HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-06-08, Page 44 TO APV RTiSERS Notdoe of changes must be left at this ofoe not later than Saturday noon. The copy for rhaugee must be left not later than Monday evening. Oasual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHIG1 1672 THE WIN011fit TIMES. U. Ii. ELLIOTT, PnuLlsntuR AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY. JUNE 8, 1903. IMPORTANT BY-LAWS. Two important by-laws will come for consideration at the bands of ratepayers of Wingham at the polls on Wednesday, July 5th. One of these provides for the raising of $12,000 for the purpose of improving the present water- works system; and the other, which is published in this issue of the TIMES, provides for the fixing of the assessment of the property of the Oauada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited, in Wingham, at $20,000 for a period of ten years. The advantage of a more adequate sys- tem of fire protection has so frequently been pointed out that it should not re- gnire much argument to convince the majority of the ratepayers that the pro- posed expenditure is iu the best interests of the town. In connection with the second by-law it will be seen that the consideration which the Company offers up the RHEUMATIC PAINS. Driven Out of the System by Dr. Willlama' Pink rills. "My lite was absolutely made miser- able by rbeutustism," says Mr. Geo, F. Hrlpert, of West River, Sheet harbor, N.S. "I ani employed every year aa a river driver, and in consequence am ex- posed to all sorts of weather and expos - are in the cold water. A few years ago while engaged at my work I was seized with the most acute pains in my baok and joints, I became almost a cripple sad could scarcely move about. I bad medical aid, but it did not help me. Theu I began taking a remedy alleged to be a cure for rheumatism, and I used ten dollars worth, but derived absolutely no benefit. The constaut suffering 1 was in began to tell on my hitherto strong constitution and I became so bacly run down that I despaired of ver being in good health again. The a friend called my attention to Dr. W' latus' Piuk Pills, and although somew t skeptical I de- cided to try them. had only used a few boxes when gen to feel better, and after Iliad s d something over a dozen boxes I w again in good health. Every twinge of the trouble had left me, and although I have been subject to much exposure siuoe, I have not had a twinge of the old pain. I can honestly say that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured me after other expensive treatments had failed." Rheumatism was rooted in Mr. Hit- pert's blood. The cold, and the wet and the exposure only started the pain going Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills cured because they drove the poisonous uric acid out of the blood and filled the veius with that new, rich blood that no disease can re- _ gist, These pills actually make new blood, and that is why they cure com- mon ailments like rheumatism, sciatica, . will be of advantage to the town in es- lumbago, anaeaua, indigestion, head- -tablishing the permanency and stability of an important manufacturing indus- try, by the erection of a uew and sub- stantial building, and increasiug the number of workmen employed therein. 4 A public meeting will be held in the town hall on Monday evening, 12th inst., when it is expected that the ratepayers will be present in large numbers to hear and take part in the discussion of these proposed by-laws. THE BYE -ELECTIONS. 1 The bye -election campaigns in both London and North Oxford appear to be creating considerable excitement. In North Oxford the Liberal candidate is being assisted by a number of members of the House of Commons. and also some of the Cabinet Ministers. In Mr. Smith's case it it is osly a matter of size of the majority he will have. Hon. Chas. Hy- man will, no doubt, be returned for Lon- don. There is a feeling that he should not have been subjected to the turmoil of a contest on his return after being sworn in as Minister of Public Works and mauy Conservatives will give him their sapport. He has, while acting Minister of Public Works, shown great aptitude for the position, and the electors of London should elect him with u good majority. TOWN COUNCIL. The regular June meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening, all the members present; Mayor Bell in the chair. • The minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and approved. The finance committee recommended the payment of the following accounts: Bell Tel. Co. account.. ..... $ .30 Howson & Co., care of dam 33.34 R. Rankin, salary. - . 