester tides Well . . ut the princess; she seemed to'. hend 18�6,: slie. became azweet chlK .but - - I .., now . . ,h's cout- ' . . I . . ........ .�. ...:.j . . I * 'ralluate Of tile R0 Al Col- not -ghly to 14-1Y : foremothers' . -far fra . I I . . . 1. ard; - - tot � t":- " �. I. - in ,%baring the monart . . . . I - .. D. 1). ',.-(, recommend it too Ili watched'the arena 1. . . . "The Italghtlil lance,even Passed 'over 1 belidath'-bls rqg, thdn',,'I�dulni for ally, ignorant of ip011lnM reading., . -ntal ' -geoll, On- I fellow larmers.-Robt. Rutledge, An- ; - . .. . . .... .. I � . . . ' ' . :. . ­ . . lege Of Do. .-')Ill of w, turning plaisaut mood. , , ., .. I his head, while file foolle - i.'trucli fairly rattler thitu i 4rdent- -and wilting. ­ Thls"�'Is the perob . . , with sparkling eyes, no louge . �. % I nality. ... . "� . . I . . . tariu. I I burr.,. On t. i away at the thrilling moment Of con. � It. tliei.txilrid�Of the dilke's fool had *fill- terrific . force.` I * � . .1 , . .., . . . , , , . " ward, ,deliVerately I � - . I . . that 1. low bong develo . P I qd' ailst �. , . " . ­., ­ ­ , :. .. � , ., -Firsi. ulass hollor gradu.0c - �bltteruess . I . . . .1y. -: cho4k: * .� A I . a . . Re- � , .. I 1. I . I J. frd 1touched twi with big lips, , 1. . .. I � . . . I . . I . . I , 1. tact. - Taking their cue from the king - .heretofore been 'filled ,with I .. i 1. '.did he -select. the jester as . I I -torfly . . . . . . . , . e- I . . . I * � � I . ,. . . � � .. L. D. S. i : "But why . . . Th6se..'-,vho_W'ft't6Cd the 'queen *of ilove - . . . , . . mont. of Torony-0 A v�ituesslnk .'teStaL.fiOiiOrS *to A . .. I . ­ : ?), � . I .., . " in her Seventh Personalfty,"'In'Ji.xiie .�. . of Dontal Dell,art they were lavish Ili praise and gener­ , uPOl �. I . - � I an ontInuQd:,the first . � !. I .1 11 - . . . . adversary - c I .. . . . .� - - .. I . . � . . Nicholson, aron 'what , I . , piosei 6bsbrved'her fao�6 become:pal6r. 0 M.'% a presuu�p.iuous free b � . . 3� . . 1896, she,remembered* clearly her ear . � e ... . I . . . � . University. . ous Ili approval, and at an unus I ual ak�. In r4 � ,.at ttiereception . speak�r.', ' .... � . - .. .. . . and her form tre�i�l�, but in a in6ment ly .childhood- btif. not of and gubpe- . I I .1 I . 1. . . I I . ' Special attention paid to preservation , bibition of skill the stand'grew bright . "W .were, -his 6alotiong .. .. . 'Allstakes will'happe:ri'in 1he .1confuo, silo: I was 'agaln'nilstreii of herself, her . . . .P. I This stage lasted 1 . . � 1. . . � .. '. . I I rdiad him? Prom -king to churl was � . . � qudnt to her Illness. . � . I I , aCcO on. of, a melee, "'and � . .,. � ­ . . I . of childr(.11's teeth. w1th'waving searleand handkerchiefs. . lie hug; Paid for -features prbudc�r-aiid.!colder,'thaii;be-'- �, fortnight * ''I � .. . �. .. I � I I . . ,. � -, , a6 L 1896, - ` - . - I ". - . . � I , ,. . . . I '11-1 � . ' . he h gallant noble; ' er Ill a, ... And' , ... I � .. . , ... ' iliY� Ju` . t r flotel, flayfic " �__ -_ Simultaneous with - such an atilmate(I . be' it sivaggem, . .. . Will be at the Rive . . . .1 his'� eiror," was, 'the. answer. ­ . I .. � . Z . , .. - ­. . 