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11c5k*SATURDAY, MAY 27th'itf
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if thA date is correct...
If not notify us AT ONCE.
The CU toss limp•Rureard
Ve advise everYbody to use Sunlight Soap' -
it alakci child's Ow a work/
We have used "Sunlight Soap," and -N"ve want to- tell you that
it is the best seep made, that's why We are writing. We found out
that the Sunlight way is the best way to wash with "Sunlight Soap."
At first we used to wash with Sunlight .Soap in the _old, way as we
did with common soap, but after we washed according to directions•
printed on the package, 'we would never wash the old way asain. • We
first soap the articles, leave them to soak and then rub out lightly on the
wash board. Not much to do and it makes the clothes white as snow, •
„Sue/ighe Sent -washes Me tlothes White an(' won't injure tlie hands
resh •
UP -
I1. 33. OOMBE
1 Mrs, S. Lindsay Of Fort William,
Ontario, Canada, who • ha e suffered
(pita a number of years from ays-
' pepsia and greet pains in thestom-
a,ch was advised by her druggiit to
take Charaerlein's Stoma& 'end Live
er Tablets. She did so and says,
• "I find that they have done' mo a
great deal. of good. I have never had
any suffering since I began esieg
them." ,If troubled with dyspepsia
indigestikm •.why not .take these Tab-
lets, get well and stay well: For
sale'hy H. B. bombe, Clinton.
New ProviacialfiCabiast
The Government of the Province of
Ontario has been reorganized, a,n4
Jew portfolio, of Miuister of Lands
and. Mines, has beetle created. The re-
eetistituted• Cabinet now consists of
ten members, and is ' as follows
• President of the Council and Pfern-
reier, Hon. J, P. Whitney •
A.ttorney-General, Hon. J. J. Foy
Provincial Secretary, Hon. W. J.
Provincial Treasurer, Hon. Oolonel
A. J. Matheson
Meister of Education, Hon. D. R.
Minister of Agriculture, on Nel-
son Monteith
MiisrteantkcoofLcahnrdasneand Mines
Minister of Peldie Works, Hon. •Dr,
J. O. Reaume
blinisters without portfolio, Hon,
D. Willoughby, Hon. Aden:,
Beck and Hon. J. S. Henclrie.
0HEmis1 AND toR000IST.
.. .11VAl3urchased the coal bsine$$_
formerly carried on by .liailancl
but lately by Mi. :Donald MeCorvie,
aid am prepared to receive orders for .
all sizes of coal, terate;'Egg, Sto.ve;
Nut and Soft,. and 'sqlieit your Pate
ronage. Orders left at my offtee near
the coal sheds or at elaelanclettios.
hardware store will receive.prompt
attention —William Downs.
has again arrived when people are
decorating their homes. I am still
in the Paper Hanging and ' House
„Aainting Business and guarantee my
° work to be second to none. The
three great features • in this busi-
ness Are quickness, neatness and ec-
onomy. • My . price is 10 cents per
• roll.: Satisfaction 'given or no mon-
ey asked fore Orders left at my
house orCouch's butcher. Shop, will
receive prompt attention—T. Hale,
Residence, West end- leattenhury St.
These • are three common ailments
for which Chamberlain's Pain Babe
is eepecially valuable. If promptly
applied it will save you time, money
And suffering when troubled with any
one of these ailmeets. For Sale by
1-1, B. Combe, Clinton. '
. The News ot1 Gederich.
Aws Bielee A.. Skinsings,
00000 000 • 00.
00. 00
On Saturday Mrs. Moss, mother of Whooping cough has hoe • Making,*
James and George Moss, after a lin- many parents very anxious the past
gering illness passed away. Mrs.Moss. few weeks. In some homes all the
was one of our pioneer citizens. children are. suffering front i.t.
