HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-29, Page 81ST
ens Bros., .- Clinton.
Saturdays being Dotinion Day, this
store will be closed alt
Half Price.
Any Trimmed Hat in our
Showroom at Exactly
It is getting near winding -up time with
us, for Millinery. We are nearing the end
of a most successful season. Now we want -
the balance of our stock cleared, for there
must be empty tables and% an empty Show-
room when selling -time is past. We start
the clearing -up proce s on Friday, with the •
biggest kind of a Bargain, one that will .
bring lots of buyers. Here it is
Every trimmed Hat we have,
good ones and
cheap ones, all this season's—notone reserved. A
great clearance ot higholass and stylish Millin-
ery. Many of•these Hats trimmed up for Models, .
all trimmed as our Milliners know how to trirn,
prices were $2450,0.60, $0.00, 00.00 to $8.00, Your
choice of theentirestock, commencing Friday, for.
Exactly Half.Price. •
Wash Skirts at,
Hou is, this for,a BARGAIN in Summer
Skirts. Is it not a good one ?- Just about 50
to sell at this price, 'which is away below the
real value. Do not inissthe chance—it is one
of the kind that does not come very often.
Between 50 and 00 Wash Shirts, • Muslins, Crash, .
Ducks and Linens, all washmaterials, regular MI ft
$1.00,,.$1.25 and.$1.50, choice of the lot, each, in/ Li
15c and 18c
Wash Dress Goods
loc per yard
.All New Goods-gpm--.
Here are some low prices for new Wash Dress
Goods Last week we got a Bargain in them' and
now you get a chance to buy 1prand new goods at .
pretty near the half-price mark.. Remember exery •
piece in this lot is new. Not one has been in the
store a week. We bought them cheap, very cheap;
Now we are going to sell thein in the same way.
Come early for first and best choice.
400 yards Fancy Wash Dress Materiale,00tton Voiles,
Linen effects and fancy weaves, 15e or 20e, 15 or •
20 patterns, greens, blues, reds, browns, linen
shades. Every yard new, regula,r. 15c and 18e
materials, choice of the whole lot, per yard.. , 10e
• •
Clearing the Last
of our .
Cotton Dress Goods
With the above we place on sale two other
Bargains in Cotton Dress Gooya. We are going
to make a clear sweep of the entire stock and
have gathered together these two lots, which we
mark at remarkably low prices to clear. All are
fashionable and stylish materials, but it is getting
near clearing.out tune with us, and we make a
price for them that will sell them in short order.
Here is how we are doing it
25c and 30c Cotton Dress
Goods IZe.
200 yArds or more of Cotton Dress materials atidlaney
waistinge, in Voiles, Linen effects. Muslins, (AO.,
in shades of green, blue, linen and faneyrnixtures
the leer of lines that sold at 25e and We, ,elearing '
#0.4400. 6 01 11
35c find 40c Niaterials*25c.
Moat of our high.elass wash materials going at2Se.
waistings, Dress Muslins, Linen Siftings,
etc., in all the popalar shades, last of lines that OKit.
sold at 35c, 40e and 45e, clearing at per yard.: LUIS
odgens -.Beos.
Ory ()floods Clinton,
The 011itton,News.Rocord
to (Warning the goods we advertise
here. If you don't want them we
assuredly do not expeet to sell theni,
it means for you a 'money saving op-.•
portunity to secure a useful line of
common earthenware. It is known as
the "Cherry Pattern" and is an at
tractive reproduction st)f an old, York-
shire -decoration on white grimed,
composed . '
BERRY SETS (7 pieces) AT 50c
PLATES (8 inch) AT 1.0e
It is an Assortment of elean, useful
and strong articles in demand in every -
home at a• very moderate price. We
Would like you to see it, to buy it
if yon wantit.: „ • a
Agents Parker's Dye Works.