1, every Alonday fro ­_ --- ,---- ------- - ___._ , from the gallesicis would: .borfi, a terrorist. of... mountain passes . . f ie. ' - � .. in h6r,dighth P�rsona Ill 10 a. Ill. to G v . 1. '. .0, - . .1 . . . ... It, I. � t -of ,6,4ki,viiislons"and,suf- . '- ' ' ": ' I . 'that none '.would bei had a' , . I demonstration . 'Von as' hp . . ron A I � I ,-.TI1cqbeIine. knew . '111s'lt'your'bl.0!5�lre to. opew,flie�fes-. . .she 11 , ' , , .. . 1:.1, I the'.pefts. E , t I i y of the 46monatlrA- . . . . � I � , 1). ill. come a roar of approval from . held. accountable. for- -'th' treacherdus fered- cdrnpiete'loss-�.Of' metl`101�Y ' She : - , � �.;, 1 TAe T=illop Iflutual Fire .swept over'the jester ft,om,.abo*e .. .1 . . 10 , .. tivitles, 'sire?"' rartruxured - the - f4vo�ite, I I . I I -M , I 1. . ..- ".., 1, ..,.,:. elow, crowded where.beft fty . ,. tIO6 . . I . . . , , , . I � . - called hoik-fathek "Tom" and her oth'. . .,. ''. . I antry be . . . . . . � . , . .. . . . . - . . fbil a'flower - . assaulL. .-,:.., - . I.. . ' ' '. �_ ... *.. - ____ could findplaces., bespeaking toe their . 1. *bite, as � the, box :from . oll Oanted, 'and aild *Ith6ut .further 'words Fraacfs :6r.."A1ary,'.'- This pi�rsonaiity -Aasted.­ -, - , . . . ­ . I . . . , . , _ . I No* the fool * had , snac I . . ' � . . . , , . � . ; .1 . lasuiam, COMMU ; .for .. whence it. was wafted. - Downward! It ' I acoltife'sced, proff ring his. aifia.td­hlg� - days" ` '* ' ' ' . .� 11. .1. . I , DR. .J. FIJEEMAN ; part likewise an' increasing lust . .. I I . .. !. imity,-:1ike It - she obterVedAhat he".w4abeading'oyer companion. . e�- � 7. , .� � _. .. .., . .three . ., . , .. - � .: . .. �.. I . . . fluttered, a, messenger of I I. ". ..1. ,. . � : 1)uting r ninth personality, Ili.** . . � .. I . ,the stirring pastime.. . anoiller.jeafer" Who had boeu.uiihoi�4& - I I . . ... . 1. , be . , . " . . . I I , ., . ., � � � . e fu-. ,, . . , . - the fa sition. * - ,came. - ,. I . . 7 . . . � \11�'TEAIINARY SUlt(,,I�'ON I . Slasque, costume. ball, ballet, It .,.was. I -October,. 1896, . .. t n ' ` � . . - . . I -Farill and Isolated Town.Property- 1 ' ' It * , to his gaink0et. And *4th th i -herself In . .11 . . ­ I . we . 1. 1, '. . . � In truth the only dissatil.16d onlo6k- � Ove . � . . .. . why"". she .;Murmured to . I per -ro first, . ­ :* , . I A inerriber of the VetHiLary IVIV(11(2-1 -Only Insured- era were the quick ,fingered spollers. yor ,weat a Smile from the 14dy.of the - - . 11,ojujll�tt6l' As good'a Soldier all,Qne. to flie king and the court, who graduagy.. Pits of tom . . . , I ,q . I London atiol Ellin . , . ­ surprise; . . , I .. . ' g yr- -. - I ., . .1 . . - ­ lists, But, .While . . , � . � " noticed and * SU YbUil ' I . ­.. � I I I Associations of son Voulolf' stood , . I the Jesters � ne�ver wearWd of the dO,erting vagaries ,, .e talked like a, ....., I . I and rovers who .packed its close AS . its .9, foori* '.Who' among ' ' rant and could, not walki but she could'.' ,' � � I.