HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-06, Page 3July Ohl lop
BOY. W. H. 431aftent of Goilerielt
addressed ilre Westfletil and Donny.;
break . Le4oes. Heareade a very liar;
• struotivs. end interesting talk, which-
eirotild inerreree the miSeicaary! &due
ge, tor the 'Forwerd -Movement.
W. A., Harrison •of hateltaow is, vis-
iting. friends Item...
M. mid Mrs. LentioX of Toronto
Were A/letting at J.' Meelinten's,
Afrd, Watimek and daughter, Miss
ht. Murray •of -Godericir visited 'at
Jeelason Wightman'se Satutday.
M. Williams. 01. Detraiteehas, beta
visiting at John. Ittelmoud
' Ifethert Taylor read wife af Bethel
spent Sunday- With the latter' . par-
ents,J. IL and Mrs., lyleediuton,
. .
Reinemiier the dates of Prot Tau-
be's !visit to Clinton, FridaY ..and
Saturday, July Idth and '15th7 _at
the, tiotel Normandie.. ..."
East Wawanosh.
• v -
The council' met Oil June 22nd.
Court of revision re -opened. The e
ti of lot 31, bon* 3, feenterly occupi-
ed by Nath Johnston an tenant, to be
assessed to Wm. Campbell of Blyth,
as agertafor. same. .
'illere being no ...other changeasked
for to be made on. the roll tor this
year, it was mov.ed by Mr, Beeerett,
seconded by iVir. Wilson, that the as-
sessment roll of this township for
1905, as now revieed' and Corrected,
.be passed and the court closed fort
the preseat year—carried.
Counoil •resumed. Joseph Brandon,
con 10, and. Jelin Shoebottain, eon.
11, were present, asking that • sante
assistance be given !towards building
a wire fence on lots 42, eon. 10 wed
11, to try and prevent excessive en -
ow drifting from bleoking up the pub-
lic road in tbe winter seasoo. Laid
over in the meantime.
In the matter of opening Out e new
polling place for municipal and par-
liamentary (elections at .Aliburik, as
retie:este:el by petition Presented• at.
last council !meeting, after eerefully
looking into the •shine they (the co-
uncil) considered they would hot be
justified in opening up.a ;new polling,
place there at present.
The treasurer reported cash onrhand
at date, $602.75. •
Councillor Taylor etated that, .he
intended taking a trip out west •this
season, and asked a leave of abseeee
for sonic time. Request granted.
Council :adjourned to meet again at
2 p. m on Thursday; July 27th,
Mrs, James Brown, Hintontairgh;'
.Carleton Co., Ont., writes suf-
fered from nearly every forffleof piles
for twenty years, both bete and in
the Old Country:, and ,hi'de tried nea-
rly every remedy. I aril only doing
justice to Dr. Chase's Ointment %Oen
I say that I believe it to he the Ildest
remedy obtainable for bleeding and
pratreding piles, of which it h,aseure
ed me.". '
The. performance. Of the • inertias°
cerempay in the Methodist •ehurea .on
Tuesday was quite' an attraction to
the guests and also to the interested
speetatoes. • The .ciartracting •partiee
were Rev. W.A. Findlay. and _Miss
Harriet, daughter .of Mr. Adam
.Reid. Prornptly . at the 'appointed
hour the bride appeerod at the altar
leaning upon the• Omit of her father
and was there met by the: grooin.
Rev. Dr. . 'Gunder:. spoke - the , dnyetic
words, so powerful to .hind human
hearts and lives. .The orgeetist.of the.
church, Miss 11 Reyholeise plaYed.
• wedding,mareh. The ushers, were Mr.
Frank Hill and Mr. Wilfred Reid of
East Wawanosh, •
A very pretty wedding \pea Celebra-
ted at the heal° of Mr. and • Mrs.
T. J. •Elliott 'On Jude the 27.the
The principals were Miss' Melia. (1' -
field, daughter of Mrs. Elliott, and
Mr. Alexander Leishonan of East Wae
wanosh. The parlor was attractreely
decorated for the oecaalen ' with ari.
arch of orange blossomand • e ;er-
greens. The bridal party: etteredethe
Parlor promptly at .twelve
bride escorted by her brother,
Harry Oldfield, Superintendent of. th.,
Gauld Mfg. Co:, of Seneca Palls, and
preceded by her bridesmaid. •• ..