5.67 V. Vannorman, salary, 42.00 W. Guest, salary, etc28.76 J. B. Ferguson,salary and postage 46.00 W. G. Gray, freight and cartage, 2.25 Beattie Bros., team work, streets, 2.00 D. Lougheed, labor, streets 2.25 A. Posliff, team work, streets.70 D. Thompson, labor, streets3,05 Jno. D. McLean, labor, street6.00 Geo. A. Campbell, labor, streets, 2.25 W. J. Greer, express charges.25 John O'Bnen, labor streets .67 Geo. Mason, stationery 2.65 C. Lloyd Son & Co., tile for drain1.50 Alex. Vanaistine, labor, streets10.20 J. A. McLean, lumber and coal22.67 A. Young, supplies 4.68 Theo. Hall, ptg and advtg 6.75 V. Vannorman paid for cleaniug ohimneys,$1 00; expenses tak- ingindigeut to H. of R.. $2.75, 8.75 Mrs. Bloomfield, labor, hall 1.00 Hook & Ladder Co., services salt block fire 3.60 Wm. Holmes, supplies and re- aches and backaches, kidney and liver troubles, and nervous troubles such as neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and paralysis. And it is this same way that they cure the irregularities and secret troubles of women and growing girls. No other medicine can do this, and ailing people will save money and speedily get good health by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once. But yon must get the genuine with the full name, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People, ou the wrapper around each box. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50o a box or six boxes for $2.50, by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. pairs to waterworks and street A. Sanderson, team work. water- works and etreets, $25.85; street watering, $16 00. Mayor T. Bell, paid for charity S. C. Kerslake, fencing, gate, for cemetery. Mrs. E. M. Milne, attendance on indigent 41.95 41 85 11.00 39.00 1 50 On motion of Conns. VanStone and Bennett the report of the finance com- mittee was adopted. Mr. Simon Mitchell brought to the attention of the council the unsatisfac- tory condition of the walk on Minnie street, at the G. T. R. bridge, and also on Water street. He also complained that graves in the cemetery are being robbed of plants and flowers placed there by relatives of departed friends, and asked that something be done to try and stop the practice. These matters were on motion, re- ferred to the Street and Cemetery com- mittees, respectively. On motion of Oonns. Bell and Greer, it was decided to have the flower beds in front of the Town Hall replanted with geraniums and other plants. Mayor Be11 reported having been notified that the town would be required to perform fifteen days' statute labor, on assessment of electric lighting plant, or pay for same at 75 cents per day; no action taken. Also a complaint that the fish slide in the dam should be left open all the time; no action taken. Conn. Bennett complained of the annoyance and danger of fire at his planing mill from the setting off of fire crackers and parties smoking during the progiess of games on the park. A wire fence will probably be put np, the execu- tive committee being instructed to look into the matter, with power to act. On motion of Conus. Bell and Stewart, the sum of $450 was placed to the credit of the School Board. It was decided to bold a public meet- ing for the discussion of the proposed by-laws, Monday evening, 12th inst. After some further discussion the Council adjourned. • TILE WJNGIIAM TIMES, JUNE 8, 19051 TOWN OF WINGHAM, rr .yrrrvvrrvrrrrrrimrrrvrr •Ifrr•vr.vvvrrYvr•rrrvvvrr. 