HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-29, Page 5•K`i Witt A APPY JOAO Wedalacr,flyuied *.„•' tho Wine of Mr. Jas. Begley OA Wed. 400s4y o .iaa week When hig elaugh-• ter, Mary E., became the bride of :Heber' IliOrnton, At 10.80 the • wedding Ingelz. WASplayed by hlisS .r. Hazel "Braild9n, arid. Rev:* Dundry perfsirmed the marriage. ceteMony. ISTr, Erlward Ploughman, .one -o the respected reSidents of lot 27, eon. 7,- • West 'Wawanot, passed away. on • akItudo hist aged 8 years. Deee- - ased had, been A" all last -winter, -hut was centined to Ins .3;0 only a, aw woks. 'Ilie trotible•was h....mrt, disease • which tumid to drepsy. 'His vvife di- ed about 0, year age. He leaves two sons, and three daughters.' Tlie Sons are James and Iliamas, bothOil how-- , estead ; the daughters are May _tat • . bium6) Mrs. H. Finneg.an arid MO. S. Finnegan, of Dunganrion.- PeCoaScd was 0, mentb.er of the" Methodist - Church, and in politics, a, 0onserz ar. tive. The funeral tookplebe to Dun- gannon cemetery, • Mr. . Dav id Moffatt...pi • the north houadary of Turnberry .died. on Thiir- sday last. On the Friday preview.. he had been Stricken with Pairellsis, and after 1ingerint4 a few days Passed - - away. Deceased had ben: • actiVe robust gran. Ileca,1119 ta 7'141004Y .' in 185a, and •suriceeded in making .f01% • himself and family - a oomfortable hozne. The funeral took Place On Sur j turday 13lueva.le cemetery. hlr.hto- ,• Hatt was 70 pears of. age, - • • Early on Wednesday mornii.g an- • • c4her of our respected citizens, Mrs. • • Jas. Slemin; passed over the river of • death, aged 05. Deceased was .barn•• • . - in Ireland, but carne with. her . ents to this country: when very young .. and for many years had been a rest, • dent of Wingliam. Her illness of .lour . months was attended by intense .suf- . ferings,nbut slie is now at rest. • • • , • Clark's Pork and. Beans far Think, ers.-.7-Hard thinkers strain- the grey... brain matter. Clark's delicieus Pork and Beans rebuilds 'quickly. '.5e• and , 10e tins. .• . 'Eye Trani:stoles Qsiclelyanaper.: mince* adjusted. Glasses fitic4proper1y.. 0 Dr. Ovens Lopt.I.don, . : Treats Eye, Ett, Nose andTbroat. Will bear , Th!FslAglz, COMBE'S DRUG STQ/LE. oraN'ecoli DAY-.-.--- --Nust visit .A.Ugt.14 ITU esmonlyraorosnirmoionoritfoomomsairamorawsusoopon....•h'ave been cured by Per:Ina,. • However, . thelargelnajoilty' of Mothers Vote use Clairyoyallt-Phyehie Ned�al When Stekness (Imes to the Little Ones it I� the Mother Wbo Sofas. ! Oho *triton even repro than the ohtki who happens to be Stoke Her sympathy 10 deeper than that ot 1111) Other- MeM1kr of the 19.0111Y. ' The /319there look forward With dread tO the toriid heat of manner, thinking t,heir children and the martyliabilitiel tOdiseue that are before them, Spring and eammer are OUre to bang ailluenta, elopecially ,Arnong the little folks. I. tido.. not take aanother VerYlong to dinlover that Peruni le the beet friend , she ill times et Wong the children.• ' The dedors may come end go ATM) their different theories and constant change of remediee, The doctor of years oogo gave entirely differentremediee than he does today. Each 3?ear finds some change in his prescriptions and In the drags ha ranee iUness upon. multitude. of mothers Have discovered that Peilina, 10 the stand-by, and that hi all the ailment: ,Of 11Pr111(f and ournmer to Which the children are itibjeuted, Penne is the rersiedy that will most quickly relieve. i Whether it is spring fever or etornaeh derangement, whether it 15 indigestion bowel Pease, a catarrhal congestion ,of the 'mucous surfaceo to the cause. 