HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-22, Page 4w-1"."111•111wwwwww"Fnere-e • ..014 -Ord -PfazTON.., OFE. • - Terms ot. soscriptiO4-41 'per year in adirance 1.•50 may lie .oharged fl Aet, so Paid. Nq paper diseentintred until all errears Are paid, uniees at the opinion o the :pUblishet, • The date AO Whigh• every. suheeription is Paid its denoted On the ligled. Advertising. rates - Transient Over- tiserneeta, If) cents Per - noopariel him or erst inser titer ,Arid 4 ^Oen.ts. per line for each subsequent insert.: ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one ineh, such as' "Strayed.," or"Stolen," eta, • =- sorted once for 85 cents and otteb subsequent ineertion 10 cents, 7 • Coraraiinicationeintended for, pebdina- tion must, as a guarantea or goon faith, be accompanied by the IMMO of the writer. • . . W. J. MITCHELL, " Editor and Proprietor. Stanley ToVvaship. Mr. Percy Cole, aeccmwehied by, his sister, iVlies Flossie Cole, visited at the home of Mr. George Doweon, Goshen Line, recently. Mrs. Laxity Clark and Miss Mabel Clark visited at he home of 1Mr. John Watson, Salida Line, on Thursday last. Mr. Jim Hardy of 'Make visited at the home of Mr: H. Peck on Friday evening last., The Misses Mali& -of Exeter visited friends in this Vicinity last week. Miss Rachel MeLainehey of Strath. roy is home ror a few weekS' vaca- tion. Mr. Robinson Wood :s or St. Helens, accompaeded by Mrs. Johnsoto O. Bannockburn called on friends OW the Goshen and Front Road last week. Messrs. J. Macdonald and 'Reid are having cemeet walls built under their barns this summer. Mr. Samuel Reid of Varna, acCom- panied by his daughter, Miss Mina Reid, spent Sunday at Treasurer, Reid's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rider .and family of Almonte, Mich., are 'visiting tha latter's mother, Mrs. Stephenson,- . or the Babylon Line this week. ; • A number from around here took in the excursion to Detroit this week.' Miss E. Reid, who has been visiting at her home, went to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Merner :of near Zurich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. H. Peck. Mr. Joseph Richards -on -Sr. • ie. eat present visiting At Wyoming. • A number of people from here took in the excursion to Guelph on Tues- day. The following lines -from Miss Edith. Stephenson of Manitoba were .read at the recent family . re -Union on , the.• • Goshen Linc; The .Stephenson family • re -union We call it, This wonderful gathering of kin ; Though should I be asked to explain it I would scarcely know where 'to- . begin. You know there is Much could re eaid,r And without that much we would fail; To give Of this interesting family, Explanations at all M For a moment just fancy a gathering, Some seated, some standing arciunde Somd small: some tattle, very large, In fact, all kinds do alhounth---'• There's the ladies, the gents and •the • children, . • • The aged, the young and between; The English, the Irish and Scotehman A mixture that'S easily seen. Will make up a group that is pleasing And not only pleasing, but right; When I add to the list above men- tioned, That the Yankee is coming -to sight. And in truth we are proud of the Yankees, And justly so, to, you will agree.; • For why 1;? They, are really, Canediants, Just Yankee enough for to Please:. For true, Uncle Sam has a skill, And •a manner you really admire; When Added to Canadian virtues, Of them you don't easily tire. Now you see the groups of good peo- ple, A fine jolly lot, I will say; And 'wen't they be having a fine time On the 7th, a memorable day. They will meet and exchange kindly greetings, . • The day