Fair •
Often the Cheapest, AlwaYs the Best
Miss Nott lett on Tuesday ter Fier-
- Ward, Man.. • "
Mrs. Thos. Statilinry of hetroit is the
guest of Miss- •Dinsley.
Mr, J, W. Medd, the Auburn tailor,
-was in town on 'Tuesday. '
Mrs, (Dr,)- Tait of Ingersoll is : the
guest of Mrs. W. W. Farrah,'
Miss Gertie Kaiser of Hensall..is the,
guest et IVIrs..'D, B. Kennedy.
Mr. John Ginu. of Petrolea is visit -
lag. his sister, Mrs. David Steep...-.
Miss -Alice.;4131ekett of :Chatham • is
. visiting ; /relatives and friends in
• town. .. '
ldr, John 'Sta,nbury returned on Mon-
day evening • from. a Week's visit in
Detroit, •
1VItS. J. G. .1Viedti is the 'guest for a
• few days. of Mrs. .(Rev..) 1Viackeazie
of London. . • .
Mrs: W. Murphy returned ouSatur-
day ...[zein a -week's visit with fu -
ends in Clandeboye,
Mr.' and Mrs: J.E; Cantelen sPent.
'Sunday "with: Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Cantelon Of .1-lensall. •
Mis. -John Moffatt has returned from
"tevensville, Montana, after an far
seace of several theuthe,,
.and Mrs .13 ervey MoBnen eLe
guests on Sunday of Mi. • and Mrs.
Afbert 'MeBrien o! Hennali
Dr.. and Mrs.. Bali were .guests the
forepart of the Week "of Mr. ' and
• Mrs.. Smillecembe of Hensel'. •
.lidessrs, Will Lyons and Frank
son Were' gtteSts at the. fornier'S
home - in•Lontiesboro Tuesday ors11•1
416. : • . •
Its. France afld her daughter, . Miss
Cassie . France, • of Detroit, . were
guests 'of Mts. W. C. Prowa, • last
Miss ;Florenee M Watson of LiSio.arel
:is the guest of her cousin, Miss
• Tessie Jenkins, Rowland Hill. farm,
;• Gederieh township.. , ". ."..
Messrs, ' D. A.' Forrester . and W 13.
'Spaulding'. are in. Toronto "- this
week attending the Grand Camp df
the Sons of Scotland.
iVIr Jas. .Frost and. Ivirs,• Alfred
groat of Owen Sound arrived. Y1es'
terday to See their • :Sister, :Mrs.,
(Rev.) 'Greene, who is seriously ill
Mr. and Mrs.: Edward E. Hewseit
(We Miss Ma,yine Sled)•of.
wood spent' part of their , honey-
moon -as girests of their uncie,::
William Graham,
• Mr. J,. P Tisdale and family Move
over to Bayfield today to take nos-
':• sessien of their. summer Cottage in
• that portion ot.the "Whitt City"
known as ?The 13ankers' Row."
Mi : and Mrs. 0. E. Dowding left last
evening for Owen Sound where Mrs.
Dowdiag's parents -reside . and with
whom • she will remain :for so
time. Mr:, Dowding: returns this
. evening. "
Mrs. John Enimerton Was called to
Ripley on Saturday because of the
serious illness. of . the eldest Sen ' of
Mr, John giumertoa Jr. At last
report the .little, fellow Was gettft.
better. •
r. Charlie: Tisdall returned. . last
week from the Military College at
.Kingston. The result of the exams
• is not out yet,'but we expect that
aS usual Charlie will obtain • high
• standing:. •• • . •
idr:, .11 B." Kennedy, while in Henson
• .the forepart (if the week, met an
old friend, Mr.. John Glenn of :Os-
borne, whose adquaintanee he first
made in the Cariboo' gold diggings
in British Columbia over forty
years ego. They have ever Slue
kept up the adquaintance then far-
med and frciquently exchange visits.
rs. B; Glazier, who spent the post.