Mr. Cr: He C. Milian and faletilf
renewed this week to Toronto jurre-
aion. . .
• It will be remembered that a few
months ago, 'Rev. Jas. Walker, paste
or of the, Methodist Miura in Salem
circuit, was ohliged tit give up his
work on account Ot the lase :of sight,
They will be pleased however to hear
that there is a maispeet Of his sight
being restored. Specialiste hopb • for
successful results feorri •the treatment
• he is undergoing, and the latest • re-
portsern favorable. :
Could Not . Oise
from a Chair
IINInpled by kidney and Ilya,*
' traUbtaa—Now In perfeat
Me, L. W. Dawns, Welland, Ont., writer' r
"It gives Inr eplea/rive
at to testify on be;
half of Dr. soe't Kidney -Liver Pills. For
many years rag neriottely afflicted with kid-.
ney and liver troubles. At times my }molt
Would "oho se bad r
could net rise front sr
chair, MA then Again'
would be confined to
my bed. I was treated
by the medical profs.
ion, but they all failed
to nuderatand my can,
"About the time I
was most discouraged i
heard of Dr. Chan'a
Itidney.Liver Pills, end
they were in strongly
recommended that I det
' cided to try them. Be,
fore I had used it1/ Of
•Ilro boxei my old now
Mg, DMIIIIII bie, had entirely left me,
and X was again as healthy as in boyhood. .
X frooly give this tettitnov for the benefit of
thon who suffer as I have,
It hi by bri nglnk About just welt cons asi Baia
Web Dt. Ohatels Kidney4LiverTilli Ilareeorao
to IA considered indispensable Ola a family ma.
Alain°, .0001111*. demi, 25 eta. I boa, at alI
,.dtbigert, Or ludOultleont Bitoli & 001 TOtOittot
apd Mrs. Moser orlilith spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Yoninetlet
adeentpanying them to Ceediton,where
they . attended a jubile,e service in
the Evarrgelleal Church. , direee str-
vices laeted four days and were at-
tended hY a large number of • Vernier
Pastors 11,44 people:
Alonzo. Ortwein aecomPatiled by his
bride hills Alba Draider of Coeltst-
On, near .Petrolia, arrived in town)
onaSatunday fria,ht and visited . with.
Ms parents till Tuesday. 'They were
married at • the home of the' bride on
Thuraday. The very' happy yo t ng
ceuple inCend -taking up tinuSekeeril4
in Detroit,
, .
Miss Margaret Lawson, who has
been here for someUnto, left on
•Monday •on her way to Aberdtea,
Scotland, her cousin, Miss Grace
Lawson, going with her as far as
Toroate for a few days. •
Thursday morning ef last week hilsg-
Annie Lawson left for a throe ma-
ths.' visit to relatiVes in Vancouver,
Maititoba, and the Northevest. Pre-
vious to leaving she entertained hr
Sunday echool class to a farewell
gathering at Lornside.
Mrs, Shaw, formerly 'Wise Hoar:la
at one time of this township, btt,
now of Detroit, :WS one of the ex-•
eursioniets front there, seeing OM fri-
• ends end relatives about here, •
• A familiar figure for over half a'
century here and in G•oderich, peisele
away on' the 20th, June at Chicago,
in the person. a, Donald Cumming,
familjerly known to his friends here
as "the architect." Whin he first ca-
me to Goderich he was conuectati wi-
th the' planing null in partnership 'wi-
th the. late John McDoaalci, one of
the pioneers hi the building and feu. -
twittering trade in the Iltiron tra,et.
Mr:- Cumming learned his trade in,
Dundee, 'Scotland. 1 Gekleriele hi
first Work was in eoaneetion with thee
Central school and -he was the e
tractor for the first salt block built
iiiSaltford, in 1866. While here •he
drew logs or. a. woodci railway to
Savage's sawmill alert for a short
tine operieted an enaine and Mill haer
having a large. stall of men in his
employ, Aftc-rveardr he wtmt into
.the building of houses in Ashfield and
Colborne. •
• ' I
. .