will pass off in a trice ; Rut the good will that underlies, elI, . Could never be bought with A price. The surroundingsi are sure .to be pleasing, For no matter where'er we may roam; There is no place to us that is dearer, Than thatof our good old home. " Where everything speak e of sweet memories, Of memories, which never will die ; Ah, yes, that one spot on the Goshen, Close to our hearts (loth it lie. And there, we do hope that you all, May have a pleasant end jolly good day;. EXPecting you will never forget The remnant, though far aewaY. For though we are here in the West,. We are part of -the family still ; • We cannot meet you in the gathering, But we send you our right good will. And now I have corne to a finish, No doubt you will think ibis best ; The lino are from part of the gather- ing, The few who are here in the West. And the groin) which they ece on the Goshen In June, nineeden hundred and live; Yes, that is the Stephenaon family, May their fame and their nettle eVer • thrive. Findla,y D. Rohinson, Treasurer of Tilbury township, la $0,000 short in bis cash. Ix -Mayor Samuel Illtighatte �t Ot- tawa was found drotteried fi the Gate Mewl River. fIle ,herae and buggy Were aleo found it the river, ee„ • Ligts. Nook A fitiwity who 0011101%* itt the West. To The Editor ot The News -Record : Dear Sir, --We have some of othe prettiest country eroued here' noW that could be found in the Whole of the Northwest. The crops are leek. ing fine and we have seen no Sip of frost for week, although it is very void at nights this week. The farm- ers are through with their crops and are now busily engaged picking se:n.4 and brea.king up the sod. We are Pleeeeki do see so niarrY new comers end so many who are well. seilshell with the land and are making this their future horny. - We have families here from, all over Canada, United SAates,- Greet Britain ad Europe and they all seem to be of . a brotherly nature which makes this country pleasant to live in. We often meet families from Mount Forest, Siordridge, Goderieb, Park Hill, Seaforth, Clin- ton , Kincardine, Harriston, Wiartote. Elora and many others that we cow, Id Mention, Our business' is increasing nicely and we hope soon to see a complete town here and we are doing our best to help build it. We have almost all kinds of ma- chinery up in this new country be- cause people Or settlers owning, in bring their own maeliinery from all parts, but they are soon very sorry or it because their- repairs come very high and just in a busy. *tired they may have from two to six weee ks to wait, so they find buying ma- ehluery in their own towo is cheap- er in a Year or so. -Yours, H. H. Johnston, Aylesbury, Assa., A 1.4Cve of Huron Writes About the Great Portland . • - Fair. T'o The Editor- News -Record: , Dear Sire -There was a big cro in Portland or. opening day of t Lewis and Clark Fair, the first June. It is said that 00,000 peop viewed the procession ' which start from the Portland Hotel . with t vieez-president of - the United Stet and others in • a carriage 'leading, e coiled : by two eoinpanies of Unit Statescavalry to the Fair grotto where Mr. , Fairbanks and othe .rnade 'spepohes' opening .the Fair. The exhilitts in Some of the buil ings are still In an idifinished state rho S. ,Goveenrimet hullding.. about the '•only one • in a finished co !ititiert. It is a very interesting ex hibtt of the navy departmelit end th military department, . showing model of their, *ar vessels, .lig ,gene; shell anti Shot, machine gum; And a tin rifles and a large steel' target e in dies thick pierced "in a good . man placee, likewise ithe U. S. 