HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-22, Page 1ripmmarimaramarmaramatiaertaaraa—
26th Year
liThele Number 1376
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. The prices will be interesting
to your pocket or purse .. ...
,., .
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/ --R. Graham's Old Stand:—
c G. B. Ballard, Clinton. 1
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. The Sovereign Bank . .
- Dominion Parliament
Chartered by
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
•*. .
Interest on Deposits, paid.2
4 Times a Year
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4)00-0.o v 0000000*O4e.
H. T. RANCE, Manager. - - W. BRYDONE, SolicitOr..
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
T. Jackson *Sr.,
. ROOMS 1'0
over my store on Albert St. .
and 'over the stores on _
Huron St, occupied by JOhn
Scruton, A. McKown and
A. D. Beaton,
T. Jackson Sr.,
• i '
Mr. Jellies Smith of the Clieten
Road, sbuth of town, has placed a
cement foundation under his bare and
ismaking other improvements. Mr,
Smith is energetic and enterprising.
Wheat 950. . •
Oats 40e.
Barley 45e.
Eggs I4o.
Butter 14c to 15e. °
Live. Hogs $6.50.
Rev. Mr, Leckie, who a couple of
weeks ago was inducted into the
charge of. the Londesboro and Burns'
Presbyterian churches occupiee
lis church pulpit last' Sunday Oen-
ing, His delivery is the converse,-
tional and eery much resembles that
of Dr. Stewart himself.
Next Sunday Rev. Dr. Cook finishes
his term as pastor of the Ontario
street church and will preach his
farewell sermons a. in, and evening.
The Dr, is an earnest preaoher and a,
strenuous pastor. The young people's
societies were never so prosperous as
at the present time and to the sick
and distressed he could not have
been more attentive,'
The Entrance 'examinations ewe-
mence next Wednesday, the Matriete:
lotion on the 30th arid Jr. and Sr,
Lea,ving on the 3rd. At the Depart-
mental exams Messrs. Lough and G.
Summers will preside at Clinton;
Musgrove at lelyth, Rah at Brussels,
Cameron at Winighani, Scott and Mo-
ffatt at Seaforth, For . the Entra,nce
Messrs. Lomb, and Houston will pre-
side in Clinton.
A (OD GAME EXPE,(T111). . •
The Bayfield football team, theme
pious of pouth Huron and Itruce Dis-
triets, and the Brussels teain, leter-
mediate champions:for 1904, will' playl
a schedule game in Hayfield at 5.30
o'clock Friday'. viening: This be
one of the. best exhibiti.ons of. foot-
ball to he. seen in the county. .this
year and doubtless a great. crowd
will . witness it, Bayfield is to be
congratulated upon hoeing such in
eXcellent team. .
. The ecieficils of Clii,ton and. Gilder-
ieh townshin have deeided to appeal
to the judge 'against whit the couittY
council has called its "equalized"
'vabia:tion; but which is: so unfair
that rrieny. changerkwill doubtless' be
made. The Impaling Will :take some
'thee and as the juddes eherlges alone
are ten' dollars' Per day: it will ' be
seen that's the county, , council 'has :take
eri the nthre expensive course: We un-
derstand it is twenty-theee feats •sin -
Ce appeal was last Made ; to , the
„ .
On Saturday :•aftetrnoon :last the
funeral of the'date Mr: M. T, Dowzer.
thole place, the SerViCeS being ' con-
ducted by Stewart, and
adcprdint to „the ritnal, of the. Inde-
pendent Order of ' Ciddfellows of which
the deceased was . a member About
• thietY of the heathen attended • the
funeral .• The pallbearers were : Bart
Kerr, Ames. Castle, B.:J. Gibbings,
Joli:11.' Crooks, Prink Hall and MO.
