HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-07-06, Page 1tr,•.• •
26th Year
17 11;i: Reapath's "
Granulated Sugar $1.00
18 lbs. Bright Coffee Sugar for • $1.00
05o Tea [-Black or Japtml for 25c
3 lbs. Good Cakes for 2$o
3 lb. bar of first-class Soap, worth 2sc at 15c
Vien's Shoes worth $1,50
LadiesOxfords worth 1.40
" Working Shoes 75c
"Boys' Shoes worth 1,25
Children's Coarse Shoes worth
for 950
for $1.00
for 500 -
for 95c
$1.00• for 7
Bring in your produce and take away .
the best possible value in Groceries or
Boots and Shoes.
CITIZENS -Telephone or send down your..grocery ••
order or come yourself and 'get a pair of
shoes to,fit both pocket and feel.
Graham' s Old Stand— -
***••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••„f“,'
0000 0000
00 0000
n. T. Rmyce, Manager. W. BRYDONE, Solicitor.
T. Jackson
Linen Suits
for 75 cents
We hav 50 American Linen Suits
for Boys which we will sell at from
75c to $1.00 per Suit.
A valuable colt belonging to ' M.
W. W. Ferran Was found deed in the
pestuee field on Friday last. What
Put •short its existence is. not Imown,
but there is some suspieloo that it id
•eeine Way got poison. The colt was
imported and of the best,...trotting
stock. Mr. Farren some -time shwa
refueed ;125 for it.
• • ,.. A
'Seated' iu the same pew in the (hie
tario sthiet churoh on Sunday morn-
ing last . were three eisters whose
average age is 81 yeaes. They wete:
Mrs, Plumsteel Sr. 83, Mrs. A,,D.Wilt-
se 81, Mrs. Robt„ Barber, Seafortle,
70, They are bright, •cheerful and
active and belove4 by their' families
andealiost of friends,. It is not like-
ly that a like ineideut. °covered ie
any other ohurch in the Dominion •
la,st Sunday. . .. '
. At Monday night's meeting 'of. the
town • couueil, Mr. H. Hill •asieed, on
behalf of the Orange Ordee, the use
ef the peek for July 12th.. The re-
qu.est was readily granted. .
The Mary street. drain was again
the subject of discussion. • It has
been up so often that some surprise
has been 'expreseed that it is . not
finally. eeld firmly dealt with. .
Residetits • on the street • 00111We-ilk
of the stench arising from the 'draba
.and the charge is freely made tha,t
closets 'are being meted int it it. .11
Sereething is- net done soon . the
couecil will have to defend an' action
by some ratepayer whope ipartienee bap
become eahausted.' • -
• Councillor Chat said : 'Meseta are
being emptied into this drein and We
Certainly •will, be sued if we doe't
stop it: ' Ilave we not an 'inspector,
whose dutyit is to leek alter this
matter ? • .. . •
- 0ouneil1or Cottle .: Ouihealth in-
spector' phoultl look after this matter
• and , 'eve that . the cause of •grievinee
isereinoved,.. Jake Becker says he Wail
sue .ue sera if we don't :stop; the
, . ...
Oielleh:" - • : ' :- '
.Chief Wheatley : There is a ceeepool.
under the Normandie block, but .. I
don't .know whether it has been tape..
ed .pr tot. • . -
• . The requestwas made that the
'Citizens' 'hand play alternate Thitrs-
day evenings:at the postoffiee,.... but
believing that the matket -aquae'
where . the band Steed Is, is the pee,
per place the request Was not grant.
UOuneillor Cluff took up ' the mate
ter of the• rubbish which .1.fes• for
Some 'years been deposited on the
south and of King'. street and . , ad:,
'vocated . its burial, or, better still,
its eerneVal to the gravel pit .outeide
of town whichwill provide a cpine-
tdy for . tin cans etc eta for' Yea-
ts to coniclee. accordingly intro-
dueed a. motion to that effect.
Councillor Cottle acquiesced and.
was also of the opinion thatthe pit
. is.theproper eeCeptaele for ' such • re.