'coinage -.showing-how it is. :donee There is olleetion of meteoric -stones,. rr4qc '0 ttheM Very large and the sketoton a monstrous brute between an mania and a reptilecalled the Horned Din osarn. The- bones were found either in Colorado or ' Wyoming. : The skeleton is 20 or 25 feet long from the nose to the end Of ..fthe tail ar.d, when alive 1111181; have been -eight or ten feen high and have weighed at least Ave tons, if not more... There is en:other specimen of the reptile kind only 'dire repent and:nearly' as , big. Thelargeet building onthn, ground is the Palace of Agriculture- Which is 460 feet long by 210 Wide, with A fine: looking dome ; .It is devoted •to th-e exhibits -from •the Various states; fruits, drains, 'grasses, ' etc. One coun- ty in Oregon has. a ...Very fine exhibit of apples whioli have been .kept • oeld oras and look as fresh ' and- etean. as if they had been newly pull - In.. another • pert of thebuilding a stuffed steer from the University •Neheaske'w,here it . was fed. . It's weight was 1730 pounds and it was: sold ter $449,80 or at the rate of $26. per hundred. The steer was two years 'old. . In the foreign heilding the nations or 'Europe have Very few • Of' their exhibits place yet: The Italians and ithe Dutch item to be the furth- est ahead. In the' Italian section there is A lot Of very .fine statuary and nick nadts. Austria :Ara litinga- ry have softie things in place. In the British Seefien, including the • Colonies, it is neatly 'empty, scarcely, auything in place 'yet. , The ,Canadian nett has some. Indian work. It: will take a week or two. yet 'before ev- erything is IA place in the buildings, in fact it will be. nearly July before, it will be complete: On opening gay between 30 and ,40 thousand People passed the turnstiles that fact has been rather disappoint- ing to the citizens of Portland, but think the real crowd-. has not conie yet. I suppose people havefound out/ it is uneeiShed. And are in no -burly to. come. ' The Fair cannot All lee seen in one day, but will take a week to see it 1)roperlY,-4. W. wd he or le ed be es 5 - ed ds rs d- ne • a • • • .This Is 'Prom Zurich Herald. A subscriber from Michigati makes enquiries regarding our business men. 1 -le has been looking' over •our adver- tising columns, and list ef rrize for the Pienie, end failing to find the names of prominent businees men of Ids day, comes to the coiteluelon that they ere dead or removed. No, friend, they are still aliVe, bet ."or all the hook softie of them PI re to oth- ers, they might as well be treusfer- red to the hare/ hunting grounds. For the benefit of our far away sub- scribers we Will thertly publish a list nt still doing business in 7A- I:fele-Zurich Herald, Fred. Pieldhouse, laborer, Was foue tkl tmeOuseletts near his b.oarditig, hou- se* at +Hamilton and died in a few minutes, The Lake Shore& South- ern and the NeW York Central woe inaugurated, .an eightwn-hour se- tviee between Chicago and New York, The train will be eompelled to Main- tain an average speed Of 54,9 miles an hOltr, . • 11411114111 . Ed. TelIbutt anti children went to Michilgan to fAli her htistttal wh9 went there a few weeks ago. Misses Leona and Emily Yee t spent Sunday With Lulu Mulholland, M. Annis and MISS ArildS of Pia- ering are the guests of Mrs. A. J. Courtiee. seeeral from here went to Niagara oft Friday. The many friends or Miss Clara Proctor will be pleased to her thet eke is improvine,. Mr. Robte Clark, wire and family of Constanee spent Stinday at Mr. W.Stenley'e. A number from here went to Guel- ph on Tuesday while others wit to Detroit. Mr. Alfred Holmes,- of Fort Waine, Detroit, is the isiteet of his