The Largest Egg Farm..
What is' said to 'he the largest; egg
farm in the World is . retie ourit.11 •:and
.ntaliaged by Mr, E.. L.. HeyWarel,•.; at
Hancock,! N. IL ,. Adeortififs . to the
"Ituyal NCW-Y011c.'61f," it has at this
*Ile over 4,400 h. ne; kept. in sr hun-
dred small houSes,• fourteen in each,.
The - hens are ;levet- allowed . outeitle
their eightfoOt Square Coops and aer.
never -fedgeeen feeds- Contrary ' te. the.
theoliing Of all Other paultry breedges
Each hen gets. about .aiqtrarter Potted
per day of beef :scraps, bluten, hominy
feed,. wheat; etc.,: with a little, . salt,
groured, shelis, grit, charcoal, and:
plenty ..of Clean water. They' a,vere,ge
one hundred eggs each .e.dering
year, for 'which , the high 'average of
twenty-six cents a :dozen iS,reoeived or
a total of $2 17 it costs' about 81.17'
eaeh for feed' SQ that 'the. ploflt On
.pech hen it about 'a . dollar. The thee-.
pings..go to fertilize' a• large.. orpharil
and area sousee oh:pieta-Only young
hens are kept, the Spectral Year . thy
are Sold' and Milletsbought for eine
next .yeat'a egg Crop: '• •
. .
Allow the artne to stand in a glass
vessel for twenty-four hours and if
at the end of that it is clouded or
has left -a sediment .in ,the bottom
of 'the vessel you may be .sur e that
your kidneys are diseased. As a me-
ans of invigorating the ection of the
kideeys rand making them strong and
healthy, there is no preparation e•ao
prompt and. none so thorough as Dr.
°liege's Kidney -Liver plus,
; A, quiet wedding took place in Sar-
nia on June 21st when on?„0 of Pact-
er's toys, • Mr. J., Willis Powell, , soa
of Mr. Stephen Powell, was .united :n
marriage to Miss Gettrude Nasle.
of Sarnia. The ceremony tot
at the reel:dam, , of the bricie'e par-
ents' and Was Witnessed by only a few
of the • eontractina. Patties' frieiviL
Mrand hits. Powell left immediate-
ly for Exeter where .they hate taken
up their residence with the formers
father. " •
Sad, indeed, was the neWS of the
death of Will. Willis, son of the late
Jame WiIIis,. which novo arrived he -
're Friday; the death having taken
place on hoard a C. P ft train while
the young. Man was returning to his
old • home here. Deceased had been
for about three years a reeitient of
Springside, Assae, with his mother
and brother Fran, and had been in
his usual' health until his return there
last winter from it visit to hiskold ho-
me here. He then ,became ill of pneu-
monia and pleurisy which. developed '
into the dread disease. from which he
never rallied, gradually sinking until
the end was hear, when the deelihe
became tnore rapid and the end ciente
sooner than expeeted. Having a dee
vire to °tree more. see his native te-
wn, he and his mother stetted for the
east, but the old came when aboeed
the. C. 13. it. traitt near HunesVille,
Mushoka/ The remainie were taken ter
Toronto and there Made ready for
burial and Were then brought to Exe-
ter and convoyed to the 'residence of -
Mr. '1'. IL McCallum froni where the
funeral took plate to the Exeter cem..;
°tory on Sunday at 2 p,me. iikeeased
was but twenty-two yoars clap and
was a gl%fteral fe,vorlte, ,ot _the youn,4
people of !own, all of whom regret
• eXceedingly his early demise. • Gener-
al • sympathy hi felt for the mother
and two brothers, George of tonion,
and Prank of Springskte, and other
sorrowful ones,
The Nows.Reoord to any addroso
until the end Of 1065 fOr -26 O'ent's.