°penciller Wilted agreed • that the
pit would "fill a long felt want" but
thought it perhaps unnecessary to go
to the: . expense of removingall the
ru.heisli from its' present resting'
P10,0e- • e ' . ''' ', -.. •-' ' '
In .regard to nic..aetion': threatened
by Dr; Holmes because .01 ethe.injitry.
sustained thy his tittle do-tighterfill-
ing" into the opening at the •entrance
Ie do eothing. It is qiiite imposSible,
„ to 'a. culVert, the coencil decided to
said More than one member to Pre -
z tect everY, egening atom the water-
courses . • tro,m which there is no
danger whetever if pedestriahe will
stay on the Sidewalk .or on .tihe road-,
T. Jackson Sr., i Clinton:.
+4+174444 4444++44+44++4.
It 4.44,44:4:-.404.14,444,4414+4-.:!.:,
4; 41,46.,.0.,„,...,ib....0.4.6,.................b.livii...6.......".....A..............e.. it: .
. .
• •
* $ Furniture and Undertaking
.t. .
:}. t . . . , # + •
f We desire to annannee that daring the absence # X
x:# of Mr; J. C. Stevenson in the Old Country, the Par- { : s
• •
niture and Undertaking business.will be carried on 9 X
asc. heretofore.
4,444 4
. s„.
• -X
will be carefully looked after as before, and .41 X
Night or Day Calls promptly attended to., 4
O. Stevenson
lIVIDENOE ON Ettinoil map: r4e,
• •
The proposal .of the' Electeic Light
Company to hi:trash an -all night
service if the council .would Agree to
take four, mere street lights at the
present' Pelee $60 per lightwas th-
oroUghly - discussed:: Mayor Hoover,
strongly eupported it. The pried . is
lower than -meet towns eimiliarly
situated are paying ,and the all night,
service will be Much appreciated be:
meet ratepayers. ' Since the service
was first instituted several yeare, agd
only two lights hove Veen added.
Councillor Wiltse said that in at
least one place in his ward a street
larnp was really necessary and he
doubted not but (hat it was the
same in other parts of the town.
In justiee to these citizens he would
support the proposition,. to increase
the nifinber of lights bY foUr.
. A inotiou to this effect was carried
unanimously. .
The aceount presented by Mr. 0.11.
Carter for work done by direetioa of
the medieal health °Meer was not
paid. The council thinks the in, h...0
exeeeded his authority in giving Mr.
Carter the4work to do as it was
Part of the'dtity of another ellicer
wile.; is paid to perform it.
Couneillor Wiltse reported that the
difference betweeti the commit and
Mr, C. Overbury regarding the -use
of a portion of an tietratrelled street
seemed to be elose at hand. Mr. Ov-
erbury is quite willing to make an
amicable settlement. •
Commillor Ford reported that a
fifteen -inch eement tile would have
to be, laid along Orange street. The
outlet! directed that alr the tile re-
quired be :bought front the local
manufeeturer, Mr, S. J, Andrews,
whode output is giving entire setts-
Two members- were absent frem the
meeting, It. J. Gibbings and II,
The drama Wanted twenty -live
tents per load for draying, but the
eounell decided that it would only
pay twenty .eents.
The two Methodist S. $'s and that
of St. Paul's will picnic in Goder-
ich and Willis and. the Baptist. in
Bayfield. Would not be well to
have them all mi the same date
and that ,day the civic holiday. e
The committee which is promoting
the 12.th• of July celebration assures
The News -Record Bat a large num-
ber of lodges have promised to spend
the day in Clinton, Preparations are
now under way for their entertain -
Ment and we have eo doubt but that
the hours they will be in Clinton will
be pleasantly and ereiltahly spent.
A barn raising took place at: Mt?",
Jinxes Reynolds', lIullett, on Tueee
dayainlwhich one hundred men (Jac;
•ticipa,ted. The leaders were Adam
-Weir and Gilibiert Matra and the finish
was so close thet it was impossible
to say who won. The framer is the
only Matt. :Mains. The men were
given a great supper by Mrs, IteYe
nolds who was assisted be a num-
ber of pretty girls from the eectitin,
toem end Seeforth,
Come to Cliaton en July 12th.
