HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1905-06-15, Page 9ens Bros., Clinton.+ 20 and cent • .1..SWI8SE01701401,Pd. 11andkeithlet8 • 2 for 2 cents rIS -week's special Bargain -is a lot of about 250 Swiss Embroidered Hand- kerchiefs to sell at the half-price mark. They are brand new, haven't been in the store a week, and are perfect in every way. Beyond° a doubt the biggest Handkerchief BARGAIN that has ever gone over our counters. lt will•pay you to lay in a bupply for months ahead, before they are gone. A. fine collection of S wiss Embroidered Handker- chiefs, neat, small designs, with worked and hem- stitched edges, not a, ba4 pattern in the entire lot. Nat one that is worth less than 20 cents regular, Most of them- would be good value at 25 cents each. A bargain that we got bold of, and now pass along to you,Over 250 20e and 25c* Handkerchiefs to sell, . commencing Saturday, at • • 2 for .25 Cents. • • Elegant Cotton Dress 'Goods We open this\week ?, shipment of new Cot- ton Dress Materials that are decidedly new, out of the ordinary and different from any yet shown this season. The colors are blue, green, brown and linen, in plain effects, spots and fancy weaves, and they will make very stylish cos- tumes. The prices are • • 20C, 30e And 35c per yard. • Great liosiery Vaiues at a Quarter. At the popular .price of 25cper pair we have some remarkable values in Hosiery for Ladies' or - Children's wear. We searched the trade over for the BEST Stockings 'we 'could find to sell at this . price, and show qualities that you could pay more money for, and still be, getting good value Ladies' Plain Cashmere Rose, 25e • Ladles' Ribbed Cashmere Rime. 28 Ladies' Pine Riatieeatton floae...We Girls' Fine Ribbed '`otton Rose, 'We ' . _ Boss' Heavy Ribbel Cotton Rose,25e • June Millinery Sumner Millinery is now in evidence in the showroom to day. , Theseasoix's latest, style's are here, in great variety. We invite you to ddine and look them over,. and get • acwinted with .the correct styles for summer wear. The Mussed Underwear. There are a few—just a few ---garments left Of Our big bargain lot of mussed and dust -soiled white cotton Underwear. You don't get a cha.nce 'to buy good underwear as cheap every • day. All that is the matter with it jsthat it has become . dust -soiled and mussed -through handling. We, are selling . Gowns that sold at $2.25 tor,– ....$1.25 Gowns that sold atil and.$1.15.... 75e Skirts that sold at i1.50 for...—. 98e Skirts that sold -at $1.25 for .... 80c Skirts that sold at 850 for.... .... 58e Corset Covers that sold for 75e 40c Some Good Summer Vests. Light -weight 'Vests for the warm days. Clean' well made* perfeCt-fitting garments, fresh frcnn the biggest factory in Canada. Ladies' Smuttier Vests, 10e, -12ie, 15e and 25c Children's Summer Ve 'Ai, 10e, Me, 15e, 25e No Sleeves, half sleeves or long sleeves. odgens Bro Dry Goods -- Clinton. „ `,.{1.1.10•1111.•••••••••^. • ,;• ,":”0,1-0,-• no" Clinton ilowpRocerd Ii7on'1 Cosl Yu eill to examine the- goods we Advertise here. If you gon't Want them we assuredly do not expect to sell them, it means for you a 'money saving op- portunity to secure a useful line •of common earthenware. It is known as the "Cherry Pattern" and is an at• tractive reproduction of an old York- shire decoration on white ground, composed of 3ERRY BOWLS AT 15e BERRY SETS (7 pieces) AT 50e PLATES. ($ inch.) AT loc icrrogb..% BOWLS AT 10e CUPS AN]) -SAUCERS AT 100. It is an assortment of eleao, useful and strong articles n demand in every home at a very moderato price. We would like you to see it, to buy it if you want it Agents Parker's Dye WorlEs. W1 fl, Fair Co Often the Cheapest, Always the Best .41311111111111111iiiiiiiiiii1 J11111111 :111 Mr. J. B, Hoover was& London on Monday. ' • Rev. itriather Pensorineault was in London 'this week, Mr. John Mole, Auburn, was in Clinton on Monday. Mr. John Moore, 'Hensel', spent. Sun- day at 'his home in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. i. Jowett of Bay- field were in Clinton on Tuesday, r. John. Taylor has. gone to Hen- sel' where he has taken a• s•ituation. Mr. D. Cantelonwill lealve for Mani- toba next week for a brief business Mins Lucy Stevens returnbd yesterday from. a week's Visit to,friends . in Messrs. Alf. Erwin and. Frank Ree- • gan of • Bayfield .Were in town : on ; Tuesday. • ' Dr. . 