'Parana quickly relieves thiacondition Of the inticous. membranes. Its Opera- tion is proinpt, the children do not Ws - Ake to take the inediethe, it hthtto delta. 'tortoni: effects in any part of the body. eimple removes the cause of the dleagregable.symptoms and reateres the heelth. Perana is not apbyajo. Perini& is not nervine nor a narcotic. Peruna does :not produce any drug habit, however .16,4 it may be taken. Perune is net & • sthnulttnt. ' - • „Peruna. is a „specific remedy for all ,dotitrrhalnilments of %Inter and sum - %mew, acute or chronic: The Mothers dieter thelinited Statee are the best friends that Peruna has. • 'The blethers Hold Pe-ru-na in Nigh • • • Eetpem, . , . Not only because it halo caned them of • their various ailments, but because it always rescues the children from the throesand grasp of catarrhal diseases: Weitave in our -files bushels of testi- nnuijale from mothers whoop children rxamivation Free. • By DR. E. F. BUTTIEIRFIF,LD, of Y. iitillheso benefits with other mothere. catarrh will, be prevented. S racus N Y B vi . 1 i Permit we never hear from: • • we dolmas, from a grist number Of Mothers who bre so .overjoyed at Sinfie•Ape 41 „ff. ..00d th • love_ receiVed larttaina,thea the7canuot restrain usiasta.. They ergo anarioua to The Benefit Which the Children. of • filo Vfilted Stites Have Received •Prom re-ru-na Can Never Be . • •• Put Into Words. The chronic ailments it has prevented, the suffering it has mithrated, will never be fully recorded. . • Br:tat least thia much can be intici that the corning generation owea a great debt to Peruna, for it is-tn the tender years of youth that slight ailments are liable to develop into listing •disease, thug blasting the whole career of the individual Themothers who are bringing lap their children to -day to believe 1)1 Peruna are doing a great work for immanity. . 1. These children brOuglit up to 'believe. in Perms from the .start, will, when they become heads of families them- selves, use Perini with unqueetioning faith. • • ' • : Pe-ro-na'Protects the Entire • Ilonisehold. •• "Aso. soon as the value of rerun& is appreciated by every hOuReliold; beth as a preventive and dire, tens of thotisands of lives will be saved, and hundreds of thousands of chronic, lingering Cease of voyanee or not, there is no gainsaying • .": . • r.••• Mrs. Three:IA:took°, 258 N.- Ashland Ave., Ohitago, M., Treasurer Ladies' of the Madabees, writes: • "In our home Peruna ia the only medicine :we have. Grandmother, mother, • father and child, all have used Peruna.• It is our great remedy for catarrh of • thestomach and head, colds, and female complaints of which it has cured me. "We find it of great value when my. husband becomes worn out or catches cold. A couple of doses cure blm fin the baby, has colk, orally stomach disorders, a dose or two cures her. • 4.'1 consider Peron& finer than am, doctor's ,medicine that 1 have ever tried, and I know that as long as we have it in the house, we will Atli he able to keep in gOod health."'.•Thresa Rook°. • No Doctor Required. •. Mr. Edward Otto, OW De Soto street, Si, Paul, Minn., writes: • "I cannot say.enough for-Peruna. It. -has .done great workIn Iny family, -es- pecially for my oldest boy. We had doctored with three er four different doctors and they did not seera to do him 'mai good. •• . • • • • "We gave lip hopes.at cure, and so did they, but we .pulled him through on Peruna.. •' 'Wobad several 'doctors and they Said they could do no more for him so ,we fried Peruna as a last resort, and that did the work: • Since then we :keep it in fthe house all the time' • and no doctor required. '",•41dwardOtto. Pe-rurna. Contains No Narcotics. One reason whyPeruna