HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-08, Page 6Y
Sunlight Soap does not ,
,ar er or shrinit woollens
It is injurious chemicals and adulterations in eomttton soaps that
destroy your clothes, it is adulterations that harden your woollens
and the execs alkali that destroys and shrinks them
Sunlight Soap
contains no adulteration or excess alkali. It is just pure saponified
fats and oils, That is why it cleanses your clothes perfectly in hard
or soft water and does not injure theta,
All dealer's areauthorized to return your purchase money if you
find any cause for complaint,
l t,s,
The Sunlight Maids find that flannels do not shrink when washed the Sunlight war
Kernels from the Sanctum Mill
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges.
Bailding permits issued in Toronto for
the first five months of the year aggre-
gate $3,131,118, an increase of $1,666,055
over last year.
A Bradford merchant has been sum-
moned before the magistrate charged
with Sabbath breaking through keeping
bis store open after 12 o'clock Saturday
Doan's Sidney Pitts act on the kid
bays, bladder and urinary organs only.
Taey cure backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder.
"Every young married woman should
know how to make bread," said a writer
on economics, Yes; and every young
man should know how to furnish the
Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant—is strongly
recommended by the medical profession as
a safeguard against infectious diseases,
They have amusing ways. on Irish
railways. A solicitor the other day re•
counted at a police court how he had
once been charged by a wrathful official
with travelling in a second-class carriage
with a first-class ticket.
sprained Ankle, Stitt' Neck, Lame Shoul-
These are three common ailments for
which Chamberlain's Pain Balm is es-
pecially valuable. If promptly applied
it will save you time, money and suffer-
ing when troubled with any of these ail-
ments. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co.
The village of Brooke has presented a
petition to the Sarawak council signify-
ing their desire to be united with Owen
Sound. If combined with Owen Sound
it is estimated that the combined popu-
lation of Brooke and Owen Sound will
be over 12,000.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
condi medicine—Dr, Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction, Price 25
A couple of pedlars struck Walkerton
last week and went around trying to sell
rags. Constable Rnssell soon had them
before the Magistrate charged with
peddling without a license, It cost
than $30 to settle the case.
Ct A.£3t1'Its X1Lx e9►..
Beata the The Kind You Have Always��Bought
of �, ,
The longest fence in the world is
probably that which has been erected
by the Erie Cattle Company along the
Mexican 13order. It is seventy-five
miles in length, and separates exactly
for its entire distance the two republics
of North America.
The production of oil in Leamington
is steadily on the increase, During May
one hundred and eighteen tanks, averag-
ing one hundred and fifty barrels each,
were shipped from Leamington, which
is a very large increase over any other
To prove to you that Dr.
C'hase's OIntment is a certain
and absolute cure for each
and every form ot itching,
bleedinaand protruding piles,
the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Seo tes-
timonials in the daily press and ask your neigh-
bors what they think of it. Yon can use it and
getyour money back if not cured. fiOe a box, at
all dealers or EnMANSON,.BdTES & Co., Toronto,
Or. Chase's Ointment
Mr. Hicks of Arthur tp., father of W.
T, Hicks of Lakolet, walked up recently
to see his son a distance of 25 miles. The
old man is quite active yet and there are
few young men today who would want
to undertake the task. We fear the boy
of the present day will not make the old
man that we have now.
Cuban Diarrhoea,
U. S. soldiers who served in Cuba dur-
ing the Spanish war know what this dis-
ease is, and that ordinary remedies have
little more effect than so much water.
Cuban diarrhoea is almost as severe and
dangerous as a mild attack of cholera.
There is one remedy„ however, that tau
always be depended upon as will be seen
by the following certificate from Mrs.