grand- mother, Mrs. Holmes. The invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Mulholland. We must congratulete Mr. Draper on Wel choice for she is one of Hohnesvil- le's choicest young ladies. What will be Hohnesville's loss will be. Alymer's gain. ° --eeeneenmessremnetenispepnildelelli."1111r St. Helens., A garden party under the auspices of Calvin church, St. Helens, wras held on the manse grounds last Fri- day evening wheel the 0ongregation presented their pastor, Rev. S, M. .Wheley, with a well-Alled purse in tokenof their esteem. Mr, Whaley leaves with the best Wishes of the .whole community., . Miss Hannah of Winghain is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Robt. • Mr. Robinson Woods has return- ed hotrie after spending a few days with friends in. Stanley -tewnship. Rev. Mr. Duna of Whitechurch con- ducted the services in Calvin church, $t.' Helens, las,t Sabi:59,th, it " heidg Ohildren's day. ' • Mise Charlotte Johnsen retureed home last week . after spending some time with her sister, Mrs. W. Woodb. Mr, Peter Clark has returned from Kingston where he went to . attend the General Aesensbly, • Mr, Wm. R. Farrier was in Gode- deli last. week, te,.,.102,. sumnioned there as a • •• „ • Mr. • 'Robert Redd and daughters, Ella and . Visitc•d friends ar- ound St. Helens last SaiSbetto Mr gtch. Humphrey was up around Glammis laet week for e load Of peas. . C0-11Stattee. Mr. and Mrs. James Grahain of Goderiehtownship visited the letter's brother, , Mr. .lames S,tanley,. and other relatives, .in the villag.e on Wed- neaday. ' Mrs. W. McCully and children o. Stretford are at pee...stilt visiting at Mrs. McCully's. , Mesirs. Robert MelViillan and S. , McMichael were in :Parkhill • on Mon- day. • • • • * • Quite 'a number of our young pee- * took in the garden party ip Wal- ton .IAset week. • • Mrs. Stranghan and MrS. James Armstrong of Oorrie viSited- their friend, Mrs. B. B. Stephenson,: OR Friday. . • . • • , Mr.' and Mrs. Robt. Clark • , atul children spent- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley If Holineseille. Mrs. Dinah Teyjor is not 'enjoying Use hest of heeltlie at, present. . • Mr ec Cole le at present the guest of her son, Alfred Cole at Ethel. . Mrs. Glazier and -sons ef. Stapleton speflt Sueday with the forneer's sis- ter, Mrs. T. Pollard,: . Work -Worn Men . • CAN, OBTAIN NEW HEALTH AND GH STRENGTH THROUDR. W1L- L,IA1VIS' PINK PILLS. Mr. Edward Martel, ,..98 St Peter Street, Quebec, is one of the thous- ands 'Of workingmen throughout Can- ada Who aheerfully ' adinit that they are kept in- health and strength through the use of Dr'. Williams' Pink Pills. To a reporter Who interviewed hint, Mr. Martel said : "The present condition of myhealth- contrasts stri- kingly with 'what it evaS nine mooths Ago. Then I felt that I was Almost at., death's door, while now- L,• riro strong :and vvell: This happy (haege is entirely due to Dr. Willitiene'. Pills.. I am a workingman, „and- it is little wonder that after years of dili- gent: toil my system waS gradually run down, • My Wood got As thin as water and I grew so poorly that the least 'exettiog would leve Hie weak and tvembling, I consulted a doetog, Who said that r waa run de wrt through hard work, but his medicine did not help me any. A few week$ later I was forced to quit *work, and shortly after that had to remain le bed •Most of the time. One day a fellow' workman (tailed, to see trie, and induced nie to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before the seeond box was finished 1 had a better appetite and neighed my meals, and with thie eeme new strength. In a few weeks I wasable. to go