couple of months visiting friends' in
• St, Clair Mich., ,returned home last
• Thursday • eVeiting. She was ac-
companied by her sister, Mrs. Ant-
terbon, and telee, IViiss •33erhice
1VicAllister, wh6 Will remain for`
some time among their many Wen-
ds and relatives in Clinton and
• Wingliatn. •
Miss Jennie -Smith returned from
Detroit last week .and is visiting
. her father, Mr, W. cf. Smith. • She
is a trained nurse and travelling
with a patient has in the pant tow
months visited points in the. states
of . Colorado, Kentucky, Now Jersey
and New York, Miss Smith will
„ take a month's, holidays.
btr D. I'. Cranston of the Collegiate
staff leaves tomorrow for Cron -
arty to spend SandayWith,his bro-
ther, Rev. Mr, 0ranhten of -tb
place. On Monday he get.s. to Guel-
ph to visit his brother -lit -law atld
• sister, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Glasford,
and next week he gots with them
to rtitter's Point in Xualtoka
Where They will spend the holidays.
June 29th, 190
Saturda Jul" ist, Dom *lion D this Store will be Closed
S eclat Attractions •
0s wilib 01004 for.
Thurda::::6 and Friday.• •
Store w M .
E are anxious to have you do your Saturday shopping this week on Thursday and Friday, and In order
• to get you todo your buying on these day, we have prepared. a very special list of bargains that
will go on sale for these two days only. THIS STORE WILL KEEP OPEN ;FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL, TEN O'CLOCK,
for the benefit of those ..miho cannot come during the day.
Do your Shopping Here Thursday and Friday and Savo Money
Two Millinery Bargains for
Thursday and Friday.
Trimmed Bats Worth ip to $5.00 at $1.75
•• 1Remnants 85c All Wool Carpets 5oc
We are going out of the Carpet. BUsiness, and have ,parked
every Carpet in the store less than makers' cost:
On Thursday and Friday you can have your choice of several dozen
•Hats that early in the season would have sold at 3.60, 4.59 to 5.00.ti 7fi
all to clear at 1., 1%! • • ... • 0000000 • • • ,s• r.•••••••••••••••••••••••W
$1.75, 8200.and 82,50 Outing Oats at 75e
On Thursday and Friday you can have your choice .of several dozen 7Kft
Outing Hats, all new this season, that sold at 1,75, 2.00 to 250, for...
60e Dress Cloods.at.88e49
200 yarcle of Mohairs,‘Serges, etc., in a, good range of colors, all this
season's choicest goods, regular 60e, to go for two days only ap.. . . . .
85c Ali Wool DresS Goods at 2 •
yards of 42 inch wide black Dress Goods; this is a plain, harel-finished
cloth, with a small knopp effect; the regular price was 'Me, special
for two days only... • .. . .... . ............ ... . . ..........
$2.S� and 82.75 Golf Waists at $1.85
On Thursday and Friday you eanlave your choice of any golf waist in
the store that sold at $2.00 and $2,75, at ...
On'ThursdaY morning We. will place on sale- more than a 'dozen ram-
mints of our beat 2 -ply wool Carpet, ranging in lengths from 9 Yds
• to 14 yards—these are regular85e Carpets, to elearatyer yard ...
Remnants of Tapestry Carpet.at
Greatly Reduced Prices
$1.00 and 14.15 Liirolenin at.•75e •
• . Several prices of the best 2 yard wide Linoleum; regular LOO and 1.1.5 7 Eft
38ctogoo... o : o ......... . . . .. . .._ . . . . . ......... ... . ... . .. .- .. . .. .....,.... futi.
15e Japanese Matting at 10C . • - • . .