Boyer. The members of • the fondly
tom, •a • dietanee whlo came honle
were Mr. and Mrs., William Dovezer•
Of Detroit, , Charles and Maggie ' of
New Liskard, Elsie of New York,
Feed of Toronto and Hitrry of Lon -
00000000000000000000000000004“:0000000000000000t •
0 ^ .
t 4lb".0. 111V1& 411frib.46,4110.41bAli ibillb;41.0'1%. 1PlellbAlli",Wikelb. lb,1101111.41101 .e
A PeCial Lines. . ..
e $
t $ %3$ t
. - • . =
t. $ .• For Thu Month . 7
• • • •
, .,
$ . .•
—Lawn Mowers -.--Lawn Rakes
7.5 —Garden Shears —Scythes & Snaths, . i :se•e
4: -,---Daisy ()hurts —Poultry Netting
.-. r
$ --Screen Doors and Windows
e —Blue Mame Oil Stoves ° :I:
• . .
—Gasoline Stoves
X Sherwin vviiiianis Mixed Paints
4, . „ 4*4
Varnish Stain and Ploorlac
Our citizens will be glad to learn
that our esteemed townSmait, Mr.
Rieh. Ranstord, who has been con-
fined to his room for several days,
is now racial better and we hope
soon to see him out again,
Me. W. INheatley is making a, nume"
ber of improvements lanais residen-
ee. He has Moved it back, put it on
a cement foundation, is building a
wing and placing a window in front.
NVhert the masons, carpenters and pa-
inters finish it will be a, neate a,nd
cosy home.
The open air copeerts given every
Thursday leveeink by the Citizens
laand aro. growing in popularity 'rind
arelistened to with much pleasure 's1NY,
hundreds of our citizens and people
from the country. In the rea.rtter ot
these musical treats alone It is eas-
ily apparent how good a thing it is
for a town to have ari efficient brass
band. •
The union picnic to be held under
the auspices of .St.. Joserdes church
will take place in Ferran s grove on
Thursday _of next week. These pie -
Wes have always been of an enjoy-
able nature and ,it is expected that
this one will be even 'more so than usu-
al. 'Rev. Father Perisoneeault is in-
defatigable in his exertions and Will
leave no stone unturned to ensure a
pleasant time for everybody who at-
tends. •• :
Mr, Reuben Graham continues to
make inept -oven -lents in and about his
hostelry which. is growing in popular-
ity. Formerly he had an eighty -foot
shed upon which he has pat a new
room.. He has also built a second
shed forty-seven feet long so now hae
ample , a,ccommodiation. Inside • the
house, he is a.s well making changes.
The old bar • has been torn out. and
new up-to-date • one. 'installed, The
diffeeenee in the alieearance of the
. : :.' • . '
X : j•tielE WEDDING. • •
•At high noPe yesterday' the :twine of
kra. George Flintoft Was the seeneot
one of those .happy events • which id -
ways Create a sensation in the Social
world. '. The oceasion was the mar-
riage Of her daughter, Miss Hattie,.
and. Mr. John H. NeiVeombe of
Stratfood; As the dock &lined the
hour Of twelve the bride entered the
parlor where she was joined by the
groom and he' the Presentee of a large
eunther of invited guests they were
joined in the bonds of wedlock liy
Rev. Mr. Nla,neing. The bride was
assisted by her. sister, Mies Annie,
While Mr: Will Newcombe, brother of
the groom, . was the groontemitn. The
bride wore a, charming costume Of
ereani chiffon silk with triminings• of)
chiffon and lace, and carried bOquet
of white toses-, while the bridesniaid
was very beeominigly attired in cream
and eorried boquet of '.. pink ea,rnit-
tons, Little Miss Pearlie Abell of
Stretford, cousit of bride, gowned in
white silk, acted as flower. girl. 'Af-
ter the interesting ceremony. was per-
forrned. a dainty luneheon Was served
and emelt enjoyed by an, Mr. and
Mrs. Newcombe left, amid showers of
good wishes, rice aed old shoes, on
the 4.20: train for Loudon and ,Other
places and after the honeymoon will
take up, the stern realities of tharried
Wirt Stratford. The brides travell-
ing dress was aove grey kande() with
hat to inateli, and sunset silk blouse.