Mr. John IVIertin is laid up with a Mr. DeLong was telegrapind for to
bad knee occasioned by coming in Lender. on Friday a.'°1n., his little 13
contact with a rusty nail whiCh has menthe 014 son being very low. The
been so far seriolis in its effects. lovely little boy passed away •On
Engineer Beek and family have xe- Friday. They laidhim to rest hi a.
leaved to a house -one Bruce street. beautiful white eaSkot bordered, with
IVIr. Winkel:, Green, our pioneer lilies of the valley old ,white earn. -
Freemason, has been very ill for lions. .The •funeral took place from
some time with kidney complaint, out the resitlettee of 1V1r. DOLOng OR Mon -
feels that he is: very much better the day to Port Albeet cemetery, Rev.
last few days. •James A. Anderson officiating at re -
Mr. • Kirlabride is new trying to sidence and cemetery. The pellbear-
vvalk with crutches. If be succeeds in ers were Masters Goldie Smith, Clare
walking out after his log confineme- ence Young, Johnnie Straiton and
nt in the house we can chronicle one Wilbur Eagleson,
miracle for the. 20th century.
On 7th June at the reeidence of
Captain T. H. Trethewey, one of thee
prettiest -weddings of the ,season, took
place. The drawing rooms were de-
corated viith white blossomed boughs.
of tee bridal wreath and 'white car-
nations. At 1 o'clotk precisely to
the etratins of Mendelischit's wedding'
March, IVIiss Mitchell presiding at the
piano. Miss Mabel Grace Tretheway
entered the drawing room on the arm
of her brother, Captain, William J.,
who gave her away, in the absence of
her father. No prettier bride could
lbe seen. She was dressed. ire a. lovely
costume of pale green eolie:nne, spun
silk, deep ecru plaueu laoe bertha, bri-
dal roses in her hair and • shower bo-
quet of bridal roses and maiden hair
fern and gOdfu ,chaine with diamond
locket, the gift of the groom. The
groom, William 'Alexander Dietrich,
one of our enterprising young men,
stood With his bride under the flow-
er bedecked arch during the ceremony,
• Rhich was performed fby Rev. J..A.An-
dersori. After the ceremony the bri-
dal pair and guests'eepaired • to the,
dining room which was fancifully de-
corated by IVIiss. Keturah -Brown with
UnioniJaeks;... red white eird blue,
being the 'wedding. favors., • The large
dining taible was resplendent in silver,
chine and cut glass, had large lovely
vases filled with red and white Car-
nationS and myrtle, Adding its lovely
'dark ereen to the bridal feast. Mrstribute of Express Messener'er,crescent •
Tretheway, mother of the bride wore 'from Mr,. and Mrs. • G. 13. Wiggins
a costume -Of black eatin With 'pee,
triMmings around her throat, heavy
gold chain and brooch and pink car-
nations .in ,,heir. : Mrs: Diedrich,
mother . ot the groom, Wore, a cos-
tume of black silk with mauve chiff-
on collarette, gold broochand chain.
About thirty-six guests were invited,
alt. intimate friends of the -families of
the bride and grOom. The guests
from a distance were Captain W. J.
Tretheway and his v,ife from Belle -
villa, and Me; Charles Varpoe froth
Toroeto. . The 'bride's going away
dres.,. was • of ' brown silk' crepe ' de
The season for *Mice has arrived
again. The Donnybrook League and
Sunday school intend holding:. their
annual picnic on June 22nd and the
Westfield League and Sunday , achoel.
on the' 24th. The Ronan Catholic
church proposes holding one . eri July
the 1st,• .
W. H. Cametiell attended corifeeence
at Listowel.
Mrs, Robert Ramsey, whohas been
in Hueen county, Michigan, for the
past several years, arrived here last
week on an extended visit to her son
David and old acqueintinces, who are
all pleased to see her back again,
Mrs. Earnie.y lived here for ' many
years before going to Michigan.
While the pastor was at conference
the services at Donnyeirook and Weste
field last Sabbath were conducted by
the Epwoeth Leaguers.
Satnuel Thompson had a very large
and successful lbarn-raising on Satur• ,
day atternoon, on the farm known As
the Brooks farm.
• ,
Morris Township
, ..„
: -CURED eltlEATS;fETC:7^*ND-S91:
Leveret t',Z(Wrise HeadeDisinfecteneSooe
Powder'is bettor than ether soap powder's,
aa it ale° acts se & disinfectant. • :
Lewis & Clark Exitositipa. •
It is a noteworthy feet that the
Lewis and Clark Exposition is the
first world's. fair to bp held west
of the Rocky Mountains Which has
secured the alet of the gpveenment.