- .1 . I . . . ' . I ­ ., .. . . . . his !land . . . . - - N . ch,' of which Ian— . I ,. . burgh and Graduate of tile OillAr- a syu�bol in' .and & I I : , 6fthe'dolice, Tow,studyingthat.Viiii- , spea%.a. It - t I . . . . I : I- - . I dried dates In ; basket by the Irro. 01617�, � ��h ' . .. could have unabated him?'! tie Fren , ,.. . . I . ... . I . I � I , 10 Veterinary Colloge. -OFFICERS- . sistible forward proksg of the',people, 111PPlause.rInging � In. his OaiS,; IntO:the. - itut her wondermie'nt'would.have'lii. . tomimI6 group of wqrrymakoi�s,- lit ilia guage she was clu'Re Agnorant In nor- , . I I I . . ...... . , . I : . ;:,I %, I . .� . I � ; � :. �., , __._- 'TON eof his tbougbt:S�- the consciousness � . i,eard � the .1 1. . . ,. . . OFFICE- Iluron street _Cix, 11 - tenc . . . -rhythmical expi6s9lon. Of action and Mal periods. . � .. 1. 1. . " -Next to Commercial Ilot(!I-- i J. 11. McL4Lan, President, Kippen P. found themselves suddenly. occupation' of t crb"ed could she .have ovepl I . . � � . ' b between the dbke's f6-1 . movement could alrilostbe read'tbe in' Du)rIng her.tenth Persona. . . 1%. 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice-PrLsident, less, without power to move their arms of Partly ratified am ition,-there ep - . . Aty, Ili Do- � , 9 . I. . I . . conversation - , , � I., .11 . , wim in the 0. blind,, '� * I .� . . I . . . . - . .. I . I � Brucefield P. 0. ; T. E. flays, Sec.- Or ply ilkeir. hands. . . . . an Insinuating wakning'Of danger. ... and.Calneite, ll� � thi formOr 'lifted 60 � fluence, axid, relative positions of the I cernber, 1898, she . . . I . ___ 0 1 . . I ­ � Prom thid-she-gradol- . I . F . I % . I , . . .. . . .. I . I I Trvas;urer, Seaforth P. 0. ; 1111a," muttered tibel'scamp student to :. "INlY lord,P said the trooper With- ih t : other from, the. sands,.an4 assisted blou fair revelers_ .; I imbeetIq 4tage� I I . . . . A I'IONF,ER--JA1%Il,:S SMITH Ll- I '"here are.all tfie jolly' red mustschL-, rIcIbIg by the side -61! his . . . .. � rs , - I.Thel,d, I've danced, enough . ill sold a ' ally xecovered,, arid�* to -day she IS a . . � - . ., -� . i his good spouse, . iter, "the- tool Is Pl6ttfill; furth . er to W,ok. or k � ather JIMP to.. the jeste. . . I j , L ; normal, h altilly girl_ � .. . 11.1 I 1. . . � .1 .. .. I - ..­, 1. ';(!'!e,l Auctioneer' for the County ; boys immersed to their n�cka* -like MaR � . . . . Panting -voice, and Jacqueline, breath- I . .e .1 . . .., . ­ . . . . .. � evas DIRECTORS- . . ' . 1. . . pavIllom 1. . . -�., lm- � I ; .. , " �. . � . . . f.10. ..'.." . * , ,: , . ��. I . . 'eforW. the' duke's-,. , I --- � . . . '.. 11. . . 11 I � '. . , of Et,ron. All orders entrusted to . prisoners burled in the Sand by 141�,. MISchI.e ,: I I'. I., , . 1 - ' "Did I not tell you to beware of-tho' less, paused b .. , 'f 001, 'I - - � --- . I � 1. 