14MetJS PEOPLE BY FANNIE M.LOTHROP i'Lola to roork_ti1111t1 MADAME CURIE The Famous Discoverers of Radium All the known radium in the world could be put into a tablespoon, yet this less than an ounce of the magic metal has set the scientists of two con- tinents guessing at this new conundrum of nature. The answers are very wonderful, very stimulating, but very unsatisfactory, so far as the theories are concerned, that seek to explain this rebel element which seems to defy so outrageously Nature's strictest laws. To M. Pierre Curie, a modest chem- ist, and his wife, belongs the honor of discovering the miraculous metal. They are poor, hard-working people, consecrated to science, caring little for wealth or fame or position. Reserved and conservative, they speak with extreme caution as to their discovery made in 1898; although the non-scien- tific world has just awakened to the revelation in the past two years. In a little, old-fashioned house at the extreme end of Paris, near the outer boulevard, whose criminals have given the section an unsavory' name, lives) the devoted couple with their one child and M. Curie's father, who is also a famous chemist. Sortie years ago Mlle. Sklodowski, a poor Polish girl, went from Warsaw, her native town, to Paris to study. She had talent and pluck for the double fight against poverty and opposition. Her first triumph was when she entered a competitive examination for higher mathematics. Her success was so overwhelming that the other competitors were eclipsed and eliminated. Not having money enough to enter one of the regular schools, she entered a municipal working-class institute, where M. Curie directed the laboratory, Soon she was his assistant and a little later his wife. Some of the experiments of Becquerel on the .adio-activity of uranium specially appealed to her, and she determined to experiment on the refuse ore of pitchblende, from which uranium is taken. It was then considered worth- less, like the culm of our coalfields. She drew her husband into the search and it took four years to got enough traces of this metal, worth three thou - sane} times its weight in pure gold. to show its properties. Her paper on radium won for her the degree of Doctor of Physical Science. As a grain of musk will perfume a room for a century or more, con- stantly throwing off fine particles without decreasing its weight, so radium bombards the ether with light, heat, energy, and half a dozen other marvel- lous effects, without appreciable loss, and in a thousand million years it would bave lost only one -millionth of its bulk. It is the Andrew Carnegie of the metals, constantly giving but never growing measurably poorer. , Entered according to Act ot the Parliament of Caeada. In the year 1004, by 0'. C. Stack, at the Department ot Agriculture. WINQIIIA Mrs. Wise (to her Aire in town ? Mr. Wise -Abraham's re t He has conducted the boot an still prepared to repair yonr b Mrs. Wise -What has h Mr. Wise -I got my boot the work and the cost that I won Mrs. Wise -1 wish you had gone to Abraham years ago with your boots; I might now be wearing silk and have fewer gray hairs in my head. Mr. Wise -My dear, don't you know it is never too late to mend -"boots" --- As Abraham always uses the golden rule, -no other testimonial is required as 39' years in one spot is clear proof of square dealiug. -Yon can see with one eye how be can work cheap; he is under no expense. Abraham's record has no equal in Wingbam.-Neither the Governor General nor the Prime Minister can boast of so long a term of office. A wooden boot sign hangs at the door-Wingham's land mark-Viotoria street. Boots repaired while you wait. THOMAS ABRAHAM. orse ba MILLIONAIRE. ); -How comes Abraham to be the only million - wealth was acquired through upright dealing. lie business for 39 years in the same shop and is et yonr own prices. ened to cause you to smile so good natnredly? ended at Abraham's, and I am so delighted with t show you a frown for the next year. BY-LAW N0„ttm„ ti,, 1905. A By -Law to provide that the assess- mout of the real property of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited, situate in the Town of . Wingham, for all Municipal pur•. poses (except for Local Improvement rates) shall be fixed at the sum of 520,000.00 per annum for a period of ten years. WHEREAS the Canada Furniture Manu- facturers, Limited, is the owner and operator of three furniture manufacturing establish- ments in the Town of Wingham, known as the Union Factory, the Bell Factory and the Button & Fessant factory, giving employment to a number of workmen in the suid Town; AND WHEREAS the said Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Limited, has represented that on