1VIcDewell and Wife of• Listowel were gueats of Mr; and 1VIrs, G. B. Bali . on Monday. • 1VIiss McQuade of Seaforth has been visiting 1Viiss Mary Blake of Holl- • Ott the past week. ' :* ' : • . „,r,s: H. Beattie and babe are guests • of her parents, Mr. and gra. • John Turner of •Seefortii• • ' * : M. • EI: Phinasteel left on Tuesday . ' for a trip ta the Northwest with : • the intention Of going as far, as goonejavv.' • . • . , Mins Mabel Sheppard, who spent. the .• .past couple of - weeks with Mrs. Al- berteMcBrien, has returned'. to he; home in town. ... . " - -• • Rev: Canon Sralth of London, who oecupled St. Paul's pulpit on Sun- day, was a guest ;at the rectory • While in town: • . : .. Mr, P. H, Mackenzie, 111, P. .for,.Went • Bruce, came -"from Ottawa :on Sat-, to:day:it? 0.,ttend the funeral of ' the, late Mr. Roderick McLennan. Rev: E. Gensmer,• accompanied' by his wife• and daughter, Was in town on Tuesday an hiS way to• visit his former eongregatiOns in- Auhoin and Colborne. - • : ' ' • Dr: Smith and Princinal Brownlee • of 'Bayfield ' were in town on"' Setur- ' day making arrangements for a hag ' 'celebration to he 'held Irthat vill- age cin.. Dominion. Day. Dr. Blaakall of Hensall 'was in town. 6n Thursday. The •Doe, is loud in his praiso ot 'Hensel]. Which. he is• not Mitch wrong in claiming is the neatest village of its: size in the • provrinee..-... .. .. . liir,John Bell and Mr. R. J. Bell left on Tuesday for the Northwest; the latter with the intention •of hang- - ing out his shingle in -some' • good town, • Mr. John Reit may remain a few months, ' • • • gr. J. 17,,.. Sheppard is iti Gananoque this weak attending the.; 0..0. F. High • Court ai the representative of: - Court Maple -Leaf of which he • has hem: the Very efficient recording nee, retarrfar many Years. • !'••••• , Mrs. ' Jean Joy. of, Toronto -and Mies L. Shuttleworth.Of Guelph; .who addressed the meetiegnof the Wein, 41"s Institute in .the council'cham- ber yesterday, --were while* town the guests of Mrs. D. French, Mr. C. B. Foster, Toronto, A. G. P. A., of the • 0, P. R., was in town on oMonday arid, 'accompanied by • Messrs. W. Jaekson and J. Fair, drove up to. Blyth to view the prospectskithrough C. P. R. specs. Rev, Dr. Gregg and Mrs. Gregg of Toronto will •arrive next eek,WOn a visit to their daufghter, Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart. They will be accompanied by 'Miss Stewart, who has just fin, isheil her second year at the Uni- versity and stood high in the ex- aminati ns. ' • ) Mr, Jain s Donaldson Of Sault Ste. N: Marie as in town la,st Thursday on his way back from Bayfield Where he paid a !brief visit to the parental hom•e. He has. left .the Soo an,d will locate for a time at Natter, gieh. Mrs. Donaldson will return to her old home in Hayfield shOrtlY for a visit. ' IVIr. John Lewis, who had beefy 'Visit. big his son the proprietor of the Normandie hotel, for a few weeks, returned to London on Monday so an to be on hand to vote for the Liberal candidate, Mr. Charles ITY- man.• 1Vir. Scott,' the olerk of the Normandie, went to the city on the'same errant. Dr, T, kI. tl. Hell, wife and ohm of Montgoniery, gioh„ who have been visiting his Uncle, Mr. John Lash. am of Londesboro, and other Irj. ends in that seetion, called upon Mr. Thos. Dell of town on 11/tondo. They retire home this 'sVeek, but Will visit en route friends Aft Sea- ler*, Sb, Marys and London,. • 40 • 4-0 •ta ABig Saleof JVakers' and Whofesalers".