Minnie Jacobs of Houston, Texas: "I
hereby' certify that Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured
my husband of a severe attack of Cuban
diarrhoea, which he brought home from
Cuba. We had several doctors but they
did hien no good. One bottle of this
remedy cured him, as our neighbors will
testify. I thank God for so valuable a
medicine." For sale by A. I, McCall &
Forty-eight Farmers' Institute ex-
cursions have been arranged to visit the
Ontario Agricultural College and Model
Farm at Guelph during the month of
June. The North Perth date is June 27;
East Huron will be held on June 15;
West Wellington on June 17, and North
and South Waterloo on June 13.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
THE WI OthU1. TIMES JUNE 8, 19054
Several years ego a eompauy was
forwed in Louden which offered to all
women who for a certain tillaq bongl t
halt a pouud of tea et their storeda pati•
sion of 10 r billings s r+e , if they logit
their huebuuds. Tile iiet of widows
gradually reached 20,000 arid the cont•
pally had to suspend pajmenu.
A North Dakota man has invented a
machine that can be moved down a row
of shacks, threshing the grain as it goes.
No band pitching is required to place on
the cylinder table, as this is done by au
automatic attachment. Another North
Dakota mart has about perfected a iia•
chine to pitch sheaves into a basket rack,
thus saving the work of about nine men
on a threshing outfit.
How Germ Diseases $IarL
People with Weak Stomachs in a Continual State of Danger.
Nearly all disease germs that find
t inthe system gain entranee
1 enc
airwe breathe,or through our
with the g
food and drink.
If the stomach and digestive organs
be weak, so that food does not readily
digest, they will contain a sour, !limy
fermenting masa, an ideal spot for the
,disease germs to giro~ and spread
through the whole syeteni.
People with a weak stomach are in a
continual state of danger, and they
should nee the best means, Mi-o.na, to
strengthen that organ and tone up
the whole digestive system. Tote rem-
edy is ae certain cure for all diseases
ot the etoniattit excepting oanoer, t7ss
ed before 4auh meal, it so strength•
enol the whole digestive system that
Is Pronnptly Overc9me-healsh.
and Vigor Permanently
goomr* - 411•, -...•
Restored by
Children are often attacked suddenly
by pah.`ul and dangerous Collo, Cramps,
Tierrhoea Dyseutery, Cholera Morbus,
Cholera Infanta,m, eto. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt
and sure cure which should always be.
kept iu the house,
Mrs. E. Moore of Clinton raises some
profitable poultry, The other day she
disposea of a couple of Laugshan hens
which when killed and dressed weigh.
ed 171 pounds and for which she rea-
lized 91.75. Eighty five cents is consi-
dered a big price for a hen for table use
but these went a trifle better than that,
C7 PZi'1°CPS3X.te.
gears the The Kind You Have Always eout
6iggatnzo 444‘of
On Thursday 26th ult Mr: J, Ortman,
of the 4th concession of Carrick, hitched
up his team to drive to Mildmay, His
daughter, a girl of eleven years of age,
got into the wagon, and sat there while
her father went into the house for a
basket of butter. While he was inside,
a peacook came along and frightened the
horses, causing them to ran away.
They had not gone far when the girl
was thrown out. When picked up she
was dead, her neck having been broken
by the fall,
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
and irritated. Milburn'e Heart and
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
people require. They restore perfect
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
John Keith, a former resident of the
5th con. of Cuirass, now of Manitoba,
met with a serious accident not long
since. He was engaged in blasting Iarge
stones on his farm and the charge of
powder in one failed 'to explode at the
expected time, Mr. Kieth then under.
took to drill out the packing and the ac-
tion of the drill ignited the powder. An
explosion resulted and his left hand
which held the drill was taken off at the
wrist. The side of his face was also in-
jured but not seriously.
you eau eat what you. want and all yen
want without fear of i
ndi e i
on, There
will be no fermentation of food, and the
stoniaoh and intestines will be so clean
and pure that disease germs cannot
possibly live, when Mi-o-na is used.
if you suffer with headache, back-
ache, variable appetite, nausea, gnaw-
ing at the pit of the stomach, tallow
skin, heart -burn, furred tongue, sleeps
lesenees. and general debility, it
shows ti -at the stoniaoh been oy
erworked and weakened. A fifty cent
box of Mi-o-ne tablets Will give quick
and spee.iy relief.
Atilt Walton MoKibbon one of the
meet reliable drnggiets in Witzgh&nit to
show you the strong guarantee under
which he sells Mi-o•na.