"And it is also surprising what an
interest is manifested in the Exposi-
tion by the people of the East, They
see in the Expesitioli an opportunity
to visit the Western country at a
greatly reduced eiponditure of money,
and not only see the Exposition it-
self, but view the wonders of our
Wes tern euuntrye--and-evitness—the-gre--
at resources of the Northwest and the
opportunities afforded. The Great
Northern Railway -passenger depart-
ment has been; Roiled with inquiries
as to the Exposition, and it augurs
vvell for a big travel through, the Nor-
thwest this year.
J. .A*.For:,(1:
• —
INTERESTING- •-e thSTativrivi.
"Correct EngliVit
ow, o use .
*ARE sTimg. OR 'WITH
W.J. Stevenson
• , You can get a general edu- •
• 'eation in any school but come.•
• to the opliTRAL for Practi- 40
•• cal Business Training. This •
40 college has a' continental rep- • ,
•• utation for thoroughness. Op- •
• portunities are ,ta.r,.0ose who fiv
• 'ate , prepared. ' 'Our. graduates •
• always succeed. You may en- •
• ter our classes at any time. •
• Wxite for a free catalogtte...
• •
• Elliott & McLachlan, *
, Principals.
• Next Meeting of Morris council will
be held on the last 1VIor.day of June.
Mrs : Turvey ef Toronto, is 'visiting
at the home of her parents,. S. and
MeS. Caldbielc, 2nd Line.
:lames Moffatt, of the North bound-
ary, lost, a heae.y draught mare and
colt ar d jno, D. Miller, of the same
line, had • a good eow die. • .
James Shurrie, 4th.. 'Ieine, is at
Gaiter:Ogee this week attending the
High Court of Foresters as delegate
.from Brussels lodge.. • • -"t"
A heavy draught eold,. ono:: month
Old, t1ie property.of ' James 'Sherrie
4th Line, died 'from the .results of a
Rev. Mk. Finithener, of Sctiringville,
nras a visitor At Mrs. Meundefs' lase
week,' Mee. Maui:deo returned with
him for -e'visit with her•daughter.• ,
, Mr. Barker,' of Wingham, was awa-
rded the contract of the cement abut
mentS, at •Bodinin bridge, 4th Line,
and .the .Kincardine Bridge CO, Will
supple—the superstructure. • ,
. . • .
Miss Laura, daughter of mrs. S.
Fear, 8th.. Line has taken a, osition
in the Industrial 'school, 'Mirnied. Her
emit, Miss R. , Jackson, is assistant
matron in .the 'Same institution. •
• ••••••••••••••••••••••
Josephine Turek • Baker, Editor.
Partial Contents Ftir This Month.
Couese ef English for the Beginner.
Course in English for the advanced
The Art of ConversaAion. -
How to inerease-Otte's Vocabulary.
Should and Would. How to Use Them.
Pronunciatioes (Century
Correct English ht the Home,
Correct English irt the School.
What to Sayi land What Not t•o Say.
Couree in Letter -Writing and Pena.
'Alphabetic list of Abbreviations.
Btlelhees English for the Business Men
Compound Words :. How to Write
4 Them.
Studies in English I.Aterature.
$1 a year Sen"p0.31:04C.,,,
Correct Enslisht Ovonstoni 111.
Mr. Thos. Burrows is attending the
High Court of the 0..0. F.
Mr, H. J. McEwen will be a dele-
gate from Inverness Camp to th• e
annual :neeting of the Grand 1 CaMP
...in Toronto on. June 27th. .
Mrs, E.. C. Graham has returned
from a visit to her daughter at
Miss Dunbar, daughter of, Conduct-
or Dunbar, is the guest of Misses
Irene and Etta Saults.
Mrs, 0. E. Young represented Eur-
eka Council at the Distriet R. T. of
T, held in Witegham on Tuesday.
The funeral of the late Palmley L.
Collett, wife of James Dalyrymple
Stewart took plaoe to the G. T. R.
station from her late resitence "Wav-
erly" Bridge Street fon • June 5th.