$ur ii ‘,$.toaks: • Commences fhursday.Morning, June iisth 000000000000000000000000000000000000 Juns lath, 190s T has been thes custom of this store, for several years, to hold a special Sunimer Sale of Makers' and Whotcsa.lers' sur- plus stocks during the months of July and August. This year, on account of the cold and backward weather, sever- al firms have been obliged to unload their surplus stocks much earlier. than usual, and we have been very fortunate in securing many lines of goods away under regular prices; Instead of keeping these lines until the end of the season, we have decided to place them an sale NOW, when you need them most. This is not a sale of odds and ends but of thous- ands of yards of Brand New Goods, In addition to the large lots of new goods, we will place - on sale, at greatly reduced prices, many lines of goods taken from our regular stock. We intend making this the Greatest Economy Sale this store has ever held, and with that end in view, have cut prices; in many cases, right in two. Your dollar will do nearly double duty here during the next few weeks. Be sure and get your share of the Bargains, Sale starts Thursday, June 15, 9 a. m. We are going out of Carpets. Prices are reduced below maker's cost. Two Hundred and Fifty Brand New Straw and Chiffon Hats at Halt Price Eleven Hundred yards of The, fiie up to 120. Grey Cotton to go at 6ic. New Dress Goods and Silks at Sav= Now -fer the Greatest CARPET ing Prices. 60e.to 85c AjMool Voiles at 48e . 300 yards of 4Q to 42 -inch -wide Voiles and .Cativas °loth; in shades of grey..royal,cho.rapai na, brown, Cream and black; this is a very choice lot of summer goods and is regular 60c to 85c qualities, all togoat.. -- 000 oo o oo 000 60e, 75e and 80e Etat* Dress 0)00 at 40c • 200 yards of 40 to 44-inch-wicle black Dress Goods, • all choice uali-: ties that sell at 60c, 75e and 85c, odd linen to clear at per yard............. 60c Japanese Silk at 33e • • 110 yards of Japanese: Silk, in assorted colors, but Mostly white. this is our very best 130e quality, to go at • . Bargains ever given On account of :not having sufficient room' for the proper display of our Carpets, we have decided to discontinue this . • 48c aepartment, and have cut prices so low that it Will pay you . . • to buy a carpet now, even if you have to keep it for a year, The prices are cut away below makers' cost, in order to •• 40e Clear them out at once. Here's the way we .will .sell them • • 38c A Snap in Dress Trimminks. 25e to 35c Trimmings at 19e '. • . 200 yards of fancy black and colored goods, that are in demandf.ar trimming qualities, all to clear at. , 75e to 85e Trimming Laces at • 250 yards'of the very • choicest silk styles, all new goods that are regular 75e dress trimmings, all choice purposes, regular 25e to •85e 15c 35c . • trimming" laces, 1n. 'asserted. 9K, to 85c, to clear ... . • !Jere is the Best Millinery Bargain we have ever had. • Two Hundred Beautiful Outing Hats and Straw and Chiffon Shapes to go during this Sale at: Halt -Price. $1.00 Hats at—. 50c .. $2.00. Flat§ at $r.00 1.25 . 162ic 2 50 " 1.15 1.50 " 75c 8.00 " 1.so. • -.:These Hats were purchased from two of the leading Millinery 'houses in Canada, and all are guaranteed to he tight up, to date. In the lot you will find many hand -made Hats. All to go at half-price. • • ' : • . • . • . , . . 4.0c Tapestry uarpet at:.. 25c 5o and 6oc Tapestry Carpet at ........35c • Tapestry Carpet at ..... • 85c Tapestry Carpet at .55c • $1..Oo Balmoral Brussels Carpet •at 60c • . $1.26 Brussels Carpet at • '• 95c All 25C Hemp Carpets to go at -17C All 3oc UniOn Carpets -to .go at.. .. . . All .5o and 6oc Union. Carpets to go at 33c • • of Prices. • 1• irOEIC 'HONEY RAM. • lb' YOV WANT Vb • . • • • • Personal Mrs. Stewart :.*SeynlOur is., spending- a • month with her husband in L.,ondon.• Rev. J. Greene paid .a business visit t� Oweri 'Soundthis week. ' • • Mrs. Robt, Sheppard. of London vis-; ited Clinton friends: recently: Mr. 0. ! (neon came ' up frthri Wood- stock on Friday and returned again on Tuesday.- Master.Vred. Ford, son' :of Mr.: John Ford, is laid up with a severe •at - lack of appendieitis. . • ' Mrs. B. Fleming and •tyvo ohildren- . of Nepawa, Man., are Visiting hee sister,: Mrs. A. D. Beaton: Miss Mary Newcombe, who had been • the guest of Misi. Hattie Flintoff for a week; returned honie yestet- . Mr. and Mrs: 5; J. Parker of Owen Sound spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs: C..E.. Dowding, last lyIrs. J. Johnstone,. Rattenbury str- eet, and Miss M. Cooper spent'Stin-,- day as the, 'guests of Miss Strachan, Goderich. ' Mr. and. Mrs. John Hellyar of Bow- , manville are expected today on a visit to their sot, Mr. W, H. Hell- yar, . jeweler • Mr. Xenneth Beaton attended a. Lea- gue rally in Seaforth Tuesday ni- ght. In a week or so he leaves tor the field assigned. him by Con- ference. Clark's delicious Pork and Beans al•I ways ready. Those who know theft are always ready for them. .Satisfy hunger. Sold plain or with Ohili or Tomato ,Sauce. 