As a spring medieince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
James Hayes, a farmer near Holyrood
was instantly killed on his farm on May
24th. He was unloading a long piece of
squared timber—to be used in moving a
house—when the accident happened,
He had lowered one end of the timber
off the wagon to the ground, and then
putting his shoulder under the other end
carried it over the wheel. At this point
he tripped on something and fell forward
in such a way that the timber fell on his
neck dislocating it and causing instant
death. He was about 45 years of age.
Bears tile The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature `"�2e 6 age
It is an unusual occurrence when
mine will attack any of the larger farm
animals, but nevertheless Mr. W.
Simmonds of New Durham, is the
owner of a pig which attacked and de-
stroyed a full grown, cow. Last week
while one of Mr, Simmonds' valuable
Holstein cows was peacefully chewing
her evening end, one of the pigs in the
barnyard made a vicious attack on the
bovine. The cow shortly afterwards
died of its injuries.
Lexa-Liver fills are the ladies' favorite
medicine, They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening,
Cures all Ailments from which
Women Suffer
Many women suffer untold tortuue
from nervous debility caused by dis-
orders of the feminine organa. Day by
day they grow worse, but from a false
sense of anodesty they shrink from using
a good remedy like Ferrozoue. And it
would care them. •
Nothing renews weak women like
Ferrozoue. It bring back lost force,
supplies vital new energy,increases
the blood supply.
No restorative so potent and prompt as
Ferrozoue has been discovered. You
feet its uplifting effect at once. Your
spirits rise, you gain in power and cheer-
fulcess, feeliugs of weakness and des-
pondepey disappeared.
No woman can remain sick or miser-
able if she uses Ferrozone. It goes dir-
ect to the sent of the trouble, puts a stop
to fnuotional irregularities, and so esta-
blishes buoyant, robust health. Being
free from alcohol and dangerous drugs,
Ferrozone can be used by young and old
with absolute safety. Prepared in
tablet form, fifty to the box; price 50c.,
or six boxes for $2 50, at all dealers, or
N. 0. Polson & Co., Hartford, Conn.,
U.S,A., and Kingston, Ontario.
The following particulars in regard to
the assessment of the township of now -
ick are taken from the assessor's roll :.--
Number of acres 67,510; No. of acres
cleared, 45,345, of acres woodland,
6,472; No. of acres slash land, 284; No.
scree waste and swamp, 15,408; value of
property, $1,965,355; value of buildings,
e s assessor
$876,680; ant 1
� 8 675;
total assessment, $2,867,508; population,
2,050; children between ages of 8 and 14,
475; children betweert ages of 5 and 21.,
1067; children between ages of 5 and 16,
The papers are always springing some-
thing new. The newest is fort
men exclusively'. it is this;—"A train
one mile long starts from the station at
Giady. The engine leaves the station and
the conduetbr waits until the caboose
comes and walks forward over the train.
When the engine reaches the neat
station, Utley, four faller distant from
C lady, the conductor steps oft* the
engine. Row far does he walk and how
far does he ride." The problem origl-
noted in West 'Virginia and the train
bands are SO absorbed in their efforts to
work it out that the train service is in
danger of becoming demoralized,
On the 204h May the remains of
Robert Stewart brother ' of Mrs.
William Dltrnin, West Wawanosh, were
interte'l in Dungannon cemetery, being
esoorted thither front hie late residence
by a large concourse of sorrowing, re.
'-atiyee fl'eIn Goderiolt, NtiA, Dungannon
`:,ul Ashfield. The obsegaite were con.
ducted by Rea. T. Highs, inonmbent of
St, Paul's church, Dungannon, The
bereaved relatives have the sympathy of
the community, The deceased wag
seventy-six years of age, his death being
the result of general debility and the in-
firmities of age. He was a pioneer of
West Wawanosh and was moa es-
teemed as an industrione citizen..
Charles Huffman, a son of M. T. Huff.
man of Kincardine, has branched out
into a line of business that has made
fortunes for others and may make a
fortune for him. He is head of the firm
of Hoffman & Teeter Co.,. manufactur-
ers of Sap•o•ren.o, a soap that cleans
carpets and then evaporates. You do
not have to take up carpets and beat
them is the back yard. You leave
them where they are, sweep them well
and then scrub them with this soap. The
advantage of such a preparation is ob-
vious and we rather think Mr, Huffman
has struck a good thing. He is advertis-
ing it extensively all over Canada.