• •to go at. . .A . . • ...... • ••••• • 44 1,• ••• Op.. ... .... 4.4 ‘1,...../ • ..... A...4,g •••14
5 rollsof Japanese Mattings, in assorted patterns; regular 1,5c quality,
• 29e
.10e and 15c Pearl Buttons 42 doz tor Pe . •
100 dbzeo of fine; White pearl buttons, in three different sizes, come two ..inn
dozen on a card, regular 10c to 15c, to go, for two days, at 2 doz for lUii
.4.44.00•••4....+4 •4•ii•:••••••••••••••••••••440.... 4.4441
; • . 2
i 25c Swiss Embroidery at sc 1
• • Last week we got a chance to clear up from a large
; "wholesale house, 34o yards of Swiss Embroidery, in • 3
different patterns. They comeinneat. medallion effects
about 2 inches wide. The regular retail price was, 25C. On sale Thursday and Friday at per yard ..;.516.
fie Linen Oillars at 8c ••
200 new Linen Collars, in assorted sizes, all new styles. regular 15e ' 80
lar, on sale Thursday and Friday at. . .
18c and .20e .1ilnibrOideries at 12ie
. •• . "
275 yards of this season's choicest Enitheideries, in many designs, gegtV..
lar 1.8d and 20c, to blear at.: . •
50c Tape Girdle Corset s ut 25c
On Thursday and Friday we e willprlimeoosim
nsalev B5Adooznen of the very best
50e Tape•Girdle Corsets at eaeb
ro.n, m . ... . . .. . ... ........
• •
• ,
, " - Personal.
. . .
Dr. Whitely. of Goderich was in town
on Friday last. •
Mr. William Graham is' in London
this week on business. , • •
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boas and little
Miss Helen are visiting Exeter . re-
latives. • • , •
Mr. and Mrs. Robert King of Goder-
• ich were private guests . at the Rat.
lenbiry House an Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart and
.family will take up their abode on
. Friday for the' season In their
suinmer cottage in the !Tinkers'
Row "•-itaylield, •
, .
Ir. W. Ford of Kamloops, B. 0., is
the guest of his brother, Councillor
•Ford. He has. been on a two -mon-
ths' business' trip to England and is
• how on his way back to ,the PaCifid
province Of which, he has beezt a
resident for a. decade or so and has
grows so fond of that he could novvi
• hardly make his • home anywhere
• Mr. Thos; Calbert is expected hone
from London this week to attietul' the
tJnion picnic. . ••
•IVIr, ThoS, Quigley, Seaford, Visit-
ed at the homestead on Sunday..
Mr, D. K. Prior is pushing the
work on Mr. John Shanahan's new
house in a lively manner. •
The follo.wing four • scholars front
Separate school No. 2 will write .
the Entrance examination ifl Clinton
this week : A. V. Quigley, Tommy
Tighe, John Flynn and gd, tlake.
The teacher, Miss McCourt, has rod
every attention to their training so
it is expected the boys will make a
good showing.
A little dishivasher has arrived at
Mr. P. Quigley's. and the -genial 'Pat
is all 'similes. The recent acquisition
makes his 'family consist of a round
half-dozen, three 'boys and just as
many girls. ,
The News -Record to any address
until the end of 1005 for 25 cents.
Mr, R. Blake has raised his barit.
and is having a stone foundation
placed under it .whieh will give him
more stabling. •Mr. Jas. Reynolds is
having a new loandation ' placed un-
der his large barns and .1.
Flynn are •also having foundations
These iMproveinents indleate
that our friends are prospering. We
hope to have frequent oppi3rtunities
of reporting improvements they are
making or, their properties'. The sto-
nework in each case is being done by
Mr. W. J. 1tiliott4
, Bayfield ii Hard Luck.