The remains were accompanied' to
London, by Mr: Stewart and his three
children; jack, Leslie and Connie, Mr.
and Mrs. Colletteparents of the late
Mrs. Stewart, 'and Miss Walsh of
West London; her aunt from: whose
residence the funeral took place id
St. Peter's Cathedral ori Tuesday t On
the cas!Icet were magnificent floral
tributes, among ,which were a , large
wreath of white June roses and ea,r-
netiees, tribute from the Stratford
Brotherhood of Re R. Trainmen, Ler-
gboxes of cut flowers were . sent
• from Mr. James Stewart of Buffalo,
a Cousin of Mr. Jaines D. Stewart,
to lay upon the casket,- flewer cross, •
Rev. Dertaid 1V1eGillivr'a,y left last'
week le attend the Presbyterian Sy-
nod at Kingston. The .clergyinen will
feelquite proud, of Rev. Donald's
work In China,.
Mrs. Henderson has withdrawn hu
June Ilth, 1905'
The Kidneys
When they are mat, tor.
pi4i, or stagnant, the whole
system suffers. Don't/ neg.
• /
residence on Nap144tthem atthis time, but
Napier street from sale f the
On 80t11 May, Decoration Day, The aching back, the bloated
end hae rented it, heed waram$ o .
Stars and Stripes were unfurled at 'tae,asallowcompIexion,
the urmary dzsor, er, and
begin treatment at once with
the U. S. Consulate. ,
Organist Cook Of Clinton. was in
town one day recently.
• Mr. Whiddon has returned from ar
Normal College at London and u
spend his vacation with his family
here. Miss Whiddon left en Thursday
last to spend a couple of weekat
Walkerton where she will be the guest
of bliss Truax.
Miss Maggie MacKay of Terento ls
the guest of her brother, Mr. D.
At the farmers' meeting at the
Point Farm picnic on June 3r4 thole'
Onerous Institute voted the %mean's.
Institute the sum of ten dollars foe
pocket money.
Mrs. Percy Malcohnson of Lueknow
and her sister, Mips Rutson, are at
the family residence on:West street.
Barrister 1VIalcolnison will come
down from LucknciW during the gesi- .
zes, and jOin Mrs; -Malcohnson here.
Miss Gerarede Ferris,. daughter ,ot
County •Councillor Ferris el Hullett
is the :guest this week of Alderman
and Mrs, Laethwatte.
Miss Linda Sturdy, re:ter/me to her
home last week aftVi: an enjoyatie
visit with her aunt, Miss Clariee La-
ithwai to.
Miss Fi.lton• returned front a shurt
visit to her home at Brownsville, be-
ing called away by the indisposition
of her father, who is now quite bet -
tele •
Re. Irl Hicks is right again, 110
says from the 3rd te the 5th of June,
. • • . • .
Roosters .ect .a, lot of Crowing but
the hens' egg them on.
That ,Oklaherria Worriae who accus-
ed her husband of stealing $1,800 fr-
om her bustle: hid me alternative. It
would. not do for ter • to. accuse any
other. Man of the theft. , •
e .
7"'" 1— -7 • -7 . —
SAP -O -REN -0
Olorieee :alon.pelsonous
The Wonderful Cleaner
Will sav, .. the thrifty housewife ,
many useful dollfirs. Cleans coars.
est or tlnodt ot tabrIo4, coartg. or •
1. snit waists beyond, belier.•
' DUST ontiroly roinovod
• Gettrvis slisolotoly destroqed
001.0113• mitered like new •
SIZIMQ followed in carpets '
1• And n child can do it with •
SAP -0-1:2E N•C)
Oat it et your gr000es. • k
' Theo Hufrinah & Tootool 00,
. Toronto •
• • •
and family, . basket ,of lovely purple
Batistes, tripute of Mise .Belle Merney,
casket hequet of •Nareissus, IVIrs.Fred
Murney; eaeket boeuet of white and
'Pink . carnations, ' Meeda,mes W. • L.