Il'or Over Sixty rears.
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs
Winslow's SoothingSyrup has been used
for over sixty years bymillionsof mothers
for their children while teething, with
perfect success. It soothes the child.
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
Sold by druggists in every part of the
world. Twenty-five cents abottle. Its
value is incalculable. Besnre you ask
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and
take no other kind.
Paper manufacturers all over Ireland
are discussing with great interest the
project undertaken by Wm. M. Callend-
er, of New York, to manufacture paper
from Irish bog•peat. The general
opinion in Dublin as, according to the
Publisher's Circular, that the project
will be a success. Mr. Callender has
been intimately identified with the paper
trade for more than twenty years. The
process discovered by him of making
bog mould, or peat, into paper was the
result of long study and experiment, and
it is being put to the teat near the fam-
ous bog of Allan, in the heart of Ireland.
Was Cured of Asthma.
"I first used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin-
seed and Turpentine with my daughter
who suffered from a severe form of asth-
ma. The Ieast exposure to cold would
lay her up and she would nearly suffo-
cate for want of breath. I mnst say I
found it to be a most satisfactory treat-
ment and it has entirely cured her."—
Mrs. A. A. VanBuskirk, Robinson Street,
Moncton, N. B.
An exchange says: "There are nines
way in which you can hart your town.
The following are well worthy of the
thoughtful consideration of every
citizen:—=Oppose improvement, mistrust
our public men, run down the down in
the presence of strangers, go to some
other town to do your trading, refuse to
advertise in your home paper, be care-
ful to discredit the motives of our public
spirited men who are working for the
interests of the town, lengthen your face
when strangers speak of locating here
and tell them it is the worst place on
earth; if a man wants to buy your pro-
perty charge him two prices for it."
Just What Everyone Should :Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber of 1rwtnville, Ga., -
always keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's.
Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at -
hand ready for instant use. Attaoks of
collo, cholera morbus and diarrhoea
come on so suddenly that there is no
time to hunt a doctor or go te the store
for medicine, Mr. Barber says: "I have
tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Oiarrboea Remedy which is nae of the -
best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bot-
tle of it in any room as I have had sev-
eral attacks of colic and it has proved to
be the hest medicine I ever used," Sold
by A. I. McCall & Co.
On Monday of last week the angel of
death visited the home of John Robert-
son of Tnckersmith, and took away the
young wife and mother. Mrs. Robertson
whose maiden name was McIntyre, had
only been married about four years to
her bereaved husband, and leaves two
Iittle abildren. She had been ailing
with stomach trouble for about a year,
but it was not till Saturday that the
symptoms were pronounced serious.
From that time she gradually sank until
death relieved here sufferings. She was
in her 31st year, and most highly
esteemed by all who enjoyed the pleasure
of her acquaintance •
Nervous Dyspepsia.
Mr, George Bolen, Spry, Bruce Co ,
writes:—"I was troubled with nervous
dyspepsia for some years, and after ns -
lug nine boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve
Food I felt better than I had for years.
Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is certainly the
best medicine I ever used, and I say so
because I want to give full credit where
it is due."
Blows Mb.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J, CHp NEY & CO,, Toledo, Ont.
We, the undersigned, have known P.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be.
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busts
0885 transactions, and financially able to
carry mit any obligations made by his
firm. 'Welding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ont.
Fi ll a C h C s start are is taken internally,
cert upon y po the blood and mn•
eons surfaces of the system. Testimon•
iale sent free. Price 75o per bottle.
Sold by all druf(gists.
Take B'all's Family Pills for constipa-
They have a good badness way of
holding auctions itt Japan. The auction-
eer pats tip the object to be sold and
asks for bids. Bach bidder then writes
his highest pride on a bit of paper and
deposits it in a box. The box is opened
attd the object handed over to the one
who has offered the most.