5c and 10c tins. The 'Wingham Business College Now Open in the Shaw 13lock, 4, • • .• • • • • • • • Wm.*. Special courses for P. S. teachers_ and scholars during vacation. Better than gold is a course in either de- partments of our College and good paying positions await our Worthy. graduates. Enter. now.. No vacation. :1646,016.464.46, Pot further partiadars write N. Reginald Pletcher, Priucipal, CMORGX4 SPOTTON, Manager. Auburn. Mr. and Mrs: Movittie of ionnea- hero wee 'guests at:, thq Methodist parsonage one day • last week. Mrs.. R. J. Nicholson of Brigden; who has been visiting her brOther,and sister, returned home last Friday ac- companied by her sister, Miss Bella Mackenzie, and will: remain for a few weeks. •'• • ...Mrs. Ramsey of the' Staten' is Vie guest of her . son Dave :at present. Miss Martha, gple returned 1.. home from .Fort Francis last week and will remain for a few weeks. Rev. Mr. Coupland exehanged pulp- its With Rev. 1VIr.• Rennedy Of Nile last ,Sunday. Rev. Dr, McLean of . Blyth took 'Rev. Mr. Small's work last Sunday. Mr. Jas. Young . is hustling the ce- ment *walks this week. Last week being very wet. the work was delay- . A very pretty. June wedding :Wok place at the residency of Mr. John Sturdy last week when his daughter, Mary; became the bride of Mr. Jas. Laidlaw, a prosperous young farmer of Morris, About forty guests wit- nessed the ceremony; which was per- formed. qy Rev. Mr. Coupland. There • was 'a very large array of preients, for the bride is held in the highest esteem and has numerous friends in this section. The happy couple have taken up housekeeping en the groom's farm in: Morris: • On .behalf of the peo- ple of Auburn and vicinity we wish them a happy and prOsperoes marri- ed life. Mrs. L. Clark of Dungannon is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ti Nicholson, at present, afterfrankillnesa of several months. • • Rev. Mr. 'Gensmer and daughter, formerly of Auburn, are in this vicin- ity visiting friends. Mr. Gensmer's health is not very good, but we hope his trip will improve it. Their home is in New York state, „. Dr. Weir of Wyoming has bought out • Dr. Standish and is now in charge of the praetice. fle coines well recoinmended, • We Welcome him to sweet Aufburn and wish him suc, eeSs. , A very pleasant evening 'was silent at the hOme of Mr, John Hoare on Friday last. Mr. Hoare is the genial leader of the Methodist church choip and had invited about forty guests. After a prograta of music, recitations ete.,tbo choir presented gifirt, Mabel Couplaild, icho bad been Playing th4. organ in ,the church for the .past year, with a beautiful Ladies, Com- panion. Tho following addreaS, was read by Miss Ma Tyndall and the presentation made by Mr. C., Moore To Miss 'Mabel. Coupland • eip CLINTODT 11Z;ZIMFORNIOMVP1410:::ZZ Pair of Stoc4ings. VV1-th Eyery Suit. With every boys'suit we tell. at $3.00, or over, we are giving a pair of the. Clinton Knit- ting Co's. famous "Wear:Well" cotton stock- ings for boys. We are after more business in 'the Boys' Clothing Department, and to get it, ...make this special offer, which is good until July i2th, only The Clothing is stylish, perfect -fit- ting, and Will stand any amount. of hard wear. • The Stockings are extra strong, with reinforced knees and heels, made specially for boys' wear. We have Good Suits at $3.00 Better Suits at $4o� • Extra -Good' at rg:oo ,s And with every ,Suit goes a pair of extra strong Stockings.: ' • Fifty Cents' a Piece Is what we are asking for. about 100 .or 150 Men's Felt Hats, There is not one in the lot wcirth less than $t.5o. Most were $2,00 and $2.50. They are odd ones, -this is the' reason for the low price. It is. a big chance to get a good Hat for little money. Black, Brown or Grey, '1 -lard or Soft Fifty Cents a Piece. • Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, Clinton It • • ••