has found per. naanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotic of any kind, Pe. •rune 10 perfectly 'harmless. It can be used any lengtkof time without acquir- ing &drug habit. Peruna does not pro. duce temporary results. Itis permanent • In its effect. " • . • it has no bad effect upon the system, and gradually eliminatea catarrh by re- moving .the tause Of•catarth. There are a ranititude of holism: where • Peruna had been. used off and on for twenty years. * • • ' , . ' Such a* thing could not be possible if Peruna contained any drugs of a nar- cotic, nature. 4. • • . • • • •7 • • • .. - the fact that the doctor air. PXPla•in " • the source and Cause of your disease PORTLAND CEMENT FOR SAI -a•-• THE 41IMIT • .PLACE: TO either mental or physical and has 're..,.. . I.' Ire'Pre§ent two of the lArgeSt. ,• ‘Men's .and WoinOW.,S 'Clothing, clean- ) stored to health and happiness . many . P anu ao ng oeinen ed; dyed and repaired is at Mrs. J. helpless invalids all their lives and can supply it in large or•small • T. SewareS.• • • '69 lock of hair, nam. ‘,.........oki . -Send :17 -quantities, Have already .disposed. , * . , e, age: and stamp rpo . ( 'f 4 • DRse, N. Y. . E. P. BUTTERFIELD, Syra v 1'. A. Walker; Clinton: • 7.0 of cari,Dos this Season -Mrs-. . , •r, • • - .f• .4. ,54.0•Arielk. .14.14,41.14404. 6we,gom*:,."*fttoivor4)06, LOT F4OR SALE.-1 ACRE LOT ON • Maple street,. next to 'pottier of Mill And Maple streets is offered for; • sale. 'It contains a •number of fruit .trees, ;currant and berry. bushes, etc. t• ,L Nfailowe. • 70 THE MOLSONS.BK' AN • 7 Incorporated by Act of 'Parita.ment 1855. ' . . Capital Paid U0180,060 :. ReserVe Fotindl8l000,o0. Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed or ,Collected.Drafts On all Ise- • ints in the Dorniiiien, Great Britain,:11,nited :Stites, and all. • Foreign Countries bought and afilAi .at best ratei„. Advances made to Farmers, Stook Dealers and •usjiriess Men at/ lowest; 1 rates and on most *favorable tering. ., - • ' • . ' . . , SAVINGS BANK BEPARTM,ENT,--Deposits 01 $1 and up- wards received: Interestallonied at highestccurrent rates : from date • of,.. deposit, 'compounded half -yearly and , added to principal June 30th •and December:31k. • : " • / , ii, C, BREWER; • . ' Manciper,' I '.: ' MINTON, . $ m^v.,..,.........w.,...".........w.A.1:., 1 ; ileteielefeleM eietemelevaasiesemieseteseieleier4 TliE SELEC'rIO OFA At this season of the year our extensive asr, sortment of articles suitable for Wedding._ Presents is always sup- plemented by sorne of the newest and. nattiest designs frotn the best manufacturers ot Ster- ltg Silver, Sihrerware Clocks, Novelties, &c. Yon are eordiallyin- vited to tall and hi... speet our pretty good. 11:44444041:441:411,14,444:44:4 411:4444,14 440 41 WIT. Hells/tar' Jeweler and optlehui ,--OLINTOX °?f AwAva,"4.moimorposeoelefeeeHes ‘0410444, • Marks an epoCh in, the life Of most people. Its i mportan ce presupposes of.a,sqnretl qual- ity, such as we have. Our rings are.absolute- ly "plump," and hear our stamp confirming it. In quality, finish, style and price our wed- ding rings have no su- periors, ',We ask your inspection when t h 4 4* • 44, FOR SALE.-410IJSE tvtTT-1 FIE rooms on Maple street for sale or to rent. Hard and soft Water; fruit • trees, etc., etc. -W. j.: Falconer; Clinton P: O. • • CS• MRS: \VIVI:. SANDERS' 'DRESS - CUTTING SCHOOL .