„ .
• The tNews-eeord tied' January
next for 25 'emits.
There were thirty-two interrit6tein
Clinten, cemetery for the six months
ending June .80th. ,•
'1Virs. . 'P. McIlveen ]las bought the
property next to King's bakery late-
ly occupied by Mr, Fitzsimons;
The pupils. of Miss Carol E. New-
combe, A. L. 0. M., ' tgeve recitals
piano and vocal, in the Pastime Club
„hall on Tuesday. and Wednesday 'eve
clangs. • • . •
A tournament of the County ; of
elttron Military Rifle Leaeltie was held
at Goderielt On Saturday when -the
following , teams competed : flohnese
villa, Goderich township Loadesboto,
.Aeburn, Blyth, (Jolborne; 'ten men to
doh' taint. The pup ofieged by the
Association was Wee by the (leder-
ieh lownslirp tearn. Mr, 0. J. Doe/d-
ing of Clinton. 'won the handsome
silver medal for' highest individutil
score, •the best ever.Made -at any
,tournament held by thee Association.
At '200 yards 'fie Made four 5's and a•
'$ .-eird at 400 'yards four 5'e and • a 4,
OL a ,total of 47 , out ,of a: possible
50. The meet ',highest was Mr. Lee of
Londesbore :with 44, Bullsey•ea are
.the' rule :with' M. Dowding ho is
now recognized is the best rifle shot
in. Huron. I -le will eompeee in the
Dominion Rifle Association matches
at Ottawa in August and as the re-
sult we hely expect' he will be chos-
en Member of the team to repres-
ent Canada iat Bieley,• England; next
.UNION °. : ,
The Union picric held in Faeran's
grove on Thursday last was ' favored
with ideal weather so that the at,
tendwrice was large and enjoyment
reigned sttpreme, ;
Ample provision had been .made for
.a good. dinner and an equally ap.
petising supper which were partaken
of hy so' large a number as tp tax.
the large staft of attentferikeiters.
The five long tables were presided
oVer by Mesdames. MeCourt, p j. all the •participants made good.scor-'
Reynolds, R.' Blake; D, Flynn and C,' es, as follow, 'it twenty-five birds !
..13adour. , , E. Hovey 24, J E Cantelon 24,
The program of sports was niece je Dodds 24, Dr. J. Gunn .18.
enjoyed. Perhaps the most interest. . The club intends to put up a tie-
ing 'item • was .the tug of war bephyefor coMpetition alneng its Mem.:
tweeri two teams of nine stalwart Men hers which adds 'greatly to the in.
each, captaieed respeetively by 'Dave tcrest taker in the shoots, .
Crawford of ekehurn and Alb. itior- ".on Dominion Day the , iCantelon
tell of Clinton. Each side,' Wen a J, E. of town, D. A.' of 'Tien.
•heat and then as they seemed ;to be sill and 'W. F: of . Toronto, had their
equal in point of strength the .1-ain1t annualshoot and at fifteen targets
Was declared a tie and the prize madethe following eeeeee e,
money 'divided: .• Cantelon 18, I). A, Cantelon.12,
Jack' Barr of Hullett•Won the tat F. centalea 10. ' •
• .
man's race with Dave Cia:wford a While these, eoinpetitions have not
good second .•
The Iodide tug, of war was won .by
the side daptained by Miss Emma
. Quigley. The opposing • team was
eafitained by 'Miss Nellie McLaughlin.
aichse. contestant *as awarded a
.prThere • were: a number off fooltares
for the Young people.' John Barr
acted as starter and John Shateahani
and john Carbert as judges. '
The drawing events, were 'wee as
follows; •
1 -Cut glass salad bowie -Willie Rey-
nolds of. Hullett.
2--131seuit jar --"Willie Morrison .•• of
Mullett, the Winner .of the first prize
last year.
3 -Silver butter dish -Miss ',Flossie
Cronin of Clinton. •
The greatest number of tickets for
the drawings was sold by Miss Meg.
gie Brown; who dispesed. of $388
worth in town and several points at
a distante. She worthily wo4i the
prize, a handsome gold watch, Miss
Mary O'Brien of Tuekersinith stood
second with $60 alid Miss Nellie Kel-
ly third with $50. To eaeli of these
ladies prizes, were else given.
