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The Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-22, Page 8
irks A zip213.01,100 75c • . ors ts, 50C. A Saturday BARGAI N in Corsets. A regu- lar the best to sell at 5oc a pair. By long odds aorset value we have ever shown the cus= towers of this store. Sixty pairs of Omelets, made from line quality White Jean. eunnner weight, filled with highly-teralr- eyed watch spring steels, hose suspenders attached, new style, •perfect fitting, sizes a8, i9, 20, 22 and 23,, only. On sale Saturday morning at per pair .,........ sAr aminumnimun Oxford Shirting, 8e. Here is•a bargain in English Oxford Shirting. Just the thing ,� for bo • y"s. Shirts, ,Blouses, or "Buster Brown suits. 150 yards extra quality Englfsh oxford Shirting, in ptitterns of blue'and white; firm, strong • pioth—a. capital material for boy's wear. Will wash well; On regular 12ee spee?a1 at per yard . , . , . . , More Bargains in Cotton Dress Goods. A great clearance of Cotton Dress Materials. 20C and 25C materials for 1 z4c ; . 3oc and 35c materials for 17c, That is, how we are going to sell them. The clean up of lines at theseprices, after a season of big selling. Genuine price re- ductions, therefore, ' Genuine BARGAINS in these popular Cotton Dress. Fabrics.• 20C and 25c Goods 'for I2 C. About 150 yards Muslim, Ginghams and Chambray's, in stripes, checks and figured patterns. Pinks, blues,greens, ete. Last ends of lines that sold at 20c and 25c, now sell- ing at your choice of the lot for..... , ....' 12 C. 3oc and 35c Goods for i7c Cotton Voiles, • Lines, and Dress Muslin's, 30e and. 35e qualities, about 175yards in 'all, waist and dress. lengths. All thefashionable colors, •choice per .yard 17c 15c Skirting, .roc. ' Summer Skirting at one-third less ,than real value. A bargain we got ourselves , now it is your turn; Fancy Cotton Skirting. blue and white, and black and white stripes and figures, sateen fihisb,'In regular 15c, this lot per y • I WI ard. A Snap to Dress Goods. Lustres and•Grenadines, black only, at, or .near, the half-price ' mark. About loo yards that we, want cleared at once, and are willing to: sell cheap .in order to do it. • 100 yards fancy; figured Lustees end Wool Grena: dines,. splendid wearing qualities, Will make lip stylish costumes. or skirts •and give• excellent wear /l OC Reg lar 75o and $1.00, clearing at per yard... ...... ``f# UU • Gloves fora .Nickel. Fifty pairs Ladies'.and Children's Silk and Taftaet Gloves, blacks and colors, small; sizes ,only in Ladies', all sizes in .Children's Regular 25c to 30e, Blearing .at• .,.,: Two?. o• B enc 1 g...p .gas. From the: � m Yl 1Ynpr � Read yto- War. Hats at r.00 • Just about a dozen Ready -to -Wear . Hats, not any more. All new this season. Last;. ones ..left from our $1.75, $2.50 and $3,00 lines. Choice on Saturday.,for One Dollar. Trimmed' • Hats at $2.5o A table*of trimmed Hats at $2.50, for Satur day. Not aHat' on it but is' worth • more money. We are starting to work up our odd ends and )rem nants of good trimmings. They. go • into these Hatsi 1' p which sell at the. 'ver :low `•cof Two Dollars and; Fifty Cents.. New Summer Hats. Very nobby Duck and Linen Hats, swell.New York styles, velvet trimmed, white or linen shades,. on •sale Saturday at • Children's Linen Hats, nobby shapes, white or linen shades, each • pne Dollar. odgens Bros., pry ° COO& Clinton, • Ii Wo�'i Cast Ydll aCul 43c. to examine .tlie goods we advertise here. If you don't want them we assuredly do not expeat to sell them, it means for you a '.money saving, op- portunity to 'secure a useful line of common earthenware. It Is known as the "Cherry Patten!" and is an at tractive reproduction of an old York- shire ,decoration on white ground, composed of