• -I e,rn 'proving' my ..dress. •ciittizig course.' • •Wateh for •partieulars which will appear in tow', weeks. Is the Meantime for the benefit of the 'lie. beware of advertisements riot • hearing-; thy name as I. have. heard of feW eases trying to teach that ' haven't taken a tpaoher's conrse froin • me and so are net qualified. Any. one thinking of learning' Iron] any • ether person weite me first and I • will .16t them know if the person ' is qualified to teach is a,ro ii.4; in- ventor . of this course. and have the names of all I ha,ve.tanght to teach others, -.-Mrs. Wm, Sanders, Teacher • and • Inventor. .00X 159, Stratford, ississamsoroswomiessidastriarsci.,2v-Nosx-sre.tmoa*ssts* MOVING 1. The moving prricesS conneetion with this store is being continually carried on. Fresh consignments of • Groceries and Dishes are • arriving weekly and are being distributed over the country where the people say that " They're /ill Ilight'' : -2. ; Midi. Humphrey has put up a wind - Mill on Ws artesian well which he , had 'bored some time ago. • '. l Mr. Rob, Mill6r .and Miss' Mary A. 1V1cPherson left for a trip to the -West last week. ' • Mrs. Wm. Wehb, Mrs, W. IVIepherson and: Miss Annie McKenzie have le - turned trona..a few' day's", .vigit to friends at Blytli, • .• • Miss Mary •Joheson has returned homc. alter visiting friends • around hero the past week: ,LOST ON • IIURON. ROAD NEAR bundlw° • containing. . derdown quilt, travelling rug- .and •three . pillows.. Reward. -A, E. son, •Seafortli. ' , 77 • • • • • • . TEACHER '.1Ar. ANTED FOR. si No: 13, Stanley; duties. .to • corri-.'; • menee atter the sunimer holidays; Applications; 'personal. 'Preferred, re•• ceived. by the' Undersigned up •to .JUly•• 15tn...laines T.. KeyS,: Secre-. •Varna- P., 0. -•77 • • - - Mr; G. a. Oarnier, New 'Martinsville, W. Va., writes: • • "Our little ...eon, Harry, is wefl and healthy now and we think if we do as you directed us, he will keep his health and grow Strong. . • 44 We know that our little son's life was saved' byyour wonderful medicine, •Perana,* and weshall always praise •Permits and use it is our family •when needed. • ' "Should we have any more catarrhal trouble in our family, we shall always Write to you for treatment.!! -q. E. Farmer, ' • • Mr, Howard Andrew Sterner, Muddy Creek, writes: ' • "I have Perune, in any house all the tircie'and won't be withoitt it, it is good for ehildren when they take a cald or Cr0111:io dired my baby boy of croup. "I have introduced Peruna into six fe,miliesSiTLCOI reeeiVed your last letter, and fourhave seen relief noWard..4315.1.k.rwiiktgz_19re • DR '▪ ZPER 1\11..i.LHO :* • AND -7 •:ifie • , . • • , ••• • • residence of the bride s" parents rti Holmesville dr* June 28th,... by . • Rev': Mr. Swann, Edylie• daughter . of Mr. •W. Mulholland, - to Fred; W, Draper of Aylmer, ..OS'13ALDESTON-BROWN At. the reSidenee of the bride's: parents at '' ;Stapleton by 'Rev. W. D. hlagee, • Liizie, :daughter Of Mr. : John Brown, to Herbert ' Ogbalclegton •• of Goderich township, . • • • .• • KENNEDY--LAMB-At • .St. 'James' • 'cliiiroh; •Seatortli; • on June '21st.,-: by -Rev. Father ..Noetbi...paven. :and 'Father' Corcoran, Colin J. $.en- n•Orbr to, Elizaibleth 'Lamb, daughter . • • o Mr.. Stephen Lamb, all 'of Sea-. .the man- se, . to Letitia McArthur • nf Br ' •-- • I L At • • • , FINCIIRSION- ATTEND 'PHE "IVPA-* • ...ionic Excursion to Goderieh on, Thursday, July .0111, For rates arid particulars gee pcisters.- C. Sanders, Secretary; Eireter, . 77 „ . BARGAINS -4 i/ERE13Y IUbPM tfully offer to the puhlie •and atte§t. to the fact its 'genuine, . a • large number of' Bell organs and Manes, wine. !bought tor cash, but mostly taken in payment for new pianos as i do a large pian -e. business • over the County 'of Huron. Some other makes in the list. • About $5000,00 worth in all. Some almost new. Call or write to lloare's Great Music Emporium, Clinton. 