Quests were present from Brantford,•
txeter, Myth, Seaforth and Strat-
ford, The bride received a large hum-
bgr of handsome presents' ineloding a
'china tea sett from the. R. T. ot T,
' '''S of wiiieli she was an active member,
s• and a !Mahogany settee with rocker
Z $ ARL' AND BROS., y to matelt, froM the employees of the'
Y Jaek$011 Mfg, Co. The bride will be
e. -, X misSe,d In Soeial circles as she Was a '
t4 Stoves and Hardware.
Dr. Walter Turnbull of Goderich
was in the village pne (14 last week.
Mr. Alex. Young and his sister,
Mrs. Hanna.: of Wiiktani, Sundayed at
his brother's, Mr. James Young's.
SuliTilirdseas.3:"IMWainiiththea,MIVIelvUoillielalgelaenttd isoornB Roches-
ter, N. Y., Tuesday; to spend a few
weeks with her brother, Dave.
Mr. R. Snell and sister and Miss
Brogden of Londeshoro were in the
village on Sunday. •
Mr, Elwin Mutth and sister Nettie
of Gorrie were down to the wedding
Ia'Iste,wPeeukblie school had a Picnic to
Port Albert last Saturday and spent
a jolly time.' .
Mrs, Cowel and ehildree of the Soo
axe the gusts of her mother, Mrs.
Arther, a•t present. ,
Quite a number took in the moon-
light eieurSion at Goclerielt and.sev-
eral took in. the trip to Detroit.
The sidewalks arc finished and they
are a greet improvement to the vill-
One of those .social events' of whieh
all like to hear, especially in this
month of roses, took pIace at the
home of Mr. Henry Lawlor When lUs
daughter, Carrie, beeetine the bride
of Mr. G. W. Heery of Gorrie. Tlie
ceremony was performed by Rev. 'Mr:
Coupland in the presenee of about
:fifty invited guests, There a tare
'Re array of presents as was becom-
ing, the bride being very popular in
this village and surrounding. IVIr.and
Mrs. Henry have taken up•hotise-keep-
ing in Gorria where the groom is en-
gaged in lieeiness. We all foie in
wishing—the happy :couple 'a long and
:prosperous married life:,
house inside and out is vastly differ-
ent from What it was six months
- . •
The -captain of the Detroit .
er,. the . Greyhound, which gave .
moonlight sail out of Goderich har-
bor' On Monday: night witir•Oeer• 2,000
people on hoard, was next day. fined
$5, 0 and tests for selling liquor. With -
Put ; a lieense. The captain *know-.
ledged that .beer, etc, etc., • and lots
of it liad been sold, but his plea,
Was that- it Was out' ot the three7
minute limit; However; he paid the
fine. He did' not, tike into considera-
tion the vigilance of License Inspect.:
Adquith who went out for the Sail
in order to •procure his evidenee, ,
. .
A I-IEALTHY G ,00nr,
on Monday ',the report run,:;around
town that Mr. Dave Connell had died
.suddenlY while 'empleyed at Mt. J. G.
Steep's new. -house in Goderieh• town;
ship. :The runthr grew So.circumstan-
tial that' -Many believed, so • what
was the astonishment: of One, et, our
eitiZetis; who had beeii more than
once po *formed; :to sae -the man
.supposed to bp beyond the influence •
of the rise ;and fall Of temperature,
setting in the shade •at • the .Waverley.
:House growling about the Itea.,t,. "You
heard • ,I vvas dead; did Yo,,e, 'said,.
Dive, ''well I ,mu,st. he.: a . :healthy
looking. 'Corpse." • ; •
. , : • , " . • . .
This season as • far as it has gone
has Lot been a favorable one for
bowling on the. green, There • has -
leen too much rain and too little
'eunehine. However, better thingsare.
now expected and the. :bowlers are
Ilanstng_tetward. to Many leasant
home on their pretty' greeu, the
scene of ninny a hard-fought contest:•
These three rinks played in Seaforth
on Tuesday but didn't win:
Stevenson, L. .Kennedy, W. Brydone,
VV. Jacksoh. 2—W. J. Nediger, W.
Galbraith, .1. Taylor, W. P. Spald-
ing, 3.-R. Ho1mes t E Manning,
J. Wiseman, B. J. Giblitngs,
While dining the other day with, 'a
genial oompany the conversation(thne
ed on •• salt, i.vhereupona local
authority stated that he Coald.name
the well salt was (*.dallied froth by,
its feel. Several tests were made
Which dPparentty justified theelitim,
when Captain. Ranee handed oVer a
quantity to sample, with: "What
well is this from ?" The 'judge
took it atid after rulibing it betWeen
his fingers : " That's from ollr.