Aniong the guests from distance
were Father 'Corm:an of Seatorth
and Father iVIeltae of Goderieh.
The receipts amounted . to aboat
Our offer to send The News -Record
to any address up to tbe end of
1005 for the small sum of 25. cents
is being generally availed of. The
offer still holds good. Why uot vend
ithe paper to that boy or girl (.Jf
yours "who is away from home, it's
as good as a letter every week,
Mr. John Smith met with an acci-
dent at Holmesville last Friday ev-
ening, . He was going. into the lodge
roora of 'Court Selwood
and mIs-
ca1oula1irg the height el the steps he
tripped': and falling backward struck
his head•upon a stone which stunned
Win for a few seconds. He wee 'atilee
however, before the .los e : of the
meeting to address the brethern and
enjoyed Ile lunch.
Mr. : Fred. Seoteheriere, f;rmerly
61 Stanley, but now of Craik, AsNa,,
in writing to The New:s-Record says:
'We have 100 acres in crop this year
and all is looking well. There has
been a big inereese in acreage in the
Craik district.* Lestyear the total
was only 1200 acres, but this Year
it is 7000, of which '5000 is wheat.
CoodiiAone are at present very fay-
ora,ble and' we are looking for a
beentiful crop. The News -Record re7
itohes us regularly altd is eagerly
loelien for, almost like a 'Jetta frOni
hoine." •
Miss Wilson's room to Senior third.
in Miss Shepherd's mem : Cern;
'Maguire, Erma, Andrews, Marjorie
Manning, Willie Rot/hist:en, Edgar Tore
ranee, 'Nellie Robinson, Stewart Pais.
ley, Lois ',Stevens,. .Ray Cantelon,
Wilmer Wallis, Ade eilaguiece , Isaac-
Rattenbury, Charles Trowhill, pearl
Finch, Hattie Judd. - •
, Given a trial : Millie potts, Gladys
Cantelon, Wellington 'Cook; Alex.
Mein tyre. , ' •
Miss' O'Neil division to 8rd ,book.in
Miss Wilson's room : Liziie
Daisy Copp', Grace 'Walker, Ethel
White, Belle Flukee, W Carliug, J.
'Carter, W. Gra;nt,' Geo.' Grundy, J.
Hail, L. Harland, R. eRice, V., elo.
Man, CI, Rogers., W, Twitehell. ‘,
. On trial Earl Downs, ;IL*MorrelLA
Mr. and Mese Will. H. Thbina . Of.
()Mahe:J. Nebraska,' whii,,are on theia
honey/noon, :arriyet last week., to 'Sp-
end • .0, feW days: with •thc formeeee
sister, Mrs. E. • Butt of 'the Base
Line. On!Sunday • a. m. they drove
into: town, to • attend church and on
their way home Met with an a,Oeident.,
The Pony they wore driving shied
arid upset the buggy, throwieg out
the occupants. Mr, Thomas sustain-
ed- a fracture of the ankle, while his
bride Was also considerably injered.
Mrs'.• Clark of town, who' .eras with
theM. • Was: ie well badly bruised. The
Unfortunate incident will confine 111r. '
'Phonies to the house far some days,
but while . it will entail a:insider:able
suffeting there will be isa. financial
bees for prior to .starting out on Die
trip he toelk. Out a Policy for a
coneiderable Sum .M. , an Accident'
Company. •
The. • gen club began its euntroce
series ,p1 shoots on Friday last,when
- While the ppt people of St. Jo.
seph alt worked hard to make -Gil
picnic 'a success, yet the genial, Fa-
ther Pensoluteault labored most' 'str-
enuously. of Them all, Ile was in-
defatigable and oninipresent.
Music for denting was furnished by
a eoinpany ot harpers from London
and the platform WAS occupied all
afternoon and evening. The young
people hed a real loVely time.
probably the same value as rifle
matches they serve a good. purpose
and should be encouraged. The local
Club has ,ori its _roll several superior
shets, who always do well when telt-
Ing part in the tournaments abroad.