into Clinton
Magistrates -Galore' •
• A glance at the fecordle, for Huron
county ehowe that, 11 not 4 law-ai'de
• ing people, Iltiroltilise ought to be,fer
Das eounty has ou the mar Isterial bis t
one hundred -antd tiltyetia.ee dustiwee
.of the Pertee. Either West Hump
was coneidered noire dangerous than
the other. railings of 'the rounty, or
else th. re were more within its .boteris
whom' the Ross Governmeat*.delighted
to honor, fur we rani that while the
East and *West ritlinas to tether had
(tele the Wcsik
riding was favored with no less Dieu
eighty-five. There was no reeson to
suspect 'any sudden outbreakof law-
leeshaa dur n the- roc.n.he ei No ;em-
•ber or Decearbd; yet we .find that .no
lesa than. forty-two rea„tetretes were
apt Muted let the- Weet uhn Orme,
on: or • nho .No 'enter 10. h, 1001.
• With eightyedve justiets of the Peace
there ought to be peace withinour
borders. We did not hear ;of any ser-
ious' trouble prior to No..veneber 10 of
last year, requiring the adetttion of
forty-two, dispensers of juetiee to the
mag•istcrial benth of West Hama but
certaialy wiuih, eighty-dve J. 13.'s the
"terrur lo evil -doers." shauld be com-
plete and effe..tive.—Minelutin Aelyarie
Warden hicEwing of Wellinaton,
who was in ;. town yeeteedey; %Lys
that a, goad deal of the crop of his
section of We.st WeniQ41,011:qn
lying lead has •hoth eltowaed • out,
"lehat is good," says Mr, MeEwinee
"is. 'batter than it War last year, bet
a coneieterablee. arca has been injured
by fioed, Petits, loth thenips arat
mariebts,• are doing' rental:hal ly we 1 ; •
better hhan lest year. Cern is no
gOod at all-, but hay will f.,41,e efiete
ger yield than a, year aaa, '
"Stipellee of beef cattle are Pretty
well elearred out, arid these :11111.11.1;
OS are QQ1' reelt ng hp as they . did
last year, •the analitr a !the • grasS
to Le in ...Wit. : 090 na-
tty or the- cattle cootteeted rod.; by"
dealers at Cc and Gle in. our; refeetirei
.have- not been taken .up,and it is
feared' with the • drop inpriee' • they
wilt be left in the hands of • oriednal
imeners:"Heketely 'Sun.'
for Calves -
„The Knnas' ..Experimental Station
hag been Carrying' on .ercperfatents Wi-
th the 'object of seiving the proSterm.
.of raisin; :Calves without skint:milk..
Two kinds of hay- tea lea,ve been Ukil,
One Made 'OM a, mixtfire. of • °rid!,
ard grass, blue grass, .and red chiver,
and the other front Alfalfa. Se far
the. results have not Leon vei satia.
factory. The Raffle made we' re lrme
especially .on the Alfalfa tee.
Alfalfa, •seerned to he !so loc,Seninr
.that- it wee impOssible to'. keep !' the
ealyes ..froin.• Scouring. This expeer-
Ment Tnelieates that the gains made
front this ;food ere” both eloW 11.0
expensiVe. . •
" .
Western Canada
Depletes Ioiva.
Iees, Moines, 'dune 10a-.Indicatione
pont to ' the atate census which is to
be Lnie.heel July 1,giving IbWa a, ee-
crease of 75,000 population. Out of
flfto n eoun t i e8 , now co inple te, ' Aimee
has been ii. loss in all eeeept Polk.
countyan, wilieh is the city of Dee
Moin a, Nearly all 111 :se loa in., bit
:a settled in Western Canada.
• •
Good Roads' and
. • .
'I here
Rural Mail Delivery.
are many advantage; in tem-
neetien with rural mail serwee, but
(Me whioli is sometiruee overlooked,
aridwhich is Very inittortant, •is its
stimulating effect on road • imPrcive-
Men t. The Brecileas' Gazette says
Ude; 18 tine of he Most cominentlahle
features 'of the syatem. In Many- soce•
tine of the United States applica-
tions for 'routes have been dotted Un. -
til roads viriere improved and many a
mile of bettered highway has been
made in order that the mail bags
might be carried to the doors of tarns
+ POE, 25e.