Murney • and J. . A. Robertson; casket
lneettet of white reses, carnations and
smilax f rom friends et Palmerston,
cesket. baguet or lilies of the Valley
from Mrs, • Ausebrook, c•aelcet boeuee-
cif white', and pink carnations tiede
'with white satin • ribbon tribute • of
Mrs., W. Carter.; casket boquet. of wh..
ie .carnatieme end lilies of the valley
front Mr: and, Mrs. Angus McIver d
ehene, covertCloth boat, ,and chain. family, and beeectet of foreget-niel-nols,
Davie ohiffon. hat.. The presents were
very beautiful, including eheqee'Seiront
the bride's father And bXother. The
silver .gifts were beautiful 'teed. .ene.
.very costly gift was an English
oh bowl of .eequisite design set in a
massiev Silver Stand. :The happy cote:
Ple left ion the early p. m, train for
Billfold,. Niagara Falls', doetreel.
.Oure....ziejeetis will all Wish Mr. and
Mrs. W:AThied-rieli'geOd fortune
•Mr. and Mra. John Peang had the
pleasute of entertaining on Friday,
mr. and Mks. Edward ',Coombes. . (pee
elfee 'Cluietina Hearth) of Eiceter
who Were united on 8th June at the.
bride's home in:Exeter by Rev. Mr:
Martin of the. same place
Mre .Alfred ,Collinson of Stratford:
Spent Sunday in town the guest of
his sister, ;Mrs. ' W. •Lashain.. Mrs.•
L,ashani accompanied her brother on
his return to Stratford on Monday
ne as tAr as Clinton' and coptinUed,
herjourney alone to Ilillsiboroi North.
Dakota, Where she Will .be theguest
for some weeks of her son, John
LaSham, :manager Of the Hillebore
National Bank,
Miss .Macare is at peesent the guest
t-.4 her Mother since het; return from
TOrMeto. • • • .
On 'Sunday Court Goderich 0:0.. F.
celebrated their anniversary by mar.
citing to attend: divine .Serviee at St
George's :where . Rev. Mark Turebell.
gave a beautiful seimon. • :
On Friday fternoon the Foreign
Missionary Society ot North street
church -Met' et -"Hillcrest," the 'pretty'
home of 'IVers.' George. Cox.' mrs.0e0.
• Acheson, president of the W. Fe M.S.,
received -the ladies and presided ati the
Ootionel exercises were finished Mrs.
lelezen reed the report Of the
ceeventionelteld reeently at St. Thom-
as. "Wateh Tower": topics were ;then
introduced and discussed. After .„th'e
business of the, meeting was con-
cluded' a lovely 5 o'eloele tea ,was
served. 'At 8 p. nt alarge conme,ny
met upon the beautiful lewr, to hear
the lecture to be given thetn by Mrs.
(Ree,) McGillivray of Sha.ngliai. Al-
though suffering from a cold Mrs.
McGillivray Would not, disappoint the
'company assembled.
Jr. Attie D.. MeLean is making su-
eh satisfactory progtess at London
hospital that Mrs. McLean and babe
and Miss McLean, .his sister, arrived
at their horries last week and Mr.
McLean. is expeeted home in a few
lilieso! the Valley: end stare' of Beth-
lehem from: E. A, Skinihigs, which
was' laid in the; casket. The pill bea-
rers All . relatives ;, of Mr; ,Stewart
were, James Stewart, axtd J 0,
Whiring, •Befiele;, William Stewart,'
Toronto, And. Alexander Stewart,041-
edoniae Miss Kate Stewart of Cale-
dorda also etteeded the funeral with .
her 'brother. Rev. Fether StarileY,,
forMerly Cif --$t: -Peter's: here,— °Melee.- •
ed ,At •the solemn.requeent High mess..
The beautiful alta,is were: aglow with
lights and the cathedeal ehoir all in
attendance. 'After the 'Libera" as
Sung thepallbearer§ bore Out the
• .
casket alter. which the ,carriage pro-
ceeded td St, Peter's cemetery. • The
late. Palniley L. Collett Was, married
in,. London" to • Mr e Jetties P. Stewart
in July; 1892, after graduating from
Miss MeMillan's Seminary for Young
Ladies in London, and was theonly
daughter of Mt. and'1VIts Collett of
:that City, now ot Gdeieh She
was very ieserved. in her Manner;but
a bright and .gifted: weinan,' geneeous.
and loving in dieposition, faithful to
house' duties, :ansi. nohie... in character,
toa degree.. Mr. and "Mrs. Stewart
cattle ..to Goderich about eight years
Age. Mr. Stewart returns his thanks
to all his friends who 'so kindly shoe
-wed their kindness and sympathy, to
his family in their. late- bereavement.