BERRY BOWLS AT 15e .BERRY SETS (7 pieces) AT 50e' ;PLATES (8 inch) AT 1Qc KITCHEN BOWLS AT 10c CUPS AND,SA•UCERS AT 10e. It is an assortment •of clean, useful and strong articles in demand in every home at a very moderate price. We would like you to see it, to buy it if you want it Agents Parker's Aye Works, Often' the Cheapest, Always the Best Wholesalers' Sur 'Ilis Stacks .. Together•with 'num), lines from our own regular stocks will continue ail week. This is thegreatest money -saving event this town hasever seen—and the most successful sale we ever had. Never were . such worthy goods sold for so little as they are being sold for here during t � u g ...kits sale, This is a.sale in which thousands of yards of the very best goods are being *old in many cases at HALF PRICE. 15c American Percales: to go at.. , 15c & 20c 11uslins a1>l.d oinghams at. , 14c. MOW1 u,uun„ 1111,1111,„ Mr. .las, Fair was. in Toronto this' Week.' • Mrs, W, R, Lough is spending ten days with relatives at Tiverton.- Mr. 1 iverton.Mr, Williams of: the Sovereign Bank Sundayed at his home Rev, C. R. Dunne and Mrs. • G:unne: -. are in the .Forest City:: this week. Mr.. and Mrs. George Bissett, Goder- ich, Sunday4'tt' at Mr. D.` S•, • Ciouk's, Win Shepherd visited • friends and did soine . business in • Blyth the past:' week rsJas. Ross and Miss Edce Ross of Chicago are •eisiti'ig Cl4niirn friends, Mrs, .Reynolds and Miss Flossie Rey- nolds -of Detroit are, visiting, at Mr,. Scanlan"_ iMr: Thos.. Tipling of Detroit was' ii, town this week shaking hande with, - old friends: • Mr and Mrs. M. Curwin • of near Goderich were. 'guests at Mr, W. Jones' last week, . Miss, `Florae Cunninghame: left, :on Tuesday for •a month's visit *o: fri_ ends in.. Jackson, . Miele •• • Mr: and Mrs: George- Routledge of the Nile . were guests of Mr. and , • Mrs: D.- S Cook over Sunday. Mrs,' 1 Andrews has returned . from Winnipeg: where she spent several months with her daughter, lens. (Dx.) Steep. t •. C. 0: Rance spent. Sunday with his .• family and. on Monday started. out again : to push sales: for the house he represents, • Miss', McCart and Harry J, --Watson, Sarnia, and A. Roy Adams, Cod- erich, were guests of the Misses Stanley this week, • Mr: and Mrs. A; Hooper' were la Gr- eenway • yesterday- attending the wedding of Miss Alice Wilsor.•, a niece''of Mrs, Heoper's. Mr, and.'' -Mrs.: Wyatt of Detroit are spending : a 'couple of • weeks with the latter's parents, Mr. end, Mrs, S. Cook. Mr. -Wyatt • is a mail carrier. r. Robinson Woods. and Miss Mar •. Johnstoneof at Helens • were in town • Monday ori their swayborne after .a :few days' _visit .with.; the Rathwell and Reid families' in Sian- ley Mr. C L. • `Cranston, Mathematical master 'at the Collegiate, assisted the Bayfield• team. "last Friday in the Match. at . Wingham with Mild may, while Mr, 0: McKinnon, :th& classical master, played with the 'Seaforth Beavers against Galt, Mr, and Mrs, D. L, McIntyre left .on Tuesday for Crosswell, Miele, where they will visit Mr,' Mc1ntyre's 'par- ents for a couple of weeks. He is superintendent of the mechanical de - pertinent of the 'Jackson Mfg... Co: and having very closely applied himself to business will enjoy this jaunt, , The followinig of our ei•titens took ' in the excursion , to Niagara Falls on Friday last : Rev. Mr, Newcombe, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Newoomlbe, .Mr. and Mrs. J,; W, Newcombe, :Dr. and Mrs, Evans, Mr, and Mrs. 