• , To 'give farmers an opportutt-
+ ity td seeare a supply of print-
+ ed envelopes we have decided
atee to furnish Fifty, Envelopes,'
+ neatly printed Name and Ad-
+ dress, fog the small sum of
+ TWenty-live Cents. This offer
+ is for a effort time only and +
+ intended merely- to bite/Atte° +
+ the use of Printed Envelopes 4.
+ amongst the Farming commun-
+ ity, Ali orders sent in accent-
+ Panted by the •cash Will be
furnished at the price named, 44
+ The envelopes are good Stock. 44
+ Just try a Quarter's worth. 44
44 44
The News -accord,
Drysdale. •
Mise Pollock 13ruee ere
untye .spent iz lew da;s ilsitine fri-
ends in tits rick:Moo:4°d.
Haying hos cowmen...IA and Ur
is a geoid one.
Mr.. Ayotte Of Michigan is eleithr. ;
ihe rwighbothoed.
Mr. and Abs. It. J. Talbot lute*
• moved into tie ir new home OW 110..%
Thet the honeymoon is orer they
i.tt:e seta. d down, to the realities ot
Mr. -,Edearel Etue is Ite,ving it yenta
tat wali plaeed under his baen. _Ed.
is .a pesher.
,e • ,
Atr..Aneus Murray is aide beta; qua t
again, aftt hie spill of sit' t was.
Huoday sehoel wee- reorentriaral
• last Srehhailt ueder'a band-
• of officers.' . •• : .
Air. Jas. 'Re Delgaty 'delivered. an
ithle -diecourse. last Sehdrith to an
overflowing house.- , •
Mr, end. Ales, LAMS- Mousseau end
Alias Strong of MeGregor, who were
• visit'ne rctatiV.es in our burg lite
past Wee, returned home mt• `Mete
Miss' Mitehilda • and Miss Saradhae
spiitt Studley wi b friends' • in,
• 1. • s t h t:
• err •le .;" an 1,11»
Y e 01.
took . tiara lest 1 h kysd Ly erenin
„Jung 2210, Vuk.'S t WO. platter
ye; n t rople of oer • burgjoined
hearts Dad hands, The. groom 'wee
Mr, POSert'. Talkeet and', the
bride Miss 'Esther. Murray. Rev.
Deed:Non perlermed tbe u.'re-
.Mr. and Mrs. Tnlot . Wilt
take up' their reeideeee . the eld
homestead,. We join with, all friends
wisirine theneeproeperity and joy. al'
. Louis King of Chioego, viho
was visiting :.relatives end . .frlendi
here; re -Opted hoiae lest Satorday:
. Sunday week was haled a red letter,
day irk the lives id wetly of •tan
"Teepk of:this vicinity and sufroauti-
ing , country, it being the. oeoa,sion • of
the :rededication of the ehereh,
bag eeecatly been xernoved from •et
'this 1ll.,ii to its .greed. and calumet',
• emus p oei ti on eat Me. 11. W. Tate Ve
farm,. The ahurch wits heantifelly oc-
curet ed; feees, io1 IlliWetS iiir;•Ived th
0ron hi1e 1313 ci1in. and. Walls pre-
seated,a 1,ieturear:,0e. 6...nprar aner all of.
'which -adttat greatly to: the ,topropt1-
• ateii6...s. and Solemnity of the oecas-
ion.: The • screiceS in the 'mornin-2,.
'were condticted by' Mr. Jania
get ty. .T n Ili ewning Rae a Mr,
Neil 'of 13ay2e1d tOok. elaree ot the
.Seret• lea and preeelted a • very- powerfel
sermon' • to eeefult .c ho' At bo th
scrviees. aueexeelipikt choir consisting
of th.., 11111,rers,. Messrs
et: 1'u and '3 tee' Edward Cli.eles- Seel-. 1
, 'Fere 'Smith; 11a E.. Erwin of llaye
field, the Mu T. Duetted.; E,'
1101;E., :-11.,;tie.r,1 I1010:2r,
l'utlier • 0'4, i1i 1 iickA of: Er.reter
eta ompaaied ,Satite .eof...11aYea•
wit renders
•and appropriate 'nuerrie.., r
the litetOrr'of: it,tteS•.