The following from the Ayr News re-
fers to a former resident of L,ucknow:—
Mr. George P. Tennyson was born at
St. Andrews, near Montreal, on October
14th, 1842, and died at Ayr, April 3rd,
1905, aged 62 years. He came to Ont.
ario when 18 years of age, and spent
several years in Madoo and Peter-
borough. He was united in marriage to
Mary Jane Beavis of Palmyra, New
York State, on June 1st, 1870. Soon
after marriage lee removed to Luoknow,
where they resided for twenty-seven
years. After that he went to Portage
La Prairie, where . he remained for
three years, at the end of that time he
came to Ayr where he spent his remain-
ing days.
A. Simple Cure for Plies.
Pile Sufferers know that Ointments
and other local treatments sometimes re -
hove but never cure. They don't remove
the cause.
There is a little tablet that is taken in-
ternally removes the cause of Pales and
cures any case of any kind no matter
how long standing.
A month's treatment costs $1.00. Ask
for Dr. Leouhardt's Hem-Roid (a thou-
sand dollar guarantee goes with every,
treatment )
Hem Roid is the discovery of Dr.
Leouhardt of Lincoln, Neb., oue of the
most distinguished and successful playsi-
cians in the Western States.
All druggists, or The Wilson•Fyle Co.,
Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont.
The marriage of Mr. Charles Smith to
Miss Mabel Ensign,, youngest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ensign, took place
at the residence of the bride's parents
Ashfield, on May 24th, Rev. R. I. Hosk-
ings officiating. Mrs. Sam McClelland
of Bervie played the wedding
march. A company of about fifty peo-
ple gathered iu honor of the occasion.
The large number of handsome presents
betokened the high esteem in which the
bride and groom were held. The
'groom's present to the bride was a hand-
some gold chain. The bride was attired
in a wedding gown of cream nuns' veil-
ing trimmed with silk chiffon. Follow-
ing the ceremony the guests partook of
the good thinks provided for the occa-
sion. -
Dyspepsia, Dolls,
Loss of Appetite,
Salt Rheum,
and ail troubles
arising from the
Stomach, Liysr,
Rowels or Blood.
Mrs A.LrthanYgn
bf Hall
der On
*Med: "1 ball* I
Would have beta in
iny grave long ago
had it hot bete for
Boraoek Blood Sit-
tetL Iva* run dews
te auolt an extebt
that I could metro-
ohiker,About tw. bu
to severe headtchea,
btaekacbee and *last*
nets; rag, Appetite
was SIM. ant I war
ahead. te de par
hourework. After
8 B. i bond ehl
health folly reitered
Iweraei retotorinea
It to ail. LINA
'worn Oat wOtb* .
To preserve or restore it, there is no better
proscription for men, women and children than
Ripans Tabules. They are easy to take. They
are made of a combination of medicines approved
and used by every physician, Ripans Tabules are
widely used by all sorts of people -»--but to the
plain, every -day folks they are a veritable friend
in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan-
dard fart); i'' remedy. They are a dependable, hon-
est r';mQdy with a, long and successful record, to
c• -V(; 'Th11gest!on, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn
.,i.ipation, i .fensive breath, heartburn, dizziness,
oi''atioil of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular
�.' '.latish, sour stomach, bowel and liver com-
: .'.'ts, They stregthen weak stomachs, build up
•i + dawn systems, restore pure blood, good appe•'
i .. ad sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives
con ,tant benefit from a regular use of Ripans
• Tabules. Your drt'ggist sells them. The five -
c. nt packet is en ..gh for an ordinary occasion.
The Family I3ottk. 6o cents, contains a supply
for a year.
. Is it true you want to look old P Then keep your gray hair. If not,
then use Hall's Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color
of early life restored to your hair. ur"t salt o`7 ~,Z"""' :t
' •0000000000000000000000000 060000000000000x0000000000,
1.1 •
. :.:
r ,
d• t
The TIMES will receive subscriptions at the following . :
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'� Times
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and London Free Press (weekly)
and London Advertiser (weekly) ..........
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We specially recommend our readers to subscribe
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NOTE CAREFULLY.—Any of the weekly pub-
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the remainder of this year is thrown in free.
These rates are strictly cash in advance. Send re -
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'TIMES 0U"'1"I 1,