MrS. Carleton returned to: Detroit
after the funeral .of her sister; Mrs,
(Capt.)' Fraser. .
Mr,. Walteer Kelly removed to thS
eld Stand which is WenderfullY leve
proved by being enlarged. There
plenty • of roam in which: to exhibit
the tiotigh Cup, which has been held
so long bygntob;.',
Mr.s: Horney Is visiting :friends- . m
the' country'. , • •
Mrs: •HarriSonie hoeing her house
painted An oliVe green, •with brovel
triiinniege; • •
Mise Walters of London was the
guest of Mrs; Btn Allen bet week...
Cockburn Island must have a heal -
'thy climate. They .haven't had a death
there; in our years'. Six children have,
• been born there this year.' '
Mrs ‘ II. IL Cook of Toronto, end
her' daughter, Mrs. Frank Macdonald,
of the same city who , spent 'last sum-
mer. here with her family„ will spend
the sunimer in England.' •
Mr, Robert. 'Johnston • has raised
the roof from his residence and 'made
Et a half story higher, the house be-
ing; much enlatged thereby. • '
• Mr. end Mrs. Alex. Cooke and Mr.
and lers. Kennedy of Toronto, 1.S110
have been visiting friends it Clinton,
were the• guesth on Pride* last': of
Mrs., leobt -Johnson. •
The coktatge owned he the late Mrs.
.(Capt,) MacKay, is having, a good
etene foundation built under it.
It costs Japan the sniall sum of
one dollar to, make 130 lbs. ot° sugar.
from the sower cane. Why does Can -
ado, not , import some of it' Tokio
Is ohe �f the manufacturing districts.
Let's have peace and plenty—of sugar.
Mr. James Watson Walked over, to
the square ow Thursday afternoon to
enjoy the beauty' of the day. He waS
confined to the house all Winter and
Miss Traveller has her dress mak-
ing establishment over the. grocery of
Mr. IL J. IVIorrisit, Hodgens Bros.,
requiring all the Space they have ov.
• eertrhheemepieroirtwogattorcese•
;i:titt all the gardens. look
frken the 7th to the 12th and the
14th to the 17th, show .pretty, eon-
tinuotie unsettled weather. On, Thep,
sday night • we had a heavy down-
pour, a heavy one, on Monday after-
noon, 5th June, another on Tuesday
evening the 6th inst. From , the
26th of the 28th we are promised el-
ectrical unrest. Hesays great care
should the given the stock at these
dates being crowded in hot:: barns
or lying near wire fences will be dan-
gerous at this period, I -lading ender
green trees too, is filled with danger
from , lightning. .
No red preseed brick has reached
town yet, and the owiters of the bui-
ldings are greviously ' disappointed
theeeat. • Cement stone and brick,led'
been ordered by to ot the paities
before thinking of.sing, brick, . but
changed their , minds all of .a sudden,
ande now the buildings have to stand .
until brick is fortlecoming andthis
rainy :lithe weather*, will . not herry:
--fitatters at the Mitten brickyard. •
Clarenee Grahame, son of Mr Ben-
nett Grahame, IS home feornethe St:h-
eel of ,kedieine, Toronto, for his •Ya -
cation. ' • 1: • .
The, News -.Record gives the local
Mr, •George Henderson, .son .6f Mrs;
Strough,' who with- herfamily left
Gederich seine :Tepee' ago fee Brant,
,ford, is now one Of the staff Of • the.
organ factorY. '
. • .
-which contains the best and
.oarest. Curative $4444004
For testimonials of reMaltOMIP CUrea
eend for llook on Kidneys.. No.. 8. •
. C. L Hood Co„ ILOwn; MOW
• Belgrave.
R. S. Nicholson has a duck that
has laid 65 eggs. Who can beat this ?