Brussels well." It ean easily be im-
agined how the company enjoyed the
little incident when we add that the
Captain's sample was white sugar.
CLINTON. + Very talented young lady.' The News -
.s* Ileeord Joins her numerous friends in
daos.../bAlowlkotioiarlarliiskergrainhyqb.-4,46..46.0*,16.-Iioareboierib. x ex:cording, best visires for a bappy
Z+44:4444•44:44444:444•,:+84+,4440.4.44•00+4440444.0.40*. MOM
.44.4:64 - •
Goderieh Township.
Mr. Wallace Brown of Fullerton is
visiting at .Mr. Alex: Elliott's, ..
We are Pleased to see Mrs, 'R.14.
Elliott out again although she has to
ea,rry a. cane to assist ter in -Walk-
ing. She has suffered for -some man-,
tits with 'rheumatism and Supposed
that was cause' of trotthl in her
foot, but on closer examine, the
doctor found .that .the cords of the
fobt had given .w4. and let:the arch
dowe, this causing theeliilocation .of
a joint. % IVIrs. Elliott sidlered leech
but is now beginning to impere.
:Mony of the residents of this Own-
:, Miss Bertha Rathwell, 'graduate' of
one Of.- the .Plevelind. hospitals, is
,spending her vacation at. Mount Plea-
sarit Faint, the. home pi her fathoe, •
Ur. Edward:Ra.thwell' ° •
A meeting of L. 0. L; 180 Will
be held on the eventing Of july 5th
when all members are expected to be.
present.' . . •
Mr. Ben. Anderson, one,' of. the stet- '
warts of : the Tortnito pollee force,
orrice!! on TueSda,3r. to spend ho-
lidays :on •• the - Old 'hOmesteee,. . Al-
ways :pleased to see hie smiling gene-
tenanee in our midst. „ ' •
The new fence. in( front a pole's'
church enhances the appearanice of the
property very ntuch..... • •
• The brick layers have , finished Mr..
J, G. : Steep's house which is • now
ready fot the earpentere. When fin-
ished it will 'present a hea,titifut ap-
PeAalriea."11.;l4:7--;e Graham Os: been treat-
ing hirrieelt• to a dicnefr new buggy:
Mise Abbie 'Green who • has been
' Serionsly • ill, is imp'roving and we.
hope she. miy, soon he fully restored.
.4 few of the boys from the•Bayfield
•Line, along with their lady loves,
took in the moonlight.' excursion from
Goderich on Monday eVening.
Mr, John (fluff had his barn split
on. Monday and. raised on Tuesday,
Theework is being- done by the Hurd
gang. dimensions are 54x71; .
.Mr. John Middleton returned home
last week alter : a pleasant ;Visit at -
gelid Quelbec, ' . . • •
Mite Mabel Cluff of. Clinten 'has
:for ,the past 'Week eee visiting at
her tirtitte's,.Mr. John u s
Hollett Township.
Mr. W. T. Ilertry,"who a teve mon-
ths ago nought the W. Snell farm,
has sold his 80-aere lot on lihe lttb
eon. to Mr. John MeOlinehey, Who
gets possession next April, the place
being eow under lease to Nit. Nath,
Johnstone, Mr. Henry will realize
$4,000 from his sale.
The annual picnic a S. S. 1;lo. 5,
whieh was mentioned two Weeks ago,
will be held on Wednesday, June 25,
on the river flats of R. Carter's
farm, adjoining the bush, of JYL.Brown.
Dineer will be served at (me o'clock.