16-4 : . DININGROOM. GIRL WANTED AT once at the 1Vaverley House. -Geo. 'Buxton. . 72 QIIANTITY RIGHT , QIIALITY RIGHT PRICES RIGHT ' ",Striall profits ad quid< returns" ' is our Motto with regard • -to our dishes. Our prices are as low as the lowest, yi_c, have :, Odd_ Cops and Saucera in -btincliiiiee, inelikling 25 ;r dozen of th Very best English Belf iinported di eet from the Old Sod where "Nothing is done by halsics” and at surprisingly low figures. Also Pres -Cut Glassware, the genuine goods, The eollection includes Pitch• erg, Salad Dishes, Fruit Stands, Tea Sets, netwer• Vases, etc., and almost as cheali as ordinary gltss Have you seen an' of those $0 Dinner Sets 't Regular VI value. 100 pieces. In two colors, pink and blue. They- 're wirth lookin,g. at if loon need riny4 dinner set. In fact if you need Any- thing in dishes or groceries, either it will iray you to visit • • "THE vmorr,n's GROCERY" • P. S. -Get our prices on Sugar hefora •' buying your preserving supply,. time arrives. We prom. 0. ; ise satisfaction in every Z phrtieular, 71014:44.44444444:441.1:44:44:1444:14,144,14:44:4, W: It. liellyar Jeweler and Optician . it lEi CLINTON. , ?floe ill.. PrOtoPt DoliVerY. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ; WE • hereby* notify the. public that O. Hoare of Clinton, 'who claims to represent us, has no conneetion With • direotly nor indirectly ; that be •'has no antliority from us to quote prices on our pianos or organs in Clinton or elsewhere that our • authorizedagents in and • around • this Viciiiiity are Messrs, M. ' Baldwin &6 Co., Seafortli ; Messrs. • Geo, Thomson & Son, Goderich, and • Mr, T, /-I, Ross, Windham -The Bell Piano and OrganCo., • Limited, Guelph, On t, HESSIAN-I3UTTQNL•In. the 'IVIetho-: . (list ehurch, Seaforth, by .Rey. : A. 1.c. • Birks,. on. Jeee 21s1,' ilaL- ry Hessian • of Toronto, to V, • Edna • I3utton; feirrneily Whig-, ham. ' P0TRMONNIS-At ithe manse, • Blyth; : on 21st, by • Rev." Dr. McLean, John Potter Of Win - •g -ham , to IVIarguerite McInnis .01 luuexnow. • • :.• . IlIVSON-DENHOUVI--Art the real enc.° of the bride's -.parents,. Bly- t th, by Rev, Dr. McLean, lan June • George Dialcson of McKillop to Lily E., only daughter of. Mr., • John Denham, • HICKS-W1LSON.7-At .the minae- 13c1- . mare, on June 21st,' by Rev. Mr . Rodfdrd, • D. S.Hicks to . Mary, daughter of •the late CMS, Wilaon LINDSAY --;,At ',th INe Meth- odist parson*, • (Brugge's, on • .June , 21st, by Rey, T. Wesley • Coseng, Wilbur Lindsay of Lis- • towel to Jennie Marron of How - ick township. ' HIGGINS-DEVERELL-.--In Toronto • on I.June 14, Elijah Higgins, yo- ungest SOO bf the late Ben. Hig- gins of Exeter, to Flora, daugh- ter of `Mrs. E. Deverell of Teton - RUSSELL--WILSON-.At • the resi- • dence of the bride's parents, on. June21st, Richard W. Rhsaelhof •..Yorkton-to-Allec-M.; daughter' of Mr. W. J. Wilson of Greenway, JOHNS-PASSNIORE-In. Usborne on • June 13, by Ro. Beer .of London, Winjohns, to Ida Grace, daugh• - " ter of Mr. Thomas Passmort, ail Ushorne. GODKIN-BAKER--At the home ' of 'the bride's parents on June 14th, by Itev.. Mr. Clemens; Stephen • Godkin of McKillop, to Miss Han- ilaughter dr Mr. and Mrs, Odor •of Bashwood- POW. A SR -A t Sarnia on June ; 2Ist, J. Willis' PoWell of Exeter to 'Gertrude, (taught e r of Mr.' Ar. thur Nash. VORD--PPINIIALE-In even church,. Exeter, on the 10th. June, II 'v.v. . W. NI, Martin, Arthur J. Ford of Stephen, toEdna Rosina, daugh- ter Of • Mr. John Penhale of Hay. CURRIE--GODWIN-In Main treet • Methodist rburell, Exeter,: by the • Rev. Wm. Godwin, father of the bride, 'Rev. E. C. Cuttie of Burns' Presbyterian -chinch, Sarnia, to Mildred, eldest daughter of nevi Wm. Godwin, .. POR SALE Ott TO RENT, THE 1 • office and stable lately occupied by Hl!, or to D, Dickinson, Clin- Dr. Evatis.