The cement men are busy building
the wall under 'Nicholson Bro.', new
H. C. golf, of Palmerston, spent
last Sunday with his lady friend et
John Little'4th Line, wears a smile
that 'won't rtib off. It's the welcome
visit of 'a new daughter.
Mr. ,Denholen of Blyth with his hay
press' was kept /busy last week on the
5th Line pressing hay and straw for
the farmers. •
G. Proctor jr., spent two weeks at
Pahnerston the pest of his brother
and poesin, A. W. Nicholson. He re-
ports having a ,good time.
Rev, A. H. 'Brown spent Sunday
and preached at the different apPoinii
enents on les former circuit here, His
pleteent face was welcome,
U. S. soldiers wiro served in Cuba
during the Spanish war khow what
this disease is and that ordinary
remedies. have Is,
more effect than
so much water. Cuban diarrhoea is
almost as severe and dangerous as a.
Mild attack of eholera. There is one
remedy, however, that can always .bet
depended upon As will be sem by the
'following certificate -from Mrs, Mimeo
jaeobs of Houston, Texas.: "I here-
by certify that Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera, add Diarrhoea Remedy cured
my husband of a severe attack of Cu-
• ban diarrhoea, which he brought borne
• from Cuba. We lied several doetors
but they did him no good. One
bottle of this remedy cured him as'
our neighbors will testify, I thank ,
God for so valuable a medieine." For
sale by H. B. Cornbei, Clinton;
. The laxative effect of Chamherleeih:s
.Storeach.aade,Lieee.,T.e.t.liete is so
egreeetele •aed so natural "iiiii,"yr.4irdii*
not -realize . it, is the effect • of a.
medicine. For -.sale by H:11. Combe,
Clintoe. • ' .• ' •
' •
"My fourteeroy*-old .hoy 'rad a
very severe cold in the chest last wine
ter And . I really thought he was
going to die, He cot.Igh nearlyealli the
titne and sometimes •would •spit i up
blood. I can !mead:rely say that he
was completely cured ley two bottles
Of Dr. Chase's Syrup' of Linseed and
Turpentine, and he has not been'trb-
ubled since,"—Mrs. J., Provost, Ren-
frew, Ont. • .
• . Drysdale.. • . . -
' Goderiell;
The News -Record ie the fit:etc-entity.
newspaper to present to its reader§
the Portrait of J. E. Tom, 'Inspector
of the Schools. Of Wet }Iuron,In
the, group 1-)F. photos :of last. issue , of
The Neweefteoore, of the officere. ' of
Ela'st Huron Aseciatition wo noted the'
portraits.of J. H. Cameron and Miss
Jessie McLaughlin. We no,tutally.
thought them eery,. Unlike the origin-
als. Looking :ever the column agate;
East ' Huron; and the portraits we
wondered how the na,rpes ot the two
talented persons, the .former of Tor-
onto,.. Could hay.e been 'tonneotedtwith
the entertainn hole ' Toronto, •. who
• has filled- Victoria opera -h,OuSe with
delight, but we feted oot Abet • Mr.
J. 14. Cameron is the Bruss; is. tea-
cher, ' who we trust .some I' y ri-'
val. and :With .success* his namesite
and lyliss Jessie McLaughlin is not
the • Scottish VoCalist who eira,rined us
at Victoria, opera house, but Miss
Jessie MeLangliline :oneof the most
clover teachers of East Heron. • •
We must.. Congratulate • Miss Wiegiits.
on being. appointed,.'as one of the
•CotteCillora for West Huron. •' The
meeting next year is to be held in
the McDonald Institute, GUelPh.
Miss Strough Will return to •het
residence here in September..
• Mr. •McLeod, Britannia Road, has
laid a•nice ' platform in front of his
dwelling . and. possibly will add a ver-
andah to the front, .•
The county council held night ses-
sions to enable them to visit the
33rd Regintent of leindon. Mr. Law-
rence, from whom they purchased the-
ir tickets, said "they went down to
vote," but .he shoufd have said " to
Mr. Naysmith has grown Very fee-
ble iatelsr, and his daughter, Mrs. J.
C. Harrison; hes sent for his Son,
Mr. Alex. Naystnith cif Toronto, and
daughter, Mrs. Melltoy of Orange-
ville, to eee him as his life is des-
paired of, .