'James Twitchell, Miss Jessie Biggart, Al- bert Turner, Melville Graham, Rob ert Warner. . Rev. H. Manning will shortly begin a two months' vacationwhich he will spend with his. family at Go Horne Bay. Mr. Maiming is an indefatig- able worker . and •after the severe labor of the .past three.years is deservingof a lengthier rest than he has annually been in the Habit of getting. During his absenee the Wesley pulpit will be occupied by Rev. J. Holmes of London. Mr. and liars, Hooper on Wednesday of last week attended the wedding of the latter's sister at Exeter. The happy couple were Miss Kate Atkinson of Exeter and Williani Prout of Victoria B. C., who have Left on a two months' honeymoon trip to Niagera Palle, the Port- land Fain and other places of note. They ,will travel 'about' 6,000 miles before arriving at Victoria • where they wilt mane their home,. Mr. OE W. Harnwell; a for er teacher of Goderich township, girl btothor of the clerk of Stanley, bas passed the intermediate etaniin )tion re- cently held by the. institute of Chartered Accountants of )Ontario. Mr. Hartwell is now accountant of the audit department of The lake Superior Corporation at Sault Ste. Marie. He is a.clever and ambit- ious young matt and The News -W- ord Is pleased to learn of the progress he is making, .,, 2 1 15c Mercerized Patise to go at. .. ..6Mc 00c Cotton Voiis at...... , A ♦ . , , ..18c A I., ; WAV ' WAIST. BARGAIN --$1.50 to $2,75 Waists at 75C— dozen fine white Lawn Waists In assorted styles,. regular prices up to $2.75, all are .slightly •soiled_to clear at 75c A TAFFETA SILK SNAP 60c to $5c Silk at 35c • • that sold at 60c to 850. All to clear at 3 e,, yards of Taffeta Silk in many different lengths and .colors ---these are odd lines CC c DON'T.FORGET Ai OUT . OU -R BIG CARPET SAL We are going out of this line and• g g . have 'reduced th© price Iower. than makerscost.' � Several hun- dred' yards were'sold the first three days of the sale,' but we still have a good assortment; 50c Union C ... • . � '•' ' ' • .. • arpet at ....33c 85c.,AlI Wool Carpet a • � 54c and 60c Tapestry' t . . 0 p ry • 35c 75c Carpet at; . '...... , ....49c $3.50 and $3,95 Silk Waists at $2,65 Your choice of about a dozen of our: Silk Waists made of._Japanese Silk, in ' black .and cream; that sold at $3.50 and $3.95:to go at $$.6 $10 Shirt Waist Suits at $6.75 1 Shirtwaist Suits of Fancy Lustre innavy and black, made in the newest sty les, regular price $10.00, to clear at $6.75 A BI•G SNAP IN • L,ADIIS' VESTS. 15c and 20c Vests at X21 c Fine. Vests for ladies, with and without short sleeves, nicely trimrned at neck. These 'vests are made of a' very .nice cotton yarn, and are. worth `tip to:20c, at ..• c Personal. Ms, R. ' J. Cluft and :Muss Eva Cluft are visiting in• Detroit. r. M. Stanley is prospecting in the. • Essex oil region this :week Mr. •and Mrs. S• . °Seymour air ved• ,home yesterday from,•Londoee. • =Mr: W:'J::: Paisley ,lett„ on rueday to. visit his daughters in Michigan. Miss Mattie . •M'ole left on Tuesday for a mouth's visit to • her in:other. in Rochester; New 'York: . *rs, Humphreys of Buffalo is expect- ed 'next week for, a ten: days' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs..las, r. John 'Wed; who his completed his second year at Toronto .Univer- sity with honors•, is spendfe see; era) weeks in the Tenciseami dis- trict. Mr bayid Cd ate n IonTuesday y with a :carload • of left on Tes,horses . for Win- nipeg. While out there Mr:' Cantel- on will prospect' with the' fall apple` trade in view. ' Dr. McAsh, whoWith .his •wife and family is spending the summer. in.. Clinton, is this...week in charge •of his . former.practice at ,. elgrave while' his sccessor is enjoying a few .holidays, Mr, • J. ' P. Sheppard returned home Monday night . after a'week's • alt- sense' at Gananoque' and. Toronto's. At the former place he. at— tended . the C. 0, . JrF,' High Court as the representative of Court Maple Leaf and 'the . groat company. ofbright, brainy men he.,saw and the glowing reports he heard read en the progress of the Order, made hint an even more enthnsiastie Can- ' adian Forester than before. The business of the High Court over he ,came east to• Toronto and . spent three very pleasant days with fri ends and in taking in the sights of the metropolis. He enjoyed, the week immensely. 