In the -firat game of the 'perni4nals
of the Intermediate series of the • W,
F. A, on Friday night last M Pay-.
field • 'Brussels and Hayfield playeda
very closely . contested gime, the
score of 2 to 1 m favor of Brussels
scarcely indicating the . respective
Merits of the two teams. Brussels
was favored with a little luck in
their scores, w.hile the Brussels goal
was 'guarded by a goalkeeper of the
steller • variety. 'Many well. meant
shots were turned asideby, his 'cleV--
erness. He -Was ably assisted by •a
strong back •division, the, most prem.
twat of whom was MacRae whose
timely relieves were at times almost
spectacular, The . defeat of- Bayfield
on their own grounds was a Surprise
to their sapporters, but in :justice to
the team. • it must be .stated that
they have been somewhat handicapp-
ed by iniurieS to -sonte:.et theit • regu-
lar 'players, and •the pane they play-
ed " was not nearlyup to the stand -
aid of " game they have been playing
all season. The defeziee was not
quite as. Steady as usually and the
forward' line seemed to lacktheir ae-
eustomed dash and 'combination• .
Drown Jackson of Seaforth refereed
in. his* Anal efficient Manner. • Thn
teams were as follows :
Ba,yfielci—Goal, Greenslade ; baditS—
Whiddon, W. Mustard ; hag haeks,
McLeod, MacKay, Thompson • (Ba• -
dour) ; forwards, T. Mustard, •
Whiddon, T. Brownlee, W. Brownlee,
D. Cranston.
hrussels—Goal, Kerr ; backs, Mc-
Rae, McDonald ; Cardiff;
Brown,. Stevenson ; favvards, Scott,
lCarley, Hunter, Cameron, Miller.
In the second game between Hay-
field and trussels, played M the lit-
ter place on Monday evening the
score was two to one hi favor • of
the home team, although the ganio
was as muck taster and harder fatz},41t
contest than the first -of the series.
aral it Was ht doubt until the whists
le blew. Brussels- scored • the first
goal srtly after play eommeneed,
but be re half time hayfield scored
on a pretty shot by Mado Whiddon.
In the second half the Brussels goat
was frequently in serious danger, but
an excellent defenee kept hayfield
irons further scoring and the game
was filially decided by a long shot
llyStraehatt of 'Brussels.
Between Clinton .tid Itotmelivillei
an June 28th, a silver:headed cans mar-
ked "3, W, 0." The finder win oblig
br leaving at The Mews -Record niece.
Saturday, being Dominion Dy, this store
will be closed all day.
eVen Money Savers
Prom the
Bargain Counter.
Here are S.evon NIOney .§averS. you will find
on our Bargain Counter. Read this°Iist carefully.
Every 'one is a genuine bargain, the kind, that
saves money. • , .
Hors Stockings two pair tor 25e.
Boy's heavy ribbed Cotton Hose, seamless feet, ••
• double knees, regular 20c to 26e quality, all sizes, elgit
rwo pair for LOU
Men's Soeks 15e.
50 to 60 pairs of Men's fine quality Cotton Socks,
• double spliced heels, black and fancy stripes, reg. lgi%
ular 26e, clearing at per pair,.
Boy's Wash Suits 49e,
Boy's fttney wash Suits fancy stripes in blue and Ann
white and linen shades, two pieces, regular, $1,00 •
• Rov's Wash Suits $1.00
F•411:937llivarrhtwIpitteceox, trreagustlaIng$1.510", bchwolic°e:, sailor
Rov's Wash Snits, $1.50
boy's fancy Wash Suits, swell garments, will Stand
lay $2.60; choice this lot ... ....,...o toy
' any amount of hard wear and Wash Well, regu.el gal
Boy's Shtrt Walt s S5e . •
• 1300 fancy Cotton Blouses. and Shirt • Waists, Sad
fancy stripes, fast colora,egular 60e, speeial at.. quti
Boys' BiouseS 25e •
Blouses, made Erato faney munbries, neat
stripes, 4 special lihe at each ,..............,...
..,,„„,,—,k-ki."... ,....—....,.....,...a...roia.ww—...a..................„,_;_
.Nobby Grownie Suits.
Some swell little Brovenii Suits have just carne in.
They are made from neat Tweeds;•ctit in the correct style,
white linen teller atid silk tit fides with each emit. 'Plie
nobbiest thing on the market for little fellow*. ,
0440 atql 43.00
no at IUF
Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, - Clinton