11 . . , . William Shesney, Seaforth ; 11, . . I ?11 asked the free , . title - , . - - f , 'WinkliziWisiars *eoLftlilad .W0101�1r. . . . , I I.. , file will revvive prompt attent' I - J()"ln Arabs . ,,,What mean yet I I e, dukel". muttered iWit � I I . � IV . I I . W .. ion. . � ' ' ..Cal , 01,� �Ijqt Who Stooda motionless Spectator o the; SvIl vither by percentage or Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea- 11flush!" she whispered Warningly. baron, fl�Ov�nini, as'lie turnid toward . ,elry.' . in !its rich 'e0siume . of' blu'e I .I: ha*e� constantly .:Ob�ervod� ii 'Gig � . ...., '. " I � . omitting a parenthesis. of' deceptive rev.. 1. . . I . � ., Will ,. N . I . . . . . - , . . I per sale. Itesiolence oil the Bayfield forth ; ,John Watt, llarlock ;' John "See you yonder the duke's fool. He his aide' -Of ibe'fleld, , � . . . .orwin'.. I . . 11 . . ­ : , � .and white the figure:,of the foreign -that steadily burning .stars hidfc�ted: . . ... -, .. .� . . I . , � � Bennewies, Brodliagan ; James Evans - - � ,,Go, 13) wly, my lord, and I will tell .4 4'. if - only been. het'lostoind!" jeg4r pi�sentoil 'a 1flir ..and Striking ! . ealm, ittir'weather andAlle* more: the7 . . 1 . I . . . Road, one Illile South of Clinton. wenrs the arms of Charles, the. e.m I . 0 . i . 14 it bad � ... .. . . . . . . t .. h � . .. .. .. . � . Beechwoo,ol ; Jamvs Connolly, Clinton. Peron" .. . I . . I saw the fool,and, another Jester I , I . , ... appearaneei but .his f ace, � Proud and tw.(ukIdd* the worse t 0 V64tlier *dll , . - . .1 . �, .. _ . . you' . . '. .began Ahe -tool. I . ; - I- : ` - ' . ___ ' I 11,And there's, the Duke of Frioidwald With thei' hjd together," continued 41W I hy,yi. irkt6rrupted't�L- 'S�Oallngly.fn.' . 61uposed, 'was Wanting In that Spirit,. � likely to be. The f6tereast given, by thin ..,,. ' i - , I , � - . * . - out In... � I �'. . .... �- -AGENTS himself," answered th . e ragged scholar. the' trooi)er�,In a low toU6. "'They, we're jured, man� "'think you I to Stand up . whiciraniiiia6d"tIle foigtur6s of hls,teI4 varlution.fli. icilitillating Wis RIM . I . I . . � . I . , . I . I . LICE,NSED At:CTI Smith, Ilarlock ; F'. I -lin. : . - . . I . stl . gainst tie-bbar a . Y.. . � . ' t in the hIS e � . ... NEER.-GEOR- � . . I . � . . �. . Iowa Jn motto . . .1: . .. , ,,, I, !ec ' . . I , for Robert . . ; 4 """" .cor' ; . 0� Anding In front.of theAefteW tent. . it oi Ex0clifel ?11 I t,a h laititud 0,.' .- go, Elliott, licensed auctioneer - , i 'O alled Sometimes in the tr6p. , ­ . 7 .y *p - me V�ottch him. -So I entered , �, t try!" S�iald the . oth. ' "One more. turn, - fair" JacquelitiO" . .� . . , County of lit 'eaforth ; J aln P:11."-I� � lJq "I would. I mIgh . . I . , , . I I I . , . . s the chley, S es Vurrimings, ,� t �Jr�jde � lea. ugh it t .. . . I I . . � . . .1 the jrori,,solicit pd-vIllon at 'the � back, ilakfug. . . suggested Alarot, her partner In the Nature . I b us i- J."gillorldville ; J. W. Yeo. Holmes- .. ,_ . er. quickly.. " , * .. - . * I ., : 1. I ­ . . I I I . . .� I . .. I 0".., A , . * . , . . Ag *�dr a gusset for . of c . .. . . .. ''. I i � � ! I I . . I � Ro I * - , I , .- 40$ 1 1 1 1 R I I , I � I patronage of tile public for �,� . ­ � - �. .k. . .1:4, . pretext to be looki , "Your success with. the troober bae . an e. , ­ � . . . . 