5 bullseyes 'at 500 yards was 0. E. Dowding's score on Friday. London Road. The ladies of the London Road prayer -meeting are arranging for. a lawn soclal to be held on Wednesday evening of next week, on the lawn of Mr. John Avery. Clinton band in at- tendance. Ice crearn, lemonade, strg- w erriis, ere. Admission . 15c. The proceeds will be donated ter the ft.nd by which- poor ohildren .in the cities are enabled to get a breathing spell in the country. Coeveyattces Will run to the g Merge from EII- iott's. Clinton„ Ware for rountt, trip 20 cents. Porter's `Hill. The boys .of Porter's Hill company returned from Damp in good: .coal dition. Mr: 'George 'Cox and the Misses' Sarah Cox and. Roberts took in the excursion to. Niagara' Falls and spent a goad time. Mr. John McClelland; who has beery ender the 'doetio 's care far soiree time, is able to be'.'abou't' seams. Mr, and Mrs: Oliver Potterare talk- ing of taking a week's' vacation, James • Harrison has. purchased a now ° thresher and intends giving the farmers the very best satisfaction.. We wish him` good success for ... he knows how to thresh. ' Master Wesley Vanderburg Sunday-" ed at Mr. John Alexander's,. • :Several of our ` people took .in the, moonlightexcursion on the Greyw. hound • Mr.James James Sterling -and ;family Sp- ent Sunday with friends in Goderich,' Miss Nellie Weston is expected home! about Wednesday. Some • of her rela tives, are' expected with her. Win. Elliott and Sons intend raiz - leg their new barn some day :,this. week. Miss Nellie iVYaodougall of Seaforth is spending a few weeks with Miss Cressie Elliott of the 4th concession, Miss Swan had a, bad cold last week but we are. glad to hear it is some better this. week; Mr. and Mrs. Hardy of .Goderieh were out visiting at her father's, Mr. Ri blee; Marshall's, last Sunday. The Northern Navigation Co. lotir'anticnws ' EXCURSIONS 1O NORTHWEST,. ,LUNE 20th, JULY 14th, Pares to Winnipeg Man. 'and return $30.00 Brandon r' " $31,50 Harthey. I( 14 ' $32.$5 Regina Assa.,,, " $3$.75 Prince Atha , ask. "x$$5,25 Stratheone Alba. " "' $40.50 -end other points in proportion. Tickets en sale 'in advance. Rates include stateroom berth <on . steamer: Meals. 30 cents eaeh. Regular summer service now in et- feet Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from Sarnia to Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth. Summer scrviee between Mild; Bland Ptnretatig and Parry Sound now in effect. Feil information and tick- ets at ,all Grand T:,�unkloifiees. H. f1, :Gildersleeve Mgr,, ° " 0oltint wood, 0, H, Nicholson, Traffic Mgr., Sarnia, e ui. With every Boy's Suit we sell . at, o $ 3 3 oo 1 over, we will give a pair of the ' famous Wear Well '" black cotton Stockings. These Stockings are. Unexcelled' for their ' wearing qualities and ourBoy's Clothing cannot be beat for style or wear, Bu • your boy's sus Buy y t here, and now, and get him an ' extrapair of Stockings into the •,bargain. Light Vests There is corn- • fort aswell .as style in a' light vest, these hot days. We have somevery nobbyones You nuc that will not cost h money. $i.00, :$2.0o aincd $3.0o Nifty Stravy Flats • These are the . Straw Hat days, and this the store for„Straw Hats: Many new lines this week; all good shapes. 5oc, .7sc and $r.oa Children's Sailor )fiats, 2oc, 25c and 5oc Cool Underwear. Men's fine Bal rigan Underwear, well Made and finished.Will excellent wear. All sires. Special at per garment Fifty Cents. H flROS., Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, - Clinton