out'again, And itt about six weeks from the time I be- gan using the pills 1 was, able to re - tern to work, my health completely restored and my strength as vigor. ous as ever it had been. I attribute my complete recovery entirely to Dr, Williams" Pink Pim, and 1 think every hard working Man Would be better for using a box of these pills occasionally. • Mr. Martel'a advice should he takeni by every workingman. The only way to have health and strength , to keep the blood rich and pure, and the °illy way to get rieh, strength produciog blood 1$ through the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, because they actually make new blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pine make. , tired. worn out menn .and women vigorous and strong. Sold by All medicine dealers, or sent hy mail at 50 cents 12 a box or six brow for $.2,50, br writing The Dr. Williams, Methane mile BEVALENT 'IN SUMMER MON- THS-WHA.T A MOTHER SHOU- LD DO. 7 . Editor of The Newselteeord : f Dear notice in your paper of • date June 14th, an excellfut article eantitled "Boys Should Have a Lieut. ee." 1 would add to the matter tlie- rein expressed the Advisability of restricting the small boy in his prac- tice of bottling up, and mang,ling, vast cumbers of bees to Procure the ,. very smell amount of honey to be found on their bodies. Thisshambl- etele disregard 1.43 instet suffering calls loudly for reform as the wanton t slaughter of seng-birds. This pastime ,that the boys name Iteteheringthees. is as owl for the nay as it is for the bee, es it brutalises him and Owls to murder, the jail, and the hangmen -Clara II. IVIounteastle, *Chilan MOTO likely to he'late tacked. by •d =bee* during the stun on neer mth then at any other sea Son. It ie of the most danger o0118 syniptores of ilium in a child o any age. But it should be remem bered that diarrhoea Is a, symptom not •a disease. Never try lb st94e diarrhoea, because it ,da an! OftOrt o nature to Cleanse the bowels dOil go rid of the decayed food-etuffs in them. Diarrhoea is had -but things would be, worse to the child if diarrhoea didn't come. VVhile a mother sheeld never try to stop diarrhoea, she should stop the cause. Diarrhoea is a symptoth of indigestion having set up decay in the food tha,t lis in the bowels, and the way to etre it is to demise the little tender bowels with Baby's Own Tablets. It would seem strange to treat diarrhoea with a laxative, if we didri?t- remember the cause of it. Both diarrhoea, unit cen- stipetion are the results of indiges- tion assuming different forms, and both are cured by Baby's Own Tab-'iete% Dirt the Tablets are more than a mere laxative. They are absolutely a specific for ell the minor ills that come ' to infants , and young ohileiren whether neweborn babe or a bey or girl ten (n twelVe years. Here's a eft• of proof, Mrs, Geo, McGregor, Hamilton,: Ont., says : "When My baby was. teething he had diarrhoea, wee very (Fos and did not sleep well. I gave him Bay's Own Tab- lets, and there was no more trouble. 1 now always give. him the Tablets when he has any little aihnent, and he is seem better." At this sea,son no mother should be without Baby's Own Tablets. in the house. You can get them from medicine dealers or by mail ,at 25 cents a by writing etkhleliDier:onWtilliams Medicine Co., Bro- live :Stock Market. • Toronto, June 19th.---ReeeiptS of live stock at the union Stock Yardis were 76 car loads; Composed of, 1,550 eittle, 3 sheep and 37, calves, The quality of. fat cattle was good; better than, list week. - Trade had a little. niore • life than en Monday last : and • all offerings sold earlier in ',the day than was an- ticipated by many of the dealers. Priees were ah:otit the ,saine. as laSt week. • - . • . . " -,-Expotters-., Prices ranged all the Way front .