1. � liess ill his line. Sales conducted Vii1e. I � . 4 an armor joint, I . made� MY Way near t . I Livinar Ilp'to It. � I . . . . .. . . , � . ' s * I .. � . .. uri.ied your - , head,"' faughed'Caillette. ,. . 11�ot one," she. dnswL,r6d,, ­ , .. ou, think that . I . . . '.. Or, percvllt,agf� or .so much per , ale : the entrance. - There, bending over bar- a$ , * "Is that a dismfssal?"�� , . Mrs.. Gosoipp�-Do'y . I . .. .1 All ' ptly attended to' Parties desirous to effect irksuraii�a - - sottly, . one last word.. Look to your' , �ho asked ! .. . I . , lightly., ­: ... . � T.. .. �. 1. . :1 . ... yourio iiian whor calls on. Agatha threo * . . . �. . � I . bLISilIC." 1)1'()In or transact otber bUSiLVIS Will be . . .. bet P16des,, I overheard fragments of . selti and four. not -for me. ,Mine 11ri � . - . . I . . � ' . , leorge I-Aliott, Clinton P. 0., F ;.. . . ti-mes it week has ,serious intentional * I . _0 pro ,their conversation. It even bOle - 01, : -tea, which I Surmise five Internal, - 'J"Tis for you to detbrmllrie,'!� retorted � - . .. yfleld Line. ­ I iriptly atiended to on application I .. I . . . ­ .JUL I - - ' .,- . I � I . . I . . I � . rs. �Plnkton�ail ought to have, Judg sidence on tile Ba your designail I they are not visible, will excuse me tile iiiald. .. . . . ­ . . . � I V - - ' - . . . I to a,ny� Of the above offie.ers address.,d � � , r, . , _ I � Ing from his oe le 0 ' ; . � . _� . I . "A corivoreation on 6Y.1designst Ito 1 RI .Nor shall, I tarry at ill' 6, 'ds I should lnferprct�- clipati6n. I Y - -dits 6 . . . I. 1 , r 0 . iAfodesty forbi. . 0 . - .- ._____,._____ zz-�� Ito t leir resyn-tive postollices, Lossqs .6 � 1% I has' then. datev- , - . .. .1. I .. , 1. 1o: the day, . � it . column called "Soffi4thiag "D ilagi 0 ; - . . . I - ,nalace for the physician, but go to In' y desleo 11 he r6turn6d, laugh�.,, .. I., . . . inspecipa by the director -who lives ., .. � d4 � I &� sqh6ming klIfIrTel '. � P I . . , .1 . . .. � . . . � I.. , - r, .5 I ) , ! I . A Ally . my lord; . . . I - . . stralght'on without bolus, sImples or� Ing, -as lie disitppeared. `1 - . .. I. '.1 -tevleegy.Z(WilqeTtead� � DihinfectantPolek . , .. ... - . . I � I I nearest the scene. , J -.hfid heard omo�A,.l gathered pills, a V, � . . . J-1 ... . I . f ter. I . I -1 . . ery �vfercu ' ry-for speed. Dan- . ''Vail, Seeming Straighter than'ttanal, I q %N .r . . . . a skirt 6f tassetgl'-L� " . � . _11eek R f6 "? - ,,, � ------.. __ __ __ --.----.--.--- - I . , . ger. will I eseliewt and a pretty maid nilon bach,e sto rose.-Shegtood J'rqwderia beftertban mhermx I po ito i* . - - . . � , UP I I . . I I I ' I , - - . ,, . I . .4, - hat did you h6ar?tr said -the other * - 'longer'than it talfdg before thoduke's plillonat luicrutab)ej, , 10 lb 1LISO iicts 6,8 1 disinfactant., . � t4 - - . . 111111�i I I . .W I I . ., t Shall hold me no . . . . � . ... . . . I , �11 ... I . , , � . Q - I I Impatiently.. . . . . . to give her. it _klag In passing., Here, . I . � �. . I � I .. . . I � ­__.