-Apply to Pox 161, ense1 70 • St/OP AND RESIDENCE TO nExr • or For Sala, -The brick . store op Albert :Street 'together With the dwelling:Kase lately occupied by IL .toftzstmons, 4s offered. either to rent • fovsale, 'There is agood stabler The premises are well situated and suitable for any business. Apply to John 0: Elliott, Ilayfield Road, or floury fleattle, 011utell, 69 '40 ,,4001 •ir ee-ru-na Should Be Kept Iu Every Household. , Where There Are Little ,9141reu. Peruna shouldhe 'rept in *the .honee • all the time. Don't watt until -the child is Hick, then 0end to a drug store. But, 4* have Parma on hand-aceept no sub- stitute. . • Obildrenare especially liable to acute • catarrh. Indeed, most of the a.neotione of childhood are catarrh. • 411 forms Of Sore throat, quinsy, croup ' hoarseness, laryngitis; etc, are but day , feront phases of catarrh. Mrs, Amelia Sailer, • Menasha, Wiaq writes: " ' • have need .Peruna or a number of ' years. It cured me of chronic? catarrh • which 1 suffered, with from infancy. •.0When my three children were . born they all had catarrh, but Z have given theta Peruna, and find it very effeetive in ridding them of this horrible trouble. I End that itis also good to give them as a tonic and a preventative' of colds : and,eolte. ' . . - • “In fact; 1 consider it a' househoki • blessing. 1 would.not know how to . raisemy children without it. 1 DM pleased to give t •my recommends. tion.,!'.. -Amelia Sailer. , • Address Dr. S. B. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitaiinni, Cloture- • bus, Ohio. . 6. . • • All correspondence held titrietly oelk . • - o • - Bir-ths. _ as Wawnnosh• • ' . t • . . • DOWNEY-In Seaforth on June 21st to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Downey; 1,4 • son. ' ••; D0DDS-4n McKiIlop en 'June 12th• ,• to Mr, and Mrs; Peter J DeddS, FELLS.Iii East Wavvanosh,'JUne'14, . to . Mr.. and • Mrs. J. E. Fells; • Mr, •and 1VErs R0orly AzaVe re•• • • turned from an enjoyabfe yisit•ith • frir.dt!s in. Saginaw., Bay City,' qaro and other points in Miehigan..._. They:, ' were ,within a few miles of the cyclone •wheti t pasied and Went over part of , 'the- ruins next day,.Where there were , Seine Sad sights'..to e seen•• • • X special meetingof. the „Oonneil • :•• • called by the Reeve was held Friday afternoon to take -into orinaideration received by him frOin Mr, V. M. Roberts, engineer for • the Guelph snd °Goderioh. Railway Co • ... Memtheis all present. .Letter sent was ... • • .. as 'follows "To the Reeve of •the • tioWnship:',. of test' VilaWanosh-r-The contractors at Work Weat of -Myth . • will be ready in a few risYS to Cress • we • at thig. •point is 'about 22 feet , deep; it therefore betornes' neoessary" for the rallWay.66inpany .to construct . a highway bridge over ;the railroad. • , During the cenise of conStructien it:. • • ' Will itie neeessary for the contractlir. • to 'divert traffic off this main roaa eirkd Wend(' like the approval Of your • • • . • council for domg. this, in the form af a yeSolution." After due deliberatioh ' • 'over °this matter it was uniniihously resolved, •that this council grant the :Guelph and doderich Railway Co, leave to divert ordinary traffic .from ' the : main , gravel, road on boundary lin between aullett •aad Neat Wawa- • nosh, .60Positc lot 40, con. I, East - • Wawanosh, until Such tinle as ahigh--, • .:,..,, - way, bridg,e• cam heConstructed; but ' this council. will not be held liable for • any cots incurred in thecon- struction or maintaining. of. . such deviation road, and, will not 1.3d liable it • any Way for adoidents or darnageo caused by the building of said road.' Aryl further, that the timo asked for the use of this deviation road- be not et;1tnet 1118dedl:ri,,ger than the ...1st day,o Agut • • • SCOTI%--Near Auburn on June 13th, , to. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott, a , daughter. . • • . on June 1,5th, . Mr.: and Mrs. .John ' 1VIO1ae, JOyNT-In West .Wawariogb• . On the •... 1.1-th June, . to Mr, and Mrs.Thos. . .Joynt; a daughter; . TURNBULL-In Grey en June' 18th,:. • • tb •Mr, •And1VIr.g. Oliver Turnbull,. • a.,,claughter, • • ANDREWS -4n Exeter on Juno 1.7thi: to Mr, And ,Mrs. Bert; Ancirevirs,: a Brtissels On June•I:3th, •, -Alk.•arid 1VIrs: J. Osier, a clae.-• • " ghter. " • . • '• YUNGBLUTIa'Ziirich'on :to Mr. and Mrs:. • 'Harry Yungbitit, adaughter. , - • • • , ; Doafhs. • ; PECKITT-In Clinton on June 26th; • Sybil, infalit..daughter'•of and Mrs, F. YO Peekitt.. • Clinton on ...Julie:27th, Wililam Steep, aged -71: years. MOFFAT-In Turnberry on June 1.5.tly, David Moffat, aged 70 years. 'I McIVIILLANIa Morris on •JUll,6 25611, • John.:MeMillan, aged 08 years, 3I, • months and 7..clayS.• . CLEARY-InTuckersniith on " Julie ; 19th; Br.pan Cleary,a,gd 53 years ; • and. 1 month. • I . . Wingham ott June 21st, I Susan McGee, wife of Mr. James • Sleirrin, aged -6.5 .Years. . PLOUGHMAN -In West Wawanosh on • June 17th, • Edward Ploughman, aged 58 years.. •• • : LAING-Drowned in Wroicter on Jun'a 14th, George Stewart Laint, • aged '17 years. • SCO'17-Near Auburn on June 17th, • the infant daughter of W,' ht. and • Mrs. Scott. • • BERNEr-'•"-In Stephen on June Lath; rt. Maria I. 13eritill.):e ' terged04.37(lto, Y°inarsi 01, 7; John, Rowcliffe, aged 09 'year 2 • months and 4 days, OKE -In Centralia. on Julie • 17):11; Elisabeth lIIcha, relict of the late • James Oke, in her 78th year, BROWNIn Credtton oti *Line 20th, Charles Barnhard Brown, Aged' 72 years and 13" days. ' DAVIS-1n Exeter on June 17t11, I °GARTH-In Strphen townShip On son of Mr. Arthur of the late Sentinels • Heger th, aged 80 years; . 2 months, S. Davis, aged 1 year, 10 months" June 17tb, janc Coleman, relict 8. GORDON--At the residence of ber ' Mr, T. ii. Iligigins, Barrister, 4 Itmeborough street west, Toronto, June 22n4, Cli1:16*- Him /loginCampbell, widow ot • tne late Adam Gordon, member of Muse Of Commons for North Ontario. Fuaeral private, /Ater., , pent at Whitby. the road 'between the townships of 'Hullett and Et Wanvonesh, opposite , let 40 in the .1st ooncession of : East Wiwahosh. The cutting for : the rail: • ..N.i•in.Wim,;*. • It Must Be Well Founded.* STEADY' GROWTH IN i,otTLAR- rry OF DODO'S KIDNEY PILLS. MLBE By- cilrtEs Lucm,rtrivr SIhION Y LANDRY-HE TELLS ABOUT IT IHIVISELP, • River Bourgois, Richmond CO:, • 0. 13. -June 20111 (Speeial)-Among the tuaty men in Mos part of Canada n loon .Dcidd's Kidney Pins have re - limed of aches and pains and weak- ness and made strong' and alble t o o a good day's work is Mr. Simon V. Laralry. Mr, Landry. has numerous flirty's here Who can, vouch for the story Im tells of his cure. " I was bothered for over a year," he says, "with lame (back, weak legs, general weakness and slier -tress of broath ;itt fact I could not work mid Was a .total wreck, "1 eould. not get .aftything to help me till I tried Todds Kidney Pills. But. they did me good and tto mis- take, 1 fused three bolces and I'm back to work again."' it is the cures they make that make Dodd's Kidney Pills so popular. The- ir populari iy has grown steadily tor thirteen years. It must be /well to. untlettv " • . •• , a4a 4641 a r ' . • • . • • „ •