The Children's bay Service • last
Sunday was a great succes& the mor-
ning service particularly so. To say
that the deeopations 'of flowers was
beautiful is to put it Mildly. Both
as to quantity and arrangement the
display was ehusually fine and too
emelt praise cannot be given to the
committee, who, with the assistmee
of the scholars, gathered and • ar-
ranged the flowers. The pastor, Bev.
Mr, Magee, addressed his remarks in
the morning to the children, taking
for his text Prov. 4; 28, "Keen thy
heart with all diligence for out of
it are the issues of life." The speak*
er peinted out that there was ai' pur-
pose to life and to realize it we must
guard our hearts against the attacks
of sin. The fleWers in their reeist.
ance of attacke of their enemies show
us the Divine.Plan for guardinig aga-
inst foes. T•lie manner in whieh vat,-
iotte flowere, guard off their enemies
was poitited out and the lessons dr-
awn that we must take the plan • that
God has arranged if vee are to One-
cessfully cope with sin, During the
serviee the children sang two malt-
ems. The session of the Sunday sch-
eel in the afternoon and the even-
ing service were both made more in-
teresting by the presence of the flow-
ers. Everyone seefned well pleased
with the day's SerViCea and it was
evident that io thin as well as in
many other ways fievierg can do a
great deal to brighten our lives, ,•
A supplement accompanies this
issue coutaioing correspondence from
Auburn, Summethill, Goderich town.
ship and 'London Road.
The platform ptt vvhieli the lae-ge
tank at Davis' livery stahle stood,
collapsed on Tuesday night and a
complete wreck was made of the
The Molsons' Bank has decided to
establish a newel braneh in St. Th
omits of which' Mr. W, U. La.tornell,
formerly of Clinton and ' brotherein.
law of Captain Combe, will be man -
The. Knitting Factory Company
hatie decided upon the .site n•mt the
electric 'light works and are negotiat-
ing for its purchase. They are now
advertising for tenders for the' buil-
Mr. P. B. Lewis, proprietor of the
Hotel Normandie, has secured &he
services of the Londoa harpers who
will play in the hotel retunda, during
meal . hours front July 10th to July
10th. .. . •
Somewhat of a.- sensation was caus-
ed in .WesleY" church last .Seaday by
Mr, R. Holmes fainting in the Middle
of the sermon. 'He had to be carried
eitt of doors where by the homopar
thie iige of a popularstimulent he
quickly revived. Mr, Holmes has not
.ecen feeling very well for 'some days,
°Mit The NewSeltecord is mueh pleas-
ed to be' able tosay, that' he is
now about .all tight againe • ..
• . ,
Two rinks .of howlers took part -in
the tettrxtement at Seaforth .VIIIA; week
They were made up as fcdlows 1-J:'
E, Courtice, Agnew, W.
13. Spalding .; Wispneen. E, M.
McLeail, J. ' Taylbr, j. 'Hoever.
'ehe latter 'rink won lone games and
lost three, but W. P; S"Palding's`4quar7-
tette was not se successful, Taylor.
and Hoover,. and -*Wieeniaa and: iliieLe-j
.an get into the semi -heels in • the
• Whet might. have been:a Very ser-
ious accident hiPpeherat the Grand
Trenk. station on Monday morning
when the escaping steam 'front the
incoming locomotisre • frightened • the
baggage wagon horse and it started
oft: The animal is blind • and ran ag-
ainst the side of the Waverley I-Ioasee
the wagon ghat penetrating the : side
ofthe' building. Several yoeng
irs were.' approaching the Station: -
She thne but:all managed to getout
of the way of ;the runaway horse
except NESS May Bentley, who was
struck. and linocked. down. • She was
badly frightened and considerably
bruised, but the .consequendee might .
have Ikea so much mere,serioni that
'she is thankful she escaped po
* Personal "
, . . • .
Mr. Har,ry Beacom Visited tiletelg itt
Grey county this Week.