:leekto ea:very .remateePerioil. • Fa.r.
away hack.. in. •••1:660: 'a number of,
!Feenele. Priebytertaea !twined. theater
selves rote). Zee .:hody and seeceeded
in greeting,' this Chueeli with . timber
hewn! . • from the forests'.whuoh cov-
eeed nearly:ell: if not all; of the . ow
.frinfays Saithle :Lefty. For meny
years! 'deer its me:titrn. they •cone
tinted, to belch. servdeee in it. atel •
marrY'.ahbe sPeakere who now hold.
ernimait .pealtions 111 the, woeld' have'
etodd linen its .platforms ,antpreeelae
ell Within its w'.lk 13y.ind. .hy ase, Juice 4tb,. :The. ibad grading laid:ant-.
.tor: the spring.season has been ..0011.1-'
.opertvtor,;. Alec earth -Mee
sera., WAS peid.$713.4.0 for.hisaser vices,
!and .Albert Cameron ...received 1440
doe the itse, of ...his ..engine to draw
:grader... The Stone crusher has • leeen
operated . for eonie -ante -now:. and is
eiv 1111, caputitl eatislactiana. turning
oet froer 60 46e7.0' yards
seone per deka The „depaty,' minister
elf worka.,,for .--Ontario,.. visited
the 'pit and -erronOueced. the..mitterial
filed elapa. for''fitildinga
;committee of ..the.• Council will :Meet
contractors .:" at thecorner of letS 6,
,cbtieessionS., : 8 ,and 9,11 R • for
the "Oening Of July 8th, at.0 o'cloek,
lete•thai.nieepose Of letting' a contract
'1Or • the% construction rods of
open ditch, . 'At-. the genie time. . and.
place .120 . rods ot.. oprn ditch and 44. .a.e,aaeeee-aea,a4aes
dies' Whitewear
.v. ----Summer Dress Goods---iwar
you can't enjoy Shakespeare" says some one with a tooth acit
/ and you can't enjoy the pleasant summer pastime, Yon can't
feel happy idihe prettiest summer clothes unless the underclothes are
comfortable and dainty. Our stock of Ladies Whitewear and Under-
▪ wear is dainty" and beautiful beyond exception.
75c CORSETS•45e
GO E Sr. T Corsets with Hose Supporters, regu-
lar 75c, for 45e
5 dozen Tape Girdle Corsets, jixst the thing for
hot weather, al/ sizes. ass04,•• 35c
Made of tine Egyptian yarn sha-
• ped and straight style, square
arid round necks, short sleeves
or no sleeves, all sizes 10c
Made of fine Lisle thread shap.ed
and straight style, square rou-
nd neck trim in ed with lace
ribboarstiortor no sleeves 25c
Vs% .
The vesting is in assorted self eoloi ed designs, all very new melt pot.
term. on ideal materiale for shirt wiriet, suit or wktist, ere., 2 5r
Ducks,--Ntiv,y, Black and White ground,. with dot spots, stripes and Me-
ntes. This material is ve'ry popular for Ladies' Suits, G'irls' dresses,
Boys' blouses, etc.; I2A0 '
Linen Suitings ab I e in light bine, dark blue, grun," pink; 27 In
chs *de for waists or suits ISc '
Black and White straw ;plain 'Red and Blue Silk Bands 25c
Plain White straw with math satin bind gpc
• coRser,coveRs ,
In White Cotton' and tine White Nainsook, full length style, beautiful
embroidery, fancy trimmings, tucked yokes, pi ices
25c ' • 50c 75c 11.0.0
. . ..,
F'ine White Cotton or Nainsook Empire or high neck style, all taste.
fully trimmed with tine embroidery, full insertion and hwe finis,
. all sizes, $1.;00 . 51.25 and $$ 50.• .
Made .of fine cotton,sev-
eral styles, Lawn and
embroidery frill $1..
Made of fine cotton La-
. . .
-wn, frill lace insert—
tion, frill ot lace tuek
and frill of embroid—
• . ery, French bands,
Successors to R. Coat, .CLINTON.
• Tnekersmith .Township.