account of insufficient room for the storage of its manufactures it lues been coinpelled, during the dull periods of the year for the sale and shipping of its warns, to close down for a time one ooinore of its rectories, or to reduce the number of workmen therein, or otherwise curtail the employment of labor in connection with its manufacturing business in the said Town of Wingham, which is not conductive to the interests of either the said Company or the said Town of Wingham. AND WHEREAS the said Canada Furni- ture Manufacturers, Limited, has proposed. to the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham that if the said Town will pass a by- law fixing the annual assessment of the real property of the said company including its business assessment et the total sum of 420,000.- 00 20,000:00 for a period of ten years, the said company will erect and complete during the year 1005, an addition to the said Union Factory of a sub- stantial three story brick building 04 feet by 7I feet, with basement, to facilitate the manufac- turing business of the said companyaud enable it to give steady employment to an increased number of workmen in the said Town. AND WHEREAS; the Municipal Council of the Corporatlon of the Town of Wingham, be- ing desirous of promoting facilities for the em- ployment of workmeu,in the said Town has ac- cepted so far as it has power to do so the pro- posal of the said company and has decided to pass the said proposed by-law in case the oleo - tors of the said Town of Wingham give their assent thereto: Therefore the Municipal ouncil of the Corporation of the Town of Ingham enacts as follows:- 1,That for the period ten years from the firt day o1 January. A. . 1900, the- annual assessment for Municipal p rposes, except for local improvement rates, o all the real proper- ty of the Canada Furni re Manufacturers. Limited, used an ontplo ed by the said com- pany in the man etur of furniture. and sit- uate in the Town W gham, together with the business assessi on of the said company in the said Town, sh a fixed at the total sum of $20,0e0.00. 2. Should the sai company fail to erect and complete a substa tial three story brick building 64 feet by 70 feet, with basement, in connection with one of their sand factories during the year 1905, the fixed assessment pro- vided in the preceding section shall not apply to the next following year nor shall it apply to any year except those years following the year in which such building as aforesaid is erected and coinpleted. 8. Should the said company fail in any year during the said term to carry on and operate the said business in any or all of the said fac- tories, or fail in any year during the said term to keep employed in the factory known as the Bell factory at least forty workmen, and in the Factory known as the Button and Fessant fac- tory at least fifty workmen, and in the factory known es the Union factory at least sixty work- men, or in said three factories an aggregate of at least one hundred and fifty workmen, for: two hundred and sixty days of ten hours each, the Corporation of the Town of Wingham may iu the next year after such default, and as often as sueh default shall be made, assess the said real property, and fix the business assessment of the said company, as if this By-law had not been passed. 4. Nothing in the next two preceding sec- tions contained shall he construed so as to ex- tend the tium of the iri'ed assessment as men- tioned in section 1 hereof beyond ton years from the first day of Jamnary, A.D. 1000. 6. By-law No. 886, 1899, is here by repealed. 6. This By-law shall take effect on and after the 31st day of December, A.D. 1005. 7. The votes of the electors of the said Towit of Wingham shall be taken on this By- law at the following times and places that is to say: on Wednesday, the fifth day of July next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing till floe o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by wards and by the following Deputy Returning Officers: Ward 1. At James B. Cummings' shop, Victor- ia street, by .fames B. Cummings, Deputy Returning Officer. Ward 2. At the Advance Office, Josephine Street, by James Fleuty, Deputy Return- ing Officer. Ward 3. At the Town Hall, by J. B. Ferguson, Deputy Returning Officer. Ward 4. At John Lougheed's house, Josephine Street, by William MitoheU,Oeputy Return- ing Officer. 