A. . good pregeare of musical selecti-
ons, races, etc., for the pupils is
being prepared. In addition two and
possibly three football matches will
q)e played, the section against Sum-
merhill seniors and sehoOI against
No. 8 a,nd also IL 5. S. No. 10. M
large and energetie committees . are
working hard to make every feature
a success, with favorable weather an
excellent time is assured.
M. and Mrs. 'Wm, Jamieson of the
Haim Road ,speet Sunday with the
latter's uncle, Mr. Carter.
Mis% Lily 1V1c0abi of Clinton spent
Sunday at her horne.
Mr. and IVIrs. J. Vociden, visited fri-
ends at St. Helene and other parts,
last week, • '
'While . returning from Londesboro
last Saturday night ' the horse, Of
Mr. 0. Manning was frightened by
some pigs which were running attar- •
ge and ran ieto the dithh, overturn!
big the buggy and upsetting its oc-
etipants.. Fortunately no one Was
seriously injured and • the pigs were
promptly impotinded to-- avoid other
accidents. , • •
Nliss S, J. 1VIeCool renewed aeettee'
intances the eight. and ninth last
week. . • .
The high price' of grain seems to
hare produced a; scarcity of coarse
grains for feeding antrt rirmers having
such will -do well to keep them , Safe-
ly locked, up, .
(Intendedfor last issee.)
Miss .$. J. NicOoel of Clinton has
returned, home after visiting . friends
here. . • .
The barn Of Mr. Willtam MCCool
was 'visited On Saturday night be-
tween ten endeleven eeloOk and some
bags of meal and potatoes. stolen.'
Tire- 'guilty. party . will .return the
same irieeediately • and save ferthet
The barn • of Mr.. Jae.. Southeome
wee jacked and. made ready for the
stone work on Moeda* by Mr. Wm.
ey.• ,
Statute Labor , is now the order of
Several from here were in Goderich
on Monday night ta,lcieg the Moon-
light sail, •
Miss Sera Nesh3tt has been seen -
ding few days in Goderieh visiting
her friend, Miss lialthWaite.
Mr, C, S. Lowery At/ended the me-
eting of the Synod of Huron, In
London this Need( as lay delegate
from St. Peter's church here,
The hand, Was In attenditnee at the
Winthrop Omit Vi/ednesda,y, There
is always a demand ter good music
on such oceasions, Itenee their invit-
Coles S! 5, will hold a' .pienie in
the near future.' '• „ .
Mr. Neiman Workman DJ' Clinton
visited at Mr. George A,.Cooper's on
Sunday last. .
Reirs. Snell and McNeil of Bayfield
ekchaeged pulpits an. Sunday last for
the three services on the different ap-
pointments. • ' ' •
The sen is hot about something
these days.
Mr. George' Ceopet's time. and at-
tention -completely taker,. up these
ds looking after hie bees. .
We heard • 'on, Moeday that Mrs.
Nevins of Centralia died the day pre-
YlouS. She was formerly Wire, John
Beiteom of this township and is hest
remembered here by that natne. We
have not yet heard the cause ot her
Blyth. •
• •On Friday evening a large, number
of •our citizens 'witnessed o .game of
baseball between Licknow and Blyth
teams, but °win to the rain 'coming
on the game could not be &gelled.
It was in favor Of the lionte'team as.
far as they'. went. • • • ••
About tour o'clock on Sunday *mot,
ging, whilst. 'our citizens Were intheir
peaceful slurithers,'-the -fire .Olarra was
Ace. 'more sounded' when the people's
.attention' was drawh to Golden'scfshos
store in the .brick bthek from whence
• sinoke. was : issuing; but before: the
fife had gained Much haaderiy it was
put out bya few pails of :water:. The
tire Was confined to one ofthe. draw-
ers, some of the•Others getting veil
,scorched . It is .a mystery hOW. it. Od,
ctirred. but it is supposed . to have
been caused by mice having been,ntb-
blingat some Matches that must ha-
ve gotbellied the tl,rawets. It is only
a few; day.s ago that fire was discote,
ered in J. a, MAWS hardware store
in ,the same 'block will& ()aimed quite
cornmotionfor a thee. • .