Mr. and ;Mrs. W..J. Stevenson Visitedi
Stratford friends on Saturday; '
Mrs. Frank Roy pi London was the
guest of Mrs. I -I, Hill froth Satur-
day until Tuesday.
Hugh. G-rigg of the Nelsons Hank,
ter•enjeylvg his holidays at Detroit;
Hamilton, Grimsby and elsewhere,
returned to duty' on Taesday.
Mrs. Hickman and Miss Genevioye left
on Friday feet for their . home. in
, Duluth after spending a, week with
her cousin, Mss. J., F. Mu1hoIIand.•
1VIrs, (Dr.) franipbell and ,her sen:
Master Roy of Dettoit 'arrived I
few days ago and will spend a
,Coople of months with her mother;
Mrs. Fair Sr, •
Rev, Kenneth Beaton ieft on Satur-
day .for Port Stanley and entered
Upon his duties on Sunday. He is
an able and energetic young man
for Wheel a bright future .is pre -
dieted. ' • • .
On Wednesday of last week one oi
the's() pleasing and happy events took
place at t•he home of Mr. and Mrs.
•Win, 'Mulholland when their second
daughter, Edythe 'Varian, Was united.
in the holy bonds of matrimony to
Mr. Fred. W. Draper of Aylmer, The
ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr.
Rhodes at high noon. The wedding
march was played by Miss Clara
Steep of Clinton,. The bridal party
passed through an aisle of white ritei,
bon. no bride, was given away by
her father and looked charming in a
costume Of white silk trimmed- With
lace and chiffon and carried white
carnations, She was attended by
Miss Grace Draper, sister of the
groom, wno was attired in green silk
and carried a hotpot at pink earner
tiong. The groom wag assisted by
Mr, Harvey Mulholland of Hespeler.
The flower giel was little fate Cole,
niece of the bride, who was attired
itt pink • silk. -After the ceremony the
bridal party and guests adjourned
to the dining venni where all did
Justice to the good things provided.
The happy couple left on the 4,20
train for Detroit and Virindsor, after
which* they will take t=1) their I;esi-:
donee in ' Alymer, The 1Tews4teeord
voices the sentiments of their nuttier -
our friends in wishing Mrand Mrs,Drie.
per a long and happy married life,
Wliole Number 418
New Advertisements.
17 lbs. Sugar $1-0. B. Ballard I.
Luelies' Whitewear-Tozer kBrowa3
Ifoineseelters' Excursions-N.N, Co2
A Popular Institution-Businees 0e14
All Right -W. II, HeIlyar 5
For C.4tIorious 124h -A. D. Be8ten5
TenderWanted-4. l. Oantelon 5
Cottages for Sale -Miss Stinson • 5'
Touters Wanted --II, B. Combe
20 p. e. Discount --A, J. Grigg 6
Brress• 8
We Weleome You-Newconibes 8
Mr. John Croll came over item Galt
for Saturday and SundAY.
Mr. Reekte of St, Thomas spent a.
few days the past week with his
son, It. P. Iteekie,
Mr. W. Browelee arrived from Texas "4
on Saturday and. will remain here
for A couple of months.
Mr. It. Graham was in Toronto en
Tuesday Making arrangements With
'the Grand Trunk for special rated
to Clinton en dela 1•2t1i,
Mr. Wilbert Manning was in town for
a few days last 'week, bat his wife
INav,:eidyeklos'.ra:twniitaily hweinll mrruitaein, for4rIver11...
Mr.' B. P. Sibley has returned to
town and to his:old post in the
e. 1. Mrs, Sibley, who has gone on
a trip to &trope •witli friends, will
OnicthilVIlionindiayitrMgleMiss ..
oher S.• S. No, 7, Stanley; left. for • • •
• Guelph where sise will take a mid;
summer course in Nature Study at
the IVIacdonald Institute.
Mrs, ROA, Armour and her daughter, -
••May, returned to their home at..
Wiarton ,on Tuesday after , hevihe
been the guests of Mrs; W. J. Nati-
ger for a few days. •
Ree,- Dr. Stewart left la,k week fOr
bal:19) t°1111:1"lettti-eg'Ao f °Q. if; tee.1,1bti7; lhaoaelneidd. ywsR1 wsbh PMehnieds,
lviiller is suPPlyilig, his pulpit.