8. On Tuesday, the fourth day of Silly next, the Mayor of the said 'Town of Wingham shali attend at toe Town flail in the said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon to appoint per- sons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons in- terested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this 11y-Ww, respectively. 0. The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at his ol1iee m the Town Hatt in the said Town at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of'1'hursday the sixtu day of July next, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this by-law. Dated at the Town Ball in the Town of Wiughaat the twenty-ninth day of May A. 1). lOOo. MAYOR. CLERK. CHURCH NOTES ++4444 441 11 1 I I I4+4'+H-It++'H-- 1.. N. "' . 1 1.1 IL.- I r.. .. 1 ��,�'- The annual meeting of the Walkerton 9 Association of Baptist Churches was held 1 in Attwood on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The delegates from the Wingbam church. were Rev. J. N. and a ( � Mrs. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. P. Pleber, .reeervaaraema.. ..• .I mallee1C and A. Kelly. Why is it that Ayer's Hair ' In, the absence of Rev. Dr. Gandy. Vigor does so many remark -who was attending Conference at Listo able things Because it is a wel, the pulpit of the Methodist church hair food. It feeds the hair, ; was occupied on Sunday last by Rev. puts new life into it. The hair =' A. E. M. Thompson, of Merlin, who 411, preached very acceptably. Mr. Thomp- 'I' VI or son is well known in this vicinity. cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. 'Crigen t first reed Ayer's Tdnir Vigor try b'!4r wig a' out ll gr'Iy. But new It Is a *ice sic°a :tea Ps tS..oi: an I 001114 moist:;" .'.i L`.f.. s&s,fi ELCYBEvs'r1Ey, Tuscamb:a, A:a. I.iA a bsit'b, 3.0. ATM t'ol , .-i,df "400.m00.ma71e9Y yy�y m otokr, n no iL t� ra pair .a Rev. W. H. Snelgrove, B. A., of Delhi, has been elected as successor to Rev A. E. Hail as rector of the Anglican churches in Gorrie, Fordwich and Wroxeter. Mr. Snelgrove has consented to go and the Bishop will be requested t.t tusks the appdintment without delay The Newick Sunday School Convert tion will be held in the Paesbyterian church, Fordwich, en Tuesday, June 20th. There wilt be two sessions, atter- ; l noon from 2 to 0 and the evening from ' 7 30 to 10. There will be an excellent do., light Feeders- 11i;llt, 5OO pounds and up - 4 00 4 50 Spring is comin � NOW IS THE TIME TO Bny a House* A number of very pleasantly - situated homes for sale on-, reasonable terms. .ABNER COSENS WINGHAM. 4-444-4.444,44444++++++++4-4-4-4-4- Live i-4::•3'33'4,44444++-t1--1'.l.'t-'H4.4i'4.4.4- live Steck Markets. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle- Per 100 lbs. heavy $5 50 $5 50 Light 300 8 75 Bulls. 3,75 450 2 7o 3 00 pri gram. "The leacher" being the I snbjeet for the afternoon session and ""The choler," for the evening seeaion, wards Stockers 2 50 900 lbs 250 Butchers' - Choice 4 75 Medintn 4 25 Picked . - 5 30 Bulls 2 50 Rough 400 Light stock bulls 2 25 Milk cows. , , . ...30 00 Hogs -- Best 6 65 Lights G 40 Sheep- Export - ... 4 00 Bucks .... 850 Spring Lambe 3 00 Calves, each 3 50 3 00 • 300 4 75 5 75 8 50 4 50 3 25 7000 4 35 4 00 5 50 600 WINGIT AM '.I'AIIk IIT I;EPOIITS Wingham, June 7th, 1903 Flour per 100 lbs.... 2 50 to 3 00 Pall Wheat ,... 0 90 to 0 95 Spring Wheat 0 85 to 0 90 Oats, 0 86 to 0 37 Barley .... 0 45 to 0 48 Peas . 0 55 to 0 60 Buckwheat ... 0 55 to 0 55 Butter ......... .................0 14 to 0 16 Eggs per dos 0 14 to 0 13 Wood per Cord 2 50 to 3 00 Ilay, per ton6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bushel 0 30 to 0 35 Tallow per lb 0 04 to 0 Oa Lard .. 0 14 to 0 14 Dried Apples per ib 0 03 10 0 0 Wool ,... 000to000 Live Hogs, pts! cwt,, 6 $6 10 6 25 lemma II VIII I. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYIIIIIII111111111 IIIIIIIUIIIUII 111 11m IIIIIIIIIII.IIImines. NOTICE. Take notice that the above is a true copy of the proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality tin the event of the consent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication in the Wingham, Times, the date of which publication was the eighth day of June A.D. 190.1, and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed J. B. FERGUSON, CLERK. Summer is Here And I am here with the goons -the largest and best stock of Sporting Goods ever shown in town. Bargains in Hammocks,Fishing Tackle and Lacrosse Sticks. My Camera department is complete. Full instructions on picture -taking and making, free to aIl. Buy a Camera from us, and not from the dealer that simply " sells" and lets you do the rest. Take the advantage of free instructions and make a success. Plate Cameras from $2.50 to $22.00 kept in stook. ter Watch, °look and Jewelry Re- pairing a specialty. Try us and have sten work done neatly, quickly and cheaply. R. KNOX Jeweler and Stationer WINGHAM, - - ONtARIO. M Vilmorin, of Paris, has discovered a new article of diet in a plant known as Crambe tataria. It is some think like a sea kale and is a winter vegetable. 1905 SPRING 1905 Now that the Spring has come, I beg to notify the general trade that.I am still in the ring with the 1 1 ILARGEST AND PUREST SEEDS Ow ► ► ► ► C P. 111.► ► ► C .4 o Ask Usual. TR A. MILLS. C Produce ► i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,IA in the trade, consisting of Red, Alsike, Monmouth, Lucerne and White Clover. Timothy, orchard Grass, Red Top, 3 Kentucky and meadow Fescue. Peas -a new variety strongly recommended by the Experimental F arm at Ottawa, and also the Model Farm, Guelph. Goose and Colorado Spring Wheat. Mangold Seed of the first strain, put up in I -lb., packages. Turnip Seed, Field Carrots, Rape- -very cheap. ALL KINDS OF CARDEN SEEDS Corn by the carload. -And I might say I . was the only seedsman in the country who did not fool the farmer last year in the corn germinating. 4 4 40 4 4 f f 4 4 4 4 4 40 4 r 4 40 40 E 4 4 t .4 AAAAAN AAAAAAAAA# AAAAAAA AAMAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA No p lace lake home There's no place like home. Hence the reason1 why it should be well furnished. You can make your home really home -like by buying your Furniture here. 1 We take special pride in furnishing you with the best and most modern and up-to-date goods. And the prices / are astonishingly low. Call and see what you can get / here for little money. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON I • Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. WINGHAM. INVVIAAIVWMVAMAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVWVWVVVWWWWWV •••••N••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Z N a •• ••• • - Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "IQ t • • • •• • • • •• • • • 2 • • • ••• COAL COAL COAL. We are sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic Coal, anti Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Wecarrya LUMBER, SHINGLES LATH full stock of (Dressed or Undressed1 Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • JAMcLean A.. • T • • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. a► •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••N•••••••••••► CANADIAN. PA C:] F .� C iQ ,I ti It,1► I11 atadt_. WILL SELL H O M E S E E K E R S' awls & CLARK CENTENNIAL EXCURSION TICKETS EXPOSITION, PORTLAND, ORE. TO THE NORTH - ill/ES T Winnipeg $30.00 Rotevan 1 Mowbay.... Yorlfton f 533.00 Deloraino .... 81.60 tihebo 33.60 Souris ) Regina' 1 33,75 Brandon 31.55 Lipton j Lyletoi 14foosejaw 34,00 LMiniota ' 32.00 Saskatoon 3J 25 Prince Albert33.0) Binsearth 0:2.25 Macleod 34.00 Moosomin 32.20 Calgary A4.60 Arcola 3:', 50Red Deer 33.550 Strathcona..$40.50 going June 13th, returning until August 14th. Going June 27th, returning until August 2Sth. Going July 15th, returning until St pt. 18th. Full particnlare from Canadian Pacific Agent, or write C, 13. POSTER, _T1.P.A., Toront $00.00 from Wingham. Good going daily until September 33th. Valid returning within 00 days from date of issue. Special side trips to California points. HOME SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. To points in Manitoba, Aesinaboia, Saskatch- ewan and Alberta. Rates 833.00 to 2239.50. Good going June 13th, 2715 and July 1215., valid returning within 60 days, For tickets and information call on Agont, or by addressing J. D. MCDONALT), District passenger Agent, Toronto. J,