__h� I . I ff'.SM � I � � I I L ki I I I . . , "A plan by which hellbi)td to let tbd, leave me at the tent. Turn back to the' .. ­ '- o row"AN-040A � ­­­­­ I . .�..... .I....-1 . ,... . . . . I I . . �. .. I I. . I . . - I . I . I I I ! -TIML TABLE- . . . emperor know"- � . field -or they . will suspect. Trust no - � . � I . I � .. I i k loud'Ilourish Of trumpet$ nOar one, and--ryquIl mind Ii not in a friend, Auvw= N=Mmmam , - - _­ I . . I I J . . . . . I . I . ; Trains will arrive at and depart I I I I I lattrkupted, the tree baron's In- . [O , . . I , : them one who ,Would Serve you to the end- I P'L-1. . I - iol I . 109% &.9 � , froni Clinton station as follows : 11 . I I i former,. and when the, clarion tones had,,, ,get-the'PrIncesst ,Serve her, Save ,14 R14 1 . , . . I ceased It was the master who spoke,'- -her as you Willi but remember, women %i I � . I I I � I BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. . I -w. , , � I f . i Iftere's time but for a word no are but ereatilres of tile, moment.. - 11 . - I 'fealA . I � . - . I - ly -, Adieu, men aM1110 . '.4 QUEENSTUN OLMIN14 Going Fast. 7.38 a. tn. - . , Come to.my tent afterward � Ni I I � 1, . I While,,, lie *Went on, hurriedly, "direct I And Caillottil, turtled us.ono In grie . ". I I 11 1, 3.23 1). in. . � I � . I . V. . I 1. � . I . . . I . I . i. 14 5.20 p. in. . . � .a lancob at the fool"-. . *us physieftl pain to an attendant, bid- . . I . I I I . . I � ,,gnt� my lotdl,, e%postulated the man d1jeo, him Speedily Move the UtWort frill) malinfulifilliAtI Ta �ThA, rmilmirfiwp I . . Going West 10.15 a. in. I - __ 0W.... ­W -0.6- 11 W *1 .. � I uIckly, "the jesters only are to oppose . while the ditke'a fool, mord dqeply � I U PC V1 FUIIL . . . I � � . - . . .1 ., � 12.50 p, in. ,,Ho, ho4_ Look at Ttiflouteti I . r'. , one atl�ther.00 ', ' . I Stirred than he egr6d to allow,, moved � . I I . I . . . . . �� .. I . I.. � . I .. . 11 11 I .. . . I I . . . ' 50 YEARS' '. 1. 6.10 p. in. I � ,It Wilt V&Ss for aft Recident. V rancla Ift ainto the lists. . . � . � hffollt;W handling ceinent � . I EXPERIENCE JO.47 1). In. "Look I 'The j g to, fight. ces film not, and will clear 9 .,.� d . __ , ._ � .. . __ _­ 'Doll It, bts - mWeA . by s,ta10,n1cntq 01 , , . I They have arranged them lit. two par. , -lit, you ox ". Z"m�oi*-!!,-!. _1� �,_12*1_"A;ivk�ti­" , l)ayjtlg largt, �,Oullrllssl(jll, (;0 yoni.self and ,see Qoeenstotl I k 'Ightly ( .. . . . LONDON, HURON & BRUCE' DIV. tieg, atilt of them go Witt Ill � rl Ill 0 , U11 11 � ,!�nduct, IfIl- Ho.'fixilshed I . . I and Ills knights, the other half.with , With A bOldlY . Significant took, which. . . . . wallsa-nd floors,bililt in joEtr oi�ri locality. pilrAjarrel loon- . & Going South 7,47 a , In , his lordship's opponents." ' . I was not lost Upon his man, � I ' � - ­ I . I . .1 I I laills as,'irlany ouble inches as ally Other 0luent,- and ,as - I I f, 11 4.23 p. in. "But tile duke's tool by �haftce l� 06t I , lq�lvdll if the leaden Melt should tall . . I I vVikunk. !"i-gao'ged by MeaStIrLy, nOt 11 weight, your . corne-Pt Going North 10.15 a. in. against ilia