' On Monday Mr. E. Wats.on shipped
• a fine •ea,eload of hogs tront this sta-
tion td•Petrolia;
Quite a nein,leer of our citizens dro-
•ve -over to Goderich n .Mondiay, and
. took in :the moonlight excursion en
the lak,'e. ,
n 4Tuesday some of our citizens
thok in. the excursion to Detroit.
A laege.nuenber • of the farmets With
.their Viees and dangflrbers toOk in
the excursion to the IVIodel. Fame on
Tuesday. • •
On (Saterday night but new peeler
donned his new .blueuniforin with cap
Willa looks very becoming on him.
You'll &aye to keep straight now,
boys. , •
Miss Ethel Colwell, who Was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. McConnell,
has rethrned home, ' •
Barrister Beattie of Clinton was in
town on Monday.
Miss Kite MeDiarmid is visiting in
Detroit and Windsor this week.
Our football imam play in Kippen On
Thursday night.
The Foresters' picnic held in bay -
field on 'Friday last was quite a
success, 411 report having a good
The football match On Tueculay be
tween Henson and Brumfield clubs
resulted in a victory for Brueefield,
one to nothing being' the score
Miss' Kate Hart spent Sunday at
Quite a crowd from here took hi
the 'excursion to the Model Pam,
Guelph, on Tuesday,
'New Advertisements. •
A Great Sale—Tozer 5.c Brown 3 4
Binder Twine—J. A. Ford
Single Fare—Grand Truntc .1 2
Speeial A. Edwards 4
Hot Weather Goods—MeEinnon Coi:A
Special Thla Week—G. M. Chamflyers.1
Dominion Day—Baylield. 5
Pig Strayed—G. A. Cooper 5
Bargains in *Bell Pianos -0. Hoare5
Rand Laundry—Lee fling 5
Notice—D. L. 1V1aepherson 5
Cement For Sale—Mrs. T. A. Wa1ker5.
Grand Pienic—Father Pen'sonnea,ult5
A Big Offer—News-Reeord 6
Sale of Surplus Stocks—Nee/writhes&
Stockings Free—Hedgens Bros • 8
Oxford Shirting 8c—Hodgens 13ros,8
Settlers Exeursions--L•Northern N. Co
Revs. McNeil and Snell exehanged
pulpits on Sueday.
The captain of the Salvation Amyl
at Clinton conducted a meeting in
the Orange hall on Sunday aftereoon
arid expects to preach an Oran),ne ser -c
iiimicrare nexwteiScoumndf afternoon at 2.30.
' The following took in the excuision
.to . Detroit on Tuesday T. J, Marks
doWoods, Mrs. R. Johnm
ston,' Miss E-
Reg, Mrs. . George
. -..
Mrs. Chesney and son, Mr: George
Chesney; of Seaforth spent • Sunday
in the village. Mrs. Chesney will re-
main for a short .
Mies Mary portetteld of Belgrave
„is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas.
Ferguson, at present. - • ,
Mr. A; Vanstene of Goderich • speed
Sunday in the village. • •
Mr. and, Mrs, W. Coats of Gode-
rich and .Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,
Coats of Ottawa were in the village .
on. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Riehaeds of Brussels
were in the village lest week,
Mr: Brown of Londcat was the. •
guest of . Mr. and Mrs. John Whiddon
Winnie, of Gao:ladde;ierid:apptiegnitter'SukiMidiases.
with Mends in the village.
Mr. J. G. Stanbury of Exeter was •
the guest of his parents, Dr. and,,',
Mrs. Staiblury, on Sunday. •
The Sarnia Lumber Co's tug, The • '
• Eagle, and a number . or men and
teams are engaged • On. the . shore • •
gathering logs,' . .
Messrs, .Alex. 'McLeod and John
Wiliddon, Who have been ettending
the Normal at London, returned •
-home last week. Alex. -McLeod has . •
neen lengaged AS teacher, " ot , the '
Zutieh school.. His • duties. ',commence
4: • .
Mrse ;Eagleson of,. Lalektiow was the
•gneet of -her elother, Mrs. Richards,.
last week. : .