Mrs. Lewis Elliott has had a stet -
ere. oase ,of la grippe, but is •recover-
ing very 'satisfactorily.
. .• .
Mr. Prank Corriveau has made im-
provements ' on • his • farm by putting
his barn On a cement wall, also by
moving his house. on Water • Street..
Weileleranic •thie iinproves thelooks. ooui town
f ,
Mi Leen geoffroi, jr: "bitted oer. •
burg last Sunday eveei.og. • :
A eeeey pleasant and happy event '
took place on Viesday • last, 'June
7th, When twci popelar young people,
of this parish. joined heartsand hallch.)' •
to spend . the. rest 'et their lieei to-
gether in ptosperity and peace. ;The
"groom was Oscar 'Dueharme, • Jr old-
est son of Mr. O'seer Doehrame, Sr.,
and :thebride Miss Celina Denomie,
daughter of Mr. and Mee, Alexander
Denornie. The )eremony :wasperform-
ed at the St. Peter's .Church :of this
parislie'Rey.. J.-. A. 'Lois:elle' tied the...
upknotth.:b% iTthreegolleatipepeyoolion41:will take.
• ,
haxme•Se's,' farni not far tram St.
Joseph. We join with ell friends
Wiehiny them prosperity and joy all
'thee:weir life. • ' • '
Mrs. W. R. Sutherland, St, Andrews;
Man., writes : "I was stricken with
paralysis and lost power of the ton-
gueand haft leg. For six months I
obtained no relief either by doctors'
prescriptions or other medicines. My
husband got me Dr. Chase's _Nerve
Food, which has revitallzed my ner-
ves and given in full power of the
paralyzed parts. X am Strong •and
well now, thanks to this great medi-
Dungannon. - .
John Moss of concession 4, West • .
Wewhnosb, has sold Me farm .tie • • • •
hard TWamleY of . Ashfield„ :
Alex.. MeCebe,. coneessicin 2, West .
WawanpSh, recently sold his farm :to • • • •
a Mr. Reid of • Ashfield. " ' • •
On :the 3rd inst., the rerettinsof
Beenard Redmond, a respected reei= •
dent and one of the industrious pion- '
eere of West Waveanosh, were interr-
ed in St. Augustine :cemetery. :nee.
Father , lienloe of St. , Aueustine. cone: .
ducted the obsequies. There was a
Mese .e.ortdge of relatives, friends and
sympathizieg •neighteoecs. • The decease. :
ed was aged eighty -lye years.
• M. J; T. Barber of Irviinville, Ga:, •
alwayskeepsa bottle of Chamber-
lain'e Colic, Cholera, and AtaerhOea
Remedy •• at baba reedy' for instant
use Attacks of Colic, cholera moribes,
and diaerhoeo, come oilso euddenly
that there is no time to. herit a (loc. .
tor Or go to the store for medicine.
Mr. Barber _says : "I have tried Ch- •
airelierlain's 'Colic, Cholera, and Diarr-
hoea, Remedy which is one of the best .•
medicines Levee se*. 1 keep •a
bottle • of it in •rey room as I have •
had several. attacks of colic and it
has proved to be the, best remedy 1.
ever. used." Sold by 8. Comb, ,
Clinton. • . .
Tho Northopn Navigation.Co.
—to all pointe on •
--Georgian.' Bay—Mackinac Division—
Foe Sault Ste, Matte and North •
Channel tWay Ports—Steamers leave
Collingwood 1.80 p. m., Mcaford 4
p. ni., Owen Sound 11 p. in, Tues-
days, Thursdays and Se.ttixdo.ys.
North Shore Division—For Parry
Sound, Byng Inlet and Preneh River.
Steamers leave Collingwood 10.30 p.
m. Mondays and Fridays,
Lake Superior Division,—For Soo,
Pert Arthur, Port William and Dulu-
th. Steamers 'leave Sarnia, 8.30 P.m.
Mondays, Wednesdays or yridays.
• Throtigh stickets and lowest freighe
rates. For information. • and tickets
apply to G, T. R. agents.
• MIL Gildersleeve, Mgr,,colinwood
0: Nicholson, Traffie bIgr.,