tnaster," she mumbled ilg-, from my lance And )oavo the Point I . � - far. intorillatiotu Ifteight, rates '. $1 . I � ­ . will go . as Wfilt, VS 10r W �� TRADE MARKO 0,35 1), in. nificantly. bare?" sald the trooper hoarsely. I 11 . . . . . and 0MInlates (Ilevi:NRY g-tv-m ,lot Per lbaftel, Strictly . DESIGNS B. & 11. I 1. ,,Call yo� it elidtleelo he said if, tj i "bven thatIll responded the free bar . � I . I Copy"10tiTS &C. low voice, - find Nalfotto fluolgod lifin ,On hastily. I � , , � I � - 11 . I . dashl f. o.4). ear-,�, Que(ligton.. flo In W111h 701'r telgh,bor . 1. 'I I A1370116 Mending a Piketch ftnd de%criptlon mity A. 0. PATTISON, Station Agept. , ,%fIl0A0z_0,llerJ1# cried the 46(itsbals, '.. ­ I ­ I I I . .. .. . I kly ngeortaln our opinion free wliothnr An angrily In the Side wip her elbow so I and get. ik(�nent of carload rjttv.,� � . 11 I 3ni.lon Is probably ratentnble �.OmMul left. . I � ?n ...... gt. f�log,the Signal ta,,bogin, . . , " 'I 'NS, Town Ticket A I . G.. titri�,y conildent III. HANOB60 'on Pate'nle F . It. HODGE , I that he cried out, and attelitloo would 9 sentfre.e. idootngoncytorsecuriiigpat,ezltit. to b6S, the 0111068 TfYOu) VOIAr ft'lends 6t ieUtIveg tulyer with . . . " Pi C .1. 1). MACDONALD, Di%trict Passan. I have been ealJoad to them but for A Above, Ia her will . 0,4�h P&. AO% . - "edal notme, without ebarge, in the C ripple -of lalightof wIlloh 'started 'on - turned pale. With bated breath, and siolind.", Write tot it ttlill bottle and vAtuable 0"A � H E R ftt.qntm ttoten t1rough Munn & o. receive ger Agent, Toronto. Pit% Upileligy, St. Vitue Dance,, or Valling '� �111 A - U . � *t$ . Scientific America", *1 I the edge of tile crowd and Was taken pattM lips she watched tile lines ireati.16 wi such dlitesses to TugLittlItO 0.1 , I 'C'. A . U I I � Alif,ndflomelyalumtrAted Weekly. T,argeatelr. _.__________,!n! I I 1111 up by tile sortled make. - 6 Sweep forward and, liko two great x�o Xing Styeet, W., Toronto, Cand(Itt, .. . . QXTr3n11Tf191)(!01 W, oxyr.&MO.. .. . I . ition of nny eciontine ournal, Iforms, $3 a L�66k tit Tribmil6tIll abblit, WaVes.iho�etlng, eollide with R otasll. druggisits sell Or can 61ition for y6a I 0161ft"r I four Tnonthil, SL Solid by $Lit ljowodealort% rniants too youtg ta taLro mefflAfne mul be "go, hot .10 . . 1-11- 11. . . I I ra __1 -1 - ­­ - 1. of CrOtil), wboollitle couall and C011114 bY ed the doiligh I en, I MW qy4asi"IM300010001111"Wom" A ,.-I'. " kIIOWI,Lo % Ur* [Q_ R . . . . NUNN & Co 3010roadway. New Y� tod 0000140. "All, 'the who dust that imse Amnoa all It.1 � i a assmov - L � - mall -10006", , ""' ­- � pffinolik omce, ;Z r St. Waslaftillton, D. us,iUavapo-cresolette Aller breathe, it. AM01.01.9. I '..'..."....., 4, wt....�.,...... . _ ��l��l:L4!q".Ya��l-....;�tatat�,�t tho 110*e . , . . 0 ., . . .1 . � � a � . . I . . . - %. . .. . 1.,. 114 ! . � I I � �1 I L�� . L � . I .. I � I I 17 . . . . . . . � �. . I . I I I � . , " __�A .A ­.A. . . .:*___A� - , ­& 0 I . , I , 1. I � � . ,� I I , I . ..., ,,. ,,���� " 4§iii,1 . , : � � - All�,: _,W,� . , - ;­,U,W",,% ;I-.,-,- �