Mr, and 1Virs. Fleteher.of Woodstock
have taken a cottage in the. White
'Ity and arrived On Monday. • •
Di... and Mrs. Atkinson of Dettoit
emu° up on Monday ot the City . of
Cleveland. The Drlett for home
again on. Tuesday, but Mr's. Atkieson
will remain for the.surniner.
Mre. Haugh and two children and
• Miss Haugh of Detroit' are guests at
t he illiSseS ParScriS.! . •
Mi. and. Mrs, lkoweteee and family
nI London have taken un their eesi-
ti.tlVle.ri.ss "S. Simpson's cottage?: friir
• Mt. and. Mrs. Robert Rarions ot
Hillsgreen sp4rit• Sunday' With his
sisters, the Misses "Parsee*
. , MrseSholdreek and Mts. Gretter
of, .Det.rolt areguestsof Mrs, ' . John
;FerguSon.' • *:., ••• , •
See A F.. Edwards' Od. cm. page 4. • •
Rey. Mr, -1VICINeil is away this week.
attending• tire jubilee eelebratioe .of•
Duff's &etch,' Duriwich, of which he °
, was •pastorfor six or seven *years '
before et:01441g' to Bayfieid. ' •
'Bayfield and ,Brussels • footbalj -tea-
: Ms • will play: for the Interfeediate
championship on !the • ogrieultural•
• giounds on Friday evening. Lettq,.
esLcalranesteiridoes bur7ertetroozdic....
Lein and Miller ot the county cowl -
inspected the 'bridge here last
Thursday and .decided that a new °
• 'one is necessary, They will ha,•,ire the
cement abutments built this..fall and
next, spring the iron superstructure
The new bridgc. will be further up the
Streani. than the present one and oti
the site of a former one.
, The football team droire to Wing-
haM on' Friday last to engage in a
• .
aernt;Anals game with the IVIildmayi
• • team, the winners et the Bruce DiS-
Mr. and Mrs. John Scarlett Visited trict. The Weather was -unfavorable
Weeds here last weekand the ground wet, but a good clean.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Lovett are game was. put up. $o well ' matched
visiting friends•in London township. were they that when , time was uR
number of young people around they stood a tiee-2-2.0 The game was
here picnicked itt Goderich last weekthen continued for forty minutes lon-
Mt, Win. kraus is home front 'Col- ger, but ITO Imrescoring' was dolle,
lege for his holidays, ' Darkness intetveting the gape .could
A number of road contracts were not go on, but our boys were willing
let th Mr.. W. Wheatley of Clinton, to remain until 'next day and have it
Rev. W. H. 13utts has been visiting out, The exeeutive of the Football
his brother on the Base Line, AsSociation Were conamunleated Witte
Mt, Russel -Colborne while playing by Wire and deeided that the teams
football fell and reeeived a gash in must meet each other . next lday.•
his face. Mildmay, however, had enough and
Mrs.. Johit Johnson spent last•week left for 'horne and bur boys supposing
.;vvith •'her daughter, Mrs. Greens of there was no necessity for them re -
Clinton. ,• 'mining also started for horile. On.
Mieses Edna Beacom end Lena. Motility the executiVe again took a
Jorda;n Visited at Mrs. J. W. Cur- hand in the matter and ordered the
He's last week, game to be played oft ,at 'Stratford,
Mr. IL Mention visited Hensel' on but finally Mildmay defaulted.
Miss Mabel Shepherd visited. On Pe.
lia,se Line last Week. '
Mr. and Mrs, J. Currie and IVIr.and
Mrs. John Currie visited at Mr. J.
Watkins.' •
Mr, E. Butt yesterday sold to
Wingham farmer a Polled Angels
bull for which he reeeived a big
iigure; Mr. Butt has quite a Ilerd
of the raed Angus1 all good ant-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MIMS, Ottawa,.
who are on their honeymoon
were the guests of Mrs. Maepher-
Son on Tuesday.
Mr. Hugh Grigg, Iedger-keeper itt
IVIolson's Hank, is 'enjoying bis'
days, beginning his outing sy
10.6 the 101ke trip to Detre% ,
• •
Pif •