• • •
The. emuteil . met , at Seaforth oa
years rollcd otomany. remevoti'
from ibis •Vieinity rend as• the remain. -
ins, few could; 110 longer support,. W.
chureh the result was' 11i'at a Snnday
sellOPI• Was .the Only. serviie which
was 11?;141. and • it con t mud Ip . exist in:
that condition until. its :removal whie.
-•.elf et po . pi ace ie ore°, few wee's ago.
The Messrs Timmer antt Tal.hot eta
:the people: Of that iteieldierhood .ire -
aid he eongratuladede, because of the
wonderiel , :interest which. they have
taktn ..in the Work and 'eiterctl
faie . of, .thus ,olitneh iuud in •rernoin!..„
fitt!ae it, mid 'edifying it for Divine
, .
'Headeehes. 'are verY annoying., • ptr-'
baps they are eaustd by 'eye etraila .
Have your. eyes examined by, ,Tee.be
et the Hate).- Norniandie, :Jetty!. .1.1th
and' 151h.. ••
a. few ;Inontha old. .Mrs. J anyes: Wells
.. of Virden, 'Man., Mrs. Meath, Mrs.
- 11,1iss, Ada '.May .w,a4- ;visiting 'iteddole, ,Rurrows.. and Miss Annie of Dakota,
reaville laSt. weeke.:. ..• . : ..1 . are sisters cif Jim deceased end: Wile
.. Misa . Mary Ryan of Dungannon .84).- beim of Reston, Mao., a 1%2rother...'•
. Miss Martha; ,rimn., has. returned . pastor, „Ree. J. C. Reid, 'was, linable.
ent Sutaley week jet her 'home. ' • Owieg to . the. fact that the new'
from St, 'Thoroa.s, Where she has Wen ' to he present,. last •Sunday as intend -
staying ter some months.. • eil, the service on 'Sunday evening
An iee cream social tauter the sauSe was taken by the League. Miss .-Mah-
pleas of the Woman's . Foreign ' Ms- el Homey gave a paper on .inissione,
,sionary. Society • Will be held, 'On the ' aori 'George Curry one ', on teMperane
. grounds of Mrs,- David G1rvtuz7.- On .06. . .
Friday awning,. .e ' • . . :: e.. •
John W: Ifunicr received the Skit .. :
news teeentlY of the death : of his The:crisis: between Fiance and Ger-
sister,•Mrse George Paul, at Howard,i inarrY"has. resumed • it5. former" seriot,s-
ASsa,, on June 14th. Mrs. Paul died nes. Franee, recognizing- ftlitt OKI:. :
Illeael)tiitithli;r• iti0411a
0. wlld
* Shelrai lo-Frenoh entente', to destroy the Ange
te', hies determined to.
inediY'e object is '.
a. daughter of the late John Thriller ; maintain ,her right of indePenderit -.0,6,
of Goderich townkihip and her mother 1 tion,'. and has again been -assured. .of
is .1iVicee -in Dakota, She IS: survived undefnivoeil support by Great Britain
hk her huslianfd and a:little daughter .in her Moroceanepoliey.., •
! . .
rods .of 8 inch tile drain awarded to
Private individuals will also he let if
possible, The next meetituk wilt be
et, solvertitietnent in Tbe News held in Seaforth on July 22nd at one
Re:ctn.(' brings good results. '
-eekeeek..e e are ee ..4eteekake.
/6.1/ •
-burns ooal, coke or wood with equal facility• . .
Flues, gratesi .11re-1K-A arid feed -doors, are
specially construoted to bura any kind of fuel,and
a special wood grate 13 always supplied.
Sold by '631 enterprising dealer*, Write for booklet,-
Loudon, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, V0,1100001,, St. John, 14,13.
Writes Where./111
• The World Can See.
Writing in Sigh
It will ay yeti
.before ptiroliaOrttelsowher.os... ,Write.for
Sole Dealer •
II/. W7ewsome, Toro -do's-.
ARLAND BROS., 'CLINTON Western Ontario Branch Office 466 Richmond St,
tie SOLE MONTS ,4411 London, 8yron O. Simmons, Manager