$5 . to $550 Per ewt.,. b'th et ere were few at • the latter price, the bulk 'selling t about $525 to $5.35 per. cwt. -Ex- port bulls.. sold from $3.50 •to $4 eper cwt. with an extra choice one or two .$4.12-i per cwt. .-Bt;tehers• - There were not too naanyThetche 'cattle, • all beiiig sold. - Pieked •is sold at $5 to $5.25 With v w at, the latter figure ; I s of good at $4.80 .r.to $5 per , t. ; medium . at $4.10 ;40- $4.75; coinmon at $4 to, $4.50 per cwt. •Cows at $3.75 -to $4.-, 25 p•er cwt. : • _ • --Veal All *eat ea1Ves,:37.' in mariber, .Were •notight by W. ,Levaele.at $5.00 per There Were none offered, but I•1. P.. Kennedy quotes . Prices. at $6.6e„ led and watered, and $6.75 off, care•. ' W.' 13:- . Levaek-Lbaohluelbh7-0 • spring lame Its at $5.50 ...each. , • -Repreeetitative . Corbett & Ilendeeson, ; '28 ledichers.', • L060 lbs. each, at $4.90 per cwt. ; '15- butchers', .960 lbs: eanh; $470 ;. 10 exporters; 1200 •MS:: eaeld, -at $5.20. Shipped • four: loads .otit for custom - W. Dean bought 8. loads , ex- perters,. 1200 to 1404 lba. each, at $5 to $5.20 per ewt. Isaae Groff ..of shnira, Waterloo County, sold 50 exporters, 1300 lbse each, at $5.25 per cwt. ; 44 butchers', 1000 lbs. each, kt.*4.75 per ewt. George Tucker Seld 2 -loads of ex.. porters, 1265 lbs. each, at $5.20•Per Cra*fOrd & Hunnisett • bought 9 ads 'of export Cattle, 1250 lbs.e-ach, $5 to $5.20 per cwt., and" two lo - s of mixed butchers', at $4 to .75 per cwt. A McIntosh bought 100 export 'dat- e at current prices, S. Levb.ek bought 6 loads of ex - rt bulls at $3.50 to $8,75 per cwt. Dunn Rtes. 'bought 6 loads of ex - rt cattle, pronounced as aan•ong the et on the market, 1250 to 1400 s. each, at $5.25 to $5.40 per cwt. W.. Levack bought 37 weal. calVes $5 per cwt. , Alex. Levack boeght 30 butchers' at .80 to $5.25 per cwt. ' I, L., Rountree bought 22 butchers bred'', 1110 lbs, each, at $4 per WIrt. ' H ' Hawkins, Islington sold one export boll, 1820 lbs., at $4per ewt, -.IVIAREET NOTES- ' John Leasdale, farmer, Riehmoed Hill, York County, sold- IC export cattle, pronouneed as among the best on the Market, 1430 lbs. each, at $5.- 50 per cwt. On ,the first Monday 10 August the Helen Stock Yards will continence �. weekly .sale �f horses by auction. Sale to eommenee 'at 11 a. m. DroWn 44• Wilkinsot of Galt had a shipment of 6 ears of export cattle on the market itt transit for export, from Montreal. It ,seenis that many of the drovers having bought the cattle to deer, front the farmers are ashamed to glvn quotitions which are away be- low 'what are paid in the country, to say nothing about.freight and oth- er elpenSes. One firm sold two loads of cattle that ,dropped them $t00, to say he- ath* about all the time and trouble of Selling thee em. But this wonly email emirate(' with sortie other log - sea of the same kiftd, Toro cettle died from the °flees Of, the sudden exceesive heat, having been, hours on the G. T. It. coming fr- om Monet Forest, a distance of 87 a, which is at the rate of 7 Mil - OS per hoer, Cet,, Brockville, Ont. J.1.• James 0. Blanche, moulder, of Car- leton Plaee, was drowned by tie i up-, setting of hie canoe. , • • ••••••444.44•444,44.40, t: .104/.)KINN9N & 00, BL tril • y y HOT WEATHER .00098 f. y The hot weather is now upon nein earneet, and we are fully prepy ared ..t:' for it with a range of light Summer Droll Materials in all the new istylea yA and fahrice, also klionees• Corsets, Hosiery Gkves and AVItitesvettr of nit e's. .s. kinds. THERE IS NO USE SUFF./MING WITII THE HEAT MIEN A A, YoU CAN GET NICE coot. 43000$ AT PRICES 'LIKE THESE. . . . . 