•and Mrs. John Hellyar., e who •
have .been vieiting their spn, . Mr. . •
‘ L
p\ast-tthri-ct.1-1:wYaerelsi,eNive°alveer' todlac); tfho°r:
Mi eirjohhpliniecoli,etoBnbitrixtmhaotivgiallnei.e. cr
• from Detroit same timeeinee, will
-see*. this month amens. oki ' is-
sieeiates..ie tows. and township. He •
is looking. better •than he has .done
for years.
Mr. andefilre. Fred. Mutch spent Sat:-
* ueday and Sunday e with friends •nt
and ehotit the pretty village at
&therm eMr; Mutch first saw thee •
light of dayin that district and is • .
feed of occasionally: Spending a few
Ileum among :his old lianas, . .
Me. ancl• Mrs. thie, . Greenleaf and
two children returnerleto Detroit •en
Mondayatter spendieg a week 7 witli 6
Mr. and' Mrs, Ben. Colc, This Was - •
.1111r, • Greenleaf's first visit.te Chn
but his geek Wife is a .native"
'of :this town ,and :IS a cousin OE
The following members of the Salva- tion. Army -they form the' .brasee •
.'baud-tiroVe to.' Gedertek on Sunday
, to • 'assist the corps there : AIL •
MeKown, Fred, Livermore, John .
Cooper, Mr. ,'an,a Mrs, Fred. Coppeti . •
Amos, Cooper, lyliss - Watt and Miss
• Lucy Cooper., • • ' • •
Rev. Mr. Snell,: lite.' of Bayfield, has'
'been spending . the past • week .itt
town,hia wife being an' Inmate of . •
the hospital, Today Mr. Snell lea- •
ves 'for his new field Of labor at
1Clarthaville near Petrolea to Which
he Was assigned at the recent meet-'
•ing of' the London' Conference., Mrs:
Snell Will join him ina,. ouple of
:Weeks. '
Miss Mary C. Lough 13, A. has re-
torned home from. Peterboro, ha-. '
• ving 'coinpleted iier ;duties as goner -
al secretary of the Y. W. C. A'. at •
that place." MISs. Lough has met'
With remaekeble success in this ' •
work and her servioes are in de-
mand:, She .ba,s been requested to . •
• 'take Charge sof a building. campai-
gn nt Wienipeg., • •••
Mrs'Greig, Mrs.. J. Chidley, and fame '
ily, Albs Irene' Jackson and Vre:sten
- Stewart .Jaokton left on • Motidaa
• for 'Go HomeBay, . on Georgiell
Bee, where. they will spend 'July
and August. IVIiss Lsihars Jackson,
who went up from Toronto, will
also be . one of the party. Mr. 'I'. .
Jaekson. Jr. aecompanied thein • •to
their. deatination.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heyov'er returned." -
home on Friday last from Peter -
bore where his worship had . been
attending ; a meeting of, the exec&
tive' of the W. 0. W. of which he is
chaiiririan. Pleasure was intersper-
sed with business and g day was
spent by •the 'executive and their,
wives fishing on Rice take where
Hoover eatight a fifteen pound
'hinge." • A visit was also mule to
the famous lift locks on the Trent
Valley canal, where veaseis are ele.
vated °sixty-five feet, this being the
bieeese lift lock hi the world,
Rev, F. J. Hartley of Roland, Man.,
and wife are visiting her mother,
Mrs. Worthington, Mr. Hartley)
, Was, a* delegate to the General Age
senehly at Kingston and also to the
international C. V. coavention itt
Toronto. /t is eight years since
his previous visit to title town and
he notes a big improvement in the
' aPPearance.of 'the place. He reedy.;
ed bis Coltiiiitt education here and
. formed .oile at a class of four,,
the other three being n. Man.
ning, Clinton ", Rev, J. L. litidge of
Hanover, and Jonn Ross,inspeetor
sehools in• the Yukon. Mn; Hartley(
is the son oi a Presbyterian cler.
gyman Who labored in Henan and
aubse&teritly for twenty Years in