4 e, . se ,e. ,e. Meek Grenadine, 42 inches wide, in fancy st t ipee a -nil floral designs en Worth 75ee for 50e Org andies, in dliferetit quell-Hea e, t 12te, 1 W 3e, e, 26end 0 8r, ,ee Black Almon in phila and fanny etripee, at I5eM , eant) 250. '•eWhite Lawn, li yArds witle, ut 10e, 12•'..te. 15e, 204 and tet Fine Zenhyre, in eon an trs of pink d Wile, wot t h1(. t educed to 120. X e t Cotton voiles, in Plain colors, else epots and eheeks, at keno . wide, regular 150, for 120. se, V' Ail -Over Laces, in white, eremite, bleak, champagne end't wo-tonet1 '' eit effects, at 85e, 50e, 65e, 75e and Si. to •-• ete Lndies' Large Lace Collars at We, 75e, $1 and $1.50. .s. Ladies' Summer Corsets, made of tine batiste ond nett ing,at Ofie and i X 44 50e. S t Ladies' l - -.• 1 y aPe ll irdlee, regular 50e, for 85. ft Ladies' White and (Went Wrens Groves at 1.5e,200 aeul 25e. kr, Ladiee' Black, White and Cream Pure Silk Gloves, in ail sizes, at, y Ladre:*:0350cCentd6Tvce*es, very special, at 25e, 350, 600 and ne. t limit& Shirt Waists, made of fine white organdy, nainsook and " ttto usi in, great value at $1, $1.25 and $2. . . Ladles' Silk Belts, itt black and colors, at 26e. 50e And 76e, . ' Hoye' Linen Suite, With sellor, collar, a snap at 75e. i'' ...-Ire.P.P.......,...........rwrov.9.0".9.9•040..".....”...pro,ww..r.1.."1", 434. A oKINNON at CO, BLYTH 4' , .. .e 11 44 4 4:4 4:,* 4,:,* 4 0,1,4 IX. 4. 0:4 .,) 44.0 4 .:414:4 4C.fr 10 4:4 4 V.44 4) eita 4:• 4 .:4. 4.0 0 4:4 4,4 44 44. 4.,:••:* 4,4 1:0 4.80 4:4 4. 4. 44 .444: . •,:rImiiiimmimaillniiiimeimlolommomminlial. .1440111110*. 4*¢...44Ps *4,*•,41)**14.0 0 t • 4 • 4. On the south side o toy street from Albert Si. to 'Erie street •4* feet in width. Estimated oost of work $1043.78 of which $155.48 is to, • lat' provided' out of • the general runds of the municipelity. On the north side .or,Princess street, from Shipley street to Queen street, 4 feet in width. Estimated cent of work ,$253.00 .01 which $40.20 Is to be provided out of the general funds of the municipality. ' On the wed e side of Maple street,. from Mill street to Whitehead street, 4 feet in width. Estimated cest ef work $303;00 „ of whieh •;37.20 is to be provided Out of the ' gpneral funds of the municipality. • On the north side of Whitehead str- eet,-froin Maple street to Albert St., 4. feet in width. Estiznated cost of work $1,38.40 , or , which $85,.66 o 1i. Provided out of the general funds of the municipalitY: ' On the south side of Cutter street, from Vietoria street to King street, 4i feet in width. Estimated cost of ,work ' $123:.08 lof which •.S5.55 is to be provided out of the general funds of theemunicipality. On the „westside of Fie tett street from Joseph etrcet , i.feet in Width. Esiiinated cost of work .$313.20 of which $64.00.. is to to he provided eut of the general funds of the nitinieipality. , • • Oa the east side 1,of Isaac Street from Jose -ph--: street to 6, .T. Ry., feat in width, Estimated cost of •work $333.20 of whielt *.$53.00. is to be provided out of the ' general funds of the municipality. , On. the west skid of Noeth • street,: from Joseph, street t�: Huron street, 4 .feet in width, el'es.timated cost of 'work $404.20' :of: which $08.00' is to be 'provided, out of the -general funds of the municipality. *0•. I Somewhere .between Time and Opportunity, • 00t8 oe8.1 At The old Reliable -oug STOCK REDUCING. :SALE , A GRAND SUCCESS.-- week we, continue -to give the beet valties . in all kinds of foot wear ever offered in Clinton. 'See our. Men's Plow Shoes; all razes, it 75e •and 85e. " 1),Ss.-- Ladies' Oxford and Strap Slipper., "worth $1.50 going at $1.00. Childrens' Boots and Slippers. regular $1.]5 and $1.25 only 75e.• Boy s Tan and Black Laced Boots worth $1,50 for 85e. :Xenia Pine Leced Boots at price, $4,00 for $2 00, You ehonld see them. --- They are great value.• • BARGAINS' P012 •EVERY130DY NO TROU131.18 TO SHOW. 000. • •.leatter ,Iral•Eggs taken As neval. Highest. prices paid. Several Dollars in buying M. ' TAYLOR ' COTTAGEON oNTAitto STREET' TO .RB14T. • . • '0444.64,••40414P0,4,:409.4p4441.14**414/ 444440*****).••••••• * Apos.44.4...41.44arbiloisinerisommilr4mam.444..101404 icesece$ocecii) a**Darb.o 0 0 0 - 0 0 opoecy • THE- COEAT CASH STORE SPcial FOr W.eek 3s,rtta...aw#3:Fim- nlaP.A.IV142VE.10*M • For the rieit ten days we will offer some of the geeatest bargains in Mil- ® 'linery that were ever ehewte in this town .. See our ba,..getin tables upstairs .• • tlendqiiarters for Up -to -Date ClOthini van and see what we have in BeYst 'and blee's Clothing at $2•50, $3, . . $5.and up to $12. •SO pairs Boys' Tweed•Knickers Strongly made, double seats and double keees; • in All sizes, - -. • front 22 to 88, tegelar, pr fee 60e, 75e and 85e, to clear tit., „dozen Mens Working'Shirts • . • All,siZes, light and tlark'colors, tcyclesir tgis week at ' Ladies' and Gents' Litht.SUMmar thnicem?ear and - tioSiery at moderate prices. . Ladies'.'and Men's:ShoeS in all thelatest styles at the vary:lowest prices. 1. the qute bilY your S pay y. MI to .,et.; Our prlees, customers' . realize the barpins offered ie the' anoaeFor .)DawmiNra7 . . and are Cul& to purehase. . SPECIAL SALE • UNTIL JULY. Ist WE OFFER SP- ECIAL VALUES IN ALL DEPART- MENT. • Low PRICES WILL MAKE THIS THE ?EST • SALE' YOU HAVE YET SEEN. :COME AT fw' oE wyrrt YOUR RUTTER EGGS', AND • CASH AND GET FIRST CHOICE. • 124e and .15e Ginghams 10e. • 12-iei 15,e. and 20c -Mur' ns and Dim- • . Atka 8e. • .25c and 300 Dress Goods 19e 50e Brown Wool Serge 20e. 50e .and 75e Dress- Goods in black' And eolers 25c, 500 and '150 Waists .850. ' j $1.85 Waiets. 75e. - -Remnants Vety .cheap. Readyanade• Skirts. at Clearing 'prices -.$2,00 kr'. $1.60. $4,00 for 43.45 . 3,00* •fo,r 2.60: • 3,50:for' 2,743 $5.00 for $4.44. ' Plannelettee -from. 4e up. 20e and -25c Lace Mitts- 5e -and 10e. Fancy bordered 'Apron Linen 15e, P. A. EDWARDS, ••••.01.** . • •The Winghant Business College Now On in the Shaw. Block., eketeeeeelee. Speelal courses for P. S. teachers andseholars 'during vacation, Better than gold is a course in either ge- Paittnette of our College and good Plying positione await our worthy gradua,tea. Etter now, No Vaeation. 44446,46,4.".4„, Pot further partieulars write N. Reginald Pletcher, Pritoptil, 20ittirl SPOTTON, Maitsor. M. Chambers & Co. Successors to D. M. licl3eath. 00000C) 0 0 0111** .CA040 0 o 0.0.040 ansaaro.m.mmr.ma;rmwa..iowm,mmm,„mm„-ammmua.m.nm • 40.4044.4441••••,..444., ...******4 .400•44.4404144.41. . B. HOOVER. NELSON BALI.. 0 0 0 *woe t, a ellt Curtain _ Nem an treteher Saves Time and Labor. Every Lady Should Have One Undertakinp; promptly attended to by night': or day. 04:1-000-000000000*0-000-000 00-0-0-0-0000-0-0-0 HOOVER- BALL* Night and Sunda)** oils ans‘ered ao residoce of either of ti.e priner• I pals. ' 44411.44.4•••••••404141140.4101141•44.****************40.4 A Big Drop in Parlor Suites 0 RUG sunn ONLY $40.00 Moquette rtug Suites, Spring Seats, Fringedalt arouod, pitft.s, every O . m* a different shade, large sofa, arin chair, widow chair, spring rocker, and reception ohair, Itegttler $50.00 Suita. for $40.00 Largest nrnituro Store lar the County, .1; H- CH ELLEWI Myth'